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Starter Guide

Credits Gilchrist, Zeke Gonzalez, Victor Gonzalez, Andrew

Product Director: Chris van der Linden Scott Derby Jr., David Trescuri, Marta Afonso,
Writers: David. A. Adams, Daniel Xavier, JVC Parry Michael Garrett, Jeremy Esch
Editing: Paul Wright
Monster Design: Justin Handlin Playtesters
Additional Design: Elf Vesala Alistair Ross McDonald, Courtney Lewis,
Lead Playtesting: Alistair Ross McDonald Sharene Gilchrist, Clare Hugill, Astrid van Loon,
Illustrations: Daniel Comerci, Thai Nguyen, Dean ArchdevilRotu, DungeonManager, Victor Gonzalez,
Spencer, Earl Geier, The Forge Studios Elf Vesala.
Cover Artwork: “Spirit Guide” by Tugsbayar Jamts
Special thanks
Creative Collaborators We like to thank all our past and current Patrons for
Greg Stock, Justin Handlin, Krish, Bryan making Savage Dawn reality. Your support, ideas,
Shuttleworth, Brendan Miller, Dom Ellis, Rhonda and confidence have been instrumental in making
Frazier-Evans, Brad Walter, Ruben Arutyunyan, this happen.
Jon Landry, Alli Miller, Dakota Murphy, Sharene


The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with
permission, all rights reserved. The Savage Dawn logo, Loresmyth Logo, Layout and Tradedress Copyright
©2019 Loresmyth Publishing |
Dedicated to Pim*, Sam and Lot.
For teaching me true Wonder.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

he edges of the known world sit

unexplored on the horizon. Above, the
heavens hold indecipherable messages
from the ancestors. Between these, there
is much to discover: a primordial world
on the brink of discovery, mythic realms of ancestral
beings, a single bastion of civilisation tries to resist
the changes that daring heroes bring to the world,
and in the cold depths an ancient secret slumbers.

In the largely uncharted glacial wasteland the

inhabitants call The Maw, a single civilized
stronghold remains defiant, isolated amidst the
endless icy expanse. Within the walls of this city,
Ulduria, or the “Stronghold” as the people call it,
a patchwork of races vie with one another for the
power and knowledge necessary to survive.
Small tribes of hunters and those that seek
to break free of the oppressive
atmosphere of the Stronghold,
roam the Maw; exploring
its unknown frontiers. The
few heroes that return
from their ventures into the
primal wilderness, filled with
dangerous predators and natural
dangers, bring back tidings that
could shake the foundations of the
known world.

Forge the Future

Indeed, many tantalizing opportunities for
adventure and roleplaying await in Savage
Dawn. For example your heroes can:

✦✦ Explore wilderness & survive in a

primitive world.
✦✦ Discover new and uncharted lands
beyond the horizon and leave your
mark on the map for others. to follow.
✦✦ Tackle political and tribal rivalry
on the brink of revolution and
✦✦ Travel the mystical Ethervale: the
ancestral spirit domain accessible only at
✦✦ Harness the primal power of the Prysm:
A magical force permeating the ancient world.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
This symbiosis is tense, and ever-fragile as the
Stronghold’s leadership fears that the tribes
increasingly inspire the populace to leave the
safety of their homes and explore the frozen

Braving the Wilds

The wilderness of Savage Dawn is both majestic
and is as inspiring as it is dangerous. Massive
mountain ranges ascend to unscalable heights

Dawn of Discovery while yawning crevices plunge deep into the core
of the world where dungeons of unknown origins
The world teeters on the cusp of a new age of lie waiting in the cold dark.
discovery. Rumors tell of dwarven foundries deep The unpredictable arrival of dawn unleashes
below the earth that areare learning the process savage storms of blowing ice and snow upon the
of turning metallic ore into durable weapons. landscape. Twilight can sometimes stretch on for
The reclusive Gnalmyr have begun to unlock days, or be pierced by a sudden sunrise that lasts
the secrets of a crystalline substance known as only for a few hours. The heavens operate without
Prysm. A mysterious group calling themselves a discernable pattern, their movements instead
“The Loresmyths” are growing restless inside the heralding portents of events in the world. When
Stronghold walls and have started to brave the dawn does come, it brings with it the savage fury
wilds, confident there must be more to the world of powerful storms - blizzards that obscure sight
than what they are told to believe… and bury landmarks, torrents of sleet that cover
Now is the time to join this unfolding story and the exposed landscape beneath a thick blanket of
leave your mark on the world and discover what ice, and storms of blowing icy shards that scour
its’ future holds! At the outset of the SAVAGE stone and ravage bare flesh.
DAWN campaign, little is known of the world, the Those content to stay within the confines of
map mostly is uncharted. But all of this is about civilisation never face the true fearsomeness of the
to change forever as brave heroes venture where icy wilds, but restless adventurers, proud warriors,
none have gone before. and sage mages are drawn out to discover what is
out there: Heed the call of the wilds and uncover
its many mysteries. Whether intentional or by
The People accident, those exploring the uncharted wastes are
Those that call this primitive and savage world inadvertently shaping the future of the world.
home lead a simple life full of challenges and
hardship. Surviving is a feat on its own, even
for hardened adventurers. Surrounded, and The Ancestral Domain
often bested by the majestic forces of nature, the The cycle of night and day holds incredible
people here are deeply attuned to nature. They importance for the people living in this world.
value instinct, guts, raw power, spirituality, and Few can predict when the dawn will come, the
attunement with earth and ancestor. sun rising and setting without any discernible
The largest organised group of people lives pattern. In the interminable twilight, parts of
in Ulduria, the single known civilised bastion the world give way to another plane of existence
amidst the endless frozen wastes. Some, looking - the Ethervale. The Ethervale, the world where
to escape the increasingly oppressive rule within spirits dwell in the afterlife, exists alongside the
the Stronghold walls attempt to survive on its world of ordinary mortals and manifests tangibly
outskirts. Several nomadic tribes have formed; in this world. The Ancestrals, spirits of all those
excellent hunters and gatherers are sought sapient creatures that lived in the bygone ages,
ought to provide resources for the Stronghold's hold sway in this place. Passage to the Ethervale
inhabitants. Their presence has strengthened the is only possible when the landscape is bathed in
position of the Stronghold, allowing the ruling starlight, the influence of the gods that trod their
class the ability to barter for more supplies. predictable paths across the distant heavens.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Warlocks, Clerics, and others look to the stars of how to play a game using your game system of
and to their ancestors for wisdom, knowledge, choice. The Savage Dawn content is designed to be
and direction. Sometimes the results are far from largely system agnostic, with minimal use of rules.
benevolent. The power that some find in these It shouldn’t take much effort to bring the world of
forces can be dangerous or deadly and rarely has Savage Dawn to life using your favorite gaming
the best interests of mortals in mind. How each system.
class views and interacts with the elements of the
setting can be found in the section on classes.
System Neutral
The Savage Dawn campaign setting is designed
Magic & The Prysm to be playable with any fantasy ruleset of choice.
In this primitive world, magic originates from the Therefore, most materials are presented without
mysterious bond between the material world, the rules mechanics. Our book presents you the
stars, and the afterlife which manifests as growths world, locations, inhabitants, and thrilling story:
of crystal call Prysm. A special type of crystal, You decide how to play it, including choosing
believed by many to be fragments of the arcane the appropriate game ruling. In some occasions,
power that forged creation, can interact with and we provide a suggested game mechanic, but you
store magical energy for use later in spellcasting. are welcome to use your own style of play and
These crystals are referred to as Prysm shards, and creativity.
recharge their magical energy when the stars come
out. Some say our ancestors speak to us through With minimal focus on game rules, you have
the Prysm, and the crystals let us hear what they virtually endless freedom to play Savage Dawn
are saying… the way you and your players like it. In our
Each piece of this crystalline substance filters experience, this strongly emphasizes roleplaying
starlight into different colors of light, taking on and inventiveness, indeed many GM’s and players
a color permanently that reflects the motives or have told us how this approach made them feel like
devotions of the person using it. The light playing a roleplaying game again for the first time.
of the Prysm often directly correlates
with one’s chosen star sign, and thus
path in life. The Prysm is also believed On behalf of the entire Savage Dawn
to permeate the world and influence creation team, we wish you amazing
certain aspects of existence on a deeper adventures. Don’t just roll to hit, forge
level. Some even believe that Prysm myths!
reflects our subconsciousness,
intellect, and destiny as - Chris van der Linden,
it is altered when one November 2018
attunes their mind
to the shards of

Playing a
Savage Game
To play a game in
the Savage Dawn
campaign setting,
you can use any
tabletop fantasy
roleplaying game
system. We will
assume you
have a basic

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
AA GM Freedom.
By putting emphasis on the world, locations, characters and events, and not the rules system, the GM has
a lot of freedom to choose how he/she likes to play the game. For example, you can use the mystical aspects
such as starsigns, omens, and the ancestors to affirm the experience of life in a primitive age or to drop
clues and foreshadow events to come. In a time before advanced written communication, knowledge was
transferred through song and tales, or the rhythm of a drum. The lack of exact science, records or even
date and timekeeping, makes for an exciting new spin on roleplaying, one where the players will need to
rediscover how to play their character’s strengths.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Savage Dawn is home to almost all of the

Races And common fantasy races you would expect, but the
unforgiving conditions of the environment have

Classes reshaped some of them. You can play as any of the

races described in this chapter, using the stats and
rules from your prefered tabletop gaming system.
hen Ossoth deceived his fellow divines

to stay forever trapped as stars in the Dwarf
night sky, terrible lightning storms Like mountain stone, the dwarves endure despite
raged - a cry of fury from the betrayed the inhospitable conditions of the Maw. Short,
Ancestrals. Mountains were born, tough, and unstoppably stubborn, dwarves have
rising high. Seas roiled, torrential rains chiseled the tamed the snow-topped mountains and the
face of the earth. Yawning ravines of unfathomable caverns below. They view every task, especially
depths reached to touch the world's aching core. Then survival, as a battle they can win with persistence
the cold came and put the mortal world to sleep for and patience. They tend to view situations
eons. Darkness reigned while the stars watched in tactically, making a deliberate study of their
silence. A new age dawned. enemy to find an exploitable weakness. This
manifests as a drive for discovery to ensure the
Savage Races survival of their people. To this end, they are
the first known race to use a crude alphabet to
Which race was first born to the world is lost to
the mists, but certain is that humans were the communicate and document their knowledge.
very first to brave and settle the snowy wastes These runic stone carvings are paramount to the
of the Maw. Forging brittle allegiances with dwarves, for they represent the preservation of the
both Orcs, Dwarves and Gnalmyr, the early collective knowledge of the dwarves.
tribes and primitive settlements formed: Clan
Muhldran, Gromm’Mak, Luri Vale outpost. When Outside of the Stronghold walls, dwarves have
the Northern star was still young, the spiritual been one of the first races to form tight-knit
Maaku and ferocious Kryodon descended from and well organized tribes. This
the mountains to the valleys below, increases their rate of survival
bringing with them ancient and enhances their ability to
knowledge, the advent of
learn more about the world
change and hunger for
around them. Dwarves
conquest. It was not until
the second thawing, are ceaselessly interested
the Elves and Welkyn in the environment,
came, their origins constantly attempting to
unknown. While the explore and experiment.
Welkyn led quiet and They are the most obsessed
mostly unsuspicious with the world beneath
lives, the Elves quickly the frigid wasteland of the
made themselves Maw, viewing it as a place
invaluable to the early of abundant resources to
settlements, with their exploit. They have patiently
resourcefulness and
bright minds.
Hard as stone and endlessly ambitious.
Dwarves are often fighters, druids or clerics
with a lust for exploration.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
studied and chronicled their collective knowledge With no connection to the Ethervale, most elves
about the world below, and some say the dwarves have little interest in the Ancestors and see those
have even learned to hear the earthmother speak races that venerate them as peculiar and primitive.
through the rocks and cold roots of the world. They are not without their own superstitious
customs however. Elves are very often methodical,
The dwarves that inhabit the icy crags of the deliberate, and slow in their actions and decision-
Maw have thick, leathery skin, that is frequently making, knowing that any memory they make
adorned with ritualistic scar-tattoos and tribal could have consequences later in their cycle of
markings. Their long beards are often decorated rebirth. Many also have varied interests due to
with carved bones, animal trophies and feathers a wealth of memories in skills perfected many
- tokens of their exploits and knowledge. Due lifetimes ago.
to this knowledge and a natural affinity for the
depths, dwarves are often pressed into service A portion of this unique perspective is granted to
in mines and forges claimed by tribal forces of the half-elven offspring that some elves sire with
the Maw. Some choose instead to toil beneath the Humans of the Stronghold. These daliances
the Stronghold, where they form a fundamental are uncommon, but half-elves have a presence
role in society, producing vital materials such as within the city. They share many of the ancestral
ore, metal, and prysm crystals. Those skilled in memories of their elven parent. This disparity
agriculture tend to the sprawling fungal gardens leads half-elves to feel overwhelmingly connected
that feed the populace. to this parent. Despite this connection, most elves
are reluctant to raise such children as their own.
The spirit of a half-elf is not eternal and does not
Elf & Half-Elf have a place in the Ethervale, a reality that many
When an elf dies, their spirit does not struggle to embrace.
pass into the Ethervale. Instead, it is
reborn into an endless cycle. Elven
children recollect little of their past Gnalmyr
lives, but as they grow and mature Gnomes or Gnalmyr, have a
their thoughts are encroached rather odious appearance,
upon by random fragments with stooped bodies and
of memories. Sometimes long wiry limbs encrusted
these memories bring along in lizard-like scales. Their
remnants of personality chiseled faces often bear
unbidden, making them pronounced, crooked noses
prone to sudden and with wide-flaring nostrils,
unpredictable shifts in tufts of blueish hair and
behavior. Those unfamiliar with piercing dark eyes flecked
the elven mindset tend to view with green or orange.
elves as mercurial and flighty, Their diminutive
but the truth is that many size and surprising
elves are simply overwhelmed resourcefulness have
by the passions carried with allowed them to endure
these ancient fragments that winter’s grasp. Silently
assail them unexpectedly. present throughout

Remarkable thinkers with a racing and often Inquisitive and resourceful. The Gnalmyr are
conflicted mind, Elves are passionate, cunning expert Prysm cutters, spelunkers, astrologers
and peculiar. and tacticians.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

the ages, Gnalmyr are well-suited to life in the surrounded by races that have a far stronger
cramped spaces of the Maw’s subterranean depths. affinity with nature. Their motives and actions are
They are distrustful of the surface and loath to generally directed towards controlling change.
leave the comfort and safety of the warrens they Running on the remnants of foresight and
build below ground inside the Stronghold. perhaps no small measure of vanity, humans look
to endure until a more favorable time arrives for
Gnalmyr are rarely leaders, but nevertheless them to rule.
thrive within large communities in service to their
warren. Those that live within the walls of Ulduria
often work as assistants to the local dwarves who
tend the fungal gardens beneath the city. Gnalmyr Kryodon are viewed as something of an anomaly
who are mechanically minded help build and by almost all other people of the Maw. Their
service the variety of steam ducts that help keep massive bodies are covered in scales and their
the city from freezing. Their meticulous attention faces have a distinctly primal, almost reptilian,
to detail serves them well in these crafts, but appearance. Spiny crystal growths stud their
they are most renowned for being expert Prysm bodies, forming elaborate horns that curl back and
cutters. It was the Gnalmyr that first unlocked the above their heads. This proud and secretive race
secrets of Prysm. Gnalmyr easily recognized by possesses a potent mix of ferocity and intelligence
their distinctive crystal monocles, used to study that makes them frightening adversaries. Some
the makeup of gemstones. While Elves would have opted to throw their lot in with the tribes,
contest this fact, the Gnalmyr were the first to leveraging their strength to become skilled
chart the movements of the Wanderer and the hunters. Others pledge their allegiance
Dawncaller and catalogue the weather leading to to the rulers of the Stronghold,
the discovery of seasons in the Maw. working as cunning arcanists and
This contributed to understanding advisors.
the workings of their glacial habitat
and developing the calendar that is The kryodon are
still in use to this day. known by most
in Ulduria for the
outlandish tales
H uman they often tell about
Resourceful by nature, strategic themselves and the history
and ambitious; humans have of their race. Unprovoked, many
quickly gained a foothold will spin convoluted yarns about how
in the cold wilderness, and they were infused with Prysm during
helmed the construction of the the genesis of the world. They tell of
Stronghold. The crafted laws snow-white, albino kryodon that can
and gave order to the barbaric change skin color to disappear into
society. Striving to attain their environment. Some whisper of
higher goals, humans kin that spit fire and prowl
have formed conclaves to Primal and intimidating, Kryodon are ferocious the skies carried by massive
govern resources and in fighters with mysterious origins. wings. Tales of their
their hubris, often rule Hungry for conquest and rivalry. conquests, history, and
over others. Humans ancestry abound. Some
bring forth a wide range speculate there may be some
of talent, from fighters and priests to sinister intent behind this rampant
astrologists and architects. misinformation about their true nature.
While versatile and talented, Humans in the Maw
often find themselves strangely out of place,

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Maaku Orc & Half-Orc
The Maaku are mysterious Believed to be one of the earliest
beings born under races in the world, Orcs have been the
auspicious star signs. dominant race in the wilderness tribes.
Some claim the Formidable hunters and gatherers,
Ethervale has these often barbaric warriors are
touched them, the epitome of primal strength and
and many of cunning. Orcs are naturally in tune with
the Maaku nature, and find themselves aligned
appear with the savage strength and instincts
to see of wild animals. The first exiles from
and speak Ulduria learned the art of survival
with the from these orcs, integrating it into
Ancestrals their tribes. This co-mingling of
far better than cultures led to the creation of the
other mortals. At tribes that exist in the Maw today
birth, the Maaku giving rise to the Half-orcs that
appear mostly populate Ulduria and the
human. Often they Guided by the stars and constellations, the wilds beyond it.
bear a birthmark spiritual Maaku are incredible spellcasters with
resembling a close affinity to the Ancestors. The leadership of Ulduria
constellation. As often attempts to recruit
they mature, this birthmark or coerce the Orcs to
spreads and their otherworldly heritage begins to work as part of the militia, but they struggle with
show. Their skin takes on a hue like twilight or a the oppressive confines of society. Their Half-orc
dark void between the stars. Shimmering starlight offspring generally fare better, but are
appears to dance upon the face, chest, and arms still caught between the advance
of Maaku that have reached adulthood. All Maaku of civilisation and their ancient
also sport stag-like horns that appear in adulthood primitive ways. Half-Orcs are
and continue to grow and branch throughout their shunned for their barbaric
lives. nature, while lauded for
their prowess in battle.
Most folk are deeply superstitious regarding In their efforts to attain
matters surrounding the Maaku. Some see them as high ranks within the
Ancestrals reborn. Others fear the fell influence of established military
the stars is upon these pitiable creatures. Few are orders, a Half-orcs’
treated as equals to the more common inhabitants willpower is pushed
of the Stronghold and they are often stoic and to the extreme,
reserved as a result. Most Maaku bear terrible as nature’s call
arcane powers that they struggle to understand continues to
and control, further isolating them from the pull them
inhabitants of the Maw. Those that can endure it towards
often find life is easier for them among the tribes violence.
outside the walls of Ulduria, where status comes
from strength rather than heritage.

The epitome of strength and cunning.

Orcs are formidable warriors with
an innate bond to nature’s primal power.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Most people in Ulduria try to keep clear of the
Welkyn folk. These diminutive, nimble, lithe
humanoids bristle with exuberant energy that
reminds most other races of the tireless zeal of
children. They have a knack for walking away
unscathed from reckless situations and many
therefore act brashly.

Their short limbs and elongated bodies give them

a somewhat stooped appearance, but make them
incredibly flexible. They are covered with a fine
tan fur, have cherubic faces that are framed by a
mane of hair that gradually turns white or ochre
as they age. Their small stature and reckless nature
have allowed them to mount and tame
large birds they ride through the
skies, allowing them to hunt and
travel longer distances. The fine
fur that covers their body makes
them resilient to the cold and
provides them with enough water-
resistance that those Welkyn
that live with tribes outside
the Stronghold often take to
catching fish by diving into
holes in the ice.

Daring, exceptionally agile and inquisitive.

The Welkyn form proud, tight-knit tribes of
skilled huntsmen, trackers, and crafters.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
the tribes outside of the Stronghold, you have

Classes taken part in a variety of trials. Combat or feats of

strength, you know well how you rank against your
peers. Are you the best among your tribe, or were
ll of the traditional fantasy classes you shamed in battle and now seek another way

have a home within Savage Dawn. to prove your worth? The circumstances under
As with the races, the unforgiving
which you or your family joined the tribe are likely
to impact your outlook and attitude. You may have
nature of the Maw gives a different
been banished from the Stronghold, or fled under
context to many classes. The world
accusations for crimes you did not commit. It is
does not have proper gods, nor do they have many also possible that your family belonged to the tribe
of the supernatural entities that serve as the source when first walked the frozen plains and that your
of power for certain classes. There are a multitude name carries great prestige. Whatever you choose,
of unique powers in Savage Dawn.You will find your primal customs are a source of awe and fear
information below about how these beings relate to for the civilized folk of the Stronghold.
classes in new and unusual ways that give a different
perspective to your favorite class options. Bard
Bards are one of the few classes that carry the
respect of the tribes and the Stronghold. Most

Available Classes are known for their ability to chronicle and

preserve the Songs of Passage. These powerful
Using the stats from your favorite tabletop performances of ritual music allow travel to the
roleplaying game, you can play as any of the secret and sacred sites of the Ancestrals within
following classes: the Ethervale. They also preserve what little
oral histories have been passed down within the
Barbarian Maw. Their lore is important to the rulers of the
Stronghold. It provides the precedent to oppress
The tribes of the Maw expect that those who join the populace and sustain the tenuous
to fight. Sparring matches and competitions alliances that hold this last bastion of
of strength and endurance are common civilization in place.
to help weed out the weak in the
unforgiving lands outside of Ulduria. As a bard, you speak the
These violent traditions are viewed language of Ancestrals
within the stronghold with a through strummed
measure of fear and disrespect, harps, gently breathed
though there are those who secretly bone flutes, or the
envy these wild barbarians for cryptic rhythm of
their ability to embrace a simple, the drum. The tribal
natural way of life. Some barbarians elders think you a
also take their fighting prowess to revered storyteller, a creator,
the Arena, turning their combative and chronicler of the true myths of
skill into fame and prestige within the the world. The knowledge they hold
Stronghold. cannot be captured on parchment.
You might feel ill-equipped for
As a barbarian, you have internalized such a grandiose role, or you might
the ferocity that exists in the Maw. have taken on the responsibility and
You might walk in the footsteps of excitement. Inside the Stronghold,
your ancestors or look to emulate the your tales are a welcome distraction
deadly beasts that roam the lands from the cold and ceaseless toil.
your tribe calls home, but battle is You become a source
in your blood regardless of how of inspiration to
you express it. Raised among others that seek to

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

understand this world and their place in it. that seek to help guide the other inhabitants of
the Maw have little tolerance for small errors that
often mean the difference between life and death.

As a druid, you draw strength from the primal

might of the cold that suffuses this inhospitable
Cleric landscape. Your magic is capable of sustaining
While the divine powers that might be recognized you and others. Unleashing this power channels a
in other worlds as “gods” do not exist in the setting devastating chill against your enemies. Your ability
of Savage Dawn, the Ancestrals that Ossoth bound to take on the form of the animals that dwell in
to the star signs are viewed as divine beings. this land gives you an unrivaled ability to explore
Their priests do not worship them, but watch the the terrain. You also have a deep connection to
movements of the heavens and glean insight into the powers of the Ethervale and the spirits of
the affairs of the world asking for guidance. The primordial forces that dwell there. Watching the
Stronghold attempts to curry favor with those stars above, you listen for the guidance of these
that display oracular talent. They are invited to spirits and interpret their directives. You might
Mount Akka in the hope of using them for greater serve as a guide for others that seek to wander
political power and assuaging the fears of the beyond the Stronghold’s protective walls, or
populace. you may look for ways to thwart these fools and
protect the natural wonders of the Maw
As a cleric, your power might be tied to one the from being despoiled by their careless
named entities that Ossoth bound to the star signs fumbling. Whether you position yourself
- Enil the Huntress smiles upon those that fight as a vengeful guardian or benevolent
to conquer the savagery of the Maw. Hrodar shepard, your main objective is to
blesses those wait patiently for the light follow the examples of nature and
of the dawn. You might even trace your lead all those who dwell in the
heritage to powerful Ancestrals in the Maw to a better understanding of
Ethervale who are champions or how to truly survive here.
descendants of those star signs.
What you do with the powers
given to you will vary based Fighter
upon who you venerate, but Barbarians might be the
like most clerics there is little most formidable warriors
that will deter you from the outside of Ulduria, but
causes you hold dear. the sentries and guards that
protect those within the walls of
this stronghold excel in discipline
Druid and tactics. Only a handful of
Nature speaks to many in the these recruits have enough skill
Maw. Awe-inspiring storms at arms to be considered true
reshape the land within the fighters. Those that do quickly
span of hours, the heavens outgrow the mundane tasks of the
change from night to night garrison within the Dorrhusk and
with secret purpose, and look for other means of testing their
hunting ferocious beasts skill. For many this means taking
is key to survival. Druids part in excursions to the wilderness
watch and listen to the beyond. Others test their mettle in
wilds, taking in its’ lessons trial-by-combat within the Arena.
and building their own
ethos and mores from As a fighter, the inhabitants of
what they learned. Like the the Maw look to you as a force of
landscape, most druids are protection. You might welcome
harsh and unforgiving. Even those the respect this appears to bring, or

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
you may look for any number of ways to escape stars and the signs of the constellations upon your
the burden of these high expectations. Though body to attune yourself to the emptiness of the
the leadership of Ulduria is increasingly seen as void. This pursuit of knowledge is not necessarily
corrupt, you might have carried out your duties a lonely one, for you might wish to teach others
with a sense of ethical morality and profound how to end their dependence upon the world and
dignity, making sure to genuinely care for those pursue their own path to enlightenment.
that see you as a steward for justice. It is also
possible that you sacrificed your scruples to
advance your position in the stronghold, selling
your blade to those with enough coin to write their The Paladins of Ulduria take their order from
own laws. the priests, swearing oaths to uphold the laws
that maintain the order of this bastion against
the chaos of the wilds outside. These warriors
Monk are expected to be paragons of virtue, tasked by
Monks possess an outlook and attitude that the powers of Mount Akka to uphold the laws
stands in contrast to the majority of those that of the Elders and inspire the people to adhere
live within Ulduria. The populace might chafe to the status-quo. Not all Paladins
under the oppressive rule of the follow this entrenched path. Their
Elders, but even the lowliest oaths are highly personal and
beggar can see the wisdom in some never pledge service to
having everyone work together the Stronghold. The distant
with their scarce resources gods and the powers of the
to withstand the terror of Ethervale also draw their
the frigid wastes outside devotion. Some simply
the city. Monks reject this take oaths in service of the
philosophy, viewing it populace who struggle
as a road to weakness. against the oppressive
They ceaselessly train rule of the Elders.
their mind and body
to resist the cold As a Paladin, you are
and survive without looked to as a paragon of
food and water. They justice by the people. Only
perfect unarmed styles you can choose if you will
of combat through use this status to advance
bloody trials in the Arena. the ambitions of the priests
Their goal is to detach of Mount Akka and the
themselves from a Elders of the Stronghold,
reliance upon the world. or if you will pledge your
service to other powers.
As a Monk, you likely Perhaps championing the
harbor an indifferent will of the people with the
or hostile attitude towards strength of the Ancestrals of
the inhabitants of the Maw. You your bloodline, or dedicating
are a natural loner, but recognize that your yourself to the stars and finding a road of
path towards perfection is unfinished and that compromise between the needs of all. Regardless
you must still rely upon others. You focus on of where your allegiances lay, you hold yourself to
detaching yourself from this need, but you also the highest standards of decorum as a statement
harbor a rough pragmatism that allows you against the encroaching savagery of the Maw.
to cooperate with others when the situation
warrants. Your path of esoteric study can draw
you in a myriad of directions. You might travel the
paths of the Ancestrals in the Ethervale seeking Rangers often belong to the tribes that claim the
enlightenment, or you might mark the paths of the lands beyond the walls of Ulduria. Their hunting

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prowess is a great boon to their people and their cant. This allows you to transmit and understand
knowledge of wilderness travel and survival is the hidden messages of those that share your
what enables the primitive peoples of the Maw unseemly profession. Subtle markings scrawled
to thrive in this frigid wasteland. The resources on the walls of Ulduria tell those who know how to
available in the Maw are often not sufficient for read them where to hide, when the guards patrol,
survival, and rangers ensure that the tribes are and who to look out for. Many rogues add to this
sufficiently provisioned so that they might trade living codex, but you might lack the altruism to
with Ulduria. Most rangers look to local druids for participate in this tradition. Self-interest may have
instruction and guidance, but find that they must guided the first steps into your profession, but only
often temper the brash and reckless attitudes of you can say if you realized that you had a greater
these mentors in order to maintain the fraying role to play in ensuring that the Elders cannot
relationships that enable continued trade. over-extend the reach of their authority.

As a ranger, you are most comfortable in the

untamed lands that surround Ulduria. You know
how to identify the common beasts that roam the Prysm has a mysterious connection to the magical
land, where to look for what little edible vegetation forces present in the Maw. In high concentrations
clings to the frozen terrain, and what creatures it can warp magical energies, leaving areas devoid
are safest to hunt and eat. When others attempt of magic or filled with currents of unpredictable
to venture outside of the Stronghold, they look energy. Sometimes these strange areas of arcane
to you to guide and protect them. The knowledge energy affect the living creatures nearby and most
you hold comes from a combination of study and sorcerers believe their innate ability to draw on
experience. You have hunted with the tribes of the the magic of the Maw is a result of exposure to
Maw, studied alongside the druids, and wandered these anomalies. Most sorcerers that frequently
briefly into the savage wilds. Your ambitions use their magic begin to develop small, crystalline
might only go as far as helping others in the fight growths over their hands and up their arms. These
to survive these deadly environs, or you could growths always bear a striking resemblance to
have an interest in aligning yourself with the Prysm crystals. Gnalmyr sages have attempted
Loresmyths and their desire to discover what lies to examine the properties of these growths, as
within and beyond the bounds of the known map. they have with those of the Kryodon, but they are
entirely inert once removed from the body of the
With the agents of the Elders confiscating the As a sorcerer, your magic requires no study. This
material wealth of the citizens of the Stronghold, does not mean that it comes easily to you however.
Rogues offer a vital service - hiding possessions It is a barely contained force that innundates the
away from the prying eyes and reaching hand of core of your being and sometimes feels as if it has
the government. Most rogues operate alongside a mind of its own and seeks release. You might
the growing guilds in Grindmarr, acting as agents welcome this power, viewing it as a potential
and informants for these organizations as they escape from the banality of harsh subsistence
struggle in opposition to the Elders. Others belong within the Maw. Alternatively, it might be a curse
to the Loresmyths, helping them covertly gather you desperately wish to be rid of. Those close to you
information and connecting the organization may have been harmed as your magic surged out
with would-be adventurers. Some specialize in of your control, or you fear the first small growths
hunting dangerous creatures that live in the wilds of crystal that have begun to show beneath your
of the Maw in hopes of netting a beast that brings fingernails. Unlike many other adventurers, there
home a big prize. Whatever their goals, rogues are are few powers that vie for your loyalty or seek to
united by an ethos of subverting the authority of control you, so the path you make in the world is
the Elders and a personal devotion to excellence in largely your own.
their craft.

As a rogue, you are familiar with a language of

coded words and symbols, what some call thieves Conditions within the Maw can turn so desperate

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
that some unfortunate souls are willing to bargain above, but wizards manage to learn an incredible
for anything to change their circumstances. amount as they study the heavens. Some wizards
Powerful, capricious forces within the Ethervale hoard this information and keep it secret, going to
gleefully take advantage of these mortals. The incredible lengths to secure their knowledge and
library of the Loresmyths is filled with tales of prevent others from these insights. A rare few view
such beings, but most are dismissed as fairy tales their studies as holding great significance for the
of a bygone era. Their apocryphal names lend world. They seek to share it in hopes that it might
weight to this suspicion - beings by the names of improve the conditions for those that toil in the
the Queen of Air and Darkness, the King in Yellow, Maw.
the Beauty in the Lake, and the Devourer hardly
appear as real creatures, particularly given the As a wizard, your astronomical observations allow
stories of their appearance and ability. Yet some you to unlock the arcane formulas at the heart of
of these entities are real, ancient, and powerful existence. Your most powerful spells are taken
Ancestrals that have mysterious agendas that from the symbols written across the heavens. The
require the aid of hapless servants. spellbook you carry contains copious notes on the
movement of stars and there origins. The details
Many Warlocks have a troubled and desperate in this book say much about you as an individual.
past that pushed you to beseech some foreign You might have stolen a book from
entity of the Ethervale for power. In the library of the Loresmyths,
exchange for arcane prowess, you are perhaps even going so far as
now beholden to the terms of to cleanse the pages of their
your patron. Perhaps you prior contents. You may have
were foolish enough to hand-crafted your tome using
believe that the tales of delicate vellum crafted from
the King in Yellow were animal skins, or inherited it
just cautionary tales spread from someone. Wherever you
by the Loresmyths to keep acquired it, this spellbook
people out of the untamed is incredibly precious
lands of the Maw. Or maybe to you and sharing it
you fully expected the is an intimate act that
Devourer to be real you undertake with
and did not care incredible caution.
what price you
paid for the power
to enact vengeance
upon one who
had wronged you.
Whatever happened,
it is likely that you
now question your
decision and fear that
there may be unforeseen
consequences hidden
within the agreement you

The stars in the night sky move with mythic
purpose, acting and reacting to the world. Those
that look to the stars long enough become obsessed
with trying to interpret their meaning. Few ever
untangle useful knowledge from the star signs

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hold sway in this place. Passage to the Ethervale

The is only possible when the landscape is bathed in

starlight, the influence of the gods that trod their

Ethervale predictable paths across the distant heavens.

Warlocks, Clerics, and others look to the stars
and to their ancestors for wisdom, knowledge,
and direction. Sometimes the results are far from
hen the world was born, the Ether and

benevolent. The power that some find in these
the Material plane were one, graced by
forces can be dangerous and deadly and rarely has
the presence of powerful spirits called
the best interests of mortals in mind. How each
the Ancestrals. When Ossoth, firstborn
class views and interacts with the elements of the
of the eight Ancestrals, betrayed the
setting can be found in the section on classes.
others in an attempt to seize ultimate control, the
remaining Ancestrals locked themselves away in the
The cycle of night and day holds incredible
firmament as star signs, out of Ossoth’s grasp. Their
importance for the people living in this world,
desperate sacrifice prevented Ossoth from ruling
however unpredictable it’s movements. Most
supreme, but sundered the once flawless harmony.
nights last eight or nine hours and end as dawn
The essence of of the world split: the Ethervale and
breaks and the sunlight awakens wild winds and
Mortal world drifted apart...
mild storms of blowing snow. Sometimes though,
the night stretches on for several days. Few are
In the interminable twilight, parts of the world
able to predict when the dawn will come, the sun
give way to another plane of existence - the
rising and setting without any discernible pattern.
Ethervale. The Ethervale, the world where spirits
Those that watch the skies know that it is the star
dwell in the afterlife, exists alongside the world
called Enil that heralds the dawn. To glimpse this
of ordinary mortals and manifests tangibly in
star rising in the sky means that dawn is but a
this world. The Ancestrals, spirits of all those
few hours away. At night, as the world waits for
sapient creatures that lived in the bygone ages,
the stars to tell it what will happen next, parts of
the physical world give way to another plane of
existence - the Ethervale.

This realm is one filled with wondrous locales and
an untold numbers of spirits that are collectively
known as the Ancestrals. Many of these spirits are
indifferent to the creatures that haplessly wander
through its’ strange landscape in the nighttime
hours. Others are benevolent beings, actual spirits
of the progenitors of the tribes of the Maw or the
residents of the Stronghold. These Ancestrals
are willing to aid their descendants in what little
ways they can. There are, however, ghastly and
terrifying spirits that stalk to the Ethervale,
preying upon the lost and foolhardy that visit this
Locations that manifest tangibly when the

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Ethervale emerges, often follow laws entirely their Ethervale. Learning new songs, passage phrases,
own. Some look to be echoes of the past, crumbled or rhythmic keys, is often a lifelong quest bards
ruins stand proud and tall in glimmering light. Its’ and fellow adventurers pursue…
former occupants lingering in their daily routines Pathways: While the Ethervale is ever-present,
as if time never passed. Other manifestations or what some scholars now call coterminous.
take exotic shapes or challenge perceptions The pathways that lead there are only accessible
and emotions; the sudden appearance of a lush during the night (or at any time when the stars
green forest glade amidst the frozen wastes. The are visible in the firmament), resulting in only
warm, glowing interior of a yurt, a limited window of opportunity to travel this
where around a bonfire, a tribe ephemeral plane. Returning to the material
chieftain forebear rejoices in plane is only possible before sunrise (unless
the virtues of life. Some claim you have a magical means of crossing the
that the afterlife holds more planes). Though kindred spirits wander
wisdom than any path into the Ethervale, staying for extended
the future. periods of time can be haunting
and dangerous.

Magic: Some magic

and spells allow
direct or indirect
access to the
Ethervale. These
spells transport

Ancestral Portals & adventurers directly to any other plane of

existence, with different degrees of precision.
Pathways Other means such as guidance by a spirit, shaman
or ancestral may still be needed to reach specific
The Ethervale, the spiritual realm of the locations within the this realm of the afterlife.
afterlife where ancestors reside, is a deceptively Certain spells let adventurers project themselves
treacherous place to travel through. Most who into the Ethervale, rather than having to face the
end up in this place do so by accident, having perils of attempting to physically travel there.
unwittingly stumbled through one of the many
Portals: Like Pathways, portals only reveal
crossings that can open during the long nights in
themselves when the stars are out, and thus can
the Maw. There are other ways to reach this plane,
only be traveled during the night. These portals
should adventurers be brave and foolish enough can take on a variety of appearances, from visions
to so: certain spells can open passages here or of celestial beings, dancings star signs, to other
transport creatures to this plane, by finding and manifestations such as ancient stone circles or the
opening natural or artificial portals, and through mirrored surface of an underground lake. Some
the bardic tradition known as songs of passage. can be used to enter the Ethervale freely while they
are visible, but others require special blessings
from the Ancestors or the presence of special
Traveling the Ethervale tokens that activate the magic of the portal.
Traveling the spiritual realm of the Ethervale is
not easy. One needs to find portals of entry or Songs of Passage: The network of invisible
astral paths to gain access and find their way. pathways that weaves throughout the Ethervale, is
Through the ages, bards have learned mystical in constant motion. Formed by the
songs, poems and even rhythms that can make Ancestrals: these pathways are maintained by
these passages appear and and become active. elaborate ritual performances that take place in the
These "songs of passage' provide a gateway into the Ethervale. Each sacred site in the network acts as a

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

stepping stone along the path, that opens only by a Wise beyond measure, the trickster Ossoth was
distinct Song of Passage that is performed in that covetous of the knowledge of the Eight. Ossoth
space. The bards of the LoreScribes have begun deceived them, tricking each one into
to collect these unique songs. More information sharing what they knew. As Ossoth
about the Songs of Passage appears in the wove his trap, he bound their power
section about bards. to the stars. His plan worked, but
his web of lies was so complex
Gods, Star and twisted that he too
became snared within
Signs, and it, locked away among

Omens the stars with the other

Savage Dawn does Trapped beyond the world,
not possess gods of these ancient Ancestral beings
the type seen in other lack the ability to interact with
campaign settings. the mortal world directly. Those
Instead, the stars in the that watch them move through
sky possess the mythic the sky believe that the stars
influence or power know the fate and future of
often ascribed to divine the world and those living in
beings. Stars and other it; their movements, a message
celestial objects in the skies meant to guide them. The stories
above the Maw do not move in told about them are apocryphal
accordance with some natural - they are based not in history, but
law. Instead, they are moved by in the events that they appear to have
important events happening in the influenced within the Maw. Some of the
world...or to hear some tell it, they move priests that pray for guidance and watch the skies
to warn the world of what is about to happen. are able to seize a fragment of that influence for
This means that from night to night there is themselves, becoming true clerics or paladins.
no guarantee that the sky will remain familiar.
Most nights the star signs chronicled by the
scholars of Ulduria maintain their positions The Star Signs
in the sky. Sometimes they move dramatically. This section details the known star signs of the
They can vanish altogether or move into new world, their names, common imagery, symbols
configurations. The priests of Akka maintain used to represent them, and the influence they are
studies on the symbolism of these movements believed to hold over the world. As a player, you
and the associations between the constellations can use this information to shape your outlook on
that emerge. As a result, they can reveal what fates the world or choose a domain that aligns with the
await the world. influence of these “gods” for characters who serve
higher powers. As a GM, these star signs can be
used to hint about events unfolding in the world.
They can look up into the skies and ask what they
see, attempting to gain insight through the omens
that you describe there.
The Betrayal of Ossoth
The origins of the eight major constellations Gorgal the Watcher (Fighters, Paladins, Clerics)
(or star signs) date back to the Shadow Age, a A simple ring of five stars in the sky, the star sign
time when powerful Ancestrals lived before the of Gorgal is often depicted as an eye. Gorgal is
separation of the Ethervale and mortal world. associated with protection and vigilance. Many

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
also associate this star sign with Sorcerers, Fighters) A string of 7 coiled stars,
prophecy, believing that when Baradunn is known by many as the serpent of
omens occur near to Gorgal they storms. The common imagery depicts Baradunn
relate to a more distant future and as a silvery snake. Most nights
not to the present. this star sign is not visible, but
when its head rises above Nurn
Varusk the Bloodied (Fighters, Uldur, the fiercest storms are
Barbarians) The three stars at the likely on their way. In addition
end a nearly straight line of eight white stars shine to this association with storms,
in brilliant crimson. Varusk’s iconography depicts Baradunn is also viewed as a
a sword or spear dripping blood symbol of death and poison.
from its tip. When one or more of
the “bleeding stars” is visible in Toth the Elk Rider. (Bards, Rangers, Druids)
the sky it is considered an omen of The most complex of the star signs, Toth is a
war, bloodshed, or violence. constellation of 27 stars arranged in a multitude of
branches. Depicted as a humanoid figure astride a
Ossoth the Spider (Sorcerers, horned elk, Toth changes position more frequently
Rogues, Warlocks) Ossoth is than any of the other star
marked in the sky by his eight legs, three stars signs and is therefore most
each, splayed out from a bright central star, strongly associated with
sometimes called the “Heart of Ossoth” and travel. Many also ascribe to
thought to be the repository of Toth an affinity for humor
all his stolen secrets. Ossoth is and song - activities that
associated with knowledge, but make travel less burdensome.
also with secrecy, tricks, magic,
and deception. Depictions of Korrigan the Wolf. (Rogues,
Ossoth often feature spiders or Druids, Paladins, Clerics) A crescent of 10 stars,
glittering webs. the star sign for Korrigan is often depicted as a
wolf’s jaw. Korrigan is seen as a figure of natural
Hrodar the Huntress. (Rangers, Druids) Often death and eventual rebirth, devouring the dead
drawn as a bow and arrow, the star sign of Hrodar so that their spirit can join the Ancestrals in the
is a series of 4 stars in a gentle arc with a line of 5 Ethervale. Many also associated Korrigan with the
stars crossing through the center of this bow like a natural cycles of life and death within the Maw.
nocked arrow. Hrodar is associated
with protection, hunting, and
knowledge of the wilderness.

Enil the Dawncaller. (Paladins,

Clerics) Unique among the star
signs, Enil is a single bright, blue-
tinted star that never fails to appear in the sky just
before the dawn. She is associated
with light and wisdom, along with
connections to life and magic. When
Enil appears, her position in the
sky can sometimes warn for the day

Baradunn the Serpent. (Warlocks,

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Magic and the Prysm
Primal Magic In this primitive world, magic originates from
the mysterious bond between the material world,
he roiling wind reverberates through stars, and the afterlife which manifests as growths

the hollow cave. Thaniel clasps the of crystal the people call Prysm. A particular type
prysm shard on her bracelet, fingers of crystal, perhaps formed during the earliest days
trembling as she tries to focus. A of the creation of the world, can interact with and
treasure of one of her past elven lives, store magical energy for use later in spellcasting.
the prysm glows crimson, filling her with a sense of
These crystals, commonly called Prysm shards,
familiarity. A sudden flash of memory tears its way
recharge their magical energy when the stars come
through her consciousness: for a moment she can
out. Some say our ancestors speak to us through
see herself invoking a savage twister of fire. Thaniel
recalls the fiery heat embracing her body; then it’s the Prysm, and the crystals let us hear what they
gone. A stream of blood drips from her hand onto are saying.
the white snow at her feet. Now is not the time for The energy of the Prysm is believed to permeate
memories. The elven huntress brings her attention the world and influence certain aspects of
to a small pile of wood she gathered earlier and existence on a deeper level. To the ordinary
attempts to channel her willpower through the shard. eye, majestic floating islands, aerial ships, and
“Respond,” she whispers, “Please, respond!”. Tiny Himdrinn sky whales are obvious manifestations
sparks light her face, then with a flash, the darkness of the Prysm’s powerful energy, but smaller
around her melts as the campfire ignites. Exhausted, wonders are just as magical, such as a tiny Prysm-
but relieved, Thaniel will at
crafted amulet that alerts the wearer of someone’s
least have warmth
ill intent.

Prysm Shards
Each piece of this crystalline substance filters
starlight into different colors of light, taking on
a shade permanently that reflects the motives or
devotions of the person using it. The color of the
Prysm can directly correlate with one’s chosen star
sign, and thus path in life. Some even believe that
the Prysm reflects our subconsciousness, intellect,
and destiny as demonstrated by how it is altered
when one attunes their mind to the shards of

Using Prysm Shards

The Gnalmyr stand at the forefront of study into
the nature of prysm and have discovered many
ways to utilize and enhance shard of this arcane
substance. Raw prysm shards are a natural
conduit for magic. Adventurers that cast spells
can attune to the prysm shard and use it
as a spellcasting focus, regardless of the
source of their magic. Used in this manner,
a prysm removes the need for all material
components, even costly ones.
When a creature attunes to a shard that has

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
not been used before, the color of the prysm is item in its own right. Rare and powerful
changed in the process. Typically the creature can weapons often hold a small piece of Prysm
direct the change as it mystically communes with at their core, providing it exceptional
the crystal, but sometimes the color will vary of its powers.
own accord. Once a prysm has attained its color, it
cannot be changed. The crystal’s color determines
what type of magic it interacts with and enhances,
Prysm Colors
Red. Ranging in color from the light tones of
as shown in the Prysm Colors section below. A sunset to the dark red of spilled blood, red prysms
prysm cannot be used as a spellcasting focus for a are associated with destruction, fire, passion,
spell from a school of magic that is not associated and destruction. These crystals are attuned to
with its color. evocation magic.

Summary Green. Symbolic of the earth, growth, life,

regeneration, and vitality, these green prysm
✦✦ Spell foci: Raw and unrefined/unattuned crystals pulse in a pattern that tends to
Prysm shards are a physical manifestation synchronize with the heartbeat of any creature
of magic and are sympathetic to magical that holds it. These crystals are attuned to
energies. This sympathy lets Prysm shards transmutation and conjuration magic.
be used as a conduit (foci) for any type
of magic. Similarly, it responds to areas Blue. Prysms that turn blue are associated with
of anti-magic, so some use crystals as a creativity, insight, vision, water, and wisdom. Their
dowsing rod. vibrant color rolls inside like a gentle wave and
these crystals are attuned to divination magic.
✦✦ Attuning: Raw prysms are generally
colorless (neutral) and have no allegiance, Yellow. Glowing with a
nature is regarded as neutral. warm, yellow light
Colorless prysm is regarded like the sun, yellow
as one of the most prysm crystals
valuable trading have come to
resources, but signify blessings,
colored/attuned radiance,
prysm crystals rebirth, and
hold value too, to spirituality.
the right person. These crystals
To use a raw are attuned to
Prysm shard transmutation magic.
as a focus, one
as to attune to Purple. The soft purple
it. Doing so allows glow of these crystals is
you to lock it into a single often connected to the influence
school of magic noted by its color and of the Ethervale. Many also associate them with
thereafter it can only be used with spells deception, the moon, and trickery. They are
of that school. attuned to illusion magic.

Magenta. Magenta crystals are filled with

✦✦ Color Affinity: After attunement, the hypnotic, shimmering light and are connected to
Prysm takes on the color of your school emotion, laughter, mirth, and obsession. These
of magic permanently, removing the spell crystals are attuned to enchantment magic.
component requirement of your spells.
White. Though called white, these crystals shine
✦✦ Magic storage Prysm shards can also with inner silvery starlight that gives off light in a
hold magical energies, becoming a magic 30-foot radius as a torch. Prysms of this type are

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

representative of honesty, purity, salvation, and
virtue and are attuned to abjuration magic. Folklore speaks of a magical beast born from
Prysm, as old as the foundations of the world that
Black. Having the appearance of the inky darkness was slain by Gorriah, a legendary warrior from
between the stars, these crystals appear to absorb the earliest tribes. Gorriah lured the colossus into
light rather than radiating it. These crystals are
a violent lightning storm where it was struck and
attuned to necromantic magic and are viewed
dazed. The cunning warrior pierced the beasts
superstitiously as emblems of decay, death,
manipulation, and the void. A creature holding fiery glowing heart with a dagger of ice. As the
a black prysm crystal has an advantage on skill giant crashed into the mountainside, ash, rock
checks to hide while in dim light or darkness. and bloodred shards of Prysm rained from the
heavens, shrouding the valley in smoke. Gorriah
Prysm can also be refined, shaped, and filled returned to the Stronghold of Man with the
with magical energy. This refined prysm is a ultimate prize: a fragment of Prysm from so large,
fundamental prerequisite for the creation of any it could power the fledgling city for ages.
magic item, but can also be formed to function as
certain kinds of magic items entirely of its own. Mercurial Magic and Null Zones
More information on the nature of refined Prysm
In some areas of the world, the magical energy
can be found in the section of Magic Items.
of the Prysm seems disrupted, causing magic to
behave erratic and different. Usually, a crystal
Gorriah’s Prize shards’ glow changes color - flickering and
Roaming the wilds, are unnamed creatures made trembling like a moth and flame. While the energy
from magical Prysm crystals, as old as the origins of the Prysm permeates the very fabric of the
of the world. Daring hunters specialize in tracking world, some areas are void of magical energy.
and hunting these beasts. A profession as lethal These “dead zones” nullify any form of magical
as the outlandish rewards it can reap. Returning power and prevents casting spells, or otherwise
alive with just a few slivers of raw Prysm can activating items that use Prysm energy.
secure a lifetime of proceeds. When handed over to
Gnalmyr and other “crystal cutters” to refine them
into attuned, flawless shards, the value becomes

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
barter for buying and selling goods and services.

Gear, Intended purchases are valued against offered

trades, with scarcity not always being as important

Treasure as a necessity and the whims of the merchant

the greatest influence of all. People from Ulduria
and the surrounding tribes from the outskirts,

And Trading both work to hunt, gather and grow the produce
that is needed to sustain the livelihoods of their

n the world of Savage Dawn, With life unpredictable and often short, people

equipment such as weapons, armor, are accustomed to endless toil and inescapable
and treasure is assumed to exist in hardship. For many in this bleak environment,
primitive form. While appearance wealth is often sought in spiritual form, rather
and materials used to craft the items than measured by their material possessions.
can differ wildly from your typical medieval fantasy The constant struggle to maintain their meager
settings, the weapons are assumed to utilize the same subsistence way of life leaves little time to
statistics. A broadsword might be fashioned from the attempt to accumulate any valuables
sharpened jawbone of a sea creature, a warhammer of note. Some cling to tokens of
crafted from the tusk and bones of an Omimammoth, guardian ancestors or precious
or a healing potion from a potent herbal concoction holy symbols and take these
blessed by the shaman of the local tribe. to their grave as their sole
The sparseness of the wilderness and primitive possession,
character of society makes it difficult to obtain but
even the most basic of goods or services. Metal
is nearly unheard of, trade is conducted
primarily through bartering with tribes,
and the value of equipment can vary
as often as a drunken trader’s
sour mood, demand, and scarcity.
Some items and materials are
incredibly scarce (see below) or
even unheard of, requiring a new
level of resourcefulness from your
characters, and inspiring different
styles of gameplay.

For sakes of gameplay, the rules for

equipment, weapons, armor, and
magic items work as they normally
would for the rules system you are
playing with.

Goods & Trading

Without the presence of major towns
and cities, the primitive world of
Savage Dawn relies exclusively on

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
earthly gains cannot buy you anything in the allegiances to tribes, relationship to the merchant,
Ethervale. scarceness of goods and other things.
Exchanging with merchants is a skill learned
over time. Prices are flexible (see the section on
No Common Currency Adventuring Gear below) depending on how
In the primitive world of Savage Dawn, there is no common the item is. Because there is no currency,
common currency of gold, silver and copper coins. all trade is conducting through barter. Individual
The craft of producing durable metal coinage and merchants possess unique personalities and value
the skill of running an economy has yet to catch goods differently from one another.
on, but the Gnalmyr and Dwarves are rumored
to be trying their hand at it. Until a real economy Half Value - As a general rule, undamaged
of currency catches on, other goods are crucial in weapons, armor, and other equipment are worth
driving trade, such as food, weapons, gemstones half their cost when traded. Weapons and armor
and other common goods. used by the monsters you have slain are rarely in
good enough condition to barter with—though
Metals of all kinds are rare enough that a raw vital organs, wooly pelts, and sharp teeth might be
ingot has enough value to be traded and there valuable enough to trade.
are no kingdoms nearby minting coin. Those
that have a coin or two consider them either Trade Goods - These are the most commonly
to be worthless oddities or priceless treasures. used goods for conducting transactions through
Stalwart adventurers may uncover a hidden cache barter. Like food, clothing, weaponry, gems and
of wealth, but often they value more mundane art objects, trade goods—bars of iron, bags of
rewards far more - these are the basic necessities salt, livestock, and so on—can be offered in an
of survival and the trinkets that traders back at the exchange at their full value.
Stronghold secretly desire. Anyone lucky enough
to return with a shard of Prysm, though, can Services - Most merchants will laugh at you if
practically name their price for such a sought-after you offer a service as part of an exchange, but
item. But also items of initial unknown value could some recognize skilled labor when they see it and
be worth appraising, resulting in heroes collecting are willing to trade their merchandise for your
oddity items they discover on their journeys. talent. You might also challenge another to an
honor duel or make some other arrangement as
The Value of Goods part of the trade. It is up to the GM to determine
Valuing items in Savage Dawn is different from the value of these actions.
your normal game rules because they can not be
compared against a stable currency such as gold. Magic Items - Magic items are rare in this world
The value of what you offer in exchange for the and selling such items seldom happens. Finding
good or service you want to buy is up to the GM someone that understands their value is difficult
to decide and can be subject to factors such as enough, but most enchanted items are so valuable
that even the wealthiest of merchants have little

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

to offer in return for such a priceless relic. The passed down to you, or something that you
bartering value of magic is nearly unmeasurable managed to steal from someone else? Are others
and should always be treated as such. jealous of the apparent wealth you display by
carrying these items, or have you chosen to hide
Gems, Jewelry, and Art Objects - These items them from sight? What value or significance to
retain their full value when offered up for trade, place on having them?
enabling you to essentially use them as currency
for your transactions.
Scarce (20% increase in cost)
Items that are scarce are either made from
Adventuring Gear materials that are difficult to obtain or are
Quality tools and equipment are vital to an objects that are not in demand enough for many
adventurer's life and can be as rare and valuable merchants to bother keeping them on hand. With
as a fabled magic item. Tools to navigate when the a little effort you can find someone that is willing
sun and stars are veiled, flasks or skins to hold to trade for these items, but their scarcity drives up
precious fluids, or a trusty grappling hook, are just their price.
some of the gear adventurers have in their arsenal.
Some are lucky enough to find these treasures on Items of this type include the examples below,
expeditions in the wilderness, but most are forced along with anything made of woven fabric or
to trade for the equipment their survival is so wood.
dependant upon.
✦✦ Book - Most paper is vellum (produced by
Ulduria, The Stronghold of Man does not support a treating animal skins) and can be obtained
vibrant economy. Some familiar or necessary items relatively easily, but bound books are more
that are difficult to make and therefore costly to rare because few have anything worth
trade for. Other materials are not available to the writing on more than a single piece of
artisans of the region and items that rely upon paper.
them for construction are much more difficult to ✦✦ Caltrops - Few need them, but you can find
come by or sometimes simply don’t exist. caltrops carved from bone or rock if you
need to.
✦✦ Scarce Items - Cost 20% more than their ✦✦ Crowbar - Breaking open frozen doors
listed value. is common in the Stronghold and most
✦✦ Rare Items - Cost 75% more than their use simple crowbars made from animals
listed value bones
✦✦ Flask or tankard - Basic drinkware and
Unavailable items, for one reason or another, cutlery if often made from ceramics, or
simply cannot be found for purchase in the stone.
Stronghold—a merchant might own them, but ✦✦ Rope, hempen - Typically made from
value them far too much to be willing to ever part mammoth wool, this rope takes
with them freely. The following sections outline considerable effort to make, but most
which items fall into each of these categories. people have need of it occasionally so it
isn’t too difficult to find.
When creating your character, these changes do
not impact what is available to you (though you
still cannot obtain metallic weapons and armor).
Rare (75% increase in cost)
If your character possesses one or more items Some equipment is exceptionally uncommon.
that are rare within the Stronghold, consider These items might be made of materials that are
working into your background the story of how not typically available, like the iron and silver
you obtained them. Are they precious heirlooms mined by the dwarven settlements at the edge of

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
the Maw. Often, there are only one or two traders produced within the Stronghold or by any
in the Stronghold that possess items like this known tribes surrounding it.
and persuading them to part with them takes an ✦✦ Spyglass (and Magnifying glass) - Carefully
exceptionally steep offer in trade. cut glass for magnifying lenses might be
something the Gnalmyr could craft, but
Items that are unheard of include the examples there are no available examples of it in the
below, as well as any equipment packs and tools Stronghold.
and items made primarily from glass or base
metals (copper, iron, and steel).
Specialist Winter Gear
✦✦ Spellcasting foci - holy symbols and druidic Crampons & Picks - made from crude iron, wood
or arcane spellcasting foci are incredibly or bone spikes, these are mounted under boots to
rare as there are few who use such things, provide grip on slippery surfaces or rock climbing.
let alone need them (typically characters Ice picks are used to traverse difficult to climb and
that cast spells will use Prysms instead). steep ice surfaces.
✦✦ Acid, Alchemist’s fire, Antitoxin, Holy
water, and Poison - these rare and potent Snowshoes - Made from supple branches of wood,
substances are not used by many and these web-like hoops are mounted under your
therefore difficult to find. boots and make it easier to walk on thick layers of
✦✦ Perfume - typically used by merchants, the snow.
fragrant concoctions of various perfumes
are expensive and viewed as gaudy by Snow Goggles - Made from pieces of carved
most in the Stronghold. animal bone or wood, these primitive goggles
✦✦ Scale, merchants’ - few merchants willingly cover the face from wind and snow, with only a
use scales like these, though a few narrow slit to look through.
examples do exist within the Stronghold.
✦✦ Grappling hook - carving bone to make a Skates & Sleds - Provide a fast movement across
grappling hook makes it somewhat brittle flat, frozen surfaces. Come in various shapes
and there are few how use such tools. and designs, the most primitive skates being
sharpened animal bones bound to one’s booths.

Unavailable (Not present in the

A few items simply do not exist within the
Stronghold, or are valued to such an extent by
the few that own them that there is no offer that
could entice them to part with their treasure.
This includes the specific items below as well as
anything made by precious metals (like gold, silver,
and platinum), exotic spices or herbs,

✦✦ Ball bearings - Dwarves might produce such

trinkets, but they are beyond the ability
or desire of anyone in the Stronghold to
✦✦ Ram, portable - There is insufficient lumber
to create such a thing and little to no need
for it.
✦✦ Rope, silk (or Clothes, fine)- Silk is not

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Weapons And often sewn into vestments that are boiled in oil to

Armor harden its surface.

More elaborate and protective armor can be
fashioned from bone plates, coming from skinned
ime slowed down until seconds seemed animals and cadavers. Strung together with

like snowflakes, drifting breathlessly intestines or fur yarn, these crafted pieces are
on the frosty air. Gurdd tightened unique to the wearer, and often adorned with
his grip on the carved handle of his trophies and tribal markings. Being a vital and
long sword. He knew every curve and irreplaceable artifact, sets of armor like this are
imperfection, feeling his way against the makeshift often religiously maintained for life by its owner
hilt. He had fashioned the blade from the jaw of a and the rare sets of metal armors forged by
large sea creature he captured twelve moons ago. the Dwarves or recovered from the ruins in the
Under the guiding light of the stars, Gurdd Ethervale are prizes of immeasurable value.
painstakingly crafted his weapon from bone,
yarn, and wood, the sea monsters’ razor
sharp teeth lining the blade’s edge. A
Rare and Magical items
savage, deadly weapon that had served Metal such as bronze and iron are rare and often
him well. Peering through the howling times difficult to temper so that they hold an
wind, Gurdd’s bloodshot human eyes edge or are durable enough to be relied upon as
met with the monster’s primal stare weapons. Dwarves have been devoutly honing
again. Although Gurdd knew that his their skill at forging metal weapons and armor,
bone sword was no match for this working to uncover its intricacies from within
creature, he still waited for the prime the smoldering depths of the mountains.
moment, hoping to land a single well- Other races, like the Elves and Kryodon,
placed strike at the creature’s vital have relentlessly perfected their skill at
organs. A strike like that could do it. archery and combat tactics or gravitated
It was now or never… towards attempts at harnessing the raw
magical powers of the Prysm.

Primal Weapons Available Weapon &

& Armor Armor types
Life in Savage Dawn is one of perpetual danger Weapons and Armor is assumed to
and those that are willing to fight for their exist in some form. While appearance
survival must be willing to arm themselves with and materials used to craft these items
whatever they can find. can differ wildly from your typical
Even the smallest edge means the difference medieval fantasy settings, the weapons
between life and death. The simplest forms of and armor are assumed to utilize the
protection are thick animal hides, blunting the same gameplay statistics. In addition, it is
blow of piercing weapons or lashing claws. possible to craft your own items, described
Warriors craft their weapons from naturally in the Crafting chapter.
available materials such as stone, wood, and
bone. The serrated jaw of a Racca Eel makes for an Illustration on the right page: Armor and
excellent dagger. Bones from large mammals can Weapons crafted from primal materials.
be filed into exceptionally sharp spears and blades.
Even the most unassuming sliver of rock bound
to a pole makes for a vicious armament. Leather is

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.
Examples Shields - Shields come in many shapes and
sizes. Animal bones are a great resource to make
Light Melee Weapons - Lightweight and portable
lightweight yet sturdy shields. Wooden shields
weapons such as daggers and gauntlets are easy
exist, but are not as common. Certain shells from
to craft and replace, commonly fashioned from giant crabs are known to function as shields by
bountiful materials such as stone fragments, certain tribes.
animal bones and wooden stakes. In the hands of
a skilled warrior, a crude sharpened bone can be a This Weapon is Your Life
deadly weapon. Crafting or acquiring a weapon can be a riveting
story in itself, and you can decide what natural
One-Handed Melee Weapons - Clubs, Maces, materials it is made of, giving it a one-of-a-kind
Morningstar's and other one handed weapons savage look. These decisions do not alter the basic
offer higher damage rates at the expense of being game statistics for the weapon. A metal arrowhead
less easy to replace. Sharpened stones, rock deals the same amount of damage as an
or horned animal skulls are affixed arrowhead crafted from a tiger claw.
to bone or wooden shafts using However, the Savage Dawn world
leather scraps or even animal guts. gives you an excellent opportunity
The sight of such a weapon alone to transform your gear into highly
can be enough to strike fear into personal and memorable artifacts,
the hearts of adversaries. adorned with trophies that tell your
kills, conquests and war stories.
Light Armor - Animal skins, Leather armor,
fur hides and similar means of protection are
Wear and Tear
counted as light armor.
Equipment made from bone, stone, and
Medium Armor - Thicker and layered hides other scavenged materials often lack
combined with bone plating can function significant durability and require upkeep
as medium armor, especially when they to prevent them from falling apart or
are crafted from the hardy skins of certain losing their edge. Metallic equipment
animals. A breastplate can be fashioned doesn’t suffer from this drawback,
from the pelvis bone of a Cragghound or the which is the primary reason the
scaly hide of a Durnhar ice worm. dwarves are so adamant in
mastering the use of the forge.
Heavy Armor - Heavier armors are often
crafted from binding bone plates, thick
hides and other materials together in When an item suffers wear and
half or full-body covering armaments. tear, you can repair it in the
Adorned with animal trophies and same way that you would craft
ritualistic tokens, these pieces of armor an item. This is described in
are rare, precious and a sight to behold. the Crafting chapter, under Item
Masterwork Armor - Inscribed with
mystical runes, ancestral symbolism
or even magically enhanced by Prysm
crystal energies, some sets of armor are
so special, preserved and maintained for
generations of proud warrior tribes. Even rarer
are pieces of metal armor seemingly from another
world, unearthed from underground caves by
restless burrowing Dwarves and Gnalmyr.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
dwarves. Some runes, referred to as moonrunes only
unleash their magical powers under starlight.

Mythical Items
In addition to these manufactured magical
weapons, there are artifacts and treasures stashed
in the hordes of the Ancestrals of the Ethervale.
These ancient wares are one with the ephemeral
substance of the spirits that reside there. Most
have a translucent, insubstantial appearance and
move as though weightless.

Magical, Runic, and Many appear to have been weathered by the

passage of centuries but are as intact as if
Ancestral Weapons newly made. Weapons like the Sword of Ossoth,
While magical arms, armor, and equipment are Moonblade and Varusk’s Dagger of Vengeance are
incredibly rare, they are not unprecedented. For examples of these Ancestral magic items. Their
several decades, the Gnalmyr have been using a origins are lost to history, with few resources left to
number of processes to prepare Prysm shards and discover their provenance or the full scope of what
convert them into magical items. Many wondrous magic they can unleash.
items are composed entirely of Prysm crystal
that has been expertly cut by the Gnalmyr and
imprinted with magic.

Making Magical Items from Prysm

Prysm crystals that have been refined can also be
grafted to existing weapons to make them magical:
crystalline arrowheads can explode with elemental
force, swords with a glittering crust of Prysm can
shine like sun and cut down the living dead, and
magical amulets and rings use Prysm like a foci for
the arcane power they hold.

Dwarves have their own approach to crafting

magic items. Their study of the fundamental
nature of the world has allowed them to develop a
language of runes that, when properly carved and
combined upon an object, imbues an item with
magical power.

The Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals is

the best-known example of the dwarven
artifice. Most magical items of this type
are composed primarily of stone,
though wood and bone are also
frequently engraved with the
runes of power known to the

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

Fabricating your own items
Crafting Crafting your own items, armor, and weapons
follow these simple rules. To create your own items
you need to:
ife in Savage Dawn is one of perpetual

danger and those that are willing to
✦✦ Succeed at the skill roll to meet the
fight for their survival must be willing
crafting check for the item. The game
to arm themselves with whatever
master generally sets the required number
they can find. Even the smallest edge
to beat, depending on how complicated the
means the difference between life and death. The
item is to craft
simplest forms of protection are thick animal hides,
✦✦ Possess the required materials to
blunting the blow of piercing weapons or lashing
fabricate the item. On a failed crafting
claws. Warriors craft their weapons from naturally
skill check, materials can be damaged or
available materials such as stone, wood, and bone.
The serrated jaw of a Racca Eel makes for an excellent
✦✦ Know which materials go together to
dagger. Bones from large mammals can be filed into
successfully make an item. Knowledge
exceptionally sharp spears and blades. Even the most
like this is often handed down through the
unassuming sliver of rock bound to a pole makes
generations in the form of “crafting cards”.
for a vicious armament. Leather is often sewn into
vestments that are boiled in oil to harden its surface.
Basic Items require no skill check - Anyone can
craft a basic weapon such as a knife, club, or bow. It
More elaborate and protective armor can be
fashioned from bone plates, coming from skinned is assumed that being born in this primitive world,
animals and cadavers. Strung together with from a young age you are taught the basic skills
intestines or fur yarn, these crafted pieces are needed to survive.
unique to the wearer, and often adorned with
trophies and tribal markings. The Crafting Skill Roll
When you have acquired enough material
Being a vital and irreplaceable artifact, sets of
components and know which ones to combine,
armor like this are often religiously maintained for
you can attempt to craft an item once per day;
life by its owner and the rare sets of metal armors
forged by the Dwarves or recovered from the ruins this usually counts as your downtime activity. To
in the Ethervale are prizes of immeasurable value. successfully craft the desired item, you need to
beat the DC set by the game master, with a d20
crafting skill roll.

Crafting Check - The GM sets a number to beat

in order to successfully create the item. Or, the
crafting card you are following states this number.
Hero’s can add a relevant bonus to the crafting roll
if they have one.

Succeeding at Crafting - When you meet

or exceed the crafting skill check, the item is
successfully created. If you rolled a natural 20
(without bonuses), the item gets a randomly
chosen benefit, randomly chosen by the GM from
the ‘Crafting Benefits’ table.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Failing at Crafting - Failing the crafting skill Difficulty Types of Item to Craft
check means you did not manage to fabricate the
item. You can try again the next day, reusing your no check Basic items such as knives, clubs, or
slings (requires no DC)
materials. If you rolled a 1 on your crafting skill,
1d4 materials have been spent or broken beyond normal Items with a minor benefit such as
use. Some complicated items require you to +1 durability or damage modifier
succeed in multiple crafting rolls to create, taking hard Items with a major special effect
a long time to make. In this case, it helps to have property or complex construction
more materials than strictly needed, in case the
very hard Items with a magical property or
crafting fails and the materials are spent.
prysm enhancements
mythical Crafting a mythical item
astral Astral epiphany to craft a legendary
or mythical item

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

d10 Crafting Result Benefits Crafting Slates
1 Item gains additional durability The knowledge of how to make certain objects
2 Item ignores the first critical miss of this is usually passed down through generations in
session, skipping the durability check the form of Crafting Slates. Successful crafting
endeavors are chronicled on these Crafting
3 The item turned out especially beautiful
looking. Double trade value. Slates which come in a variety of shapes and
forms. On a slate is recorded a proven combination
4 You managed to craft it lean and mean. of materials and its crafting outcome. Some are
One material of choice remains unused.
a more durable or deadly variation on a basic
5 From spare materials, you craft a talisman weapon, others are truly mythical objects of
that grants one re-roll per game session unrivaled power. The incredible lore of crafting
6 Your weapon/armor gets +2 bonus against permeates the world, taking on different shapes
a chosen monster/race depending on culture, leading to staggering
7 Your item allows a re-roll on Repair checks variety.

8 Your item allows one re-roll on Attacks.

Choose the best result.
9 Your item allows one re-roll on Saves.
Choose the best result.
10 Roll twice on this table and choose a result

Materials &

The world is filled with natural materials which
can be used to craft your own items. From a simple
sliver of sharp rock, to the dust of an Ancestral
spirit, crafting materials come in all shapes and
sizes, ranging from common to extremely rare.
Indeed, crafting components can be tremendously
valuable to those seeking it, making it a perfect
trade good. In a world where there is
not yet a common
currency - raw
materials are
your treasure.
Seeking out new crafting recipes is often a reason
for adventurers to embark on new quests, seeking
out a fabled hermit battle master, item diviner, or
wasteland tribe that is said to have discovered a
way to fabricate fire arrows. The time-worn saying
“knowledge is power” rings true.
In addition to the name, description, and
characteristics of the item, each Crafting
Scroll details fabricating materials. Common
requirements are: one or more rare material
components, your character to be of a certain

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
level to craft and wield it, can only be crafted by use a damaged item and roll another critical miss
a certain race or class, or require you to succeed and fail your durability check, your crafted item
at multiple successful skill checks, instead of just breaks beyond repair.
beating the crafting check once.
d20 Item Durability - Gets Damaged
In addition to the name, description, and
10+ Low
characteristics of the item, each Crafting
Card details fabricating materials. Common 15+ Normal
requirements are: one or more rare material 18+ High
components, your character to be of a certain
20+ Legendary
level to craft and wield it, can only be crafted by
a certain race or class, or require you to succeed
at multiple successful skill checks, instead of just Repairing Damaged Items
beating the check once. When a weapon, armor, or item becomes damaged,
you can use your Crafting skill roll to attempt to
Materials - Making an item starts with acquiring repair it. Roll a d20 and meet the original Crafting
the materials. Common materials include bone,
Check to repair it.
wood, stone, and leather, but more complex items
will require equally exotic components. Most
special effects are imbued upon an item through Experimental
the use of extraordinary materials.
Requirements - Sometimes an item can only be When your characters have no certain knowledge
fabricated and wielded by characters that meet of the item they like to craft (eg. a Crafting Card or
specific requirements. These can be Character other information), they can experiment. Perhaps
Level, Race, Class, or other special prerequisites. they have a common weapon they want to try and
imbue with a venomous bite, using fungal poison.
Multiple Crafting Checks - When an item lists Experimentation is encouraged, and those with
more than one Crafting Check numbers (eg. 15, 14, clever wits and a drive for innovation have better
10), it means you need to succeed at all Skill checks odds of surviving the harsh wilderness. The GM
to successfully create the item. Depending on how can consult the Materials & Properties chapter
many Crafting attempts your game master allows to see what special effects certain materials can
per session, you can retry failed rolls until you invoke into crafted items.
manage to beat the required checks.
When your heroes have acquired a special item,
they may want to study how it was fabricated.
Item Durability What special components have given it that
The quality of items is not always the same, some unnatural power? What material is instrumental
are more easily damaged than others. Some unique in providing that near infallible sharp edge?
(often magical) components lend extraordinary
resilience to crafted objects, making them sought Characters that spend time analyzing an item have
after and valuable bartering goods. a chance to uncover one or more of its required
materials to attempt to craft their own in the
When you roll a critical miss during combat, roll future. Some armor, weapons, and items are so
another d20 and consult the table below to see if unique, that reverse engineering is usually only
your item (eg. weapon, armor, shield) gets damaged. possible by seeking out knowledgeable NPCs,
When your second roll is equal or higher than the traveling the Ethervale, or deepest caverns below
listed number, all your item attributes are halved the earth to attain the lore long gone.
(eg. damage, range, effects, duration) If you continue to

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:35 a.m.

✦✦ Just like crafting, once per day, a character
can study an item in an attempt to
discover what crafting components were
used in its fabrication
✦✦ The Crafting Check for reverse
engineering is 5 to 10 higher than the
number required to craft an item.
✦✦ Characters can add their Magical ability
or Intelligence, Wisdom skill bonus when
reverse engineering.

A character that succeeds at reverse engineering

an item, counts as having a Crafting Card, making
future crafting attempts easier.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Hex Crawl
The Savage Exploration
Wilds Exploring the wilderness in Savage Dawn is
done using hex based travel, with each day of
travel bringing chances of random encounters,
o call the environment of Savage landmarks, hazards, boons, and changing weather

Dawn inhospitable understates how conditions.
deadly this wasteland can be. Constant
blowing winds and snow scour the Roleplaying an Expedition
landscape and frequently obscure
For each day the adventurers travel through the
vision. Temperatures hardly ever rise above freezing.
wilderness, follow these steps:
Without the proper supplies and precautions, those
exploring this vast expanse of ice quickly perish.
✦✦ Location: Using the map, identify the hex
In addition to weather conditions, numerous other
in which the party is currently located.
natural hazards such as crevices, avalanches, If the party is lost, do not reveal the hex
predators and treacherous ice make the wilderness a to the players, otherwise, point out the
dangerous dwelling. appropriate hex.
✦✦ Direction: Ask the players to determine
While the wilderness beyond the confines of which direction they want to explore, and
civilization is harsh and unforgiving, its unending what pace they want to set (see “Travel
potential for discovery lures many adventurers Distances” below).
to leave safety behind. Few come back to tell ✦✦ Navigation: Have the players choose
their tales, let alone scrape out a living in this a navigator, and have them make an
appropriate check to navigate.
wilderness, but those that do, become hardy
✦✦ Random Events: For each day of
survivalists and fabled heroes. They are rewarded
travel, the adventurers have a chance
with awe-inspiring views of vistas, a closer to experience random events, including
connection to the phenomenal beasts of the land, monsters, landmarks, natural hazards,
and a better understanding of nature. boons, or changes in weather.
✦✦ Survival: For each day of travel, make
sure the adventurers take nourishment,
tend to their weapons, and rest adequately
for the prolonged journey.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Travel Distance
On the wilderness map, each hex measures 25
miles. Unless otherwise stated, all wilderness
terrain in Savage Dawn counts as difficult terrain,
requiring movement at half your speed. Characters
moving at a normal pace can traverse ½ a hex per
day on foot through snowy terrain. Character skills
or special precautions such as sleds, mounts, or
other helpful conditions can negate these effects.

Forced March - The RPG system you decide to

use may have rules for travel pace, if not, assume
that characters pushing to travel at a faster pace
have a 50% chance of moving one additional hex
each day, and those moving at a slow pace have Experienced adventurers use primitive tools to
a 50% chance of moving one fewer hex each day. record discoveries. Spellcasters can devise more
Characters moving at a fast pace are normally forward-thinking ways of storing information.
disadvantaged in spotting threats or engaging in
activities other than trekking. Those traveling at ✦✦ Designated Scribe - In order to keep track
a slow pace typically have an advantage for those of your discoveries, assign one member
same checks. of your group as a cartographer. During
periods of rest, the player can attempt to
Mapping New Discoveries immortalize newly discovered insights.

Countless adventurers have explored the savage

wilderness, never to return and tell their tales. Lacking advanced technology or even a structured
Merely surviving is a feat on its own because of alphabet, mapmaking and keeping records
the lack of record keeping and harshness of the can prove challenging, forcing most to rely on
wilds, little information is known of the outer transferring information orally, through song and
reaches. When players do make new tale. This primitive transfer of knowledge makes
discoveries, it is vital it unreliable, often skewed and inconclusive, or
to find ways to growing more epic with each telling. Knowledge is
memorize it. not a common good, often accessible to only a few,
making it a cunning tool to those that know how to
take advantage of it.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:32 a.m.

Random Encounters
Characters trekking through the wilderness are
likely to encounter something on their journey,
providing an opportunity to learn about the world
and gain some experience of surviving beyond the
walls of civilization. Because the world of Savage
Dawn is ever changing and unpredictable, random
encounters might fluctuate from easy role-playing
scenarios to deadly combat encounters.

✦✦ Rolling Encounters - For each day of

wilderness travel, roll a d20 for events each
morning, afternoon, and night. Roll or choose a
result from the Encounters tables below to spark
ideas for events, then tailor them to your story.

✦✦ Keeping Interest - If your players tire of

random encounters, move the story along. Let
the players narrate through easy or uninteresting
encounters. Don’t be afraid to improvise and
adapt to suit your player’s preferences.

✦✦ Lucky Break - Give your party a chance to

escape from a fight they cannot win, even if that
exit comes at a serious cost. Punish foolhardy
characters who disregard the dangerous nature
of the wilderness, where misplaced bravery
means quickly forgotten heroes.

d20 Random Encounters

1-5 Nothing happens
6-7 Weather Change (roll on Weather table)
8-9 Monster Encounter
10-11 Landmark Discovered
12-13 Natural Hazard
14-15 Natural Boon
16-17 Totem Discovered
18-20 Terrain Type Change
17-18 Totem Discovered
19-20 Terrain Type Change

Results from the Random Encounters table

suggest the broad nature of the encounter. Create
your own detailed event based on the result, or roll
on the specific tables in this chapter to generate
specific encounter ideas.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
and dress accordingly. Unless characters are not
prepared for cold conditions, no negative effects
apply in normal cold.

Biting Cold
While venturing into the wilds, temperatures can
drop significantly and strong winds make it feel
even colder. In areas of Extreme Cold, adventurers
need one of the following prerequisites or start
taking damage: specialist cold-resistant clothing, a
heat source, or good shelter. If these conditions are
not met, characters take 3d4 damage each minute
while exposed.

Extreme Cold
Proper attire alone means nothing in extremely
cold conditions. Even with the thickest of fur
coats, the cold pierces through. In Extreme Cold,
adventurers need two of the following three
prerequisites or start taking damage: specialist
cold-resistant clothing, a heat source, or good
shelter. If two or more of these conditions are
not met, characters take 3d4 damage each minute
while exposed and movement speed is halved.
Climate & Weather Mythic Cold
Temperatures in the wilds are classified into four
categories, taking into account factors such as Only fabled heroes with magical protection or
wind chill. At the GM’s discretion, additional blessings from the gods dare venture into mortally
circumstances such as heavy storms, high altitude, cold locations. Said to be cursed by angry ancestral
or nightfall may affect these conditions which spirits, these places are so unimaginably cold, a
lower the temperature by one or more levels. mere minute can prove fatal for even the most
hardened adventurers. Meeting the requirements
for protection against Extreme Cold is not enough
The Relentless Cold in areas that are Mythically Cold. Only magical or
Unless otherwise stated, the wilderness is other special means of protection work here and
continually subject to the effects of biting cold and characters take 5d10 damage per round otherwise.
frequently experiences heavy precipitation such
as razor hail and ice storms. The surface of the
landscape is warped and broken, punctuated with
Weather Conditions
rows of deep crevices and sharp, jutting sheets of You can use the following weather conditions,
ice that make it difficult to traverse. The slippery which can be adjusted to taste according to your
terrain severely impedes the travel of explorers gameplay style or narrative needs.
brave or foolish enough to attempt venturing
beyond the safety of their camp or civilization. Heavy Snow - While snow is common in the Maw,
heavy snow hampers visibility, making it difficult
to spot dangers and navigate. Prolonged exposure
to heavy snow increases the chances of avalanches
While taxing on anyone, those born into this world and can cause the temperature to drop a level, to
have grown accustomed to the harsh weather Biting Cold or Extreme Cold.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:32 a.m.

Snow Storm - A snowstorm is even more d20 Random Weather Conditions
dangerous than Heavy Snow and slows travel
1-2 Heavy Snow
pace to half your movement speed. In addition,
3-5 Heavy Rain, Downpour
it imposes disadvantage on sight, hearing, and
agility related skills. Snowstorms can cause 6-8 Snow Storm or Howling Winds
complete Whiteouts, which can quickly cause 9-10 Razor Hail or Lightning Storm
adventurers to get lost. 11-12 Mist, Fog
13-14 Whiteout
Heavy Rain - Heavy rain is most common in
marshland areas and taigas. Normal rain creates 15-16 Cold Snap
no negative effects, but Heavy Rain may impose 17-20 Clear Weather, Sunlight
disadvantage on sight and hearing checks.

Fog, Mist - A thick fog can manifest in hills,

mountain passes, icy planes, and caves. Thick fog
can be used to hide, but also makes it harder to Navigation
spot enemies. Fog imposes disadvantage on sight Navigating the snowy wilderness is difficult. The
based skill checks. absence of sun for long periods of time combined
with a lack of clear landmarks means getting
Lightning Storm - Deep thunder preludes violent lost is a real danger. Adventurers can navigate by
thunderstorms that illuminate the world briefly as taking bearings from the stars, landmarks (such as
flashes of lightning arc across the sky. Characters mountain ranges, tree formations, camps and so
wearing metal objects in open terrain have a 5% forth), or crude maps. Some have learned to look to
chance of being struck by lightning, taking 8d6 the heavens for bearings, navigating the wilds by
lightning damage when hit. following a dotted map mirrored in the starry sky
Razor Hail - Flecks of razor sharp snow and
hail rain from the skies, inflicting 2d6 points of At the start of each day of travel, have the
slashing damage per round of exposure. This navigator in the group make an appropriate check
dangerous hail is known to pierce light armor to determine whether they hold to their chosen
made of leather or fur. course. The difficulty of the check depends on
the terrain, weather, stars, and surrounding
Cold Snap - Sudden drops in temperature can landmarks.
catch adventurers off guard. These can be caused
by fluctuations in the Prysm energy or naturally ✦✦ Hard: Navigating through the wilderness
without visible landmarks, adverse
occurring. A Cold Snap lowers the temperature in
weather conditions, or veiled stars is a
an area by one category. See Temperatures.
Hard challenge.

Howling Winds - The wind howls across the ✦✦ Medium-Easy: Navigating with helpful
frozen plains and through rocky crags, sounding conditions such as having specialist
like wailing voices. Howling Winds result in a navigational tools, a clear starry night,
penalty on Hearing based skill checks. a local wayfarer guide, or traveling in
terrain with recognizable landmarks is a
Whiteouts - Without proper precautions (such as Medium to Easy challenge.
marker poles or light beacons), adventurers will
almost certainly get lost during whiteouts due to ✦✦ Adverse conditions: Some conditions can
heavy snow. Navigation checks must be made every make navigation harder such as whiteouts,
fog, snow storms, or snow blindness.
round of movement to avoid getting lost.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Shelter and Sustenance
If the Navigation check succeeds, the navigator
Venturing into the wilds for extended periods of
knows roughly where the party is on the map. If
time is not a simple feat. Finding shelter, keeping
the check fails, the party becomes lost. Each hex on
a fire going, keeping watch, foraging for food,
the map is surrounded by 6 other hexes; whenever
and maintaining primitive weapons and gear are
a lost party moves 1 hex, roll a d6 to randomly
challenging tasks, even for seasoned adventurers.
determine which neighboring hex the party enters,
Indeed, countless daring, now forgotten heroes
and do not share this information with the players.
have been consumed by the voracious cold teeth of
Reveal the information only after the navigator
The Maw.
succeeds on a subsequent check. If the heroes
spot a landmark in the distance, randomly roll or
choose one from the table below. Finding Shelter
Adventurers can actively search for shelter in the
d10 Landmarks that benefit Navigation vicinity. Caves, grotto’s, crevices, nomadic camps,
1 a totem (rare) and other forms of shelter occasionally present
themselves to the attentive explorer. Tracking
2 a mountain range or ravine these discoveries may prove crucial to survival
3 an unusually shaped or large rock and the success of future expeditions. Failing to
formation find shelter exposes adventurers to the harsh cold
4 a formation of trees / forested area temperatures, wind and hail storms, and make it
difficult to keep a fire going.
5 a nomadic camp Night time can prove especially dangerous, where
6 a body of water (usually frozen) deadly predators lurk the planes and haunting
Ancestral spirits seek to avenge past wrongs in the
7 A shooting star - See Wilderness Advantages
mortal world. Even with good shelter, camping
8 The Northern Star overnight can be a terrifying ordeal. With luck,
the cloudy skies part to reveal the stars and
9 A familiar star sign provides direction
constellations, providing help with navigation and
10 Skeletal remains of a large animal deciphering the portents of future events.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:32 a.m.

Hunting and Foraging
Carrying large amounts of provisions is
cumbersome and slows down travel. For this
reason, many travelers rely on hunting and
gathering for their sustenance during expeditions.
Plant life tends to be very sparse, with the
exception of some forested areas, swamps, and
taigas. Creatures that can be hunted with basic
weapons wander the wilds but are not abundant.
Some of the larger monsters may turn the role
hunter and hunted back on explorers. If not
devoured by an Angler Behemoth or frozen to
death, failure to procure enough food may leave
adventurers prone to exhaustion and ultimately

Natural Hazards
Traversing the snowy wilderness of the Maw is
hazardous. A myriad of complications can spell
doom for adventuring expeditions, and the forces
of nature are impartial and unforgiving. From
whiteouts to snowblindness and lightning storms,
surviving the barren tundra is heroic feat in itself.
Auroras - While a beautiful sight to behold,
Bring your savage world to life with some of the auroras can also have devastating effects on
following natural hazards: adventurers in the wild. Believed to be the work of
upset or devious Ancestors, the colored lights in
Altitude Effects - When scaling the high peaks the sky disrupt the energy of the Prysm, resulting
of a majestic mountain range, adventurers have in erratic effects.
to deal with the effects of high altitude. High
altitude can be incredibly fatiguing to characters
not accustomed to it. Altitude ranges up to 5.000 d20 Aurora effects
feet have no effect other than the challenges of 1-3 Prsym crystals randomly take on a
traversing difficult terrain. different color for a duration of 1d4
Unless accustomed to elevations of 5.000 to days.
15.000 feet, characters will fatigue quickly, risking 4-6 Magic attracts 1d4 Ancestral creatures
exhaustion, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. to appear in the mortal realm.
Avalanche - Heavy snowfall from high mountain 7-9 Magic recoils and drains your remaining
peaks and slopes can result in dangerous spellslots. DC18 Wisdom save to
avalanches. Adventurers have a chance of spotting prevent.
an oncoming avalanche from a distance (through 10-15 Magic in a 50 foot radius fails. Functions
sight or hearing) and alter their course to avoid as a dispel magic effect.
it. Depending on circumstances (favorable or
unfavorable), the challenge to spot an avalanche is 16-18 Magic backfires on its caster, dealing 1d8
DC 15. Adventurers caught in the barrage of snow damage. DC18 Wisdom save to prevent.
are wholly engulfed and take 3d8 bludgeoning
damage, in addition, they begin to suffocate (SRD p. 19-20 Magic is amplified once. All effects such
86). Escaping from underneath the snow will take as range, damage, and duration are
strength and agility. double.

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Delirium - Caused by the effects of high altitudes Slippery Ice ​– Slippery icy surfaces can be
or prolonged exposure to cold, Delirium causes incredibly dangerous and difficult to traverse. A
characters to have hallucinations which negatively character that moves at full speed across slippery
affect all ability checks. ice needs to succeed at a Dexterity check each
movement. Failing this skill check means the
Frostrot - A mysterious plague wiped out character starts sliding in a random direction
or falling prone. Moving at half speed removes
large parts of society several generations ago.
some of the risks of sliding and adds +5 to your
Manifesting as a blackish-green blistering rot,
Dexterity roll.
many lost their lives to this infectious disease. Runic Traps - Natural caves and dungeons
Frostrot has not been encountered in recent years in this world are riddled with mysterious and
but people are still incredibly scared of it. primitive carvings of unknown origins. Some are
harmless depictions of historical events, others are
Frigid Water ​– Water this cold takes a toll on the dangerous traps.
body. Any character that spends more than one
minute submerged risks taking 1d6 cold damage. Thin ice​– Moving at full speed on thin ice will
This repeats at the beginning of each turn spent in cause cracks to appear and require a save to avoid
the water after the first roll. falling through. Players can avoid cracking the ice
while moving at half speed. Taking actions on thin
Fissures / Crevices​– Falling snow can form a ice will cause cracks to appear on the ice, repeating
false ground over crevices in the maw. Loose snow an action on a cracked spot will require a roll to
can give way when too many players attempt to avoid falling through. Any jumps on thin ice will
cross, or a player failing to notice the snow is require a roll to avoid falling through when they
giving way while they are on it. land, on a failure they fall through.

Lightning Storm - Deep thunder preludes violent Natural Boons

thunderstorms that illuminate the world briefly as
While the wilds are indeed hazardous and
flashes of lightning arc across the sky. Characters
relentless, certain phenomenon and landmarks
wearing metal objects in open terrain have a 5% offer relief and benefits to clever explorers.
chance of being struck by lightning, taking 8d6 Finding a Sanctuary or Windstill provide a welcome
damage when hit. breath when hope and morale are low. Harnessing
the powers of a Prysm Conflux or Totems can provide
Snow Blindness - Even with the sun being a rare a strategic advantage, turning the tide in battle.
sight in this cold world, Snow Blindness is still a real The attuned ears of a Bard might pick up on the
danger. Characters without proper eye protection mystical melody of an Auricular Manifestation
that spend more than one hour out in the snow nearby, presenting a chance to discover a new Song
in bright sunlight, risk getting Snow Blindness. of Passage or Astral Portal.
Characters affected by Snow Blindness take 1d8
damage per day and have penalties on sight and Auricular Manifestation - Those attuned to the
intelligence based checks caused by pounding voice of the earth and Ethervale, such as Bards,
headaches for the duration of their illness. Once can pick up on the many extraordinary auricular
per day, on a roll of 1-2 on a d20, the affected occurrences in the world. When deciphered, the
character risks becoming permanently blinded. mystical words, rhythms, and melodies can prove
The effects wear off after spending 1d4 days out of to be powerful Songs of Passage. These allow
direct sunlight and taking long rests. travel to special locations in the Ethervale and
mortal world. Other Auricular Manifestations, when
Snow Mirage - Prolonged exposure to the cold and deciphered into sonant words, unlock a powerful
blinding snow can result in seeing Snow Mirages. blessing for the party. The blessing comes as
Some believe these phantom appearances to be the healing, protection against the elements, or other
work of devious ancestral spirits, looking to lure effects.
adventurers to their doom.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:32 a.m.

Totems - Totems come in many shapes and sizes, make it easier to keep a fire going, recover, and
usually offering a martial benefit to those who can heal from harsh wilderness travels.
unlock its powers. Giant stone monoliths inscribed
with powerful ancient runes can temporarily Sanctuary - ​Dotting the wilds in various forms,
boost physical characteristics such as strength, sanctuaries offer adventurers a safe haven to rest
constitution, or barbaric rage. Others, such as and recuperate. Some take the form of a small
a mossy spire of twisted arcane wood can aide shrine, where those born under the same star sign
Druids in performing their spells, amplifying can receive a blessing. Others are caves with an
their abilities. Some totems require allegiance to ever-burning fire or tribal camps that harbor wary
a certain god or constellation in order to unlock travelers in need. Sanctuaries are often erected or
the power within. Totems are not always clearly tended by Paladins and Clerics. Characters visiting a
recognizable and may require special skill to Sanctuary may recover their full hitpoints and spell
identify them and learn the powers they hold. slots, as if fully rested.

Prysm Conflux - A convergence of Prysm energy Vantage Points​- In expansive stretches of

boosts magical effects and spells in an area. Prysm wilderness, an excellent view of the surrounding
Conflux areas often converge in caves, mountain landscape can prove invaluable. Vantage points
gorges, and shadowy crevices. Others confluxes are essential in navigating, mapmaking, spotting
form around mystical pillars that act as a conduit. dangers, and changes in weather. Some vantage
At the GM's discretion, spellcasters have a chance points reveal areas of interest otherwise hidden
to sense the presence of a Prysm Conflux. from view; at the GM’s discretion characters can
spot creatures and other dangers in a 15-mile
Windstill - Weather manifesting through magic, radius, and forecast weather conditions for 1d8
the influence of benevolent Ancestors, or just a hours.
natural occurrence. In addition, wind still areas

The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International
License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with permission, all rights reserved.
Shooting Stars - A shooting star is seen as a sign
from the gods or ancestors. It is believed to signify The Arrival of Dawn
an important event, revelation, or pointing to a Twilight can sometimes stretch on for days, or be
specific location. When spotted, and at the GM’s pierced by a sudden sunrise that lasts only for a
discretion, you may reveal a valuable hint to few hours. When dawn does come, it often brings
the players that benefit their quest. Treat it as a the savage fury of powerful storms - blizzards that
successful Navigation skill check. obscure sight and bury landmarks. Torrents of
sleet cover the exposed landscape beneath a thick
Sunlight - Moments of clear skies and sunlight are blanket of ice and blowing winds bring icy shards
precious and rare. Nights and overcast weather can that scour stone and ravage bare flesh. Moments
seem to stretch on eternally, but when the sun does of calm weather and warm sunlight are rare and
breakthrough it is a glorious moment. Characters precious, seen as a gift from the gods; approval of
spending 2 rounds in sunlight experience the the actions of man.
warm relief, count as having had a long rest,
restoring hitpoints and spell slots. When dawn arrives, roll on the table below to
generate an effect, or choose one that suits your
The Movement of the
Unlike typical fantasy campaign settings with
predictable day and night patterns, our world is
driven by the chaotic firmament above, and the
waxing and waning of dusk. The mystical welkin is
ever changing and bears no fixed celestial objects,
save for one: The Northern Star. The sky changes
almost every night, bringing with it portents, both
fair and foul.

Some believe the tides of night and day are

dependant on the time of year, disposition of
the ancestors, or even the will of the divines.
Adventurers will need to utilize their skills to story.
traverse the wilds without getting lost, interpeting
portents through starsigns, omens in spiritual d20 Dawnbreak Event
manifestations and more. Instead of relying on 1-3 Dawn does not arrive. Roll a result on
fixed celestial bodies, navigating the wilderness the Weather Conditions Table.
relies on learning envorinment landmarks, omens,
animal movements and instinct. Indeed, many 4-6 Dawn breaks with heavy Razor Hail
events that occur within the world are driven by or
7-10 Dawn arrives, but thick gray clouds
can be predicted through star signs in the obsidian
depths of the night sky. cover the sun.
11-15 Mysts creep up from the wilderness,
During the night hours, parts of the world give hampering vision and navigation
way to another plane of existence - the Ethervale.
This realm is one filled with wondrous locales and 16-17 Dawn arrives. Clear skies
untold numbers of spirits that are collectively 18-20 Calm dawn, clouds part, and the sun
known as the Ancestrals. Some areas can be breaks through momentarily. See
traveled by anyone who happens to discover them, Sunlight
others are only accessible through Portals and
Astral Gateways.

Savage Dawn Starter Guide - 2.1 - september 7, 2019 9:32 a.m.

Thank You For Playing
Savage Dawn!


The Savage Dawn campaign setting is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
4.0 International License , except for illustrations and images. Illustrations and images are used with
permission, all rights reserved. The Savage Dawn logo, Loresmyth Logo, Layout and Tradedress Copyright
©2019 Loresmyth Publishing |

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