Women Entrepreneuers A Growing and Promising Face in Indian Businesses
Women Entrepreneuers A Growing and Promising Face in Indian Businesses
Women Entrepreneuers A Growing and Promising Face in Indian Businesses
Mr.V.P.Sriram 1 Mr.K.Durai 2
Women constitute around half of the total population. So is in India, they are therefore,
regarded as the better half of the society. In traditional societies, they were confined to the
four walls of houses performing household activities. In Modern societies they have come out
of the four walls to participate in all sorts of activities. The global evidences buttress that
women have been performing exceedingly well in different spheres of activities like
academics, politics, administration, social work and so on. Now, they have started plunging
into industry also and running their enterprises successfully. Therefore while discussing on
entrepreneurial development; it seems in the fitness of the context to briefly discuss about the
development of Women Entrepreneurs in the country.
India has more female doctors, surgeons, scientisits and professors than the United States.
India has more working women than any other country in the world. This includes female
workers at all levels of skill from the surgeon and the airline pilot to bus conductors and
menial labourers.
entrepreneurship among women in the country. The Committee is represented by all agencies
connected with the entrepreneurship development, women entrepreneurs and officials. The
Committee has evolved certain policies for the promotion of entrepreneurship amongst
women. The Committee has also recommended a definition on women entrepreneurs and
officials, which has been subsequently adopted by small scale industries board. A Women cell
has also been functioning in the office of the DC (SSI) to attend to the problems faced by
them and to provide necessary liaison. A Model syllabus has been developed for conducting
exclusive programmes for women under different categories including tiny units.
Thus the modern trend shows that women join hands in enhancing the income of the family.
In turn it also changes their personality and living standards. The role of Women entrepreneur
in economic development is inevitable. Now-a-days women enter not only in selected
professions but also in professions like trade, industry and engineering. Women are also
willing to take up business and contribute to the Nation's growth. There role is also being
recognized and steps are being taken to promote women entrepreneurship. Resurgence of
entrepreneurship is the need of the hour. Women entrepreneurship must be moulded properly
with entrepreneurial traits and skills to meet the changes in trends, challenges global markets
and also be competent enough to sustain and strive for excellence in the entrepreneurial
1. C.B.Gupta and S.S.Khanka (1996),