Li-Fi: Future of Wireless Optical Communication: Ijitam) ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12, September, 2014

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FUTURIZM-2014, (14TH& 15TH March 2014), P.D.E.

As College of Engineering, Manjari[Bk], IIP Cell, Manjari Road,

Hadapsar, Pune-412307. India.,Chief Editor:Dr.K.R.Harne, Editors: Prof R V Patil, Prof Niraja Jain

International Journal of Innovative Technology & Adaptive Management (IJITAM)

ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12 , September, 2014

Li-Fi : Future of Wireless Optical Communication

Manish Satpute, JayantGaikwad
Department Of Computer Engineering, PDEAs COEM
[email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract:With the vast growing gadgets, their usage and

their developments led to the advancement in the Wi-Fi
which provides a technology so called Li-Fi. Li-Fi is a
technology that makes use of LED light which helps in the
transmission of data much more faster and flexible than
data that can be transmitted through Wi-Fi.Light reaches
nearly everywhere so communication can also go along
with light freely. Though Wi-Fi gives us speed up to
150mbps as per IEEE 802.11. Haas says his invention,
which he calls D-LIGHT, can produce data rates faster
than 10 megabits per second, which is speedier than your
average broadband connection. Light Fidelity is a branch
of optical wireless communication which is an emerging
technology. By using visible light as transmission medium,
Li-Fi provides wireless indoor communication. The bit
rate achieved by Li-Fi cannot be achieved by WiFi..DrHarald
communications at the university of Edinburgh school of
engineering ,first time publically displayed the proof of
Light Fidelity(Li-Fi) ,a method of Visible Light
communication(VLC). Li-Fi is the transfer of data
through light by taking fiber out of fiber optics and
sending data through LED light.
Keywords :Wireless-Fidelity(Wi-Fi), Light-Fidelity (Li-Fi),
Light Emitting Diode (LED), Line of Sight(Los) Visible
Light Communication (VLC).
Li-Fi basically known as light fedility is an outcome of
twenty first century. The basic ideology behind this
technology is that the data can be transmitted through LED
light whose intensity varies even faster than the human eye.
As the transmission of the data takes place through the light

emitting diodes (LEDs) the amount is comparatively

small .In modern times, it is called as the optimized version of
WI-FI .The advantageous thing is the wireless communication
which decreases the cost enormously. HARALD HASS, who
is considered to be the father of Li-fi from university of
Edinburgh, UK says that the heart of this technology lies in
the intensity and the potential of the light emitting diodes. The
major reason which lead the modern man through this
invention is that the confinement of Wi-Fi to comparatively
small distance. As there are more and more devices coming up
day-by-day the signals are being clogged up due to heavy
traffic, there arised a need for an error free transmission
technology.And the solution to this problem was the Li-fi
technology.. It has been designed in such a way that it
overcomes the disadvantages that occurs during the usage of
wi-fi. In general terms, Li-fi works even under water thereby
causing a great benefit to the military operations..
The notion of using visible light for data transmission is not
totally new. Research based on this technology started in 1880.
The first VLC transmission, which is also considered as first
wireless transmission in the world was done by Dr. Alexander
Graham Bell on 3 June 1880 in Washington D.C. Voice
message was sent by modulating light. That system was
patented and named as Photo phone. That time he used
sunlight as source, but the unpredictable nature of sunlight
was the drawback. Today almost similar projects are in
process using more reliable LED technology.
Haas has a small lab stuffed with equipment, including the
now-famous table lamp and its box of electronics. It was here
in 2007 that his re-search assistant, MostafaAfgani, first sent
data using light signals. Haas's invention centres on how these
signals are modulated: the infor-mation, embedded within

FUTURIZM-2014, (14TH& 15TH March 2014), P.D.E.As College of Engineering, Manjari[Bk], IIP Cell, Manjari
Hadapsar, Pune-412307. India.,Chief Editor:Dr.K.R.Harne, Editors: Prof R V Patil, Prof Niraja

International Journal of Innovative Technology & Adaptive Management (IJITAM)

ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12 , September, 2014

visible light emitted from the LEDs, is trans-mitted by means

of many subtle changes made to the intensity of the light at the
ultra-high rate of 100 million cycles per second (100MHz).
The photo-detector in Haas's box monitors these tiny
variations and con-verts them back into a digital signal, from
which the transmitted infor-mation is extracted.


It was demonstrated that table lamp that successfully
transmit data at speed exceeding 10 Mbps using light waves
from LED light to a computer located below the lamp.
To prove that the light bulb was the source of the data
stream, he periodically blocked the light beam, causing the
connection to drop.
Figure 1: Data transmission with (Light Emitting Diode)

Li-Fi is typically implemented using white LED light bulbs
at the downlink transmitter. These devices are normally used
for illumination only by applying a constant current. However,
by fast and subtle variations of the current, the optical output
can be made to vary at extremely high speeds. This very
property of optical current is used in Li-Fi setup. The
operational procedure is very simple-, if the LED is on, you
transmit a digital 1, if its off you transmit a 0. The LEDs can
be switched on and off very quickly, which gives nice
opportunities for transmitting data. Hence all that is required
is some LEDs and a controller that code data into those LEDs.
All one has to do is to vary the rate at which the LEDs flicker
depending upon the data we want to encode. Further
enhancements can be made in this method, like using an array
of LEDs for parallel data transmission, or using mixtures of
red, green and blue LEDs to alter the lights frequency with
each frequency encoding a different data channel. Such
advancements promise a theoretical speed of 10Gbps
meaning one can download a full high-definition film in just
30 seconds.

Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing

(OFDM), modulation scheme is the basis of visible light
communication or wireless optical communication . The
signal send by transmitter is to be converted into the data. For
this purpose receivers are to be used. For serving the purpose
of receivers to convert the light into electric pulses
photodiodes are used. These photodiodes demodulates the
optical signals into actual data . Present Data Rate is 100kbps
to 100mbps by using different modulation schemes for
different applications.

Figure 2 : communication via Li Fi.


FUTURIZM-2014, (14TH& 15TH March 2014), P.D.E.As College of Engineering, Manjari[Bk], IIP Cell, Manjari
Hadapsar, Pune-412307. India.,Chief Editor:Dr.K.R.Harne, Editors: Prof R V Patil, Prof Niraja

International Journal of Innovative Technology & Adaptive Management (IJITAM)

ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12 , September, 2014

The main problem is that light cant pass through objects,

so if the receiver is inadvertently blocked in any way, then the
signal will immediately cut out.If the light signal is blocked,
or when you need to use your device to send information
you can seamlessly switch back over to radio waves, Harald
Reliability and network coverage are the major issues to be
considered by the companies while providing VLC services.
Interference from external light sourceslike sun light, normal
bulbs; and opaque materials in the path of transmission will
cause interruption in the communication. High installation
cost of the VLC systems can be complemented by large-scale
implementation of VLC though
Adopting VLC technology will reduce further operating costs
like electricity charges, maintenance charges etc.
This research report categorizes the global VLC technology
market; based on component, applications, and geography. LiFi uses light-emitting diodes (LEDs) which are rapidly
gaining in popularity for standard light bulbs and other
domestic and commercial purposes. They are expected to be
ubiquitous in 20 years. VLC is not in competition with Wi-Fi,
Prof. Haas says, it is a complimentary technology that should
eventually help free up much needed space within the radio
wave spectrum. We still need Wi-Fi we still need radio
frequency cellular systems. You cant have a light bulb that
provides data to a high-speed moving object or to provide data
in a remote areawhere there are trees and walls and obstacles
behind,Haas says.




You Might Just Live Longer :
For a long time, medical technology has lagged
behind the rest of the wireless world. Operating
rooms are not allow.Wi-Fi over radiation concerns,
and there is also that whole dedicated spectrum.
Wi-Fi is place in many hospitals, interference
from smart phones and personal computers can
block signals from monitoring equipment. Li-Fi
solves two problems: lights are not only allowed
in operating rooms, but tend to be the most glaring
fixtures in the room. And, as Haas mentions in his
Lecture, Li-Fi has 10,000 times the spectrum of
Wi-Fi, so maybe we can, I dun no, delegate red
light to priority medical data.
Airlines used in plane :
Airline Wi-Fi Nothing says captive audience like
having to pay for the "service" of dial-up speed
Wi-Fi on the plane.. The best Ive heard so far is





that passengers will "soon" be offered a "highspeed like" connection on some airlines. United is
planning on speeds as high as 9.8 Mbps per plane.
Li-Fi could easily introduce that sort of speed to
each seat's reading light. Ill be the guy wowing
next to you. Its better than listening to you tell me
about your wildly successful son.
Smarter Power Plants(Small Industries) :
Wi-Fi and so many other radiation types are bad
for sensitive locations. Like those surrounding
power plants. But power plants required fast, interconnected data systems to monitor things like
demand, grid integrity and (in nuclear plants) core
temperature. Li-Fi could provide safe, abundant
connectivity for all areas of these sensitive Area.
Not only would this save money related to
currently implemented solutions, but also the draw
on a power plants reserves could be lessened if
they havent yet converted to LED lighting.
Under water sea Awesomeness :
Underwater ROVs work great, except when the
tether isnt long enough to explore location, or
when it gets stuck on something. If their wires
were cut and replaced with light say from a
submerged, high-powered lamp then they
would be so much free to explore. They could also
use their headlamps to communicate with each
other, processing data autonomously and referring
findings periodically back to the surface, all the
while obtaining their next batch of orders.
It Could Keep You Informed and Save Lives :
What the protocols are for those kinds of disasters.
Until they pass under a street light, that is.
Remember, with Li-Fi, if theres light, youre
online. Stations and tunnels, common dead
zonesfor most emergency communications. Plus,
in times less stressing cities could opt to provide
cheap high-speed Web access to every street
High Speed.
Li- Fi can uses light rather than radio frequency
signals .
Integrated into medical devices and in hospitals as
this technology does not deal with radio waves, so
it can easily be used in such places where
Bluetooth, infrared, Wi-Fi and internet are banned.

FUTURIZM-2014, (14TH& 15TH March 2014), P.D.E.As College of Engineering, Manjari[Bk], IIP Cell, Manjari
Hadapsar, Pune-412307. India.,Chief Editor:Dr.K.R.Harne, Editors: Prof R V Patil, Prof Niraja

International Journal of Innovative Technology & Adaptive Management (IJITAM)

ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12 , September, 2014






In this way, it will be most helpful transferring

medium for us.
There are around 19 billion bulbs worldwide, they
just required to be replace with LED ones that
transmit data.VLC is at a factor of ten, cheaper
than WI-FI.
Security is another benefit, he points out, since
light does not penetrate through walls.
In streets for traffic control. Cars having LED
based headlights, LED based backlights, and Car
can communicate each other and prevent accidents
in the way that they exchange Information. Traffic
light can communicate to the car and so on.
By implementing the Technology worldwide
every street lamp would be a free access point.
Li-Fi may solve issues such as the shortage of
radio frequency bandwidth.


3 Mbps
4 Mbps


2 Gbps



1 Gbps
>1 Gbps


Still there are some backdrops like it can only
transmit when in the line of sight well it can be
sorted out someday or incoming days I hope.
There has been a lot of early , and there are some
very good applications.
Although this technology sounds like a
replacement to Wi-Fi but this high speed data
transferring technology also has some limitations
that is the inability of light to pass through
obstacles .

Li-Fi is the upcoming and on growing technology acting as
competent for various other developing and already invented
technologies. Since light is d major source for transmission in
this technology it is very advantageous and implementable in
various fields that cant be done with the Wi-Fi and other
technologies. Hence the future appli-cations of the Li-Fi can
be predicted and extended to different plat-forms like
education fields, medical field, industrial areas and many
other fields.
Li-Fi is certainly not useless, but it has certain inherent
limits for the technology. Li-Fi may not be able to replace
conventional radios altogether, but it could turbo charge the
development of wireless television and make it easier to throw
a wireless signal across an entire house.
The possibilities are numerous and can be explored further.
If this technology can be put into practical use, every bulb can
be used something like a Wi-Fi hotspot to transmit wireless
data and we will proceed toward the cleaner, greener, safer
and brighter future.
To provide high speed communication, light is modulated
without interfering the main purpose of lamp that is of
illumination. Constant Research is going on for increasing the
transmission range and data rate of VLC. It appears to be a
potential technology for creating endless applications but
many areas are still to be improved to reach a state of
maturity. According to Dr. Suresh Borkar, communication
expert and faculty member at Illinios Institute of Technology
is regarding the hardware which is required when optics is
interfaced with electronics. Also this technology needs to be
miniaturized by developing application specific integrated


LI-FI is a term of one used to describe visible light
communication technology applied to high speed wireless
communication. It acquired this name due to the similarity to
WI-FI, only using light instead of radio. WI-FI is great for
general wireless coverage within buildings and LI-FI is ideal
for high density wireless data coverage in confined area and
for relieving radio interference issues, so the two technologies
can be considered complimentary.




Data Density

The table also contains the current wireless technologies

that can be used for transferring data between devices today
i.e. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and IrDA. Only Wi-Fi currently offers
very high data rates. The IEEE 802.11n in most
implementations provides up to 150Mbit/s (in theory the
standard can go to 600Mbit/s) although in practice you receive
considerably less than this. Note that one out of three of these
is an optical technology.

FUTURIZM-2014, (14TH& 15TH March 2014), P.D.E.As College of Engineering, Manjari[Bk], IIP Cell, Manjari
Hadapsar, Pune-412307. India.,Chief Editor:Dr.K.R.Harne, Editors: Prof R V Patil, Prof Niraja

International Journal of Innovative Technology & Adaptive Management (IJITAM)

ISSN: 2347-3622, Volume-1, Issue-12 , September, 2014

circuits, optical devices inclusive of photodiodes as receivers.

Many other challenges will also incur in the path of its
research and implementation but soon Li-Fi products will
complement the consumer market with its applications.

Wireless data from every light bulb Harald Haas, TED Global,
Edinburgh, July 2011
ApurbaPradhan, Li-Fi Design Considerations for Projection
Display, application notes for LUXIM, U.S.A,June 2008
Christian Pohlmann, Visible Light Communication WiFi/
Li-Fi Internet at the Speed of Light, by Ian Lim, the
gadgeteer, dated 29 August 2011

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