Chemistry of Batteries Nicd, Nimh and Lithium

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Chemistry of batteries

NiCd, NiMH and


How does a NiCd battery work?

Firstly, how does an electrochemical cell work? A cell is a single electrochemical device with a single
anode and a single cathode. A battery is a collection of cells, usually connected in series to obtain a
higher terminal voltage.
The battery in your phone is made up of a number of cells, in the case of the Nokia Orange the battery
is nominally 6VDC and hence made up of 5 cells each of 1.2V. A picture of the battery insides can be
seen here.
A cell has a voltage which is fixed by its chemical composition. Batteries, whether they are primary
(use once) or secondary (rechargeable) are devices which convert chemical energy into electrical
energy. In the case of the latter, they can take electrical energy and store it as chemical energy for later
use. The key to electrochemistry are the processes of oxidation and reduction. Remember the phrase"
"LEO (the lion) goes GER (grr??)"L ose Electrons OxidationGain Electrons Reduction.
When one oxidizes a material, it gives up electrons it becomes more positively charged, or enters a
higher oxidation state. Likewise, when one reduces a material, one is adding electrons to it and either
making it negatively charged or reducing its oxidation state.
Now, one can make a cell using two materials, say A and B and immersing them in a solution which can
conduct electricity, called an electrolyte. Now, let us say that material A is easily oxidized it likes to
lose electrons, while B is a material that likes to be reduced. When these two materials are immersed in
an electrolyte, and a circuit is completed from A to B, A is oxidized and electrons are released to flow to
the circuit. After performing electrical work, the electrons flow into B, where B is reduced. The circuit
from B to A is completed by the flow of ions in the electrolyte. (An ion is a charged atom or radical of
a molecule capable of transferring electrical charge).
A secondary cell can be reversed by forcing electrons into A, and reducing the oxidized A to regain
unoxidised A for use again. This, of course, is an oversimplified view, as only certain combinations of
materials and electrolytes provides useful and practical batteries.
Oh, one more bit of nomenclature: The cathode is where reduction takes place, and the anode is where
oxidation takes place. So, in a battery which is producing current, the positive terminal is the cathode,
and the negative terminal is the anode. Yes, this is counterintuitive from our understanding of diodes,
where the cathode is negative with respect to the anode.
The NiCd system
When the cell is fully charged the cathode is composed of Nickelic Hydroxide. Nickel is one of those
elements that has multiple oxidation states it can lose a different number of electrons per atom,
depending on how hard it is coerced. Nickel is usually found with oxidation states of 0 (free metal), +2,
+3 and +4. The +2 state is referred with a -ous suffix, while the +3 and +4 states are referred with a -ic
suffix. So, nickelic hydroxide is really NiOOH (the nickel has a charge of +3) or Ni(OH) (the nickel has
a charge of +4)

The anode is composed of free cadmium metal (zero oxidation).

The electrolyte is usually a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH).

When one connects a load to the cell, as explained earlier, the anode is oxidized and the cathode is
Electrons leave the anode where the cadmium is oxidized and forms Cd(OH) , plus 2 free electrons.
These two electrons go to the cathode where they reduce the Nickelic Hydroxide to form nickelOUS
hydroxide or Ni(OH) (where the nickel has a charge of +2) This reaction can take place until the
materials are exhausted. In theory, cells are manufactured so that both anode and cathode are spent at
roughly equal rates.
What happens when cells are charged?
The inverse of the discharge. To charge, one is forcing current back into the cell (opposite of discharge
current). Here, electrons are being taken out of the positive terminal, and forced into the negative
terminal. This means that the material at the positive terminal is being oxidized (hence is now the
anode - confusing, eh?) and material at the negative terminal is being reduced (now the cathode). In the
NiCd system, the cadmium hydroxide is being reconverted into cadmium, and the nickelous hydroxide
is being reconverted to nickelic hydroxide. Note that the electrolyte in both charge and discharge is a
means to move the hydroxyl (OH-) ions around. Unlike the lead-acid system, the electrolyte really
doesn't change in composition too much between the charged and discharged state.
So what's so tricky?
The easy part of charging is reconverting the spent material on the plates to the charged condition. The
hard part is knowing when to stop.
Let us take a moment to think about what happens when we overcharge the battery. Once all the
nickelous hydroxide is converted into nickelic hydroxide, and in theory all the cadmium hydroxide is
converted into cadmium, the charging current has to go somewhere. As the energy of the charging
current cannot go into more chemical energy, it goes into splitting water (water is still the major
constituent of the electrolyte). Just like the age old chemistry experiment of splitting water into
hydrogen and oxygen, a fully charged NiCd cell does the same thing.
You are forcing oxidation at the positive terminal and reduction at the negative. When one oxidizes
water (actually the OH-) ion, one produces oxygen. Likewise, at the negative terminal (now the
cathode), one produces hydrogen. This of course is bad.
Oxygen + hydrogen = LOUD BOOM. Cell manufacturers, or at least their lawyers, frown on this
happening. So, they cheat. During manufacture, they deliberately oversize the negative plate, and they
partially discharge it. That is, they put a fully charged positive plate, but put a slightly discharged, but
bigger plate of cadmium in. The amount of free cadmium in the oversized plate is matched to discharge
in step with the amount of nickelic hydroxide provided in the positive plate. Now consider what happens
as full charge is achieved. Oxidation of water starts at the anode, but since the cathode is oversized, and
has excess hydroxide, the current continues to produce cadmium metal instead of hydrogen. At the same
time, the separator (the material used to prevent the plates from shorting) is designed to allow oxygen
gas to diffuse through, from the positive to the negative plate. The free oxygen then oxidizes the
cadmium metal to form more cadmium hydroxide to prevent hydrogen from being formed. Viola - a safe

Lithium Ion Batteries

(Parts below have been extracted from an article in New Electronics 13 July 1999 by Richard Warrilow.)

As we have seen above batteries derive electrical energy from stored chemical energy. In essence, they
consist of two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, and an electrical charge flows from one to the other
via an electrolyte. NiCd batteries employ nickel oxide and cadmium as the two electrode materials and
were first developed in the 1930s. Their use really took off in the 1950s but recently environmental
concerns, and the extreme toxicity of the metal cadmium, prompted manufacturers to look for new
materials. NiMH is proving popular, if only as a safe (greener) alternative to NiCd, but the energy
density is only a slight improvement on NiCd, affording up to 80Wh/kg. The cycle life though for
NiMH is down on NiCd.
Li-ion batteries employ a material such as graphite and this is used in conjunction with a lithiated
transition metal oxide, such as lithium cobalt oxide. The electrolyte consists of a lithium salt dissolved
in a mixture of organic carbonates. During the charge and discharge reaction, lithium ions move across
the cell between the carbon and metal oxide electrodes.
A lithium ion battery cell typically consists of a spiral wound roll of the two composite electrodes
separated by a microporous film, containing the electrolyte solution, all sealed in a metallic case. The
operating voltage of Li-Ion is around three times that of NiCd at about 3.6V. This combined with its
high energy density has led to its rapid introduction to, and acceptance within, the mobile phone market.
Another advantage over the older technology is that whereas NiCd batteries suffer from voltage
depression - they lose their capacity for full recharging if they are discharged repeatedly and then
recharged before they are fully drained. Lithium ion batteries suffer no such ill effects. Care has to be
taken over the charging of Lithium Ion batteries though and usually they incorporate extensive
protection circuitry. Lithium Ion is not as tolerant of fast charging as other technologies.
Home grown technology
Britain leads the world in Li-ion technology thanks to work carried out on solid state batteries in the
1970s and 1980s by the UK Atomic Energy Commission (Now AEA Technology). AEA Technology
discovered and patented lithium cobalt oxide and when Sony began to commercialise Li-ion in the early
1990s it took out a license from AEA Technology to use the technology. Now most of the worlds major
Li-ion cell manufacturers hold licenses from AEA Technology.
As mentioned, battery weight is an all important factor in many applications: the lighter the battery, the
The table below compares the power, weight anf lifecycle for various battery types.




Li Polymer


40 to 60

60 to 80

110 to 130

Fast charge time in hours

1 to 1.5

2 to 4

3 to 4

Cycle life



500 to 1000


The cycle life is given with respect to a capacity decrease from 100 to 80%. For NiCd it is worth
noting this figure is based on the battery receiving regular full discharge cycles failure to do so
could reduce the cycle life to 500
It also worth considering the technology that may follow, namely lithium polymer (LiP). Lithium
polymer is really a generic term, it has come to mean 'not in a can' and tends to come in soft packaging.
Lithium polymer batteries are finding their way into applications like smart cards and use Li-ion
chemistry in conjunction with a polymer component. The main benefit of the lithium polymer
technology is that it can produce thin cells, whilst retaining the performance and cost profile of Lithium
ion. The power density of a lithium polymer battery is currently in the region 130 and 160Wh/kg at
present but variances could produce up to 180Wh/kg.

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