Lipid-Induced Peroxidation in The Intestine Is Involved in Glucose Homeostasis Imbalance in Mice

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Lipid-Induced Peroxidation in the Intestine Is Involved in

Glucose Homeostasis Imbalance in Mice

Matteo Serino1,2., Aurelie Waget1,2., Nicolas Marsollier3, Myriam Masseboeuf1,2, Gaelle Payros1,2,
Catherine Kabani3, Jessica Denom3, Amelie Lacombe3, Jean-Claude Thiers1,2, Anne Negre-Salvayre1,2,
Serge Luquet3, Remy Burcelin1,2*, Celine Cruciani-Guglielmacci3, Christophe Magnan3
1 Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale (INSERM), U1048, Toulouse, France, 2 Universite de Toulouse, UPS, Institut des Maladies Metaboliques et
Cardiovasculaires (I2MC), Toulouse, France, 3 CNRS EAC 4413, Biologie Fonctionnelle et Adaptative, Paris, France

Background: Daily variations in lipid concentrations in both gut lumen and blood are detected by specific sensors located
in the gastrointestinal tract and in specialized central areas. Deregulation of the lipid sensors could be partly involved in the
dysfunction of glucose homeostasis. The study aimed at comparing the effect of Medialipid (ML) overload on insulin
secretion and sensitivity when administered either through the intestine or the carotid artery in mice.
Methodology/Principal Findings: An indwelling intragastric or intracarotid catheter was installed in mice and ML or an
isocaloric solution was infused over 24 hours. Glucose and insulin tolerance and vagus nerve activity were assessed. Some
mice were treated daily for one week with the anti-lipid peroxidation agent aminoguanidine prior to the infusions and tests.
The intestinal but not the intracarotid infusion of ML led to glucose and insulin intolerance when compared with controls.
The intestinal ML overload induced lipid accumulation and increased lipid peroxidation as assessed by increased
malondialdehyde production within both jejunum and duodenum. These effects were associated with the concomitant
deregulation of vagus nerve. Administration of aminoguanidine protected against the effects of lipid overload and
normalized glucose homeostasis and vagus nerve activity.
Conclusions/Significance: Lipid overload within the intestine led to deregulation of gastrointestinal lipid sensing that in
turn impaired glucose homeostasis through changes in autonomic nervous system activity.
Citation: Serino M, Waget A, Marsollier N, Masseboeuf M, Payros G, et al. (2011) Lipid-Induced Peroxidation in the Intestine Is Involved in Glucose Homeostasis
Imbalance in Mice. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021184
Editor: Lorraine Brennan, University College Dublin, Ireland
Received November 2, 2010; Accepted May 22, 2011; Published June 16, 2011
Copyright: 2011 Serino et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: RB is the recipient of a grant from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and Amylin. CM is the recipient of funding from the
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (France): ANR-07-PHYSIO. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or
preparation of the manuscript.
Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
* E-mail: [email protected]
. These authors contributed equally to this work.

well as direct hypothalamic fatty acid (FA) sensing [11,12,13].

With respect to glucose homeostasis, it has been shown that FA
sensing contributes to nervous control of insulin secretion and
action [14,15].
Recent evidence suggests that alteration of these glucoregulatory pathways could be partly involved in the etiology of
metabolic diseases such as obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. We
have previously demonstrated that early changes in insulin
secretion and action induced by a high-fat diet were related to a
decreased sympathetic tone in rats [16]. The effect of the lipidenriched diet were also observed when a triglyceride emulsion
was directly infused into the 3rd ventricle [17] or into the carotid
artery [18,19] without any change in plasma TG or fatty acid
concentrations. In this latter experiment lipid infusion induced
hepatic insulin-resistance and an increased glucose-induced
insulin secretion in response to glucose tolerance tests, suggesting
an adaptation of the endocrine pancreas to decreased insulin
sensitivity [19]. In addition, the data emphasized that a high-fat
diet may also affect sensing of dietary lipids by the gut [20]. The

It has now clearly been shown that nutrient sensing is a key
factor in the regulation of energy homeostasis, especially that of
glucose [1]. Indeed, daily variations in nutrient concentrations in
both gut lumen and blood are detected by specific sensors located
either in the gastrointestinal tract [2,3] or in specialized central
areas (mainly the hypothalamus or brainstem [4,5]). In the case of
the gastrointestinal tract, it has been known for many years that
luminal nutrients stimulate the release of regulatory peptides from
gut endocrine cells and also activate intrinsic and extrinsic neural
pathways innervating the gut, in turn conveying signals to the
brainstem through vagus afferent fibers [3,6]. It has also been
demonstrated that daily variations in nutrient concentrations in
the blood can be directly detected by nutrient sensitive neurons
(both glucose and fatty acid sensitive neurons located within the
hypothalamus [7,8]). Among nutrients, increasing evidence
suggests an important role for an intestinal lipid-induced gutbrain neuronal axis to regulate energy homeostasis [9,10] as

June 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e21184

Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

mechanisms involved in these deleterious processes could include

inflammation and oxidative stress [21,22]. Indeed, metabolic
endotoxemia may contribute to the postprandial low-grade
inflammatory state following ingestion of a high-fat meal [23]
and finally contribute to the initiation of insulin-resistance and
obesity [24]. These effects could be partly related to the
accumulation of oxidant species like peroxidized lipids in the
gut epithelial cells that could alter the mucosal metabolic
pathways and enterocyte function [25].
The current study showed firstly that a 24 h lipid infusion
impaired glucose-induced insulin secretion (GIIS) when administered through the intestine but not through the carotid
artery. Secondly, we showed that the deleterious effects of
intestinal lipid overload on glucose homeostasis could be
prevented by administration of aminoguanidine (a nucleophilic
hydralazine compound) which acts in vivo as an antioxidant
agent against reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid
peroxidation. Therefore, during the development of metabolic
diseases, a lipid overload could impair energy homeostasis
through mechanisms related to the early alteration of intestinal
glucose sensing.

A 24-hour intestinal but not brain lipid infusion impaired
glucose homeostasis
The intragastric ML infusion increased the plasma TG
concentration when compared with the isocaloric infusion
(Figure 1A) though conversely no change in plasma FFA
concentrations was observed (Figure 1B). The 24 h intracarotid
ML infusion did not increase either the plasma FFA or TG
concentrations when compared with the controls (data not shown).
Blood glucose and plasma insulin concentration remained unchanged after both types of infusions. The GLP-1 concentration in
the portal vein was markedly increased by the intragastric ML
perfusion (Figure 1C; t0). To determine the impact of the intestinal
or intracarotid lipid overload on the control of glucose homeostasis
we first investigated the time-course of glycemia in response to an
oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). At the end of the intragastric
ML infusion, the blood glucose profile during OGTT was
significantly higher in ML when compared with the isocal. In ML
mice treated with the antagonist GLP1 receptor exendin 9 (Ex9)
hyperglycemia during OGTT was much significantly higher than in

Figure 1. Effects of lipid infusion on glucose homeostasis in mice infused intragastrically for 24 hours with Medialipid (ML) or
isocaloric solution (A, B, C, D, E, F) ; and in the brain (intracarotid) with ML or isocal (G, H, I). A: Plasma TG (g/l). B: FFA (mM). C: Plasma
portal GLP1 concentration (pM) at the end of the intragastric perfusion (t0) and 15 min after glucose gavage. D: Time course of glycemia (mM) during
the OGTT. E: Plasma insulin (pg/ml) 20 min before and 15 min after glucose challenge. F: Time course of glycemia during ITT. Results in 24 h
intracarotid infused mice: G: Time course of glycemia (mM) during OGTT. H: Plasma insulin (pg/ml) 20 min before and 15 min after glucose. I: Time
course of glycemia during ITT. (n = 8) *p,0.05, **p,0.01, ***p,0.001 compared to controls.


June 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e21184

Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

determined by F4/80 immunohistology (Figures 2F,G), was

slightly decreased in the duodenum and was 2-fold less in the
jejunum of intragastrically ML-infused mice when compared with
the controls. In addition neither the IFNc nor CD3 mRNA
content, both markers of macrophages, changed in either group
(data not shown).

ML mice (Figure 1D), thus suggesting that GLP1 signaling pathway

is involved in glycemic response during OGTT, probably through
modulation of insulin secretion. Indeed, in ML mice glucose
intolerance was associated with an increased plasma insulin
concentration 15 min after the glucose challenge. Such increased
hyperinsulinemia was no more observed in ML mice treated with
Ex9 (Figure 1E). In addition, insulin was less efficient in decreasing
the glycemia in intragastric-ML infused mice (Figure 1F). In
intracarotid-infused mice, ML did not change the glycemic
(Figure 1G) or the insulinemic profiles (Figure 1H) during the
OGTT when compared to controls. Following the intracarotid ML
infusion, there was no change in the time-course of glycemia during
ITT compared to controls (Figure 1I).

Intragastric lipid-infusion induced oxidative stress

The mRNA concentrations in the duodenum and jejunum of
the genes coding for both oxidative (NADPH oxidase) (Figure 3A)
and anti-oxidative (GST, catalase) enzymes (Figure B,C) were
quantified. The data show statistical differences between ML and
isocaloric infused mice (Figure 3A and 3C). Importantly, the
activity of the anti-oxidative enzyme glutathione reductase was
reduced in the duodenum and jejunum of ML-infused mice when
compared to controls (Figure 3D). Furthermore, lipid peroxidation, as assessed by MDA production, was increased in both the 2
segments of ML-infused intestines (Figure 3E) when compared to
controls. Importantly, in mice infused with ML for only 6 hours
MDA production was already increased (Figure 3F) and the
antioxidant activity, as witnessed by the glutathione reductase
activity, was reduced (Figure 3G). This was accompanied by a
state of hyperinsulinemia (Figure 3H) although at this early time
point, glucose tolerance was unchanged (Figure 3I).

Intragastric lipid infusion induced lipid droplet

accumulation in jejunum but no inflammation
The intestinal lipid content was increased in the jejunum
(Figure 2A). Electron microscopy showed large lipid droplets in
intestinal epithelial cells (Figure 2B). After the ML intestinal
infusion the concentration of mRNA coding for the inflammatory
cytokines, TNFa and IL1b was not increased when compared with
mice infused with the isocaloric infusion (Figures 2C,D). However,
the PAI-1 mRNA content was increased only in the duodenum (Figure 2E). In addition, the number of macrophages, as

Figure 2. Intestinal lipid content and markers of inflammation in isocaloric or ML intragastrically infused mice. A: TG content (mg/g of
tissue) in jejunum. B: Electronic microscopy of jejunum (64000). C,D,E, F : mRNA expression of TNFa (C), IL1b (D), PAI-1 (E) and F4/80 (F). G: Number
of macrophages (F4/80), H: F4/80 immunohistochemistry. (n = 8) *p,0.05, **p,0.01, ***p,0.001 compared to controls.


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Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

Figure 3. Markers of oxidative stress in intragastric-infused mice. A,B,C: mRNA expression of NADPH oxidase (A), GST (B), catalase (C).
D: Activity of glutathione reductase in duodenum and jejunum. E: Lipid peroxidation by the expression of MDA (mM/mg protein). F, G, H, I: Infusion of
isocaloric and Medialipid solution over 6 h. F: MDA production. G: Glutathione reductase activity in duodenum and jejunum. H: Plasma insulin
(pg/ml) 20 min before and 15 min after glucose challenge. I: Time course of glycemia (mM) during OGTT. (n = 8) *p,0.05, **p,0.01, ***p,0.001
compared to controls.

Interestingly, brain ML infusion did not increase MDA production suggesting that the duration of the infusion was not sufficient
(data not shown).

message to cerebral areas such as the brainstem. Under basal

conditions, vagus nerve activity was similar in all groups
(Figure 5A, upper panel and Figure 5B). In contrast, during the
OGTT the sequences of nerve spikes were different between mice
infused with ML or isocaloric solution (Figure 5A, bottom panel).
In the control group fragments of recording displayed a type of
response with clearer time intervals between events when
compared with the ML-infused mice (Figure 5A, bottom panel)
and the frequency of events was significantly higher (0.8760.03 vs.
0.5760.05 Hz, p,0.01, Figure 5B). The duration of the evoked
events was also shorter in controls than in ML infused mice
indicating changes in frequency of discharges (Figure 5A, bottom
panel). Aminoguanidine treatment normalized vagus nerve activity
in response to the OGTT (Fig. 5A, bottom panel: 0.8760.03 vs.
0.7860.06 Hz, NS, Figure 5B).

Aminoguanidine prevented the ML-induced glucose

intolerance and insulin resistance
To reverse the impact of ML on intestinal lipid peroxidation mice
were administered with aminoguanidine for one week and then
infused with ML for 24 hours. Following the 24 h-lipid infusion,
MDA production was lower in the duodenum and jejunum from the
aminoguanidine-treated mice (Figure 4A). The aminoguanidine
treatment had no impact on mice infused with the isocaloric solution
(data not shown) and did not modify plasma FFA (Figure 4B) and
TG (Figure 4C) concentrations neither before nor after the ML
infusion. The glycemic profile obtained in response to the oral
glucose challenge was improved in aminoguanidine treated mice
compared with control ML mice (Figure 4D). Moreover, aminoguanidine treatment decreased insulin secretion following glucose
challenge (Figure 4E) and improved insulin tolerance (Figure 4F).

The present study showed that in mice a 24 h intragastric but
not an intracarotid lipid overload, that mimicked the daily fat load
during high-fat feeding, impaired both glucose and insulin
intolerance and hence the overall glucose homeostasis. This was
linked to an increased lipid content in the jejunum. Furthermore

Intragastric lipid-infusion and vagus nerve activity

The enteric glucose detection activates the gut-brain axis via
the parasympathetic nervous system to transmit the glucose

June 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e21184

Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

Figure 4. Effects of aminoguanidine on glucose homeostasis. Effect of aminoguanidine treatment on ML intragastrically infused mice. A:
Malondialdehyde (MDA) production in duodenum and jejunum at the end of the infusion. B: FFA (mM). C: TG (g/l) concentration before (t0) and after
(24 h) the perfusion. D: Time course of glycemia (mM) during OGTT and E: Plasma insulin (pg/ml) 20 min before and 15 min after glucose challenge.
F: Time course of glycemia after insulin load. (n = 8) *p,0.05, when compared to ML.

As mentioned above, the major consequence of intragastric lipid

infusion was to deregulate glucose homeostasis including both
glucose and insulin intolerance. It must be pointed out that in
response to an oral glucose load the plasma insulin increased more
in ML mice than in controls, suggesting an adaptation to glucose
intolerance and decreased insulin sensitivity. However, this result
could also be linked to the plasma GLP-1 concentration, which
was significantly higher in ML-infused than in control mice. Both
glucose and insulin intolerance observed in ML-intragastrically

both duodenum and jejunum showed oxidative and peroxidized

lipid induced stresses that preceded the impaired glucose
homeostasis. The lipid effects were prevented by a prior
aminoguanidine treatment. Our data suggest that a short-term
lipid overload, which preferentially targets the intestine glucose
sensor and gut-brain axis, is sufficient to initiate features of
impaired glucose homeostasis. Mechanisms could involve excessive lipid peroxidation which can be a consequence of increased
oxidative stress.

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Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis


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Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

Figure 5. Activity of the vagal nerve. A: Recordings during 5 min before (upper panel) and 5 min after (lower panel) the glucose load in
isocaloric (isocal), Medialipid (ML) or, aminoguanidine treated-ML (ML+ amino) conditions. B: Frequency of the vagal activity recorded before and
during OGTT. (n = 8). **p,0.01 vs isocaloric.

diabetic neuropathy [36]. In that study, COX-2 inactivation (using

COX-2(2/2) diabetic mice) had a protective effect against the
slowing of motor and sensory nerve conduction and impaired
nerve antioxidative defense that were induced by diabetes. This
protective effect was not seen in the wild-type (COX-2(+/+)
diabetic mice [36]. Deregulated vagus nerve activation in MLinfused mice could also be related to the high GLP-1 level [37,38].
Aminoguanidine has been previously demonstrated to have a
protective effect on blood and tissue lipid peroxidation in
jaundiced rats with endotoxemia induced by LPS [39]. Aminoguanidine is also a potential therapeutic agent for preventing the
generation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in diabetes
mellitus [40]. Our data showed that increased lipid peroxidation is
induced by the ML infusion as early as after six hours,
accompanied by an excessive insulin secretion. However, these
features preceded glucose intolerance. Therefore, we suggest that
the alteration in gut glucose sensing is an early mechanism within
the time course of impaired glucose homeostasis.
In conclusion, our data show that a very short-term lipid stress
impairs intestinal glucose sensing, through mechanisms that
involve lipid peroxidation and probably oxidative stresses that
target the gut-to-periphery neural axis. These biochemical events
were prior to the later impairment of glucose homeostasis. Thus,
gut could be a target organ for the development of new drugs
aimed at regulating glucose homeostasis.

infused mice occurred without any change in plasma FFA

concentrations. By contrast, intragastric ML infusion increased
plasma TG concentrations compared to controls. This increased
TG concentration was probably not responsible for the impaired
glucose homeostasis, since aminoguanidine treatment, which had
a preventive effect on the parameters tested, did not decrease
plasma TG concentrations. In addition, both increased GLP-1 and
insulin concentrations were not sufficient to counteract glucose
intolerance. Thus we hypothesized that the change in glucose
homeostasis could be related to a change in autonomic nervous
system (ANS) activity. Indeed, it has been well-described that
activation of the parasympathetic nervous system was necessary
for normal meal-induced insulin secretion [26,27]. Particularly, a
study by Ahren and Holst showed that the pre-absorptive insulin
response to meal ingestion in humans was largely attributed to
autonomic activation [27]. The authors concluded that this
cephalic insulin response was required for normal postprandial
glucose tolerance, and that GLP-1 did not contribute to the preabsorptive cephalic phase of the insulin response to a meal [27]. In
our model, the deregulated parasympathetic nerve activity in
response to oral glucose may, at least in part, explain the glucose
intolerance despite the high GLP-1 concentration.
In our model, vagus nerve activity was similar in all groups
under basal conditions and during the OGTT, there was no
increase in vagus nerve activity in ML infused mice. Thus,
intestinal ML infusion may lead to deregulation of afferent signals
and finally overall vagus nerve activity that could in turn reduce
the neural component of glucose homeostasis. Interestingly, it
must be pointed out that the expression of plasminogen activator
inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) was increased in the duodenum of ML-infused
mice. Previous reports have shown that PAI-1 expression was
upregulated in neurons after experimental peripheral nerve injury
[28,29]. Taken together, both the vagus nerve recordings and PAI1 expression suggest deregulation of the enteric nervous system
following ML infusion. How may ML infusion into the intestine
lead to a change in vagus nerve activity? It has been demonstrated
that intestinal infusions of oleate and glucose activated myenteric
neurons in the duodenum and jejunum in the rat [30]. Such
sensing could be deregulated in the presence of lipid overload and
consecutive oxidation/inflammation processes. Functional changes in the enteric nervous system have been observed during
inflammation [31,32,33]. However, it must be pointed out that
inflammation was not significantly increased in our model. Indeed,
neither IL1-b nor TNF-a expression were increased in the
intestines of ML-infused mice. This could be related to the short
time of the infusion (24 h) and we cannot exclude that a longer
infusion period may induce inflammation and macrophage
infiltration as described in other models [22,25,34]. In contrast,
oxidative stress was activated in both duodenum and jejunum of
ML-infused mice compared to controls, as indicated by the
increased MDA production. Oxidative stress has been also shown
to induce changes in enteric nervous system activity. For example,
it has been demonstrated that the specific effects of the cytotoxic
secondary lipid oxidation product, 4-hydroxynonenal (1028
1024 M) on intact sheets of rat jejunum was to stimulate chloride
secretion mediated by prostaglandins and the enteric nervous
system [35]. Oxidative stress is also associated with peripheral
nerve dysfunction observed in diabetes. A study by Kellogg et al.
demonstrated that oxidative stress was an important regulator of

Animals and research design
Ethical statement. The following animal experimental
procedures were approved by the local ethical committee of the
Rangueil hospital and by the local ethical committee of the
University of Paris Diderot (permit number: A75-13-17).
Animals housing. Eleven-week-old C57BL6/J (Charles
River, LArbresle, France) male mice were housed in a controlled
environment (inverted 12-h daylight cycle, lights off at 10:00 a.m.)
with free access to food and water. All mice were fed with a normal
carbohydrate diet (NC : proteins 22%, glucides 67%, lipids 11% of
total kcal).
Research design. An indwelling catheter was installed in the
stomach or in the carotid artery towards the brain. Following
insertion of the catheters, mice were allowed to recover for one
week post-surgery and to reach their pre-surgical body weight. On
the day of experiment the catheters were connected to infusion
systems that enabled the animal to remain in its cage. Mice were
infused over 24 h with a triglyceride emulsion (Medialipid 20%;
18 Kcal/24 h, KabeVitrum, Stockholm, Sweden) or an isocaloric
solution (Nutriflex lipid, B Braun, France). Medialipid contains
200 g/L of lipids (mainly soy oil) and Nutriflex is composed of
57 g/L of amino acids, 144 g/L of glucose and 40 g/L of lipids. It
is noteworthy that this lipid infusion rate corresponds to the
amount of lipid absorbed over 24 hours by mouse fed a high-fat
diet [41]. A subset of mice was infused for six hours only, to
evaluate the effect of a very short-term infusion on glucose
homeostasis. At the completion of the infusions, different
metabolic analyses were performed as described below. The
duodenum, jejunum and the hypothalamus were collected and
stored at 280uC. In another set of experiments, a group of mice
had free access to drinking water complemented with a solution of

June 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e21184

Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

aminoguanidine (100 mg/ml, Sigma Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO),

during the week of recovery from surgery and before and during
the intragastric or intracarotid 24-hour infusions.

1 mg/ml (Sigma), PMSF at 100 nM (Acros Organics, France) and

sodium orto vanadate at 100 mM (Sigma)), respectively in 300 and
150 ml. After 30 min incubation, samples were centrifuged for
10 min at 1000 rpm, 4uC. The protein concentration was
determined with the DC protein assay kit (Biorad, Marne la
Coquette, France).
Lipid peroxidation. The reaction of malondialdehyde
(MDA) with thiobarbituric acid (TBA) has been applied to assess
lipid peroxidation in biological material. The reaction yields a red
MDA-TBA adduct, the product of 2 mol of TBA plus 1 mol of
MDA. The colored complex can be quantified spectrophotometrically from its visible absorbance (lmax 532 nm). Briefly,
200 ml of duodenum and jejunum or 50 ml of hypothalamus protein
extract was colored by the reaction with 0.5 M HCl, and TBA
(Acros organics) during a dry bath- incubation (10 min, 95uC). After
cooling, 2 ml of butanol (Sigma Aldrich) were added and the
mixture gently shaken. After centrifugation (10 minutes at
12000 rpm, 4uC) the upper phase containing the colored lipid
peroxide was collected and the absorbance was read at 532 nm by a
spectrophotometer (WPA, Biowave).
Glutathione reductase. Glutathione (GS-SG) was reduced
by glutathione reductase to oxidized glutathione (GSH) and
NADP+. NADPH absorption (340 nm) was correlated with the
glutathione reductase activity. On a 96-well plate, glutathione
reductase was determined in the intestinal protein extract with a
glutathione reductase assay kit (Sigma, Rabalot, France).
Triglyceride content. Total lipid was extract by the
traditional Folch method from 50 mg of tissues mixed with 1 ml
of Folch solution (chloroform/methanol: 2/1; v/v) (Sigma Aldrich,
Saint Louis MO). The dried lipid extract was diluted with 500 ml
of isopropanol (Sigma Aldrich, Saint Louis MO) to perform the
triglyceride assay (triglycerides enzymatique PAP150; biomerieux)
mRNA expression. Total mRNA from duodenum and
jejunum were extracted using TriPure reagent (Roche, Basel,
Switzerland). The concentration of mRNAs was evaluated by
quantitative RT-PCR analysis. The primers used were: TNFa (r:
Detection System instrument and software (Applied Biosystems,
Foster City, CA, USA). The concentration of each mRNA was
normalized for RNA loading for each sample using RPL19 rRNA
Immunohistology of macrophages, F4/80 staining. 0.5 cm
of both duodenum and jejunum were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde (Sigma Aldrich). 8 mm transversal tissue sections
were deparaffinized and rehydrated. Sections were blocked in
normal goat serum and incubated overnight with primary rat antimouse F4/80 monoclonal antibody (1/1,000; Serotec, Oxford,
U.K.). Endogenous horseradish peroxidase activity was quenched
by incubation with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 min. Secondary
antibody staining was performed using goat anti-rat biotinylated
IgG Ab (1/1000, 30 min, room temperature) and streptavidin

Surgical procedures and plasma parameters

Intragastric catheter. Mice were anesthetized with
isoflurane (Abbott, Rungis, France), the hair shaved, and a 4mm laparotomy performed under the thoracic cage, on the left
side. The upper stomach was gently pierced with a needle and a
catheter was inserted into the hole. It was secured by surgical glue
(Histoacryl, 3M, Health Care, St. Paul, MN), and the other end of
the catheter was tunnelled under the skin, exteriorized and closed
at the back of the neck.
Intracarotid catheter. The long-term infusion technique
under unrestrained conditions was used, as previously described
[42]. Briefly, 7 days before the beginning of the infusion, mice
were anesthetized with isoflurane (Abbott, Rungis, France) for the
insertion of a catheter into the carotid artery towards the brain.
Then, the catheter was exteriorized at the top of the head and
attached to a swivelling infusion device, allowing the animal free
access to food and water.
Plasma parameters. Before and after the 24 h-infusion,
glycemia was measured and 20 ml of blood were collected from the
tip of the caudal vein to analyse plasma fatty acid (FA) and
triglyceride (TG) concentrations. The blood was immediately
centrifuged and plasma frozen until assay.

Tolerance tests
Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). After the 24 hinfusion, mice were disconnected from the infusion system,
allowing free moving in the cage. After twenty minutes,
intragastric infused mice were gavaged with a glucose solution
(2 g/kg). The glycemia was determined by a glucometer (Accu
Chek, France) from 2 ml collected from the tip of the tail vein at
times 0, 15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min. In addition 20 ml of blood
were sampled 20 min before, and at 15 and 60 min after the
glucose gavage, in order to measure insulinemia. Blood was
immediately centrifuged and plasma was frozen until insulin assay.
Insulin tolerance test (ITT). A single dose of insulin was
injected (0.05 U/ml, 10 ml/g, ip). The glycemia was measured in
tail blood at times 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 min.
GLP-1 sample collection. In mice allocated for assessment
of portal vein GLP-1 concentrations, blood was collected in the
presence of Diprotin A (Ile-pro-ile, 0.1 nM, Sigma-Aldrich, Saint
Louis MO) and heparin at the end of the 24-hour infusion, and
fifteen minutes following the glucose challenge. A rapid anesthesia
was induced by an intraperitoneal injection of a mix of Ketamine
1000 (Vibrac, France) and Xylazine (Rompum 2%, Bayer health
care, France, 100 and 10 mg/kg i.p., respectively) to obtain the
portal vein samples.
Plasma parameters. Plasma insulin concentrations were
determined in 10 ml using the mouse ultrasensitive insulin ELISA
kit (Mercodia, Upsala, Sweden) and plasma GLP-1 concentrations
were determined in 100 ml using the Glucagon-Like Peptide-1
(Active) ELISA kit (Linco Research). Plasma FFA concentration
was assessed by the NEFA C kit (WAKO) using 8 ml. Plasma
triglyceride concentration was determined in 3 ml using the
triglycerides enzymatic PAP150 kit (Biomerieux).

Biochemical assays
Protein extraction. Whole intestine and hypothalamus were
solubilized by a RIPA solution, (Tris 1 M pH 7,5 (Sigma), Triton
106 (Sigma), NaCl 5 M, NaF 1 M (Sigma)) with antiprotease solution (aprotinin at 1.5 mg/ml (Euromedex), leupeptin at

June 2011 | Volume 6 | Issue 6 | e21184

Lipid Peroxidation in Gut and Glucose Homeostasis

conjugated horseradish peroxidase (1/500, 30 min, room

temperature) (Sigma Aldrich) and detected with 3,3-diaminobenzidine (Sigma Aldrich). Sections were counterstained with
hematoxylin before dehydration and placement of the coverslips.
The number of F4/80-positive cells per microscopic field was
calculated per the similar intestine area.
Electron microscopy. Duodenum and jejunum samples
were immediately fixed in 3% glutaraldehyde (Sigma) in PBS,
post-fixed in osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and embedded in
Epon 812. Ultrathin sections were cut (Reichert ultramicrotome),
placed on mesh copper grids, counterstained with uranyl acetate
and lead citrate and examined with a Hitachi 300 transmission
electron microscope.

after intragastric glucose administration. The signal was filtered

between 0.1 and 1000 Hertz, with a 4 k/s sampling rate, and
amplified by a BioAmp device (Phymep, Paris, France). At
completion of the recording period 600 mg of acetylcholine were
injected into the peritoneal cavity. This led to dramatically
increased vagus nerve activity, thus validating the sensitivity of the
experimental set up. Data were digitalized with PowerLab/4sp
digitalizer (ADInstruments, Paris, France) and analyzed spectrally
using a Spike Histogram (ADInstruments). Neuronal activity was
normalized to reduce the variability resulting from differences in
background activity.
Statistics. Results are presented as means 6 SEM. The
Student t-test was used to assess statistical significances between
groups, except for ITT and GTT analysis, where Two-Way
ANOVA with Bonferronis post-test was applied. P,0.05 was
considered statistically significant.

Measurement of parasympathetic nervous system

activity. Mice were anesthetized with isoflurane to record the

parasympathetic nerve activity of the vagus nerve at the level of

the trachea. While the mice were kept on a heating blanket at
37uC in a Faraday cage, a first electrode was attached to the vagus
nerve whereas a second one was implanted under the skin as a
reference. A glucose solution (2 g/kg) was administered to the
mice (still awake) through an intragastric catheter. After the
intralipid or isocaloric infusion, the mice were anesthetized, and
the vagus nerve activity was recorded 15 min before and 30 min

Author Contributions
Conceived and designed the experiments: J-CT AN-S SL RB CC-G CM.
Performed the experiments: MS AW NM MM GP CK JD AL RB CC-G
CM. Analyzed the data: MS AW NM MM RB CC-G CM. Wrote the
paper: RB CM.

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