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Question Bank For Statistics Management 1 Marks

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Statistics Management

Unit1 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.In industry Statistics is applied in the following areas

a. Quality control
b. No.of vendors
c. Transfers of Managers
d. Plant layout

2.In which of the area Statistics is not applied

a. Insurance premiums

b. Booking a Railway ticket

c. To construct Cost of living index
d. Fixation of wages
3.Statistics are collected in a
a. Whims & Fancies
b. Random Manner

c. Systematic manner
d. Haphazard manner
4.Statistics deals with
a. Qualitative data

b. Aggregate of facts
c. Individual results
d. Standard results
5.The study of movement of wholesale prices of a commodity
a. Can be done with Mathematics
b. Can be done with Econometrics

c. Requires Statistics
d. Does not require the help of Statistics

Unit2 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Control methods adopted in a survey at every stage is to check

a. Accuracy, measurement analysis and interpretation

b. Cost
c. Accuracy
d. Time consumed

2.Sequence of planning a survey is

a. Defining the problem, scope of investigation, organization of investigation and
specifying objectives
b. Defining the problem, specifying objectives, scope of investigation and

c. Scope of investigation, organization of investigation, defining the problem and
specifying objectives
d. Organization, scope of investigation, defining the problem and specifying the

3.Statistical Survey is a scientific process of

a. Analysis of data
b. Collection and analysis of data

c. Collection and analysis of numerical data

d. Collection of data
4.The collected data should be first
a. Interpreted

b. Edited
c. Tabulated
d. Presented

5.The relevance and accuracy of data depends upon care exercised during

a. Planning and execution

b. Execution
c. Planning
d. Implementation

Unit3 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

a. Does not facilitate comparison
b. Arranges data in descending order
c. Arranges data in ascending order

d. Reduces the bulk data

2.Classification done according to two variables is known as

a. Two-way classification
b. Manifold classification
c. Frequency distribution
d. one-way classification

3.Classification follows
a. Presentation
b. Tabulation

c. Collection
d. Interpretation
4.Classification of employees according to skill, sex and education comes under

a. Manifold
b. Bivariate
c. One-way
d. Two-way

5.Classification of workers according to education and skill is called

a. Two-way
b. Manifold
c. One-way
d. Time series

6.Data arranged logically according to size is known as

a. Statistical series
b. Manifold classification
c. Quantitative classification
d. Chronological classification

7.Data classified according to the time of occurrence is known as

a. Geographical classification

b. Chronological classification
c. Qualitative classification
d. Conditional classification

8.Data collected state-wise is known as

a. Conditional classification
b. Qualitative classification
c. Conditional series

d. Geographical classification
9.Data that are non-measurable is classified under
a. Geographical classification

b. Qualitative classification
c. Statistical series
d. conditional classification

10.In classification each unit is allotted to

a. None of the groups
b. Only one group
c. overlapping group

d. Two or more groups

Unit4 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.A good measure of Average should be
a. Affected by extreme values
b. Affected by sampling fluctuations
c. Comparable

d. Based on all values

2.A.M is
a. Unstable

b. More stable
c. Less stable
d. Fluctuates

3.If to every value of 10, 12, 15, 20, 25 we add 2 then average will
a. Increase by 5

b. Increase by 2
c. Decrease by 1
d. Not increase
4.It is not possible to calculate A.M. for distributions with
a. Exclusive type of intervals
b. Inclusive type of intervals

c. Open-intervals
d. Closed intervals

5.Measure of central tendency are of

a. Second order

b. First order
c. Zero order
d. No order

6.Sum of deviations of individual results taken mean will always be

a. 1
b. 2
c. -1

d. 0

7.Sum of squares of deviation of individual values taken from mean will always be
a. Negative
b. Maximum
c. 0

d. Minimum

8.The average value of -4, -3, 0, 3, 4 is

a. 0
b. 3
c. 2
d. -1
9.The average value of 10, 12, 15, 17, 6 is
a. 10

b. 12
c. 8
d. 15

10.They provide basis for

a. Graphical presentation
b. Finding median
c. Frequency distribution

d. Decision making

Unit6 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Binomial distribution has
a. No mode
b. Two modes
c. Several modes

d. One mode

2.For Binomial distribution np = 5 and npq= 4, then p =

a. 0.2
b. 0.8
c. 0.5
d. 0.3

3.For the binomial (0.2 + 0.8)6, mean is

a. 1.6

b. 4.8
c. 1.2
d. 0.16
4.If n = 10, p = 0.3 for a Binomial distribution then its mean and variance are

a. 3, 2.1
b. 3, 0.7
c. 2, 2.1
d. 3, 0.3

5.If x is a binomial variate with p = 0.46, then q =

a. 0.55

b. 0.54
c. 0.56
d. 0.64

6.Number of pedals in a flower is an example of

a. Multivariate type
b. Bivariate type

c. Binomial variate type

d. Univariate type

7.The Bernoulli variable assumes values

a. 0,1
b. 2,1
c. 1,1
d. 0,0

8.The expansion (0.2 + 0.8)6 will have

a. 8 terms
b. 6 terms
c. 5 terms

d. 7 terms
9.The mean and variance of Binomial distribution are
a. p, q

b. np, npq
c. np,
d. graphic to be added

Unit7 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.A population consisting of objects like book is called
a. Hypothetical population

b. Existent population
c. Infinite population
d. Discrete population

2.In short time we gather information about population by

a. Enumeration

b. Sampling
c. Observation
d. Counting

3.Sampling is the only available method in case of

a. Infinite population
b. Population size equal to 100
c. Population size equal to ten
d. Finite population

4.The group, having some characteristics, consisting of all units is called

a. Sample

b. Population
c. Individuals
d. Parameter
5.The number of points on paper whose dimensions are 1 cm by 2cm is

a. Finite
b. 2

c. Infinite
d. 3

Unit8 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.A sufficient estimator make maximum use of
a. Statistics information
b. Other's opinion
c. Population information

d. Sample information

2.An interval estimate is

a. A single number
b. A probability measure

c. A range of values
d. A non probability measure

3.As sample size increases the statistic is said to more

a. Sufficient
b. Efficient

c. Consistent
d. Unbiased

4.Better decisions can be obtained by

a. Estimates
b. Guess work
c. Observations
d. Readings
5.It is not possible to avoid as much error as possible by
a. Readings

b. Guess work
c. Estimates
d. Observations

6.Prospective investors make estimates concerning the behaviour of

a. Not on Fluctuations
b. Not on Mortgage values

c. Money value
d. Not on Depreciation

7.Standard error of mode is 1.20 and that of median is 1.02, then efficient estimator is
a. Mean
b. Mode

c. Median
d. S.D

8.Statistical inference is based on

a. Testing
b. Hypothesis Testing

c. Estimation and hypothesis testing

d. Estimation

9.The lesser the standard error of a statistic then it is said to be more

a. Efficient
b. Biased
c. Unbiased
d. In consistent
10.The value of an unbiased estimator is always
a. Equal to sample value

b. Equal to population value

c. Below population value
d. Above population value

Unit9 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.A hypothesis makes a statement about

a. Parameters
b. Shape
c. Statistics
d. Characteristics of Distribution

2.For large sample two-tailed test with œ = 0.05 the tabulated value is equal to

a. t = 2.262
b. Z = 1.96
c. Z=1.645
d. t = 1.83

3.If the test of significance accepts a null hypothesis, then it means that

a. H0 is proved
b. HA is proved
c. Since H0 is not disproved we accept hypothesis
d. H0 is disproved

a. d
b. b
c. a

d. c
4.Large sample test are used if the sample size is
a. Equal to 15

b. Greater than 30
c. Between 10 and 20
d. Less than 30

5.The percentage of sample values that is outside certain limits is represented by

a. Degrees of freedom
b. Two-tails
c. Confidence level

d. Level of significance

6.Type I error occurs when sample is taken from

a. True population and test rejects it

b. Population is false and Test rejects it
c. True population and Test accepts it
d. Population is false and test accepts it

7.Upper and lower limits of acceptance region is determined by

a. Population size

b. Level of significance
c. Sample size
d. Quartiles

Unit10 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.It is considered as
a. Discrete distribution only
b. Uniform distribution
c. Both discrete and continuous

d. Continuous distribution only

2.The sum of squares of "n" independent standard normal variates form

a. x2 - distribution
b. Normal distribution
c. Poisson distribution
d. Binominal distribution

3.X2 - Distribution is
a. Symmetric about Mode
b. Left skewed
c. Symmetric

d. Right - skewed

Unit11 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1."F" - test has always
a. One degree of freedom
b. Three degrees of freedom
c. Zero degrees of freedom

d. Two degrees of freedom

2. “F” statistics is defined as

a. S21 / S22 where S1 < S2

b. S21 /S22 where S1 > S2
c. S22 /S21 where S1 > S2
d. S1 /S2 where S1 > S2

a. c
b. d

c. b
d. a
3.Analysis variance splits the total variation into

a. Within groups and between groups

b. Within groups
c. Between groups
d. Error variance

4.ANOVA uses
a. t – Test
b. F – Test
c. Z – Test
d. X2 – Test

a. b
b. d
c. c
d. a

5.If F~F(v1,v2) then 1/F~

a. F (v1 / v2)
b. F (v1, v2)
c. F (v1, v2)

d. F (v2, v1)

6.It is used to test

a. Specified variance

b. Between variances
c. Population variance
d. More than Two variances
7.Samples must be drawn such that they are
a. Exhaustive
b. Mutually exclusive

c. Independent of each other

d. Dependent on each other
8.The F - Statistics is given by

a. Variance between samples / Variance within samples

b. Variance within samples / Total variation
c. Variance within samples / Variance between samples
d. Variance between samples / Total variation

9.To apply ANOVA population from which samples are drawn must have

a. Equal variances
b. Equal Skewness
c. Equal means
d. Equal Q.D

10.To apply F - test the samples are drawn

a. At random from Normal population

b. Systematically
c. At random from any population
d. At random

Unit12 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Can we say rxy = ryx
a. Confused
b. No
c. Partly true

d. Yes
2.Correlation coefficient has

a. No. units attached to it

b. Square of units attached to it
c. Unit attached to it
d. One of the variable's units attached to it
3.Existence of correlation between two variables may be due to

a. A Third factor
b. Scales used
c. Their contributions
d. Units attached

4.If the dots lie all over the graph then the variables have

a. Zero correlation
b. Positive correlation
c. Negatively related
d. Positively related

5.If the dots lie close to a line that runs from left top to right bottom, then the variables
are said to be
a. Positively related

b. Negatively related
c. Perfectly negatively related
d. Perfectly positively related

6.If the dots lies exactly on a straight line that runs from left bottom to right top, then the
correlation is said to be
a. Zero

b. Perfectly positive
c. Positive
d. Negative
7.If the value of r = -1, then the relationship between the variables is said to be
a. Perfectly positively correlated
b. Positively correlated

c. Perfectly negatively correlated

d. Negatively correlated
8.If two variables move in the opposite direction then they are said to be
a. Not correlated
b. Correlated

c. Negatively correlated
d. Positively correlated

9.If two variables move in the same direction there they are said to be

a. Positively correlated
b. Not correlated
c. Haphazardly correlated
d. Negatively correlated

10.In finding the correlation between supply and demand, we can say the dependent
variable as
a. Supply
b. Demand

c. None
d. Both

11.In multiple correlation we study the relationship between variables

a. Keeping one of the variables as constant
b. Keeping more than one variables as constant

c. Simultaneously
d. Keeping several variables as constant

12.In simple correlation the relationship is studied between

a. One variables
b. Three variables

c. Two variables
d. Four variables
13.Observed correlation may not exist in population due to
a. Formula used
b. Large values of the variables
c. Units used in calculation

d. Small sample size

14.One function of correlation analysis is

a. To test the relationship between variables

b. To find regression coefficient
c. To give estimation of error
d. Directly estimating other variables

15.One of the Statistical tool available to measure the relationship between variables is

a. Coefficient of correlation
b. Coefficient of Quartile deviation
c. Coefficient of variation
d. Coefficient of Mean deviation

16.Scatter Diagram is also known as

a. Points diagram
b. Line diagram

c. Dot diagram
d. Curve

17.Suppose there is positive correlation between the number of children in the house and
number of rats in the house. Then such correlations are known as
a. Sensible correlation
b. Good correlation
c. Excellent correlation

d. Non-sense correlation
18.The correlation coefficient is not affected by
a. Change of scale
b. Change of origin

c. Change of scale and origin

d. Change of class-interval

19.The value of Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient always is

a. -2<

b. Lies between minus one and plus one

c. r<
d. Greater than one
e. 2
f. Less than one
20.We can quantify the correlation between two variables by scatter diagram

a. False
b. Partially true
c. Do not know
d. True

Statistics for Management

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Unit13 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions
1.Business Forecasting can be done on
a. Period

b. Whole sale prices

c. Area
d. Population

2.Business Forecasting deals with

a. Analysis of past economic conditions only
b. Analysis of future economic conditions
c. Analysis of present economic conditions only

d. Analysis of past and present economic conditions

3.Business parameters for specific industry deal with

a. General business activities
b. Individual firms activities

c. Specific business activities

d. National activities

4.Forecasting can be made only on

a. Medium term basis
b. Short term basis
c. Long term basis

d. Any specific term

5.Main basis for forecasting is

a. Data based on size
b. Any set of data

c. Time series
d. Conditional series
6.Prediction is

a. Purely mechanical extrapolation

b. Numerical assumption
c. Extrapolated values are subject to assumptions
d. A process of relating to external factors

7.The cyclic fluctuations in series reveal

a. Trends
b. Seasonal variation
c. Irregular variations

d. Boom or depression

8.The first step in forecasting are

a. Analysis of the data
b. Collecting data

c. Understanding why changes have occurred

d. Which phase must be measured

9.The process of making definite estimates of future event is known as

a. Forecast
b. Analysis
c. Inference
d. Estimates

Unit14 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.A time series is
a. Numerical data
b. Numerical data arranged in ascending order
c. Numerical data arranged in descending order

d. Numerical values recorded at successive intervals of time

2.Analysis of time series deals with
a. Finding trend only

b. Studying the effect of various factors over time

c. Establishing error
d. Finding relationship between variables over time

3.Changes which occur due to boom and depression in time series are known as
a. Secular trend
b. Irregular variation

c. Cyclical variation
d. Trend

4.Irregular variations are also known as

a. Random
b. normal
c. Constant
d. Non-random

5.Irregular variations are caused by

a. Festivals
b. Booms and depression
c. Weather conditions

d. Floods

6.Irregular variations have amplitude and length of period

a. Neither regular nor equal

b. Either regular nor equal
c. Either equal nor regular
d. Regular
7.Non-linear trend occurs when
a. Both variables move in the same direction in proportion
b. When variable move at uniform rate

c. When variable move at different rates

d. Variable increases disproportionately

8.The long-term oscillations that are more than a year is called

a. Irregular variation
b. Secular trend
c. Seasonal variation

d. Cyclical variation

9.The time series can be used to

a. Qualitative information
b. Find incorrect readings
c. Abnormal readings

d. Identify various forces that affect its behaviour

10.Variations that occur within a year are called

a. Irregular variations

b. Seasonal variations
c. Cyclical variations
d. Regular variations

Unit15 - 1 Mark Quiz Questions

1.Base year values are taken as
a. Dynamic
b. Floating
c. Static

d. Standard
2.In weighted average of relative the number of commodities involved is
a. Only one
b. More than 200

c. More than one

d. One

3.Quantity index is based on

a. Retail prices
b. Wholesale prices
c. Weights

d. Variables

4.The commodity selected should be

a. non-tangible
b. Flexible
c. Rigid
d. tangible

5.The first step in the construction of index number is to decide on

a. Getting quotations
b. Selection of commodities

c. Purpose of index numbers

d. Base period selection

6.The statistical measure used to study the changes in a group of related variable over
time is
a. Regression

b. Index numbers
c. Time series analysis
d. Correlation
7.The value of a variable in a given year divided by the value of the same variable in a
specified year is called
a. Link relative

b. Relative
c. Index number
d. Chain relative

8.When comparative measure is in respect of physical quantities then it is called

a. Index numbers

b. Volume Index
c. Price index
d. Value index
9.Which is not a characteristics of Index number
a. They are %'s

b. Expressed as qualitative values

c. Specified Average
d. Expressed in numbers

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