Hurricane-2006 12 46-53
Hurricane-2006 12 46-53
Hurricane-2006 12 46-53
ASCE 7-95
The next significant update of the U.S. wind provisions
appeared in ASCE 7-95which marked the first use of 3second gust wind speed, rather than fastest-mile wind
speed, as the basis of design.
The averaging time implicit in fastest-mile wind speed is
the period it takes for a mile of wind to pass through an
anemometer: typically between 30 and 60 seconds. Because
average wind velocity increases as the averaging time
decreases, the design wind speed increased for the vast
majority of the country from 70 miles per hour to 90 miles
per hour (in the west, roughly in the Pacific time zone, it
typically increased to 85 miles per hour). Adjustments were
made to key coefficients in order not to end up with significantly greater design wind pressures, including velocity
46 Building Safety Journal December 2006
ASCE 7-98
The basic wind-speed map given in ASCE 7-98 was updated based on revised analysis of hurricane wind speeds,
resulting in significantly lower design wind speeds in inland
The wind directionality factor, Kd, was also introduced in
ASCE 7-98 to address the practical fact that wind seldom
strikes along the most critical direction of a building because the wind direction changes from one instant to the
next. This had previously been accounted for by a relatively
low load factor of 1.3 on the effect of wind in strength
design load combinations, but the ASCE 7 Committee
received comments that engineers using allowable stress
design (ASD) could not factor in wind directionality. The
Committee responded by adding Kd = 0.85 to the definition
of wind pressure and adjusting the 1.3 load factor up to 1.6
for strength design. Note that a load factor of 1.53 (1.3/0.85)
would have maintained the status quo: the revision resulted
in an effective 5-percent increase under strength design,
whereas for ASD the result was a 15-percent decrease.
ASCE 7-02
The simplified design procedure (Method 1) was replaced
in ASCE 7-02 by a slightly modified version of that given
in Section 1609.6 of the 2000 International Building Code
(IBC). The IBC procedure was based on the low-rise analytical procedure of ASCE 7, and its applicability is broader
than that of ASCE 7-98.
ASCE 7-02 also required that a ground surface roughness
within each 45-degree sector be determined for a distance
upwind of the site. Three surface roughness categories were
defined, as shown in Table 1, and three exposure categories
were defined in terms of the three roughness categories, as
ASCE 7-05
Several changes were made in ASCE 7-05 to the set of conditions that must be met by a building for its MWFRS to be
qualified to be designed using Method 1. One was that the
restriction that a building not be subjected to topographic
effects was omitted, with topographic effects accounted for
by including a topographic effect factor in the calculation of
design wind pressure. The conditions that must be met for
building components and claddings to be designed using
Method 1 were not changed except for the lifting of the
restriction concerning topographic effects.
Under this latest edition of the standard, simplified design
wind pressures and net design wind pressures can be calculated for basic wind speeds of 105, 125 and 145 miles per
hour. A minimum criterion is specified for estimation of
basic wind speeds from regional wind data in special wind
regions, explicitly indicating that the estimated speeds can
be lower than those given in ASCE 7-05, Figure 6-1.
While ASCE 7-02 required Exposure D to extend inland
from the shoreline for a distance of 660 feet or 10 times the
height of a building, whichever was greater, ASCE 7-05
requires Exposure D to extend into downwind areas of
Surface Roughness B or C for a distance of 600 feet or 20
times the height of a building, whichever is greater. In addition, the multiplier of building height by which a certain
terrain category has to extend in the upwind and downwind
directions of a building for qualification of any Exposure
Category has changed from 10 to 20 and other controlling
distances are rounded off to the nearest 100 feet.
A definition of eve height is now provided. Footnote 8 of
Figure 6-10 (Low-Rise Analytical Procedure)which concerns delineation of the boundary between windward zone
pressures and leeward zone pressureshas been clarified.
Glazing in wind-borne debris regions that receives positive
external pressure can no longer be treated as an opening for
design purposes rather than making the glazing in the lower
60 feet of a buildings height impact-resistant or protected.
Other additions include design wind loads on open buildings with pitched or troughed roofs and provisions for
rooftop structures and equipment when roof height is less
than 60 feet.
Additional changes in ASCE 7-05 include revision of the
values of the Combined Net Pressure Coefficient from +1.8
and -1.1 to +1.5 and -1.0 for windward and leeward parapets, respectively; clarification of the application of the provisions for low-slope roofs; and an update of the design
wind loads on free-standing walls and solid signs. Design
wind loads on open buildings with monoslope roofs have
also been revised, and wind-borne debris requirements have
been clarified as being applicable to Method 3 (with the
requirements being the same as those for Method 2).
ANSI A58.1-1972 was adopted by reference in the 1978
edition of the NBC and retained in the 1981 and 1984 editions. ANSI A58.1-1982 was adopted in the 1987 edition
and retained in the 1990 edition. ASCE 7-88 was adopted in
the 1993 edition of the NBC and retained in the 1996 and
1999 editions.
ANSI A58.1-1972 was adopted by reference in the 1977
revision to the 1976 edition of the SBC, with the adopting
language subsequently appearing in the 1982 edition. Wind
design using ANSI A58.1-1972 was permitted only for oneand two-story structures provided the basic wind pressures
from SBC Table 1205.1 were used. Section 1206 of the
1982 SBC also adopted the MBMA Metal Building Systems
Manual as an alternate standard for the design of buildings
with flat, single-slope and gable-shaped roofs with a mean
roof height of 60 feet or less, provided the eave height did
not exceed the least horizontal dimension of the building.
The 1985 SBC allowed three wind design procedures.
Two of the procedures were given in Section 1205, Wind
Loads, and the third in Section 1206, Alternate Wind Loads
for Low Rise Buildings. The first option allowed under
(continued on page 50)
Through its 1979 edition, the wind design provisions of the
UBC were based on the predecessor document to ANSI
A58.1-1972: ANSI A58.1-1955.
The wind design provisions in the 1982 edition of the UBC
were based on ANSI A58.1-1972 with a simplified calculation
procedure, but important changes proposed for ANSI A58.11982 were incorporated. Few significant changes were made
in the 1985 and 1988 editions of the code.
The 1991 UBC wind design provisions were based on
ASCE 7-88 with a simplified calculation procedure. Minor
changes were made in the 1994 edition, and none in the
1997 edition.
The 2000 edition of the IBC adopted ASCE 7-98 for wind
design, with the exclusion of Method 1. Section 1609.6 provided a simplified design procedure based on the low-rise
analytical procedure of ASCE 7-98 Method 2 and applicable only to simple diaphragm buildings as defined in the
code. For qualifying residential buildings free of topographic effects, the SBCCI deemed-to-comply standard
SSTD 10-99, Standard for Hurricane Resistant Residential
Construction, or American Forest & Paper Association
Wood Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) were also
allowed. The 2000 edition of the code also added an alternative method of providing opening protection in one- and
two-story buildings, included a conversion table between
fastest-mile wind speed and 3-second gust wind speed, and
provided an optional design procedure for rigid tile roof
The 2003 edition of the IBC adopted ASCE 7-02 for wind
design. A simplified design procedure for simple diaphragm
buildings was still provided in Section 1609.6, but it was
now very close to ASCE 7-02 Method 1 becauseas previously notedASCE 7-02 employed the simplified design
procedure given in 2000 IBC Section 1609.6 with some
modifications. Qualifying residential buildings free of topographic effects could still be designed using SSTD 10 or
WFCM. The alternative method of providing opening protection in one- and two-story buildings, the conversion table
between fastest-mile wind speed and 3-second gust wind
speed, and the optional design procedure for rigid tile roof
coverings remained essentially unchanged.
The 2006 IBC has adopted ASCE 7-05 for wind design.
Although simplified wind design is no longer in the code,
it is permitted by reference to the ASCE standard and
qualifying residential buildings free of topographic effects
can still be designed using SSTD 10 or WFCM. The alternative method of providing opening protection in one- and
two-story buildings is also retained in a modified form as
well as a revised conversion table between fastest-mile wind
speed and 3-second gust wind speed. The optional design
procedure for rigid tile roof coverings remains unchanged.
(continued on page 52)