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Performance Standard
Category Code: M-3
EASL Req.: No

No: PF-9590
Date Published: 2004-04-08
Change: B


1.1 Purpose of the Standard
This standard covers the design and testing of electrical terminals, connectors, and components that
constitute the connection systems in automotive vehicle applications. This procedure is applicable to
device connector systems. These connector systems fall into two types:
A. Pigtail Devices. These devices typically have terminals, attached to discrete wires or ribbon cables, and
then overmolded with connector features. For most circumstances, inline connectors are not covered by
this specification.
B. Direct Connect Devices. These devices have either have headers or integral connectors.
1.2 Purpose of the Part
The connectors described in this specification are required for electrical distribution of current and voltage
between the wire harness and devices or modules. Typical connector features include insulators,
terminals, wedges, terminal locks, and seals (when applicable). These features are usually manufactured
as part of the device.
1.3 Coverage of this Standard
Device suppliers are required to meet all portions of this document with the following exception: Specific
tests that are not required or additional test requirements, as specified on the part drawing, product design
specification, or test order.
2.1 General
In the event there is a conflict between performance standards, part drawings, and other related standards
or specifications, the order in which the requirements shall be determined are prioritized as follows:
A. Applicable part drawing(s)
B. Product design specification
C. This standard
D. Other related standards and specifications
2.1.1 Part Drawing
The part drawing for the device shall contain or reference:
- All dimensional requirements.
- Performance requirements.
- Supplier part number.
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- Reference to applicable portions of this specification.

- The quantity and part number of terminals used.
- The typical mating connector and terminals.
- Temperature class per Table 2.
2.1.2 Product Design Specification
The product design specification shall identify the parameters detailed in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2. The parameters
identified are those which differ from the general specifications in this document. The product design
specification may or may not be an integral part of the part drawing. Test Order Reference
Reference must be made concerning applicable tests and the order in which the tests are to be performed
if different than outlined by this specification. Performance and Durability Test Reference
Reference must be made concerning limits for performance and durability tests plus definition of the
conditions under which those limits apply if they are different than outlined in this specification.
2.1.3 Test Order
The laboratory test request or order shall provide location and documentation of test samples, identify the
type of test to be performed (development/validation) and describe special tests that are not a part of this
specification. Development Tests
Development tests are frequently used to evaluate specific areas of the design. They are a tool for
evaluating: design alternatives, proposed improvements, cost reduction proposals, or determining root
causes of field problems. Validation Tests
Validation tests or sample approval tests are acceptance type tests. Consideration shall be given to the
inherent repeatability or subjectivity of certain tests outlined by this specification before designation as a
validation or compliance test.
2.1.4 Records Retention
The supplier shall maintain a central file for the storage of laboratory reports and calibration records and a
record retention policy concerning these records shall be established. The file shall be periodically audited
by an independent source and shall be made available to any and all customer personnel upon request
including but not limited to representatives from the following functions: product engineering, purchasing,
quality, and reliability. Objectives of Records Retention
The following are the main objectives for retention of test documents or records:
A. Retain records that will evidence compliance so that the supplier can appropriately respond when or if
product compliance is challenged. Files shall exist for the storage of all laboratory records, data, and
calibration records. The files shall be available at any time for audit or inspection.

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B. Retain records as needed to assist in evidencing the exercise of "due care" in matters relating to
compliance to government requirements or product liability.
C. Comply with statutory requirements for the maintenance and retention of specific records to
compliance with legal requirements. Retention Methods
Method of retention must conform to the suppliers corporate procedures and may include retention of
original documents, the use of film, or electronic storage equipment. Records must be stored so that they
are accessible in a reasonable amount of time. Storage areas should provide adequate protection from
unauthorized access, moisture, and fire.
2.2 Test Equipment
Table 1 contains a summary of the required equipment. Unless otherwise specified, voltage regulated DC
power sources that comply with SAE J823 requirements shall be used for all tests except that the output
voltage from the power supply shall be capable of supplying to the input terminals of the Standard Circuit
in SAE J823, from 9 - 16 VDC. Production intent wire harnesses are listed as equipment under several of
the tests in this standard. These harnesses must be supplied by the production wire harness supplier.


Name of Item


DC Power Supply

0-20 V
0-10 A

DC Power Supply

0-20 V
0-150 A

DC Millivolt Power Supply


0-20 mV
0-10 mA

Digital Multimeter

Capable of measuring the

following at greater than 0.5%
0-100 VDC
0-150 Amps DC
0-10 MOHM

Current Shunts

100 mA and as required @ +1%

Millivolt Meter

0-100mVDC @ greater than

0.5% accuracy


Type "J" and as required

Insertion/Extraction Force

Capable of measuring 1320 N

(300 lbf) at greater than or equal
to 0.5% accuracy

Data Logger

As required

Temperature Chamber

-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C

0% to 95% RH
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Make/Model (1)


Name of Item


Vibration Controller

As required

Vibration Table

2640 N (600 lbf) Sine Force

2200 N (500 lbf) RMS Force

Salt Spray Chamber

Per latest revision of



As required

DC Power Supply

0-500 V
0-100 mA

Make/Model (1)

Capable of measuring greater

than or equal to
20 MOhms at 500 VDC.


NOTE 1: If applicable.
2.2.1 Test Default Conditions
When specific test conditions are not given either in the product design specification or elsewhere in this
specification, the following basic conditions shall apply:
Room Temperature:
Relative Humidity:
Atmospheric Pressure:

23 +/- 5 DEG C
50 +/- 30%
650 - 800 mm mercury
12.8 +/- 0.1 VDC

2.2.2 Default Test Tolerances


+/- 3 DEG C
+/- 1%
+/- 1%
+/- 1%
+/- 1%
+/- 5%
+/- 5%
+/- 5%
+/- 1%

NOTE: Not to be used for performance dependent variable(s). (See section 3.3)
2.3 Functional Requirements and Testing
The tests detailed in 2.5 through 2.7 are quantitative or semi-quantitative in nature and are not expected to
stress any part beyond its anticipated application limit.
2.3.1 Performance Requirements

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All connection systems must meet all performance test requirements under the conditions listed in table 2.
2.3.2 Dimensional Characteristics
Part construction shall conform to the dimensions, shape, and detail attributes specified on the latest
revision of the applicable part drawing(s)
2.3.3 Material Characteristics
The material used shall conform to the material standards specified on the latest revision of the applicable
part drawing(s).
The material hardness specified for the terminals refers to the blank strip material and not the finished
product because the manufacturing process of stamping, forming tin plating, etc. can modify the hardness
2.3.4 Temperature Classifications
Connection systems to be tested will be classified as one of the following;

Ambient Temperature Range


-40 DEG C to + 85 DEG C

-40 DEG C to + 120 DEG C
-40 DEG C to +145 DEG C
-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C

Maximum Temperature
(Ambient + Rise)
+105 DEG C
+120 DEG C
+145 DEG C
+175 DEG C

2.4 Visual Inspection

2.4.1 Purpose
This test is used to document the physical appearance of untested, as manufactured samples. A
comparison can then be made with after test samples. Examinations in most cases can be accomplished
by a person with normal or corrected vision, and normal color sensitivity, under cool white fluorescent
lighting. Photographs and/or videos are encouraged as a more complete means of documentation. An
untested control sample from each test group should be retained for any physical comparisons.
2.4.2 Equipment
- Camera
- Video Recorder
- Magnification Apparatus (as required)
2.4.3 Procedure
A. Visually examine each test specimen prior to testing and/or conditioning noting in detail any
manufacturing or material defects such as cracks, tarnishing, flash, etc. Take photographs and/or video
recordings of the samples to be tested, and keep a control sample.
B. After testing and/or conditioning, re-examine each test sample and note in detail any observable
changes, such as swelling, corrosion, discoloration, physical distortions, cracks, etc. Compare the tested
and/or conditioned samples to the control samples, the videos, and/or the photographs noting any
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2.4.4 Acceptance Criteria

No defects or degradation as noted in the procedure.
2.5 Terminal Requirements
2.5.1 Terminal - Terminal Engage/Disengage Force
This test is required when the device supplier makes the mating terminal, e.g., stamped male blades. Purpose
This test ensures that the engagement and disengagement forces associated with compatible male and
female terminal pairs meet the acceptance criteria. Equipment
- Insertion/Extraction Force Tester Procedure
A. Completely identify and number each terminal to be tested.
B. Fixture the male and female terminals in the force tester so that proper alignment is achieved during
C. Engage the terminals at a uniform rate of 50 +/-10 mm/min. The force shall be applied parallel to the
centerline of the terminals.
D. Record the force required to completely engage the terminal to its mating part and use this value to
verify the acceptance criteria.
E. Disengage the terminals at a uniform rate of 50 +/-10 mm/min. The force shall be applied parallel to
the centerline of the terminals.
F. Repeat steps C & E nine (9) more times and record the 10th disengage force reading. Use this value
to verify the acceptance criteria.
G. Repeat steps B - F for devices in which the female terminal is tooled by the device supplier except use
the applicable gauge in place of the male terminals. Use new female terminals. Acceptance Criteria
Size (mm)

Max. (N)
Min. (N)
Max. (N)
Min. (N)
NOTE: Values to be specified on device drawing. Gauge information is for devices with female terminals
2.5.2 Terminal Bend Resistance
This test is required for devices with molded on pigtail connections and for devices with integral
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connectors, i.e., the connector features are molded into the device. Purpose
This test ensures that the terminal will not severely bend or break during crimping, assembly, or service. Equipment
- Insertion/Extraction Force Tester


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- Molded on Pigtails
A. Using the smallest gauge size wire with the thinnest insulation applicable to test the design and using
the applicable wire size for subsequent testing, machine crimp samples until one meets the crimp height,
crimp width, and tensile strength requirements of PF-9600, attachment A, or as required by terminal
maker. Then machine crimp the remaining samples at that crimp setting. Crimp both the conductor and
insulation grips. Assemble insulation displacement style terminals in accordance with their recommended
assembly criteria.
B. Repeat step A but use the largest wire gauge size with the thickest insulation applicable to the design.
C. Number each terminal and record crimp height and width if applicable.
D. Determine the design style the terminal under test (TUT) most closely resembles from Figure 1.
Repeat steps A and B for style "B" terminals.
E. Secure the TUT in a fixture at location "1" as shown in Figure 2.
F. Use the chart below to set the force tester to apply a perpendicular force to the TUT as shown in Figure

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Less than or equal 0.25
Greater than 0.25

SPEED (mm/Min)
50 +/-10
50 +/-10

G. Apply the applicable force for 15 seconds.

H. Record the angle of deflection from the centerline (if any) and verify the acceptance criteria.
I. Fixture a new terminal rotated 180 DEG from the one in Figure 2 and repeat steps E - H.
J. For terminal style "B" designs repeat steps E - I with each TUT fixtured at location "2".
- Integral Connections
A. Remove enough material from around the male terminals to gain access to the outer end of the
B. Fixture the TUT such that the terminals may be loaded perpendicular.
C. Use the chart to set the force tester to apply a perpendicular force to the tip of the terminal.
D. Apply the force for 15 seconds.
E. Record the angle of deflection from the centerline (if any) and verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria (Applies before and after crimping)
The TUT must not tear or bend more than four degrees when subjected to the applied force for 15
seconds. If the TUT was bent less than or equal to four degrees during the test, it must not tear when
straightened to its original position.
2.5.3 Terminal Retention Purpose
This test ensures that a terminal will not be displaced by the forces associated with engagement and
disengagement of the mating connector. Equipment
- Insertion/Extraction Force Tester Procedure
A. Fixture the DUT such that the terminals may be loaded lengthwise.
B. Using the force tester, apply 24 N of force first in compression (PUSH) then in tension (PULL) for 15
seconds in each direction. Acceptance Criteria
The terminals shall not be displaced in either direction.
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2.5.4 Voltage Drop

This is a stand-alone-test for devices with pigtail connections, and should be performed with the wires or
ribbon cable not attached to the device.
For devices with integral connectors or with header connectors, this is a stand-alone-test for ED and DV
only. It is also used as acceptance criteria for other tests. Purpose
This test, determines the voltage drop associated with the conductor crimp and contact interface regions
at maximum operating current conditions. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)
Current shunts
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
NOTE: If this test is used sequentially with other tests of a test plan, omit steps A & C.
A. Machine crimp samples until one meets the crimp height, crimp width, and tensile strength
requirements of PF-9600, attachment A, or as required by terminal maker. Then machine crimp the
remaining samples at that crimp setting. Crimp both the conductor and insulation grips. Assemble
insulation displacement style terminals according to their recommended assembly criteria.
B. Number each terminal and record crimp height and width if applicable.
C. Completely mate and unmate each terminal pair a total of 10 times and then mate them again for
D. Pre-set the power supply to output the maximum rated current for the terminal pair to be tested as
shown in Figure 3 Voltage Drop Test Setup. More than one terminal pair may be tested in series as long
as each terminal pair receives the maximum rated current. Refer to Figure 4 Test Lead Locations, for
placement of the millivolt test leads.
E. Measure and record the voltage drop across 150 +/-1 mm of the wire used during testing, using the
rated current for the test.
F. Assemble the circuit shown in Figure 3. Solder, weld or epoxy the millivolt leads as shown. All millivolt
lead wire shall be 28 AWG or smaller. Attach the circuit to a non-conductive surface, such as wood or
high-temp plastic, leaving a minimum of 50 mm between test samples.
G. Turn on the power supply and wait 15 minutes for the circuit to stabilize.
H. Measure and record the millivolt drop (mVD) readings between test points T1-T2 and T3-T4, and use
these values in the equations below to calculate the voltage drop across the crimp areas.
mVD Crimpmale= mVD(T1-T2) - [mVD Wire(step #E)/6]
mVD Crimpfemale= mVD(T3-T4) - [mVD Wire(step #E)/6]
Use these calculated values for the acceptance criteria.
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I. Measure and record the mVD between test points T2-T3 and use this value in the equation below to
calculate the voltage drop across the contact interface area.
mVD Interface = mVD (T2-T3)
Use this value to verify the acceptance criteria.

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Material Conductivity

(mV/Amp) Max.

(mV/Amp) Max.

After Test

Greater than or equal to

28% IACS
Less than 28% IACS






NOTE : A. The after test values are for crimp to crimp measurements
2.5.5 Dry Circuit Voltage Drop
This a stand-alone-test for devices with pigtail connections, and should be performed with the wires or
ribbon cable not attached to the device.
For devices with integral connectors or with header connectors, this is a stand-alone-test for ED and DV
only. It is also used as acceptance criteria for other tests. Purpose
This test determines the resistance level at the crimp and contact interface of a terminal system under low
energy (dry circuit) conditions. Equipment

Millivolt meter (0-1000 microvolts @ 0.5% accuracy FS)

DC Power Supply (0-50 mVDC @ 0-10 mA)
Current shunts (as required)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
NOTE: If this test is used sequentially with other tests of a test plan, omit steps A & C.
A. Machine crimp samples until one meets the crimp height, crimp width, and tensile strength
requirements of PF-9600, attachment A, or as required by terminal maker. Then machine crimp the
remaining samples at that crimp setting. Crimp both the conductor and insulation grips. Assemble
insulation displacement style terminals per their recommended assembly criteria.
B. Number each terminal and record crimp height and width if applicable.
C. Completely mate and unmate each terminal pair a total of 10 times and then mate them again for
D. Perform the Low Signal Contact Resistance test per the latest revision of Military Standard 1344A,
Method 3002.1 with the exception that the current level is to be set at a constant regulated 10 mA.
E. Verify the acceptance criteria.
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(2003-07-08) Acceptance Criteria

Neither the crimp resistance nor the interface resistance measurements may exceed 10 milliohms.
2.6 Connector Requirements
2.6.1 Connector - Connector Engage/Disengage Force Purpose
This test determines the engage/disengage forces associated with hand mating and unmating of complete
connector assemblies. Equipment
- Insertion/Extraction Force Tester
- Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Number the device and harness connector pairs.
B. Secure the connector halves in the appropriate fixtures of the force tester to ensure that the connector
halves will be engaged completely straight.
C. Engage the connector halves at a uniform rate of 50 +/-10 mm/min. Test all pairs.
D. Record the force required to completely engage the connector halves into their locked position and use
this value to verify the acceptance criteria.
E. With the connector locking mechanism disengaged, completely disengage the connector halves by
applying a uniform force of 50 +/-10 mm/min parallel to the centerline of the engaged connector halves.
Test all pairs.
F. Repeat steps C & E nine (9) more times.
G. Record the force required to completely disengage the connector halves and verify the acceptance
H. Repeat steps A - C.
I. Repeat step E except engage the locking mechanism.
J. Repeat step G. Acceptance Criteria
A. Engagement force is less than or equal to 67 newtons.
B. Disengagement force is less than or equal to 67 newtons with the lock disabled.
C. Disengagement force is greater than or equal to 110 newtons with the lock enabled.
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2.6.2 Connector Cavity Strength

For all test evolutions: ED, DV, PV, and CC. Either functional or dummy devices may be used. Purpose
This test subjects a connector cavity to a side load to verify cavity strength and cavity-to-device retention. Equipment
- Insertion/Extraction Force Tester Procedure
Using the force tester, apply a static force of 132 N (30 lb) 3 mm (0.12 in) from the end of the connector
cavity, in any plane perpendicular to the line of engagement. Acceptance Criteria
The connector cavity shall show no signs of cracking or damage.
2.6.3 Vibration / Mechanical Shock
For all test evolutions. Use dummy devices for ED, and DV. Use production intent devices for PV, and
CC. Purpose
This test subjects a connector system to simulated operating conditions and evaluates the connector
performance. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)

Vibration Table
Vibration Controller
Continuity Analyzer/Totalizer
Data Logger
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Prepare the Component Under Test (CUT) by assembling all applicable parts and bundling (with tape,
convolute, scroll, etc.) the wires per its intended application. Consult the responsible engineer for details
on intended bundling. Refer to Figure 6 for examples of test mounting arrangements. Positions D, E, and
F utilize a fixed post.
B. Construct a suitable mounting apparatus using the following design criteria:
1. The mounting apparatus shall be constructed and secured, to minimize added effects (harmonics,
dampening, resonances, etc).
2. The distance between attachment points of the fixture must not exceed 750 mm, in overall length, and
the attachment points are at the same height above the plane of the vibration plate.
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3. The fixture should be designed so that when the orientation of the assembly is freely hanging, the CUT
will not impact the vibration plate during testing.
C. Securely attach the wire bundle ends to the mounting fixture such that there is 10 +/- 5 mm of sag
relative to the horizontal bisecting plane of the attachment points.
D. For dummy devices in Engineering Development testing and Design Verification testing, solder all
wired terminals of the CUT in series to form one continuous current path with only two free ends. Solder
one of the free wire ends to a 2 watt, 120 +/- 1.2 ohm resistor. Preset the power supply to provide 12 VDC
@ 100 mA to the circuit. Solder the "-" (Neg.) lead to the free end of the resistor and the "+" (Pos.) lead to
the remaining free wire of the CUT. Connect the Continuity Totalizer/Analyzer (CT/A) across the resistor,
making sure that the "-" lead of the CT/A is connected to the negative side of the resistor. Set the CT/A to
record any change in current through the resistor below 95mA.
For Product Verification testing and Continuing Conformance testing, power the device and monitor for
intermittencies in operation.
A reference illustration of the test setup is shown by Figure 10.
The test fixtures, system layout, and test setup must be approved by the responsible engineer prior to
F. All CUTs shall be vibrated for 8 hours on each of the 3 mutually perpendicular axes (X,Y,Z). Vibrate
the CUT using the vibration profile in the device specification, or the following profiles according to its
location in the vehicle:
- Engine compartment CUTs -- Use Figure 7
- Body and I/P mounted CUTs -- Use Figure 8
NOTE: If discontinuities existed that were longer than the allowable duration or too numerous, a sweep of
frequencies between 10 to 50 Hz, using a sinusoidal motion, may help in determining the cause.
G. After performing the above procedure subject the CUT to 10 impulses (10-20 millisecond duration @
35 Gs force) in each of the three mutually perpendicular axes.
H. Record the results, inspect the CUT, and verify the acceptance criteria.

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(2003-07-08) Acceptance Criteria

A. The terminals shall not show any evidence of deterioration, cracks, deformities, etc. that could affect
their functionality.
B. The connector assembly shall not show any evidence of deterioration, cracks, deformities, etc. that will
affect its functionality or severely distort its appearance.
C. Each terminal pair of the connector assembly shall meet the Voltage Drop requirements of 2.5.4 for
engineering development tests and design verification tests.
D. There shall be no intermittencies in device operation for production validation tests and continuing
conformance tests.
E. There shall be no loss of electrical continuity, (greater than or equal to 7 ohms), for more than 1
microsecond on any terminal pair for Engineering development tests and Design Verification tests.
Breakpoint Frequency (Hz)
Total Spectral Content = 11.20 G (rms)

Magnitude (G sqrd/Hz)

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Breakpoint Frequency (Hz)
Total Spectral Content = 1.26 G (rms)

Magnitude (G sqrd/Hz)

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2.6.4 Isolation Resistance
This is a standalone test for devices with integral connectors, and for devices with pigtails which have
connectors molded onto ribbon cable.
This is not a standalone test for devices with pigtail connectors on discrete wires, or for devices with
headers. For these devices, this test is used as acceptance criteria for other tests.
For Engineering Development testing and Design Verification testing. Use devices constructed without
electrically connecting the terminals to the device. Purpose
This test determines the resistance between adjacent cavities in a connector system. Equipment
- Megohmmeter
- Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Connect the megohmmeter, set to 500 VDC, to a pair of adjacent terminals in the connector system.
For special applications, the test voltage can be reduced with the approval from the responsible design
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B. Use the megohmmeter to measure the resistance between the terminals and between the outermost
terminals and the body of the device.
C. Record the measurement and verify the acceptance criteria.
D. Repeat steps A - C so that each terminal in the connector system is measured against all adjacent
terminals. Test the device half of the connector system. Acceptance Criteria
The resistance between cavities must exceed 20 MOhms @ 500 VDC.
2.6.5 Connector System 500 Hour Current Cycle
This test can be combined with a device operating life test if the device test runs at least 500 hours with
temperature and humidity cycling. Purpose
This test simulates the main function of the connector system over the expected life of the vehicle. This
test cycles the maximum current for the connector system 'ON' and 'OFF' at the maximum temperature in
which the connector system may have to operate. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A, timer controlled)
Current shunts (100 mA @ +/- 1%)
Thermo-couples (Type "J")
Data Logger (As required)
Temp. Chamber (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C,0-95% RH)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Completely mate and unmate the pairs of connector systems 10 times. And then mate again for
B. Assemble the circuit shown in Figure 3 except use a timer controlled power supply and connector
assemblies in place of the terminals. Set the power supply to provide 45 minutes 'ON' and 15 minutes
'OFF' at the maximum device operating current. Also connect a data logger to monitor device operation.
C. Determine the temperature class of the connector system design and application intent from Table 2.
Test the first set of connector pairs @ 25 DEG C (room temp.), and the remaining pairs at the maximum
ambient temperature for the applicable temperature class. Allow the temp. chamber to stabilize before
starting the test. Keep a continuous chart of the chamber temperature during testing.
D. Turn 'ON' the power supply, DMM's, and data logger.
E. For Design Verification testing, after 35 minutes into the first 'ON' cycle record terminal crimp and
interface millivolt drop readings as well as thermocouple readings for each pair.
F. Cycle for 500 hours. For Design Verification testing, take readings at the start and end of each day, 35
minutes into the 'ON' cycle, and at the conclusion of the test. For Production Validation testing, record any
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intermittencies in device operation. Acceptance Criteria
For Design Verification Tests
Use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance. During the test, verify the
requirements of the Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4 and the maximum temperature rise of Table 2.
For Production Validation Tests
Use production intent devices. During the test, verify that there were no intermittencies in device
2.6.6 Thermal Shock
If the device specification has a Thermal Shock test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests, and for Design Verification tests. Use dummy devices. Purpose
This test subjects the connector assembly to temperature extremes which induce expansion and
contraction of materials similar to actual vehicle exposure. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)

Continuity Totalizer/Analyzer
Data Logger
Temp. Chamber(s) (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C, 0%-95% RH)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals.
B. Number each assembly and verify device operation.
C. For dummy devices in Engineering Development testing and Design Verification testing, connect all
wired terminals of the connector pairs in series to form one continuous current path with only two free
ends. Solder one of the free wire ends a 2 watt, 120 +/- 1.2 ohm resistor. Preset the power supply to
provide 12 VDC @ 100 mA to the circuit. Solder the "-" (Neg.) lead to the free end of the resistor and the
"+" (Pos.) lead to the remaining free wire of the connector pairs. Connect the Continuity Totalizer/Analyzer
(CT/A) across the resistor, making sure that the "-" lead of the CT/A is connected to the negative side of
the resistor. Set the CT/A to record any change in current through the resistor below 95 mA. A reference
illustration of the test setup is shown by Figure 10. The test fixtures, system layout, and test setup must be
approved by the responsible engineer prior to testing.
D. Determine the class temperature of the connector system from Table 2, and set the chamber to the
minimum temperature for that class. Allow the chamber to stabilize before proceeding.
E. Place the assembly in the chamber set to the minimum temperature such that there is no substantial
obstruction to air flow across and around the samples, and the samples are at least 50 mm apart in all
directions. Any mounting plates used must be made of non-conductive material such as wood or high
temperature plastic. Leave the assembly in the chamber for 1.5 hours.
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F. In less than 5 minutes transfer the assembly to another chamber, or transition the chamber, set to the
maximum temperature for that class. Allow the assembly to soak for 2 hours.
G. In less than 5 minutes transfer the assembly to another chamber, or transition the chamber, set to the
minimum temperature for that class. Allow the assembly to soak for 2 hours.
H. Repeat steps F and G fifty (50) more times.
I. Verify the acceptance criteria. For Production Validation testing, verify device operation. Acceptance Criteria
For Engineering Development and Design Verification testing, verify the requirements of the Dry Circuit
Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5 first, then the Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4 second, and then the Isolation
Resistance test of 2.6.4.

If the device specification has a Temperature/Humidity Cycling test, use those test parameters. This test
can be combined with a device operating life test with temperature and humidity cycling. For Design
Verification testing use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance. For Production
Validation tests use production intent devices. Purpose
This test simulates actual operating conditions using temperature and humidity as aging mechanisms for
evaluation of a connector system's electrical functionality. High humidity and temperature can promote
galvanic and electrolytic corrosion of the terminals which would cause electrical and physical degradation.
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(2003-07-08) Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)

Continuity Analyzer/Totalizer
Data Logger
Temp. Chamber(s) (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C, 0%-95% RH)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. For Design Verification testing, connect all wired terminals of the connector pairs in series to form one
continuous current path with only two free ends. Solder one of the free wire ends to a 2 watt, 120 +/- 1.2
ohm resistor. Preset the power supply to provide 12 VDC @ 100 mA to the circuit. Solder the "-" (Neg.)
lead to the free end of the resistor and the "+" (Pos.) lead to the remaining free wire of the connector pairs.
Connect the Continuity Analyzer/Totalizer (CA/T) across the resistor, making sure that the "-" lead of the
CA/T is connected to the negative side of the resistor. Set the CA/T to record any change in current
through the resistor below 95 mA.
A reference illustration of the test setup is shown by Figure 10.
For Production Validation testing, power the device and monitor operation.
The test fixtures, system layout, and test setup must be approved by the responsible engineer prior to
D. Determine the class temperature of the connector system from Table 2.
E. Place the assembly in the chamber such that there is no substantial obstruction to air flow across and
around the samples, and the samples are at least 50 mm apart in all directions. Any mounting plates used
must be made of non-conductive material such as wood or high temperature plastic.
F. Cycle the assembly 40 times using the cycling schedule shown in the device specification or Figure 11.
Use the maximum class temperature for hours 5 - 7 in Figure 11, currently Class 4 is illustrated.
G. Verify the acceptance criteria.

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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation
(2003-07-08) Acceptance Criteria

For Design Verification testing verify the following requirements in the order presented:
A. Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5
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B. Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4

C. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
For Production Validation testing verify the following:
A. No intermittencies in device operation during the test.
2.6.8 High Temperature Exposure
If the device specification has a High Temperature Exposure test, use those test parameters.
For Design Verification tests use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance.
For Production Validation tests use production intent devices. Purpose
This test evaluates the effects of long term elevated temperature on connector assembly components.
Thermal aging may induce flow of metal and plastic materials as well as stress relaxation. These effects
would have a detrimental effect on electrical and physical performance. Equipment
- Temp. Chamber(s) (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C, 0%-95% RH)
- Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. The test fixtures, system layout, and test setup must be approved by the responsible engineer prior to
D. Use the maximum operating temperature of the device or determine the class temperature of the
connector system from Table 2, and set the chamber to the maximum temperature for that class. Allow
the chamber to stabilize before proceeding.
E. Place the assembly in the chamber such that there is no substantial obstruction to air flow across and
around the samples, and the samples are at least 50 mm apart in all directions. Any mounting plates used
must be made of non-conductive material such as wood or high temperature plastic. Leave the assembly
in the chamber for 1008 hours.
F. At intervals of 24, 168, 504, 840, and 1008 hours verify device operation.
Additional measurement intervals may be requested by the responsible engineering personnel. Acceptance Criteria
For Design Verification testing verify the requirements of the following tests in the order presented:
A. Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5
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B. Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4

C. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
For Production Validation testing verify the following:
A. No intermittencies in device operation during the test.
2.6.9 Salt Fog
If the device specification has a Salt Fog test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests, and for Design Verification tests. Use dummy devices. Purpose
This test evaluates the sealing performance of a connector assembly under salt fog conditions. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)

Salt Spray Chamber in compliance with latest revision of ASTM-B117
Millivolt meter (0-200 mVDC @ 0.5% accuracy FS)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
This test shall be performed in accordance with the latest revision of ASTM B117 with the following
A. Mate the connector device and harness pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, connector, and seals.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. Solder one millivolt drop lead to each terminal wire on test at T1 and T4 per Figure 4. All millivolt drop
leads shall be single conductor, 28 gauge insulated wire. Install heat shrinkable tubing over each millivolt
drop lead to wire attachment.
D. Secure the connector assemblies to a steel ground plane with a plastic locator (or appropriate
substitute) with devices mounted in vehicle orientation.
E. Position the ground plane in the salt fog chamber per ASTM B117 paragraph 5.1.1 such that the test
samples are directly exposed to the fog spray.
F. Except during electrical measurements, continuously apply 14 +/- 0.5 VDC across adjacent terminals in
each multi-cavity connector. For single terminal connectors, apply 14 +/- 0.5 VDC across the ground
plane and terminal under test.
G. The samples shall be subjected to the salt spray test per ASTM B117 for a period of 96 hours.
H. Measure and record the total terminal connection millivolt drop per ampere (contact resistance) at the
start of the test, second hour, twenty fourth hour, and every twenty four hours thereafter for each test
terminal. Test current shall be 5.0 +/- 0.5 amps. Test current shall be "on" only for the duration of the
millivolt drop measurements. The power supply voltage for the millivolt drop test shall not exceed 12.0
VDC. The terminal connection millivolt drop values are obtained by taking the reading obtained above and
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subtracting the millivolt drop due to the wires between the test leads.
I. Measure and record the isolation resistance at 500 VDC (unless otherwise specified) across adjacent
terminals for each multi-cavity connector hard shell. For terminals installed in single cavity connector hard
shells, measure isolation resistance at 500 VDC across the ground plane and each terminal under test.
During this test, open the circuit for the millivolt drop leads. Measure insulation resistance at the second
hour, twenty fourth hour, and every 24 hours thereafter for each terminal.
J. Verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria
For Engineering Development tests and Design Verification tests:
A. No evidence of corrosion may be visible under 10X magnification.
B. Contact resistance after the test must be no greater than 3 times the initial contact resistance for the
crimp and interface.
C. Verify the requirements of the Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4.
For Production Validation tests:
A. No intermittencies during device operation.
B. No evidence of corrosion may be visible under 10X magnification.
2.6.10 Salt Water and Soap Shower
If the device specification has a Salt Water and Soap Shower test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests use fully sealed devices constructed without electrically connecting
the terminals to the device.
For Design Verification tests use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance.
For Production Validation testing, use production intent devices. Purpose
This test evaluates the sealing performance of a connection system when subjected to a salt water and
soap solution shower. Equipment

DC Power Supply (0-20 VDC @ 0-150 A)

Salt Spray Chamber in compliance with latest revision of ASTM-B117
Millivolt meter (0-200 mVDC @ 0.5% accuracy FS)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
This test shall be performed according to the latest revision of ASTM B117 with the following changes:
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as device and
harness terminals, wedges, and seals.
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B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.

C. For Engineering Development and Design Verification tests, solder one millivolt drop lead to each
terminal wire on test. All millivolt drop leads shall be single conductor, 28 gauge insulated wire. Install
heat shrinkable tubing over each millivolt drop lead to wire attachment.
D. Secure the connector assemblies to a steel ground plane with a plastic locator (or appropriate
substitute) with devices mounted in vehicle orientation.
E. Position the ground plane in the salt spray chamber per ASTM B117 paragraph 6.1.1 such that the test
samples are directly exposed to the salt water and soap spray.
F. Except during electrical measurements, continuously apply 14 +/- 0.5 VDC across adjacent terminals in
each multi-cavity connector. For single terminal connectors, apply 14 +/- 0.5 VDC across the ground
plane and terminal under test.
G. For Engineering Development testing, perform the Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4 and verify
acceptance criteria.
H. Expose the samples to a shower head type spray of water mixed with 5% salt and 4% dish soap,
heated to 40 DEG C, at a pressure of 15, 40, or 70 PSI as requested by the responsible engineering
personnel. The shower head should be located 200 - 300 mm above the samples with a flow rate of 20
gallons per hour. The spray shall be 'ON' for 2 seconds of a 4 second cycle for a total of 450 cycles (the
total test time is 30 minutes).
I. Upon completion of the test verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria
For Engineering Development testing verify the requirements of the following test:
A. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4.
For Design Verification testing verify the requirements of the following tests in the order presented:
A. Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5
B. Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4
C. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
2.6.11 Fluid Resistance
If the device specification has a Fluid Resistance test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests use fully sealed devices constructed without electrically affecting the
terminals to the device.
For Design Verification tests use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance. Purpose
This test evaluates the effects upon a connector system when immersed in various automotive fluids. Equipment
- Laboratory Fume Hood
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- Stainless steel tanks or Pyrex beakers

- Megohmmeter
- Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. Completely immerse the samples in each fluid listed below for 5 minutes, samples are to be immersed
in one fluid only and not consecutively unless otherwise requested by the responsible engineering
CAUTION: Follow all, federal and local, safety standards and procedures when performing this test.

SAE J 1703 Brake Fluid @ 50 DEG C

ASTM #3 Oil @ 100 DEG C
ASTM Reference Fuel C @ 25 DEG C
Engine Coolant (50/50 with water) @ 100 DEG C
Automatic Transmission Fluid @ 100 DEG C
Windshield Washer Fluid @ 25 DEG C
Power Steering Fluid @ 100 DEG C
Diesel Fuel @ 25 DEG C
M85 Methanol Fuel (85/15) @ 25 DEG C

D. Perform the Visual Inspection test per 2.4 and verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria
For Engineering Development testing verify the requirements of the following test:
A. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4.
For Design Verification testing verify the requirements of the following tests in the presented order:
A. Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5
B. Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4
C. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
2.6.12 Immersion
If the device specification has an Immersion test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests use fully sealed devices constructed without electrically attaching the
terminals to the device.
For Design Verification tests use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance.
For Production Validation tests use production-intent devices. Purpose
This test evaluates the sealing capability of a sealed connection system when immersed in salt water for
extended periods of time.
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(2003-07-08) Equipment

Stainless steel tanks or Pyrex beakers

Temp. Chamber (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C, 0%-95% RH)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. Use the maximum operating temperature of the device or determine the class temperature of the
connector system from Table 2, and set the chamber to the maximum temperature for that class. Allow
the chamber to stabilize before proceeding.
D. Place the samples in the chamber such that there is no substantial obstruction to air flow across and
around the samples, and the samples are at least 50 mm apart in all directions. Any mounting plates used
must be made of non-conductive material such as wood or high temperature plastic. Soak the samples in
the temp. chamber for 2 hours.
E. Remove the samples from the chamber and immediately immerse them in a 25 DEG C, 5% salt water
solution. A dye may be added to assist in the visual inspection of any ingress of solution into the
connector assemblies. The samples shall be immersed until the device temperature stabilizes.
F. For Engineering Development testing, repeat steps D - E four more times.
G. Immediately following the last immersion, verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria
For Engineering Development testing verify the requirements of the following test:
A. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
For Design Verification testing verify the requirements of the following tests in the presented order:
A. Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test of 2.5.5
B. Voltage Drop test of 2.5.4
C. Isolation Resistance test of 2.6.4
For Production Validation testing verify the following:
A. No intermittencies in device operation during the test.
2.6.13 Pressure/Vacuum Leak
If the device specification has a Pressure/Vacuum leak test, use those test parameters.
For Engineering Development tests use fully sealed devices constructed without electrically attaching the
terminals to the device.
For Design Verification tests use dummy devices constructed to monitor connector performance.
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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation
(2003-07-08) Purpose
This test evaluates the sealing capability of a connector system when subjected to a pressure differential. Equipment

Pressure/Vacuum Source (Regulated)

Container (to immerse samples in)
Temp. Chamber (-40 DEG C to +155 DEG C, 0%-95% RH)
Production intent wire harnesses Procedure
A. Mate the device and harness connector pairs using all applicable components such as terminals,
wedges, and seals. Insert a tube of sufficient diameter, to ensure that it is not a possible leak path, into
one cavity of each sample. Bend all wires 90 DEG to the back of the connector, keep the wires bent @
90 DEG throughout the test, and seal off all loose cable ends to eliminate possible leak paths. Wires may
be looped from one cavity to another to reduce the number of loose cable ends.
B. Number each connector assembly and verify device operation.
C. Connect the free end of the tube to a regulated pressure source.
D. Mate the samples and place the samples in a temp. chamber, set to the maximum operating
temperature of the device or the maximum temperature for the class of connection systems for 70 to 74
hours. Refer to Table 2 to determine the connection class.
E. Completely immerse the samples into a container of 25 DEG C, 5% salt water solution. An ultraviolet
dye may be added to the solution to assist in leak detection.
F. Wait for the device temperature to stabilize and verify the acceptance criteria.
G. Turn on the pressure until the gauge reads 28 kPa of pressure.
H. Observe samples for 15 seconds and verify that there are no air bubbles or loss of pressure.
I. Remove the samples and carefully dry all excess fluid from the exterior surfaces of the samples. Acceptance Criteria
A. When positive pressure is applied to the connector system there should be no loss in the applied
pressure and no bubbles.
B. When negative pressure (vacuum) is applied verify the requirements of the Isolation Resistance test of
2.6.4. Unmate the samples and verify that there is no ingress of fluid into the connector assembly. Use
an ultraviolet light to detect the dye.
2.7 Special Tests
2.7.1 Solderability
This test is required for devices with headers. Purpose
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This test evaluates the ability of a terminal to be soldered or plated with solder for header applications. Equipment
- Solder Bath
- Tin/Lead (70/30) Solder
- Flux and flux remover Procedure
A. Coat the solderable area of the samples with flux and drain vertically for 60 seconds.
B. Dip the solderable areas of the samples into the solder bath containing eutectic 70/30 solder heated to
232 DEG C +/-6 DEG C for a period of 4 +/-1 seconds.
C. After removal from the solder bath, allow the samples to solidify by air drying vertically.
D. Remove excess flux with a non-abrasive solvent flux remover.
E. Verify the acceptance criteria. Acceptance Criteria
The soldered area shall be at least 95% covered with a smooth, uniform coating when viewed at 10X
magnification. The balance shall show only non-concentrated pinholes or dewetting spots.
3.1 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
Within 90 days of source selection the supplier must submit a preliminary design FMEA, based on the
current design concept to the design engineer for review. A revised FMEA must be submitted ten (10)
weeks prior to program tooling release and must be fully approved by the responsible engineer before
tooling release. The supplier must complete a process FMEA and submit it to the responsible engineer
and the applicable Supplier Quality representative at least ninety (90) days prior to start of production
validation testing. Additional information regarding FMEA preparation is contained in the Chrysler, Ford,
and General Motors, Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) manual.
3.2 Part Endurance
The objective of the design and construction of the components and connector systems is to be capable of
operating in its intended environment and application, without malfunction, for at least 10 years or 240,000
kilometers (150,000 miles) whichever occurs first.
Successful completion of Sec. 2.6.5 specified in this document is intended to show 95% reliability, with
90% confidence.
The supplier shall not change any material or process requirements subsequent to Design Verification
approval without the written consent of the appropriate Vehicle Engineering Office.
Production items shall meet all the requirements of this standard.
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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation

A supplier who furnishes finished parts to Chrysler Corporation is responsible for the quality of all
components of the shipped assembly or end item; whether component parts are processed/manufactured
by him or purchased from another source.
Prior to the submission, the supplier shall submit a request for waiver of the requirements of this standard
that are not satisfied by the design or materials to be used.
The general responsibilities regarding Design Verification, Production Part Approval Process, Product
Validation and Continuing Conformance are shown in PF-8500, General Requirements.
The supplier is responsible for satisfactorily completing all testing specified in this standard and showing
proof of conformance.
5.1 Sample Documentation
Engineering test samples shall be identified by part number and serial number unless otherwise noted.
5.2 Measurement Accuracy
Meters and gages used in measurements of the test sample shall be capable of measuring to one count
less than the specified value. For example, even though a 0.1 mm and 0.10 mm might be the same
diameter, calipers capable of 0.01 mm resolution may be used to measure the first wire but a micrometer
with 0.001 mm resolution is required to measure the second wire.
5.3 Test Repeatability & Calibration
Repeatability studies shall be performed on all laboratory equipment after initial calibration and before use
for product evaluation. Individual gages and meters may be certified by manufacturer specifications. All
equipment used for product evaluation shall be repeatable to within 10% of the specification value (i.e. 10
consecutive readings of the same dimension, which is 0.10 mm and must be within a 0.01 mm range).
5.4 Conformance Determination
Test conformance shall be determined by the performance requirements of the test being performed. All
samples shall satisfy the performance requirements regardless of age, cycles, or temperature.
5.5 Disposition of Samples
Should a premature test non-conformance occur, contact the requesting party to determine if the test is to
be continued to gain additional product experience or if testing is to be suspended. When contact cannot
be immediately made, the type of test shall determine the disposition of the samples. If the test order
indicates that the test is investigative in nature, continue until the requesting party or parties are available.
If the test order is for sample approval or validation, stop the test until the requesting party can be
5.6 Test Sequence
Test sequence is the order in which tests are performed. The sequence should be logical, and
interrelated, in order to establish the performance characteristics of the component or assembly.
A. Destructive tests should be performed on samples which are not used in further test sequences.
B. The Dry Circuit Voltage Drop test should always be performed before any other electrical test and prior
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to sample movement.
C. Each major environment should have its own sequence.
D. Fixtures and test setups should be reviewed by the responsible engineer prior to testing.
E. The following tables are base sequences and may be altered according to the responsible engineer's
Module Type
Sample Size
Visual Inspection
Terminal -Terminal
As specified
Terminal Bend Resistance
As specified
Terminal Retention
As specified
Voltage Drop
Dry Circuit Voltage Drop
Connector - Connector
Cavity strength
Vibration/Mechanical Shock
Isolation Resistance
Thermal Shock
Salt Fog

Note 1
Note 2
No failures
No failures
Note 2
Note 2
No failures
No failures
Note 2
Note 2
Note 2
Failure or
142 hours

Salt Water and Soap Shower

Fluid Resistance
No failures
Pressure/Vacuum Leak
NOTE 1: Photographs and/or video recordings are required to document the physical appearance of
untested, as manufactured samples.
NOTE 2: Calculate the mean and the variation for each response.

Visual Inspection
Engage/Disengage Force
Terminal Bend Resistance
Terminal Retention
Voltage Drop
Dry Circuit Voltage


Module Type
Sample Size


As specified

No failures



As specified

No failures
No failures




No failures2
No failures

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Note 1


Module Type
Sample Size
Connector - Connector
No failures
Engage/Disengage Force
No failures
Cavity Strength
No failures
Isolation Resistance
No failures
500 Hour Current Cycle
No failures
Thermal Shock
No failures
No failures3
High Temperature Exposure
No failures
Salt Fog
No failures
Salt Water and Soap Shower
No failures
Fluid Resistance
No failures
No failures
Pressure/Vacuum Leak
No failures
NOTE 1: Photographs and/or video recordings are required to document the physical appearance of
untested, as manufactured samples.
NOTE 2: Mate and unmate connectors 10 times prior to test.
NOTE 3: Test can be combined with device operating life test
Module Type
Sample Size
Visual Inspection
4 devices
Engage/Disengage Force
Connector - Connector
Engage/Disengage Force
Vibration/Mechanical Shock
500 Hour Current Cycle

Note 1
No failures

No failures
No failures
No failures

No failures
High Temperature Exposure
No failures
Salt Water and Soap Shower
No failures
No failures
Pressure/Vacuum Leak
No failures
NOTE 1: Photographs and/or video recordings are required to document the physical appearance of
untested, as manufactured samples.

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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation


Module Type
Sample Size
Visual Inspection
Note 1
No failures
Engage/Disengage Force
Connector -Connector
No failures
Engage/Disengage Force
NOTE 1: Photographs and/or video recordings are required to document the physical appearance of
untested, as manufactured samples prior to performing terminal-mechanical and connectormechanical.
CPA. Connector Position Assurance.
CT/A. Continuity Totalizer Analyzer.
CUT. Component Under Test.
DEADHEAD MODULE. A device that may have internal circuitry, however that circuitry is not connected
to the terminals. See dummy module, also.
DEVICE CONNECTOR. A connector that mates with the electrical interface of a device (e.g. headlamp,
switch, horn, etc.).
DMM. Digital Multimeter.
DUE CARE. The proper use of engineering judgement to assure a part is fit for use and meets FMVSS
requirements. The assurance that design specifications and test plans satisfy FMVSS requirements.
DUMMY MODULE. A device that has no internal circuitry. Terminals are left unconnected inside of the
device. See deadhead module, also.
DVP&R. An acronym for Design Verification Plan & Report.
EDGEBOARD CONNECTOR. A connector system that utilizes the edge of a printed circuit board for an
electrical interface.
EWCAP. Electrical Wiring Components Application Partnership.
FEMALE CONNECTOR. The connector that houses the female terminal(s).
FEMALE TERMINAL. The connector receptacle that receives the male blade or pin.
FMEA. Failure Mode Effects Analysis.
FMVSS. Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard.
HEADER CONNECTOR. A connector system that utilizes fixed male terminal(s) inserted into a housing
and usually soldered to a printed circuit board.
IACS. International Annealed Copper Standard.
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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation

IDC. Insulation Displacement Connection.

INHERENT RELIABILITY. The reliability intrinsic to the basic design which is the best that can be
expected. Realities of production volumes and operational field use prevent a product from performing at
its inherent reliability level.
INLINE CONNECTOR. A connection system designed for wire harness to wire harness interconnections.
Typically the terminals, insulators, wedges, and seals for this connection system are manufactured
separate of each other and then assembled later.
INTEGRAL CONNECTOR. A connection system designed for wire harness to device interconnections.
Connector features are molded into the device.
KELVIN MEASUREMENT. A measurement technique which places the test probes ahead of the high
current connections to eliminate the voltage drop associated with the power connections.
LEAKAGE. Current passes between open contacts when voltage potential exists. By increasing the
potential to 500 volts DC or more, the current flow or leakage becomes measurable even though at a
micro or nanoampere scale. Leakage at a known voltage is useful in estimating contact air gap without
specimen disassembly.
MALE CONNECTOR. The connector that houses the male terminal(s).
MALE TERMINAL. The metal blade or pin that inserts into the female terminal.
MVD. Millivolt Drop.
NUISANCE. An event which contradicts the basic function of the device. An example of a nuisance
opening would be the momentary opening of a normally closed contact due to the vehicle passing through
a chuckhole.
PLR. Positive Latch Reinforcement.
RH. Relative Humidity.
SPECIAL TOOL. A tool specifically designed to mate and/or unmate a connector, or to insert and/or
remove a connector component.
SOAK. Expose the device under test to specific temperature and voltage conditions while the sample is
mounted in the test chamber with all necessary attachments. In this manner, performance may be
immediately assessed after the required time period.
TPA. Terminal Position Assurance.
TUT. Terminal Under Test.
USCAR. United States Council for Automotive Research.
VARIANCE. A print or test parameter which does not meet specification.
WEDGE/SPACER. A connector component used to back up the primary latch.
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Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation

Three asterisks *** after the section/paragraph header denotes multiple technical changes to the
section/paragraph. A triple asterisk before and after a string of text (***text***) identifies a single change.
Certain important information relative to this standard has been included in separate standards. To assure
the parts submitted meet all of DaimlerChrysler requirements, it is mandatory that the requirements in the
following standards be met.
CS-9800 - Application of this standard, the subscription service, and approved sources
CS-9003 - Regulated substances and recyclability
QS-9000 - Quality system requirements
Within Engineering Standards, the Regulatory (Government-mandated) requirements are designated by
<S>, <E> and <H> which correspond to Safety, Emission and Homologation Shields respectively. The
DCC-mandated requirements are designated by <D>, <A> and <T> and correspond to the Diamond,
Appearance and Traceability symbols respectively.
For specific information on this document, please refer to the contact person shown in the "Publication
Information" Section of this document. For general information on obtaining Engineering Standards and
Laboratory Procedures, see CS-9800 or contact the Engineering Standards Department at
[email protected].
Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) manual
Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors, Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) manual
Military Standard 1344A
PF-9600, Attachment A
SAE J823
DaimlerChrysler, "Product Assurance Testing" manual (84-231-1311)
Quality System Requirements QS-9000
DaimlerChrysler Process Sign-Off (84-231-1227)
Not Applicable.
Contact/Phone No: William R. Tabor / (313) 493-2461
Alternate Contact/Phone No: Neil Martinuzzi / (313) 714-0906
Dept. Name & Dept. No./Tech Club/Organization: Electrical / Electronic Core Engineering Dept. 6960
Date Standard Originally (Initially) Issued: 1995-03-22
Date Published: 2004-04-08
Change Notice:
Description of Change:
Removed <S> reference
PF-9590, Change B, 2004-04-08, Page 38
Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation

Removed FMVSS-303 reference

Reformatted entire document


PF-9590, Change B, 2004-04-08, Page 39

Copyright DaimlerChrysler Corporation

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