The Great Nephilim Deception

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The Great Nephilim Deception:

Why Christians are Being Tricked into Believing in ETs and UFOs
by Jeremy James

The great End Time deception began with the Counter-Reformation and has been growing in scope and complexity ever since. The goal, ultimately, is to draw all professing Christians into a false version of Christianity. To do this the church needs in effect to undergo another Reformation. The resulting Church will appear to be legitimate but will preach a gospel that cannot save anyone.

Modern apostasy opens the door to greater deception

Today we have several major movements within the professing church that have actually proclaimed their intention to bring about a new Reformation. One even boasts of this intention in its title the New Apostolic Reformation. Another is the Purpose-Driven Church which redefines the church in terms of its purpose, which in turn is determined by its leaders (who promote, among other things, Hindu pranayama and the occult practice of Reiki). The Emerging Church is yet another, which likes to proclaim, loudly and clearly, its goal of transforming the church into an entity better suited to the perceived needs of modern man.


Even though it arose over a hundred years ago, Pentecostalism too was a reformation of the church since it made a number of basic changes to doctrine and practice without being rejected as a cult. It succeeded in shifting the focus from Christ, knowledge and humble service, respectively, to the Holy Spirit, experience and self-empowerment. Believers were expected to perform at least one miracle speaking in tongues and, to some extent, to regard the Holy Spirit as a force. The New Apostolic Reformation is really Pentecostalism in a more advanced stage of 'reformation.' The Word Faith movement is in many respects a merger of Pentecostalism and Christian Science, where faith is a force, thoughts are quasi-physical realities, the universe operates in accordance with spiritual laws that anyone can master, and imagination is the principal means by which man can manipulate reality. We are also witnessing the eclipse of the traditional evangelical church by the 'New Evangelicalism', a church that rejects separation, Biblical inerrancy, the reality of hell, and the fear of God. Furthermore, the line of demarcation between it and the Emerging Church is becoming increasingly blurred over time. For example, both are enamoured with contemplative spirituality and the paganism of the Roman Catholic Church.

Chuck Missler and Koinonia Institute

If one looks at the various discernment websites on the Internet many of which contain excellent information and are well worth exploring we find ample analysis of these various reformed (i.e. aberrant or apostate) versions of Christianity. However, there is one 'reformed' version that has not been receiving the attention it deserves, even from websites that profess to offer comprehensive coverage of the main strands of contemporary heresy. This is the strange new version of Christianity that Chuck Missler and his friends at Koinonia Institute are developing.

Chuck Missler (left) with fellow UFO enthusiasts, LA Marzulli (center) and Tom Horn.


While it is probably too early to give the Missler version a definitive title, some commentators are referring to it as 'Quantum Spirituality'. This is intended to highlight the way Missler is importing concepts from modern Physics, often in a New Age form, and applying them to a traditional Biblical worldview. In this paper we propose to examine only one element of Misslers New Age version of Christianity (though we will address other elements in a future paper, God willing). While the element in question has major implications for Christian doctrine, followers of the Missler system seem unable to recognize the fact. Much the same blindness afflicts the thousands who study his teachings on television and DVD or who attend the annual Nephilim prophecy conferences where Missler plays such a prominent role. The element, of course, is ETs and UFOs.

Why ETs and UFOs cannot possibly be physically real

A major effort is being made by the Second Reformation planners in the Vatican to convince Christians that physical vehicles are visiting this planet from other galaxies and that these vehicles are manned by intelligent physical beings. The principal target audience for this deception is the Bible-believing church. The ground is being prepared in a systematic way. In recent years senior spokesmen for the Vatican have indicated that belief in the theory of Evolution is not inconsistent with Christian doctrine and that intelligent life may conceivably exist in other galaxies. The Jesuits even have their own astronomical observatory on Mount Graham, Arizona. It is difficult to see how this could serve any purpose other than to provide early detection of unusual activity in outer space and to corroborate significant claims made by other observatories. This will lend credence to any statements they might make if, and when, an ET/UFO 'contact' is officially declared.

The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope on Mount Graham, Arizona. The observatory is owned by the Vatican and operated by Jesuit priests.


There is one crucial fact that readers will need to keep in mind if this paper is to make any sense. If the Bible is the Word of God (and it is) then physical ETs and physical UFOs cannot exist. Many will argue that the Bible does not address this question and therefore the existence or otherwise of physical ETs/UFOs is not, in itself, a doctrinal matter. But they are wrong. Lets see why. While several reasons may be given there are two that ought to be evident to the vast majority of Bible-believing Christians: 1. The Bible describes life as Gods creation. Nothing evolves. Since only two intelligent lifeforms are described in the Bible, then only two can exist. These are angels and men. If another intelligent lifeform existed in this physical universe then it too would be subject to sin and death and thus in need of redemption. Since Christ incarnated as man in order to take on the sin of man and die in his place, his redemptive work related only to man. It could not relate to another intelligent lifeform. If God had created another intelligent physical lifeform but made no provision for its subsequent redemption, he would have acted contrary to his holy character since "His mercy endureth forever." Since it is impossible for God to act contrary to his holy character, no other intelligent physical lifeform can exist. The Bible clearly states that all celestial objects stars, etc were made after the earth was made. Their only purpose was to serve man (re times and seasons) and to declare the glory of God to all mankind. Unless another intelligent being was created at the same time "in the beginning" it could not otherwise exist. The scope of the account given in Genesis must be comprehensive if Scripture is to declare "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." If Genesis necessarily embraces the totality of God's perfect work of creation, and the only physical being made in his image and likeness was man, then man is the only intelligent physical lifeform in the universe.


The power of modern indoctrination

Previous generations of Bible-believing Christians had a clear understanding of this basic truth. However, with the advent of the false theory of evolution in 1859, the inauguration of science fiction as a literary genre by Jules Verne and HG Wells in the late 19th century, and the seemingly never-ending production of movies and TV series promoting the reality of intelligent life in other galaxies, mankind is being steadily conditioned to accept the possibility of alien intelligence.


This progressive indoctrination has been supplemented by a huge increase in scientific knowledge regarding the vastness of interstellar space and the staggering number of galaxies that actually exist. As a result, most professing Christians have been lulled into adopting an open mind on the question. The great ET/UFO deception has also been augmented by countless reports of UFO sightings and abductions, a supposed cover-up at Roswell, and a wealth of secondary evidence, such as crop circles and animal mutilations. If an extraterrestrial race of intelligent beings is not producing these phenomena, then who is? There are only two possible options wicked men or fallen angels. Given the importance of this grand program of deception in Satan's End Time plan, we can be fairly certain that both groups are involved.

Satan has no choice but to exploit every kind of deception

In order to appreciate the magnitude of what is happening, we need to consider the stakes from Satan's perspective. A staggeringly large army of intelligent beings will be consigned to eternal damnation if they fail to prevent the return of Christ. As their supreme commander, Satan is prepared, even obliged, to use the entire arsenal of resources at his disposal to secure victory. We should recall that he was willing to hand over his entire domain to Christ if he would only bow down and worship him. In revealing this fact, the Word of God is telling us that Satan is prepared to commit everything under his control to achieve his goal. If this is the case, then we should expect the Satanic world system even now to be feverishly at work, albeit in secret, on schemes that will contribute, one way or another, to his ultimate victory. This means that a substantial part of the wealth of this world, along with the very best brains and technology, are currently being deployed surreptitiously to prevent the return of Christ. Oddly enough, we don't need tangible proof of this. The endgame depicted in God's Holy Word demands that Satan marshall his earthly resources in this way. He is obliged to deploy his supernatural army for the same purpose. The plan, whatever it may be, is bound to contain elements that need time to mature before they can be implemented. Just as Stalin and Mao among the most wicked of men had their 5Year Plans, we should expect Satan to have his 500-Year Plan, with targets and milestones to be achieved along the way.


He would score a major victory if he could convince the majority of mankind that physical ETs and UFOs actually exist, that they are visiting this planet (and have been for thousands of years), and that the future of the human race is directly dependant on their benign intervention. Such a disclosure would have a profound impact on mankind. The enemies of Biblical truth would mock Christianity and ridicule both the account of history given in Genesis and the account of the future given in Revelation. Christians themselves would likely depart from Biblical truth in vast numbers and accept the New Age lie that Jesus was simply a 'Christ', not the Christ, but merely one of many highly evolved souls who possessed the so-called Christ Conciousness. They would then turn willingly to one of these "Christs" whom Jesus warned would come in his name and deceive many. It is not our intention in this paper to examine the many ways in which this massive deception is being cunningly orchestrated, some by man ("the insurrection of the workers of iniquity" Psalm 64) and some by demonic entities. We propose to focus mainly on the work of one man, a leading figure in the Evangelical church, and determine whether his teachings give comfort, wittingly or otherwise, to the architects of the great ET/UFO deception. This approach will enable us to describe both the anatomy of this grand illusion and the methods that the Enemy is using to construct it. Before we commence our analysis of Missler's Alien Encounters [1997] (co-written with Mark Eastman) we need to emphasize that the ideas in his book cannot be dismissed merely as speculation or harmless conjecture. Once ideas of this kind are given the seal of approval by a respected figure and 'released' into the community, as it were, they can spread at an alarming rate. Others have come along after Missler, taken his ideas, and bred an even more treacherous variety. One has only to consider the works of Tom Horn or L.A.Marzulli to see how the worthless seeds sown by Missler have grown into a tangled web of briars and brambles, trapping the unwary and drawing them ever further into error and confusion. In fact, both Horn and Marzulli cite Missler's book as an important influence on their work.


The strange, strange world of L A Marzulli longtime conference colleague of Chuck Missler

Missler claims that UFOs and ETs are physically real

Even though he claims to teach only Biblical doctrine, Missler believes in the physical reality of UFOs and their ET navigators: "In recent years, a number of astonishing events in our skies and in the corridors of power and influence have suggested to many that we are on the verge of open and global recognition of the reality of UFOs (unidentified flying objects) and extraterrestrial life..." [Chap.1] "Yet, there remain behind it all too many serious cases which involve multiple reliable witnesses and even tangible physical evidences, enough to bury even the most ardent skeptic." [Chap.1] In arguing his case he draws upon the hoary mythology popularized by such authors as Erich von Dniken and Zecharia Sitchin, who claimed to find evidence of UFO/ET visitations in the archeological records of ancient civilizations: "Who are these extraterrestrials? Where are they from? What is their agenda? Whatever the case, one thing is clear: the appearance of unidentified flying objects is an ancient phenomenon which has perplexed even harassed mankind from the beginning of written history." [Chap.1] "With these remarkable records of the gods of Egypt flying on a winged celestial disk and the flying boat of Ra, it is easy to see why UFO researchers have embraced these texts as proof of ancient visitations by a technologically advanced race of extraterrestrial beings. It is equally easy to understand why the ancient Egyptians worshiped them as gods. There are many other Egyptian texts which are equally suggestive of UFO activity in ancient times." [Chap.2]


In making these claims he is guilty of the same journalistic manipulation that his predecessors employed, where the burden of proof which ought to fall on the author is replaced instead by a burden of rebuttal. In other words, unless the reader can refute the so-called evidence, he is morally obliged to accept it as plausible. This trick is usually effective if a bewildering body of 'evidence' is supplied, couched in emotive language, and peppered here and there with peals of cheery approval.
Life Itself: Its Origin and Nature
by Francis Crick (1981) Crick co-discovered the double-helix structure of DNA for which he received a Nobel Prize. He proposed that DNA may have been intentionally spread throughout the universe by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization. Known as Panspermia, this theory is merely Evolution under another name. According to Missler the theory merits consideration.

He also resorts to the use of subtle innuendo to portray empty speculation as an established fact: "Francis Crick also thinks that life on Earth may have begun when aliens from another planet sent a rocket ship containing spores to seed the Earth. This is no idle thought; Crick first proposed it with chemist Leslie Orgel in 1973 in an article entitled "Directed Panspermia" in a professional science journal called Icarus. A decade later Crick wrote a book, Life Itself, reiterating the theory"' [emphasis added] [Chap.6] "This is no idle thought." Really? As a reputable scholar and teacher of Biblical truth, Missler knows full well that it is nothing of the sort! The panspermia theory is just another way of importing the theory of evolution, but without having to explain away its endless contradictions. He then goes on to use yet another journalistic device, where the reader is asked to believe something on the grounds that the 'evidence' is simply overwhelming and only a loser could possibly fail to see that the official denials are phony: "For 50 years, the quiet tensions behind the intimidations, ostensible cover-ups, and ridicule has continued. Wading through the countless documentaries, interviews, etc., and allowing for emotions, exploitations, disinformation much of it deliberate by the U.S. Government one can clearly conclude there was, indeed, a cover-up of some kind." [Chap.3]


The Characteristics and Powers of ETs and UFOs

Having lulled the reader into accepting the reality of ETs/UFOs, he then makes a giant leap forward and endows them with specific characteristics and abilities by using even less evidence than he used to demonstrate their existence. This too is a neat journalistic trick where, having induced the reader to accept one idea, the writer quickly tags on another before the reader has time to recognize that an even higher standard of proof is now required. After all it is one thing to assert that UFOs are real, but it is an entirely different matter to contend that a vehicle whose very existence has long been in doubt is now known to possess certain definitive characteristics.

In addition to having the power to abduct people from their homes and perform surgical experiments upon them, Missler claims that "Well-documented accounts of UFOs that change shape, dematerialize, and defy the laws of physics have challenged the extraterrestrial hypothesis and caused many researchers to speculate that UFOs and their occupants may not be extraterrestrial, but extradimensional beings from beyond the four dimensions of our space-time domain!" [Chap.2] UFOs, he says, can "change shape, dematerialize, and defy the laws of physics." His evidence for this is specious, to say the least. He relies in the main on vague secondhand sources whose scientific credibility has never been established. What he does do, however, is take the traditional concept of the UFO as an extraterrestrial phenomenon coming from deep space and turn it into an "extradimensional" one. Having assumed that reports of their unusual behavior are legitimate and UFOs are not constrained by the laws of the physical universe, he concludes that they could actually be coming from another dimension. This raises for him the possibility that these "extradimensional" beings may even emanate from the supernatural realm: "Because of the interdimensional nature of UFOs and their occupants, many researchers suggest that the phenomenology that generates UFOs is also responsible for the historical reports of angels, demons, fairies, fauns, sylphs, incubi, succubi, and any number of aerially adept supernatural entities." [Chap.12]


This could lead the reader to believe that Missler is now removing UFOs and ETs from the physical realm entirely, which would mean that, as immaterial entities, they could not pose a direct threat to the well-being of mankind. However, he is not saying this. For Missler, these beings are capable of physical manifestation and therefore could pose the same threat to mankind as an extraterrestrial invader. The main difference is that, unlike 'ordinary' ETs, these extradimensional beings are close to the earth and are fully conversant with human behavior and limitations. They may also possess powers that would make them even more dangerous than a traditional interstellar ET. This is a very clever move on his part. It allows him to preach about the reality of ETs and UFOs without being accused of indulging in extra-Biblical speculation. After all, angels do exist. However, in doing this, he is simply shifting the focus of his speculation and ascribing to fallen angels the very powers and capabilities that ETs are supposed to exhibit. In the following excerpts from Alien Encounters he describes the range of powers that he believes the fallen angels or supernatural ETs actually possess: A "Satan and his fallen angels are able to manifest physically in time and space, morph themselves into a multitude of shapes. Incubi, succubi, fauns, satyrs, and sylphs are supernatural entities which many scholars believe are simply different morphological forms of fallen angels. These entities are found extensively in the folkloric literature of mankind. According to this literature, these entities have harassed, interbred with, and even abducted humans for thousands of years." [Chap.12] "There will no doubt be many who will find the entire thesis (that angels can manifest physically and consort with humans) presented herein impossible to believe. The skeptic will likely argue that "angels are spirit beings that have no physical bodies, so the entire thesis is absurd." While we don't know how it is done, we should not underestimate the power of Satan and his minions. If Satan and his minions were capable of this in the days of Noah, there is every reason to believe that they still are." [Chap.13] "The fact is that angels do manifest themselves in physical form throughout the Bible and the annals of history. How they do it is not explained. However, angels, including fallen ones, do have the power to manipulate matter and reshape it into a multitude of forms, including life! ...Suffice it to say that if angels can appear physically; take men by the hand; fight with men; and form eyes, ears, skin, etc., then the manifestation of reproductive organs is also within their capabilities."

"There will be those who will no doubt argue that Satan and his cohorts are incapable of creating alien ships and masquerading as extraterrestrials. However, when we look carefully at the capabilities of angelic beings...we find that [they] have extraordinary ability and power to manipulate matter within our space-time domain." [Chap.13]

"Many Bible teachers assume that Satan cannot create life, believing instead that this ability belongs to God alone. However, in this scripture we find that Satan, acting through the sorcerers and magicians, was able to convert nonliving matter into (apparently) living serpents. In the subsequent verses we find that the magicians and sorcerers were also able to create a plague of frogs and turn the Nile to blood!" [Chap.14]

Any Christian who loves God's Holy Word should be horrified by these claims. In making them Missler departs radically from accepted Biblical hermeneutics (principles of interpretation) and manipulates Scripture in a truly bizarre way. He conducts a most cynical exercise by mixing outrageous speculation with cheap journalism and ancient folklore to produce a definitive statement about a phenomenon that no Bible scholar of any repute has suggested over the past 2,000 years. The magnitude of what he is saying becomes even more apparent when we itemize his claims: 1. The fallen angels can take physical form whenever they wish. [A] 2. They can choose any physical form they desire. [A] 3. They have taken a variety of physical forms for thousands of years. [A] 4. They have harassed humans physically for thousands of years. [A] 5. They have interbred with humans for thousands of years. [A] 6. They have been abducting humans for thousands of years. [A] 7. They carried out activities 3-6 above on a grand scale before the Flood. [B] 8. They can take on human form with natural human organs. [C] 9. They can manufacture functional reproductive organs. [C] 10. They can manipulate matter from outside our space-time domain. [D] 11. And Satan, their leader, can create life. [E] That a reputable Bible scholar should make such claims, and profess to find confirmation of them in the Word of God, is inexcusable.


Can Satan "create life" as Missler claims?

Throughout the Bible the LORD refers to Himself repeatedly as the God who created heaven and earth and "all that therein is." The heathen, He says, worship 'gods' who are not gods, and bow down before idols that can neither move nor speak. Countless scriptures show that God alone is the Creator. He alone has the power to create something out of nothing. All other lifeforms are created beings only and are thus incapable of creating anything. This has been a basic doctrine of Christianity for so long that it is hard to see how anyone could possibly reject it! To do so is to pervert the sovereignty of God and foment chaos. Missler refers to the works that Satan performed when he defied the LORD before Pharaoh. In doing so he performed three counterfeit tricks in a demonic attempt to replicate the true wonders that God performed. We are not to understand these tricks or counterfeits as equivalent in substance to the works that God performed but as a remarkable attempt to convince Pharaoh that he had done so. There is no doubt that Satan had to exercise his considerable supernatural powers to achieve these effects, and that the effects themselves were physically convincing. When Aaron threw down his rod and it became a serpent, the magicians "also did in like manner with their enchantments" (Exodus 7:11). [The Hebrew word for "enchantments" in these verses is lahat, literally 'flaming angelic sword', from the root 'to kindle or burn.'] They also turned to blood the waters (presumably the water in cisterns) which Moses and Aaron had spared when they turned the river to blood. And again the Bible tells us that they did this "with their enchantments" (Exodus 7:22), just as they did in their final counterfeit when they "brought up frogs upon the land of Egypt" (Exodus 8:7). If Satan has the power to create lifeforms, as Missler contends, then there is no reason why he could not also have used his enchantments to bring up lice, as Moses and Aaron did by miraculous means in the next plague. As the Bible records, the magicians tried to conjure a counterfeit of this also, but failed. We are not told how Satan managed to manifest large numbers of frogs in his counterfeit of the second plague. But we do know from the totality of God's Word that he did not create them, but relied rather on a supernatural power possessed by certain angels. It is a very serious matter when a highly respected Bible scholar like Chuck Missler presumes to radically reinterpret God's Word and does so in a manner that conflicts in a most fundamental way with Christian doctrine by using such a juvenile and reckless method of exegesis.

New Age Hermeneutics for a New Age 'Christianity'

Just how far is he prepared to go to redefine Biblical Christianity and formulate a New Age version of his own? The following excerpt may help to answer that question. It displays an extraordinary disregard for traditional standards of Biblical interpretation and a willingness to entertain speculative arguments that many believers would regard as blasphemous:


"There are some that view Jesus as a kind of "Super Angel" or hyperdimensional "Extraterrestrial." Clearly, he did demonstrate many hyperdimensional capabilities. His ability to materialize and dematerialize, while yet being tangible, within a closed room, indicates that he possesses a dimensionality which is independent of the limitations of our threedimensional spatial "reality" His ability to foretell the future indicates his nature is independent of our time domain. Conquering death, as validated by his resurrection, was, of course, the crowning achievement and is evidence of supremacy over the laws of physics." [Chap.14] Missler is seriously asking his readers to consider the possibility that Jesus was really a hyperdimensional extraterrestrial with exceptional powers, including the ability to demontrate his "supremacy over the laws of physics" by resurrecting his dead body which Missler patronisingly describes as his "crowning achievement." That any true believer, not to talk of a highly-respected Bible scholar, should publish such a suggestion, and have the gall to present it for serious consideration, is deeply troubling. In place of the second Person of the Holy Trinity we find instead, in Missler's strange paranormal world, a speculative kind of "Super Angel." In fact, there is little if anything to differentiate such a being from the concept of Lucifer that prevails among many occult groups yet another hyper-dimensional super-angel with extraordinary powers. Indeed the Mormons consider Jesus and Lucifer to be twins. We need to be concerned that Missler is presenting a thesis that aligns far better with the cult of Mormonism than it does with Biblical Christianity.

Sources of information about ETs and UFOs

The information sources that Missler uses to substantiate his theory are perplexing, to say the least. Even when he refers to Scripture he can be very eccentric. Take for example his attitude to the Bible itself: "It may come as a surprise to learn that we have in our possession a series of documents which are demonstrably a composite message of extraterrestrial origin." [Chap.11] Given the views expressed elsewhere in Alien Encounters and Missler's professed belief in hyperdimensional ETs, it is clear that he means exactly what he says, namely that the Bible is not necessarily and exclusively the Word of God but may also be regarded as a series of integrated messages from a higher dimension.


It would be easy to gloss over Missler's New Age redefinition of the Bible and treat it as little more than a throw-away remark. But it's not. He has repeated this view on other occasions, including an address given at a CCF meeting in the Philippines on 27 January 2013. There is a vast difference between the Word of God and "a composite message of extraterrestrial origin." The former is divinely inspired, immutable and perfect, while the latter, despite its supposed merits, is subject to whatever limitations restrict the mind of an extraterrestrial being, no matter what dimension it hails from.

The Bible: "a composite message of extraterrestrial origin." Chuck Missler

Just as a stage magician deceives his audience with a simple act of misdirection, Missler gets his readers to swallow a hook with this simple proposition. The moment we allow ourselves to equate God's Word with anything else, however exalted and illustrious, we have denied it. The victim can thrash about as much as he likes thereafter, but he is eventually hauled on board like an exhausted marlin. Missler has two main sources of supposedly firsthand information about ETs and UFOs, both of which ought to raise serious questions about his objectivity and his commitment to scientific integrity. The two categories are channelers and abductees: "In our effort to identify their origin, mission, and agenda for mankind, it is important to examine the messages from our extraterrestrial visitors. In the last several decades, tens of thousands of alleged extraterrestrial contactees have received messages from our "space brothers," including detailed information regarding our future destiny, our purpose, and their role in our future evolutionary development." [emphasis in original] [Chap.7] " of the more common sources of information from extraterrestrials comes through channelers. Channeling is a process whereby an individual (the channel) allows him or herself to be entered or spoken through by a spiritual entity. This process, which has been used by mediums to contact spiritual entities for thousands of years, is a common occult method. Many modern "channelers" claim that they have acted as channels for numerous highly evolved "extraterrestrial entities" who have the capability to reach them and convey their thoughts by telepathic means. While the reliability of such information is dubious at best, it is surprising how consistent the messages are from the alleged extraterrestrials as given through channelers and mediums." [Chap.6]


"Information about abductions comes primarily from two sources: spontaneous recollection and hypnotic regression. According to researchers, about a third of the people who report an abduction experience remember large portions of the event spontaneously. The remaining two thirds require some form of relaxation therapy or hypnotic regression to recall the events." [Chap.5] One may need to read these excerpts again to confirm that Missler is actually basing the veracity of much of what he claims in his book on reports from 'contactees', 'abductees', 'channelers', 'mediums', telepathy, and hypnotic regression. He set out initially with claims based on mythology, folklore and a distorted interpretation of the Bible, but he has now advanced to what he considers a more impressive means of validation information conveyed by "spiritual entities" (demons)! It is truly astonishing that he has got away with this for over sixteen years. How can any professing Christian share a platform with this man, or participate in his various programs, knowing that he holds these strange views and that he is anxious to spread them throughout the Evangelical church?

Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens


by John E Mack Mack was a Professor at Harvard Medical School and a recipient of the Pulitzer Prize. He is quoted extensively by Missler in support of his ET/UFO theories.

He depends on folklore, mythology and mediumistic messages to justify his claim that a major threat is posed to the human race by a vast army of hostile ETs. In making this claim he is also modifying, if not transforming, many fundamental doctrines of Biblical Christianity. And yet his evidence, even by his own admission is "dubious at best." He even admits that the majority of abductees were already under demonic influence before they had their alleged experiences: "Abductee surveys have revealed that the overwhelming majority of abductees have shown an interest in paranormal activities, Eastern religions, and New Age world-view. A large percentage of abductees have also reported a history of involvement with Ouija boards, astrology, witchcraft, astral projection, telepathic communication, channeling, past life regressions, and the like. Still others simply agreed to go along with their abductors when approached." [Chap.5]


One would imagine that, having hedged his claims with various caveats and cautionary remarks, he would shrink from basing a doctrine of any kind on his supposed 'evidence.' But he does exactly the opposite! Having raised doubts about his sources, he then proceeds to argue his case as though the earlier information was actually valid! The reader is left to assume that, despite his stated reservations, Missler is satisfied that enough of the reports were objectively reliable to warrant their acceptance. As a result, by the time he reaches the 14th chapter the reader is being asked to believe the most outrageous claims about ETs and UFOs and their imminent threat to the well-being of mankind.

Missler's view of the Future

This brings us to the Missler's view of the future of this planet and the outlook for humanity. He quotes Dr John Mack, noted authority on UFO abductions: "It is difficult to ignore the fact that the UFO abduction phenomenon is taking place in the context of a planetary crisis of major proportions...Abductions seem to be concerned primarily with two related projects: changing human consciousness to prevent the destruction of the earth's life, and a joining of two species for the creation of a new evolutionary form." - Dr John Mack, Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens, 1994 He is not citing this as his own opinion but states that it is part of an amazing global deception that has taken thousands of years to set up. He contends (rationally, in our view) that the Antichrist will need some way of explaining the Rapture to the frightened masses of humanity, as well as the wrathful phenomena of the Tribulation, without alerting them to the truth of Biblical prophecy. As he says: "This carefully crafted...deception has taken thousands of years to set up. At the end of the 20th century we have hundreds of millions of people who will embrace such teachings as a rational explanation for the wrath of God, the interbreeding of aliens with man, and the Rapture of the Church." [emphasis added] (Chap.12)

'The Hybrid Age'

DVD (2012) by Chuck Missler and Tom Horn The 'hybrids' in question are Nephilim, the supposed offspring of demons and humans.


Just when he appears to be dismissing categorically the entire ET/UFO scenario as a major End Time deception, he immediately reinstates it with the phrase, "the interbreeding of aliens with man"! It is difficult to untangle exactly what Missler is trying to say here. On the one hand, he seems to believe that Satan is preparing a global deception using ETs and UFOs, but that this is based only on demonic mind-games such as abductions and channeling. On the other hand, he is saying that Satan also intends to use his ability to interact physically with humans to form a human-demonic hybrid that will pose as much a threat to humanity as a UFO invasion. Presumably the global deception (based on demonic mind-games) will create a smokescreen that will confuse humanity and enhance the shock-and-awe effect of the planned hybrid invasion. In any event, here is how Missler describes what he sees as the real threat facing humanity: "What will the state of the world be like as this planetary climax approaches? Jesus warned, "As the days of Noah were, so shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be." The current spate of UFOs and alien intrusions appear to be a key part of what's coming." (Chap.11) "While today many Christians can accept the notion that such Satanic unions might have occurred in the murky past of the days of Noah, the notion that these same events could occur in our "days of enlightenment" causes many to recoil at the thought. But didn't Jesus state that the world's predicament would be as it was in "the days of Noah"? He did, indeed!" (Chap.12) "Jesus spoke of such an event near the end of his ministry when asked about the signs before his coming. As he was enumerating the signs before his coming Jesus said, "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken...And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" (Luke 21:25-26, 28). ""Looking after those things which are coming on the earth." What a remarkable statement by Jesus! What things are going to be coming on Earth? What catastrophe would cause men's hearts to fail them? What would it take to cause millions of believers to seriously doubt and "fall away" from the Biblical world-view? While we can only speculate about the nature of these events, one thing is for certain, the appearance of alien ships in the skies of planet Earth would be the greatest shock in the history of mankind. It would shake the foundations of religious, scientific, and philosophical paradigms. It would cause many of God's elect to abandon, for a time, the Biblical world-view. It would indeed cause the hearts of many men to fail!"
(Chap.13) 17

According to Missler the "things coming on the earth" are demonic hybrids. But Jesus is not talking about space invaders! He is talking, rather, about the terrifying judgment of God that will come upon the earth in the End Time.

'Return of the Nephilim'

DVD by Chuck Missler (2003)

The Nephilim Hoax

At this point we need to examine exactly how Missler justifies his demonic hybrid (or Nephilim) theory in Biblical terms. This theory has already been comprehensively refuted by Dr Cathy Burns in her book, Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and Aliens: What Does the Bible Say? (2009). Other Bible scholars have also rejected the theory as speculative hokum based on seriously flawed exegetical principles. Generally Nephilim zealots ignore any statement in Scripture that conflicts with their theory and focus only on those which, with enough twisting and bending, can be made to suit their purpose. Much of the semantic conjuring that these 'experts' employ to construct their false theory centers around the Biblical meaning of the word "seed". In nearly all cases it means an actual physical seed (of the agricultural variety) or the descendants of an individual. In a few cases, however, it is used figuratively. For example, after reciting the Parable of the Sower, Christ said, "The seed is the word of God." (Luke 8:11). Also, in Romans 9:8 Paul actually reverses the meaning, withholding approval from the physical but giving it to the figurative: "They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed." (In saying this he also confirms that the Hebrew zara [seed] and the Greek sperma [seed] are equivalent).


'Nephilim, Fallen Angels, and Aliens: What Does the Bible Say?'
(2009) by Dr Cathy Burns This book provides a scripturally sound refutation of the bogus Nephilim theory.

These examples show that the Biblical use of the word 'seed' does not necessarily imply a physical or reproductive seed. So when a Nephilim theorist says, for example, that Genesis 3:15 speaks of Satan's seed ("And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed...") it does not mean that Satan has the capacity to generate offspring. Rather it means that his followers or 'children', both demonic and human ("Ye are of your father the devil..."), will hate those who follow Christ. Missler tries the same trick with a verse from Daniel that is often quoted by the Nephilim theorists: "And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay." (Daniel 2:43) This verse is found in the section of Daniel dealing with the latter part of the fourth world empire, which will exercise global control in the End Time. Here is how Missler exploits this passage: "Switching to a personal pronoun, they "shall mingle themselves with the seed of men..." This is extremely suggestive when viewed in the light of the warning of our Lord...ostensibly directing us to look more closely at Genesis 6. Just what (or who) are "mingling with the seed of men?" Who are these Non-seed? It staggers the mind to contemplate the potential significance of Daniel's passage and its implications for the future global governance. "Could this be a hint of a return to the mischief of Genesis 6? Are "aliens" and their hybrid offspring part of the political makeup of this emergent world empire? Are the UFO incidents part of a carefully orchestrated program to lead us toward a political agenda?


"Or has it started already? Are the UFOs and increasingly widespread abductions part of the preparations for this scenario? Is the alleged "hybridization program" on which John Mack and others expound part of a Satanic plan to infiltrate the coming global government with "alien" Satanic forces? Are these aliens or their offspring part of the move toward a global government that we already see in motion, both here in the U.S. and in Europe?" (Chap.13) This sensationalistic exegesis is very disturbing. With a series of rhetorical questions he implies that demons bred with humans before the Flood and that this in turn prompted the LORD to destroy them (along with virtually all life on earth); but they interbred yet again after the Flood and today are scheming in concert with their hyperdimensional brethren to take over the world. This is science fiction, not Biblical exegesis. It is a puerile mixture of speculation, fantasy, and irrational argument. Many who employ this kind of wacky reasoning are working on the pseudo-scientific principle that 'if it can happen, it will happen.' But they ignore what the LORD told us will actually happen. How many space aliens do we find in the Book of Revelation? How many motherships unload their invading armies to destroy mankind? How many hybrids descend from the skies to conquer the hapless masses of humanity? The reference in Daniel to the mingled seed of men is a reference to the fatal composition of the fourth world empire in its latter phase. The first three world empires, as delineated in Daniel the Babylonian, Medo-Persian, and the Greek each had a major advantage over their End Time counterpart, namely a predominant racial identity. They were ethnically homogeneous, possessing the same language and culture and descended from a common racial group or "seed". The latter phase of the Roman Empire will lack this significant advantage, being a composite of many races ("seeds"), languages and cultural backgrounds. This will make it extremely difficult for supporters of the Antichrist to weld all regions of the globe into a single, wellfunctioning political entity. Daniel himself tells us that the nascent world government will comprise ten continental regions, each with its own governor (the "toes" in Daniel's image). The Antichrist will be able to take control of these regions for only a very short time.


This interpretation becomes even more apparent when one examines Daniel 2:43 in context: [40] And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. [41] And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. [42] And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. [43] And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay. [44] And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. (Daniel 2:40-44) In the course of his various arguments, Missler also refers to Genesis 6: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown." (Genesis 6:1-4) It would take too long to explore what this passage actually means, but we know for a certainty what it cannot mean. Missler claims that it proves that the fallen angels ("sons of God") mated with human females ("daughters of men") and produced strange hybrid offspring ("giants in the earth","men of renown"). But this interpretation conflicts with several other Biblical truths: (a) "Who maketh his angels spirits" (Psalm 104:4 and Hebrews 1:7). A spirit being cannot interact with the earth unless the LORD permits it. The angels were all made at once, at the start of Creation week (Job 38:4-7). They have no need to reproduce and therefore could not possess a means of doing so. All angels are male in character; there are no female angels.




If the fallen angels possessed all the abilities that Missler alleges, they would long ago have taken complete control of the world! The earth would be overrun with hybrids and all humanity would be utterly enslaved by a tyranny too vile to imagine. Consider once again the powers that Missler claims for fallen angels: They can take physical form whenever they wish; choose any physical form they desire, including that of humans; interbreed with humans; abduct humans for experimental purposes; manufacture functional reproductive organs; manipulate matter in extraordinary ways; and even create life. Scripture does not support any of these bizarre claims! If they were true the world would have collapsed long ago into a state of complete chaos. Moreover, none of the End Time prophecies in either the Old or the New Testaments give the slightest indication that fallen angels will at any time in the future possess these powers. Virtually everything that they have done or will do that impacts directly on mankind requires the co-operation of man. Missler and the Nephilim zealots are themselves prime examples of the power that fallen angels do possess, namely the power to deceive. People who believe that demons can interact in a systematic physical way with mankind, and even interbreed with humans, are greatly deceived. What is more, it suits Satan's purpose to promote this deception because, when followed through to its ultimate conclusion, it denies Biblical truth in a most dramatic fashion. Indeed, if the Nephilim thesis is true then its implications are devastating. Just consider the following: Implication A The Antichrist 1. It would mean accepting that fallen angels could mate with humans and produce viable offspring. 2. If angels have DNA then there is no obvious reason why they could not have populated planets in other galaxies with various life-forms. 3. Combine #2 with the lie of Evolution (which is accepted by a very large proportion of professing Christians) and the life-forms on other planets could have evolved into intelligent beings. 4. The earth could be threatened by intelligent beings from other galaxies. 5. The threat at #4 would necessitate the intervention of a world savior. Whoever defeated the invading aliens would therefore be regarded as the savior of mankind. Implication B Mass executions 1. It would mean accepting that fallen angels could mate with humans and produce viable offspring. [Same as A#1] 2. The offspring produced by such a union would not be natural humans but a hybrid species that appeared to be human.


3. Members of the hybrid species could have interbred among themselves and infiltrated normal human society over many generations. 4. The hybrid species, which looks almost perfectly human, is actually conspiring to take over the planet. Its members must be identified and destroyed. 5. Modern DNA testing will eventually enable hybrids to be identified and removed to detention centers. 6. Since their continued existence would pose an ongoing threat to the welfare of human civilization, the UN would decide that, regrettably, the hybrid species must be destroyed. Implication C Satan, not sin, is the curse of fallen man 1. It would mean accepting that fallen angels could mate with humans and produce viable offspring. [Same as A#1] 2. Since this could have occurred before the Flood, it could have caused extensive corruption of the human gene pool. 3. God destroyed all but 8 members of the human race possibly 1-2 billion people in the Flood because the human gene pool had become seriously corrupted. 4. The Flood was a judgment of God, not because of mans sin, but because of the damage caused to the human gene pool worldwide by demons who mated with humans. 5. God is a God of love and not of judgment. He will only judge demons and those who carry the Nephilim seed. All other sinners will be saved. 6. The judgment of God at #5 will also explain the sudden disappearance in the Rapture of large numbers of supposed hybrids. No doubt there are further implications, but these three examples should serve to illustrate just how dangerously unbiblical the Nephilim hypothesis really is and why the Enemy is so keen to promote its acceptance among Christians.


There is good reason to believe that this deception was planned several thousand years ago by Satan and his top lieutenants. Perhaps the best illustration of this is the Book of Enoch, which was written around 200 years before the incarnation of Christ. This ancient book is not part of God's Holy Word and yet it is often cited by scholars, notably those who subscribe to the Nephilim hypothesis, as though it should have been included in the Bible. They argue that the reference to a book by Enoch in the Epistle of Jude is proof that the Apostles regarded it as an authentic historical document: "And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him." (Jude 14-15) Missler himself tries to elevate the Book of Enoch to near-scriptural status: "Among the numerous ancient records of "alien" visitors to planet Earth, none are more significant than the records of the Bible. In fact, the Bible records the first "astronaut" who left Earth: Enoch." (Chap.10) "The Book of Enoch also clearly treats these strange events as involving angels." Although this book was not considered a part of the "inspired" canon, the Book of Enoch was venerated by both rabbinical and early Christian authorities from about 200 B.C. through about A.D. 200..." (Chap.10) "In the early chapters of the Book of Enoch we are told a great deal about the early history of the earth, the days of Noah and the "Watchers." According to the Book of Enoch and other ancient rabbinic writings, the "Watchers" were a specific group of angels that God had placed to watch over the earth. According to the Book of Enoch, 200 of these Watchers lusted and fell into sin when they married the "daughters of men." The result of this ungodly union was the birth of unnatural offspring, the Nephilim." (Chap.12) Alas, this is one of the greatest red herrings in Biblical scholarship. The zealots are assuming (a) that Jude is referring to a book by Enoch and not just a prophecy by him, possibly transmitted via oral tradition; (b) that the Book of Enoch that we have today is the same one to which Jude may have been referring (if he was referring to a written source); (c) that it would not have been quoted by Jude unless the book was authentic and completely accurate throughout; and (d) that, given the extensive information that it supplies regarding one of the least transparent passages of the Bible (Genesis 6:1-4), and purports to be based on records made before the Flood, it must refer to historical events. Not one of these assumptions is warranted or well founded. They also make the error of assuming that, because the Book of Enoch was preserved (seemingly) by the same scribes and rabbis who preserved the scrolls of the Old Testament, it must in effect constitute a valuable footnote to the Bible.


Supporters of the Nephilim hypothesis need to take a deep breath and say, "The Book of Enoch is a manmade artefact. It is not the Word of God and has no more validity than any other ancient manuscript." The Bible can never be interpreted by reference to material found in any other book! It is self-interpreting, self-defining, self-contained and perfectly consistent. We can never take anything outside of its pages and use it to define a doctrine that is not otherwise stated in Scripture. The error is even more egregious in this case since the Book of Enoch not only defines a doctrine that is not taught in Scripture but actually propounds one that conflicts with Scripture. So where did Jude get the words of the prophecy that he attributed to Enoch? No doubt from the same source that Moses got the words that Adam spoke before Eve (Genesis 2:23), or Job the words that the LORD spoke to Satan (Job 1:7), or David the words that the Father spoke to the Son (Psalm 110:1). We exceed our authority as students of the Word of God when we presume to know why God recorded what He did or how any of the Bible's 40 or so authors knew what they knew. The Nephilim saga teaches us that, if one makes enough assumptions, twists enough verses of Scripture, ignores conflicting Biblical truths, utilizes extra-biblical sources, and relies heavily on the ignorance of one's audience, demons can mate with humans to produce hybrid offspring that walk among us today. On the other hand, if we stick faithfully to the Word of God and employ well-founded and long-established exegetical principles, we will see that man in his fallen, sinful state is the author of his own misfortune, and that the calamity that lies ahead will be caused by exactly the same factors that caused the worldwide Flood in 2500 BC or thereabouts man's disobedient and rebellious nature, his desperately wicked imagination, and his insatiable appetite for sin.

Variation within a species

The same genome (total heritable genetic material in a species) can produce a truly staggering range of expression across generations (phenotypes). The genome sequence of the domestic dog (Canis familiaris) shows great phenotypic diversity for morphological, physiological and behavioural traits. (cf. Nature, 8 December, 2005)


Some will insist in arguing that the giants to whom the Bible refers, some of whom were 12-14 feet tall, could only have been produced via genetic experimentation or the introduction of non-human genetic material. But this is not correct. We know from extensive experience in animal husbandry that the genome for each species contains an astonishing range of expression. The same genome that produces a Great Dane (120lbs) can also produce a Chihuahua (10lbs); the same genome that produces the Britannia Petite (2lb rabbit) can also produce the Continental Giant (14lbs); the same genome that produces the Angeln Saddleback (700lb pig) can also produce the Choctaw Hog (130lbs); and the same genome that produces a Clydesdale (2000lbs) can also produce a Shetland Pony (450lbs). Many more examples could be given. This phenomenon is universal and undoubtedly applies to humans as well. However, such disparities tend not to occur in practice because we do not choose a partner in life in order to amplify a certain physical characteristic in our children. On the other hand, if members of an enslaved population had been obliged by its tyrannical overlords to select their mates on that basis, it would probably have taken only 10-15 generations to produce offspring which, in adulthood, attained a height of 12 feet or more.

Chihuahua [10 lbs] and Great Dane [120 lbs]

Britannia Petite [2 lbs]

Continental Giant [14 lbs]

This may actually have happened in Canaan between 2000 BC and 1450 BC. If a powerful group of fallen angels had taken possession of tribal leaders in the region perhaps by exploiting their obession with occult practices, including infant sacrifice and beastiality and compelled them to carry out such a breeding program, they could have populated the land with a race of giants. Given that Satan would have known by 2000 BC or thereabouts that the LORD intended to locate His chosen people in the same territory, he would have had ample incentive to implement such a cruel and perverted strategy and ample time, over 500 years, to carry it out. As it transpired, the children of Israel refused initially to enter the Promised Land precisely because they were frightened by the size of its inhabitants.


Clydesdale [2,000 lbs]

Shetland [450 lbs]

The Nephilim Circus

For many years a troupe of Bible 'experts' has been travelling from one 'Bible Prophecy' conference to another purporting to have a special understanding of the Nephilim and the coming UFO invasion. Missler, Horn and Marzulli are frequent speakers at these events, along with many other regulars. Clearly a concerted effort is being made by the powers that be to spread the Nephilim lie among as many Christians as possible. These events are endorsed by a number of 'Christian discernment' websites, the very people who should be warning unsuspecting believers of the Nephilim Deception! Any born-again Christian who truly cares about the Word of God ought to be extremely wary of an author or self-proclaimed expert who has participated in one of these conferences or has spoken approvingly about them. [The speakers at both the Pikes Peak Prophecy Conference (July 2013) and the Prophecy Summit Branson Missouri (July 2012) are given in Appendix A.] We should also be wary of any author or self-proclaimed expert who formally associates himself with the Missler franchise. The list of 'Regents' at Koinonia Institute Missler's bible college is a valuable resource in this regard [See Appendix B]. These remarks apply also to respected Christian authors, such as Jacob Prasch, who have inexplicably endorsed the Nephilim theory [See Appendix C].


In our experience, anyone who has come to believe in the Nephilim theory has a hard time breaking free of it. It seems to be addictive, as the best lies often are. The Christian community today has an ever-increasing population of Nephilim junkies, 'believers' who will believe almost anything and yet have great difficulty trusting completely in the sufficiency and inerrancy of God's Word. They race after every new thing, seeking thrills and excitement, hoping the clowns who perform at latest event on the Nephilim circuit will have yet another new wonder to impart. While there is no antidote for Christians who reject God's Word, it may help to reflect on the old aphorism, that 'If it's true, it ain't new, and if it's new, it ain't true.' Finally, we are greatly concerned that Chuck Missler can continue to profess his allegiance to orthodox Christianity and yet actively promote one of the most subversive anti-Christian doctrines in vogue today. The Nephilim theory fits comfortably with the Masonic agenda, the Marxist emphasis on technology and social control, and the New Age fusion of religion and physics. It also advances a stated goal of the New World Order, to unite all nations against a common enemy. Christians who love God's Word cannot afford to ignore the threat that this venomous lie is now posing to Biblical Christianity. They need to understand the lie, the people behind it, and its sinister purpose.

___________________ Jeremy James Ireland December 4, 2013


For further information about the ongoing attack on true Biblical Christianity, visit

Copyright Jeremy James 2013



Pikes Peak Prophecy Conference, Colorado, 26-28 July, 2013

** indicates a talk with the same title by the same speaker at Branson, 2012
Speakers Doc Marquis Talk Titles ** Aliens: Fallens Angels, or Antichrist Prophecies of the Illuminati Card Game Past, Present & Future ** Crop Circles and Stone Circles Dark Secrets of the Bohemian Grove Illuminati Gods at the Olympic Games The New Islamic Caliphate: Setting the Stage ** Dividing the Land of Israel: Judgment Awaits The Coming Mid-East War and Peace Treaty: How Close Are We? TV Networks: Manipulating Democracy Stargate Portals: Nazi Scientists and Forbidden Technologies The Luciferian Elite: The Secret Plan for America and Prophecy The False Prophet, Apostasy, and Occult Mind Control The NWO Currency: The Phoenix by 2018? The Final Babylon: An American Nightmare Lying Wonders of The Red Planet: Was There Life on Mars? Manchurian Mind Control: Weapon of Mass Destruction ** Nazies, NASA & the Real JFK Conspiracy Modern Money Masters: What the Banksters Dont Want You to Know Uncovering the Mystery of the Federal Reserve Bank Preparing for Financial Collapse: The Coming American Hyperinflation An Advanced Course in Spiritual Warfare Underground New York: Clandestine Trip Inside the Enemys Camp The Black Awakening: Updated and Expanded ** My Personal 40-Year Old UFO Encounter ** Time Travelers of the Bible First Trump Last Trump: Defending the Rapture On the Trail of the Nephilim: The Strange Skulls and Skeletons of Peru ** UFOs are Real, Burgeoning & Not Going Away Shocking UFO Discoveries & Their Alien Implant Connection The Ancient Book of Enoch: The First Tribulation Prophecy After the Flood: A Fascinating Look at Ancient History Timed Prophecies: 1948 & 1967 Examined Under the Microscope

David Brennan

Paul Maguire

Doug Woodward

Jerry Robinson

Russ Dizdar

Gary Stearman

L A Marzulli

Ken Johnson


Speakers contd. Stan Monteith Bill Salus Sam Hoyt Mark Biltz Russ Breault Bill Federer Doug Hamp Chuck Missler Bill Koenig Sharon Gilbert Terry James Lennart Mller Joseph Farah Bob Cornuke Barrie Schwortz David Olander Derek Gilbert Cris Putnam Jonathan Cahn Steve Bauer

Talk Titles contd. Secret Agenda Judgment Day Americas Role in the Coming Prophetic Wars The Future of Israel, Iran and the Arab States How Can I Get Ready for the Judgment Seat of Christ? The Judgment Seat of Christ Solomon: A Type of Christ? Or Antichrist? Signs in the Heavens: Blood Moons Are Coming to Israel The Shroud of Turin: An Evangelical Opportunity The Shroud of Turin: A Picture of the Rapture ** The 6,000 Year Old Quest for World Control What Every American Needs to Know About the Quran The Antichrist, Freemasons and the Third Temple The Second Coming & Armageddon: A New Look at an Old Prophecy The Encroaching Darkness The Denizens of Metacosm Is America Under Judgment? The White Houses Role in Israel and the Middle East Hacking the Ladder: New Eugenics and The Drive to Become As Gods Fearfully and Wonderfully Made A Christians Guide to DNA Heaven Vision and Your Future The Exodus Case: In Search of the Mountain of God After the Harbinger: The Prophecy Continues Biblical Archeology: A Police Investigators Perspective 35 Years of Shroud Science A Personal Perspective The Greatness of the Rapture Googling the Apocalypse Your PC and the New World Religion ET Disclosure: The End Time Delusion? The Harbinger Continues & The Mystery of the Malkosh ** Math of Christ God: The Master Mathematician


The Prophecy Summit, Branson, Missouri, 13-15 July, 2012

Speakers Ray Gano Talk Titles Going Underground Food, Water & Medicine: Are You Prepared For the Trouble Ahead? Realistic Weapons Aliens, Angels or Antichrist? Crop Circles and Stone Circles Illuminati: 2012 & Beyond UFOs are Real, Burgeoning and Not Going Away The Cosmic Chess Match: Battle in the Heavens The Mark of the Beast and Its Alien Implant Connection Genetics of the Incarnation: Our New Heavenly Bodies Genetics of the Mark of the Beast Rise of the Nephilim The Most Amazing Book The Giants of the King James Bible The Most Amazing Secret-The One the Illuminati Doesn't Want You to Know Dividing the Land of Israel: Judgment Awaits The Four Horns of Zechariah: A Modern Day Quartet? The Coming Chaos: An Update on the Black Awakening Spiritual Warfare: Core Effect Time Travelers of the Bible My Personal UFO Encounter The Future of Israeli Politics America's Islamic Future Under President Obama What Every American Needs to Know About the Quran Change to Chains: The 6,000 Year-Old Quest For World Control What's Next? Psalm 83 or Ezekiel 38? 2012 Nuclear Middle East? Archon Invasion: Return of the Nephilim Babylon Rising: And the First Shall Be Last Prophecy Fulfilled: The Miracle of 1948 Prophecies Just Over the Horizon Home Grown Religion: The Rise of Occultism in America Nazis, NASA & JFK

Doc Marquis

L A Marzulli

Doug Hamp

Mike Hoggard

David Brennan Russ Dizdar Gary Stearman Avi Lipkin Bill Federer Bill Salus Rob Skiba Ken Johnson Doug Woodward


Speakers Chuck Missler Noah Hutchings Larry Spargimino Steve Russell Jonathan Cahn Joseph Farah Jerome Corsi Steve Bauer Linda Bauer Tom Horn Cris Putnam

Talk Titles The Holographic Universe As It Is In the Days of Noah Teaching Bible Prophecy to Youth The Hunt & Capture of Saddam Hussein The Harbinger Mystery: Eve of Judgment Mideast Beast: Will the Antichrist be Islamic? Who is Barack Obama and Where is the Birth Certificate? The Math of Christ: God - The Master Mathematician Cooking for a Cause 2012: Is This the End? Petrus Romanus: Back to the Future



Koinonia Institute Board of Regents (and Honorary Gold Medallion Holders)

Steve Berger Senior Pastor Grace Chapel, TN Dr. Ergun Caner Arlington College Dr. Bob Cornuke B.A.S.E. Institute Dr. Jerome Corsi Author/Speaker Phil Edwards UCB Australia MK Binyamin Elon National Union Party Knesset of Israel John Fabrin Rhema Broadcasting Group New Zealand Joseph Farah Founder 'World Net Daily' Joe Focht Senior Pastor Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia Skip Heitzig Senior Pastor Calvary of Albuquerque Rod Hembree The Stream TV Dr. David Hocking Hope for Today Ministry Tom Horn Raiders News Update Brian Hughes Senior Pastor Calvary Chapel Auckland Pat Jeppesen Joshua Foundation Alan Keyes Former UN Ambassador Bill Koenig Washington Press Correspondent Tim LaHaye Founder Tim LaHaye Ministries Avi Lipkin Judeo-Christian Party Knesset of Israel John Loeffler Steel-on-Steel Broadcasts Dr. Walter Martin Posthumous award presented to Darlene Martin Pat Matrisciana President Jeremiah Films Ron Matsen Koinonia Institute New Zealand Stephen Meyer Discovery Institute Roger Oakland Author/Speaker John Peterson Partner Koechel-Peterson Inc. Charles Ryrie Author Walid Shoebat Author/Speaker Hal Short Chairman, United Christian Broadcasters Dr. Joe Van Koevering President Gods News Behind the News Paul Van Noy Senior Pastor Candlelight Christian Fellowship Dr. Neal Weaver President Louisiana Baptist University Dr. William Welty Founder, International Standard Version (ISV) Bible Ian Worby UCB Australia Scott Workman First Foundation
Source: Koinonia Institute Handbook & Course Catalogue 2013



Extracts from

Shadows of the Beast

by James Jacob Prasch (2011)
"This event [the Rapture] is typologically illustrated in the Transfiguration of Jesus on Mt Hermon (not actually Mt Tabor)...Hence when Jesus was transfigured (on the same mount where the demonic Nephilim came down in the days of Jarrod according to Jewish history), Peter wanted to build three booths. Moses a man who died in the Lord, Elijah a man who was raptured, and the Messiah were all transfigured 10,000 feet in the sky on Mt Hermon." [p15]

Why does Mr Prasch see a need to argue that Mount Hermon was the site of the Transfiguration? This makes no sense. Scripture does not record the mountain or eminence on which the Transfiguration took place. We only know that it was a high mountain apart (Matthew 17:1) Given the relatively low elevation of Galilee, Samaria and Judah, where the highest mountain peaks are no more than 4,000 feet, the word high in the Gospel narrative could apply to many hills in the region. Mount Hermon, on the other hand, is two and half times higher than any mountain the Apostles would ever likely have climbed. It was also an arduous journey on foot from Caesarea Philippi (the last town visited by Jesus and the Apostles before the Transfiguration), especially as the summit (10,000 ft) was snow covered the whole year round. What is more, the Gospel tells us that Peter offered to build three booths. How would he do that on a snow covered mountaintop devoid of trees and vegetation? And how would the Apostles manage to trudge for hours through snow and harsh terrain in the simple footwear that they used on the well-trodden paths of Galilee and Judea? So, why is Mount Hermon important? Because, as Mr Prasch admits, that was where the so-called Nephilim came down. Whether he is aware of it or not, this fact is of great importance in Freemasonry. Mt Hermon is deemed a portal in the occult, a place whose astral characteristics are especially suited to the passage of beings to and from a higher dimension. It is also 33.3 degrees west of Paris (the headquarters of Grand Orient Freemasonry) and 33.3 degrees north. Masons like to think that Jesus had to use a portal to effect the Transfiguration. They also envisage a special role for this sacred mountain in their supposed Golden Age. Chuck Missler also teaches the untenable Mount Hermon theory. In an article in the Koinonia newsletter promoting a tour of Israel in 2007, he says: The sites in Galilee will include: an experience at the Valley of Tears in the Golan Heights; a trip up the ski lifts to Mount Hermon the spot of the Transfiguration... Why this need to promote a theory which has no Biblical support but which fits neatly into the Masonic agenda? ***


"Such books ["apocryphal books such as Maccabees and Enoch"] are not a basis of doctrinal authority but do represent biblically important history and literature of practical importance in properly understanding biblically canonical texts such as the books of Daniel and Revelation." [p45]

Again we find a new principle of Biblical hermeneutics. Mr Prasch contends that, in order to properly understand the Bible we must first study and understand certain ancient, purportedly historical, texts. Even though he states that such texts cannot be used as a basis of doctrinal authority, he nonetheless uses the Book of Enoch as though it was an inerrant historical document! And since it contains a large number of extra-biblical doctrines teachings which determine how the divinely established doctrines in Scripture are to be interpreted he is contradicting himself. To take the Book of Enoch at face value and use it as though it contained a factually accurate account of historical events which Mr Prasch plainly does is to commit a blunder of the most egregious kind. ***
"The unexplored possibility, however, concerns the highbred [hybrid?] incarnation of demonoids facilitated by a return of the Nephilim, noting that black necromancy, Satan worship, and some forms of witchcraft all involve initiation rituals involving surrogate sex with the devil or with demonic beings...However, there is yet another proposed possibility that has come into vogue among those obsessed with extraterrestrial life. Those claiming some form of UFO abduction, even under hypnotic drugs administered psychiatrically, commonly ascribe an interest or fascination with reproductive organs by the extraterrestrial abductors. Again, we are aware from the warning of Jesus that His return will emphatically be just as in the days of Noah in Genesis 6 when the Nephilim appeared. At this point we cannot be dogmatic about the manner in which this wicked phenomenon will transpire. However, it would appear from the Olivet Discourse that it shall transpire. And along this line we cannot ignore a potential significance of either satanic worship or UFO activity in this regard." [emphasis in original] [p.142]

Like Missler, Prasch is determined to convince his readers that Jesus warned of the return of the Nephilim! However, as we have already shown, this is sheer nonsense. Jesus warned of Gods judgment coming on the earth in the End Time, not the arrival of extraterrestrials or demonic-human hybrids. He compared it to the time of Noah because (a) the catastrophe will arrive suddenly, without warning, at a time when life will appear to be normal; (b) it will strike the entire earth and the whole of mankind; (c) it will come as an overwhelming judgment on mans staggering burden of sin and his obstinate refusal to repent. *** The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the Sons of God came in to the daughters of men, and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown (Genesis 6:4)


"Scripture informs us that the Nephilim procreated with human women before the Flood, but also states, "and also afterward." The Nephilim were on the earth both before and after the Diluvian Age certainly in the Antediluvian Era at least. This was probably a satanic effort to genetically corrupt and mutate the human race in order to prevent the birth of the Messiah from a female human agency...The Postdiluvian descendants of the Nephilim included the Anakim, the Rephaim, and what Ezekiel 32:27 calls the Giborim Nephilim ("fallen giants" or "great ones")." [p.142]

This argument will sway many readers because it conforms with the well-established opinion that Satan sought by every means possible to prevent the incarnation of Christ. The Nephilim theorists argue that the production of giants by demonic means was just one of the strategies he adopted. But this is a step too far. Satan used every means possible, but he could not use those which were impossible. He did not have then, and does not have today, the ability to interfere with or corrupt the human genome. Having said that, we appear to be advancing rapidly to a stage in human scientific endeavour where wicked men will have the ability via general vaccination programs, the dispersal of nano-grade aerosols, etc to introduce corrupt DNA into the human population. This alone is strong evidence that we are in the last days. ***
"We additionally have an historical record of the leader of the Nephilim as Sem Jaza in reference to the watchers, who in Greek are called "egregoroi." Enoch 10:3-8 states that there were two hundred such angels called "watchers." This Postdiluvian activity would account for the giants of Numbers 13:32-33 who are descendants of Anak. This is supported by The Dead Sea Scrolls by apocryphal Enoch, by the Geez Ethiopian translation of Enoch, by the book of Jubilees, by the Aramaic Targum pseudo-Jonaton, and by the rabbinic tractate Yoma 67...The weight of evidence biblical, apocryphal, and historical supports a Postdiluvian attempt at procreation with demonoids. "While it is in theory possible that the offspring of these fallen angelic beings could have maternally been descended from Seth's female descendants, it is not probable that the "sons of God" were male progeny from other human lineages (instead of being fallen angels), nor therefore that the offspring from the union were paternally descended from Seth. For any purposes of examining implications of this text the focus remains a hybrid of the supernatural and natural. What these demons perpetrated resembles the supernatural conception of Christ as a divine man and may hint that Satan in the Antichrist will in some manner attempt the same mixture of natural and supernatural. It will of course not be possible because Christ was 100% human and 100% divine, while the demonoid hybrids were but 50% - 50%; yet the attempt to counterfeit and resemble is always present in the antichrist spirit." [p.143]


Perhaps it was never his intention to do so but Prasch draws an absurd parallel between the divinity of Christ and the supernatural bodies of the fallen angels. By describing Christ as 100% human and 100% divine (which is true) and comparing this with the composition of demonoid hybrids (50% - 50%) he is leaving the reader to conclude, wrongly, that these figures are comparing the same thing. The Antichrist will have NO divinity in his person, not even the 50% that the Prasch figures would seem to imply. He is making an error that recurs frequently in the works of the Nephilim theorists, where supernatural is confused with divine. Angels are 100% created, albeit supernatural, beings and do not possess even the smallest spark of divinity. This error is similar to that made by professing Christians who import Gnostic ideas into Christianity and equate the substance of the spirit of man with the substance of the Holy Spirit. In doing this they ascribe to man a divine spark. However, the Holy Spirit is a divine Person, while the spirit of man is wholly a work of creation: The burden of the word of the Lord for Israel, saith the Lord, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him. (Zechariah 12:1) Neither men nor angels have a divine spark. ***
"We must note that in Genesis 6:4 we are told that the fallen angels (also mentioned in Jude 6) perpetuated their heinous copulation not only in those days of the Flood, but afterward as well. This would explain how past Postdiluvian incarnations of the Anakim, etc, took place and can do so again. An obvious avenue for this to occur would be black necromancy, even without exploring the prospects of artificial biogenetic engineering combined with occult practices." [p.143]

Prasch confirms his view that the fallen angels actually copulated with human women, both before and after the Flood. While implying that this was achieved through natural means (copulation), he feels obliged to raise the possibility that, if it is to happen again, the fallen angels will need to perform some additional act. Strangely, he never addresses a very obvious question: Did demonoid seed reproduce and persist across generations to the present day? Indeed, there are many questions of this nature that ought to be addressed, but neither Missler nor Prasch seem willing to do so. Perhaps an exploration along such lines would reveal just how tenuous and fanciful their speculations really are. These unanswered questions include: Can demonoids mate only with other demonoids or can they also mate with humans? Would their offspring be as demonoid as their demonoid parent, or possess a lesser demonic component? Are all demonoids necessarily gigantic in stature? Do demonoids possess unusual powers not ordinarily possessed by humans, and if not, why not? If demonoid seed existed in Canaan around 2000 BC, what assurance do we have that it has not spread to other parts of the world and fatally infected the entire human genome? How does demonoid DNA differ from human DNA? Given that angels are not susceptible to disease, are demonoids impervious to ill-health? And many, many more!


We ask these questions, not to muddy the water, but to show just how garbled and confused the Nephilim theory really is, how little contact it has with the real world, and how much it depends on the imagination and crooked reasoning of the pseudobiblical literati who dreamt it up. ***
"Again, we cannot say that the Antichrist will be a procreated demonoid, although it would strongly appear from both the warnings of Jesus about the days of Noah returning and apparent implications in the Book of Revelation that there will be such demonoids during the time the Antichrist is perpetrating his onslaught. We are told in Peter's epistle that God will not destroy the earth again with water as with Noah, but rather with fire (2 Pe.3:5-7). The first divine extermination of the descendants of the Nephilim was achieved by water, the second by divinely empowered warfare, and the final will be with thermal obliteration. The second relates to the divine instruction given to Adam to subdue the earth when the serpent was already in the Garden seeking control but did not have it. Joshua and David are types of Christ, both of whom did manage to subdue the satanic presence on the earth in a physical sense, prefiguring and foreshadowing the final elimination of the forces of Satan by Jesus." [p.144]

This extract confirms that Prasch believes the Nephilim have the power to proliferate and produce large numbers of descendants. He also believes the Flood was sent by God for the specific purpose of destroying the descendants of the Nephilim a divine water. Seemingly, the advanced moral decay of mankind was only secondary, if it counted at all (And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. (Genesis 6:5) He also maintains that Joshua and David subdued the satanic presence on the earth in a physical sense. This assertion is not scriptural and cannot be inferred from the life and works of either individual. Only one person will subdue Satan and that is Christ.
"Our only point is twofold: during the reign of Antichrist there will be a likely reappearance of demonoids as in the days of Noah. Without doubt the spirit of antichrist is currently at work preparing the way for this in black necromancy and Satanism, extraterrestrial deception, and quite possibly unnatural genetic manipulation of the human species, potentially combined with bio-interactive microchip technology. The second aspect is that if there is some incarnational explanation for the origin of the Antichrist, it will not be reincarnational but procreational involving the Nephilim." [p.144]

Again he claims that the End Time will witness a demonoid invasion. He also claims that the Antichrist will be a demonoid or, at the very least, a being created by demonoids. ***


"Although not as a manner of doctrine or canon, we do accept the historical record from the book, Jasher, that these events transpired on Mt Hermon in the days of Jerrod, and resulted in the procreation of demonoids. Thus it is entirely possible for Satan to appear as a human, inhabiting human-like flesh, since even his inferiors have that ability. There were later traditions proposing that these were rather descendants of the sons of Noah, but when we see the use of the term "sons of God" in Job 1:6 it is clear that these were angelic beings, which also dovetails with Jude 6. We cannot derive doctrine from so-called Deutro-canonical or Apocryphal sources, yet the historical and literary importance of such is undeniable. It is therefore curious that Jubilees 10:5 reports that Satan demanded a tenth part of the fallen angels to pursue his designs on mankind (while the others were confined or imprisoned) until the end of the age." [pps. 462-463]

Once again Mr Prasch is using apocryphal sources, in this case the books of Jasher and Jubilees, to determine what the Bible really means. A doctrine that cannot be established in its totality from the Bible alone has no scriptural validity. If extrabiblical sources are needed to establish and substantiate a doctrine, then that doctrine is false. Mr Prasch also repeats the same false teachings that Chuck Missler has been touting for years. He believes that fallen angels can take human form and mate with human females to produce viable hybrid offspring. And, like Missler, he completely ignores the utterly absurd and blatantly unbiblical implications of his theory.


Selected papers by Jeremy James

Proof that the New Apostolic Reformation is a Pseudo-Christian Cult (11/2013) The Jesus Calling Books are an Alarming New Age Deception (10/2013) Satan in Satin: Overwhelming Proof that the Apparitions of the Virgin Mary are Demonic Deceptions (09/2013) Walk to Emmaus: Yet Another Roman Catholic Attack on Evangelical Christianity (04/2013) A Pyramid of Lies: How the Wolf Pack is Attacking and
Destroying True Biblical Christianity (03/2013)

The Stained Glass Curtain Deception: Why Evangelicals who Partner

with the Roman Catholic Church are in Rebellion Against God (11/2012)

The Apostles Creed: A Dangerous Ecumenical Distortion

of True Biblical Christianity (04/2012)

The Roman Catholic Church has taken a Sinister Step

toward One World Government and a One World Religion (11/2011)

The New Age Movement is Designed to Destroy True

Biblical Christianity (03/2011)

Why Christians should Never Pray to the Virgin Mary (05/2009) Eighteen New Age Lies: An Occult Attack on Christianity (01/2009)


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