Complinace CBD Towers Scope (SM6)
Complinace CBD Towers Scope (SM6)
Complinace CBD Towers Scope (SM6)
A. Drawings and general provisions of the Contract, including Conditions of Contract and
Division 01 Specification Sections, apply to this Section. Noted
A. This Section includes medium-voltage switchgear and associated auxiliary equipment. Noted
B. Shop and Construction Drawings: Submit drawings for approval including, but not limited
to, the following:
D. Technical Literature: Submit the following for approval prior to equipment manufacture:
1. Schedule of selected circuit breakers, relays and control gear, with complete
identification of each component and its characteristics. DWG will be submitted in order phase
E. Type Test Certificates: Submit to verify compliance of main equipment with the relevant
IEC Standards, including the following: Comply
F. Routine Tests: Each complete switchgear unit shall undergo routine tests at the Comply
manufacturer's works in accordance with the relevant standards.
G. Qualification Data: For firms and persons specified in "Quality Assurance" Article.
I. Field Test Reports: Indicate and interpret test results for compliance with performance
requirements. FAT procedures are as per attached FAT program
K. Submit a list of spare parts and tools required for 5 years of operation as expected under
local conditions. Include part and drawing numbers, current unit prices, and source of
supply. Not provided in our offer, can be provided in a separate offer.
L. Coordination Study: Submit protection coordination study, including pick-up settings and
time-grading, together with time-current curves, equipment damage curves and range of
adjustments etc. as required to coordinate with upstream and downstream protective devices
of the complete system based on coordination curves of protective devices used and specific
calculated prospective short circuit currents at various points. Comply in order stage
B. Standards: Equipment and component parts shall comply with the following Standards:
2. Common Clauses for HV Switchgear and Control Gear Standards: IEC 62271-1.
3. A.C. Metal-Enclosed Switchgear and Control Gear for Rated Voltages above 1 kV
and up to and including 52 kV: IEC 62271-200.
4. HV A.C. Circuit Breakers: IEC 62271-100.
5. Insulation Coordination: IEC 60071.
6. HV A.C. switch-fuse combinations: IEC 62271-105.
7. A.C. Disconnectors (isolators) and Earthing Switches: IEC 62271-102.
8. HV Switches for rated voltages above 1 kV and less than 52 kV: IEC 62271-103.
9. Surge Arrestors: IEC 60099.
10. Metering and Protective Current Transformers (CTs): IEC 61869-2.
11. Metering and Protective voltage Transformers (VTs): IEC 61869-3.
12. Protection and measuring relays: IEC 60255.
13. Reading Instruments: IEC 60051.
14. Watt-Hour Meters: IEC 62052-11, 62053-11, 62053-22 & 60051.
15. Power Transformers: IEC 60076.
16. Sulfur Hexa-Fluoride: IEC 60376.
17. Fuses: IEC 60282-1.
18. Climate Conditions: IEC 60721-3-3 & 60721-3-4.
1.5 WARRANTY Warranty is for 12 months from startup & commissioning or 18 months from delivery
whichever comes earlier
A. Provide complete system warranty in which Manufacturer, Installer, and Contractor are
jointly and severally liable and agree to repair or replace all defective components of the
warranted item. Warranty shall include both, materials and workmanship, warranty shall
1. Defective materials and installation.
2. Failure to comply with requirements stated in technical specifications.
3. Structural failures including, but not limited to, excessive deflection.
4. Faulty operation of movable parts such as hardware.
5. Deterioration of metals, metal finishes, and other materials beyond normal
weathering and use.
6. Delamination of exterior or interior facing materials.
7. Making good and installation and finishing all items that are disturbed and that may
be required due to repair or replacement of defective items. Coordinate with
Employer, manufacturer, and installer of adjacent disturbed items to ensure that their
warranty is not cancelled due to the repair work
B. Warranty Period: 1 year from the date of the substantial completion of the project.
1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING Noted, Schneider Electric delivery terms is EXW Badr
Factory (Incoterms 2010)
A. Deliver in shipping splits of lengths that can be moved past obstructions in delivery path as
A. Coordinate layout and installation of switchgear with other construction and room
dimensions. Advise the Engineer in case of conflict.
B. Coordinate size and location of concrete or mounting bases. Concrete, reinforcement, and
formwork requirements are specified in Division 03 Section "Cast-in-Place Concrete."
C. Coordinate installation of roof curbs, equipment supports, and roof penetrations. These
items are specified in Division 7 Section "Roof Accessories."
1.8 EXTRA MATERIALS Spare Parts are not offered (Can be offered against extra cost)
A. Spare Parts: Provide spare parts, as recommended by the manufacturer, for one year
maintenance as expected under local conditions, and to allow for emergency replacement
due to accidental breakage or failure. Spare parts shall include, but are not limited to, the
1. Two sets of each type of lamp, fuse, auxiliary switch, trip coil, control switch,
selector switch, neon indicator and the like.
2. Complete set of main contacts of each rating.
3. Complete set of breaker/switch auxiliary contacts.
4. Complete mechanism of breaker/switch of each type.
5. Drive motor of each type.
B. Tools and Instruments: Provide tools and instruments required for normal routine
inspection, testing, operation and maintenance including levering crank, manual charging
handle, manual shutter operator, testing jumpers and HV test bushings, set of rail
extensions, digital micro ohm-meter, set of mobile lifting and handling equipment etc. as
necessary for the type of switchgear.
Contractor Scope
1.9 FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST FAT procedures are as per attached FAT program
A. Factory acceptance tests of equipment under this Contract are subject to be witnessed by the
Engineer. Witness test shall include complete routine and function testing on all units to be
witnessed. Test procedure and program shall be submitted for approval prior to test
conduction by at least 14 days. The contractor shall include in his price the cost of factory
witness test visits at manufacturer’s premises to cover all types of tests including business
class air tickets, five stars Hotel full accommodation, transportation and all test expenses for
four Man visits subject to further coordination/agreement with the client.
1. ABB
2. Schneider Electric
3. Siemens
4. Eaton.
B. Locally assembled products by one of the above approved manufacturers are acceptable
subject to compliance with design requirements and adequacy of reference list and quality
control of the local factory. Noted
A. Busbars: high conductivity, electrolytic copper, modular, designed to withstand worst short-
circuit conditions without allowing permissible temperature rise at ambient conditions to be
exceeded, in accordance with the Standards. Busbar connection from one unit of switchgear
to another shall be expansion/contraction compensated, plated and bolted. Bolted or
clamped contact surfaces shall be properly tin or electro-silver plated as necessary. Busbar
supports shall be flame-retardant, track-resistant, glass polyester, porcelain or equally
reliable fiberglass reinforced epoxy to approved standards. Comply
B. Busbars: shall be tin-plated and insulated either with epoxy insulation applied by the fluid-
dip process or heat shrinkable insulating sleeves. Busbar connections shall be insulated with
easily installed, performed vinyl boots, secured by nylon hardware. Comply
C. Earth Bus: Copper of not less than minimum size required by the Standards, designed to
withstand worst earth- fault current of power system without showing any signs of thermal
or mechanical damage or degradation. Earth bus shall extend full length of switchgear. Comply
D. Power Cable Terminations: Fixed bolted type, unless otherwise specified, complete with
standard fittings and accessories for connection of incoming and outgoing cables. Cable
compartment shall be designed to permit cables to enter enclosure and connect at respective
terminals from below. Comply noting that cable termination boxes are out of schneider electric Egypt's
E. Where single core cables are used, top / bottom cable entry plates shall be made of
Aluminum with adequate thickness and rigidity to support cables. Comply with schneider electric Egypt's
F. All switchgear shall be provided with Local/Remote selector switch for controlling the
switchgear either from local or remotely via IBMS system. Comply
G. Potential Indicators: Neon indicators shall be provided at front of each switchgear unit, one
per phase, using capacitive potential divider to indicate voltage state on cable terminals. Comply with LED
H. The primary windings of VTs shall be protected by a HRC fuses.Comply for RMUs & don't comply for
I. The secondary windings of VTs shall be protected by MCBs located at the LV
compartment. Each MCB shall be equipped with necessary auxiliary contacts for alarm,
interlock, IBMS interface, etc. applications. Comply
J. All secondary circuits shall be wire with PVC insulated flexible 750V copper wires, with a
minimum cross section of 1.5mm2 for control, alarms, signaling etc, and 2.5mm2 and
4mm2 for voltage and current circuits respectively. comply noting that voltage circuit is 1.5 mm2
K. The secondary circuits of the current transformers shall be connected to terminal blocks
located inside the LV compartment. These terminal blocks shall be equipped with suitable
built-in make before break shorting facilities. Comply for MVSGRs
L. DC supplies to each cubicle shall be protected by suitable MCBs equipped with necessary
auxiliary contacts to give alarms in case of MCB trips. Comply for MVSGRs
M. Interlocks shall be provided on switchgear so that: Comply for fixed type circuit breakers in MVSGRs
1. Circuit breaker cannot be isolated, earthed or put into service position when closed.
2. Access to cable compartments cannot be made unless earthing switch is closed.
3. Earthing switch cannot be opened unless cable compartment is closed.
Not used N. Keys and padlocks shall be provided for manually interlocking two or more units if
Electrical & required. Electrical and mechanical interlocks shall be provided for automatic safe and
Mechanical functional operation of the system as specified or shown on the Drawings/Schedules.
Interlocks are provided where applicable
O. Earthing facilities shall be provided for earthing and/or short-circuiting the feeder at its
terminals through built-in, safety-interlocked, quick-make earthing switch, without use of
loose attachments. Comply
P. Metal cases of instruments and control devices shall be connected by PVC insulated copper
conductors of not less than 2.5mm2 cross-section to nearest earth bar. Connected to the switchgear enclosure
which is connected to the earth bar
Q. Ferrules: Cable and wire ends shall be fitted with numbered ferrules of approved type at
each termination. Colour coding shall be as required by the Regulations and the applicable
Section of the Specification. Comply with IEC standards
R. Test terminal blocks shall be provided inside insulating covered bases for instruments,
instrument transformers, relays etc. in LV compartments. Comply for MVSGRs
T. Finish: Inner and outer surfaces of steel enclosures and structure shall be cleaned,
phosphatized, primed with rust inhibiting primer and finished with two coats of baked
enamel, color standard gray (RAL 7033) unless otherwise approved. Finish shall be vermin
and fungus proof and suitable for worst climatic conditions on site. Comply with RAL 9003-electrostatic painting
U. MV Switchgear Ratings:
1. Rated Supply Voltage of Closing and Opening Devices and Auxiliary Circuits: 110
D.C. V. Comply through battery & Charger
A. Type: For installation indoors categorized (LSC2B-PM), four compartments with metallic
partitions, comprising air insulated single busbar system, horizontally isolated,
withdrawable circuit breakers, floor mounted, free standing, modular design of matching
units to form a continuous integral metal-clad switchgear assembly extendable at either end.
B. Degree of Protection: Switchgear shall have a degree of protection against contact with live
parts or contact with movable parts and against external effects of IP 4Xfor enclosures and
IP 2X for partitions/shutters according to IEC 62271-1 and IEC 60529, when in the
connected position.
C. Construction: Each switchgear unit shall be divided into main switchgear compartment,
busbar compartment, cable compartment and LV compartment and shall comprise
withdrawable part and stationary part. Compartments shall have bolted, interconnected and
earthed metal partitions. Enclosures, structure and partitions shall be galvanized steel.
D. Withdrawable part shall comprise circuit breaker with operating and control mechanism,
isolating contacts and front shield completing the compartment enclosure, all mounted on
one metal truck or carriage, provided with racking mechanism to allow for moving the
withdrawable part between connected, disconnected/test (control circuits are connected) and
removed positions. Isolating contacts shall be self-aligning, pressure type, silver plated
copper, fully shrouded, and visible when in disconnected position.
E. Stationary part shall comprise the various compartments and required fixed components of
the unit, with all operating, monitoring, setting and adjusting devices, protective relays, key
interlocking and padlocking devices accessible to operator at front panel.
F. Front panel shall include open and closed indicating lamps, on and off circuit breaker
control switch, mimic diagram, pad lockable earthing switch handle with indications of
position and direction of rotation, and potential indicators, as a general requirement for all
1. A mimic diagram shall be provided on the front of the cubicles. The mimic shall
indicate bussing, connections, switching devices, earth switches and voltage
transformers as per the single line diagram. The mimic shall be painted or made of
black colored plastic strips, 1/2 in wide, fastened flat against the panel face according
to manufacturer’s standards."
G. Metal safety shutters shall automatically close isolator spouts in fixed compartment when
withdrawable part is in disconnected position. Shutters shall be double latched for extra
safety, pad lockable, painted red and with the word “BUSBARS” marked in white on front
of busbar shutters and painted yellow with the word “CABLE” marked in white on cable
end shutters.
H. Metal Truck: unless a circuit breaker is provided with a self truck, each switchgear room
shall be provided with a 4-wheel type truck, with handle for racking and locking breaker
into in-service or disconnected positions. Truck shall be of self-aligning design running on
fixed steel rails, continuously earthed.
8. Circuit breaker shall be mechanically prevented from being inserted into the service
position when the busbar earth switch of the associated busbar is closed.
J. Access to LV and auxiliary wiring shall be from front of unit for control, protection, test
terminal blocks and associated connections. Multi-pin, disconnectable, lock-in type plug
and socket arrangement shall be provided between withdrawable and fixed parts of
K. Anti-Condensation heaters with hygrostat, switch and pilot lamp, and of rating
recommended by manufacturer shall be provided in each section of switchgear assembly.
L. Wiring diagram, suitably protected and located inside LV compartment of each unit, shall
indicate all data and components related to the particular unit and its external circuitry.
M. Voltage transformers and auxiliary control power transformers with current limiting fuses
shall be provided on withdrawable trucks, unless otherwise specified or shown on the
N. Capacitive Voltage Divider for every incomer cubical equipped with three capacitors
dividers connected to the voltage presence monitored by leds to indicate voltage presence on
O. Switchgear shall be provided with all necessary interface devices for connection with IBMS
P. For further details refer to the Egyptian Electricity Authority technical specifications for 24
KV Switch Board.
A. Type: For installation indoor categorized (LSC2A-PI or PM), three compartments with
insulated or metallic partitions, comprising single busbar, floor mounted, free standing
switchgear of modular construction, forming a continuous integral structure extendable at
either end, with withdrawable mounted circuit breakers or fixed breaker-switch
disconnector combination with circuit breaker, isolating disconnectors, and/or switch –
disconnector-fuse combination, motorized switch disconnector, as specified or shown on the
Drawings. Comply, noting that offered circuit breakers are fixed type
B. Switchgear shall have a degree of protection, against contact with live parts and against
external effects, of IP 3X for enclosures and IP 2XC for partitions according to IEC 62271-1
and IEC 60529, when in the connected position. Comply
C. Circuit Breakers: Frame mounted and bolted into position. Frame shall have wheels for
handling during installation or maintenance. Offered circuit breakers are fixed type
Interlock between isolator and D. Single SF6 isolator shall be provided, on busbar side of circuit breaker, interlocked with
breaker is provided but pad circuit breaker operation such that isolation or connection of the isolator is not possible
locks isn't provided while circuit breaker is closed. Isolators shall be pad lockable in the off and earth positions.
F. Mechanical interlock between the door and the switch disconnector’s “Earth Position” shall
be provided. Comply
G. Control and monitoring of each unit shall be provided on front panel and shall include
mimic diagram, operating handles of main device and earthing switches, position indicators,
close and trip push buttons, potential indicators, identification and instruction plates,
protective devices, metering and indicating instruments, key and padlockable devices, as
specified and shown on the Drawings. Comply
H. Access to LV wiring shall be from front of cubicle for control, protection, test terminal
blocks and associated LV power connections. Multi-pin, disconnectable, lock-in type plug
and socket arrangement shall be provided between circuit breaker and stationary part of
cubicle. Comply
I. Anti-condensation heaters with hygrostat, switch and pilot lamp and of rating recommended
by manufacturer shall be provided in each section of switchgear assembly. Comply
J. Wiring diagram, suitably protected and located inside LV compartment of each unit, shall
indicate all data and components related to the particular unit and its external circuitry. Comply for MVSGRs
K. Capacitive Voltage Divider for every incomer cubical equipped with three capacitors
dividers connected to the voltage presence monitored by leds to indicate voltage presence on
cable. Comply
L. Switchgear shall be provided with all necessary interface devices for connection with IBMS
system. Comply
M. For further details refer to the Egyptian Electricity Authority technical specifications for 24
KV Switch Board. Considered for RMUs but not considered for MVSGRs
A. Type: Indoor metal-enclosed type, extendable two compartments, LSC2B-PM and LSC2A-
PM or PI for breaker/switch type, factory built and dispatched as a complete assembly. Comply
B. Insulation type: Bus bar is air insulated while load break switches are SF6 insulated
1. SF6 switching and insulated copper busbars.
2. Vacuum break switching and insulated copper busbars.
3. Air-break switching and insulated copper busbars.
C. Components: Unit shall consist of Three/Four metal enclosed network ring main switch-
disconnectors for incoming and outgoing , as shown on the Drawings, with cable terminal
fittings behind dead-front panels, and front- mounted switchgear operation, control,
indication and metering devices. Comply as per SLD
D. Degree of Protection: IP 65 to IEC 60529 for MV switchgear parts and IP 41 for enclosure. IP 3X
4. Rated Transformer Off-Load Breaking Current: Same as rated short time in previous
subparagraph. Comply with IEC standards
J. Earth Fault indicators shall be provided for each incoming switch disconnector according to
the Egyptian Electricity Authority requirements. Comply
K. For further details refer to the Egyptian Electricity Authority technical specifications for 24
KV Switch Board. Comply
L. RMU shall be provided with all necessary interface devices for connection with IBMS
system. Comply
A. Type: vacuum break circuit breaker or SF6 circuit breaker, with closed gas circuit, and with
pressure detector to prevent operation of circuit breaker in case of loss of gas pressure
within the sealed enclosure. Offered circuit breakers are SF6 type
B. Circuit breakers used in ring main units shall be of class M1-E2 for mechanical and
electrical endurances respectively to IEC 62271-100. Not applicable, not requested
C. Circuit breakers used in metal enclosed (LSC2A) switchgears shall be of class M2-E2 for
mechanical and electrical endurances respectively to IEC 62271-100. Comply
D. Circuit breakers used in metal clad (LSC2B) switchgears shall be of class M2-E2-C2 for
mechanical and electrical endurances and for restrike probability during capacitive current
breaking respectively to IEC 62271-100. Not applicable
E. SF6 breakers shall be provided with pressure switches, one per pole, to initiate alarm in case
the pressure of the SF6 gas drops below manufacturer set values. Gas filling valves shall be
provided unless sealed type circuit breakers are used. Gas status indicator shall be provided
on circuit breaker front. Comply noting that Gas filling valve isnot applicable as the circuit breaker is sealed
for life
F. Particulars: In addition to the ratings specified in paragraph 2.2U "MV Switchgear Ratings"
of Article 2.22.1B "General Requirements" hereof, circuit breakers shall have the following
G. Operating Mechanism: Mechanically and electrically trip- free, stored energy, spring
loaded, manually charged by lever or hand-crank, electrically charged by suitably rated
universal motor, and capable of one complete off-on-off cycle in case of loss of control
power. The operating mechanism shall include anti-pumping device and incorporate
manual trip facility fitted with a guard. It shall be possible to manually discharge the
springs. Circuit breaker shall have electrical close solenoid, two trip coil and blocking coil,
mechanical on and off status indicator, mechanical and electrical on/off push buttons,
mechanical indication of spring charged, non-resettable operation counter and auxiliary
contacts to satisfy all functions specified or shown on the Drawings. Five N.C. and five
N.O. spare auxiliary contacts for future use shall be provided in addition to those required
different applications. All spare auxiliary contacts shall be wired to terminal blocks inside
the LV compartment marked as spare. Auxiliary relays shall be provided where insufficient
auxiliary contacts are available. Insertion of manual spring charging lever or hand- crank
shall automatically disconnect the motor.Comply noting that offered circuit breaker is fixed type, second shunt isn't provided
and number of auxiliary contacts is 2N.O. + 2N.C.
H. The tripping, closing and auxiliary functions shall be capable of operating at control
Comply voltages between 85 per cent and 110 per cent of the rated values.
J. Mechanical endurances of circuit breakers shall be class M2 according to IEC 62271-100. Comply
A. Operation shall be by handles at front of unit. Switching mechanism shall be manual, spring
charged device, quick-make, quick-break, with speed of switching independent of operator.
Disconnector shall have on and off positions, lockable in the off position. Reliable
mechanical indicator shall be provided for indicating the two positions.
B. Disconnectors for double busbar system shall be 3- pole, paired, rotary double-break type,
mechanically interlocked, separately compartmented, providing positive break indication, as
defined in IEC 602271-102, with contact- position indicating device and reliable method of
preventing any earth-leakage currents passing from terminals of one side to terminals of
other side of disconnector when in the open position.
C. Ratings shall be compatible with standard circuit ratings and as specified in Paragraph
"General Requirements" paragraph 2.2U hereof.
C. Switch-disconnector earthing switch of the quick-make type, front operated (operation being
independent of operator), class E2 for electrical endurance to IEC 62271-102, shall close
onto cable terminals and be interlocked such that it will close only after load-break switch-
disconnector and associated breaker are open. Earth blades shall be visible through an
inspection window. Access to cable compartment shall be prevented unless earthing switch
is closed.
D. Switch-Disconnector Ratings:
A. Protective Relays: Digital, programmable, Microprocessor based, sealed type, having high
immunity to electric field, with modular design, suitable for operation at 55 deg. C ambient
temperature, mounted in dust-tight steel enclosures with cover, with self supervision system
test buttons for testing without removing from case, and built in self regulated power supply
unit and installed where shown on the Drawings. Adjustments and settings shall be
accessible and visible from front of relay. The protective relay shall meet the requirements
of IEC 60255-1. Comply noting that protection relays aren't provided with self regulated power supply unit
B. Protective Relay: shall be supplied with DC power from the switchgear power supply, and
to be provided with a pilot LED which shall be lit under healthy operating conditions. Relay
shall be provided with a self supervision system which upon power supply interruption or a
fault condition shall switch off the LED and to initiate an alarm. The rated current and
voltage for current & voltage sensing relays shall match that of the corresponding current
and voltage transformers of the switchgear respectively. The continuous rating of the output
contacts shall not be less than 5A. Comply
C. The protection relays shall be type tested in accordance with IEC 60255-1 Comply with IEC standrads
Comply with D. Over Current Relay: 3 phase, non-directional, solid state type in accordance with IEC
sepam settings
60255-151 with two setting stages as follows:
1. Low setting stage for overload protection with current setting range of 50 % to 250 %
of rated current in steps of 5%, and adjustable definite time and inverse time
operation modes.
2. High setting stage (instantaneous) for short circuit protection with current setting
range up to 4000% of rated current.
3. For transformer protection, the time and instantaneous units shall not operate on
inrush or due to harmonic currents during transformer energization or on system
faults. Separate additional harmonic restraint relays may have to be provided, if
required based on the transformer manufacturer's data.
Comply with E. Directional Over Current Relay: 3 phase, directional, solid state type for overload protection
sepam settings with current setting range of 50 % to 250 % of rated current in steps of 5%, and adjustable
definite time and inverse time operation modes as per IEC60255-167.
Comply with F. Earth fault relay, non-directional, solid state type in accordance with IEC 60255-151 , with
sepam settings two setting stages as follows:
1. Low setting stage of 10 % to 80 % of rated current and adjustable definite time and
inverse time operation modes.
2. High setting stage (instantaneous) with current setting range up to 1000% of rated
Not used as per SLD G. Restricted earth fault relay, on secondaries of distribution transformers and generators
having a solidly grounded neutral, where specified or indicated on the Drawings, shall be
high impedance, instantaneous differential type, current calibrated from 1% - 20% of phase
H. Under-Voltage, Over Voltage Relays and Phase-Sequence Relays: three phase or three
Comply with
sepam settings
single phase, solid state definite time type in accordance with IEC 60255-127 with the
following setting ranges:
1. Under Voltage Relay: 60 % to 90 % of rated voltage and 0.2 to 6 sec time delay.
2. Over Voltage Relay: 80 % to 130 % of rated voltage and 0.2 to 6 sec time delay.
3. Phase- sequence relay shall prevent operation (closing) of respective circuit breaker
in case of non-conformance of phase rotation.
Modbus RTU (RS485) I. Each relay shall be provided with an interface data link (IEC 61850 or equivalent) and
adequate number of contacts for tripping annunciation, monitoring and interface with IBMS
J. Auxiliary Relay: Suitably rated with sufficient number of N.O. and N.C. contacts for
operation in conjunction with protective relays or control/interlocking requirements. Relay
shall have two N.O. and two N.C. spare contacts. Comply with schneider electric Egypt's standards
K. Surge Arresters on Main Incoming Feeders: Gap-less, metal oxide, heavy duty type,
porcelain housing with the following characteristics: Not provided in our offer
Surge arresters shall be vertical, free standing, explosion-proof type. Submit complete data
and characteristics in accordance with IEC 60099 testing requirements and procedures.
L. Surge Arresters on Outgoing Circuit Breakers: Where specified or shown on the Drawings,
surge arresters shall be gap-less, metal oxide, heavy duty type, porcelain housing with the
following characteristics: Not provided in our offer
Surge arresters shall be vertical, free standing, explosion-proof type. Submit complete data
and characteristics in accordance with IEC 60099 testing requirements and procedures.
M. Control power supply shall be a complete system, including main LV switch, battery
charger, batteries, racks and connectors, factory assembled and completely pre-wired to
minimize field installation. Battery & Charger are included in our offer
As per SE N. Batteries: Nickel cadmium type, of capacity sufficient to supply all MV switchgear auxiliary
technical Offer loads, relays, coils, lamps, alarms etc. for 8 hours, to close all circuit breakers in rapid
succession, and trip all circuit breakers simultaneously with the charger off. Battery shall be
heavy-duty type with transparent containers, maximum and minimum electrolyte level
indicators and alarm initiating relay in case of D.C. output failure. Battery calculation shall
be submitted according to IEEE 1115 based on simultaneous trip of all circuit breakers in
T1 (1 minute) period, continuous load in T2 (478 minutes) period, and successive close of
all circuit breakers in T3 (1 minute) period. Batteries shall be sized for nominal system
voltage +10% -15%. Calculation shall consider the following factors:
1. 1.15 design margin.
2. 1.25 aging factor.
As per SE O. Battery Racks: Generously dimensioned termite resistant hardware with electrolyte resistant
technical Offer paint finish, or square sectioned steel tubes treated with electrolyte resistant extruded
coating. Fittings and connectors shall be approved and certified electrolyte resisting and
corrosion proof materials.
P. Battery Charger: Automatic voltage controlled, solid state type, suitable for float and boost
Not Comply
charging, returning batteries to 90% full charge within 4 hours after full discharge, plus full
As per SE technical
duty cycle required of batteries. Charger shall operate from 230 V supply, 50 Hz, three or
single- phase, giving specified DC output and having minimum range of adjustment of
100% - 125% float voltage and 110% - 135% boost voltage. Ripple shall not exceed 1% of
nominal output voltage. Output voltage regulation tolerance shall be +/- 1%. Output
transient response shall be +/- 5% maximum of the DC voltage setting for 100% step load
changes with recovery time of 500 m sec to steady state. Charger shall be rated 125% of its
nominal full load and shall have its own automatic control against overcharging and
overload protection. Charger shall have AC voltmeter, DC voltmeter, DC ammeter, main
incoming circuit breaker, pilot lights on AC input and DC output, and earth fault detector
with alarm indication. Battery charger sizing calculations shall consider the following:
1. 1.1 design margin.
2. 1.4 battery inefficiency factor.
Not Comply Q. Battery Charger Type: Dual charger-type, parallel redundant, with each module
As per SE capable of carrying the full load requirements of the system.
Technical Offer
Comply noting that MVSGRs A. Provide metering Instruments and instrument transformers as specified and/or shown on the
aren't provided with ammeters drawings.
nor voltmeters, also for MVSGRs PM8000 is provided for incomers only
Ammeters & B. Instruments Generally: Housed in enameled, square steel cases for switchboard flush
voltmeters installation, size 96 x 96 mm with 5 mm frontal, protected and sealed white background
are provided in dials with black pointers (in general) and anti- parallax shadow-proof glass covers in
RMUs only accordance with IEC 60051. Accuracy of instruments shall be class 1.5 unless otherwise
specified. Moving parts shall be damped, revolving on hard-stone bases, with zero
adjustment screw.
provided in C. AC Voltmeters: Moving iron type, operating from VT secondaries, and with the following
RMUs only characteristics:
1. Measuring Range: 1.25 x system nominal voltage in kV with red line marked on
nominal voltage, 90 degrees decimal scale.
2. Overload Factor: 1.2 times rated voltage continuous and twice rated voltage for 5
included in the H. Power Factor Meters: Totally enclosed, 3-phase, electro- dynamic type, with cross-coil
PM8000 for the incomers meter movement and accuracy class 1 from at least 20% - 100% rated current at rated
included in the I. Watt-meters: Totally enclosed, 3-phase, electro-mechanical type class 0.5, with overload
PM8000 for the incomers factor of 1.2 times continuous, the meter shall be able to carry short circuit current in
accordance with IEC 60051-1 & IEC 60051-3.
included in the K. Frequency Meters: Vibration (reed) type, rated frequency 50 Hz, class 0.5, rated frequency
PM8000 for the incomers range 45-55 Hz, and unaffected by voltage variations of +/-20%.
L. Current Transformers (CTs): Indoor dry type (cast- resin), with the following
Rated primary current, core size and accuracy limit factors shall be determined in
accordance with nominal current of plant protected, short-circuit level and burden. CT shall
perform under specified conditions without exceeding accuracy limit. Submit error curves
for approval. Thermal short-circuit rating shall be the same as specified for the MV
switchgear with dynamic short-circuit rating of 2.5 times thermal rating.
M. Voltage Transformers (VTs): Magnetic, single-phase, indoor, dry type (cast-resin), with the
following characteristics:
1. Rated Voltage:
a. Primary: 22/SQRT 3 kV. Comply as per SLD
b. Star Secondary / Secondaries: 110/SQRT 3 V. Comply as per SLD
c. Open Delta Secondary: 110/SQRT 3 V. Comply as per SLD
2. Accuracy Class: 0.5 for metering and 3P for protection. Comply
3. Rated Voltage Factor: 1.2 continuous, 1.9 for 30 seconds.
Comply with 1.9 for 8 hrs
Check associated burden and ensure VT can perform satisfactorily under specified
conditions. Submit error curves for approval.
N. For further details refer to the Egyptian Electricity Authority technical specifications for 24
KV Switch Board. Used for RMUs only
1. Reference: As shown on design drawings. Comply with SLD in conjunction with submitted deviation sheet
MV Switchgear Type: Metal-clad withdrawable or Metal Enclosed or Ring Main
UnitMV Switchgear Assembly shall comprise the following:
a. Number of incoming feeder unit(s) As shown on design drawings.
b. Number of outgoing feeder unit(s) As shown on design drawings.
c. Number of bus-coupler unit(s) As shown on design drawings.
d. Instrumentation/metering unit.
e. Auxiliary power unit(s).
1. Set of copper busbars, rated equal to that stated in subparagraph 2.11B.1 above.Comply
2. Withdrawable circuit breaker As shown on drawings. Comply with fixed type circuit breaker
3. 3 CTs for ammeters, ratio As shown on drawings..Comply
4. 3 CTs for protection, ratio As shown on drawings. . Comply
5. 3 ammeters, normal range 1.25 x normal rating.. Not provided in our offer
6. IDMT, inverse, very inverse and extremely inverse. Comply
7. Auxiliary trip relay. Comply
1. Set of copper busbars, rated equal to that stated in subparagraph 2.11B.1 above. Comply
2. Withdrawable circuit breaker rated equal amperes to bus stated in subparagraph
2.11B.1 above. Comply with fixed type circuit breaker
3. 3 CTs for protection, ratio As shown on drawings. Comply
4. IDMT relay, very inverse characteristic.Comply
5. [Details of relays].
6. Interlocks: Comply
a. Electrical interlocking with feeder 1 and feeder 2.
b. Key interlocks with f1 and f2.
c. Mechanical interlocking with f1 and f2.
d. For additional interlock, refer to drawings.
7. Others:
a. Two sets of isolatable VTs with hbc fuses; one on each side of bus section.Not provided in our offer
b. One voltmeter with selector switch, one each side of bus section CB. Not provided in our offer
8. For further instrumentation details, refer to the Egyptian Electricity Authority
Technical Specifications for 24kV Switch Board.Not used
E. Instrument and metering unit shall comprise the following: Not provided in our offer
1. Set of copper busbars, rated equal to that stated in subparagraph 2.11B.1 above.
2. Withdrawable VT unit comprising three single phase VTs (Y-Y) with set of fuses 0.3
A, for protection.
3. 3 CTs for consumer metering, as required.
4. LV terminal blocks and protective fuses or C.B.
5. Voltmeter with selector switch.
Unit shall comply with the Local Power Authority's requirements for consumer
for incomers of MVSGRs only
A. General: A microprocessor based metering unit class 0.2S shall be in accordance with IEC
62053-22. Unit shall be capable of monitoring and displaying the functions listed below and
the capability to communicate data. Unit shall be similar to Schneider/PM 8000 or other
equal and approved. Unit shall be provided on the incoming and/or outgoing feeder panels
of the MV switchgear as specified in items of Paragraph “MV Switchgear assemblies”
above and/or as shown on the drawings
C. Unit shall be provided with an interface data link (IEC 61850 or equivalent) for connection
with IBMS systems.
D. Control power shall be drawn from the monitored incoming AC line terminal connections.
Device shall have non-volatile memory and does not require battery backup. In the event of
a power failure, the device shall retain preset parameters.
E. Unit shall allow user to disable undesired values or functions and to later reactivate them if
required. In the event of trip or alarm condition, a built-in reset button shall allow a manual
reset of the unit. Unit is also to be capable of being remotely reset via its communication
F. Addressable communication card shall be provided for interfacing with IBMS system, for
transmission of all data, including trip data.
A. Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): a microprocessor based electronic device that used to provide
local and remote monitoring and/or control for the electrical substation elements (MVSG,
RMU, MDB,…etc) via a connection to each digital protection and control relay through
communication cables and interface with the New Capital City Operations Center and
IBMS/SCADA system.
B. The RTU shall be built on a modular flexible architecture and shall be expandable by adding
modules where the number of modules shall be determined so as to fulfill the design
requirements and the required functions as specified or shown on relevant drawings. The
RTU shall be based on, modular, multi-processor architecture, with processor module
(CPU’s) including local database, multiple external communication ports using open
protocols, process I/O handling. Flexible and expandable input/output (I/O) modules/cards.
C. The number of processors and communication redundancy of RTU shall be according to the
Not Comply functions required by the RTU and the upstream communication destination as hown on the
design drawings / specifications.
D. RTU shall be in accordance with the ACUD requirements and of an in compliance with
EEA requirements. As per SE technical offer
E. The design of all hardware shall be such as to ensure satisfactory operation in an electrically
hostile environment typical of high voltage electrical installations. In order to prevent
Noted incorrect functioning or damage to the equipment when subjected to interference arising
from power system switching, fault currents and lightning, all input and output circuits, and
power supply circuits shall be provided with isolation and/or immunity to electrical
interference. The supplier shall state how this is achieved and the international standards to
which the RTU has been tested in this respect.
F. The RTU shall be configurable via a PC based configuration tool. This tool shall allow
Comply either local or remote configuration to the RTU.
G. For RTU’s installed in medium voltage distributors, a web server shall be integrated into the
RTU communication unit and shall provide facilities for maintenance, settings including
cyber security settings, and historical logs display. This Web server shall be accessible
locally and remotely, by mean of a standard laptop PC. Locally the maintenance tool shall
be connected to RTU by a Wi-Fi or Ethernet communication port.
Noted, As per SE technical offer
• The RTU shall be capable to communicate with the main tower’s IBMS / Central utility
complex SCADA and city operations center (COC) or other RTU units Peer-to-Peer
communication through the single mode Fiber optic network as shown on the drawings;
moreover, the unit shall communicate with IEDs (e.g. protection relays, multimeters)
through Ethernet or Serial communications as per the system architecture.
• Communications and Protocols: The RTU shall be able to communicate with the city
operation center (COC), IBMS and/or SCADA systems as shown on relevant drawings
and schematic diagrams, by transmitting the telemetry data to the master system by using
fiber optic lines, and shall follow one of the standard communication protocols in
accordance to the following:
Noted, As per SE technical offer
▪ IEC 61850 Ed1/Ed2IEC 60870-5-101/103/104, or IEC 60870-5-104.
▪ DNP 3.0 IEEE 1815
▪ Modbus/RTU protocol
▪ BACnet/IP
• The RTU modularity shall ensure the selection of the proper communication protocol for
each module according to the monitored / transmitted or controlled signal. RTU shall be
capable to transmit the same data over two different communication protocols as necessary
and where required / shown on the drawings.
Noted, As per SE technical offer
• For RTU’s installed on medium voltage distributor level & connected to the city operations
center (COC), communication protocol shall be in accordance with the COC operations
Noted, As per SE technical offer
• For RTU’s connected to the COC, The RTU shall be able to communicate with the COC on
2 channels. The RTU shall support local and remote firmware updates.
Noted, As per SE technical offer
The number of ports to be decided by the supplier to fulfill the design performance /
requirements as shown on the design drawings and specifications.
Each interface shall support only the data types and protocols needed to meet the functional
requirements. Unused interfaces and ports shall be removed. If removal is not possible,
the unused interfaces and ports shall be disabled.
RTU Cyber security and access control
• The RTU shall be designed to be compliant with IEC62351 requirements. The RTU shall
support secure access based on Role Based Access Control (RBAC) with the possibility to
configure roles.
• RTU shall comply with ACHILLE level 1 security certification.
• Local and remote access connection shall be secured for maintenance locally and remotely.
• Unnecessary services and programs shall be removed or disabled as applicable.
• It shall be possible to configure privileges of individual roles, and it shall be possible to
carry out changes on the RTU through a secure way.
• The RTU service application shall support individual user passwords and shall lock after
several password errors.
• The RTU shall authenticate the communication parties on the WAN interface using suitable
protocol where the RTU shall terminate the connection if the user authentication fails. It shall
also be capable of authentication to the communication parties on the local maintenance
• It shall be possible to configure the RMU-RTU so that it blocks authentication requests, either
temporarily or permanently, from an account after a number of failed login attempts. The
number of failed login attempts and the time the account is blocked shall be configurable.
• The RTU shall provide a local audit trail for all security events that occur on a log file which
shall be produced in syslog format or the compatible format according to manufacturer’s
• RTU shall not contain active default, guest and anonymous accounts.
The RTU shall connect to the digital protection relay of the medium voltage switchgear and
the protection/control relays of each cubicle shall act as local RTU for its cubicle. The RTU
shall have the following interfaces with each cubicle:
a. Circuit breaker status. (dual input)
b. Earth switch position. (dual input)
c. Circuit breaker control. (dual output)
d. Circuit breaker truck position. (status)
e. All protection functions received from the digital protection relay.
f. Collected data shall be interfaced with the COC through fiber optic cables
connection as shown on the drawings.
The RTU in this case shall be installed connected to the RMU (normal & emergency) and
shall at least provide the following interface functions:
a. Signals from incoming switch positions. (dual input)
b. Earth switch position. (single or dual input)
c. Voltage presence. (via communication)
d. Signal from the under voltage relay installed on the downstream MV
switchgear (refer to MV single line diagrams of each tower)
e. Fault passage indicator alarms. (via communication)
f. Signals from the downstream transformers connected to the RMU. (winding
temperature, fan status. Refer to medium voltage transformer specification
section for the required signals transferred)
g. Trip / status signals from the downstream Low voltage main distribution
board circuit breakers.
h. Incoming LBS’s motor control (each LBS must have its dedicated control
i. The interface shall control the switch motorization through a dual output
which provides the suitable DC (according to supplier recommendation)
voltage to interface relay located in the switchgear.
j. All monitoring data shall be transmitted to the new capital city control center
(CCC) and city operations center (COC)
These RTU’s shall have the capability to connect / transfer / receive signals from the tower’s
IBMS system through the tower’s operator/facility management convergent network. The
RTU shall also be capable to run sequence of operation of circuit breakers as necessary and
if shown on the design drawings.
Noted, As per SE technical offer
RTU connected to emergency RMU’s: Noted, As per SE technical offer
Additional to the above mentioned interfaces, the RTU connected to emergency section RMU shall
be capable to receive signals from the fire alarm panel through the proper communication protocol
or hard wired. This RTU shall be capable to transfer the power outage / fire event signals to the
SCADA system responsible for generators’ plant sequence of operation.
▪ The stored logs shall be retrieved and presented locally on PC or remotely send
to the COC.
A. Locations and Layout: Exact locations and physical layout of equipment and components
may be varied as required to suit manufacturer's design and as approved, provided the
required functions and operations are accomplished; follow the identification of the units
indicated on Drawings exactly to ease checking and building maintenance procedures.
B. Equipment Bases: Ensure that concrete bases and foundations provided for installation of
equipment are constructed in accordance with approved shop and construction drawings and
equipment manufacturers' drawings and that holes for fixing bolts and provisions for
passage of cables etc. are provided as required.
C. Cable Trenches: Ensure that trench construction and covers provided for installation of
power and control cables are in accordance with approved shop and construction drawings.
D. Built-In Items: Ensure that equipment supports, fixings and the like, and sleeves for passage
of feeders and cables which shall be built into concrete foundations, bases, cable trenches or
building structure are provided as and when required and that they are properly installed.
E. Equipment: Install on concrete bases etc., and assemble completely plumb and level, before
grouting in holding-down bolts.
F. Design each fastener and support to carry load indicated by seismic requirements and
according to seismic-restraint details. See Division 26 Section "Vibration and Seismic
Controls for Electrical Systems" for seismic-restraint requirements.
G. Supports and Terminations: Install all incoming and outgoing cable supports, cable ends and
termination fittings required for MV, LV and control cables.
H. Relays: Set in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and in compliance with local
Utility requirements.
J. Temporary Lifting Provisions: Remove temporary lifting eyes, channels, brackets, and
temporary blocking of moving parts from switchgear units and components.
A. Identify field-installed wiring and components and provide warning signs as specified in
Division 26 Section "Basic Electrical Materials and Methods."
B. Diagram and Instructions: Frame under clear acrylic plastic on the front of switchgear.
A. Tighten bus joint, connector, and terminal bolts according to manufacturer's published
torque-tightening values. If manufacturer's torque values are not indicated, use those
specified in applicable Standards.
A. Equipment: Inspect equipment upon delivery to site and report any damage to the Engineer.
B. Switchgear: Inspect and check switchgear for completeness and as recommended by the
manufacturer and check phasing of buses, contact alignment and clearances.
C. Components: Check component ratings, types, sizes and wiring connections, including
current and voltage transformers, fuses, switches, instruments and relays.
E. Cables: With circuit breaker in disconnected position, ensure that HV testing of feeder cable
and respective termination is carried out as required under cable tests.
1. Breakers shall be closed, one at a time, with as little load on the feeder as possible;
check meters as load is increased and any indication of overheating detected by
appropriate instruments or sensors.
2. Open and withdraw circuit breaker after a prolonged test run, inspect and check
circuit breaker conditions, isolating contacts, contacts on all instruments and control
switches, connections at terminal blocks etc., busbar connections and busbars for any
indication of overheating; check for loose connections and bolts etc. and finally re-
apply megger tests to ensure same quality of insulation as before energization.
3. Close circuit breaker slowly, while in the disconnected position and inspect contacts
and/or contact movement and compare with design figures.
G. Manufacturer's instructions shall be followed under all circumstances. Carry out and record
measurement and tests recommended by the manufacturer.
A. Inspect interior and exterior of installed switchgear. Remove paint-splatters and other spots,
dirt, and debris. Touch up scratches and mars of finish to match original finish.
A. Train Employer's maintenance personnel to adjust, operate, and maintain the system