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BJT Small-Signal Analysis

Purpose of SSAC Analysis
BJT SSAC Analysis Steps
BJT Small-Signal Models
Hybrid Equivalent Model
Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
Emitter-Follower Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
Common-Base Conguration
Input Resistance
Voltage Gain
Output Resistance
Phase Relationship
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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Purpose of SSAC Analysis

Purpose of SSAC Analysis

The purpose of small-signal AC (SSAC) analysis to determine the three parameters of an
amplier input resistance, output resistance and gain. In this course, we are mostly
interested in the two-port voltage-gain amplier model shown below.

Input resistance Ri is dened by the no-load input voltage of the amplier divided by the
no-load input current to the amplier, i.e.,

Ri =
ii RL =∞

NOTE: Input resistance cannot include the source resistance Rs .

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Purpose of SSAC Analysis

Output resistance Ro is obtained by the test-voltage method, i.e., by dividing the test
voltage value with the measured test current value. In the test-voltage method, load is
replaced with a test voltage vtest and the independent power sources (vs or is ) are killed,
i.e., vs = 0 or is = 0. Thus, output resistance Ro is given by

Ro =
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

NOTE: Output resistance cannot include the load resistance RL .

No-load voltage gain Av (or AVNL ) is dened by

Av =
vi RL =∞

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Purpose of SSAC Analysis

When load is connected, the voltage gain will decrease due to the voltage-divider
consisting of RL and Ro . So, voltage gain with load, AV , is given by
vo vo Av vi RL
AV = = = Av
vi Av vi vi Ro + RL
Current gain Ai is dened by the output current versus the input current, i.e.,
io vo /RL Ri Ri
Ai = = = AV = Av
ii vi /Ri RL Ro + RL
Finally, overall voltage gain AVs is given by
vo RL Ri
AVs = = Av
vs Ro + RL Rs + Ri

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Purpose of SSAC Analysis

BJT SSAC Analysis Steps

1. Draw the SSAC equivalent circuit
a) Draw the AC equivalent circuit (signal frequency is innity, i.e., f = ∞)
i. Capacitors are short circuit, i.e., XC → 0.
ii. Kill the DC power sources (i.e., AC value of DC sources is zero).
b) Replace BJT with its small-signal equivalent model (e.g., hybrid equivalent model or
re model).

2. Calculate the three amplier parameters: Ri , Ro and Av

a) Calculate no-load input resistance, Ri = vi
ii R =∞
b) Calculate output resistance, Ro .
c) Calculate no-load voltage gain, Av = vo
vi R =∞

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

BJT Small-Signal Models

A small-signal model is an equivalent circuit that represents the SSAC characteristics of the
transistor. It uses circuit elements that approximate the behavior of the transistor.
Two commonly used models used in SSAC analysis of BJTs are given below:

hybrid equivalent model

re model
Mostly, we are going to use the hybrid equivalent model. But, we are going to introduce and
provide results for the re model as well.
NOTE: Small-signal equivalent model and its analysis are the same for both npn and pnp

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Hybrid Equivalent Model

Parameters of the hybrid equivalent circuit provide the entire set on the specication sheet of a
BJT and cover all operating conditions. Generalized hybrid equivalent circuit for any transistor
conguration is provided below.


hi : input resistance
hr : reverse transfer voltage ratio (vi /vo )
hf : forward transfer current ratio (io /ii )
ho : output conductance

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

For a specic conguration, the model parameters modied with the label of the common-mode
terminal in their subscript. So, common-emitter and common-base congurations and their
hybrid equivalent models are shown below, respectively.

For the common-collector conguration, we always use the common-emitter hybrid

equivalent model.
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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Simplied Hybrid Equivalent Model

Because hr is normally a relatively small quantity, its removal is approximated by hr ≈ 0 and
hr vo = 0, resulting in the simplied hybrid equivalent circuit shown below. In this course, we
are going to use the simplied hybrid equivalent model.

This circuit, can be further simplied if a value for the parameter ho or 1/ho is not provided. In
that case, we can safely assume that ho = 0 or 1/ho = ∞ resulting in the approximate hybrid
equivalent circuit shown below.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Common-Emitter Hybrid Equivalent Model

Here, the h-parameters are dened as below

∂VBE γ
hie = = . . . see diode dynamic resistance section
∂IB Q-point IBQ

hf e = = βac
∂IB Q-point

1/hoe = = . . . VA is the early voltage and VA  VCEQ
∂IC Q-point ICQ

Typical values of hf e run from 50 to 200, hie run from 500 Ω to 7 kΩ, and 1/hoe run from
40 kΩ to 100 kΩ.
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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Note that, as ICQ = βIBQ and IEQ = (β + 1) IBQ , we can also express hie in terms of ICQ
or IEQ as follows

hie =
= hf e
= hf e + 1

where γ = kT /q is the thermal voltage and have xed values for a given temperature, e.g.,
γ = 26 mV at room temperature T = 300 K.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Common-Emitter re Equivalent Model

One-to-one correspondence with the h-parameters are given below,

hf e = β
hie = (β + 1) re ∼
= βre
1/hoe = ro .

Thus, β = hf e , βre = hie and ro = 1/hoe .

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Common-Base Hybrid Equivalent Model

Here, the h-parameters are dened as below,

∂VBE γ
hib = = . . . see diode dynamic resistance section
∂IE Q-point IEQ

hf b =− = −αac ∼
= −1
∂IE Q-point

1/hob = ≈∞
∂IC Q-point

Typically, hf b = −1, and hib run from 5 Ω to 50 Ω, and 1/hob is in the megohm range. Thus,
1/hob  1/hoe .
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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Note that, the relationship between hib and hie is given below

hie = hf e + 1 hib

or hib = .
hf e + 1

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Common-Base re Equivalent Model

One-to-one correspondence with the h-parameters are given below

hf b = −α
hib = re
1/hob = ro .

Thus, α = −hf b ∼ = 1, re = hib and ro = 1/hob ∼

= ∞. Note that, minus sign is due to the
direction of the current source.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis BJT Small-Signal Models

Phase Relationship
The phase relationship between input and output depends on the amplier conguration circuit
as listed below.

Common-Emitter: 180 degrees

Common-Base: 0 degrees
Common-Collector: 0 degrees (Emitter-Follower)

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Common-emitter xed-bias conguration is given below

Let us start SSAC analysis by drawing the AC equivalent circuit as shown below

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Then, we are going to replace BJT with its common-emitter hybrid equivalent model as
shown below

Obtain hf e and 1/hoe from the specication sheet of the transistor or by testing the
transistor using a curve tracer. Calculate hie using the DC analysis values as
26 mV 26 mV
hie = = hf e .

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

Ri = = RB ||hie
ii RL =∞

If RB ≥ 10hie , then Ri simplies to Ri = hie .

Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by

Ri = RB ||βre

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

vo vo hf e ib ib
Av = =
vi RL =∞
hf e ib ib vi
= (−RC ||1/hoe ) hf e
hf e (RC ||1/hoe )

No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by

RC ||ro
Av = −

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

If 1/hoe ≥ 10RC , no-load voltage gain Av reduces to

hf e RC RC
Av = − . . . re model: Av = −
hie re

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows

io vo /RC Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RC vi
= Av

If 1/hoe ≥ 10RC and RB ≥ 10hie , current gain Ai reduces to

Ai = −hf e . . . re model: Ai = −β

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above. Note that in the circuit ib = 0, so hf e ib = 0 as well.

Ro = = RC ||1/hoe
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

If 1/hoe ≥ 10RC , then Ro simplies to Ro = RC .

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by
Ro = RC ||ro

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Fixed-Bias Conguration

Phase Relationship

The phase relationship between input and output is 180 degrees as shown above.
The negative sign used in the voltage gain formulas indicates the inversion.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

CE Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

Common-emitter voltage-divider bias conguration is given below

Corresponding SSAC equivalent circuit is shown below

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

Ri = = R1 ||R2 ||hie
ii RL =∞

Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by

Ri = R1 ||R2 ||βre

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

vo vo hf e ib ib
Av = =
vi RL =∞
hf e ib ib vi
= (−RC ||1/hoe ) hf e
hf e (RC ||1/hoe )

No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by

RC ||ro
Av = −

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

If 1/hoe ≥ 10RC , no-load voltage gain Av reduces to

hf e RC RC
Av = − . . . re model: Av = −
hie re

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows

io vo /RC Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RC vi
= Av

If 1/hoe ≥ 10, and given R0 = R1 ||R2 , current gain Ai reduces to

R0 R0
Ai = −hf e . . . re model: Ai = −
R0 + hie R0 /β + re

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above. Note that in the circuit ib = 0, so hf e ib = 0 as well.

Ro = = RC ||1/hoe
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

If 1/hoe ≥ 10RC , then Ro simplies to Ro = RC .

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by

Ro = RC ||ro

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Voltage-Divider Bias Conguration

Phase Relationship
Phase relationship between input and output of a common-emitter amplier conguration
if always 180 degrees. This is independent of the type of the bias-conguration.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

CE Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

Common-emitter unbypassed-emitter bias conguration and its SSAC equivalent circuit
are given on the left and right gures below, respectively.

When RE is not bypassed, we normally assume 1/hoe = ∞ in order to reduce the

calculation complexity. Because of the feedback, even 1/hoe 6= ∞ the results do not really
change at all.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

Ri = = RB ||Rb . . . Rb = hie + hf e + 1 RE
ii RL =∞
= RB || hie + hf e + 1 RE

Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by

Ri = RB || (β + 1) (re + RE ) ∼
= RB ||β (re + RE )

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

vo vo hf e ib ib
Av = =
vi RL =∞
hf e ib ib vi
= (−RC ) hf e
hf e RC
hie + hf e + 1 RE
No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by
Av = −
re + RE

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

If hf e + 1 RE ≥ 10hie , no-load voltage gain Av reduces to

Av = − . . . re model: Av = −

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows
io vo /RC Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RC vi
= Av
Resultant current gain Ai is given by
Ai = −hf e . . . re model: Ai = −
RB + Rb RB /β + re + RE

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above. Note that in the circuit ib = 0, so hf e ib = 0 as well.

Ro = = RC
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by

Ro = RC

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Unbypassed-Emitter Bias Conguration

Phase Relationship
Phase relationship between input and output of a common-emitter amplier conguration
if always 180 degrees. This is independent of the type of the bias-conguration.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

Emitter-Follower Conguration
Emitter-follower (common-collector) conguration and its SSAC equivalent circuit are
given on the left and right gures below, respectively.

When RE is not bypassed, we normally assume 1/hoe = ∞ in order to reduce the

calculation complexity.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

Ri = = RB ||Rb . . . Rb = hie + hf e + 1 RE
ii RL =∞
= RB || hie + hf e + 1 RE

Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by

Ri = RB || (β + 1) (re + RE ) ∼
= RB ||β (re + RE )

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

vo vo ib
Av = =
vi RL =∞
ib vi
hf e + 1 RE . . . Rb = hie + hf e + 1 RE

hf e + 1 RE
=  ∼
hie + hf e + 1 RE
No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by
RE ∼
Av = =1
re + RE

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows
io vo /RE Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RE vi
= Av

Resultant current gain Ai is given by,

. . . re model: Ai =

Ai = hf e + 1
RB + Rb RB / (β + 1) + re + RE

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above.

vtest hie
Ro = = RE ||
itest vs =0,RL =vtest
hf e + 1

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by

Ro = RE ||re
If 1/hoe 6= ∞, then replace RE with (RE ||1/hoe ) in Ri , Av and Ro calculations.
If a voltage source with source resistance Rs is connected to the input, replace hie with
(hie + RB ||Rs ) in Ro calculations.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Emitter-Follower Conguration

Phase Relationship
Emitter-follower (common-collector) conguration has no phase shift between input and

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

CE Collector Feedback Conguration

Common-emitter collector feedback bias conguration is given below

Corresponding SSAC equivalent circuit is shown below

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

vi hie hie + hf e RC
Ri = = hie +hf e RC
. . . if = − ib
ii RL =∞ 1+ RF + RC

∼ hie
= . . . hf e RC  hie
hf e RC
Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by
Ri ∼

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

hf e RF − hie
vo −RC hie + hf e RC
Av = = . . . if = − ib
vi RL =∞ RF + RC hie RF + RC
∼ hf e RF −RC
= . . . hf e RF  hie
RF + RC hie
hf e RC
≈− . . . R F  RC

No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by

Av ≈ −

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows

io vo /RC Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RC vi
= Av

Resultant current gain Ai is given by,

hf e (RF + RC ) RF + RC
Ai ∼
=−  . . . re model: Ai = −
RF + hf e + 1 RC RF /β + RC

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above. Note that in the circuit ib = 0, so hf e ib = 0 as well.

Ro = = RC ||RF
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by

Ro = RC ||RF
If 1/hoe 6= ∞, then replace RC with (RC ||1/hoe ) in Ri , Av and Ro calculations.
 a voltage source with source resistance Rs is connected to the input, replace RF with
RF (Rs + hie ) / hf e Rs + hie in Ro calculations.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Emitter Collector Feedback Conguration

Phase Relationship
Phase relationship between input and output of a common-emitter amplier conguration
if always 180 degrees. This is independent of the type of the bias-conguration.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Common-Base Conguration
Common-base conguration is given below

Corresponding SSAC equivalent circuit is shown below

hie 26 mV
Here, hib = = and hf b = −αac = −1.
hf e + 1 IEQ

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Input Resistance

Input resistance Ri is given as

Ri = = RE ||hib
ii RL =∞

If RE ≥ 10hib , then Ri simplies to Ri = hib .

Input resistance Ri according to the re model is given by

Ri = RE ||re

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Voltage Gain

No-load voltage gain Av is given by

vo vo hf b ie ie
Av = =
vi RL =∞
hf b ie ie vi
= (−RC ) hf b
= . . . hf b = −1

No-load voltage gain Av according to the re model is given by

Av =

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

For the circuit above, we can obtain the current gain Ai as follows

io vo /RC Ri vo
Ai = = =
ii vi /Ri RC vi
= Av

Resultant current gain Ai is given by,

RE ||hib RE ||re
Ai = ≈1 . . . re model: Ai = ≈1
hib re

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Output Resistance

Output resistance, i.e., Thévenin equivalent resistance, Ro is calculated using the test
voltage circuit above. Note that in the circuit ie = 0, so hf b ie = 0 as well.

Ro = = RC
itest vs =0,RL =vtest

Output resistance Ro according to the re model is given by

Ro = RC

If 1/hob 6= ∞, then replace RC with (RC ||1/hob ) in Ri , Av and Ro calculations.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Phase Relationship
A common-base amplier conguration has no phase shift between input and output

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Example 1: Consider the common-base BJT amplier in the gure above.

a) Perform DC analysis and nd the Q-point.
b) Evaluate the overall voltage gain AVs and the current gain Ai .
c) Sketch vo on the AC+DC load line graph when
i. vs = 100 sin (ωt) mV,
ii. vs = 900 sin (ωt) mV.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Solution: a) Let us rst draw the DC equivalent circuit rst as shown below,

Here, RE = RE1 + RE2 = 0.2k + 1.5k = 1.7 kΩ.

Now, let us calculate VBB , RBB , ICQ , VCEQ and VCBQ
VBB = (10) = 1.43 V,
30k + 180k
RBB = 30k||180k = 25.71 kΩ,
1.43 − 0.7
= IEQ = = 0.4 mA,
25.71k/201 + 1.7k
VCEQ = 10 − (0.4m)(4.7k + 1.7k) = 7.44 V,
VCBQ = 7.44 − 0.7 = 6.74 V.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

b) In order to calculate the voltage gain, we need to draw the common-base SSAC
equivalent circuit. As it is not given 1/hob = ∞. Let us now calculate hib as
hib = = 65 Ω.
So, the small-signal equivalent circuit is given below

Now, let us calculate input resistance Ri and voltage gain with load AV as follows
Ri = RE2 || (RE1 + hib ) = 1.5k||(200 + 65) ∼
= 225 Ω
vo vo hf b ie ie
AV = =
vi hf b ie ie vi
 1 RC ||RL
= (−RC ||RL ) hf b =
RE1 + hib RE1 + hib
4.7k||10k 3.2k
= = = 12.08.
200 + 65 0.265k

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Thus, overall voltage gain AVs and current gain Ai are given by
vo vo vi Ri 225
AVs = = = AV = (12.08)
vs vi vs Rs + Ri 100 + 225
= 8.36,
io vo /RL Ri 0.225k
Ai = = = AV = (12.08)
ii vi /Ri RL 10k
= 0.27.
c) Let us write down the AC load line equation for this common-base amplier, noting that
vo = vcb = −ic (RC ||RL ) = −ic Rac and vcb = vce − vbe = vce − R ib
vi ≈ vce )
E +h 1 ib

vCB = −iC Rac + VCBQ + ICQ Rac . . . VCBQ = VCEQ − VBEQ

vCE − VBEQ = −iC Rac + VCEQ − VBEQ + ICQ Rac . . . vCB ≈ vCE − VBEQ
vCE = −iC Rac + VCEQ + ICQ Rac
So, Rac = RC ||RL = 4.7k||10k = 3.2 kΩ, and similarly we obtain RDC from the C-E loop as
RDC = RC + RE = 4.7k + 1.7k = 6.4 kΩ.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

Note that, maximum available

 undistorted swing amplitude is
min VCEQ , ICQ Rac = min(7.44, (0.4m)(3.2k)) = min(7.44, 1.28) = 1.28 V.
Thus, as AVs = 8.36, maximum input source amplitude which gives an undistorted output
is max(vs(p) ) = 1.28/8.36 = 153.1 mV. If the input source amplitude exceeds this value,
we will observe distortion at the output.
i. For vs = 100 sin (ωt) mV, we are going to observe an undistorted sinusoidal output
with an amplitude of 0.836 V around VCBQ = 6.74 V as shown below.

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BJT Small-Signal Analysis Common-Base Conguration

ii. For vs = 900 sin (ωt) mV, we are going to observe a distorted output as shown below.

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