Lesson Plan Isotopes

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Materials analisis, Mind Map, Lesson Plan, Assesment,

Dibuat untuk memenuhi tugas matakuliah Chemistry Learning and Secondary School

Dosen Pengampu : Ardhi Widhia Sabekti, S.Pd., M.Ed

Di Susun Oleh :



Learning Outcomes:
1.Define the term isotope in terms of numbers of protons and neutrons
2.Understand the notation xy A for isotopes, where x is the mass or nucleon number and y is the atomic or proton number
3.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties
4.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have different physical properties, limited to mass and density

Materials Analisis

 Isotopes
 Atomic notation y A
 Determine the number of neutron and number of proton

 Same element have the same chemical properties, and different physical properties.
Lesson Plan

Subject : Chemistry Time allocated : 60’

Year/semester : X/1 Teacher : Yayang Devtiarani

Lesson Plan Title :

2.1 Isotopes

Learning Outcomes:
1. Define the term isotope in terms of numbers of protons and neutrons
2. Understand the notation y A for isotopes, where x is the mass or nucleon number and y is the atomic or proton number
3. State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties
4. State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have different physical properties, limited to mass and density

Periodic table, characteristic of atomic nuclei, the concept of atomic number and atomic mass.

Learnig Method/Model:
Discovery Learning, discussion, question and answer.

Suggested Starter Activity/Anticipatory Set :

Look at the picture, the element is the same, namely oxygen, what is the differentiator of the three oxygen?

Learner Activity
Stage Activity Time
Pre Stage Opening greeting and pray to start the learning 10
Main Stage  groups of 3-4 people 35
 Listen to the teacher's explanation by watching a video about isotopes with examples of 3 apples of minutes
different mass
 Listening and seeing the powerpoint display regarding atomic notation can determine the number of
protons and the number of neutrons
 identify the number of protons and neutrons from slide for each isotopes to define the term isotope
 Identify relation of the number of protons, neutrons and electrons with atomic number and number
mass and notation notation y A from worksheet with groups
 The group representative explains the answers from the worksheets that have been discussed with
Post stage  the conclusions of learning are conveyed by students and clarified by the teacher 15
 working on the assessment sheet and collected at a time that has been set in googleclassroom minutes
 pray after class and greeting

Resources, Learning Media& Materials Required :

Media : video about three apples in isotopes, and slide powerpoint about isotopes number of protons and the number of neutrons,
notation y A and chemical and physical properties of isotopes
Website: Earth System Research Laboratory Global Monitoring Division

Multiple choice tests and essay questions determine the number of protons and the number of neutrons, notation y A and chemical and
physical properties of isotopes

Subjects : Chemistry Group identity

Learning material : Isotopes Group name :
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester Group member name : 1.
Time allocation : 10 minutes 2.
Date/Time : 3.

Learning Outcomes:
1.Define the term isotope in terms of numbers of protons and neutrons
2.Understand the notation xy A for isotopes, where x is the mass or nucleon number and y is the atomic or proton number

The instructions:
1.Work in a group discussion consisting of 3-4 people.
2.see and read the explanation of the material at the beginning of the worksheet.
3.Answer the question below correctly
4.answer and fill in the empty tables according to the elements
5.Group representatives explained online

1. What is an isotope? ___________________________________________________________

2. How can you tell isotopes apart? ___________________________________________________

Element Atomic Mass Number Number of Number of Isotopes

Name Number Protons Neutrons Notation
Oxygen 17 17
8 O
Phosphorous 15 31

38 50

Neon 20

9 10

79 118

Subjects : Chemistry Name :

Learning material : Isotopes Class :
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester
Time allocation : 45 minutes
Date/Time :

Learning Outcomes:
1.Understand the notation xy A for isotopes, where x is the mass or nucleon number and y is the atomic or proton number
2.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties
3.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have different physical properties, limited to mass and density

The instructions:
1.Write the name and class in the upper right corner.
2.Read each question carefully.
3.Answer the question below correctly

Identify the neutral atom described by name and mass number (i.e. oxygen-16).
1) The atom with 2 neutrons and 1 proton is ____________________and isotopes notation_____
2) The atom with 17 electrons and 18 neutrons is _________________and isotopes notation_____
3) The atom with 6 protons and 8 neutrons is __________________ and isotopes notation_____
Answer each of the following using your knowledge of chemistry and the Periodic Table.
4) An atom contains 55 protons. What is the element symbol? ____________
5) An atom contains 31 protons, 39 neutrons and 31 electrons. Identify the mass number of this atom. _______________

6) All atoms of the same element must contain the same number of
(A) protons
(B) neutrons
(C) Periode
(D) electrons plus protons
(E) protons plus neutrons

7) What is the total number of protons in a nucleus of magnesium-23?

(A) 23
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 16
(E) 10

8) Isotopes of a given element contain

(A) Same number of neutrons but different number of protons
(B) Same number of neutrons and protons
(C) Same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
(D) Same number of protons but a different number of electrons
(E) Same number of neutrons but a different number of protons

9) An atom with 29 protons and 36 neutrons is an isotope of

(A) Si
(B) Cu
(C) Kr
(D) Cl
(E) Ca

10. Why is isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties in terms of elements having different mass

Subjects : Chemistry
Learning material : Isotopes
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester

Learning Outcomes:
4.Understand the notation xy A for isotopes, where x is the mass or nucleon number and y is the atomic or proton number
5.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have the same chemical properties
6.State that and explain why isotopes of the same element have different physical properties, limited to mass and density

The instructions:
4.Write the name and class in the upper right corner.
5.Read each question carefully.
6.Answer the question below correctly

Identify the neutral atom described by name and mass number (i.e. oxygen-16).
1) The atom with 2 neutrons and 1 proton is hydrogen 3 (Score 1) and isotopes notation31 H (Score 1)
2) The atom with 17 electrons and 18 neutrons is Chlorine 35 (Score 1)and isotopes notation 17 Cl (Score 1)
3) The atom with 6 protons and 8 neutrons is Carbon 14 (Score 1) and isotopes notation 6C (Score 1)

Answer each of the following using your knowledge of chemistry and the Periodic Table.
4) An atom contains 55 protons. What is the element symbol? Cesium (Cs)
5) An atom contains 31 protons, 39 neutrons and 31 electrons. Identify the mass number of this atom. 70

6) Two atoms of the same element must have the same number of…….. (Score 1)
(A) protons
(B) neutrons
(C) Periode
(D) protons plus neutrons
(E) electrons plus protons

7) What is the total number of protons in a nucleus of magnesium-23? (Score 1)

(A) 23
(B) 11
(C) 12
(D) 16
(E) 10

8) Isotopes of a given element contain ………(Score 1)

(A) Same number of neutrons but different number of protons
(B) Same number of neutrons and protons
(C) Same number of protons but a different number of neutrons
(D) Same number of protons but a different number of electrons
(E) Same number of neutrons but a different number of protons

9) An atom with 29 protons and 36 neutrons is an isotope of …….. (Score 1)

(A) Si
(B) Cu
(C) Kr
(D) Cl
(E) Ca

10. Why is isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties in terms of elements having different mass

Answer : Isotopes of an element have the same chemical properties in terms of these elements have different mass
numbers, isotopes have differences in physical properties, namely the amount of mass, because what determines the
chemical properties and types of elements of an atom is the atomic number and the number of protons. Atoms that have
the same number of protons will have the same arrangement of electrons, so the chemical bonds that can be made must be
the same. For example, carbon has isotopes C-12 and C-14. The C-12 isotope has 6 protons and 6 neutrons. While the C-
12 isotope has 6 protons and 8 neutrons. Here you can see that two have the same number of protons, which is 6. The
number of electrons of the two isotopes in a normal charge is the same, which is 6. (Score 3)

Number of questions Score

1 2
2 2
3 2
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1
8 1
9 1
10 3
Total Score 15
Total Questions 10

Total Score
Score = x 6,67
Total Questions

Subjects : Chemistry Name :

Learning material : Isotopes Class :
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester
Date/Time :

Fill in the rubric below according to criteria !

No Statement Yes No Score Value kode
Willing to accept a friend’s
1 100

2 Providing solutions to problems. 100 450 90,00 SB

Imposing one’s own opinion on

3 100
group members

4 Angry when given criticsm 100

5 ………………………….. 50

Note :

1. Rating Score Yes = 100 and No = 50 for positive statements, while for negative statements, Yes = 50
and No = 100
2. Maximum score = number of statements multiplied by number of criteria = 5 x 100 = 500
3. Attitude score = (total score divided by maximum score multiplied by 100) = (450 : 500) x 100 =
90.004. Value/ predicate code :
 75.01-100.00 = Very Good (SB)
 50.01-75.00 = Good (B)
 25.01-50.00 = Sufficient (C )
 00.00-25.00= Less (K)

Subjects : Chemistry
Learning material : Isotopes
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester
Date/Time :

Pray Greets At Thanks

Before End Early giving
No and After Learning when Total Score Predicate
name Learning and successful
Learning ly tasks

4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1


Information :

 4 : Always, if always do statement

 3 : Often, when often make statements and sometimes do not do
 2 : Sometimes, when sometimes do and often do
 1 : No ever, if not ever do

Subjects : Chemistry
Learning material : Isotopes
Class / Semester : X / Odd semester
Date/Time :

Student’s Discipline Sportsmanship
No Cooperation




1. BT : Not yet visible

2. MT : Start visible
3. MB : start flourish
4. SM : it be entreched

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