2015 UG Course Descriptions

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ICI College



Course Descriptions

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ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions


Bible Division
Theology Division
Ministry Division

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Intercultural Studies Division

General Education Division

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Please note: Some subjects are found in the General Education Division, although they are also
considered a part of a different division. For example, LIT1312/3 Old Testament Literature: His
Story is considered a Bible Division subject, even though it is a Literature subject.



Course Descriptions

Acronyms used in course descriptions and materials required are

defined as follows:
IST: refers to an independent-study textbook (IST). The IST contains all
materials necessary for completing the course.
SG: refers to a study guide (SG). The study guide is written to accompany an
outside textbook. The outside textbook will be listed under materials required.
CRA: refers to a collateral reading assignment (CRA). The CRA is an
additional assignment to raise the credit value of the course by one credit. It
requires an additional textbook that will be listed under materials required.
CWA: refers to a collateral writing assignment (associated with a CRA).
Sequence Recommendations: It may be suggested that there is a subject
that would be beneficial to complete prior to commencing this one. It is not a

The New International Version of the Bible is a primary textbook, along with the listed
text for each course.

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

BIB1032 Life of Christ in The
Synoptic Gospels
(2 credits)
This course is a study of
the life of Christ from the
viewpoint of the synoptic
g o s p e l s M a t t h e w,
Mark, and Luke. Life of
Christ helps the student
grasp the chronological
progression and the
spiritual significance of
the important events in
Christs life. It also
stresses His message and His method,
including His parables and miracles.
Organized around three themes - the
world, the Man, and the message - this
study helps students integrate their
understanding of His life and work with a
clear commitment to live by the principles
He taught and values He demonstrated.
They are enabled to preach and teach
about Christ with greater understanding
and effectiveness.
Materials required:
IST: Life of Christ by Michael McClaflin

BIB1033 Life of Christ in The

Synoptic Gospels (3 credits)
See description of BIB1032 Life of Christ
in The Synoptic Gospels above. This
course is the same as BIB1032 Life of
Christ except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Life of Christ by Michael McClaflin
CRA textbook: Jesus the Messiah by Robert

BIB1043 The Gospel of John

(3 credits)
This course presents an analytical study of
the Gospel of John.
Special attention is
given to the structure of
the Gospel and the
progressive development
of its main themes of
belief in Jesus Christ and
unbelief, and the resultant
conflict between the two.
The life, character, and
redemptive ministry of
Jesus Christ are examined in their
historical and from a divine perspective as
portrayed by John the Evangelist.
Materials required:
SG: The Gospel of John by Peter Kuzmic
CRA textbook: John: The Gospel of Belief
(3rd ed.) by Merrill Tenney

BIB1053 Acts
(3 credits)
Acts deals with the
continuing ministry of the
resurrected Christ in the
world through the Holy
Spirit. The author
analyzes and examines
questions concerning the
growth of the Church,
both historical and
contemporary. Using the
principles of divine guidance illustrated in
Acts, the course shows how apparent
defeats and setbacks actually became
victories and advances for the gospel. The
study guide suggests practical applications
to help the student face similar problems
today. (BIB3073 The Book of Acts parallels
this course. Students may enroll in either
course but not both.)
Materials required:
SG: Acts by George Wood
Textbook: The Book of the Acts by F. F.



BIB1072 Pauls Salvation

Letters: Galatians and
(2 credits)
Pauls Salvation Letters:
Galatians and Romans
gives the student a deep
appreciation of the
apostle Paul. In the
midst of church
planting, he explains
the Gospel, confronts
false teachers,
distinguishes between
law and grace, and
shows how the Gospel
is rooted in Old Testament Scripture. His
systematic explanation of the Gospel to
the Romans gives the student insight into
the major doctrines of sin, salvation, and
sanctification. The student also learns how
union with Christ and the indwelling Holy
spirit enable him or her to mature
spiritually and live victoriously.
Materials required:
IST: Pauls Salvation Letters: Galatians and
Romans by William Lasley

BIB1073 Pauls Salvation

Letters: Galatians and
(3 credits)
See the description of BIB1072 Pauls
Salvation Letters: Galatians and Romans
above. This course is the same as
B IB 1 0 7 2 P auls Salvation Letters:
Galatians and Romans except that a CRA
must be completed. The textbook for the
CRA is listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Pauls Salvation Letters: Galatians and
Romans by William Lasley
CRA textbook: Romans by F. F Bruce

BIB2022 Pauls Letters to

(2 credits)
Pauls Letters to Pastors is
a basic study of the
Epistles of 1 and 2
Timothy and Titus that
describes Gods strategy
for a healthy Church. The
student will learn about
the personal life and
duties of a pastor in finding and preparing
leaders for service in the Church. The
student will study the various subgroups
within a congregation and how to
recognize and deal with error. Finally, the
student will consider the essential nature
of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Materials required:
IST: Pauls Letters to Pastors by John

BIB2032 A Study in the Book

of Hebrews
(2 credits)
A Study in the Book of
Hebrews uses both analytical
and topical studies to
develop the main themes in
the Epistle to the Hebrews.
An introductory study of the
structure of the book helps
the student see more
clearly its relationship to
the Old Testament and the pattern of its
development. Historical information on the
background of the book gives an
understanding of its warnings and
exhortations. Numerous charts and
outlines emphasize the main truths of the
Epistle and are of great value to those who
wish to preach or teach from Hebrews.
Materials required:
IST: A Study in the Book of Hebrews by
Terry Peretti, A.C. George, and Louise Jeter

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

BIB2033 A Study in the Book

of Hebrews
(3 credits)
See description of BIB2032 A Study in the
Book of Hebrews above. This course is the
same as BIB2032 A Study in the Book of
Hebrews except that a CRA must be
completed. the textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: A Study in the Book of Hebrews by
Terry Peretti, A.C. George, and Louise Jeter
CRA textbook: Encountering the book of
Hebrews by Donald Hagner

BIB2042 Principles of Biblical

Interpretation (2 credits)
This course is divided into
four units. The first unit
presents fundamental truths
that must be accepted
before beginning a study of
the Bible. The second unit
deals with general principles
of interpretation that are
applicable to any type of literature. Specific
rules that apply to special types of
literature are overviewed in the third unit.
In the final unit, the student is given
sample passages of Scripture to which he
or she will apply the guidelines of
interpretation that have been learned.

Materials required:

IST: Principles of Biblical Interpretation by

Carl Gibbs

BIB2043 Principles of Biblical

(3 credits)
See the description of BIB2042 Principles
of Biblical Interpretation above. This
course is the same as BIB2042 Principles
of Biblical Interpretation except that a CRA
must be completed. The textbook for the
CRA is listed under materials required.


Materials required:

IST: Principles of Biblical Interpretation by

Carl Gibbs
CRA textbook: How to Read the Bible for All
Its Worth (3rd ed) by Gordon Fee and
Douglas Stuart
CRA article in student pack

BIB2062 The Corinthian

(2 credits)
This course covers the study
of 1 and 2 Corinthians and
gives the student a view of
life in the city of Corinth and
the problems these epistles
were written to correct. Since
these are in some ways the
most self-revealing of Pauls
letters, the course provides deeper insight
into the apostles character and ministry.
Throughout The Corinthian Letters, the
author emphasises the practical
application of Pauls teachings for today.
The great doctrines of the Bible in these
Epistles apply to contemporary Christian
life and ministry. (BIB4053 Corinthians
parallels this course. students may enrol in
either course, but not both.)
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1303 New Testament Literature
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical
Materials required:
IST: The Corinthian Letters by
Reginald Hoover

BIB2063 The Corinthian

Letters (3 credits)
See the description of BIB4062 The
Corinthian Letters above. This course is
the same as BIB4062 The Corinthian
Letters except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required. (BIB4053
Corinthians parallels this course. Students
may enrol in either course, but not both.)


Sequence recommendation:
LIT1303 New Testament Literature

Materials required:

IST: The Corinthian Letters by T. Reginald

CRA textbook: I & II Corinthians by Stanley

BIB2102 Prison Epistles

(2 credits)
This course focuses on letters written to
believers by Paul the apostle while he was
imprisoned in Rome. Students will gain an
understanding of the historical and literary
backgrounds of each Prison Epistle and be
able to distinguish their major theological
themes. Pauls teachings will be examined
to equip students to apply them to
contemporary life and identify heresy.
Students also will learn traditional
Pentecostal views on passages that
address issues as election and the
security of the believer.
Materials required:
IST: Prison Epistles by Steve D Eustler

BIB2103 Prison Epistles

(3 credits)
See the description of
BIB2102 Prison Epistles
above. This course is the
same as BIB2102 Prison
Epistles except that a CRA
must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed
under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Prison Epistles by Steve D Eustler
CRA textbook: Paul for Everyone: The
Prison Letters by N.T. Wright

BIB3012 Genesis
(2 credits)
How did the world come into existence?
What is humanity? Why do we exist? How
did evil come into the world? Paul Hoff
discusses these and many other difficult

questions in the interpretive study guide,

Genesis. He includes spiritual types and
practical applications. He traces the thread
of Gods plan of redemption from its
beginning promise in Eden to the
formation of Gods chosen people through
whom this plan would be realized.
Materials required:
IST: Genesis by Paul Hoff
Optional, supplemental text: Genesis by
Derek Kidner

BIB3013 Genesis
(3 credits)
See the description of
BIB3012 Genesis above
This course is the same as
BIB3012 Genesis except
that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook
for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:

IST: Genesis by P. Hoff

CRA textbook: Encountering the Book of
Genesis by Bill Arnold
Optional text: Genesis by Derek Kidner

BIB3023 Pentateuch
(3 credits)
Pentateuch considers the origin of both the
earth and humankind. From Genesis to
Deuteronomy, the course will help the
student trace the nation of
Israel from its beginnings
until the time of its entrance
into the Promised land.
Included in the course are
studies on the Creation
theories, the Flood, and the
concept of holiness as
presented in the book of
Materials required:
SG: Pentateuch by George Assad
Textbook: God Spake by Moses by Oswald

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

BIB3033 Old Testament

Historical Books
(3 credits)
This interpretive survey
covers the historical books
of the Old Testamentthe
books of Joshua through
Esther. They deal with the
period of about 1,000
years from the entrance of
the nation of Israel into the
Promised Land until its
return after the exile. The
course especially emphasizes Israels
Messianic mission first described in Gods
covenant with Abraham, father of the
Hebrew nation. It examines the
background, structure, and content of each
book to provide an understanding of the
times and their relationship to Gods
purpose in redeeming the world through
Jesus Christ.
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His

Materials required:

SG: Old Testament Historical Books by

Amos Millard
Textbook: The Historical Books by L.T.

BIB3052 Themes From the

Major Prophets
(2 credits)
The major prophets Isaiah,
Jeremiah, and Ezekiel spoke
Gods message to His people
many years ago. Yet their
message is as important for
us today as it was then. In
Themes from the Major
Prophets, the student gains an
understanding of who these men were,
why God called them to be His
messengers, what their messages were,
and how to apply these messages.


Sequence recommendation:

LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His

BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Themes from the Major Prophets by

David Petts

BIB3053 Themes From the

Major Prophets (3 credits)
See the description of BIB3052 Themes
from the Major Prophets above. This
course is the same as BIB3052. Themes
from the Major Prophets except that a
CRA must be completed. The textbook for
the CRA is listed under materials
Sequence recommendations:
LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Themes from the Major Prophets by

David Petts
CRA textbook: The Prophets as Preachers:
An Introduction to the Hebrew Prophets by
Gary Smith

BIB3062 Themes From the

Minor Prophets (2 credits)
The segment of the twelve books of the
minor prophets is perhaps one of the most
neglected parts of the Bible in preaching,
teaching, and devotional study. This study,
Themes from the Minor Prophets, covers
the contributions of the Minor Prophets as
seen in the light of their times and ours,
the doctrines they preached, and the
meanings and fulfilment of their
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Themes from the Minor Prophets by

Thomas Harrison


BIB3063 Themes From the

Minor Prophets
(3 credits)
See the description of
BIB3062 Themes from the
Minor Prophets above.
This course is the same
as BIB3062 Themes from
the Minor Prophets
except that a CRA must
be completed. The
textbooks for the CRA are
listed under materials required.
Sequence recommendations:

LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His


Materials required:

IST: Themes from the Minor Prophets by

Thomas Harrison
CRA textbook: HoseaMicah, Interpretation
by James Limburg
CRA textbook: NahumMalachi,
Interpretation by Elizabeth Achtemeier

BIB3073 The Book of Acts

(3 credits)
The author states that the approach of this
IST is unapologetically
Protestant, evangelical,
conservative, and Pentecostal.
An expansive study with
eighteen lessons, it is
available only in a three-credit
format. Completing the
regular components with a
project and exam plus a collateral writing
assignment will yield three credits from this
stimulating study of Acts. Students will
learn and be able to defend the evidences
for the traditional dating and authorship of
Acts as well as explain why these are
important to the books historical reliability
and spiritual authority. They will gain new
appreciation for the work of the Holy spirit
and the foundations from which
Pentecostal theology and practice have
developed. The students relationship with


Christ and determination to be involved in

building Gods Kingdom will be enhanced.
(BIB1053 Acts parallels this course.
Students may enrol in either course, but
not both.)
Sequence recommendations:
LIT1303 New Testament Literature
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: The Book of Acts by Wave Nunnally

BIB4034 Hebrew I (4 credits)

Hebrew I is a study in the Semitic
language of the ancient Hebrews. The
author stresses fundamentals of Hebrew,
paying special attention to the use of these
skills in translation. The study of this
Biblical language increases the students
capacity to minister the Word of God from
the Old Testament. Knowledge of Hebrew
enriches the teaching and preaching of the
gospel of Jesus Christ. Audio CDs
accompany the course.
Sequence recommendation:
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical
ENG1023 Introductory Writing

Materials required:

SG: Hebrew I by William Williams

Audio CDs: Hebrew I
Textbook: Introduction to Hebrew by Moshe

BIB4044 Hebrew II
(4 credits)
This course continues the study of Hebrew
vocabulary, grammar, and syntax. It
enables the student to read, understand,
and translate the easier passages of
narrative prose in the Hebrew Bible. Audio
CDs accompany this course.
Sequence recommendation:
BIB4034 Hebrew I (required)
ENG1023 Introductory Writing

Materials required:

SG: Hebrew II by William Williams

Audio CDs: Hebrew II
Textbook: Introduction to Hebrew by Moshe

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

BIB4053 Corinthians
(3 credits)
How does one relate the
Bible to contemporary
church life? In the
Corinthians Study Guide,
the author helps the
student do this through an
in-depth study of the
Corinthian letters. He
begins with exegesis,
teaching the student how
to use this method of Bible study to
understand the problems faced by firstcentury Corinthian believers. Then, for
each major problem the apostle Paul dealt
with, the author suggests a possible
solution or an interpretation that can be
applied to the church today. This course is
especially helpful to those who wish to
preach and teach as it demonstrates a
methodology of Bible interpretation. An
overview of 2 Corinthians is also included
in this study. (BIB4062/3 The Corinthian
Letters parallels this course. students may
enrol in either course, but not both.)
Sequence recommendations:
LIT1303 New Testament Literature
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

SG: Corinthians by Gordon Fee

Textbook: The First Epistle to the
Corinthians by C. K. Barrett

BIB4072 Daniel and Revelation

(2 credits)
Daniel and Revelation
is a study of biblical
concerns end-time
events. The course
covers passages of
other Old and New
Testament books in
addition to Daniel and
Revelation when


such passages help promote a better

understanding of Biblical prophecy. The
unit titles point out the progression of
events during the end time. In the final
unit, Biblical Prophecy moves beyond time
into eternity. Christs second coming is the
central theme of the course. The authors
also emphasize that the student be ready
for Jesus coming and encourage others to
prepare for His coming (1 John 3:3).
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His
LIT1303 New Testament Literature
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Daniel and Revelation by George

Westlake and David Duncan

BIB4132 Wisdom Literature

(2 credits)
This course introduces the student to the
ancient pursuit of wisdom,
both in Israel and among her
neighbours, and the genre,
content, and social context of
the wisdom writings. The
course examines both Old
Testament wisdom books
and wisdom writings
produced in the period
between the Testaments. Particular
attention is given to themes that run
throughout the wisdom tradition and the
ways these themes develop and change in
successive wisdom writings. The course
also considers the ways wisdom writings
helped shape the New Testament and
continue to influence the Church today.
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1213 Old Testament Lit: His Story
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Wisdom Literature by S Ellington


BIB4133 Wisdom Literature

(3 credits)
See the description of BIB4132 Wisdom
Literature above. This course is the same
as BIB4132 Wisdom Literature, except that
a CRA must be completed. The textbook
for the CRA is listed under materials
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1213 Old Testament Lit: His Story
BIB2042/3 Principles of Biblical

Materials required:

IST: Wisdom Literature by S.Ellington

CRA textbook: The Wisdom Literature by
Richard Clifford

BIB4143 Undergraduate
Greek I
(3 credits)
This course presents a
study of Koine Greek
grammar and syntax with
emphasis on reading
and understanding the
Greek text of both the
New Testament and
extrabiblical Koine
Materials required:

SG: Undergraduate Greek I by James

Textbook: Basics in Biblical Greek Grammar
by William Mounce
Workbook: Basics in Biblical Greek
Grammar by Mounce
Interactive CD: Basics in Biblical Greek by
William Mounce
Supplemental materials:
Answer key to Basics in Biblical Greek
Grammar Workbook by William Mounce
CD by John Beckman
A Greek New Testament and dictionary. (eg
by B & K Aland)


BIB4153 Undergraduate
Greek II
(3 credits)
This course presents an ongoing study of
Koine Greek that includes recognition and
us of Koine Greek grammar and syntax
that are necessary to translation and
exegesis of the Greek text of the New
Testament and extra-Biblical writings.
BIB4143 Undergraduate Greek I (required)

Materials required:

SG: Undergraduate Greek II by James

Textbook: Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar
by William Mounce
Workbook: Basics in Biblical Greek
Grammar by William Mounce
Interactive CD: Basics in Biblical Greek by
William D. Mounce

Supplemental materials:

Answer key to Basics in Biblical Greek

Grammar Workbook by William D. Mounce
CD by John C Beckman
A Greek New Testament and dictionary. (eg
by B & K Aland)

BIB4091/4092/4093 special
Project (1, 2, or 3 credits)
This is an individualised activity using
special readings and/or research
techniques to meet some unique need in
the Bible Division. Any student desiring to
do a special project must make a proposal
to the Dean of the Undergraduate School
of Bible and Theology. The last number in
the course code reflects the assigned
number of credit hours that can be earned;
that is, BIB4093 earns 3 additional project
credit hours. (See the Special Projects
section under Course Guidelines and
Requirements for additional information.)

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

THE1013 Pneumatology
(3 credits)
The person, work, gifts,
and ministry of the Holy
Spirit are the topics
examined in this Biblical
s t u d y. A m o n g t h e
questions discussed from
both the Old and New
Testaments are these:
Who is the Holy Spirit?
What is the baptism of the
Holy Spirit? How do I live a Spirit-filled life?
Students are encouraged to apply these
and other related Biblical teachings to their
own teaching and preaching ministries.
Materials required:
SG: Pneumatology by Stanley Horton
Textbook: What the Bible Says about the
Holy Spirit (2nd ed.) by Stanley Horton

THE1032 God and Angels

(2 credits)
The Study Guide attempts
to present a broad Biblical
view to help the student
better understand the
nature of God and angels.
The course teaches that
Biblical theology clearly
includes all people in
Gods plan of redemption
and that an unbeliever will
be redeemed when he or she believes and
accepts Gods plan of salvation. The study
of Angels is designed to give believers a
more complete knowledge of the nature,
power, and activities of angels.
Materials required:
IST: God and Angels by Paul Martin, David
Duncan, and James Book


THE1033 God and Angels

(3 credits)
See the description of THE1032 God and
Angels above. This course is the same as
THE1032 God and Angels except that a
CRA must be completed. The textbook for
the CRA is listed under materials
Materials required:
IST: God and Angels by Paul Martin, David
Duncan, and James Book
CRA textbook: Systematic Theology: An
Introduction to Biblical Doctrine (Chapters
19 and 20) by Wayne Grudem

THE1042 Man and Sin

(2 credits)
Man and Sin is an
introductory study of the
Biblical doctrines of the
origin and nature of
humankind and of the
problem of sin and its
effects. Students will
learn to appreciate
these subjects from a
Biblical, systematic, and, to a lesser
extent, historical perspective. The course
emphasises Biblical interpretation from the
view of evangelical Christians, but this
position is understood against the
backdrop of predominant non-Christian
Materials required:
IST: Man and Sin by Simon Chan

THE1043 Man and Sin

(3 credits)
See the description of THE1042 Man and
Sin above. This course is the same as
THE1042 Man and Sin except that a CRA
must be completed. The textbook for the
CRA is listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Man and Sin by Simon Chan
CRA textbook: Being Human: The Nature of
Spiritual Experience by Ranald Macaulay
and Jerram Barrs


THE1053 Biblical Theology of

Prayer (3 credits)
Biblical Theology of Prayer
is a study of the great
prayers of the Bible and the
lessons we can learn for
our prayer ministry today.
The course stresses the
importance and impact of
prayer in contemporary life
and encourages students
to pray regularly and fervently.
Materials required:
SG: Biblical Theology of Prayer by Paul
Textbook: With Christ in the School of
Prayer by Andrew Murray
Textbook: The Spirit Helps Us Pray by
Robert Brandt and Zenas Bicket

THE2012 The Bible and the

(2 credits)
In The Bible and the Church, a basic study
of bibliology and ecclesiology, the student
investigates the nature and authority of the
Scriptures. In the second half of the
course, the authors consider the Biblical
basis for the Church, its Old Testament
antecedents, and its beginning, nature,
and purpose.
Materials required:
IST: The Bible and the Church by Roslim
Suwandoko and David D. Duncan

THE2013 The Bible and The

(3 credits)
See the description of
THE2012 The Bible and the
Church above. This course
is the same as THE2012
The Bible and the Church
except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for
the CRA is listed under


materials required. Prerequisite or

sequence recommendation: none
Materials required:
IST: The Bible and the Church by Roslim
Suwandoko and David Duncan
CRA textbook: Theology in the Context of
World Christianity by Timothy Tennent

THE2023 Soteriology
(3 credits)
The doctrine of Salvationthe
work of Christ in bringing lost
humanity into fellowship with
Godis the focus of
Soteriology. This doctrine is
treated in a logical
progression, a kind of order of
salvation. The study includes
the doctrines of repentance,
faith, conversion, regeneration,
justification, adoption, sanctification, and
prayer in the life of a Christian. The author
carefully analyses biblical passages
relating to salvation and evaluates
historical and contemporary views of
salvation. The twelve lessons stress
applying salvation truths personally and
sharing them with others.
Materials required:
SG: Soteriology by Daniel Pecota
textbook: The Doctrine of Salvation by
Charles Horne
Textbook: Newborn by Harold Freligh

THE2033 Eschatology
(3 credits)
Eschatology is a study in the
area of Biblical teaching that
concerns last thingsthe
final outcome of the present
order. The author addresses
these teachings and gives a
Biblical picture of the
events. The second coming
of Christ, the tribulation, and the nature of
predictive prophecy are among the topics
discussed. As part of this course, the

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

student also considers and analyses a

number of current eschatological systems.
Sequence recommendation:
THE2012 Bible and the Church
BIB4072 Daniel and Revelation

Materials required:

SG: Eschatology by Andrew M. McDearmid

Textbook: The End Times by Herman Hoyt

THE2043 Christology
(3 credits)
Jesus is more than just a
New Testament figure.
This course introduces
the student to Old
Testament typology as
well as to the prophecies
concerning Christs
present and future work.
Certain controversial
contemporary views of Jesus are
presented and related to the Word of God.
With Christology, the student discovers
what the Scriptures really say about Jesus
Materials required:
SG: Christology by Holdcroft
Textbook: Jesus Christ Our Lord by John

THE3013 Apologetics
(3 credits)
Is there a procedure for dealing with
doubt? Can Scripture be verified? Are
miracles possible? Where is history taking
us? The author discusses these and other
questions in Apologetics. Faith and
knowing are the two consistent themes of
this course; the Study Guide examines
and explains the relationship between
them. The course will help the student
persuade others that there is no better way
to follow than that of faith in, and
obedience to, the God of the Christian


Materials required:

SG: Apologetics by W. Menzies

textbook: Know Why You Believe by Paul
Textbook: A Christian Appeal to Reason by
Bernard Ramm

THE4013 Old Testament

Biblical Theology
(3 credits)
In this course the Study
Guide traces the
development of major Old
Testament doctrines. Old
Testament Biblical Theology
deals with what the Old
Testament teaches about God, creation,
humanity, sin, the Messiah, revelation,
inspiration, angels, Satan, the various
testaments and covenants, judgment, and
life after death. It provides a wealth of
material for preaching and teaching from
the Old Testament.
Sequence recommendation:
LIT1212/3 Old Testament Literature: His

Materials required:

SG: Old Testament Biblical Theology by

John Phillips
Textbook: Theology of the Older Testament
by J. Barton Payne

THE4021/ 4022/ 4023

Special Project
(1, 2, or 3 credits)
This is an individualised activity using
special readings and/or research
techniques to meet some unique need in
the Theology Division. Any student
desiring to do a special project must make
a proposal to the Dean of the
Undergraduate school of Bible and
Theology. The last number in the course
code reflects the assigned number of
credit hours that can be earned; that is,
THE4023 earns 3 additional project credit


MIN1052 Work of the Pastor
(2 credits)
The Work of the Pastor focuses on the
pastors call to and preparation for
Christian Ministry. The author examines
the relationships vital to successful
ministry and reviews the Pastors primary
responsibilities. Based on the books of 1
and 2 Timothy and Titus, this course
enables the students to recognize and
apply Biblical principles to different
situations they face in a local
congregation. Specific principles treated
relate to the selection of church
leadership, the discipline of church
members, and guidelines for Church
worship. Since the study focuses on the
pastors call and spiritual life as well as
pastoral duties, it emphasizes both being
and doing.
Materials required:
IST: The Work of the Pastor by Eleazer

MIN1053 The Work of the

(3 credits)
See description of
MIN1052 The Work of the
Pastor above. This
course is the same as
MIN1052 The Work of
the Pastor except that a
CRA must be completed.
The textbook for the CRA
is listed under materials
Materials required:
IST: The Work of the Pastor by Eleazer
CRA textbook: The 21st Century Pastor by
David Fisher


MIN1063 Ministerial Ethics

(3 credits)
This course traces the
development and history of
the ethical thought of the
Israelite leaders and of the
Christian Church from the
g i v i n g o f t h e Te n
Commandments, through
the era of John the Baptist,
to the twentieth-century
Holiness Movement. Current moral/ethical
issues and the ethical aspects of major
Pentecostal doctrines are outlined.
Guidelines for proper relationships with the
congregation and with fellow ministers are
highlighted. The course concludes with the
practical application of ethics to the
ministers home life and ministry.
Materials required:
SG: Ministerial Ethics by T. Burton Pierce
Textbook: Challenge of the Disciplined Life
by Richard Foster
Textbook: Ministerial Ethics: A Guide for
Spirit-Filled Leaders by T. Burton Pierce and
Stanley Horton

MIN1092 Introduction to
Pastoral Counseling
(2 credits)
People all around us have emotional,
spiritual, economic, and physical
problems. Even the most persuasive
sermon may not be heard by someone
with serious personal problems. The
Christian student, layperson, pastor, or
religious worker must find ways to help
people with their problems. Introduction to
Pastoral Counseling is a look at the
different perspectives from which pastoral
counseling may be seen. It emphasises
the necessary steps in preparing to
become a pastoral counselor and gives
attention to legal and practical
ramifications of counseling. It also
examines some of the issues faced by the
pastoral counselor, seeking to find a

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

balance between the clinical and the

spiritual, with the Bible as the final
authority. This course investigates some of
the current approaches to counseling and
sets guidelines for counseling settings and

Materials required:

IST: Introduction to Pastoral Counseling by

Jimmy Robinson

MIN1093 Introduction to
Pastoral Counseling (3 credits)
See description of
MIN1092 Introduction
to Pastoral Counseling
above. This course is
the same as MIN1092
Introduction to
Pastoral Counseling
except that a CRA
must be completed.
The textbook for the
CRA is listed under
materials required.

Materials required:

IST: Introduction to Pastoral Counseling by

Jimmy Robinson
CRA textbook: Counseling and
Psychotherapy by Siang-Yang Tan

MIN1102 Great Commission

Strategies (2 credits)
This course establishes a Biblical theology
of the Great Commission. It presents an indepth study of evangelism and discipleship
principles that are universal in their
application. Important elements of the
course include the nature of the gospel
message, the Biblical definition of
discipleship, and the methodology of
Jesus. It also explores challenges facing
the church and then integrates evangelism
and discipleship as two sides of a single

MIN1103 Great Commission

Strategies (2 credits)
See description of MIN1102 Great
Commission Strategies above. This course
i s t h e s a m e a s M I N 11 0 2 G r e a t
Commission Strategies except that a CRA
must be completed. The textbooks for the
CRA are listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Great Commission Strategies by
Michael Jaffe
CRA Textbooks: Tell the Truth: The Whole
Gospel Wholly by Grace Communiated
Truthfully and Lovingly by Will Metzger
CRA Textbook: The Master Plan of
Evangelism by Robert Coleman
CRA Textbook: The Celtic Way of
Evangelism: How Christianity Can Reach
the West ... Again by George Hunter Ill

MIN2012 Human Relations

(2 credits)
Human Relations
involves an analysis
and application of
the commandments
given by the Lord in
Matthew 22:3440.
The theme is love
as typified by the
Greek word agape.
In this course the
author examines the
agape concept
thoroughly and
applies it to every kind of human
relationship. Based on a Biblical model,
this course focuses on practical
applications for individuals in all of their
relationships: with God, with others, and
with themselves.
Materials required:
IST: Human Relations by Jack V. Rozell

Materials required:

IST: Great Commission Strategies by

Michael Jaffe



MIN2013 Human Relations

(3 credits)
See description of MIN2012 Human
Relations above. This course is the same
as MIN2012 Human Relations except that
a CRA must be completed. The textbook
for the CRA is listed under materials
Materials required:
IST: Human Relations by Jack Rozell
CRA textbook: Spiritual Leadership (Rev.
2nd ed.) by J. Oswald Sanders

MIN2022 Christian Counseling

(2 credits)
Christian Counseling is a paraprofessional
approach to Christian counseling.
Humankind is viewed as the creation of
G o d w i t h a capacity to know Him and
have fellowship with
Him. In Christian
Counseling the students
gain an understanding
of the agape theory
counseling. This helps
them follow Christs
command to love one
another. This course is
not a theoretical approach; rather, it is a
means to practical Christian counseling.
Materials required:
IST: Christian Counseling by Jack Rozell

MIN2023 Christian Counseling

(2 credits)
See description of MIN2022 Christian
Counseling above. This course is the
same as MIN2022 Christian Counseling
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
Materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Christian Counseling by Jack Rozell
CRA textbook: Competent Christian
Counseling. Vol 1. by T. Clinton and G


MIN2032 Expository
Preaching (2 credits)
Expository Preaching, a practical course in
the methodology of preaching,
emphasizes the step-by-step process of
constructing expository sermons. The
author includes a brief treatment of basic
types of sermons, procedures for building
expository sermons,
the analysis and
Scripture passages,
the use of multiple
sermonic processes
in expository
preaching, and the
building of a
preaching program.
The students build
sermons for their
pulpit ministry from
the Gospel of Matthew and 1
Materials required:
IST: Expository Preaching by George Batson

MIN2033 Expository Preaching

(3 credits)
See description of MIN2032 Expository
Preaching above. This course is the same
as MIN2032 Expository Preaching except
that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Expository Preaching by George Batson
CRA textbook: Preach the Word, a
Pentecostal Approach by Aldwin Ragoonath

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

MIN2052 The Biblical Role of


MIN3012 Introduction to
Church Music

(2 credits)
Written by Assemblies of God women
ordained ministers
and scholarsThe
Biblical Role of
Women uses an
exegetical and
approach to study
what Scripture says
about women in life,
family, and ministry.
undergirds the
historic Assemblies of God stance on the
place of women in the body of Christ and
will take its place as an important support
for all women in ministry. Study of this
course helps students learn how God
related to women in the Old Testament and
identify roles women played in the first
century church. The goal of the course is
to point the student toward what todays
church should be like, wherever people
know and follow Jesus Christ. The Holy
Spirit empowers and equips both men and
women to expand His kingdom.
Materials required:

(2 credits)
This course begins by
showing the purposes
of Church music and
the accompanying
Biblical philosophy. It
investigates the
function of music in
church.The goal is to
minister, communicate,
to instruct, enrich and enhance
Christian worship and godly living. It is
intended to improve music
comprehension, see spiritual objectives
and give practical help .
Materials required:

IST: The Biblical Role of Women by D. Gill

and B. Cavaness

MIN2053 The Biblical Role of

(3 credits)
See the description of MIN2052 The
Biblical Role of Women above. This course
is the same except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: The Biblical Role of Women by D. Gill
and Barbara Cavaness
CRA textbook: Pathway to Purpose for
Women by Katie Brazelton


IST: Introduction to Church Music by Joseph


MIN3013 Introduction to
Church Music
(3 credits)
See description of MIN3012 Intro. to
Church Music above. This course is the
same except that a CRA must be
completed. the textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Church Music by Joseph
CRA Textbook: Music in the Life of the
African Church by Roberta King

MIN3042 Preparing and

Preaching Bible Messages
(2 credits)
The intention of this course is to give a
clear understanding of the basic principles
of Christian preaching. It stresses the
prime place of Biblical exposition in
authoritatively communicating the
Christian message. It deals with practical
matters such as the preparation of


sermons, sources of materials,

construction of sermon components, the
variety of sermon types, and the delivery
of sermons. It also stresses the importance
of the preachers themselves in effectively
communicating their messages.
Materials required:
IST: Preparing and Preaching Bible
Messages by Ian Hall

MIN3043 Preparing and

Preaching Bible Messages
(3 credits)
See description of
MIN3042 Preparing
and Preaching Bible
Messages above.
This course is the
same except that a
CRA must be
completed. the
textbook for the CRA
is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:

IST: Preparing and Preaching Bible

Messages by Ian Hall
CRA textbook: Old Wine in New Wineskins
by Erickson and Heflin

MIN3052 Worship of God

(2 credits)
This course is designed to give a clear
understanding of Christian worship as it is
directed by the Holy Spirit. Basic to an
understanding of worship
is an understanding of
who God is, what He is
like, and why He wants
us to worship Him.
Worship of God
discusses the necessity,
value, and results of
worship and presents
Biblical models of
worship as guidelines for both individual
and corporate worship. The author gives


practical instruction in leading group

worship by following Biblical guidelines. He
also encourages personal development
and growth in devotional worship.
Materials required:
IST: Worship of God by F. Beiser

MIN3053 Worship of God

(3 credits)
See description of MIN3052 Worship of
God above. This course is the same
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Worship of God by F. Beiser
CRA textbook: The New Worship by Barry

MIN3062 The Churchs

Educational Task (2 credits)
Pastors or those
responsible for the
educational program
in the local Church
will find The Churchs
Educational Task a
valuable course. It
examines what the
Bible has to say
about such concepts
as teaching, training,
and religious
instruction. In general, the course
discusses the Churchs role and
responsibility to train and instruct its
members and families in the Word of God.
Materials required:
IST: The Churchs Educational Task by
William Kuert

MIN3063 The Churchs

Educational Task
(3 credits)
See description of MIN3062 The Churchs
Educational Task above. This course is the

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

same except that a CRA must be

completed. the textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: The Churchs Educational Task by
William Kuert
CRA textbook: Creative Bible Teaching, by
L. Richards and
G. Bredfelt

MIN4033 A Strategy for

Church Growth (3
Students often wonder
how to help a church
grow. A Strategy for
Church Growth is
designed to acquaint
them with the
importance of the
Great Commission in
relation to world
evangelization and Church planting. By
studying this course, students will learn to
identify the principles that underlie the
growth of the church and to make a
diagnostic study of a local Church. They
will also learn to identify reasons for
growth or lack of growth.
Materials required:

credit hours that can be earned; that is,

MIN4063 earns 3 additional project credit
hours. (see the Special Projects section
under Course Guidelines and
Requirements for additional information.)

MIN4102/3 Cross-Cultural
(2/3 credits) Soon to be available
This course provides a Biblical perspective
on cross cultural relationships. It is
designed to help
the student identify
biblically appropriate ways to respond to
inequality and differences. The challenge
is to become aware of personal cultural
programming, to gain a knowledge of a
variety of minority groups. A CRA will need
to be completed for the 3-credit course.
Materials required:
IST: Cross Cultural Counseling by Johan
CRA textbook: A Beginners Guide to
Crossing Cultures by Patty Lane

SG: A Strategy for Church Growth by

Benjamin Shinde
textbook: Understanding Church Growth
(3rd ed.) by D. McGavran

MIN4061/ 4062/ 4063

Special Project
(1, 2, or 3 credits)
This is an individualised activity using
special readings and/or research
techniques to meet some unique need in
the Church Ministries Division. Any student
desiring to do a special project must make
a proposal to the Dean of the
Undergraduate School of Bible and
Theology. The last number in the course
code reflects the assigned number of



MIS2062 Marriage Counseling:
A Cross Cultural Approach
(2 credits)
Marital distress is universal. This course
attempts to address the void of pastoral
training in marriage counseling. Founded
on Gods Word, it begins by looking at a
model of lasting change based on Biblical
passages to establish a clear
understanding of Gods purpose for
Christian marriage and presents a Biblicalpractical-motive model of marriage
counseling. Marriage illustrations from
various cultures help show how the Biblical
model can be a powerful tool in the
pastoral counselors hand.
Materials required:
IST: Marriage Counseling: A Cross-Cultural
Approach by Joseph Lear

MIS2063 Marriage Counseling:

A Cross Cultural Approach
(3 credits)
See the

description of MIN2062
Marriage Counseling: A
Approach above. This
course is the same
except that a CRA
must be completed.
The textbook for the
CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:

IST: Marriage Counseling: A

Cross-Cultural Approach by Joseph Lear
CRA textbook: Instruments in the
Redeemers Hands by Paul Tripp

MIS3012 Introduction to
(2 credits)


The orientation of Introduction to Missions

is both Biblical and
contemporary. The Bibles
teaching on missions is
outlined through both the Old
and New Testaments. Two
international and Biblical
missions themes are treated
throughout this course:
those of the redeemed
people of God and Christs strategy of
missions. A former missionary writes from
his own years of experience.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Missions by Paul

MIS3013 Introduction to
(3 credits)
See description of MIS3012 Introduction to
Missions above. This course is the same
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Missions by Paul
CRA Textbook: Introducing World

Missions: A Biblical, Historical, and

Practical Survey by Scott Moreau,
Gary Corwin, and Gary McGee

MIS3022 Introduction to Islam

(2 credits)
This course is an introductory study of
Islam, including its beliefs, practices, and
present status as a world religion. The
history of Islam is summarized, and key
terms are defined. In the final unit, the
author contrasts key beliefs of Islam with
Christianity and offers practical guidelines
for effective Christian witness to Muslims.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Islam by Sobhi Malek

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

MIS3023 Introduction to Islam

(3 credits)
See description of
M I S 3 0 2 2
Introduction to
Islam above. This
course is the same
except that a CRA
completed. The
textbook for the
CRA is listed
under materials
Materials required:

IST: Introduction to Islam by Malek

CRA Textbook: Islamic Exodus into the
Freedom of Christ, by Sobhi Malek

MIS3033 The Bible and

(3 credits)
See description of
MIS3032 The Bible and
Missions above. This
course is the same
except that a CRA
must be completed.
The textbook for the
CRA is listed under
materials required.
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3012 Introduction to Missions

Materials required:

IST: The Bible and Missions by Delmer

CRA Textbook: A Biblical Theology of
Missions by George Peters

MIS3042 Women in Islam

MIS3032 The Bible and
(2 credits)
This course is a Biblical study about the
missionary task of the church. The Bible
and Missions focuses on world evangelism
and discipleship. The author emphasizes
the lost condition of humankind and Gods
plan of redemption. He presents the
church as the agency God uses to reach
the world with the gospel. The course
introduces the student to the spiritual
resources available to the church for this
task. Biblical illustrations focus on the
churchs and individuals involvement in
missions, emphasizing commitment and
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3012/3 Introduction to Missions

Materials required:

IST: The Bible and Missions by Delmer


(2 credits)
This course is designed to introduce the
student to the spiritual, private, and public
worlds of Muslim women as a prelude to
reaching them with the message of life.
The author investigates barriers preventing
the spread of the gospel among Muslim
women. Emphasizing the need to be well
acquainted with the world of Muslim
women to minister effectively, she presents
Biblical models of witness that build trust
and community in which the gospel can be
heard and received. Muslim women
represent a major area of potential for
reaching into the community of Islam.
Because of cultural restrictions, reaching
Muslim women requires dedicated, Spiritfilled, and trained Christian women. This
course is a major contributor of such
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Women in Islam by Mary Cate



MIS3043 Women in Islam

(3 credits)
See description of MIS3042
Women in Islam above.
This course is the same
except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook
for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Women in Islam by Mary Ann Cate and

Keong-Sook Park
CRA Textbook: A Street in Marrakech by
Elizabeth Fernea

MIS4012 Christian Ministry in

a Muslim Context
(2 credits)
Christian Ministry in a
Muslim Context was
developed to train
Christians to understand
how to relate to the Muslim
culture. The author writes
from experience as a
missionary for several
years in South Asia and the
Philippines. Students are introduced to the
significantly different Islamic culture,
w o r l d v i e w, a n d p r a c t i c e s a n d t h e
adjustments a Christian needs to make to
appreciate, communicate, and relate to
Muslims. Objectives for the course include
how to contextualise an individuals
lifestyle to facilitate relevant ministry and
how to prepare a contextualised message
for sharing the gospel with Muslims. The
course helps the student understand the
spiritual conditions of the Muslim culture
and what is helpful for effective ministry.
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Christian Ministry in a Muslim Context

by Harry Morin


MIS4013 Christian Ministry in

a Muslim Context
(3 credits)
See description of MIS4012 Christian
Ministry in a Muslim Context above. This
course is the same except that a CRA
must be completed. The textbook for the
CRA is listed under materials required.
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Christian Ministry in a Muslim Context

by Harry Morin
CRA Textbook: Guests of the Sheik: An
Ethnography of an Iraqi Village by E.
Warnock Fernea

MIS4022 Approaches to
(2 credits)
This course examines
seven approaches to
sharing the gospel of
Jesus with Muslims.
Such approaches are
used to get a hearing
from Muslims, open their
hearts, and break down
barriers. The methods
were developed by
workers committed to
service and learning in the Muslim world.
No one method is the final method; each
has its advantages based on such factors
as the gifts of the witness, the openness of
a particular people, and the educational
level of the people. The goal of this course
is to enable the student to share the truths
of the gospel in a sensitive and meaningful
way with the sons of Ishmael.
Sequence recommendation:
MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Approaches to Muslims by Paul Parks

Quran (available online)

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

MIS4023 Approaches to

MIS4061/ 4062/ 4063

Special Project

(3 credits)
See description of MIS4022 Approaches to
Muslims above. This course is the same
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Sequence recommendation:

(1, 2, or 3 credits)
This is an individualised activity using
special readings and/or research
techniques to meet some unique need in
the Intercultural Studies Division. Any
student desiring to do a special project
must make a proposal to the Dean of the
Undergraduate School of Bible and
Theology. The last number in the course
code reflects the assigned number of
credit hours that can be earned; that is,
MIS4063 earns 3 additional project credit
hours. (See the Special Projects section
under Course Guidelines and
Requirements for additional information.)

MIS3022/3 Introduction to Islam

Materials required:

IST: Approaches to Muslims by Paul Parks

CRA Textbook: From the Straight Path to the
Narrow Way: Journeys of Faith edited by
David Greenlee
Quran (available online)

MIS4053 Philosophy of
(3 credits)
This course is composed of individualised
special readings and/or research
techniques to define a philosophy of
missions. Any student desiring to
complete this directed reading must submit
a proposal to the Dean of the
Undergraduate School of Bible and
Theology. Global University provides a list
of approved books that can be used to
fulfil this directed reading. If a student
would like to utilise books that are not on
the approved list, a proposal for the
directed reading course, detailing the
books to be read and project to be
completed, must be submitted to the
International Office for approval by the
Dean of the Undergraduate School of
Bible and Theology. Course guidelines and
a list of approved books may be found at
l i b r a r y. g l o b a l u n i v e r s i t y. e d u /



The following symbols indicate that the
course meets a general education
requirement in the following areas:
(HF) = Humanities and Fine Arts
(LC) = Language/ Communication
(NM) = Natural Sciences and Maths
(SB) = Social/ Behavioural Sciences

BUS2102 Church Business (NM)

(2 credits)
Church Business is an
introductory study of
many of the principles,
procedures, and
techniques used in
todays business world
as they apply to the
local church and its
leadership. In this IST,
pastors, church
b u s i n e s s
administrators, and other church
leaders will find the problem-solving
approach to these subjects of practical
value. The course first introduces the
student to the organizing and staffing
functions of the church that enable it to
operate effectively. The student then
learns practical methods of raising money
f o r t h e c h u r c h s e x p e n s e s . O t h e r
emphases include the importance of
keeping good records and ideas on better
management of the churchs money,
facilities, and equipment.
Materials required:
IST: Church Business by Kilpatrick


COM1012 How to Speak in

Public (LC)
(2 credits)
This course is designed to increase the
students awareness of the importance of
speech in all areas of life and human
cultures. Its main emphasis is on the
values of Christian Ministry through
speech. The units of the course deal
successively with speech and the speaker,
resources available to the speaker, the
speaker and his or her audience, and
intercultural aspects of speech.
Materials required:
IST: How to Speak in Public by
Louise Harrison

COM1013 How to Speak in

Public (LC)
(3 credits)
See description of
COM1012 How to
Speak In Public
above. This course is
the same except that
a CRA must be
completed. The
textbook for the CRA
is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:

IST: How to Speak in Public by L.

CRA textbook: Public Speaking by D.

COM3103 Cross-Cultural
Communications (SB)
(3 credits)
How do cultural differences affect the way
people interact? How might one improve
his or her communication skills in a
shrinking world? Cross-Cultural
Communications attempts to help the
student discover answers to these current
problems. Perhaps the most important

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

aspect of this course relates to the word

mission. The course is dedicated to
helping the student become a sent one to
present Christ and His Kingdom in an
environment other than his or her own. To
do this, the course addresses how
communication and culture relate, how to
reach people where they are, how different
people think and express ideas across
cultures and subcultures, and how the
thoughts and expressions of people affect
their behaviour.
Sequence recommendation:
SOC2012/3 Intro. to Sociology

Materials required:

CSC1023 Introduction to
Computers (NM)
(3 credits)
This course covers the essential
knowledge necessary to begin using
computers as tools in personal ministry
and within the church. It introduces the
value of computer technology and shows
the relationship between the various
components of the typical computer
system, describing the basic operation of
computers and important software
programs. Students are encouraged to
consider how they might use computers to
enhance their effectiveness in ministry,
whether in the church or in other areas.
Finally, the course discusses the impact of
rapidly changing technology on society
and culture.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Computers by
Norbert Laengrich

EDU3102 Principles of
Teaching (SB)
(2 credits)
This course presents a Christian
philosophy of education based on the
concepts implied in Luke 2:52: Jesus


grew in wisdom and stature, and in favour

with God and men. The first unit deals
primarily with the characteristics and
needs of students at different ages and
considers ways
Christian teachers
can meet these
needs. The second
unit looks into the
responsibilities of
the teacher and
how to fulfil them,
and the third unit
provides practical
help in the use of
educational methods.
The last unit presents the steps in
preparing, presenting, and evaluating
Materials required:
IST: Principles of Teaching by R.
Shaw and J. Nill

EDU3103 Principles of
Teaching (SB)
(3 credits)
See description of EDU3102 Principles of
Teaching above. This course is the same
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Principles of Teaching by
Ronald Shaw and John G. Nill
CRA textbook: Design for Teaching
and Training by L. Ford

EDU3112 Competency and

Proficiency in Teaching (SB)
(2 credits)
This course provides practical instruction
on effective teaching techniques. In this
course the student will learn what


transformational teaching is and how it

differs from traditional methods. The
student will discover how the brain learns
as well as strategies to retain information
and use it. The course takes the student
step-by-step through the process of writing
learning objectives, course descriptions,
lesson plans, and syllabi. Then it helps the
student use these tools in the classroom.
Materials required:
IST: Competency and Proficiency in
Teaching by Murrielle McCulley

EDU3113 Competency and

Proficiency in Teaching (SB)
(3 credits)
See description of
EDU3112 Competency
and Proficiency in
Teaching above. This
course is the same
except that a CRA must
be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials
Materials required:
IST: Competency and Proficiency in
Teaching by Murrielle McCulley
CRA textbook: Brain Matters by P.

EDU3212 Foundations of
Educational Psychology (SB)
(2 credits)
This course deals with the application of
psychological principles to the design and
guidance of educational experiences. It is
intended to provide teachers with tools to
make the teaching-learning process
effective and rewarding. The course
examines similarities and differences
among learners, various teaching
methods, the basics of classroom
management, motivation theory, and how
to use the constructs tests. Wherever
possible, applications of psychological


principles to Christian education are

Materials required:
IST: Foundations of Educational
Psychology by John Nill

EDU3213 Foundations of
Educational Psychology (SB)
(3 credits)
See description of
EDU3212 Foundations of
Educational Psychology
above. This course is the
same as EDU3212
Educational Psychology
except that a CRA must
be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Sequence recommendation:
EDU3102/3 Principles of Teaching

Materials required:

IST: Foundations of Educational

Psychology by J. Nill
CRA textbook: How People Learn:
Brain, Mind, Experience and School
ed. Brandsford, Brown and Cocking

EDU3613 Instructional Media

(3 credits)
This course is designed to help students
explore ways to incorporate instructional
media into their teaching and preaching
ministries. It covers layout and design
principles, production of projected and
non-projected visuals, use of computer,
internet and social media. The goal is to
help students find ways to use all of the
tools available to enhance teaching and
Materials required:
IST: Instructional Media by Ames

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

EDU4132 Christian Adult

Education in Cultural Context
(2 credits)
Through this course, the student
will be enabled to help others
become effective teachers of
adults. The course is designed
to quicken the student to
understand and apply the
principles of Christian adult
education to a programme of
church leadership training appropriate to
his/her cultural context. It combines a
study of theory, history and practical
application with a variety of anecdotes to
illustrate the concepts. The focus
is primarily on education and training for
church leadership and ministry, although
t h e p r i n c i ples can apply to other
programmes. The course also emphasises
the recognition of individual, cultural,
environmental and occupational demands
that inform the shaping of a contextualised
educational programme. It is intended to
provide the tools to enable educators to
teach Christian adults with excellence.
Materials required:
IST: Christian Adult Education in
Cultural Context by R. Iwasko

EDU4133 Christian Adult

Education in Cultural Context
(3 credits)
See description of EDU4132 Christian
Adult Education in Cultural Context above.
This course is the same as EDU4132
Christian Adult Education in Cultural
Context except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:

ENG1023 Introductory Writing

(3 credits)
Introductory Writing presents
rules for the standard or
acceptable use of English,
especially in written form.
This course introduces
basic writing principles and
examines the fundamentals
of language such as parts
of speech, sentence structure, usage, and
punctuation. In addition, it explains the
writing process, techniques of organisation
and development and basic
Materials required:
IST: Introductory Writing by S.

ENG1102 Writing Better

English (LC)
(2 credits)
Writing Better English
shows how an authors
point of view and choice of
language determine style
and influence the meaning
of written communication.
The course also covers
grammatical principles and the application
of sentence structure to improve written
communication depending on ones
purpose of narration, description,
explanation, or persuasion. Special topics
include academic outlining, an orientation
to research, report and summary writing.
Sequence prerequisite:
ENG1023 Introductory Writing

Materials required:

IST: Writing Better English by Rice

IST: Christian Adult Education in

Cultural Context by Ronald Iwasko
CRA textbook: Leading Cross
Culturally: by Lingenfelter



ENG1103 Writing Better

English (LC)
(3 credits)
See description of ENG1102 Writing Better
English above. This course is the same
except that a CWA must be completed.
The textbook for the CWA is listed under
materials required.
Sequence pre-requisite:
ENG1023 Introductory Writing

Materials required:

IST: Writing Better English by F. Rice

CRA textbook: College Writing Skills by J.

GSC1103 Studies in Physical

Science (NM)
(3 credits)
In this course, the knowledge
of science is built from the
fundamental concepts of
space, time, energy, and
mass. Given these concepts,
the basic principles of physics and
chemistry are described and applied. The
course includes surveys of astronomy and
geology, with special emphasis on
chemical and physical principles. Attention
is also given to the scientific method and
to the ways science affects the life of
humanity on earth. Students are
encouraged to complete GSC1121
Experiments in Physical Science: A
Laboratory Manual within the same period
of enrolment for a total of four credits.
Materials required:
IST: Studies in Physical Science by Love
and Niles


GSC1121 Experiments in
Physical Science: Lab.
Manual (NM)
(1 credit)
This manual provides hands-on
experiments in physical
science. The experiments will
give confirmation to what was
learned in the course GSC1103
Studies in Physical Science.
The experiments will investigate subjects
i n p h y s i c s , c h e m i s t r y, a s t r o n o m y,
meteorology, geology and ecology. This
laboratory manual introduces students to
scientific principles as applied to their
environments. Access to a computer with a
CD-ROM drive is required to play the
CDROM that accompanies this course.
Sequence recommendation:
To be complete within the same enrolment
period as GSC1103 Studies in Physical
Science for a total of 4 credits.

Materials required:

IST: Experiments in Physical Science: A

Laboratory Manual by Robert Love
IST: Studies in Physical Science by R. Love
and F. Niles

GUO1002 Orientation to Global

University Learning (LC)
(2 credits)
This course assists new students
in understanding the process and
expectations of studying with
Global University in the distance
education setting. It provides an
overview of academic policies
and guides students in developing skills in

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

library usage, creative and critical thinking,

reading and writing, study and note-taking
and time management. Students identify
personal learning styles to increase
effective study practices and learn to make
connections between personal views and
other worldviews. They are introduced to
how Global University courses are
designed, become familiar with how to
prepare assignments, and learn what to
expect from 3-credit courses.
Materials required:
IST: Orientation to Global University
Learning by Global University staff
textbook: How to Read a Book by Adler and
Van Doren

HIS2202 The Church: From

Pentecost to the Reformation
(2 credits)
The Church: From Pentecost to the
Reformation is an introductory
study of Christianity from its
birth to the beginnings of the
Reformation. The course
provides an introduction to
history as a scientific discipline
and emphasises the
i m p o r ta n c e o f h i s to r y i n
relation to the Christian faith.
The course deals with the apostolic
church, the early church fathers, the
ecumenical councils, the emergence of
medieval theology and Church practice,
and the beginning of the Renaissance in
Europe. Course content includes a
consideration of the contribution of major
Christian theologians, the relationship of
the church and state, and the rise of
monasticism and missions. The twelve
lessons enable the student to apply
insights from the past to contemporary
Materials required:
IST: The Church: From Pentecost to the
Reformation by Don Smeeton


HIS2203 The Church: From

Pentecost to the Reformation
(3 credits)
See description for
HIS2202 The Church:
From Pentecost to the
Reformation above.
This course is the
same except that a
CRA must be
completed. the
textbook for the CRA
is listed under
materials required.

IST: The Church: From Pentecost to the

Reformation by Don Smeeton
CRA textbook: Christianity Through the
Centuries (3rd ed.) by Earle Cairns

HIS2302 The Church: From

the Reformation Through the
20th Century (HF)
(2 credits)
This course provides an introductory study
of the history of Christianity from the
sixteenth through the twentieth centuries.
The student will consider renewal periods,
organisational matters, theological issues,
and geographic expansion. The student
will also examine the lives and
contributions of significant Christian
preachers, leaders and theologians,
concluding with an assessment of current
trends such as the charismatic renewal
and non-Western missionary outreach.
The lessons are structured to enable the
student to apply insights learned from the
past to contemporary situations.
Materials required:
IST: The Church: From the Reformation to
the Present by Don Smeeton


HIS2303 The Church: From

the Reformation Through the
20th Century (HF)
(3 credits)
See description for HIS2302 The Church:
From the Reformation to the Present
above. This course is the same except that
a CRA must be completed. the textbook
for the CRA is listed under materials
Materials required:
IST: The Church: From the Reformation to
the Present by D. Smeeton
CRA textbook: Christianity through the
Centuries by Cairns

HIS2503 Civilization Past and

Present I (SB)
(3 credits)
This course traces the rise of both western
and eastern civilisations from preliterate
beginnings. Consideration is given to the
development of civilization in China, India,
the Greco-Roman world, Eastern Europe
and Russia. The student becomes
acquainted with the rise of Islam and the
beginnings of civilization in Africa, Europe
and the Americas. This foundation leads to
an understanding of states and political
systems. As the history of world civilization
is developed, a number of global issues
are considered, including migration,
religion and government, location and
identity, and technological exchange. This
course concludes with a review of the
scientific revolution and Enlightenment.
Materials required:
SG: Civilization Past and Present I by J.
Calvin Holsinger
Textbook: Civilization Past and Present
(12th ed.) by Edgar, Hackett, Jewsbury,
Molony and Gordon

HIS2603 Civilization Past and

Present II (SB)
(3 credits)


This course continues the

study of world civilization
from the time of the French
political revolution and the
Copernican scientific
revolution. Consideration
is given to the rise of
eastern and western
development of modern nations. The
student will witness early attempts to
establish democratic governments and the
formation of the bi-polar world that has
continued through the twentieth century.
Global issues include slavery, gender,
world war, and international law. The
course concludes with a review of world
Materials required:
SG: Civilization Past and Present II by J.
Calvin Holsinger
Textbook: Civilization Past and Present by
Edgar, Hackett, Jewsbury, Molony and

HSC2012 Foundations for

Health (NM)
(2 credits)
Foundations for Health is a study of the
principles of health and hygiene. With the
theme of illness prevention, it examines
nutritional needs, immunizations,
environmental hygiene, and other methods
of disease control. The course focuses on
practical methods for protecting health,
such as safety in the home, safe care
during pregnancy and childbirth, and water
purification. It also stresses how to
recognize symptoms of many common
ailments and how to treat these problems
to prevent further sickness or
complications. The course concludes with
instructions on basic first aid for
emergency situations.
Materials required:
IST: Foundations for Health by Paul Williams
and JoAnn Butrin

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

HCS2013 Foundations for

Health (NM)

HCS2023 Churchs Response

to the HIV/AIDs crisis (NM)

(3 credits)

(3 credits)
See description for HCS2022 The
Churchs Response to the HIV/AIDS Crisis
above. This course is the same except that
a CRA must be completed. the textbook
for the CRA is listed under materials
Materials required:

See description for

HCS2012 Foundations
for Health above. This
course is the same
except that a CRA must
be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials
Materials required:

IST: Foundations for Health by Paul Williams

and Joann Butrin
CRA textbook: Fitness and Wellness (9th
ed.) by Werner Hoeger and Sharon Hoeger

HSC2022 The Churchs

Response to the HIV/AIDs
crisis (NM)
(2 credits)
This course provides indepth and accurate
information about the
greatest human tragedy
in the history of the
worldthe HIV/AIDs
epidemic. The course is
designed with the hope
that, as pastors and
Bible school students
increase their knowledge of the facts about
HIV/AIDs and possible interventions, they
will take the lead in developing outreach
ministries that will radically change the
course of the disease. Moreover, the
course shows that compassion extended
to those infected or affected by AIDS will
radically change the hearts and lives of
Materials required:
IST: The Churchs Response to the HIV/
AIDS Crisis by Butrin


IST: The Churchs Response to the HIV/

AIDS Crisis by Butrin
CRA textbook: The Hope Factor by
Yamamori, Dageforde, and Bruner

LDR3012 Guidelines for

Leadership (SB)
(2 credits)
The selection and development of
Christian leaders is one of the major
challenges the church faces. This course
provides students with a contemporary
theology of Christian leadership. It
discusses leadership theory, presents
servant-leadership as a model for
Christian leaders, discusses Biblical
principles of leadership, and describes the
major functions of leadership.
Materials required:
IST: Guidelines for Leadership by J.

LDR3013 Guidelines for

Leadership (SB)
(3 credits)
See description for LDR3012 Guidelines
for Leadership above. This course is the
same except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Guidelines for Leadership by John
CRA textbook: Team Leadership in Christian
Ministry by Gangel


LDR4102 Managing Conflict

(SB) (2 credits)
This course is a study of effective
managing of conflict, particularly in the
church. The course draws from a
Scriptural foundation with input from
contemporary Christian and leadership
literature. It explores the definition of
conflict and its stages, emphasising why
managing conflict is a key part of a
leaders role in helping the Churchs
mission. It is understood further by
examining sources of conflict,
communication and approaches to conflict.
A key part of the course includes Scriptural
perspectives on conflict from Jesus
teaching and Biblical case studies. The
leaders role in managing conflict is
considered, beginning with the leaders
heart and moving to strategies for
managing and reducing conflict as well as
how churches, organisations and leaders
can grow during conflict.
Materials required:
IST: Managing Conflict by R. Sommers

LDR4103 Managing Conflict (SB)

(3 credits)
See description for LDR4102 Managing
Conflict above. This course is the same
except that a CRA must be completed. The
textbook for the CRA is listed under
materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Managing Conflict by R. Sommers
CRA textbook: Building Conflict Competent
Teams by Runde and Flanagan

LIT1022 Introduction to World

Literature (LC)
(2 credits)
This course is designed to cultivate the
students understanding of and
appreciation for literature from traditions
around the world from classical works into
the modern era. Students will discover


several reasons why Christians should

read both Christian and mainstream
literature. The origins and types of
literature and elements that identify forms
and genres will be presented, helping the
student have a deeper understanding of
Gods Word and Christian life experience.
The author uses many examples from
world literature to present effective
methods for seeing the elements of good
literature at work.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to World Literature by
Kaylene VanHuss

LIT1023 Introduction to World

Literature (LC)
(3 credits)
See description for LIT1022 Introduction to
World Literature above. This course is the
same except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to World Literature by
CRA textbook: Cry, the Beloved Country by
Alan Paton

LIT1212 Old Testament

Literature: His Story (HF)
(2 credits)
This course is a study of
beginnings. it shows how
the ancient inspired Hebrew
writers expressed in
narrative form a record of
Gods saving deeds from
the beginning of Gods
work with all humankind.
From these narratives,
students can see Gods unfolding plan of
redemption through what Christians
believe to be Gods revelation. Concepts
like covenant, priesthood, law, trust,
faithfulness, and righteousness come from
the Old Testament. Such knowledge is

ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

basic to understanding the New

Testament. The Old Testament is the only
Bible Jesus, His followers, and the early
believers had. Storytelling is one of the
oldest methods of communicating from
one generation to the next. Learn to tell
Gods story from the record of the Old
Testament and be equipped to pass it on
to your generation and those to follow.
Materials required:
IST: Old Testament Literature: His Story by
S. Fettke

LIT1213 Old Testament

Literature: His Story (HF)
(3 credits)
See description for LIT1212 Old Testament
Literature: His Story above. This course is
the same except that a CRA must be
completed. the textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Old Testament Literature: His Story by
S. Fettke
CRA textbook: They Spoke from God: A
Survey of the Old Testament by Williams

LIT1303 New Testament

Literature (HF)
(3 credits)
Knowledge, change, and action: these
three terms reflect the objectives of the
New Testament Literature course. a
panoramic view of the New Testament
unifies the study of its messages,
doctrines, personalities, and problems of
interpretation. This course treats the
cultural and historical backgrounds of the
New Testament, the life of Christ, the
history of the expansion of the early
church, and issues that faced the firstcentury Christians.
Materials required:
SG: New Testament Literature by Moon
CRA textbook: New Testament Survey (2nd
ed.) by Tenney


MTH1103 Business
Mathematics (NM)
(3 credits)
This course applies the use of functional
arithmetic operations to business,
including banking and insurance. the use
of percents in sales, income and property
taxes, payroll, merchandising, interest, and
depreciation are included.
Materials required:
SG: Business Mathematics by Franklin Niles
CRA textbook: Business Mathematics by
Miller, Salzman, and Clendenen

MTH2503 College Algebra (NM)

(3 credits)
Algebra is a method of
solving practical problems by
using symbols, usually
letters, for unknown
quantities. This course
addresses properties of
numbers, absolute values,
factoring, functions, linear
and nonlinear equations,
inequalities, exponentials, and logarithms.
Materials required:
IST: College Algebra by Sorbo
A scientific calculator is recommended.

MTH3303 Statistical
Techniques (NM)
(3 credits)
This course is a storehouse of methods for
using the techniques of statistics. There
are many techniques to be applied in the
use of statistics such as data and surveys,
sampling and classification, descriptive
statistics, probability, estimation and
confidence intervals and hypothesis
testing. All of these need to be understood
and applied correctly to accomplish the
many functions of statistical usage.
Materials required:
IST: Statistical Techniques by Don Tosh
A TI-30 IIS calculator


MUS1012 Fundamentals of
Music (HF)
(2 credits)
Fundamentals of Music is a study of the
value and function of music as an avenue
of human expression and ministry within
the church. The course develops basic
concepts of melody, musical style systems,
major and minor tonality, rhythm, and
harmony, along with the system of musical
notation. It also gives suggestions for the
development of a music program in the
church. Pastors and church music
directors are equipped to provide
leadership for a musical program that will
be effective in helping meet the spiritual
needs of people. The course emphasises
the use of music to glorify God. A digital
audio recording on CD is included with the
Materials required:

PSY3013 Introduction to
Psychology: A Christian
Perspective (SB)
(3 credits)
This course traces the
development of the science of
psychology to the beginning of
t h e t w e n t y - f i r s t c e n t u r y.
Students learn the basic
scientific principles and
methodologies of psychology
from a Christian perspective. This
interpretive study of psychology enhances
the students understanding of intrinsic
values, motivational responses,
relationships, and other psychological
concepts as they apply to all aspects of
Christian life and service.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Psychology by Raymond

IST: Fundamentals of Music by D. Tanner

PHl2013 Introduction to
Philosophy (SB)
(3 credits)
This introductory study in
philosophy will provide
students with a basic
understanding of the nature
and aims of philosophy. It will
acquaint them with some
representative philosophical
problems and current
philosophical issues, an
introduction to the methodology of
philosophical inquiry, and a list of some of
the terminology used in philosophical
Materials required:
SG: Introduction to Philosophy by Donald
CRA textbook: Living Issues in Philosophy
(9th ed.) by Titus, Smith and Nolan

REL2012 People and Their

Beliefs (SB)
(2 credits)
After the introduction to the concept of
religion, the course surveys ten of the
prominent living religions of the world:
Animism of the Majority World and
religions of India (Hinduism and Sikhism),
of East Asia (Taoism, Confucianism,
Buddhism, and Shintoism), and of the
Middle East (Judaism, Christianity, and
Islam). The course treats the origins,
development, tenets, and literature of each
and evaluates each in the light of Christian
concepts. The course concludes with an
analysis of the departure of heretical sects
from orthodox Christian principles.
Materials required:
IST: People and Their Beliefs by Wright

REL2013 People and Their

Beliefs (SB)
(3 credits)


ICI Theological College Australia

Undergraduate Course Descriptions

See description for REL2012 People and

Their Beliefs above. This course is the
same except that a CRA must be
completed. the textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: People and Their Beliefs by Wright
CRA textbook: Understanding New
Religious Movements (2nd ed.) by Saliba

SOC2012 Introduction to
Sociology (SB)
(2 credits)
It has long been recognized that
humankind does not stand alone. Mutual
dependency as a basic human
characteristic is the central topic of this
course. This view of people as social
beings gives the student an appreciation of
his or her need of others. The course is a
general survey course about the nature
and scope of sociology. Also included are
basic sociological methods and concepts.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Sociology by Koichi

SOC2013 Introduction to
Sociology (SB)
(3 credits)
See description for SOC1012 Introduction
to Sociology above. This course is the
same except that a CRA must be
completed. The textbook for the CRA is
listed under materials required.
Materials required:
IST: Introduction to Sociology by Koichi
CRA textbook: Society: Myths and Realities
by Thio

*80 Directed Reading

(2 or 3 credits)
This is a special study under the direction
of a Global University adviser in some
area of interest to the student that is
relevant to his or her academic program. A


proposal for the directed reading course,

detailing the books to be read and project
to be completed, must be submitted to the
International Office for approval by the
Dean of the Undergraduate School of
Bible and Theology. The course number
will vary by the division of study (Bible,
theology, church ministries, intercultural
studies, or general education) and the
credit hours assigned to the project.

*956 Thesis
(6 credits)
A bachelors thesis is written under the
direction of a Global University adviser.
Students must be within 6 credits of
completing all coursework required by the
degree programme before submitting their
thesis proposal. Students must submit
their enrolment for the thesis at the same
time as they submit the thesis proposal.
The thesis proposal must be developed by
the student and approved by the Dean of
the Undergraduate School of Bible and
Theology before enrolment in this course
is permitted. Once the thesis proposal is
approved, students will have 12 months to
submit the final copy of the thesis. Write to
your Global University director for information.
Note: Global University may use the thesis for
archives, research, and academic example
both in hard copy and electronic formats,
including posting the thesis on the Global
University Library website for use by students,
faculty, and other registered users. A student
has the option to grant written permission for
any purpose other than those listed. All other
copyright privileges relating to the thesis
belong to the student.
*The subject area of the directed reading or
thesis determines the prefix attached to the
special course number; for example, MIN80
would indicate a directed reading in the subject
area of ministry.


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