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Emmanuel C. Villanueva vs. Cherdan Lending Investors Corp.
GR 177881 Oct 13, 2010
Parties of the Case
Emmanuel Villanueva - petitioner and in actual possession of the land
Cherdan Lending Investor respondent and mortgagee
Spouses Fortunato and Rachel Penaredondo debtor and mortgagor
Facts of the Case :
Spouses Penaredondo obtained a loan from Cherdan for P2.2 M secured by
mortgage over a land with TCT 129690, spouses failed to pay;
Cherdan foreclosed the property, upon expiration of the redemption period , title was
consolidated and title transferred to Cherdans name;
Cherdan filed before RTC of Pasig Br. 258, Ex parte petition for Issuance of Writ of
Possession of the foreclosed property;
RTC granted and ordered the Sheriff to put Respondent in possession or his duly
authorized representative;
Upon receipt of the writ, Petitioner filed MR and pray for setting aside of the writ of
possession on the ground that a) he is the owner b) he is in actual possession
Petitioner also notify the Court that there is a pending case, civil and criminal
relative to the fraudulent transfer of ownership of the land by the Spouses
Spouses Penaredondo filed Motion to Quash the Writ of Possession on the basis that :
1)there is a pending civil for the dec laration of nullity of mortgage 2) third party
was in adverse possession of the property;
RTC issued and order in favor of petitioner Villanueva, hence allowed him to be in
possession until and after the pending cases have been resolved with finality and
the writ of possession is recalled and set aside
RTC denies the Motion to Quash filed by Spouses Penaredondo
Case filed by Spouses against Cherdan for the declaration of nullity was dismissed
on the other hand Cherdan s motion for Alias Writ of Possession was also denied,
Cherdan filed with CA Special Civil Action for Certiorari and the same was granted
by CA and directed RTC to issue Alias Writ of Possession against all those who claim
adverse title,
And rights against Respondent but without prejudice to the eventual outcome of the
case anent the validity of title thereto
The CA refused to apply Section 33, Rule 39 of the Rules of Court, which authorizes
the giving of possession of the property to the purchaser or last redemptioner unless
a third party is actually holding the property adverse to the judgment obligor,
ratiocinating that the provision applies only to execution sales and not to extrajudicial
foreclosures of real estate mortgage under Act 3135
The core issue for resolution is the propriety of the issuance of the writ of possession
over the property subject of the foreclosure of the real estate mortgage.
The petition is meritorious.
The issuance of Writ of Possession is ministerial upon the Court after Foreclosure sale
and during the period of redemption except when there is third in possession of the

Section 33 of Rule 39 of the Rules of Court
Sec. 33. Deed and possession to be given at expiration of redemption period; by
whom executed or given.
If no redemption be made within one (1) year from the date of the registration of the
certificate of sale, the purchaser is entitled to a conveyance and possession of the
property; or, if so redeemed whenever sixty (60) days have elapsed and no other
redemption has been made, and notice thereof given, and the time for redemption
has expired, the last redemptioner is entitled to the conveyance and possession;
but in all cases the judgment obligor shall have the entire period of one (1) year from
the date of the registration of the sale to redeem the property. The deed shall be
executed by the officer making the sale or by his successor in office, and in the latter
case shall have the same validity as though the officer making the sale had
continued in office and executed it.
Upon the expiration of the right of redemption, the purchaser or redemptioner shall
be substituted to and acquire all the rights, title, interest and claim of the judgment
obligor to the property as of the time of the levy. The possession of the property shall
be given to the purchaser or last redemptioner by the same officer unless a third
party is actually holding the property adversely to the judgment obligor
Other cases cited by the Court, BPI v Icot, DBP v Prime, Dayot v Shell and PNB v CA
the Court held that the obligation of the court to issue an ex parte writ of possession
in favor of the purchaser in an extrajudicial foreclosure sale ceases to be ministerial
once it appears that there is a third party in possession of the property who is
claiming a right adverse to that of the debtor/mortgagor.
The purchasers right of possession is recognized only as against the judgment
debtor and his successor-in-interest but not against persons whose right of
possession is adverse to the latter
In this case, petitioner opposed the issuance of the writ of possession on the ground
that he is in actual possession of the mortgaged property under a claim of ownership.
He explained that his title to the property was cancelled by virtue of a falsified deed
of donation executed in favor of spouses Pearedondo. Because of this falsification,
he filed civil and criminal cases against spouses Pearedondo to nullify the deed of
donation and to punish the party responsible for the falsified document.
Petitioners claim that he is in actual possession of the property is not challenged,
and he has come to court asserting an ownership right adverse to that of the
mortgagor, the spouses Pearedondo.
One who claims to be the owner of a property possessed by another must bring the
appropriate judicial action for its physical recovery. The "judicial process" could mean
no less than an ejectment suit or a reivindicatory action, in which the ownership
claims of the contending parties may be properly heard and adjudicated.
The ex parte petition for the issuance of a writ of possession filed by respondent,
strictly speaking, is not the kind of judicial process contemplated in Article 433 of the
Civil Code.
Unlike a judicial foreclosure of real estate mortgage under Rule 68 of the Rules of
Court where an action for foreclosure is filed before the RTC where the mortgaged
property or any part thereof is situated, any property brought within the ambit of Act
3135 is foreclosed by the filing of a petition, not with any court of justice, but with
the office of the sheriff of the province where the sale is to be made

Comparison :
o Requires court intervention
o Only equity redemption is available
o Governed by rule 68
no court intervention necessary
right of redemption exist
governed by sec 29-31 of rule 39
As such, a third person in possession of an extra judicially foreclosed property, who
claims a right superior to that of the original mortgagor, is given no opportunity to be
heard on his claim. It stands to reason, therefore, that such third person may not be
dispossessed on the strength of a mere ex parte possessory writ, since to do so
would be tantamount to his summary ejectment, in violation of the basic tenets of
due process.
The Court cannot sanction a procedural shortcut. To enforce the writ against
petitioner, an unwitting third party possessor who took no part in the foreclosure
proceedings, would amount to the taking of real property without the benefit of
proper judicial intervention. It was not a ministerial duty of the trial court under Act
3135 to issue a writ of possession for the ouster of petitioner from the lot, particularly
in light of the latters opposition, claim of ownership and rightful possession of the
disputed properties
The Supreme Court held that the petition for Review is granted. The CA Decision
and Resolution are reversed and set aside
The petitioners right to continue in possession of the property is granted.

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