Example 9.6-1

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6-1: Cooling Coil"

$UnitSystem SI MASS RAD PA K J
$Tabstops 0.2 0.4 0.6 3.5 in
D_out=1.02 [cm]*convert(cm,m)
th = 0.9 [mm]*convert(mm,m)
N_t_row=10 [-]
N_t_col=2 [-]
H=0.26 [m]
W=0.20 [m]
L=0.06 [m]
V_dot_a=0.06 [m^3/s]
p_a=1 [atm]*convert(atm,Pa)
T_a_in=convertTemp(C,K,27 [C])
RH_a_in=0.75 [-]
T_w_in=convertTemp(C,K,5 [C])
p_w=2 [atm]*convert(atm,Pa)
m_dot_w=0.06 [kg/s]
s_v=25.4 [mm]*convert(mm,m)
s_h=22 [mm]*convert(mm,m)
th_fin=0.33 [mm]*convert(mm,m)
p_fin=3.18 [mm]*convert(mm,m)
e=1.0 [micron]*convert(micron,m)

"outer diameter of tube"

"tube wall thickness"
"number of tube rows"
"number of tube columns"
"height of heat exchanger face"
"width of heat exchanger face"
"length of heat exchanger in air flow direction"
"volumetric flow rate of air"
"atmospheric pressure"
"inlet air temperature"
"inlet air relative humidity"
"inlet water temperature"
"pressure of water"
"water flow rate"
"vertical separation distance between tubes"
"horizontal separation distance between tubes"
"fin thickness"
"fin pitch"
"roughness of tube internal surface"

The inlet humidity ratio (a,in) and the dewpoint associated with the incoming air (Tdp, the
temperature at which the relative humidity reaches 100% and therefore water will begin to
condense) are computed:

"humidity ratio at inlet"

"dewpoint temperature of air"
"in C"

which leads to Tdp = 295.3 K (22.19C). Because the entering water temperature is less than Tdp,
water will condense onto the coil surface provided that the cooling coil is sufficiently large.
The water-side thermal resistance is evaluated. The inner diameter of the tube is:
Din = Dout 2 th
and the total length of tube is:

Ltube = N t ,row N t ,col W

The average water-side heat transfer coefficient ( hw ) is computed using the PipeFlow function in
EES at the average temperature in the heat exchanger. The resistance to heat transfer between
the water and the tube inner surface is:

Rin =

Din Ltube hw

"Internal flow through the tube"

"tube inner diameter"
"total tube length"
"average temperature"
call PipeFlow('Water',T_avg,p_w,m_dot_w,D_in,L_tube,e/D_in:&
h_bar_w, h_bar_w_H ,DELTAP_w, Nusselt_bar_w_T, f_w, Re_w)
"access correlations for internal flow"
"resistance to convection on water-side"

The area-specific fouling resistance for closed-loop treated water ( Rf ,in ) is obtained using the
FoulingFactor function in EES and used to compute the fouling resistance on the water side:

R f ,in =

Rf ,in

Din Ltube

"Fouling resistance"
R``_f_in=FoulingFactor('Closed-loop treated water') "fouling factor on inner surface of tube"
"fouling resistance on inner surface of tube"

The conductivity of copper (km) is obtained at the average temperature using the internal property
routine in EES and used to compute the conduction resistance through the tube:


ln out
= in
2 km Ltube

"Conduction resistance"

"tube conductivity"
"tube resistance"

The mass flow rate of air is computed according to:

m a = a ,in Va

where a,in is the density of the air at the inlet. The heat exchanger geometry corresponds to
compact heat exchanger core fc_tubes_s80-38T. The compact heat exchanger function
CHX_h_finned_tube is used to evaluate the dry heat transfer coefficient on the air side ( ha ):
"Compact heat exchanger correlation"
"density of air at inlet"
"mass flow rate of air"
"heat exchanger identifier name"
Call CHX_h_finned_tube(TypeHX$, m_dot_a, W*H, 'Air',T_avg, P_a:h_bar_a)

"access compact heat exchanger procedure"

The total surface area of the fins is:



As , fin ,tot = 2

p fin

and the total surface area of the unfinned tube is:

As ,unfin = Dout Ltube 1 fin

p fin

The total air-side surface area is:

Atot = As , fin ,tot + As ,unfin

"total fin area"

"total un-finned area"
"total air-side surface area"

The dry coil/wet coil analysis divides the heat exchanger into a separate dry coil and wet coil. In
the dry coil, the temperature of the moist air is reduced to the dew point temperature; the exit
temperature from the dry coil (Ta,dc,out) is therefore the dew point temperature.

"temperature of air at exit of dry coil"

The fraction of the total heat exchange surface required by the dry coil section is determined.
The specific heat capacity of the moist-air on a per mass of dry air basis ( ca ) is calculated using
EES' internal psychrometric function.
c``_a=cP(AirH2O,P=p_a,T=T_a_in,R=RH_a_in) "specific heat capacity of moist air in dry coil"

The specific heat capacity of the cooling water (cw) is calculated using EES' internal property

"specific heat capacity of water"

The capacitance rate of the air and the water in the dry-coil are:
C a , dc = m a ca

C w = m w cw

"capacity rate of air"


"capacity rate of water"

Provided that the cooling coil is sufficiently large so that the dew point temperature is reached,
the rate of heat transfer in the dry coil section of the heat exchanger is given by:

qdc = C dc (Ta ,in Ta ,dc ,out )

The minimum capacitance rate in the dry coil section ( C min , dc ) is obtained using the Min function
and used to compute the maximum possible heat transfer in the dry coil:

qdc ,max = C min , dc (Ta ,in Tw,in )

The effectiveness of the dry coil section is the ratio of the actual to the maximum possible heat
transfer rate:

dc =

qdc ,max
"heat transfer rate in dry coil"
"minimum heat capacity rate in dry coil"
"maximum possible heat transfer rate in dry coil"
"effectiveness of dry coil"

The number of transfer units in the dry coil section (NTUdc) is obtained using the -NTU solution
for a cross-flow heat exchanger (with the air unmixed and the water mixed) accessed using the
HX function in EES. The conductance required in the dry-coil section is:
UAdc = NTU dc C min ,dc
NTU_dc=HX('crossflow_one_unmixed', eff_dc, C_dot_a_dc, C_dot_w, 'NTU')
"number of transfer units in dry coil"
"conductance in dry coil"

The total resistance to heat transfer in the dry coil is the inverse of the conductance:

Rdc =


and is made up of the resistance to convection on the water side, a fouling resistance, resistance
to conduction through the tube, and a convection resistance on the air side (assuming that the fin
efficiency is 100%):
Rdc =

Rin + R f ,in + Rcond


ha Atot Fdc

where Fdc is the fraction of the total heat exchanger required by the dry coil.

"thermal resistance in dry coil"

"determine F_dc"

which leads to Fdc = 0.329 (i.e., 33% of the coil is dry, according to this analysis). The
remainder of the heat exchanger coil is wet:
Fwc = 1 Fdc
"Wet coil analysis"

"fraction of heat exchanger that is wet"

The wet coil is analyzed using the concepts of a saturation specific heat capacity and wet coil
conductance. The saturation specific heat capacity is used to account for the latent heat
associated with the condensing water vapor and is calculated using Eq. (9-139):
ia (Tdc ,out , p,RH = 1) ia (Ta ,out , p,RH = 1)
ca,sat =
(Tdc ,out Ta ,out )

Initially, a value for Ta,out is assumed; this value is subsequently commented out in order to close
the solution:
"an initial assumption for the saturation specific heat capacity"
"saturation specific heat capacity"

The capacitance rate of the air in the wet coil is:

C a , wc = m a ca, sat

and the minimum capacitance rate in the wet coil ( C min , wc ) is computed using the Min function:

"capacity rate of air in wet coil"

"minimum heat capacity rate in wet coil"

The conductance of the wet coil is computed by augmenting the air side heat transfer coefficient
by the ratio ca, sat / ca in order to account for the enhancement of the energy transfer rate due to

mass transfer. The thermal resistance of the wet coil section is:
Rwc =

Rin + R f ,in + Rcond


ha ca, sat Atot Fwc

and the conductance of the wet coil is:

UAwc =


R_wc=(R_in+R_f_in+R_cond)/F_wc+c``_a/(A_tot*h_bar_a*c``_a_sat*F_wc) "wet coil resistance"

"wet coil conductance"

The number of transfer units in the wet coil is:

NTU wc =  wc
Cmin , wc

The effectiveness of the wet coil (wc) is obtained using the -NTU solution for a cross-flow heat
exchanger, obtained using the HX function in EES:
"number of transfer units in the wet coil"
eff_wc=HX('crossflow_one_unmixed', NTU_wc, C_dot_a_wc, C_dot_w, 'epsilon')
"effectiveness of wet coil"

The heat transfer rate in the wet coil section is obtained from the effectiveness:
qwc = wc C min , wc (Tdc ,out Tw,in )

"heat transfer rate in wet coil"

The temperature of the air leaving the wet coil is obtained using an energy balance on the airside:
Ta ,out = Tdc ,out


Ca , wc

Before calculating the value of Ta,out, the guess values for the problem are updated (select Update
Guesses from the Calculate menu) and the initial guess for Ta,out is commented out:
"an initial assumption for the saturation specific heat capacity"
"temperature of air leaving wet coil"
"in C"

which leads to Ta,out = 290.5 K (17.3C).

The wet coil model assumes that the air leaves saturated (i.e., at 100% relative humidity) and
therefore the humidity ratio of the air leaving the heat exchanger (a,out) can be obtained using
EES' psychrometric functions.

"humidity ratio at exit"

The total heat transfer in the cooling coil predicted by the wet coil/dry coil method is the sum of
the heat transferred in the wet and dry sections:
qwc / dc = qdc + q wc

and the mass flow rate of condensate is:

m cond , wc / dc = m a (a ,in a ,out )
"coil performance"
q_dot_wcdc=q_dot_dc+q_dot_wc "total heat transfer rate using wet coil/dry coil method"
"mass flow rate of condensate"
m_dot_cond_wcdc_kgph=m_dot_cond_wcdc*convert(kg/s,kg/hr) "in kg/hr"

which leads to q wc / dc = 1503 W and m cond , wc / dc = 0.0003146 kg/s (1.132 kg/hr).

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