Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications

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IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS)

e-ISSN: 23201959.p- ISSN: 23201940 Volume 4, Issue 2 Ver. I (Mar.-Apr. 2015), PP 20-25

Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications

Dr. Mfrekemfon P. Inyang1 and Okey-Orji, Stella2
Department of Human Kinetics And Health Education Faculty of Education
University of Port-Harcourt. Choba,Rivers State,Nigeria.

Abstract: Sedentary lifestyle is an issue of great concern because of its deleterious health implications in
developed and developing countries. It is associated with limited physical activity, prolonged sitting at work, in
cars, communities, work sites, schools, homes and public places have been restricted in ways that minimize
human movement and muscular activities. People sit more and move less. This shift from a physically
demanding life to reduced physical activities have exposed people to high risk of developing various health
conditions such as obesity, hypertension, cardiac disorders, vitamin deficiencies, cancers to mention but a few.
They are associated with unhealthy lifestyles which are preventable. This paper therefore discussed the concept
of sedentary lifestyle, factors that enhance it and the various health implications associated with this unhealthy
behaviour. The paper concluded that individuals, groups and communities should make concerted efforts to
engage in physical activities, modify their dietary habits and avoid other risky behaviours that affect their health
negatively. Suggestions made by the paper include among others that work/public places should be structured in
a way that enhance active movement and recreational activities
Keywords: Sedentary Life Style, Cardiac Disorder, Physical Inactivity, Obesity, Hypertension, Cancer.



Man was created to be active and energetic hence sedentary life style is contrary to human nature. Our
grand parents were also active and engaged in vigorous muscular activities like fishing, farming, hunting,
tapping and migrating from place to place hence they lived stronger, healthier and longer. Health as a quality of
life is the result of diverse factors and behaviour/life style is one of the most powerful determinants of health [1]
According to Brannon and Feist most deaths in the 20 th and 21st century result from diseases that are associated
with individual life style/behaviour. [2] A relationship between Sedentary Lifestyles and ill health was revealed
as early as the 17th century by Bernadino Ramazzini, an occupational physician who discovered that sedentary
life style with its associated physical inactivity has an adverse effect on human metabolism, cardiac out put,
physical function and well being[3] . Technological advancement and increase in knowledge have provided man
with so many facilities that reduce physical and muscular activities such as cars, airplane, accelerators and a
corresponding increase in the amount of time spent sitting down at work place, school, home and public places.
Despite the well known benefits of physical activity, many adults and children lead sedentary life
styles. It has been revealed that most urban dwellers adopt sedentary life styles which have obvious negative
health implications [4]. The health belief model explained that people will be willing to adopt a positive
behavioural/ lifestyle change based on six constructs; Perceived Susceptibility, Perceived Severity, Perceived
benefits, Perceived barriers, Cues to action and Self efficacy [5].
This theory postulates that peoples perception and belief about their vulnerability or proneness to a
disease condition have great impact on their willingness to adopt a positive lifestyle. Another theory that
explains lifestyles is the social theory of life style which sees life styles as the life of a people, mode of
behaviour, habits, beliefs, rituals, it explains that what people do in different places and times affect them
positively or negatively [6]. According to a survey report conducted in 2008, by the United States national
Health Survey [7], 36% of adults are totally inactive while 59% have never participated in vigorous physical
activity lasting more than 10 minutes per week. This ugly trend has led to higher risk of various chronic diseases
such as obesity, deep vein thrombosis, heart diseases, Type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, cancer, muscle and skin
disorders among others with their resultant increase in morbidity and mortality. [8,9]. It is sad to note that many
well meaning citizens of our country and beyond are victims of these chronic diseases which would have been
prevented if they had adopted more healthier life styles. The aim of this paper is therefore to investigate the
concept of Sedentary Behaviour (Lifestyles), examine the factors that enhance it, identify and discuss the health
implications of Sedentary Life Styles as well as make necessary suggestions to curb this trend.
Concept of Sedentary Life Style
The word Sedentary is coined from the Latin word Sedere which means to sit hence Sedentary
behaviour is a term used to characterize those behaviours that are associated with low energy expenditure. This
includes prolonged sitting at work, home, business centres, long screen time, car driving and leisure time [10]
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Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications.

Sedentary Life Style is type of lifestyle which an individual or group adopt that do not permit regular physical
activity. A person who lives a Sedentary Life style may be known as a Couch Potato This term was invented
by a comic artist Robert Armstrong in the early 70s. He showed a group of couch potatoes in his series of
comics that featured Sedentary characters who constantly watched television as a form of meditation. Trough
various publications in newspaper, magazines and broadcasts, this term Couch Potato became very popular as
one characterized by inactivity and long sitting.
Sedentary Lifestyle as distinct class of behaviours is characterized by little or no physical movement
and low energy expenditure less than 1.5 METs (Metabolic Equivalent Task) MET is used to assess the energy
expenditure during activities. Running expends energy worth 8 METs, brisk walking has a value of 3-4 METs
while Sedentary behaviour is any activity that expends less than 1.5 MET. They explained further that some
individuals are classified as Sedentary because of physical inactivity while others are classified based on their
engagement in activities that do not require high energy consumption. Researchers rely on various approaches to
quantify Sedentary behaviour. This includes; Car time, Chair/Sitting time, Indoor time and Screen time [11,12]
Factors that Enhance Sedentary Life Styles
Technological Advancement
Routine manual jobs have been substantially reduced due to technological knowledge, mechanization,
automation and computerization, work organization, and house hold chores have been simplified by use of
computers of all kinds and machines that reduce physical activity thus enhancing Sedentary Lifestyles.
Adolescents spend a notable amount of time using the computer, which is unfavorably linked with assimilation
of health-related determinants such as life appreciation, health responsibility, social support, and exercise
behaviour. [13].
Demographic Factors - Age and Gender
Sedentary behaviour increases during childhood and from childhood into adolescence. In young
children (less than ten years), TV viewing and computer use do not appear to differ between boys and girls.
During adolescence, there is some evidence to suggest boys typically spend more time than girls watching TV
or using a computer especially playing computer games [14].
Ethnicity and Socio Economic Status
Socio-economic status (SES) such as parental income or education, are inversely associated with
sedentary behaviour (ie, sedentary behaviour tends to be higher in low SES groups). Levels of TV viewing are
typically higher in non-white ethnic groups, eg, African-American. Young people tend to have higher levels of
sedentary behaviour if their parents or siblings also engage in high levels of sedentary behaviour. Having more
television sets and computers within the home and having a TV in the bedroom is also associated with higher
usage. Parental rules regarding TV and computer use are associated with lower levels of participation in these
behaviours for young people[15].
Long Working Hours
The average worker spends between 8-10 hours on duty with little or no time for recreation and
exercise. This is evident in developing and under developed nations where employee welfare is undermined.
The workers are engrossed with long sitting, reading, operating computer sets, manipulating machines, attending
meetings and at the close of work, drive home under heavy traffic jam (common with Nigerian workers). These
prolonged sitting period promote sedentary lifestyle. (minimal movement with low energy expenditures).
Health Risks Associated with Sedentary Lifestyle
World Health Organization (WHO), identified obesity as a worldwide public health problem affecting
over 100 million people. Reduced physical activity which characterizes Sedentary Life Style leads to
accumulation of excess calories and fatty acids. This is because weight maintenance depends largely on the
number of calories absorbed through food intake and the number expended through physical activity and
metabolism. Lucas, Ward and Brain (2008) identified Sedentary lifestyles as a major cause of obesity in both
male and female workers. An individual, who is sedentric, absorbs and stores a lot of calories because of
reduced energy expenditure. These unwanted calories lead to obesity [16].
Obesity is a disease associated with excess body fat to such a degree that the individuals health may
be adversely affected [17]. They identified obesity as a lifestyle associated with globalization which brought a
lot of changes in food habits of both children and adults because of little or no muscular/physical energy
expenditure. They described some methods of assessing Obesity such as: Skin Fold Thickness, Body Mass

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Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications.

index and Waist circumference and waist hip ratio (WHR). Skin Fold Thickness This shows the degree of fat
deposits using Triceps skin fold and sub scapular skin fold measurement.
A caliper called Harpenden Caliper is used for this purpose. Body Mass Index this is calculated using
the individuals body weight in kilograms divided by the height in meters (BMI = Kg/m) the national task force
on the prevention and treatment of obesity defined overweight as BMI of 25 29.9 and Obesity as BMI of
30.Waist circumference and waist hip ratio (WHR). This method is used to assess fat distribution using ratio of
waist to hip size. People who have a waist hip ratio exceeding 0.85 in females and 0.9 in males are said to have
abdominal obesity.
Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity in Children
There is a strong relationship between number of hours of screen time and obesity in children and
adolescents. TV viewing, video and computer games are risk factors for obesity in children and adolescents
especially in this computer age [[15]. Obesity has been identified as one of the emerging problems of the
younger age especially those in urban areas due to availability of amenities and over-eating tendencies. Obesity
in children and adolescents are associated with health risk of insulin resistance leading to type 2 diabetes. Other
health risks of obesity in children include gall bladder stones and heart disease [18].
Sedentary Lifestyle and Obesity in Adults
Between 50 75 % of adults aged 35 64 are either overweight or obesed among the European
population [16]. Obesity is also a major health problem in developing countries due to its high morbidity and
mortality rates. In Nigeria, the prevalence of Obesity among adults ranges from 20.3% - 35.1% as at 2012. In
Nigeria, which is the most populous African country, the increasing changes in lifestyles resulting from
enhanced technology and automation have led high incidence of obesity. Low physical activity at work is a
significant risk factor for obesity [17].
Obesity is a disease associated with other myriads of ailments such as hypertension, diabetes, cancer,
ostheoarthntis to mention but a few. It also has a high morbidity cost which is the value of income lost from
decreased productivity resulting from absenteeism, reduced output, hospitalization and mortality cost resulting
from premature death of obese patients. In America, the total cost was 147 billions dollars in 2008 [16]. Though
there is no documentation of the morbidity/mortality cost of obesity in Nigeria, the adverse effects is still
Sedentary Lifestyle and Type 2 Diabetes
It is a well known fact that physical inactivity plays a key role in diabetes mellitus especially type 2
which was formally known as non insulin dependent diabetes which results from the bodys inability to
effectively utilize insulin. Sedentary behaviours such as prolonged screen time, sitting time, driving and reading
time among others are behaviours strongly associated with increased eating and weight gain which favour
diabetes mellitus [2]. People who spend more than 40 hours per week on screen (TV, video, computer etc) are 3
times at risk of type -2 diabetes compared to those who spend less. This is due to the reduced physical activity
and unhealthy eating patterns associated with screen times especially TV watching.
It has been revealed that 9 out 10 type -2 diabetes could be prevented if some risk factors were
eliminated, these include over weight, unhealthy diet, smoking and physical inactivity. He remarked that, it is
not lack of exercise that predispose people to diabetes but the amount of time spent sitting can increase the risk
of type 2 diabetes. In February 2013, the international journal of behavioural nutrition and physical activity
conducted a survey of 63048 middle aged Australian men about their average sitting time per day and diagnosis
of any relate d chronic disease including type-2 diabetes. The responses varied from 4 8 hours of sitting time
per day [19].
The researchers discovered that increased sitting time exposed the respondents to type-2 diabetes [20].
Women are not left out as 90% of type-2 diabetes in women is associated with overweight, unhealthy diet and
physical inactivity which are resultant effects of sedentary behaviour. Type-2 diabetes also affect children but
are common in adults aged 30 and above. The influence of diet and exercise on the ailment cannot be
overemphasized. The disease is associated with serious cardio vascular, neurological and renal complications if
not properly controlled. Obesity, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, high blood pressures are some factors that
increase the risk of developing type-2 Diabetes [17,2].
Sedentary Lifestyle and Vitamin Deficiencies
Sedentary life style is associated with vitamin deficiencies especially vitamin B and D which can lead
to other health conditions like Osteoarthritis. The displacement from natural outdoor environment to an indoor
sedentary lifestyle and avoidance of ultraviolet ray of the sun as a means of checking cancer has resulted in high

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Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications.

incidence of vitamin D deficiency which in turn leads to various bone diseases and organ malfunctions such as
osteoarthritis, hypertension, heart failure and other vascular diseases [21].
Nutritional transition from our traditional plant based diets are increasingly being replaced by sugary
and animal fats which are low in vitamins and higher in cholesterol thereby favouring many chronic ailments.
This is made worse by the general trend towards a more sedentary lifestyle. Vitamin D deficiency causes
vitamin B group of vitamins (especially B6 and B12) are very important for healthful living [7].
Sedentary Lifestyle and Hyper Cholesterolemia
This is a disorder associated with elevated levels of cholesterol or lipids in the blood stream. It is also
called hyper lipidemia. Cholesterol is one of the three major classes of lipids manufactured by the liver and
transported to the body cells by low Density lipoproteins (LDL) and utilized for the formation of steroid
hormones, bile acids and vitamin D. [22]. Cholesterol is useful to the body but it does not need to be part of our
diets because the liver produces the amount needed by the body. [17] hyper cholesterol causes 18% of global
cerebro vascular disease and 56% of Ischaemic heart disease [17]. It is worthy to note that where as low of level
of density lipoprotein causes health complications as outlined above, high density lipoproteins are useful for
maintenance of a healthy heart. It contains only 20% of cholesterol while low density lipoprotein contains 45%
of cholesterol and so not good for the heart.
Table 1.1 Showing Cholesterol Levels and their Interpretations
Total cholesterol


Low Density Lipoprotein



High Density Lipoprotein


< 200
200 239
> 240
< 100
100 129
130 159
160 189
> 190
< 40
41 59
> 60

< 5.2
5.2 6.2
> 6.2
< 2.6
2.6 3.3
3.4 4.1
4.1 4.9
> 4.9
< 1.0
1.0 1.5
> 1.55

Desirable level
high level
Most desirable
high undesirable
very high
optimal level

Source: Hopkins Heart Institute>home>heart modified 30/9/14

WHO recommended a change from sedentary life style to increased physical activity as one of the key issues in
reduction of risks to hyper cholesterolemia [16]. Other interventions include maintaining healthy weight and
healthy diet especially essential fatty acids found in plants.
Sedentary Lifestyle and Muscle/Skin Changes
A sedentary lifestyle being a type of lifestyle with little or no regular physical activity is associated
with some muscular and skin changes. Muscles require regular exercise to be strong and inactivity reduces
muscle capacity and strength. Sitting for a long period alters the body posture.
Muscle deterioration is accelerated by inactivity and those who sit for over 5 hours daily are at risk of
loosing muscle strength by 1% daily [23]. With prolonged sitting, one begins to loose the muscle fibres that are
responsible for active movements. The speed of transmission of impulses from the brain to the muscles also
slows down. If muscles are not used, the fibres becomes gradually replaced with fat and muscle wasting
eventually occur. This leads to frequent fatigue on little exertion. Some skin problems are associated with
sedentary lifestyle to include-change in skin color, fat deposits around the eye folds, eczema, body odour and
itching among others. These are associated with poor excretory process related to inactivity [24].
Sedentary Lifestyle and Cardiovascular Impact
The cardiovascular system is the part of the body that contains the heart, arteries and veins. It is
responsible for pumping blood through out the body thereby providing a rapid-transport system to distribute
oxygen to the body cells and also remove carbondioxide from the body with other waste products. The
cardiovascular system consists of the heart and blood vessels. By the process of contraction and relaxation, the
heart muscle pumps blood throughout the body within 20 seconds when the body is at rest [2] cardiovascular
disease as one caused by unhealthy lifestyle including smoking, poor diet and sedentary behaviour [17].
A study conducted on time spent on two sedentary behaviours riding in cars and TV viewing per
week and their relationship with cardiovascular disease morbidity [23]. The study was carried out on 7,744 men
between the ages of 20-89 years. Results showed that 82% of respondents reported more than 10 hours per week
of riding in a car and 23 hours per week of watching TV. 64% showed greater risk of cardiovascular
impairment. The study identified physical inactivity as a major public health problem and a second leading
cause of death due to cardiovascular impairment.
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Sedentary Lifestyle: Health Implications.

On the average, adults spend170 minutes per day on TV watching which amounts to 8.6% of daily total
energy expenditure, 10.9% of daily energy is spent on driving and 55-57% of total daily energy on other
sedentary behaviours like computer operation, video games, reading of books or sleeping. These activities do
not enhance muscular/vigorous activities and so favour cardio-vascular diseases such as Ischemic heart disease,
coronary artery disease, stroke among others. Cardiovascular diseases have behavioural correlates and that
physical inactivity is related to cardiovascular disease (CVD) [ 2,25].
Metabolic diseases which result from inactivity further expose individuals to cardiovascular
impairment. Physical in activity, unhealthy diet and obesity associated with sedentary lifestyle are health risks
for cardiovascular disease which are now on the increase in developing countries creating a double burden to
these countries already suffering from the effects of infectious diseases [17].
Sedentary Lifestyle and Cancer
There is a great risk for cancers of the breast and colon cancer due to sedentary lifestyle. This is
because an inactive body tissues muscle and cells can trigger the development of cancerous cells which has high
morbidity and mortality rates. WHO correlated prolonged sitting time and increased risk of color cancer in men
and women and endometrial cancer in women [26]. Up to 7 hours per day sitting had an increased risk of
endometrial cancer compared to those who sit less than 3 hours per day. Women who do not engage in vigorous
physical activity have a high risk for breast cancer than active women [27]. On the other hand, inactive men also
have elevated risk for prostrate cancer compared to their counterparts who engage in regular physical activity.
The reason for this could be traced to the fact that physical activity increases the production of testosterone, a
hormone which contributes to increased risk for prostate cancer when it is excessively produced [28].



Sedentary lifestyle and behavioural factors have been implicated for various health risks indentified in
this seminar paper. Understanding the relationship between sedentary behaviour and health outcome and
modifying these behaviours are fundamental in reducing the morbidity and mortality rates caused by these
health complications. Since sedentary lifestyle predisposes individual (both old and young) to various noncommunicable but devastating diseases, it is feasible to induce people to shift some proportion of their sedentary
time into large volumes of light to moderate energy investing physical activities.



Based on the emerging evidences revealed by this paper on the health risks associated with sedentary life style;
the following suggestions are made:
1. Work places, schools, business centres should be structured in a way that allow individuals to have
adequate time for movement and recreational activities.
2. The four key health behaviours are encouraged (involving in physical activity, avoiding smoking, reducing
alcohol intake and eating healthy).
3. Individuals are encouraged to reverse from present day sugary, fatty and animal based diet to our traditional
plant/vegetable based diet to reduce the health risks associated with high cholesterol diet.
4. Parents are encouraged to monitor and regulate the good intake of their children as well as time spent
watching TV, video and computer game to reduce obesity with its associated health risks.
5. Proper information should be disseminated on the dangers of sedentary lifestyle through all available media
of communication.
6. More studies should be carried out on this topic to properly confirm the exact tolerable sedentary time that
individuals can engage in without any adverse effect on their health especially the non-discretionary ones
like work, school and commuting in cars.


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