Aliens and Humans Will Breed in The End Times Monstrous Nephilim Hybrids Will Be Born

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"Aliens and Humans Will Breed in the End Times: Monstrous Nephilim Hybrids Will Be ...

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Aliens and Humans Will

Breed in the End Times:
Monstrous Nephilim
Hybrids Will Be Born!
According to an ancient Jewish apocryphal text, 4th
Esdras, there was a certain archangel named Uriel who
uttered some rather detailed prophecies concerning the End
Times. Uriel informed us that in the End Times, "Pregnant
women will give birth to monsters."[1] In the same
prophecy, Uriel foretold an era leading up to the End Times
in which there will be famines, wars, plagues, and
tribulations. Uriel labeled this time "the beginning of
sorrows."[2] Uriels description of "the beginning of
sorrows" is markedly similar to Jesus Christs prophecy
concerning the End Times,


Ancient Christian
holy texts
espouse that
angels mingled with
the daughters of
Genesis 6:1-4

Nation will rise against nation, kingdom against

kingdom. There will be earthquakes in diverse places,
famines and hard times. These are the beginning of

Notice here that Jesus used the same phrase that Uriel used
"the beginning of sorrows." This suggests that Jesus Christ
was aware of and agreed with Uriels prophecy. Therefore, it
stands to reason that Jesus may have also agreed with Uriel
when he said, "pregnant women will give birth to monsters."
Astoundingly, Jesus also states in the very same prophecy,
"Woe to those who are pregnant and nursing babies in those
THIS SECTION: days,"[4] which might suggest that pregnancies in the End
EVOLUTION IN Times will be abnormal, because of the large number of halfbreed children being born. In the same prophecy, Jesus also
states, "Just like the time before the flood when they were
marrying and giving in marriage it will be like this when
the Son of Man comes."[5] From this, it is widely believed
that Genesis 6 will repeat itself in the End Times. The angels
will marry and be given in marriage to human women and
produce monstrous offspring.
In another tradition, Michael the archangel allegedly
prophesied that the Antichrist will be a giant, much like the
giants of Genesis 6, who resulted from the union of angels
with human women. From this, many have surmised that the
Antichrist will not be fully human, but rather a human-angel


"Aliens and Humans Will Breed in the End Times: Monstrous Nephilim Hybrids Will Be ... Page 2 of 3

Your Comments Here

hybrid. Here is a quote from the prophecy:

His mouth is from fingertip to elbow, his teeth from
pinky to thumb, his fingers are like scythes, his feet are
eighteen inches wide, and upon his forehead is the label

Click here to learn more about Evolution in the Bible.

The creationist narrative in Genesis 1 is contradicted by

many ancient Christian texts. Instead of an Almighty
Creator God, ancient Christian texts espouse that the
universe is born from blind arrogance and stupidity.
The angels caused evolution to occur from species to
species. There are many gods, (or aliens?), and the
Christian God is just one among them. Satan the Devil
writes scripture, and thus the Bible was polluted with
Genesis 1. Archaeology and modern scholarship
demonstrate that Genesis is indeed corrupted.
Cavemen walk with Adam and Eve. Esoteric
prophecies reveal the coming of Christ, and also reveal
the dark forces that govern the cosmos. Such are the
ancient Christian writings.

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Science vindicates the truth of these ideas. Evolution often

happens too fast for Darwins theory. Gaps in the fossil
record indicate that some kind of unnatural force acts
together with natural selection. Astrobiology reveals that
intelligent life probably evolved long before us. The fossil
record reveals strange clues that aliens abducted species and
transported them across oceans, and that DNA from diverse
lineages was combined to spawn hybrid species. Evidently,
aliens influence evolution, and they are the gods of the
worlds religions.
This is not fiction. All these facts are thoroughly documented
in the links above.


4th Esdras 5:8-9


4th Esdras 16:18


Mark 13:8


Mark 13:17


Matthew 24:38-39


"Aliens and Humans Will Breed in the End Times: Monstrous Nephilim Hybrids Will Be ... Page 3 of 3


The Greek Apocalypse of Ezra 4:29-32


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