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The document introduces the concept of Exalted who are powerful beings that were granted power by the gods to rule the world and fight enemies. However, now their enemies have grown and the realm is in chaos, so it is time for the Exalted to rise again.

The setting takes place in a world called the Age of Sorrows, which has been warped into a World of Darkness filled with threats like vampires, werewolves, and mages. Reality itself has been altered.

There are Solar Exalted who were directly granted power by the gods, as well as Lunar, Sidirial, and Terrestrial Exalted who were granted lesser forms of power. Each have their own abilities and roles.







Because of the mature themes involved, reader discretion is advised.

Based on the Exalted game created by Robert Hatch, with Justin Achilli, Andrew Bates, Dana Habecker,
Sheri M. Johnson, Chris McDonough, Richard Thomas, Stephan Wieck. Phase 2 design by Geoffrey C. Grabowski,
with Ken Cliffe, Richard Thomas, Stephan Wieck. Developed by Geoffrey C. Grabowski.


©2001 White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review. White Wolf
is a registered trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Exalted is a trademark of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. All characters, names,
places and text herein are copyrighted by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned. PRINTED IN CANADA


Do not believe what the scientists tell you. The Within the Realm, this is the stuff of myth and legend.
natural history we know is a lie, a falsehood sold to us by Even the tales of the Celestials’ greatest feats have been lost
wicked old men who would make the world a dull gray to the common folk. The majority of the Realm’s inhabit-
prison and protect us from the dangers inherent to free- ants believe only in what they see — the semi-mythical
dom. They would have you believe our planet to be a Anathema, who lurk at the edges of Creation, the Terres-
lonely starship, hurtling through the void of space, barren trial Exalted, called the Dragon-Blooded, who rule, and the
of magic and in need of a stern hand upon the rudder. mortal men, who are born to strive and die.
Close your eyes to their deception. The time before But the Celestial Exalted were real, and they had the
our time was not a time of senseless natural struggle and power to make the world tremble at their passing. And
reptilian rage, but a time of myth and sorcery. It was a time now, they are returning. In the mad scramble for their
of legend, when heroes walked Creation and wielded the empire’s vacant throne, the Dragon-Blooded have failed
very power of the gods. It was a time before the world was to maintain their age-old purge of the Celestial Exalted.
bent, a time before the magic of Creation lessened, a time Now, the children of sky are surviving long enough to
before the souls of men became the stunted, withered realize their vast powers.
things that they are today.
This is the story of that time. POWERS OF THE EXALTED
This is the story of the Exalted. The primary difference between human and Exalted
— Terrestrial or Celestial — consists of the ability of the
WHAT IS A STORYTELLING GAME? Chosen to channel the fundamental force of the universe,
Storytelling is a sophisticated way for adults to play called Essence. The power of the Exalted depends on both
make-believe. Rather than playing soldier or house and their skill at manipulating Essence and having adequate
running around in your backyard or the alley behind Essence to work with. Although humans are composed of
your apartment, you and your friends sit in a comfortable Essence and are ruled by its ebb, flow and vicissitudes,
room and describe the heroic feats that your characters they are unable to command its nature or direction
accomplish. To help make sure that you all share the consciously. The power an Exalted has corresponds di-
same vision of what’s going on, a mediator and narrator rectly to the strength of her connection to the Essence
(the “Storyteller”) describes events and keeps the story around her. A young and inexperienced Exalted may
moving. In order to prevent arguments of who did what seem like a moderately talented magician, capable of only
first and whether an action is possible, there are rules a few practical tricks or simple feats of sorcery. Older,
that describe what your character can and can’t do. In more experienced Exalted who have a greater under-
order to prevent bitterness over someone beating some- standing or command of Essence are like unto the Incarna
one else in a fight, the characters are usually allies against in their ability to shape the world.
imaginary opposition that the Storyteller tries to portray The abilities of the Exalted are constrained, how-
as even-handedly as possible. In order to prevent jaded ever, by the amount of Essence available to them. Without
adult imaginations from being bored quickly, the setting Essence to command, even the greatest of the Exalted is
is much more intricate and complex than most people’s little more than human. Essence exists within all facets of
childhood fantasies. the natural world and flows through all healthy living
beings. Exalted typically breathe in the ambient Essence
THE EXALTED that flows through the world, storing it up until they need
it. The amount of Essence an Exalted can hold within her
The Exalted command the fundamental forces of the
Tellurian. Additionally, their life spans are greatly length- body at any one time is determined both by her magical
ened; the Dragon-Blooded live hundreds of years, while ability and her force of personality, and it is an important
the life spans of the Celestials are orders of magnitude measure of her strength.
longer than those of humans. Some Celestial Exalted The Essence powers of the Exalted take three forms:
even retain memories of the First Age. innate abilities, Charms and sorcerous spells. The innate
The time when the Exalted embodied virtue was abilities are talents that the Exalted exercise simply by
called the First Age, and it was a golden age of peace and flooding their animas with Essence. For example, a Solar
wonder. But the virtue of the Celestial Exalted — those Exalted of the Dawn Caste can use her anima to appear to
Exalted who had been taught to harness the power of the be a fearsome warrior, so terrifying that enemies literally
heavens — waned. It was eaten away by their decadence cannot bear to look directly at her.
and powers and, some whisper, by a terrible curse laid on Charms refer to the ways in which Exalted can
them by the enemies of the Five Elemental Dragons. They imbue their own actions with Essence. With the aid of
became twisted, mad things — the Anathema — and they Charms, the Exalted uses Essence to empower her oth-
were destroyed or exiled for the good of the world. erwise normal skills or talents, thereby making them


extraordinarily powerful. For example, an Exalted who the Immaculate Order, while others were simply passionate
was a blacksmith can forge amazing weapons, an Exalted individuals with a thirst for righteousness. Although they
warrior can perform mighty feats in battle, and an are priests, Exalted of the Zenith Caste are more mission-
Exalted leader can command anyone and expect to be aries, evangelists and rough-jawed crusaders for justice
obeyed. than self-righteous scholars or pretentious theologians.
Spells are the most difficult and powerful means of Zenith Caste Solars excel in public speaking and
channeling Essence, and they can be devastating. When persuasion, but that is not their only forte. They are also
an Exalted casts a spell, he manipulates Essence with his incredibly durable, able to resist immense hardship and
words and gestures, according to the laws and principles pain and to survive in the wilds as they pursue their
of magic, and in so doing, he reweaves reality itself. missions. By channeling Essence through their animas,
Exalted of this caste can cause fire to consume the bodies
SOLAR EXALTED of dead foes, so that those foes’ souls can reach the afterlife
The Solar Exalted are the mightiest of the Exalted, rather than rising as hungry ghosts or walking dead. Also,
and during the First Age, they were the rulers of the world the Zenith Castes are fierce enemies of demons and the
and the leaders of the Exalted. Their great enlightenment undead, and they may channel Essence through their
was intended to be a beacon and inspiration to all of auras to scorch and repel these horrors.
humanity — they shine brightest who are meant to be
seen by all. Their power flows from the sun, and the day
belongs to them. Logic, heroism, inspiration and nobility The Twilight Exalted are learners and doers, adven-
are their spheres of influence. turer-scholars, warrior-mages and meddlesome cunning
The Dragon-Blooded murdered the Solars at the men. Most Twilight Caste Exalted were learned before
fall of the First Age. Although a few continued to their Exaltation, yet they are by no means all scholars.
reincarnate again and again, they were always dispatched Storytellers, architects, merchants and engineers have all
quickly by the forces of the Realm. Only since a year or been Exalted to this caste. While there are a certain
two after the disappearance of the Empress have the number of bookworms in this caste, most of them are
Solars been reappearing in significant numbers. With durable enough to endure the hardships of campaigning
newfound numbers and the Realm beset by foes and and the stress of life as powerful public figures.
instability, the emerging Solars have an opportunity to The Twilights excel at sorcery, but they are more
make their power known. than simple scholars. They are learners, meddlers, doctors
and tinkers. They not only work magic with Essence, but
DAWN with tools, needles and thread and with their wit and
Dawn Solars are fierce warriors, yet their ferocity insight. By channeling Essence through their animas,
does not make them bloodthirsty or stupid. Of those who they may protect themselves from attack, an important
have been recently Exalted to this caste, there have been power given their active and dangerous lifestyles.
bloody-handed killers, but none who were without re-
deeming characteristics. Others are scholar-generals,
hard-bitten militiamen who fought to protect their homes, Night Caste Solars are the spies, scouts and assassins
monks who practiced the martial arts for spiritual reasons, of the Solar Exalted. Night Caste Exalted are often
pit fighters, street warriors who led gangs rather than tricksters and vagabonds, but they are not necessarily
armies, even heroic city guards who carried out their own thieves and killers. They are often peddlers, hunters,
war on the corrupt officials and criminal parasites who guides, police officers and the like — anyone partaking in
infest the cities of the world. an active life for whom stealth and ingenuity are more
Dawn Castes are universally skilled in all forms of important than raw strength. Note that there are a fair
fighting. They are natural masters of the bow, the sword number of cutpurses and assassins among those who are
and unarmed combat. When they channel Essence to Exalted to this caste, but they are by no means the sole
manifest their anima, they seem to become terrifying members of the caste.
giants — harbingers of destruction with eyes like molten Night Caste Exalted are unparalleled in stealth,
gold, whom only the bravest of warriors can bear to acrobatics and getting where and what they shouldn’t.
regard directly. These Exalted also possess a preternatural awareness of
their surroundings. By channeling Essence through
ZENITH their auras, Night Caste Exalted may conceal their
The Zenith Castes are the priests and mystics of the presence, making them difficult to sense. Night Caste
Exalted, and in terms of personality, they are the most Solars may also mute their animas, allowing them to
varied of the castes. Many were once shamans or priests of more easily use Charms without revealing their true
nature as Exalted.


ECLIPSE The Sidereals have a great understanding of magic,

and they use it frequently and competently. They are
The Eclipse Caste is made up of the ambassadors and capable of affecting the powers of fate directly, or alterna-
negotiators among the Exalted. Eclipse Caste Exalted are tively, they can have spirits do their work for them. Of all
typically chosen from among those who make their living the Exalted, the Sidereals have the greatest connection to
with words and negotiations. Merchants, diplomats, bu- spirits, and they utilize it very carefully. Each Sidereal
reaucrats, confidence men, beggars, peddlers, teachers — must forge a relationship with the spirits or courts of
any of these can be Exalted into the Eclipse Caste. spirits that she wants to deal with.
The Eclipses are as masterful at governance, business
and politics as the Zenith Caste is at persuasion and
leadership. Although they are not charismatic, they are
intuitively able to sense and exploit the flows of power The most common of all the Exalted, the Dragon-
and influence in an organization. These Solars also dem- Blooded are at once despised and feared. They are
onstrate amazing language skills and are master horsemen significantly more powerful than any mortal, and they
and sailors. (After all, in order to negotiate a treaty or have used that power to establish a mighty Realm of their
make a deal, the negotiator must first arrive at her desti- own. They hold most civilized nations as tributary, and
nation.) By channeling Essence through her anima, an they wield tremendous political and economic influence.
Eclipse may swear or witness oaths that neither party can A family squabble among the most powerful Dragon-
break without incurring a terrible curse. Members of this Blooded can result in nations warring in the Threshold.
caste may also walk among spirits and demons without There are five kinds of Dragon-Blooded, each with an
fear, protected by ancient and inviolable treaties of safe affinity for one of the five elements. Each type of Dragon-
passage sworn during the height of the Old Realm. Eclipses Blooded has power over the earthly elements and certain of
may even learn the Charms and powers of other Exalted, the elemental spirits as well. While they aren’t as proficient
and even of spirits, to aid their dealings with these beings. at spirit-mastery as the Sidereals, many of the higher-tier
Although this learning is not as easy as mastering the aristocrats are capable of calling on ages-old pacts and
tricks of their own kind, it allows the Eclipse Caste agreements made with the elemental lords in the First Age.
unparalleled flexibility. With the disappearance of the Empress, the Dragon-
Blooded are being forced to enter into actual combat with
LUNAR EXALTED the forces that threaten the Blessed Isle. While their
magic is notably weaker than that of many of their new
Lunars are master shapeshifters capable of taking the enemies, particularly the deathknights and many of the
form or partial form of any animal whose blood they have invaders from the Wyld, the Dragon-Blooded have main-
tasted. This ability alone makes Lunars dangerous en- tained a rigorous regimen of martial training that, when
emies, but in conjunction with their dominion over combined with their elemental talents, makes them for-
beasts and their familiarity with the night and the wilder- midable opponents on the field of battle.
ness, they are among the most dangerous opponents in the
world. Those Lunars who retain their sentience also have
a deep connection with the unconscious mind, and they
can use it to create complex and deadly illusions or to It is unknown how these Exalted were created, but
evoke primal emotions — love, rage, despair and the like they have appeared only recently. Indeed, it is not clear
— in the minds of those around them. whether they are Exalted at all. Dragon-Blooded soldiers
Many Lunars have been deeply warped by the Wyld’s have had a number of encounters with the Abyssals, and
odd energy. While Lunars are often bestial, mad or both they tell of the dark ones manipulating Essence to speak
(and they may not even remember that they are Exalted), with ghosts and to control the bodies of those who are
all remain dangerously cunning. Of all the Exalted, Lunars already dead. While such information makes it seem highly
have the worst reputation for being monsters and stalkers likely that the Abyssals are Exalted of some variety, no such
of the night, for many of them are. The worst of them stalk creatures are mentioned in any of the books that have
men like beasts and think of humans as prey. survived from the First Age. Where such a twisted Exalted
would come from is an enigma, and a disturbing one.
SIDEREAL The Abyssal Exalted are the antithesis of what the
Exalted are in every particular. Where the Celestial
Among the Exalted, the Sidereals are the prophets,
Exalted channel radiance and foster life and growth,
warlocks, rogues and spirit-binders. While they maintain
deathknights are masters of darkness and necromancy.
relatively close communication among themselves, they
They are capable of manipulating shadows for diverse
remain silent to most other Exalted, unless circumstances
purposes, and their command of the dead is like a night-
dictate otherwise.
mare version of the Celestial rule. Most terrifyingly, the


Abyssals do not appear overly inclined to use the natural

flow of Essence through the world, even in Manses and
Demesnes. While they are capable of pulling Essence
from the Underworld to replenish their reserves, they
gain Essence fastest when drawing it from living beings,
and they appear to prefer, even enjoy, it. They feed in a
variety of ways, including drinking blood from living
creatures, stealing souls and eating the flesh of men.

While anyone can manifest as one of the Celestial
Exalted, the weaker Terrestrial Exalted are born only to
Dragon-Blooded parents. However, normally not all of a
Dragon-Blooded family’s children will be Exalted. Both
Celestial and Terrestrial Exalted rarely manifest before
early adolescence. The rules of Terrestrial heredity are
complex and poorly understood, and the only rule of
Celestial Exaltation is that the Exalted individual is
already far above average — always in terms of potential,
and usually in terms of life-accomplishment as well.
When the Empress reigned, newly born Celestial
Exalted were almost assuredly doomed to destruction at the
hands of the Wyld Hunt of the Dragon-Blooded. For at that
time, the Dragon-Blooded watched closely for signs of
recently Exalted Celestials and hunted the Celestials wher-
ever they were found. These Celestial Exalted were either
killed or captured and taken to the Empress. It is whispered
among the Dragon-Blooded that the Empress devoured
their souls, for her understanding of Essence was such that
she was able to strengthen herself and lengthen her exist-
ence with each such meal. Only the Sidereals could hide
from the scourge, due largely to the central role those
Sidereals had in the imposition of the Wyld Hunt.
Since the disappearance of the Empress, the feuding
houses of the Realm have begun to divert all the empire’s
resources to fuel their internecine squabbles and their
jockeying for the throne. The once-ubiquitous network of
spies and informants with which the Empress searched for
the Celestials has begun to unravel, subverted by the
intelligence apparatuses of the various houses or reassigned
to deal with the nobles’ growing disloyalty. And at this dark
moment, the one moment when the Dragon-Blooded are
no longer in a position to do anything about it, it seems as
if more Solars than have ever been seen before has entered
the world. Today, the Wyld Hunt must often rely on mortal
assassins and outcaste bounty hunters, rather than the
massive and well-armed hunting parties of the past.

The powers of an Exalted frequently manifest after a
period of stress, such as severe injury, terrible illness,
terror. The trigger events vary greatly from Exalted to
Exalted. At his hour of greatest need, it is as if the
character is given the strength to triumph and endure.


Some Celestials also manifest when they are exposed to a Eclipse Caste Solars have a golden disc within a
large amount of magic or when a great deal of Essence is circle for their Caste Mark. Their animas are brilliant
moved or channeled near them. Finally, some seem to whites and golds, almost sparkling, but filmy and fluctu-
manifest due to vast exposure to their element — many ating, like the corona of the sun during an eclipse.
Solars are Exalted during a period of overexposure to
sunlight for example. LUNAR CASTE MARKS
All older Lunars are marked with extensive tattoo-
ESSENCE ing, scars and brandings, which are believed to be of ritual
The world is not still; it flows, expanding and contract- significance in their savage religion of moon-veneration.
ing with the interaction of a thousand tiny cycles. Essence SIDEREAL CASTE MARKS
is the power behind those eternal cycles. Every storm, every
The Sidereal Exalted may be known by their star-
birth, every wave in the ocean is nudged by the flow of
filled eyes or, occasionally, by the faraway, distracted look
Essence through the universe. The Exalted, unlike most
that frequently washes over their faces as visions assail
humans, are gifted with the ability to perceive and manipu-
them. When they channel Essence, Sidereals are marked
late the flow of Essence, and it is this ability that distinguishes
by a Caste Mark the color of their patron Maiden. Chosen
them from the dull chaff of humanity.
of Mercury radiate yellow, those of Venus blue and those
THE SIGNS OF POWER of Mars red. Chosen of Jupiter burn green, while those of
Saturn glow with the orange of a banked fire.
The power of the Exalted does not hide. On the
contrary, it seeks to shine forth and mark the user. ABYSSAL CASTE MARKS
Although an Exalted can use some power and remain The Abyssal Exalted bear marks that give them away
hidden, those Exalted who exert themselves must neces- clearly to anyone bothering to look. Some Abyssals have
sarily give themselves away. Citizens of the Realm are an appearance that suggests a rotting corpse. Ironically,
taught to be on guard for any child exhibiting these traits however, as they grow older and more powerful, Abyssal
or markings, particularly those of the Solar Exalted, who Exalted appear less decayed and develop a cold allure.
are to be destroyed wherever they are detected. The most powerful Abyssals are stunning creatures of
SOLAR CASTE MARKS dangerous beauty, with skin like alabaster, hair the color
of onyx and lips like fallen rose petals. They bear black,
Of the Celestials, the Solar Exalted are perhaps the eternally visible versions of the Solar’s caste markings,
most easily discovered. All of them bear a so-called “Caste and it is believed the Deathlords do so to mock the former
Mark” on their forehead, as if it were a burning third eye. rulers of the world or to terrify the Dragon-Blooded.
This mark manifests whenever the Exalted channels
Essence, and it can sometimes be seen during the time of TERRESTRIAL CASTE MARKS
day to which the Exalted’s caste is affiliated. Similarly, Like the Celestials, the Dragon-Blooded have clear
each Solar burns with a brilliant aura, his “anima,” which marks that distinguish them from one another and from
increases in intensity as the amount of Essence he chan- mere mortals. The features of the Dragon-Blooded have a
nels grows. When an Exalted burns large quantities of certain coarseness not seen in those of the Celestial
Essence, it may even take the shape of a great fire or of the Exalted, and their appearance directly reflects their affin-
animal that the Solar most closely resembles. ity for their element.
Dawn Caste Solars are marked by a brilliant golden Aspects of Air are surrounded by gusting winds.
sunburst that adorns the center of their brow. Their While they can calm these gusts for short periods with
anima tends to be bright white and pale gold, sometimes concentration, they find it difficult to do so while per-
tinged with red or light violet. forming any other activity.
Zenith Caste Solars are known by their large, bright- Aspects of Earth have the coarsest features of all the
gold circular Caste Marks. Their animas are a brilliant Terrestrial Exalted. Their bodies are frequently compact
burning white or a thick, majestic gold. or stocky, and they smell of freshly turned soil.
Twilight Caste Solars have a golden circle, filled in Aspects of Fire are marked by a clear reddish tint to
with gold on the top, but having only an empty ring on the their skin. It is not uncommon for older Dragon-Blooded
bottom half. Their animas tend to the most spectacular of this aspect to emit puffs of smoke from their mouths as
colors, containing bright golds as well as bright and dark they speak.
reds, purples and even blues. Aspects of Water are characterized by hypnotic grace
Night Caste Solars have an empty golden circle as and beautiful iridescent skin. Their skin often takes on a
their Caste Mark. The animas of these Exalted are ghostly slight blue-green tint as they get older.
whites and golds, tinged with purple and purple-gray.


Aspects of Wood sometimes have a light layer of bark Or at least, it used to be. Since the disappearance of
on their skin, especially on the back and the shoulders. the Empress five years ago, usurping nobles, petty con-
The young or less powerful among them may have a querors and unruly tribes have picked apart the
greenish tint to their skin. once-unified hierarchy of the empire. For the Dynasty,
things have never been worse; for ambitious patricians
MANSES AND DEMESNES waiting to seize power for themselves, the current insta-
Throughout most of the world, Essence flows across, bility gives them the perfect opportunity.
beneath and through all things, clear and quiet as a spring. The average citizen of the Realm has white skin,
Essence is in the tides of the sea, the light of the sun and black hair and brown eyes. Full lips and strong noses are
the solidity of the earth. Moreover, it is the source of spirit typical, and most men and women stand nearly six feet
that animates all living things. All life, dreams and tall when full-grown. Builds are generally slim, but men
emotion arise from the ebb and flow of Essence. Essence tend to develop a paunch later in life. Bear in mind,
is the rhythm the world moves to, the mad and vital dance however, that the Realm is a conquering empire. Many of
that holds the void at bay. its inhabitants — even members of the Scarlet Dynasty —
While Essence is usually invisible to all but powerful show signs of alien blood from foreign concubines.
Exalted, there are places where the stream becomes a river
and the raw power of Creation is manifest for all to see. THE EMPIRE IN DECLINE
Where Essence roars through Creation, it creates places A coalition of Exalted despots that ruled the Realm
of power. These sites are sacred and full of magic. In the in its infancy, the Dynasts quickly rose to rank their power
First Age, they were often the sites of the mansions of the according to the size and prosperity of their estates or the
Exalted, and today, they are frequently the sites of temples magnitude of their Charms. These noble families were as
and shrines. Exalted can sense such places at a distance, querulous as their modern counterparts in the Dynasty —
and even the dullest humans feel something akin to awe the authority of the Empress was all that kept their
in these places. When edifices have been built to channel ambitions in check.
and focus the flow of Essence, they are called Manses. Since the Empress’ disappearance, the Dynasty has
When the power is untamed by architecture, these holy increased tributes from the outlying provinces to outra-
places are called Demesnes. geous levels through the decrees of its figurehead regent.
Barbarian and bandit raids, along with the tributary lords’
ARTIFACTS faltering confidence in the empire, sapped the imperial
The Old Realm lasted for millennia and spanned vast treasury. Even with the heavier tributes paid by the lords
leagues — more land, it is said, than currently comprises that remain loyal, seven of the Realm’s legions have been
the world. In that time, the Celestials and their servants decommissioned to compensate for the disruption of
manufactured objects of astonishing power. Weapons, jew- trade and tax revenues. Why pay the Realm’s tribute
elry, books and any other sort of item could have been when it offers no stability? Far better, think some tributar-
enchanted in such a way as to channel Essence for myriad ies, to cultivate their own power and grow stronger (and
purposes. That was another Age, and the products of that richer) without the interference of the Realm.
era have become exceedingly rare and valuable. Time, the In theory, the Realm still controls the Blessed Isle
warring of the Dragon-Blooded and the encroachment of and the surrounding lands. In reality, it has as much
the Wyld have seen to it that most of the powerful artifacts influence outside the isle as its legions allow it. A hierar-
have been used up, hidden or destroyed. Fair Folk have chical system of leadership governs the Realm, from the
seized many of them, while others lie deep within Wyld smallest village to the Imperial City itself. Imperial influ-
regions, worshiped or hoarded by warped creatures that ence remains absolute on the isle, but it grows less sure
have no comprehension of the devices’ true value or power. farther away from this center.


A majestic and decadent empire, the Realm is noth- The Immaculate Philosophy, the state-mandated
ing less than the hub of reality itself. A hallowed consensus religion of the Realm, holds that the Dragon-Blooded are
governs the heart of the empire, keeping the unreal, the superior beings who have traveled farther down
uncertain and the unholy to the lands of the periphery. enlightenment’s road. The law forbids citizens, peasants,
The Realm is also the hub of political reality. From the slaves and the disenfranchised from looking them directly
labyrinthine streets and towering spires of the Imperial in the eye. Even today, while no one worships Dynasts as
City to the vast standing legions sent to secure tribute deities, their advanced spirituality and frightening pow-
from the Threshold, the Realm is the undisputed center ers inspire awe among the peoples of the Realm. Some
of power in Creation. citizens flock to any public ceremony that promises a


responsible for the one immediately below it. In theory,

THE FIRST AGE this chain of command keeps everyone looking out for
What was the First Age like? All that mortal and corruption on the level below them. The Thousand
Dragon-Blooded scholars have to go on are the ruins Scales consists of the tax collectors, judges, surveyors,
left standing and the texts that survived the turning of wardens, rangers and other functionaries who execute the
the Age. The Cult of the Illuminated sees it as a golden decrees of the Deliberative.
age when the Solar Exalted brought the land enlight-
enment and harmony. The Dragon-Blooded see it THE ORDER OF THE
merely as an older civilization than the one that has
succeeded it, a civilization that had time to mature IMMACULATE DRAGONS
and prosper. Most individuals, particularly those who The Order of the Immaculate Dragons — the state
follow the teachings of the Immaculate Order, vener- religion of the Realm — is arguably the most important
ate it as a long-lost paradise that will be reclaimed political faction in the Realm, more important than the
when the world is set aright. Dynasty and all the patricians. A simple accusation from
Certainly, many of the Celestial Exalted who the Mouth of Peace is enough to topple even the most
survived through the calamities remember the First powerful official or disgrace one of the Dragon-Blooded.
Age, but few of them are willing to share their memo- The order does not use this power lightly, making it all the
ries. Some argue that the wisdom of the First Age is not more formidable when it is deployed.
gone, but merely, that the complex civilization that Even if many peasants pay homage to spirits outside
made the Age possible has passed away. Others con- the strictures of the Realm’s only legal faith, the Immaculates
tend that the world changed irrevocably when the can still put the fear of oblivion into the hearts of the weak.
Great Contagion struck and that, even if the lore of Immaculates are regarded as deadly warriors and wise men
lost First Age were reclaimed and put to use, it would beyond all conventional limits of learning. Even less super-
mean little. So far, neither group is organized or stitious folk hesitate when their actions might attract the
determined enough to put its theories to the test. attention of the order. When facing a Dragon-Blooded
Immaculate, one faces a near-perfect warrior, a foremost
glimpse of one of the Dragon-Blooded, while others will scholar of the Realm and one of the most powerful Exalted
go to any lengths to avoid their Exalted presence. Many to have ever existed, all in one.
peasants rationalize the fact that they could never afford
to travel to the Imperial City by declaring that they’d THE THRESHOLD
never visit a place so full of the terrifying Dragon-Blooded. There is a great deal of world between the roiling
chaos of the Wyld and the urbane sophistication of the
THE DYNASTY Realm. Although the scions of the Dynasty condemn the
During her centuries-long reign, the Scarlet Empress outlying lands as barbaric and keep them as tributaries,
had four husbands and dozens of lovers. The 11 houses of these lands are, in truth, vibrant and dynamic. Unfettered
the modern Dynasty descend from the Empress’s brood. from the convoluted politics and the corruption of the
Aside from House Nellens, each house associates itself Dynasty, the Threshold embodies possibilities and new
with an elemental aspect of one of the Five Dragons. solutions, innovation and a vibrant determination to
These houses constitute the aristocracy that governs the succeed against the odds.
Realm. Once these Dragon-Blooded lineages lorded over In the past, this meant imperial rule in everything but
their growing empire like enthroned gods. name. The Dragon-Blooded and their legions made the
Although all the houses are rather decadent and Empress’ word law in almost all lands bordering the Inner
given to back-stabbing and dirty deals, each has its own Sea. All paid homage to the Immaculates and acknowl-
distinct character. Houses are made up of individuals with edged the spiritual superiority of the Dragon-Blooded,
their own priorities, and the houses are more alike than even though doing so was purely a matter of honoring the
their members want to believe. Also, some Dynasts are imperial cult in many places. But recently, the power of
products of marriages between members of two houses. the Realm has crumbled, and more and more of the states
From these unions, children can side with one house or that border the Inner Sea are reducing their tribute or
another, remain aloof or play them both off one another eliminating it altogether.
for the Dynasts’ own gain.
THE THOUSAND SCALES To the farthest east lies the Elemental Pole of Wood.
The Dynasty’s Thousand Scales bureaucracy is one of As one proceeds further east, the forests become gradually
the foundations of its rule. Each level of government is thicker and stiller and more hostile. The trees grow taller,


the beasts of the wood larger and fiercer, and the almost-
sentient, almost-malicious air one sometimes feels in an
unfamiliar forest grows ever stronger. Finally, progress is
blocked by a seemingly unending wall of deadfalls,
widowmakers and harsh terrain. It is said that if one goes
far enough east, the ground gives way, and the traveler
sees only an endless cathedral of trees, stretching up and
down, from zenith to nadir, a holy green perfection of
leaves and still air.
The Near East was always the heartland of the Old
Realm, with fertile soil, regular rains and abundant re-
sources. It was heavily settled and the source of much of
the Old Realm’s prosperity. Consequently, when the
Great Contagion and the subsequent incursions of the
Wyld and the Underworld occurred, it was one of the
areas hardest hit. In a way, this was a blessing, at least for
the survivors. Even with much of it reduced to chaos-
scarred ruins, the survivors had a vast trove of resources to
scavenge from as they rebuilt their shattered world.
Today, the East consists of city-states of various sorts,
largely autocratic or democratic, with a fair handful of
bizarre governments in the mix. Most are built around the
area’s numerous rivers, and they serve as manufacturing
centers and redistribution points for local produce. As one
goes farther east, the cities give way to towns, and the towns
give way to logging camps and steadings. Despite the
hospitable nature of the Near East, the Far East can be quite
dangerous. There are a rather large number of shadowlands
in the area, and the woods often crawl with barbarians.
The average inhabitant of the East has a brownish
skin tone, ranging from light tan to an almost bark-like
brown in the Far East. Blond, red and brown are all
common hair colors, and even red hair is typically straight
and without body. The typical Easterner is tall, with even
women standing nearly six feet. Eastern families tend to
be matriarchies, centered around a female and successive
generations of female offspring. Male children are raised
by their mother’s brothers, and marriage is uncommon
but not unheard of.


At the heart of the Near East is the River Province,
the military and administrative center for the eastern
sections of the Old Realm. The population here was
devastated during the Contagion, but the area’s repu-
tation for prosperity drew displaced persons from all
over the plague-blasted lands. This influx of new blood
created an open, cosmopolitan society of immigrants
eager to make their lives anew and create something for
their children. It also attracted a large number of
entrepreneurs, would-be conquerors, spirits, embit-
tered dissidents from the Realm, hermits and renegade
theoreticians. Together, this strange rabble created a
new society over the top of, in the ruins of and built


from the scraps of the Old Realm. Although these first cities of the area that people moved back into after
“Scavenger Lands” don’t approach even the tawdry, the chaos of the Contagion.
remanufactured splendor of the modern Realm, their
inhabitants are lively and eager, willing to take risks THE SOUTH
and plot their own course. The more advanced and To the south is the Elemental Pole of Fire. As one
warlike inhabitants, many of whom are wise in the ways travels farther south, the weather becomes hotter and
of First Age artifacts, have consistently provided a hotter. Near the sea, it blends slowly into tropical forest
major resource in the restoration of the region to in the east. Rain is frequent, and while rugged, the land is
habitability and in defense against the Realm. Accord- not brutal or water-scoured. As one travels farther south,
ingly, tinkers and wise men are held in high regard, and the rain becomes less frequent, and the olive trees and
to have a son or daughter involved with scavenging is grass give way to scrub and tumbleweeds. It is a land of
much the same as having a child take holy orders of cacti, ice plants and yucca trees, where arroyos and wadis
some sort. cut the landscape into a classic badland. The narrow
Most of the Scavenger Lands consist of walled towns canyons are full of fallen trees piled up like jackstraws and
and cities and the farm lands immediately around them, boulders chocked snugly into place, a tribute to the force
surrounded by sparsely populated wilderness, connected by of the flash floods that race through these narrow spaces.
trade routes and a common heritage of immigration and Still further south, rain ceases to fall at all. Mesas give
restoration of the ruins that surround them. Inhabitants of way to sand and stone outcroppings, and oases become
the region value individual initiative and self-reliance, and increasingly infrequent. The cloudless sky does nothing
it’s well they do, because powerful Essence flows make the to hold the sun’s heat in, and blasting hot daytime
region attractive to the Deathlords and Fair Folk alike. temperatures plummet to subfreezing lows until one ar-
Ironically, while most of the Threshold is extremely super- rives at the True South, where the sun provides only light
stitious, the Scavenger Lands verge on atheism. This doesn’t and the heat continues unabated day and night. None can
mean that they don’t acknowledge the existence of the reliably claim to have traveled to the uttermost south and
supernatural, but that there is much practicality and little returned, and reports conflict as to what lies there. Some
reverence in their interactions with the world. You cannot say that it is a field of black glass with a never-setting sun,
live at the crossroads of Creation without becoming jaded. and others claim that it ends in a field of glowing red
Exalted, Fair Folk, spirits and other supernatural beings are magma beneath a black and starless expanse, while still a
treated with the respect that such dangerous creatures third school says that in the True South, there is nothing
deserve but, generally, not with an obsequious air. but colorless fire.
Inhabitants of the Scavenger Lands come in all
shapes and colors, but many are of mixed stock, coffee- INHABITANTS
and-cream complexioned, with wavy peach or black Along the northern coast, the inhabitants of the
hair. Strong, aquiline noses are common in the Scaven- South gather in great cities, supported by a brutally op-
ger lands, as are relatively sharp features in general — pressed agricultural underclass. Although they are not as
probably the result of a heritage of interaction with the large and certainly not as splendid as the great cities of the
Fair Folk, much of it sexual. Marriage and family cus- Realm, at least three Southern cities (Gem, Paragon and
toms vary wildly from household to household, and the Chiaroscuro) have a million or more inhabitants. They,
matter is complex and routine enough that it is cultur- like almost all the cities of the South, are hereditary
ally acceptable to find it funny. autocracies, and they crawl with palace intrigues and secret
police. As one travels farther to the south, the cities and
NEXUS towns end abruptly at the edge of the badlands. Go further
At the center of the River Province lies Nexus. With south, and there are only nomadic tribes feuding and
three-quarters of a million inhabitants, Nexus is one of stealing from one another to subsist. What keeps these
the largest cities outside the Realm. Like most other nomads active is the harvest of the sands to the south. Just
major cities of the province, Nexus is built on the ruins of beyond where the heat becomes constant, the sands give up
a city of the Old Realm. Once the provincial capital, the a bounty of gems — rubies and garnets, opals and topaz.
city of Hollow was decimated by the Contagion and Southerners are extremely superstitious, as a rule.
devastated by the Wyld incursions that followed. The They take great stock in portents and signs, and everyone
streets were filled with bones and wreckage, and the city’s can read their own basic horoscope. Those who can afford
three great rivers choked with the masonry of countless to do so employ one or several astrologers to supplement
fallen towers. Because of its excellent location (and their own efforts, but no Southerner in his right mind
strong possibilities for salvage), Hollow was one of the wouldn’t draw up his own basic horoscope to work from
before consulting an outsider’s predictions. Likewise, most


Southerners sacrifice daily to their familial patron spirit, deafen unwanted children placed into the public trust by
the patron of the task they’re about to undertake, one or puncturing their eardrums repeatedly. These orphans are
several spirits of good fortune, the spirit of their city and the set to patrolling the shore when they come of age, to hunt
ghosts of their ancestors. The cities of the South are seen as mermaids who creep close to shore. Most eventually
debased and decadent by those outside it, displaying all the succumb to the seductions of the ladies of the deep or are
corruption, greed and lascivious behavior of Nexus without killed by vengeful husbands, but it’s better than drowning
the brutal opportunism and vibrancy that makes Nexus so at birth.
different. Those from the South simply see themselves as The average Westerner is bronze-skinned, with those
civilized and enjoy the benefits thereof. who dwell in the Far West or Southwest having an almost
The average Southerner is dark-skinned, with blond, golden skin tone. Those from the Central West tend
black or red hair. Unlike Easterners, however, most South- toward hair colors in sea shades — green, blue, dark gray.
erners’ hair has a great deal of body, though the blondes Those in the Southwest tend toward darker shades, pri-
tend toward less kink and more curl. People from the marily purple and black. Westerners dress in sturdy clothes,
South typically dress in silk, if the wearers can afford it, or ankle-length dresses, jerkins and shawls for the women
else cotton. Only the poorest nomad wears wool, and it is and canvas pants, thick jerkins and waterproof ankle-
considered an invitation to awful luck to wear leather — length canvas jackets for the men. Both sexes wear wool
most armor is metal and canvas. Silk, cotton and large pullover caps when the weather is up, and boots from
quantities of tobacco and marijuana are produced do- ankle to knee length are the standard footgear.
mestically on the same latifundia that feed the cities, and
the export of these goods is the source of much of the THE NORTH
cities’ prosperity. To the north is the Elemental Pole of Air. Near the
shores of the Inner Sea, the climate is chilly grasslands and
THE WEST pine scrub. But as one goes farther north, the cold becomes
To the west lies the Elemental Pole of Water. As one increasingly bitter, and the wind grows in strength, until
travels outward, the islands are, at first, large and com- the taiga stops and the tundra begins. Winters here are long
mon, then smaller and less frequent. Past a certain point, and cruel, and the short summer barely gives the surface of
there are no more islands, only a horizon where the sea the tundra time to thaw before the ice closes in again. Even
and sky come together. This horizon can be distinguished in the summer, this is a frigid and windy land, and pelting,
only at sunrise and sunset. During the day, it is as if one freezing rain lashes the herds of elk, mammoth and reindeer
sails in a surfaceless ocean of blue and green, and at night, than eke out a marginal existence from the bleak land-
it is as if the sea is absent and the boat rocks gently as it scape. Feeding on the herd animals are omen dog packs,
sails among the stars. The ocean has no scent here because and at times, it seems as if the natural sound of the northern
the “smell of the sea” is the smell of dead things rotting in winter night is the low, endless sound of lupine baying.
seaside swamps, and it has no sound because the winds are The tundra eventually turns to a permanently frozen
gentle and the swells low. Even experienced seamen find waste that runs to the foothills of the northern moun-
it maddening to sail too far out past the far islands, and it tains. It is said that in the farthest north, past the
is rarely done. After all, what is there to find, save more mountains’ divide, there is naught but a great gray ex-
ocean, stretching out until the end of time? panse of snow and frigid winds. Certainly, this is a hard
land, by far the most brutal of the four directions.
The West is the least populous of the directions. INHABITANTS
There is simply less space for human beings to live. Those The North is populated, yet not so densely as the
men who do dwell here on the Western Ocean’s countless South or East. A large number of petty kingdoms and city-
islands and archipelagos are seafarers and shipbuilders. states fringe the coastlines of the Inner Sea and the more
There is little arable land, making vegetables other than northerly White Sea. In the south, most are tributaries or
cultivated kelp a luxury. Subsistence food consists of puppets of the Realm, with the cities becoming progres-
clams, lobster, small fry — anything that lives close to sively more independent as one travels northward.
shore. Those who are not merchants or pirates or sailors Northerners primarily make offerings to the ances-
of some sort are fishermen or shipwrights. A child who tor cult and to the dark spirits of snow and frost and
cannot sail a boat by the age of six is a child misraised. hunger. Herders and hunters typically offer sacrifices to
Fair Folk and water spirits are forever a menace to the the herd animal spirits and to the spirits of the hunt,
cities of the West, picking and choosing where and when respectively, but the vast majority of devotions go to the
to land. On some islands, the problem with siren blan- ghosts of the departed. This ancestor worship, combined
dishments is so severe that it is traditional to artificially with the miserable conditions of Northern existence


and the extreme weakness of the Shroud between the of Creation and caused great spirit-storms of mischance
living and the dead in this place where life barely exists and unchained possibility to enter the world through
at all, makes the natives easy prey for the Deathlords. them. The effect was devastating. Vast swaths of Cre-
There are many shadowlands in the North, particularly ation simply disappeared, and in the places where the
in the steppes and bogs where the Wyld tribesmen dwell. barbarians and Fair Folk rode were sewn madness and
At least two Deathlords — the Bishop of the Chalce- discord, devastating not only the inhabitants, but twist-
dony Thurible and the Lover Clad in the Raiment of ing the nature of reality itself.
Tears — dwell in that region with their deathknights,
and both enjoy large followings among the living. WYLD PLACES
Northerners dress in sturdy clothes, usually leather For centuries, there have been places where the sky
with the fur left on it and turned inward for insulation. swims with ever-changing colors and the ground crawls
Footgear usually consists of wool or felt puttees and sandals with snow, with ash, with writhing flesh or with carnivo-
worn under a fur-lined, waterproof overboot. Mittens are rous steel ants. Some occur naturally, but most are the
common, as are large poncho-like parkas woven loosely out remains of places where the Wyld claimed an ancient
of thick yarn and covered with a windproof leather layer. Manse or Demesne. These places shrink with the passage
Long wool caps, turbans and even longer scarves are worn, of centuries, but there are still large areas of the Threshold
and skis are common as well. where the rules of Creation are enforced loosely, if they
have any jurisdiction at all. The border marches of such
THE WYLD places tend to resemble the areas in which they occur,
The primal energies of creation still run strong and save that they are rife with prodigies — crystal flowers,
deep during the current age. In most places, the static birds of many colors, briars that bleed wine instead of sap.
fabric of reality is only a thin film atop the endless As one travels deeper, the landscape quavers and shifts as
potential of unformed chaos. During the Old Realm, the if it were hallucinatory, and the prodigies grow more
world was stable, but after the Great Contagion, it began marvelous and fell. One might find dandelions whose
to fray at the edges and in the thin spots. Tiny clusters seeds are small warriors in mail, carnivorous shadows and
of survivors were not enough to remember the shape of oak trees whose galls are full of diamonds so poisonous
the world, and the Fair Folk opened the gates at the edge that a single whiff from them will kill a man.


WYLD BARBARIANS hatred has allowed them to master the power of the
Underworld itself.
At the borders of Creation, where the line between Deathlords vary wildly in appearance, having re-
reality and chaos shifts with the cycles of the moon, shaped themselves to match their self-images and the
there dwell strange and twisted men. These inhabitants images that they wish to project. Some are alabaster
of the fringes of Creation are warped by the power of the angels, wrapped in wings of sobbing knife-edged steel,
Wyld. Some tribes exhibit shocking deformities — gi- with diadems of pale white fire and glittering ruby orbs
gantism, dwarfism, more or fewer limbs or sense organs and scepters of hungry yellow gold upon their belts.
than normal for the human form and other similarly Others are no longer anything resembling human, having
radical mutations. made the descent into the dark hallways under the land of
Like most inhabitants of the Threshold, the tribes of the dead. These Deathlords are among the more person-
the Wyld worship spirits. Most barbarian communities ally powerful of their kind. Although they command the
have shamans who use a combination of folk magic, very elements of the Underworld and walk between life
ecstatic meditations in Wyld areas and offerings of blood and death as if it were a simple doorway, these creatures
and edible plants to converse with the spirits. As a rule, no longer think as men think or feel as men feel. Their
Wyld barbarians hold spirits in extreme reverence. In eyes behold an infinity of darkness, and their hearts know
many of the areas that the barbarians inhabit, spirits may only the leaping exaltation of silence.
enter the material world at will. Indeed, many barbarian The Deathlords fight amongst themselves incessantly,
tribes are led by spirits of some sort. constantly warring to advance themselves and their plans
Although each barbarian tribe is unique, some are or for the sake of ego or simply for the love of strife.
exemplary of their type or particularly numerous. These Although they command great forces, they have no com-
are described later, but it should be kept in mind that the mon center. Each wishes to lash out at the world around her
list provided is by no means exhaustive. in her own personal fashion to recompense it for her death.
SHADOWLANDS The result is 100 little kingdoms of bone and steel and not
a military juggernaut whose sole purpose is to crush the
The land of the dead lies perilously near that of the living and reunite all things across the Shroud.
living, and in places where the boundaries have been crossed
and recrossed, the dividing line often frays into nonexist-
ence. In these places, known as shadowlands, the Underworld
These malevolent creatures spring from the Wyld,
thrusts through, and the dead walk among the living. During where chaos mixes and gives rise to something that might
the daylight hours, those who cross the borders of these generously be described as life. Although they are similar
places traveling outward find themselves in the lands of the in appearance to mortals, their appearance is their only
living. Those who leave them during the night find them- similarity. The faerie are made half from the mad passion
selves traveling farther into the Underworld. of dreams and half from the primal energies of the Wyld,
There is no place that the Underworld does not go, and they know neither morals nor fear. They hurl them-
nowhere that death cannot touch. But despite their selves into their timeless existences without hesitation or
endless variety, there are certain common traits to the regret, and there is nothing in Creation that can deter one
places where the dead walk among the living. The ab- from its wrath or love.
sence of animal life, the terrible nightmares, the tendency The most powerful of the Fair Folk dwell beyond the
of those who live on the edges of such places to die early edges of Creation, eschewing shape and form to dwell in
— all are common to every shadowland. But there are the primal chaos that is their natural home. Only the
other, less obvious signs as well. Storms in these areas are outcasts, refugees and weak among them put on shape and
often of unusual strength, the raindrops sometimes mixed enter the world of men.
with blood or ash or bone or, sometimes, quicksilver. Most Fair Folk who dwell in our world live in Wyld
This, the Deathlords say, is the rotting flesh of dead gods, regions or else on the very edges of Creation. The natural
shed from their bodies as they lie unquiet in their tombs. alchemy that permits their existence is unstable without
a high level of ambient Essence, and if deprived of it, they
DEATHLORDS will soon fade into dust and scraps of memory. But Essence
Most shadowlands are the products of little more is not the only requirement for their survival. Just as
than happenstance. The wall between life and death is natural predators must eat other creatures to survive, so
new and fragile, and too many sudden deaths or a spate of the Fair Folk must consume dreams to continue their
hauntings is all that it takes to rend the Shroud deeply existence. Some are adept at snatching dreams from
enough that event follows on event and tears a true sleeping mortals or at feeding from the ambient imagina-
opening. Yet, at the heart of the greatest shadowlands lie tion released during the creative process.
the Manses of the Deathlords, ancient ghosts whose


More commonly, the faerie feed on captive prey. spoiled child of the middle class? Is she a hard-bitten
Through their sorceries and their vast beauty, they ravish vagabond or an introspective scholar?). You can also
the souls of their victims, shearing away love and dreams choose to create a concept as you go.
and hope with a surgeon’s skill and taking it all into The next step is selecting your character’s caste —
themselves. The shells that survive this treatment are the role he fulfills in Exalted society. All characters in the
forever devoid of dreams and desires, and they know main Exalted book are Solar Exalted, but there are five
neither grief nor hope. The faerie often trade these husks subgroups of which you can be part. Your character’s caste
to the Guild in exchange for fresh slaves. The Guild, in helps define what she is best at, and can also help you get
turn, sells the husks for use in mining or construction, a grasp on your character’s personality. For example, if you
where the work is hard and risky but simple. want to create a veteran mercenary who spent much of his
The Fair Folk are vulnerable to the bite of unalloyed life drifting from war to war, a Dawn Caste character
iron, and they fear and hate those who wield it. Although would be a logical choice.
they are adept liars, they are unable to break their sworn Once you’ve selected a caste, write down the listed
word, and a promise given is a promise kept. Similarly, Anima Effect for the caste and mark your in-caste Trait by
although they are often master shapeshifters, the faerie do putting an “x” in the checkbox beside it. Then, look at the
have a true form, which they must assume when someone character sheet and decide another Trait that suits your
speaks their true and secret name. To know a Fair One’s character. Mark that one with an “x” too. Those are your
name is to be proof against her magic, and she will plot Favored Traits.
and scheme endlessly to destroy those who can use her Next, you get to decide your character’s Trait levels.
name against her and to obliterate the name from memory. Characters have five Traits in all, each of which repre-
sents one general area of endeavor. Those areas include
CHARACTER CREATION Fighting, Magnetism, Scholarship, Stealth and Embassy.
Now that you’ve learned the basics of the world of Each represents your ability in that field.
Exalted, it’s time to generate your own Exalted character. To determine your Traits, rank them from 1 to 5; 5 is
Creating a character is easy, and it involves just a few the best, 1 is the worst. (Each number may only be
simple choices. It is a good idea to have a general concept assigned to one Trait — you can’t give your character a 4
of what you want your character to be like (Was he a farm in everything!) So, if you assign Fighting 5, Magnetism 3,
boy who always wanted to grow up to be a hero, or a Scholarship 4, Stealth 1 and Embassy 2, your character is



• Choose Caste: Write down the character’s anima power and mark his in-caste Trait as Favored.
• Choose Favored Trait: Mark another Trait as Favored.
• Choose Traits: Rank the character’s Fighting, Magnetism, Scholarship, Stealth and Embassy from 1 to 5;
5 is the best, 1 is the worst.
• Increase Favored Traits: Add one to both of your character’s Favored Traits, even if this raises the Trait to 6.
• Give your character a name, and make up some details about her appearance, personality, mannerisms and
other features that will help you roleplay her.
an excellent warrior and scholar, fairly enjoyable to be the martial arts, swordsmiths of legendary skill, hot-
around, not very well traveled and very loud and clumsy. headed youths with the courage to fight for what they
After you’re done assigning the numbers, add one to believe in; all these and more are found among the
each of your Favored Traits. This represents the preter- Children of the Dawn.
natural skill you’ve developed in those areas as an Exalt. It’s Anima Effects: By spending 1 point of Essence, the
tempting to assign your 4 and 5 to your Favored Traits, but character can appear huge and terrifying for the remain-
you should think twice. Your magical powers will make you der of the scene. Creatures attempting to face the Exalted
very good at your Favored Trait, unless it’s a 1. It can pay to are unable to look directly at the character or strongly
have a high value in a Trait that isn’t Favored, in order to oppose him, subtracting 1 die from all attempts to attack
make your character better at different things. the character. Golems and automata, demons and the
Finally, every character starts with 10 Essence. This undead and other creatures that do not know fear cannot
rating represents your reserve of magical power, which be affected by this power.
you expend to perform superhuman feats with your Caste Trait: Members of the Dawn Caste excel in all
Favored Traits. forms of combat, armed and otherwise, and they are
With that, you’re ready for the finishing touches. Favored in the Fighting Trait.
What is your character’s name? How does she dress? What Concepts: Mercenary prince, city guardsman, warrior-
was his Exaltation like — was he pursued by the Wyld scholar, grizzled veteran, daring young farm boy, famous pit
Hunt? Does she still have mortal friends? Does he have a fighter, heroic bandit, barbarian raider, swordsmith
cult of mortals who venerate him as a godling? What Quote: I am not a wise man, but I am a strong one, and
notable personality traits does he have? Once you’ve come I know right from wrong. Surrender, and I will see that you
up with these details, your character is ready for play. are judged fairly. Resist, and I will end your tyranny with
Details about Traits and your character’s magical your life.
abilities can be found on the following pages.

In the long-vanished First Age, the different Solar
Exalted fulfilled differing roles in the government. Some
were mighty generals, while others were spies and assas-
sins, sorcerers, diplomats or leaders. Although that
government is long gone, the divine energy within each
Solar still remains predisposed toward certain deeds.

As the Unconquered Sun rises in the morning sky, its
light flares forth, burning away the darkness and turning the
sky red — as if the horizon was soaked with the blood of
light’s enemies. Thus do the warriors of the Dawn Caste
strike against the minions of darkness, staining the ground
crimson with the blood of all who dare to stand against them.
Members of the Dawn Caste are chosen from among
those who have struggled to master the arts of war and
combat. Master swordsmen and archers only scratch the
surface of this caste. Gang leaders who excel at urban
warfare, hulking brutes who dominate gladiator arenas,
philosopher-monks who seek enlightenment through


ZENITH CASTE Caste Abilities: Members of the Zenith Caste excel

at surviving great hardships, both physical and mental.
As the Unconquered Sun reaches its height amid the They also possess amazing skills of persuasion and inspi-
noonday sky, its light shines down, banishing shadows, ration. They are favored in the Magnetism Trait.
blazing with power and revealing the Sun’s immeasurable Concepts: Former priest or shaman of another god,
might for all to see. And so do the Zenith Caste crusade to brilliant astrologer, two-fisted laborer, wandering tinker,
banish the shadows of doubt and confusion, infusing the desert hermit, physician, peasant rebel, tax collector,
masses with faith and revealing its power — the channeled pirate, old man on the mountain, runaway slave
strength of the Unconquered Sun — to all those around it. Quote: The stars and the prophets have long foretold
Exalted of the Zenith Caste are chosen from those a day when the forces of righteousness would come van-
who thirst for righteousness and justice, as well as from quish that which is wicked. I have come in from the
among those who are natural leaders of men or who are wilderness to tell you — that time is now at hand.
willing to endure great hardship in the name of what they
believe in. All members of this caste have been granted a TWILIGHT CASTE
vision of the Unconquered Sun, and this vision helps fire As the Unconquered Sun slips below the horizon, its
their passion and faith to new heights. No matter what light retreats. The shadows grow long as dedicated schol-
the Zenith Solar fights for, he fights for it with every fiber ars and craftsmen light their candles and lanterns, seeking
of his being, never quitting — no matter what. to continue their work into the night. And so, the
Anima Effects: The Zenith Caste is empowered with Twilight Caste seek to hold back the night by bringing
the touch of the Sun himself. With but a touch, they can forth the light of learning and knowledge and banishing
burn the bodies of the fallen, sending the smoke (and the darkness of ignorance.
soul) to Heaven and preventing the body from rising after Members of the Twilight Caste are chosen from
death as a zombie or hungry ghost. among those who apply their skills and knowledge to
They can also strike down demons, the undead and create solid, lasting results. Few are found among their
other creatures of darkness. As her action for a turn, a numbers who were naught but withered scholars, pouring
Zenith Exalted may spend a point of Essence. The player the years of their life into the pages of dusty tomes. The
then rolls her character’s Magnetism. For every success, way of the Arrows of Heaven is the way of the scavenger,
the character does one health level of damage, which
cannot be soaked.
As fierce enemies of darkness, the Zenith Exalted
may spend a point of Essence and cause their anima to
flare. The effect is the same as the anima flare of the Dawn
Exalted, but it only applies to demons, ghosts and other
such unclean creatures.


the engineer, the healer, the detective, the craftsman and

the warrior-wizard. Each possesses not just a thirst for
knowledge, but a burning desire to use it. When knowl-
edge is needed, the Twilight Caste leads the way.
Anima Effects: Solar Exalted of the Twilight Caste
may channel Essence through their anima as a last-ditch
protective act. If a Twilight Exalted will lose health levels
to an attack, then she may spend a point of her Essence to
strengthen her Anima. The character may spend one
point of Essence to reduce the damage she suffers from an
attack by two health levels. This is done after soak is
applied, and it can totally negate damage from an attack.
Caste Abilities: Members of the Twilight Caste excel
in the search for knowledge and in the application of that
knowledge. They are Favored in the Scholarship Trait.
Concepts: Elderly scholar, warrior-sage, cunning
courtier, slave on the run, destitute student, child prodigy,
ambitious courtesan, educated merchant, village wise
woman, cunning tailor, traveling healer, town constable, Caste Abilities: Members of the Night Caste excel at
optimistic young scavenger, blacksmith noticing what others miss and in going places where they
Quote: You would enslave these people with igno- are not wanted. They are Favored in the Stealth Trait.
rance and keep their minds small and their lives miserable Concepts: Troubleshooter for hire, bounty
in order to fatten your own belly. I cannot abide such hunter, neglected youngest sister, escaped fugitive,
wickedness. I come bearing the light of learning for all king of thieves, nobleman’s mistress, gang leader,
who wish to see. crafty merchant, highwayman
Quote: Hide your wickedness behind closed doors,
NIGHT CASTE skulk beneath the earth, even conspire in the land of dead
When the Unconquered Sun descends below the if you wish — it will avail you not. You may conceal your
horizon to slumber until the next dawn, the world is evil from the light of the Unconquered Sun, but you
shrouded in darkness and secrecy. It is the time of those cannot evade his eyes.
beings — conspirators, criminals and wicked spirits —
that cannot survive the bright light of truth. The Night ECLIPSE CASTE
Caste fights these enemies on their own turf and walks in When the sun and the moon are in perfect align-
a world of secrecy and lies. ment, the result is a spectacular solar eclipse. Visible from
Members of the Night Caste are chosen from those who every corner of the world, it is a most auspicious event.
excel in stealth and guile, and they can formulate clever The Golden Lord and the Silver Lady become one — a
solutions to difficult problems. Thieves and assassins are crown of light flares out, and the day dims enough that the
chosen but also secretive scholars, clever city constables, Five Maidens are visible. All of Heaven can be seen,
master woodsmen, sly courtesans, fast-talking merchants displaying the unity and harmony of the natural order. So
and devious nobles. Any who favor the use of cunning, wit the Eclipse Caste brings unity and order to the people of
and skill over raw power may be Exalted into this caste. the world. It members touch all corners of society, cross-
Anima Effects: The Hidden Suns may mute their ing boundaries and bringing people together.
animas, allowing them to exert their powers without the When the Solars returned, the world witnessed the
display of power. When a Night Caste Solar expends first solar eclipse since the Terrestrial Exalted took power.
Essence, she may spend another point of Essence to prevent Now, the Eclipse Caste has begun the difficult process of
the expenditure from causing her anima banner to flare. reunifying the world. With diplomacy and trade routes,
The character may also extend her muted anima like an the Crowned Suns forge links between distant people and
imperceptible veil around her. Doing so costs 1 point of places, binding groups together into something greater
Essence to evoke, and it mutes the senses of those attempting than the sum of the parts.
to perceive the Night Caste. Shadows are darker, sounds Members of the Eclipse Caste are chosen from those
muffled, and scent and footprints are both much lighter than who excel at social interaction. Unlike the Zenith Caste,
normal. In game-mechanic terms, subtract one success from which is a shining beacon for all to see, the Crowned Suns
all Stealth rolls attempting to spot or follow a character, or work quietly. They are socialites who move with effortless
from Magnetism rolls to track him in the wilderness. grace, influencing the opinions of others. They are the
shamans who make pacts between men and spirits and the


Fighting: This Trait measures an Exalted’s ability in

all forms of combat — armed and unarmed hand-to-hand
combat, thrown weapons and archery. This Trait is used
to resolve all tasks involving fighting.
Magnetism: This Trait measures an Exalted’s per-
sonal appeal and ability to lead. It is used to resolve all
tasks involving leading people or impressing single indi-
viduals. It also includes inner strength, and governs the
character’s resistance to poison, disease and fatigue, as
well as her ability to survive in the wilderness.
Scholarship: This Trait measures an Exalted’s degree of
learning, her ability to make and build things, her command
of languages and also her occult knowledge. Scholarship is
used to resolve all tasks concerned with trying to figure
something out, speak another language or perform magic.
Stealth: This Trait measures an Exalted’s innate crimi-
nal instincts. It is used to resolve all tasks involving stealing
things, sneaking, picking locks and so forth. It is also a
measure of the character’s alertness, and if you must check
to see if a character noticed something or someone, roll her
Stealth. Stealth also governs the character’s innate ath-
letic potential, and it is used when the character is attempting
censors who keep governments functioning honestly. They
to perform an acrobatic feat or dodge an attack.
are the true masters of communication and organization.
Embassy: This Trait represents the Exalted’s ability
Anima Effects: When an Eclipse Caste Solar is party or
to understand and manipulate social situations. Use it to
witness to an oath, he may use his anima to sanctify it. The
resolve any task in which the character is attempting to
Exalted spends a point of Essence to sanctify the oath, and
manipulate or understand a group or society. Embassy also
thereafter those who break it will never profit from the
represents a character’s ability to travel safely, and it is
oathbreaking. The Exalted need not be alive when the curse
used to resolve any attempts to ride horses or sail ships.
takes effect — he sanctifies the oath, but Heaven enforces it.
Finally, all Exalted have a trait they share called
Also, Eclipses are protected by ancient pacts with the
Essence. All Exalted start with 10 points of Essence.
spirit world, the demon princes and the Fair Folk. Eclipses and
Essence: Command of Essence is the ability of an
their companions who are on legitimate business with those
Exalted to change reality. Most Exalted channel their
beings may not be attacked without just cause (although they
Essence through their other Traits to enhance their abili-
may be goaded into attacking and nullifying the oaths), and
ties to superhuman levels. By spending a point of Essence,
such creatures must honor the rules of hospitality.
an Exalted may double her Trait rating for a single action.
Caste Abilities: Members of the Eclipse Caste excel
If an Exalted spends Essence, it returns slowly, as her
in all forms of communication, organization and travel.
natural reserves of strength return. An Exalted regains
They are Favored in the Embassy Trait.
one point of Essence for every hour spent working, march-
Concepts: Elderly society matron, ambitious young
ing or otherwise engaged in strenuous activity. She regains
noble, professional diplomat, trade intermediary, village
two points of Essence for every hour spent walking casu-
shaman, careful spy, ambitious courtier, professional mes-
ally, engaged in enjoyable conversation or otherwise
senger, adventurous sailor, army quartermaster
relaxing. She regains four points of Essence for every hour
Quote: I negotiate in good faith, yet you respond with
spent sleeping, relaxing in a sauna or bath, receiving a
treachery. Sadly for you, I have learned to anticipate such
massage or otherwise recovering her power.
duplicity. Even if you survive the wrath of my Circlemates,
you must answer to Heaven as well. THE ANIMA BANNER
All Exalted have an “anima,” an aura of power that
TRAITS surrounds them. Normally, this aura is so faint that it is
The power and skill of an Exalted (or of any charac- imperceptible to normal human senses, but when the Ex-
ter) are measured by her Traits. An Exalted has fiveTraits alted spends points of Essence, the anima intensifies to form
that represent Abilities possessed by all humans to some a so-called banner. With the exceptions of the “1” and “5”
extent. These fiveTraits are: entries, the anima banner fades at the rate of one table entry
per scene, or per 10 to 15 minutes if the scenes are very long.


Points of Essence Spent Effect and injury that the injury causes the character, and it is a
1 The character’s Caste Mark glitters and is penalty applied to all Trait rolls.
visible from certain angles. Anyone seeing the Exalted may make a As wounds accumulate, check off the wound boxes
Stealth roll to notice the Caste Mark. The character can use the
Stealth Trait normally to hide. This effect can persist for as long as on the character sheet, starting with the first -0 box and
an hour after the character has ceased to burn Essence. going down from there. When all health levels are gone,
2 The character’s Caste Mark burns and will the character falls unconscious and begins to die. A
shine through anything placed over it. It is impossible to mistake the character takes the largest penalty listed beside any health
character for anything but what she is. All Stealth rolls are at +2 level he has suffered, so a character who had suffered three
difficulty, above and beyond any other modifiers.
3 The character is surrounded by a coruscant -0 health levels in damage and two -1 health levels in
aura bright enough to read by, and his Caste Mark is a burning damage would have a penalty of -1 to all Traits.
golden brand on his forehead. Stealth is impossible.
4 The character is engulfed in a brilliant bon- DEATH AND HEALING
fire of Essence, which burns from his feet to at least a foot above A character who has suffered health levels of damage
the character’s head. Objects that come in contact with the aura heals them back slowly. For every day of relaxation and rest,
may be left bleached or faded, as if they had been exposed to the sun
for many days. The character is visible for miles. The light is bright an Exalt heals back one health level. This is not true for
and steady enough to read by out to a spearcast’s distance. The normal mortals — for the average mortal in the world of
character’s Caste Mark will remain etched in the vision of anyone Exalted, a blow from a sword is a crippling injury that will take
who sees it for minutes afterward. weeks or months to heal, and which may well lead to a lethal
5+ The character is surmounted or surrounded infection. However, the Exalted were created for war, and
by a burning image totemic to his person — a warrior might be
surrounded by a great golden bull, a Twilight Caste magician by an their bodies heal quickly, and are all but immune to infection.
incredibly elaborate mandala, and so on. This effect fades during When a character takes a health level of damage
any turn the character does not spend Essence, but it leaps back beyond Incapacitated, she falls unconscious and dies. A
into existence from the solar bonfire of the character’s anima if the slain character is out of the game forever. The player must
character again spends a point of Essence. create a new character.
Traits are rated from 1 to 4; a rating of 1 indicates a
mediocre level of ability, while a rating of 4 indicates a Trait Most of the action in Exalted is determined by the
at the absolute peak level of human ability (an Olympic players and Storyteller, but we provide a few rules to help
athlete, a genius, a great statesman, or so forth). It is possible arbitrate complex situations.
to have a zero in a Trait, reflecting a crippled or decrepit This system uses six-sided dice, which are available
character, but players’ characters never start out with zeros in in supermarkets and toy stores. You might already have
any Trait. It is also possible for Exalted to attain superhuman some from a board game like Risk. When a player decides
scores — all Exalted characters start out with a 5 in one Trait, that his character is going to attempt an action for which
and that can be raised to 6 if it is in a Favored Trait. the outcome is in doubt (trying to impress a prince,
Most humans possess ratings of 1 or 2 in all Traits. swinging her sword at an enemy, etc.), the Storyteller
However, beginning Exalted are operating at the pin- decides which Trait is most relevant.
nacle of human ability and beyond it. Various monsters Storyteller assigns a difficulty. This is usually 1, but it
and enemies, created by the Storyteller, can also have can go as high as five for all but impossible tasks (like
very high traits. A pack of mutated barbarians might have running across several hundred yards of water on sheer
Traits ranging from 1 to 3, whereas a huge 12-legged speed). The player then rolls a number of dice equal to the
demonic monstrosity with serpent-heads for legs might character’s rating in the Trait. Every one of the dice that
have Traits of 5 or even more. rolls a 4 or 5 is called a success. If a die comes up 6, it counts
Trait Ratings as two successes. If the character rolls a number of suc-
0 Enfeebled cesses equal to or greater than the difficulty of the task,
1 Mediocre the action succeeds. If not, the action fails.
2 Pretty good

3 Really good
Human perfection
5+ Superhuman (supernatural beings only) Most tasks are automatic. If Alia says, “My character
Turquoise Nova runs up the steps and through the door!”
HEALTH AND INJURY no roll is necessary. It happens automatically. Even though
there’s a chance of botching routine actions (like slipping
Exalted characters have seven health levels, repre-
on wet stone steps or being thrown from a horse that panics
senting various stages of wounding. They are “-0, -0, -0,
for no reason), you don’t have to roll for everyday events.
-1, -1, -3 and Incapacitated.” The minus signs followed by Nobody wants to play a game about a hero who can’t get out
a number indicate the degree of impairment from pain of the house without worrying about breaking his neck.


However, if Turquoise Nova were trying to run up Mask runs. The Storyteller describes the street scene
the stairway with a leg on the wall to either side so she that’s flashing by as Black Mask runs, and he decides to
didn’t touch the individual steps, or if she were ducking throw an obstacle at Will. He tells him that the street
behind a door as protection from a hail of arrows, then Black Mask is running up to is blocked by a parade of the
dice rolling would be necessary. Dice rolling only begins Church of Dace warrior-cult.
when the action becomes dramatic. Will decides that Black Mask will try to leap over the
parade so that the assassins will have to try to plow
SPENDING ESSENCE through a bunch of militant cultists to follow him. The
Remember, if a character Favors a Trait, he may Storyteller decides that since this is athletics, it’s a Stealth
spend a point of Essence to double the value of the feat — Black Mask is already running, but the cultists are
Trait for a single roll. carrying banners and waving placards in support of the
demigod they worship. Black Mask has a Stealth score of
DIFFICULTIES 6, and Will decides to spend Essence, because he wants it
Difficulties range between 1 and 5. When in doubt, to work, and because leaping into the middle of a bunch
a difficulty is always 1. of well-armed fanatics is probably a bad idea. Therefore,
Difficulty Task he has a total of 12 dice to roll. He rolls a 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3,
1 Normal (climbing a fieldstone wall, racing through 4, 4, 5, 6, 6, 6, for a total of 9 successes!
the woods on horseback) This is an incredible, godlike result. The Storyteller
2 Hard (climbing a sheer stone wall, racing through
the woods on horseback at night) decides that Black Mask sails over the procession in a flash
3 Extremely Hard (Walking silently when covered in of golden light, and is taken as a divine potent by the cultists.
bells, racing through the woods on horseback When the assassins arrive and attempt to plow through the
blindfolded) procession, they’ll find the members of the Church to be
4 Almost Impossible (lifting a millstone, persuading quite eager to strike out against anything they perceive as evil
a horse to run through a field full of screaming ghosts)
5 Impossible (running across a ceiling, pulling a ship — like a pair of obvious toughs with poisoned knives.
over land with a hawser)
EXTRA SUCCESSES Sometimes, a character will be in conflict with an-
If a character rolls more successes than the difficulty other person, Exalted or other rival, not simply a situation.
of an action, he has succeeded exceptionally well. In Such events are known as contests. To resolve a contest,
combat, the effects of exceptional success are easy to each player rolls, and the character with the most successes
determine — very successful attacks do extra damage. wins. The Traits rolled by the players may be the same, or
However, in other actions, it is up to the Storyteller to they may be different, depending on the situation. The
determine the effects of extra successes. contestant who scores the most successes wins. Ties reroll.
Example: Simon Whitecrown (Magnetism 4) is at-
STUNTS tempting to stare down a rebellious courtier (Magnetism
Exalted is a game of exciting, cinematic action. The 2). Simon’s player rolls four dice and scores 1, 2, 4, and 5
point is for every player to enjoy himself as much as — two successes. The Storyteller rolls two dice for the
possible, and to have fun while playing. Part of what makes courtier and scores 2 and 5 — one success. Simon wins —
a game fun for everyone is when you give a cool description the courtier grudgingly does his job.
of what you’re doing, rather than droning out “I hit him
with my mace” or something equally uninspired. DRAMA
To encourage such artistic flair, Exalted uses stunts. The life of an Exalt is fraught with danger and
A stunt is whenever a player describes an action her suspense. The following section looks at some situations
character is undertaking in a really cool fashion. When- that will likely arise over the course of an evening’s play,
ever a player describes what her character is doing in an as well as some rules to handle them.
interesting way, the Storyteller should award her an extra
die to roll to determine if the character succeeds or not. In TIME
addition, if the character succeeds in the action he used Exalted uses a fairly loose system of keeping track of
the stunt to attempt, and he has less than 10 Essence, the time. Although the Storyteller can certainly keep track of
character immediately gains back a point of Essence. the hours and days as they pass, game time is usually
measured in terms of turns, scenes and stories.
EXAMPLE OF PLAY Turn: A turn lasts about three seconds. It is used
Will’s character, Black Mask, is being pursued through when adjudicating dramatic situations involving split-
Nexus by a pair of hired assassins working for the Wyld second decisions and actions, such as combat. In one turn,
Hunt. Knowing that two-on-one isn’t good odds, Black each character can take one action.


Scene: A scene is a sequence of events in roughly the • Strike: The attacker rolls Fighting. The character
same time and place. So, a brutal fight with a gang or an being attacked defends automatically, rolling his Fighting
hours-long discussion of battle strategy both constitute a or Stealth (defender’s choice) to evade the attack. If the
scene, even though the meeting lasts longer than the fight. attacker scores a number of successes equal to or exceed-
Story: A story is an entire sequence of events in ing the defender’s roll, he has struck the defender.
which the characters take part. It has a plot, a climax and • Dodge: A character may go fully evasive for a turn,
a resolution. and attempt to do nothing but dodge. The evasive char-
Example: In the movie Star Wars, each swing of Obi- acter may not do anything else, even attack, this turn.
Wan’s and Darth Vader’s lightsabers took a turn. The However, the dodging character automatically adds two
time the heroes spent trapped in the Death Star’s garbage successes to her Stealth or Fighting roll to avoid all
attacks. In addition, if the dodging character evades an
masher took a scene. The entire movie was a story.
attacker and beats the attacker’s successes, she gains the
INITIATIVE initiative on the attacking character next turn!
Sometimes it’s important to know who acts first. A SOAK AND DAMAGE
character who gets the jump on her opponent is said to
Damage: If the attacker hits, he inflicts a number of
have the initiative. health levels of damage equal to his Fighting Trait. If he
Characters act in the following order: is using a small weapon like a knife, the damage is equal
Highest Fighting goes first, followed by the next to the attacker’s Fighting Trait +1. If he is using a large
highest, and so on. weapon like a sword or mace, the damage is equal to the
If there are ties, the character with the highest attacker’s Fighting Trait +2.
Stealth wins the tie. Armor: A character wearing light armor, like a long
If there are still ties, then the character with the leather battle-jacket, may subtract 1 health level from the
Highest Magnetism wins the tie. damage of an attack. A character in heavy armor may
If there are still ties, roll one die. The highest roll subtract 2 from the damage of an attack. However, heavy
wins. Keep rolling until the tie is resolved. armor says, “I’m about to fight a battle,” and it causes the
Example: Turquoise Nova is cornered by an Abyssal character to suffer a -1 die penalty on all defense rolls and
Exalted who means to kill her in order to prove himself to Stealth rolls to sneak or perform athletic feats. Armor can
his Deathlord master. Both have a Fighting of 5, as they’re never reduce an attack’s damage below 1.
both skilled warriors. Since neither has the advantage, the Soak: Because Exalted are supernaturally resilient to
Storyteller compares Turquoise’s and the Abyssal’s Stealth injury, they may attempt to absorb some of the damage just as
Traits. Both have Stealth Traits of 3. Comparing their a trained boxer can ignore some punches. An Exalted may
Magnetism ratings, the Storyteller sees that Turquoise has make a Magnetism roll. For every success she rolls, she negates
a Magnetism of 4, while the Abyssal has a Magnetism of 2. one health level of damage. This negation applies after the
Turquoise attacks first. If the Abyssal had had a Magnetism subtraction of armor, and (unlike armor) soak can reduce an
of 3, the Storyteller and Turquoise’s player would have attack’s damage to zero. If you roll a 6 on a soak roll, it only
counts as one success. Normal mortals cannot soak, and they
simply rolled a die, with the highest roll acting first.
must trust in their skill and the limited protection offered by
their armor in combat. A character can spend a point of
COMBAT Essence to double her Magnetism for a single soak roll.
The Exalted are warriors, born into a time of tumult. Shields: A character using a shield gets to roll an
Those who expect to survive must not turn their faces extra die when defending against attacks, but even more
aside from battle. than heavy armor, carrying a shield advertises the fact
Combat is conducted in three-second turns. It uses that you’re expecting a fight. Wandering around with one
the task system already established. Initiative is deter- will get you into trouble with the local authorities.
mined normally, and most combat actions are considered Extras: Often, it isn’t worth keeping track of wounds for
Fighting tasks. There are two basic types of combat: hand- nuisance opposition. You never see the villain’s henchmen
to-hand and ranged. staggering away with a flesh wound — they either go down
and stay down, or they’re unhurt. To reflect this, Exalted has
HAND-TO-HAND rules for extras. If you are fighting an extra and succeed in
Hand-to-hand combat is conducted with fists, natu- hitting them, don’t worry about damage; he just dies.
ral weaponry (such as claws or fangs) or weapons. Initiative
is determined normally. Attacks are resolved in order of RANGED COMBAT
initiative. Each turn, a combatant can strike a single To conduct ranged combat, the character must have
target. Remember that a fighting character can spend a a thrown weapon or a bow and arrow. Each turn, the
point of Essence to double his dice pool on an attack or Exalted may throw a weapon or fire one accurate arrow,
defense roll, if the Trait he’s rolling is Favored. provided she has objects to throw or ammunition to fire.


• Strikes: As usual, the attacker rolls Fighting to • Incantation of Transport —The spell costs a variable
attack, and the defender rolls Fighting or Stealth to number of points of Essence. When it is cast, the character
evade. Strikes take place at long, medium or short range. is instantly transported a number of miles away equal to the
Strikes made at long range subtract 2 successes from the number of points of Essence spent casting the spell.
attacker’s roll. Attacks at medium range subtract one • Infallible Messenger — This spell costs one point
success from the attacker’s roll. Attacks at short range are of Essence. The character sends a magically conjured
made normally, but the defender can attack the archer in sprite to relay a message to someone. The message can be
hand-to-hand combat. Shields give their one-die bonus up to 10 words in length per point of the sorcerer’s
to defense against arrows and thrown weapons, as usual. Scholarship. The messenger will infallibly follow the
• Dodge: A defender may dodge normally, but dodg- shortest route to the target, and it travels at a hundred
ing does not give the defender the initiative on the miles an hour.
attacker automatically in the next turn. Sorcery in Exalted is very spectacular, beyond even
A defender may also execute a running dodge. A the regular displays of anima banners. It is impossible to
running dodge takes an entire action, and the defender miss someone using sorcery — the display is visible for
does not gain any bonuses to her Trait; however, she miles if there is no obstruction to line-of-sight.
automatically closes the gap between herself and the
attacker by one range level (i.e., if she was at long range, PURSUIT AND CHASES
she is now at medium range). Sometimes, characters will want to chase other char-
• Straight Run: A defender may decide to simply acters. Chases are resolved as is initiative, based on the
charge at the attacker. Doing so takes an entire action, and following chart:
the defender may not defend against the attacker’s shot. Highest Stealth Trait wins.
However, at the end of the turn, the defender is automati- If tied, then highest Magnetism.
cally in hand-to-hand range, and he may attack next turn. If tied, then highest Embassy.
Damage: Damage from thrown weapons and arrows is If still ties, then use a die roll, as per initiative.
determined a little differently from hand-to-hand dam- Example: Black Mask has turned the tables on the
age. A thrown object inflicts a number of health levels assassins that are pursuing him, and now they are running
equal to the attacker’s successes on the strike roll. An from him. He has a Stealth Trait of 6, while the assassins have
arrow inflicts a number of health levels equal to the only 3. The next time they see Black Mask is when he’s
attacker’s successes on the strike roll +3. standing at the mouth of the alley they’re running down.
Soak: Arrows and thrown weapons can be soaked
normally, and armor applies as usual. SOCIAL INTERACTION
Only a fool tries to resolve everything with bloodshed,
SORCERY and to reclaim their place in Creation, the Exalted must use
Characters who Favor the Scholarship Trait are sor- guile as well as force of arms. There are a number of social
cerers, and they can perform magic. In Exalted, magic is a challenges that might arise in a game; a few, along with
diverse and powerful force, but we’ve simplified it consid- suggestions for handling them, are listed below.
erably for this quickstart. Sorcery takes time, and in order • Intimidation: The character may try to intimidate
to practice magic, a character must give up his action for a her target through physical threats (use the Fighting Trait)
turn. Such a character cannot attempt to defend against or social condescension (use the Embassy Trait). When
incoming attack. If he is hit, the character must make a dealing with other Exalted, the most common form of
Scholarship roll (difficulty 1) or lose the Essence invested challenge and intimidation is the stare down, which uses
in casting the spell, but without generating an effect. the Magnetism trait. The victim may resist with her Mag-
In the Exalted quickstart, a sorcerer can perform one netism Trait. The highest number of successes wins.
of four spells: • Leadership: The character may issue commands,
• Flying Guillotine — This spell costs two Essence. but the player must make a Magnetism roll to convince a
The character hurls a disc covered in hundreds of spin- hesitant target. If the target is inclined to disobey, he may
ning blades and knives. He makes a ranged attack using make a Magnetism roll to resist. The highest number of
his Scholarship instead of his Fighting, which does an successes wins.
amount of damage equal to the unblocked successes on • Fast-Talk: The Exalted rolls Embassy; the party being
the attack + 6. A character using Flying Guillotine can conned uses her Magnetism to resist. The highest roll wins.
double his Scholarship with Essence as usual. STEALTH
• Invulnerable Skin of Bronze — This spell costs
three Essence. Until the end of the scene, the character A the player of a character trying to evade notice
can add her Scholarship and her Magnetism together. If makes a Stealth roll. People trying to spot the character also
a character Favors both Magnetism and Scholarship and roll Stealth (since Stealth also governs alertness) and
wishes to double them both for the purposes of increasing compare the number of successes to the sneaking character’s
his soak, he must spend a point of Essence on each. total. If the observer doesn’t equal the sneaking character’s


total, the evading character remains undetected. If the Magnificent Jaguar has Fighting 6*, Survival 5*, Schol-
observer wins, she detects the character. If the observing arship 4, Stealth 4 and Embassy 2. He can spend a point of
character ties with the sneaking character, she “thinks she Essence to shapeshift into a giant cat (add 1 to Survival and
hears something” or “sees something out of the corner of Stealth, subtract 1 from Embassy) or a cat-man war form (add
her eye”. Any future rolls to spot the sneaking character are 2 to Fighting), and he can shift back to his human shape
at an automatic +1 success. If a character is trying to sneak without effort. Also, rather than doubling his Favored Traits
under difficult conditions (like broad daylight or without (Fighting and Survival), he can also spend a point of Essence
cover), the Storyteller should subtract successes from his to add 1 die worth of automatic successes to a roll involving
Stealth total to reflect the difficulty of hiding. them. Mark off the point of Essence, roll one die and add that
many successes to the next action he makes. Magnificent
TRACKING Jaguar has five -0 health levels, three -1 health levels, a -2
Often, in Exalted, one character will trail another health level an Incapacitated health level.
through the wilderness. The character being pursued
makes a Stealth roll, just as if he were sneaking under BESIEGED!
more conventional circumstances. However, rather than The characters are in an isolated Threshold city that
making Stealth rolls to spot the character, the pursuers has been besieged by the forces of one the Deathlords.
make Magnetism rolls (since Magnetism governs wilder- Although they are safe within the walls, the siege lines
ness survival and tracking). manned by legions of hungry ghosts and walking dead
outside the walls make escape difficult. Worse, the
SAMPLE ADVENTURES Deathlord’s deathknight servants have arrived, and it will
The possibilities for adventure in the world of Ex- be very hard for even the most daring heroes to defeat the
alted are limitless. However, the following three siege. Although the city has plenty of stores put aside in
mini-adventures are provided to help novice Storytellers case of siege, the dead need no sustenance, and their
get a feel for what kinds of adventures work well in the necromantic siege artillery specializes in the spreading of
world of Exalted. foulness and disease. The city is strong for now, but it
won’t be long until the first outbreaks of cholera and
RAIDERS OF THE FORBIDDEN TOMB typhus begin. Messengers were sent to neighboring king-
When they were destroyed near the end of the First doms asking for aid, but it is unknown if they escaped the
Age, the Solar Exalted were buried with their grave goods Deathlord’s troops, or if the neighboring states will send
in great fortress-tombs. The hope was that the fine burial enough troops to help — or any aid at all. Will the
would lull their ghosts into quiescence, and that the characters attempt to escape the city, lead the citizens in
powerful magical wards would protect the tombs from a defense until help arrives or sally forth to defeat the
looting. Also, if the Solars were somehow reincarnated, leaders of the Deathlord’s army and break the siege?
they would be unable to reach their grave goods. Today, Walking dead and hungry ghosts both have Fighting
the reborn Solars are often drawn to these tombs by a Traits of 3 and all other Traits at 2, and they are extras.
desire to regain their grave goods or by a need that many The deathknights are clad in black armor and the finery
feel to see the remains of their previous selves. of the grave, but treat them as mirror images of the players’
Originally, the tombs were impregnable, but 1500 characters for statistical purposes, with the same Traits,
years since the murder of the Solars have not been kind to spells, anima powers and general types of equipment.
many of the tombs. The tomb that one or more of the
player’s characters’ previous incarnations were buried in is
an excellent example. Located in the midst of the poison- The characters are traveling between the great cities
ous Southeastern jungles, the pyrimid-shaped tomb has of the South with a large trading caravan. Unfortunately,
become the lair of a feral Lunar Exalted, Magnificent the land crawls with bandits who have multiplied in the
Jaguar, and a tribal army of his beastman offspring. Within years since the disappearance of the Empress. The charac-
it lie the enchanted weapons and armor of the characters’ ters may be part of the caravan’s guard force, or they may
previous incarnations, but the characters must fight, sneak simply be traveling along with it. The caravan will be
or bluff their way past Magnificent Jaguar and his offspring. threatened for nearly the entire time it is on the road. Will
To reach the tomb, the characters must traverse hun- the characters be able to protect it without betraying their
dreds of miles of sweltering jungle, avoiding predators, identities as Solars and causing a public outcry at their
natural hazards and the barbaric human tribesmen who destination? Bandits have 2 in all their Traits. As extras,
swarm throughout the area. Once there, they must find a way they are no challenge for a Solar to defeat, but can the
into the tomb, and then evade the traps that lie within it. outnumbered player’s characters succeed without resort-
Human tribesmen have all traits at 2 except Survival, ing to the use of Essence?
which they have at 3. Cat-man warriors have Fighting The mighty Exalted face many challenges, and the
and Survival 3 and all other Traits at 2. Both sorts of fate of the world is in your hands!
opponents are extras.


PLAYER NAME: _______________________

CHARACTER NAME:____________________

CASTE: _____________________________

STEALTH ____________OOOOO EMBASSY ____________OOOOO


_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________


_______________________________ ARMOR
_______________________________ HEAVY ARMOR, -2 DAMAGE FROM ATTACKS, -1 ON ALL ATTACK -0
_______________________________ SHIELD, ADD 1 TO DEFENSE ROLLS. -1
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________ -3




What does death mean for those who live forever? Vampires
have walked alongside their human herds since time began,
fighting their Jyhad against each other and vying for dominance
over the World of Darkness. Sustaining themselves on the blood
of mortals, these undead masters are fearful creatures of legend and
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You are Garou — a werewolf of legend. Throughout history,
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Corporation to metaphysical threats in the Umbra, or spirit world.
You are the last generation of warriors.


For centuries, supernatural powers have reigned, warring
among themselves, culling the human herds and lashing out from
the shadows. The creatures of the night have held court since
before the dawn of history… but nothing lasts forever. We have
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Reality is a lie invented by a technocratic enemy that has
written history to its liking. The truth is magic æ the universe
can be crafted with a simple working of your will. Mages have
taught this truth throughout the ages, but the proponents of
technology have crushed the mystic masters. Join the last stand
in the war for reality.

Vampire the Masquerade and Mage the Ascension are registered trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. Werewolf the Apocalypse and Hunter the Reckoning are trademarks
of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.
Exalted is an elegantly simple game,
but you can explore the Age of Sorrows and delve into
its vastly detailed setting with the books below.

This hardcover rulebook, some dice, a few friends and your imagination
are all you need to begin your adventure into Exalted.

Exalted Storytellers Companion

Packed with Additional information on
the Terrestrial and Celestial Exalted,
the spirit courts and wondrous weapons
and magical items, this companion is a
must-have for Exalted Players.

Scavenger Sons
Coveted by the Dragon-Blooded and con-
tested by savage warlords and merchant kings
alike, the Scavenger Lands hold endless
treasures... and untold dangers.

Castebooks reveal the variety among the
Chosen of the Unconquered Sun, as well
as the incredible power they bring to the
Second Age.

Trilogy of the Second Age

Reborn into a time of chaos, the Solar Exalted
face perils from the Dragon-Blooded, the
inscrutable Fair Folk, the mysterious
Deathlords, and even their former allies, the
Lunar Exalted. Discover new legends in this
trilogy of novels.
For more information on Exalted, visit www.white-wolf.com/exalted


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