Josephson Abduction

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some of its relationships with other traditionally recognized forms of inference. This is followed in chapter 2 by an orientation to our view of AI as a
science and to . . <?ur_apprpach to buildin_g knowledge systems. The remainder
of the book traces the development of Six generations of abduction machines
and describes some of the discoveries that we made about the dynamic logic
of abduction.

Conceptual analysis of abduction

What is abduction?

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Abduction, or inference to the best explanation, is a form of inference that

goes from data describing something to a hypothesis that best explains or
accounts for the data. Thus abduction is a kind of theory-forming or interpretive inference. The philosopher and logician Charles Sanders Peirce ( 18391914) contended that there occurs in science and in everyday life a distinctive pattern of reasoning wherein explanatory hypotheses are formed and
accepted. He called this kind of reasoning "abduction."
In their popular textbook on artificial intelligence (AI}, Charniak and
McDermott ( 1985) characterize abduction variously as modus ponens turned
backward, inferring the cause of something, generation of explanatioils for
what we see around us, and inference to the best explanation. They Write
that medical diagnosis, story understanding, vision, and understanding natural
language are all abductive processes. Philosophers have written of "inference to the best explanation" (Harman, 1965) and "the explanatory inference" (Lycan, 1988). Psychologists have found "explanation-based" evidence
evaluation in the decision-making processes of juries in law courts
(Pennington & Hastie, 1988).
We take abduction to be a distinctive kind of inference that follows this
pattern pretty nearly: 1

D is a collection of data (facts, observations, givens).

H explains D (would, if true, explain D ).
No o~her hypothesis can explain D as well as H does.
Therefore, His probably true.
The core idea is that a body of data provides evidence for a hypothesis that
satisfactorily explains or accounts for that data (or at least it provides evidence if the hypothesis is better than explanatory alternatives).
Abductions appear everywhere in the un-self-conscious reasonings, !nterThis chapter was written by John R. Josephson, except the second section on diagnosis,
which was written by Michael C. Tanner and John R. Josephson.


pretations, and perceivings of ordinary life and in the more critically selfaware reasonings upon which scientific theories are based. Sometimes abductions are deliberate, such as when the physician, or the mechanic, or the
scientist, or the detective forms hypotheses explicitly and evaluates them to
find the best explanation. Sometimes abductions are more perceptual, such
as when we separate foreground from background planes in a scene, thereby
inaking sense of the disparities between the images formed from the two
eyes, or when we understand the meaning of a sentence and thereby explain
the presence and order of the words.
Abduction in ordinary life
Abductive reasoning is quite ordinary and commonsensical. For example, as
Harman (I 965) pointed out, when we infer from a person's behavior to some
fact about her mental state, we are inferring that the fact explains the behavior better than some other competing explanation does. Consider this specimen of ordinary reasoning:
JoE: Why are you pulling into the filling station?

Because the gas tank is nearly empty.

JoE: What makes you think so?

Because the gas gauge indicates nearly empty. Also, I have no reason to
think that the gauge is broken, and it has been a long time since I filled the tank.


Uiider the circuriistarices, the nearly empty gas tank is the best available
explanation for the gauge indication. Tidmarsh's other remarks can be understood as being directed to ruling out a possible competing explanation
(brnken gauge) and supporting the plausibility of the preferred explanation.
Consider another example of abductive reasoning: Imagine that one day you
are driving your car, and you notice the car behind you because of its peculiar
shade of bright yellow. You make two turns along your accustomed path home. ward and then notice that the yellow car is still behind you, but now it is a little
farther away. Suddenly, you remember something that you left at the office and
decide to turn around and go back for it. You execute several complicated manetivers to reverse your direction and return to the office. A few minutes later
you notice the. same yellow car behind you. You conceive the hypothesis that
you .are being followed, but you cannot imagine any reason why this should be
so that seems to have any significant degree of likelihood. So, you again reverse
direction, and observe that the yellow car is still behind you. You conclude that
you are indeed being followed (reasons unknown) by the person in the dark
glasSes in the yellow car. There is no other plausible way to explain why the car
remains continually behind you. The results of your experiment of reversing
direction a second time served to rule out alternative explanations, such as that
the other driver's first reversal of direction was a coincidence of changing plans
at the same time.

Conceptual analysis of abduction

Harman (1965) gave a strikingly insightful analysis of law court testimony, which argues that when we infer that a witness is telling the truth, we
are using best-explanation reasoning. According to Harman our inference
goes as follows:
(i) We infer that he says what he does because he believes it.

(ii) We infer that he believes what he does because he actually did witness the
situation which he describes.

Our confidence in the testimony is based on our conclusions about the

most plausible explanation for that testimony. Our confidence fails if we
come to think that there is some other plausible explanation for his testimony - for example, that he stands to gain from our believing him. Here,
too, we see the same pattern of reasoning from observations to a hypothesis
that explains those observations - not simply to a possible explanation, but
to the best explanation for the observations in contrast with alternatives.
In Winnie-the-Pooh (Milne, I 926) Pooh says:
It had RUNNY written on it, but, just to make sure, he took off the paper cover and

looked at it, and it looked just like honey. "But you never can tell," said Pooh. "I
remember my uncle saying once that he had seen cheese just this colour." So he put
his tongue in, and took a large lick. (pp. 61-62)

Pooh's hypothesis is that the substance in the jar is honey, and he has two
pieces of evidence to substantiate his hypothesis: It looks like honey, and
"bunny" is written on the jar. How can this be explained except by supposing that the substance is honey? He considers an alternative hypothesis: It
might be cheese. Cheese has been observed to have this color, so the cheese
hypothesis offers another explanation for the color of the substance in the
jar. So, Pooh (conveniently dismissing the evidence of the label) actively
seeks evidence that would distinguish between the hypotheses. He performs
a test, a crucial experiment. He takes a sample.
The characteristic reasoning processes of fictional detectives have also
been characterized as abduction (Sebeok & Umiker-Sebeok, I 983). To use
another example from Hannan (1965), when a detective puts the evidence
together and decides that the culprit must have been the butler, the detective
is reasoning that no other explanation that accounts for all the facts is plausible enough or simple enough to be accepted. Truzzi ( 1983) alleges that at
least 217 abductions can be found in the Sherlock Holmes canon.
"There is no great mystery in this matter," he said, taking the cup of tea which I had
poured out for him; "the facts appear to admit of only one explanation."
- Sherlock Holmes (Doyle, I 890, p. 620)

Abduction in science

Abductions are common in scientific reasoning on large and small scales.2

The persuasiveness of Newton's theory of gravitation was enhanced by its


Conceptual analysis of abduction

ability to explain not only the motion of the planets, but also the occurrence
of the tides. In On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection
Darwin presented what amounts to an extended argument for natural selection as the best hypothesis for explaining the biological and fossil evidence
at hand. Harman (1965) again: when a scientist infers the existence of atoms
and subatomic particles, she is inferring the truth of an explanation for her
various data. Science News (Peterson, 1990) reported the attempts of astronomers to explain a spectacular burst of X rays from the globular cluster
MIS on the edge of the Milky Way. In this case the inability of the scientists
to come up with a satisfactory explanation cast doubt on how well astronomers understand what happens when a neutron star accretes matter from an
orbiting companion star. Science News (Monastersky, 1990) reported attempts
to explain certain irregular blocks of black rock containing fossilized plant
matter. The best explanation appears to be that they are dinosaur feces.
Abduction ond history
Knowledge of the historical past also rests on abductions. Peirce (quoted in
Fann, 1970) cites one example:
Numberless documents refer to a conqueror called Napoleon Bonaparte. Though we
have not seen the man, yet we cannot explain what we have seen, namely, all those
documents and monuments without supposing that he really existed. (p. 21)


One reason is that although the explanatory hypotheses in abduction can be

simple, more typically they are composite, multipart hypotheses. A scientific theory is typically a composite with many separate parts holding together in various ways, 3 and so is our understanding of a sentence and our
judgment of a law case. However, no feasible information-processing strategy can afford to explicitly consider all possible combinations of potentially usable theory parts, since the number of combinations grows exponentially with the number of parts available (see chapter 7). Reasonably sized
problem,s would take cosmological amounts of time. So, one must typically
adopt a strategy that avoids generating all possible explainers. Prescreening
theory fragments to remove those that are implausible under the circumstances makes it possible to radically restrict the potential combinations that
can be generated, and thus goes a long way towards taming the combinatorial explosion. However, because such a strategy mixes critical evaluation
into the hypothesis-generation process, this strategy does not allow a clear
separation between the process of coming up with explanatory hypotheses
and the process of acceptance. Thus, computationally, it seems best not to
neatly separate generation and acceptance. We take abduction to include the
whole process of generation, criticism, and possible acceptance of explanatory hypotheses.
Diagnosis and abductive justification

Abduction and language

Language understanding is another process of forming and accepting explanatory hypotheses. Consider the written sentence, "The man sew the rat
eating the corn." The conclusion seems inescapable that there has been some
sort of mistake in the third word "sew" and that somehow the "e" has improperly replaced an "a." If we are poor at spelling, or if we read the sentence rapidly, we may leap to the "saw" reading without even noticing that
we have not dealt with the fact of the "e." Taking the "saw" reading demands our acceptance so strongly that it can cause us to overturn the direct
evidence of the letters on the page, and to append a hypothesis of a mistake,
rather than accept the hypothesis of a nonsense sentence.
The process of abduction
Sometimes a distinction has been made between an initial process of coming up with explanatorily useful hypothesis alternatives and a subsequent
process of critical evaluation wherein a decision is made as to which explanation is best. Sometimes the term "abduction" has been restricted to the
hypothesis-generation phase. In this book, we use the term for the whole
process of generation, criticism, and acceptance of explanatory hypotheses.

In this section we show by example how the abductive inference pattern can
be used simply and directly to des.cribe diagnostic reasoning and its justifications.
In AI, diagnosis is often described as an abduction problem (e.g., Peng &
Reggia, 1990). Diagnosis can be viewed as producing an explanation that
best accounts for the patient's (or device's) symptoms. The idea is th~t the
task of a diagnostic reasoner is to come up with a best explanation for the
symptoms, which are typically those findings for the case that show abnormal values. The explanatory hypotheses appropriate for diagnosis are malfunction hypotheses: typically disease hypotheses for plants and animals
and broken-part hypotheses for mechanical systems.
The diagnostic task is to find a malfunction, or set of malfunctions, that
best explains the symptoms. More specifically, a diagnostic conclusion should
explain the symptoms, it should be plausible, and it should be significantly
better than alternative explanations. (The terms "explain," "plausible," and
"better" remain undefined for now.)
Taking diagnosis as abduction determines the classes of questions th~t are
fair to ask of a diagnostician. It also suggests that computer-based diagnostic systems should be designed to make answering such questions straightforward.


Conceptual analysis of abduction



Hypotheses were incorrectly judged to be implausible. Perhaps venous congestion should have been considered more plausible than it was, due to faulty
knowledge or missing evidence.
4a. Hypotheses were incorrectly thought not to explain important findings. For
example, .obstruction might explain findings that the physician thought it could
not, possibly because the physician had faulty knowledge.
4b. The diagnostic conclusion was incorrectly thought to explain the findings.
Neoplasm might not explain the findings, due to faulty knowledge or to overlooking important findings.
5a. The diagnostic conclusion was incorrectly thought to be better than it was.
Neoplasm might have been overrated, due to faulty knowledge or missing
5b. The true answer was underrated, due to faulty knowledge or missing evidence.

Consider the example of liver disease diagnosis given by Harvey and

Bordley (1972, pp. 299-302). In this case the physician organized the differential (the set of alternative hypotheses) around hepatomegaly (enlarged
liver), giving five categories of possible causes of hepatomegaly: venous
c9ngestion of the liver, obstruction of the common duct, infection of the
liver, diffuse hepatomegaly without infection, and neoplasm (tumor) of the
liver. He then proceeded to describe the eyidence for and against each hypOthesis. Venous congestion of the liver was ruled out because none of its
important symptoms were present. Obstruction of the common duct was
judged to be unlikely because it would not explain certain important findings, and many expected symptoms were not present. Various liver infections were judged to be explanatorily irrelevant because certain important
findings could not be explained this way. Other liver infections were ruled
oUt because expected consequences failed to appear, although one type of
infection seemed somewhat plausible. Diffuse hepatomegaly without infection was considered explanatorily irrelevant because, by itself, it would not
be sufficient to explain the degree of liver enlargement. Neoplasm was considered to be plausible and would adequately explain all the important findings. Finally, the physician concluded the following:

Many questions to the diagnostician can be seen as indicating ways in

which the answer may be wrong, each question suggesting an error of a
particular type. An answer to such a question should convince the questioner that the diagnosis is not mistaken in that way.
Returning to the example, if the physician were asked, "What makes venous
congestion implausible?" he might answer:
This patient exhibited no evidence of circulatory congestion or obstruction of the
hepatic veins or vena cava ....

The real choice here seems to lie between an infection of the liver and neoplasm of
the liver. It seems to me that the course of the illness is compatible with a massive
hepatoma [neoplasm of the liver] and that the hepatomegaly, coupled with the biochemical findings, including the moderate degree of jaundice, are best explained by
this diagnosis.

thus trying to convince the questioner that venous congestion was correctly
ruled out. If asked, "Why not consider some toxic hepatic injury?" the physician could reply:
[It would not] seem to compete with a large hepatoma in explaining the massive
hepatomegaly, the hypoglycemia, and the manifestations suggestive of infection.

Notice the form of the argument:

thus trying to convince the questioner that the differential is broad enough.
Interestingly, in this case Bordley's diagnosis was wrong. Autopsy revealed
that the patient actually had cancer of the pancreas. (To be fair, the autopsy
also found tumors in the liver, but pancreatic cancer was considered the
primary illness.) One significant finding in the case was elevated amylase,
which is not explained by neoplasm of the liver. So, if we asked the physician, "How do you account for the sharply elevated amylase?" his only possible reply would be:

1. There is a finding that must be explained (hepatomegaly).

2. The finding might be explained in a number of ways (venous congestion of
the liver, obstruction of the common duct, infection of the liver, diffuse
hepatomegaly without infection, and neoplasm of the liver).
3. Some of these ways are judged to be implausible because expected consequences do not appear (venous congestion of the liver).
4. Some ways are judged to be irrelevant or implausible because they do not
explain important findings (obstruction of the common duct, diffuse
hepatomegaly without infection).
5. Of the plausible explanations that remain (infection of the liver, neoplasm of
the liver), the best (neoplasm of the liver) is the diagnostic conclusion.


The argument is an abductive justification for the diagnostic conclusion.

Suppose the conclusion turned out to be wrong. What could have happened to the true answer? That is, why was the true, or correct, answer not
the best explanation? This could only have happened for one or more of the
following reasons:


The diagnosis was inadequate because it failed to account for all the important findings (item 4b in the previous numbered list).
This analysis tells us that if we build an expert system and claim that it
does diagnosis, we can expect it to be asked certain questions. These are the
only questions that are fair to ask simply because it is a diagnostic system.
Other questions would not be about diagnosis per se. These other questions
might include requests for definitions of terms, exam-like questions that
check the system's knowledge about some important fact, and questions about

There was something wrong with the data such that it really did not need to be
explained. In this case, hepatomegaly might not have actually been present.
The differential was not broad enough. There might be causes of hepatomegaly
that were unknown to the physician, or that were overlooked by him.




the implications of the diagnostic conclusion for treatment. Thus, the idea

Conceptual analysis of abduction


of abductive justification gives rise to a model of dialogue between the di-

ety of possible explanations but cannot be sure that we have covered all
plausibles. Under these circumstances we can assert a proposition of the

agnostician and the client. It defines a set of questions that any person, or

form of the first premise of the syllogism, but assert it only with a kind of

machine, claiming to do diagnosis should be prepared to answer.

qualified confidence. Typically, too, alternative explanations can be discounted for one reason or another but not decisively ruled out. Thus abductive
inferences, in a way, rely on this particular deductively valid inference form,
but abductions are conclusive only in the limit.

Of course disjunctive syllogism fits any decision by enumeration of.alternatives and exclusion, not just abductions (where explanatory alterna_tives
are considered). From this it can be seen that abduction cannot be idenJified
with disjunctive syllogism.

One power of this analysis lies in controlling for error, in making explicit
the ways in which the conclusion can be wrong. A challenging question
implies that the questioner thinks that the answer might be wrong and that
the questioner needs to be convinced that it is not. A proper answer will
reassure the questioner that the suspected error has not occurred.
Doubt and certainty
Inference and logic
Inferences are movements of thought within the sphere ofbelief. 4 The function of inference is the acceptance (or sometimes rejection) of propositions
on the basis of purported evidence. Yet, inferences are not wholly or merely

psychological; there may be objective relationships of evidential support

(or its absence) between propositions that have nothing much to do with
whether anyone thinks of them. Thus a science of evidential relationships is
possible that has very little to do with empirical psychology. This science is
logic in the broad sense.

Deduction and abduction

Deductions support their conclusions in such a way that the conclusions
must be true, given true premises; they convey conclusive evidence. Other
forms of evidential support are not so strong, and though significant support
for a conclusion may be given, a possibility of error remains. Abductions are

of this kind; they are fallible inferences.

Consider the following logical form, commonly called disjunctive syllogism.
PorQorRorSor ...
But not-Q, not-R, not-S, ...
Therefore, P.
This form is deductively valid. Moreover, the support for an abductive
conclusion fits this form if we assert that we have exhaustively enumerated

all possible explanations for the data and that all but one of the alternative
explanations has been decisively ruled out. Typically, however, we will have
reasons to believe that we have considered all plausible explanations (i.e.,
those that have a significant chance of being true), but these reasons stop
short of being conclusive. We may have struggled to formulate a wide vari-

Ampliative inference
Like inductive generalizations, abductions are ampliative inferences; that is, at
the end of an abductive process, having accepted a best explanation, we -may
have more information than we had before. The abduction transcends the information of its premises and generates new information that was not previously
encoded there at all. This can be contrasted with deductions, which can be thought
of as extracting, explicitly in their conclusions, information that was already
implicitly contained in the premises. Deductions are truth preserving, whereas
successful abductions may be said to be truth producing.
This ampliative reasoning is sometimes done by introducing new vocabulary in the conclusion. For example, when we abd~ce that the patient. has
hepatitis because hepatitis is the only plausible way-to explain the jaundice,
we have introduced into the conclusion a new term, "hepatitis," which is
from the vocabulary of diseases and not part of the vocabulary of symptoms.
By introducing this term, we make conceptual connections with the typical
progress of the disease, and ways to treat it, that were unavailable before.
Whereas valid deductive inferences cannot contain terms in their co~clu
sions that do not occur in their premises, abductions can "interpret" the given
data in a new vocabulary. Abductions can thus make the leap from "observation language" to "theory language."

Doubt and hesitation

An abductive process aims at a satisfactory explanation, one that can be
confidently accepted. However it may be accompanied in the end with some
explicit qualification, for example, some explicit degree of assurance or s9me
doubt. One main form of doubt is just hesitation from being aware o( the
possibility of alternative explanations. Classicaily, this is just how Descartes
generates doubts about knowledge from the senses: Alternative explanations
to the usual interpretations of sensory information are that we are dreaming
or that we are being deceived by a very powerful and evil demon (Descartes,

1641). Since low-plausibility alternative explanations can be generated indefinitely, doubt cannot be completely eliminated.
On the way to a satisfactory explanation, an abductive process might seek
further information beyond that given in the data initially to be explained.
For example, there may be a need to distinguish between explanatory alternatives; for help in forming hypotheses; or for help in evaluating them. Often abductive processes are not immediately concluded, but are suspended
to wait for answers from information-seeking processes. Such suspensions
cif processing can last a very long time. Years later, someone may say, "So
that's why she never told me. I was always puzzled about that." Centuries
later we may say, "So that's the secret of inheritance. It's based on making
copies of long molecules that encode hereditary information."
Abductive conclusions: likelihood and acceptance

As we said earlier, abductions follow approximately this pattern:

D is a collection of data.
H explains D.

No other hypotheSis can explain D as well as H does.

Therefore, H is probably true.
The judgment oflikelihood associated with an abductive conclusion should
depend on the following considerations (as it typically does in the inferences we actually nl.ake):
1. how decisively H surpasses the alternatives5
2. how good His by itself, independently of considering the alternatives (we
should be cautious about accepting a hypothesis, even if it is clearly the best
one we have; if it is not sufficiently plausible in itself)
3. judgments of the reliability of the data
4. how much confidence there is that all plausible explanations have been considered (how thorough was the search for alternative explanations ). 6
Beyond the judgment of its likelihood, willingness to accept the conclusion should (and typically does) depend on:
1. pragmatic considerations, including the costs of being wrong and the benefits
of being right
2. how strong the need is to come to a conclusion at all, especially considering
the possibility of seeking further evidence before deciding.
This theory of abduction is an evaluative theory, offering standards for
judging reasoning patterns. It is also a descriptive and explanatory theory
for human and computer reasoning processes that provides a way of analyzing these processes in functional terms, of showing what they accomplish,
of showing how they manifest good reasoning (i.e., intelligence).

Best explanation: Compared with what?

There is some ambiguity in the abductive inference pattern as we have described it. What is the set of explanatory hypotheses of which H is the best?
Perhaps this premise should say, "No other available hypothesis can explain
D as well as H does. " 7 The set of alternatives might be thought of so narrowly as lo include just those hypotheses that one thinks of immediately, or
so broadly as to include all the hypotheses that can in principle be formulated. Construed broadly, it would include the true explanation, which would
of course be best, but then the whole inference form would seem to be trivial.
Yet it appears that the force of the abdi.Ictive inference depends on an
evaluation that ranges over all possible hypotheses, or at least a set o( them
large enough to guarantee that it includes the true one. If we think that there
is a significant chance that there is a better explanation, even one that we
have not thought of, that we cannot think of, or that is completely unavailable to us, then we should not make the inference and normally would not.
After all, an unavailable hypothesis might be the true one. It is quite
unpersuasive for me to try to justify a conclusion by saying, "It is likely to
be true because I couldn't think of a better explanation." That I could not
think of a better explanation is some evidence that there is no better explanation, depending on how we judge my powers of imagination and my powers of evaluating hypotheses, but these are just evidential considerations in
making the judgment that there is not (anywhere) a better explanation. We
should (and do) make the inferential leap when we judge that "no other
hypothesis can explain D as well as H does." Unqualified.
In one sense the best explanation is the true one. But, having no independent access to which explanatory hypothesis is true, the reasoner can only
assert judgments of best based on considerations such as plausibility and
explanatory power. The reasoner is, in effect, presuming that the best explanation based on these considerations is the one most likely to be true. If we
challenge an abductive justification by asking what the grounds are for judging that a particular hypothesis is best, then we properly get an answer in
terms of what is wrong with alternative explanations and what is the evidence that all plausible explanations have been considered (all those with a
significant chance of being true). The inference schema as stated in this
chapter is not trivial, even though it ranges over all possible relevant hypotheses, because best is not directly a judgment of truth but instead a summary judgment of accessible explanatory virtues.

Emergent certainty

Abductions often display emergent certainty; that is, the conclusion of an

abduction can have, and be deserving of, more certainty than any of its premises. This is unlike a deduction, which is no stronger than the weakest of



its links (although separate deductions can converge for parallel support).
For example, I may be more sure of the bear's hostile intent than of any of the
details of its hostile gestures; I may be more sure of the meaning of the sentence
than of my initial identifications of any of the words; I may be more sure of the
overall theory than of the reliability of any single experiment on which it is
based. Patterns emerge from individual points where no single point is essential
to recognizing the pattern. A signal extracted and reconstructed from a noisy
channel may lead to a message, the wording of which, or even more, the intent
of which, is more certain than any of its parts.
This can be contrasted with traditional empiricist epistemology, which
does not allow for anything to be more certain than the observations (except
maybe tautologies) since everything is supposedly built up from the observations by deduction and inductive generalization. But a pure generalization is always somewhat risky, and its conclusion is less certain than its
premises. "All goats are smelly" is less certain than any given "This goat is
smelly." With only deductive logic and generalization available, empirical
knowledge appears as a pyramid whose base is particular experiments or
sense perceptions, and where the farther up you go, the more general you
get, and the less certain. Thus, without some form of certainty-increasing
inference, such as abduction, traditional empiricist epistemology is unavoidably committed to a high degree of skepticism about all general theories of
Knowledge without certainty
The conclusion of an abduction is "logically justified" by the force of the
abductive argument. If the abductive argument is strong, and if one is persuaded by the argument to accept the conclusion, and if, beyond that, the
conclusion turns out to be correct, then one has attained justified, true, belief, the classical philosophical conditions of knowledge, that date back to
Plato. 8 Thus abductions are knowledge producing inferences despite their
fallibility. Although we can never be entirely sure of an abductive conclusion, if the conclusion is indeed true, we may be said to "know" that conclusion. Of course, without independent knowledge that the conclusion is true,
we do not "know that we know," but that is the usual state of our knowledge.
Summary: Abductions are fallible, and doubt cannot be completely eliminated. Nevertheless, by the aid of abductive inferences, knowledge is possible even in the face of uncertainty.
Explanations give causes
There have been two main traditional attempts to analyze explanations as
deductive proofs, neither attempt particularly successful.Aristotle maintained
that an explanation is a syllogism of a certain form (Aristotle c. 350 B.C.)

Conceptual analysis of abduction


that also satisfies various informal conditions, one of which is that the "middle
term" of the syllogism is the cause of the thing being explained. (B is the
middle term of "All A are B ; All Bare C; Therefore, All A are C .") More
recently (considerably) Hempel (1965) modernized the logic and proposed
the "covering law" or "deductive nomological" model of explanation. 9 The
main difficulty with these accounts (besides Hempel 's confounding the question of what makes an ideally good explanation with the question of what it
is to explain at all) is that being a deductive proof is neither necessary nor
sufficient for being an explanation. Consider the following:

Why does he have burns on his hand?

He sneezed while cooking pasta and upset the pot.


The point of this example is that an explanation is given but no deductive

proof, and although it could be turned into a deductive proof by including
additional propositions, this would amount to gratuitously completing what
is on the face of it an incomplete explanation. Under the circumstance:s (incompletely specified) sneezing and upsetting the pot were presumably causally sufficient for the effect, but this is quite different from being logically
The case that explanations are not necessarily deductive proofs beComes
even stronger if we consider psychological explanations and explanations
that are fundamentally statistical (e.g., where quantum phenomena a_i"e involved). In these cases it is clear that causal determinism cannot be ass4med,
so the antecedent conditions cannot be assumed to be even causally sufficient for the effects. Conversely, many deductive proofs fail to be explanations of anything. For example classical mechanics is deterministic and time
reversible, so an earlier state of a system can be deduced from a later state,
but the earlier state cannot be said to be explained thereby. Also, q can be
deduced from "p and q " but is not thereby explained.
Thus, we conclude that explanations are not deductive proofs in anf particularly interesting sense. Although they can often be presented in the form
of deductive proofs, doing so does not succeed in capturing anything essential or especially useful and tends to confuse causation with logical implication.
An alternative view is that an explanation is an assignment of causal responsibility; it tells a causal story. Finding possible explanations is finding
possible causes of the thing to be explained. It follows that abduction, as a
process of reasoning to an explanation, is a process of reasoning from effect
to cause.
Cause for abduction may be understood somewhat more broadly than its
usual senses of mechanical or efficient or event-event causation. 10 To get
some idea of a more expanded view of causation, consider the four kinds of
causes according to Aristotle: efficient cause, material cause, final cause,


Conceptual analysis of abduction


and fonnal cause (Aristotle, Physics , bk. 2, chap. 3). Let us take the example of my coffee mug. The efficient cause is the process by which the
mug was manufactured and helps explain such things as why there are ripples
on the surface of the bottom. The material cause is the ceramic and glaze,
which compose the mug and cause it to have certain gross properties such as
hardness. The final cause is the end or purpose, in this case to serve as a
container for liquids and as a means of conveyance for drinking. A finalcause explanation is needed to explain the presence and shape of the handle.
Formal cause is somewhat more mysterious - Aristotle is hard to interpret
here - but it is perhaps something like the mathematical properties of the
shape, which impose constraints resulting in certain specific other properties. That the cross-section of the mug, viewed from above, is approximately
a circle, explains why the length and width of the cross-section are approximately equal. The causal story told by an abductive explanation might rely
on any of these four types of causation. 11
When we conclude that a finding f is explained by hypothesis H, we say
more than just that H is a cause off in the case at hand. We conclude that
among all th~ vas~ causal ancestry off we will assign responsibility to H.
Typically, our reasons for focusing on Hare pragmatic and connected rather
directly with goals of production or prevention. We blame the heart attack
on the blood clot in the coronary artery or on the high-fat diet, depending on
: our interests. Perhaps we should explain the patient's death by pointing out
that the patient was born, so what else can you expect but eventual death?
We can blame the disease on the invading organism, on the weakened im. mune system that permitted the invasion, or on the wound that provided the
'route of entry into the body. We can blame the fire on the presence of the
combustibles, on the presence of the spark, or even on the presence of the
oxygen, depending on which we think is the most remarkable. I suggest that
it comes down to this: The things that will satisfy us as accounting for /will
depend on why we are trying to account for f; but the only things that count
as candidates are parts of what we take to be the causal ancestry off


Harman (1965) argued that "inference to the best explanation" (i.e., abduction) is the basic form of nondeductive inference, subsuming "enumerative induction" and all other forms of nondeductive inferences as special
cases. Harman argued quite convincingly that abduction subsumes sampfeto-population inferences (i.e., inductive generalizations [this is my way of
putting the matter]). The weakness of his overall argument was that other
forms of nondeductive inference are not seemingly subsumed by abduction,
most notably population-to-sample inferences, a kind of prediction. The main
problem is that the conclusion of a prediction does not explain anything, so
the inference cannot be an inference to a best explanation.
This last point, and others, were taken up by Ennis (1968). In his reply to
Ennis, instead of treating predictions as deductive, or admitting them as a
distinctive form of inference not reducible to abduction, Harman took the
dubious path of trying to absorb predictions, along with a quite reasonable
idea of abductions, into the larger, vaguer, and less reasonable notion of
"maximizing explanatory coherence" (Harman, 1968). In this I think Harman
made a big mistake, and it will be my job to repair and defend Harman's
original arguments, which were basically sound, although they proved somewhat less than he thought.


Inductive generalization

First, I will argue that it is possible to treat every good (i.e., reasonable,
valid) inductive generalization as an instance of abduction. An inductive
generalization is an inference that goes from the characteristics of some
observed sample of individuals to a conclusion about the distribution of those
characteristics in some larger population. As Harman pointed out, it is useful to describe inductive generalizations as abductions because it helps to
make clear when the inferences are warranted. Consider the following inference:
All observed A's are B's


Therefore All A's are B's


view was that induction, deduction, and abduction are three distinct
of inference, although as his views developed, the boundaries shifted
somewhat, and he occasionally introduced hybrid forms such as "abductive
induction" (Peirce, 1903). In this section I hope to clear up the confusion
about the relationship of abduction to induction. First I argue that inductive
ge.neralizations can be insightfully analyzed as special cases of abductions.
I also argue that predictions are a distinctive form of inference, that they are
not abductions, and that they are sometimes deductive, but typically not.
The result is a new classification of basic inference types.


This inference is warranted, Harman (1965) writes," ... whenever the hypothesis that all A's are B's is (in the light of all the evidence) a better,
simpler, more plausible (and so forth) hypothesis than is the hypothesis, say,
that someone is biasing the observed sample in order to make us think that
all A's are B's. On the other hand, as soon as the total evidence makes some
other competing hypothesis plausible, one may not infer from the past correlation in the observed sample to a complete correlation in the total population."



If this is indeed an abductive inference, then "All A's are B's" should explain "All observed A's are B's." But, "All A's are B's" does not seem to
explain why "This A is a B," or why A and B are regularly associated (as
pointed out by Ennis, 1968). Furthermore, I suggested earlier that explanations give causes, but it is hard to see how a general fact could explain its
instances, because it does not seem in any way to cause them.
The story becomes much clearer if we distinguish between an event of
observing some fact and the fact observed. What the general statement in
the conclusion explains is the events of observing, not the facts observed.
For example, suppose I choose a ball at random (arbitrarily) from a large hat
containing colored balls. The ball I choose is red. Does the fact that all of
the balls in the hat are red explain why this particular ball is red? No. But it
does explain why, when I chose a ball at random, it turned out to be a red
one (because they all are). "All A's are B's" cannot explain why "This A is a
B" because it does not say anything at all about how its being an A is connected with its being a B. The information that "they all are" does not tell
me anything about why this one is, except it suggests that if I want to know
why this one is, I would do well to figure out why they all are.
A generalization helps to explain the events of observing its instances,
but it does not explain the instances themselves. That the cloudless, daytime
sky is blue helps explain why, when I look up, I see the sky to be blue (but it
doesn't explain why the sky is blue). The truth of "Theodore reads ethics
books a lot" helps to explain why, so often when I have seen him, he has
been reading an ethics book (but it doesn't explain why he was reading ethics books on those occasions). Seen this way, inductive generalization does
have the form of an inference whose conclusion explains its premises.
Generally, we can say that the frequencies in the larger population, together with the frequency-relevant characteristics of the method for drawing a sample, explain the frequencies in the observed sample. In particular,
"A's are mostly B's" together with "This sample of A's was drawn without
regard to whether or not they were B's" explain why the A's that were drawn
were mostly B's.
Why were 61 % of the chosen balls yellow?
Because the balls were chosen more or less randomly from a population that was
two thirds yellow (the difference from 2/3 in the sample being due to chance).

Alternative explanation for the same observation:

Because the balls were chosen by a selector with a bias for large balls from a population that was only one third yellow but where yellow balls tend to be larger than
non yellow ones.

How do these explain? By giving a causal story.

What is explained is (always) some aspect of an event/being/state, not a
whole event/being/state itself. In this example just the frequency of charac-

(,'onceptuat analysis oj abduction


teristics in the sample is explained, not why these particular balls are yellow
or why the experiment was conducted on Tuesday. The explanation explains
why the sample frequency was the way it was, rather than having some markedly different value. In general, if there is a deviation in the sample from
what you would expect, given the population and the sampling method, then
you have to throw some Chance into the explanation (which is more or less
plausible depending on how much chance you have to suppose ). 12
The objects of explanation - what explanations explain - are facts about
the world (more precisely, always an aspect of a fact, under a description).
Observations are facts; that is, an observation having the characteristics that
it does is a fact. When you explain observed samples, an interesting thing is
to explain the frequencies. A proper explanation will give a causal story of
how the f'l'equencies came to be the way they were and will typically refer
both to the population frequency and the method of drawing the samples.
Unbiased sampling processes tend to produce representative outcomes;
biased sampling processes tend to produce unrepresentative outcomes. This
"tending to produce" is causal and supports explanation and predictio11. A
peculiarity is that characterizing a sample as "representative" is characterizing the effect (sample frequency) by reference to part of its cause (population frequency). Straight inductive generalization is equivalent to concluding that a sample is representative, which is a conclusion about its case.
This inference depends partly on evidence or presumption that the samp~ing
process is (close enough to) unbiased. The unbiased .~ampling process is Part
of the explanation of the sample frequency, and any independent evidence
for or against unbiased sampling bears on its plausibility as part of the. explanation.
If we do not think of inductive generalization as abduction, we are at a
loss to explain why such an inference is made stronger or more warranted, if
in collecting data we make a systematic search for counter-instances and
cannot find any, than it would be if we just take the observations passively.
Why is the generalization made stronger by making an effort to examine a
wide variety of types of A's? The inference is made stronger because the
failure of the active search for counter-instances tends to rule out various
hypotheses about ways in which the sample might be biased.
In fact the whole notion of a "controlled experiment" is covertly based on
abduction. What is being "controlled for" is always an alternative way of
explaining the outcome. For example a placebo-controlled test of the efficiency of a drug is designed to make it possible to rule out purely psychological explanations for any favorable outcome.
Even the question of sample size for inductive generalization can be seen
clearly from an abductive perspective. Suppose that on each of the only two
occasions when Konrad ate pizza at Mario's Pizza Shop, he had a stomachache the next morning. In general, Konrad has a stomachache occasionally

concepcuat anatys1s OJ aoaucuon



Observations--> At least generally A's are B's--> The next A will be a B."

but not frequently. What may we conclude about the relationship between the
pizza and the stomachache? What may we reasonably predict about the outcome of Konrad's next visit to Mario's? Nothing. The sampleis not a large
enough. Now suppose that Konrad continues patronizing Mario's and that after
every one of 79 subsequent trips he has a stomach ache within 12 hours. What
may we conclude about the relationship between Mario's pizza and Konrad's
stomachache? That Mario's pizza makes Konrad have stomachaches. We may
predict that Konrad will have a stomachache after his next visit, too.
A good way to understand what is occurring in this example is by way of
abduction. After Konrad's first two visits we could not conclude anything
because we did not have enough evidence to distinguish between the two
competing general hypotheses:



This inference is stronger in that it establishes its 'conclusion with more certainty, which it does by hedging the generalization and thus making it more
plausible, more likely to be true. It could be made stronger yet by hedging
the temporal extent of the generalization:
Observations -+ At least generally A's are B's, at least for the recent past
and the immediate future -+ The next A will be a B.
The analyses of inductive projection with the hedged generalizations are
better than the first analysis because they are better at making sense of the
inference, which they do by being better at showing the sense in it (i.e., they
are better at showing how, and when, and why the inference is justified - or
"rational" or "intelligent"). Reasonable generalizations are hedged. Generally the best way to analyze "A's are B's" is not "All A's are B's," as we are
taught in logic class, but as "Generally A's are B's," using the neutral, hedged,
universal quantifier of ordinary life. 13
We have analyzed inductive projections as inductive generalizations followed
by predictions. The inductive generalizations are really abductions, as was argued before. But, what kind of inferences are predictions? One thing seems
clear: Predictions from hedged generalizations are not deductions.
Predictions from hedged generalizations belong to the same family as statistical syllogisms which have forms like these: 14

The eating pizza- stomachache correlation was accidental (i.e., merely coincidental or spurious [say, for example, that on the first visit the stomach ache
was caused by a virus contracted elsewhere and that on the second visit it was
caused by an argument with his mother]).
There is some connection between eating pizza and the subsequent stomach
ache (i.e., there is some causal explanation of why he gets a stomach ache
after eating the pizza [e.g., Konrad is allergic to the snake oil in Mario's
Special Sauce]).

By the time we note the outcome of Konrad's 79th visit, we are able to
decide in favor of the second hypothesis. The best explanation of the correlation has become the hypothesis of a causal connection because explaining
the correlation as accidental becomes rapidly less and less plausible the longer
the association continues.

min of the A's are B's (where min> 1/2).

Therefore, the next A will be a B.

Another inference form that has often been called "induction" is given by
the following:

min of the A's are B's.

Therefore, approximately min of the A's in the next sample will be B's.

All observed A's are B's.

These are also related to the following forms:

Therefore, the next A will be a B.

Generally A's are B's.

Sis an A.

Let us call this inference form an inductive projection. Such an inference

can be analyzed as an inductive generalization followed by a prediction, as

Therefore, Sis a B.

Observations --> All A's are B's --> The next A will be a B.
Predictions have traditionally been thought of as deductive inferences. However, something is wrong with this analysis. To see this, consider the alternative analysis of inductive projections, as follows:

A typical, normal X does Y.

Therefore, this X will do Y.




None of these inferences appear to be deductions. One can, of course, turn

them into deductions by including a missing premise like "this Xis normal,"
but unless there is independent evidence for the assumption, this adds nothing to the analysis.
Furthermore, consider an inference of this form:

P has high probability.

Therefore, P.
Such an inference (whatever the probability is taken to mean) will have to
allow for the possibility of the conclusion being false while the premise is
true. This being so, such an inference cannot possibly be deductive.
Thus it seems that some of our most warranted inductive projections, those
mediated by various kinds of hedged generalizations, do not rely on deduction for the final predictive step. These predictions, including statistical syllogisms, are not deductions, and they do not seem to be abductions. That is,
sometimes the thing predicted is also explained, but note that the conclusions in abductions do the explaining, whereas for predictions, if anything,
the conclusions are what is explained. Thus the predictive forms related to
statistical syllogism are in general nondeductive and nonabductive as well.
If predictions are not abductions, what then is the relationship between
prediction and explanation? The idea that they are closely related has a fairly
elaborate history in the philosophy of science. Some authors have proposed
that explanations and predictions have the same logical form. Typically this
is given as the form of a proof whereby the thing to be explained or predicted is the conclusion, and causation enters in to the premises somehow,
either as a causal law or in some other way.
The idea seems to be that to explain something is to be in a position to
have predicted it, and to predict something puts one in a position to explain
it, if it actually occurs. This bridges the apparent basic asymmetry that arises
because what you explain is more or less a given (i.e., has happened or does
happen), whereas what you predict is an expectation and (usually) has not
already happened.
Despite its apparent plausibility, this thesis is fundamentally flawed. There
is no necessary connection between explanation and prediction of this sort.
Consider the following two counterexamples.
Example I. George-did-it explanations. Why is there mud on the carpet?
Explanation: George did it (presumably, but not explicitly, by tracking it
into the house stuck to his shoes, or something similar). Knowing that George
came into the room puts me in a position to predict mud on the carpet only if
I assume many questionable auxiliary assumptions about George's path and

Conceptual analysis of abduction



the adhesive properties of mud, and so forth. If I had an ideally complete

explanation of the mud on the carpet, some sort of complete causal story,
then, perhaps, I would be in a position to predict the last line of the story,
given all the rest; but this is an unrealistic representation of what normal
explanation is like. George-did-it explanations can be perfectly explanatory
without any pretensions of completeness. This shows that one can explain
without being in a position to predict. Many other examples can be given
where explanation is ex post facto, but where knowledge of a system i~ not
complete enough to license prediction. Why did the dice come up double
6s? Because of throwing the dice, and chance. We are often in a position to
explain a fact without being in a position to have predicted it - specifically,
when our explanation is not complete, which is. typical, or when the explanation does not posit a deterministic mechanism, which is also typical.
Example 2. Predictions based on trust. Suppose that a mechanic, whom I
have good reason to trust, says that my car will soon lose its generator belt.
On this basis I predict that the car will lose its generator belt (on a long
drive home, say). Here I have made a prediction, and on perfectly good
grounds, too, but I am not in a position to give an explanation (I have no
idea what has weakened the belt). This example, weather predictions, and
similar examples of predictions based on authority show that one can be ;in a
position to predict without being in a position to explain.
I believe that explanations are causal, and that predictions are commonly
founded on projecting consequences based on our causal understanding of
things. Thus, commonly, an explanation of some event E refers to its causes,
and a prediction of Eis based on its causes, and both the explanation and the
prediction suppose the causal connections. However, I believe that the symmetry between explanation and prediction goes no further.
When a prediction fails, it casts doubt on the general premises on which it
is based. This is part of the logical underpinnings of scientific reason'ing.
The view presented here is similar to what has been called the "hypotheticodeductive" model or' scientific reasoning, except in insisting that hypoth~ses
must be explanatory, and in denying that predictions are always deductive.
Predictions, then, are neither abductions nor (typically) deductions. This
is contrary, both to the view that predictio.ns are deductions and to Harman's
view that all nondeductive inferences are abductions. Rather, predictions
and abductions are two distinct kinds of plausible inference. AbductionS go
from data to explanatory hypothesis; Jredictions go from hypothesis to expected data. (See Figure I.I.)
Jerry Hobbs has suggested (verbally) that, "The mind is a big abduction
machine." In contrast Eugene Charniak has suggested (verbally) that there
are two fundamental operations of mind: abduction and planning. The view
presented in this chapter, while close to that of Hobbs in its enthusiasm for

explanatory hypothesis space



data space


Figure 1.1. Abduction and prediction,

abduction, is actually closer to Chamiak's. It elaborates that view, however,

by adding that planning depends on prediction (to anticipate consequences
of actions), and it is prediction that is inferentially fundamental. Planning is
choosing actions based on expected outcomes. So .planning is "reasoning"
all right, but it is not "inference," since planning decides action rather than
While asserting that abduction and prediction are inferentially distinct,
we note that they are often entangled as processes. Sometimes an abduction
will use prediction as a subtask (e.g., for testing a hypothesis), and sometimes a prediction will use abduction as a subtask (e.g., for assessing the
Probabilities and abductions
It has been suggested that we should use mathematical probabilities to help
us choose among explanatory hypotheses. (Bayes's Theorem itself can be
viewed as a way of describing how simple alternative causal hypotheses can
be weighed.) If suitable knowledge of probabilities is available, the mathematical theory of probabilities can, in principle, guide our abductive evaluation of explanatory hypotheses to determine which is best. However, in
practice it seems that rough qualitative confidence levels on the hypotheses
are enough to support abductions, which then produce rough qualitative confidence levels for their conclusions. It is certainly possible to model these
confidences as numbers from a continuum, and on rare occasions one can
actually get knowledge of numerical confidences (e.g., for playing blackjack). However, for the most part numerical confidence estimates are un-

available and unnecessary for reasoning. People are good abductive reasoners
without close estimates of confidence. In fact it can be argued that, if confidences need to be estimated closely, then it must be that the best hypothesis
is not much better than the next best, in which case no conclusion can be
confidently drawn because the confidence of an abductive conclusion depends on how decisively the best explanation surpasses the alternatives. Thus
it seems that confident abductions are possible only if confidences for hypotheses do not need to be estimated closely.
Moreover, it appears that accurate knowledge of probabilities is not commonly available because the probability associated with a possible event is
not very well defined. There is almost always a certain arbitrariness about
which reference class is chosen as a base for the probabilities; the larger the
reference class, the more reliable the statistics, but the less relevant they
are; whereas the more specific the reference class, the more relevant, but the
less reliable. (See Salmon, 1967, p. 92.) Is the likelihood that the next patient has the flu best estimated based on the frequency in all the people in
the world over the entire history of medicine? It seems better at least to
control for the season and to narrow the class to include people at just this
particular time of the year. (Notice that causal understanding is starting to
creep into the considerations.) Furthermore, each flu season is somewhat
different, so we would do better to narrow to considering people just this
year. Then, of course, the average patient is not the same as the average
person, and so forth, so the class should probably be narrowed further to
something such as this: people of this particular age, race, gender, and social status who have come lately to doctors of this sort. Now the only way
the doctor can have statistics this specific is to rely on his or her own most
recent experience, which allows for only rough estimates of likelihood because the sample is so small. There is a Heisenberg-like uncertainty about
the whole thing; the closer you try to measure the likelihoods, the more
approximate the numbers become. In the complex natural world the longrun statistics are often overwhelmed by the short-term trends, which render
the notion of a precise prior probability of an event inapplicable to most
common affairs.
Taxonomy of basic inference types
Considering its apparent ubiquity, it is remarkable how overlooked and
underanalyzed abduction is by almost 2,400 years of logic and philosophy.
According to the analysis given here, the distinction between abduction and
deduction is a distinction between different dimensions, so to speak, of inference. Along one dimension inference can be distinguished into deductive
and nondeductive inference; along another dimension inferences can be distinguished as abductive and predictive (and mixed) sorts of inferences. Ab-



Conceptual analysis of abduction

duction absorbs inductive generalization as a subclass and leaves the predictive aspect of induction as a separate kind of inference. Statistical syllogism is a kind of prediction. This categorization of inferences is summarized in Figure 1.2.
From wonder to understanding
Learning is the acquisition of knowledge. One main form of learning starts
with wonder and ends in understanding. To understand something is to grasp
Peirce's taxonomv




new taxonomy: one dimension





new taxonomy: another dimension













an explanation of it. (To explain something to somebody is to package up an

understanding and communicate it.) Thus knowledge is built up of explanatory hypotheses, which are put in place in memory as a result of processes
set in motion by wondering "Why?" That is, one main form of knowledge
consists of answers to explanation-seeking why questions.
An explanation-seeking why question rests on a Given, a presupposition
upon which the question is based. For example, "Why is the child sneezing?" presupposes that the child is indeed sneezing. This Given is nqt absolutely firm, even though it is accepted at the outset, for in the end we may be
happy to throw it away, as in, "Oh, those weren't sneezes at all. She was
trying to keep a feather in the air by blowing." Usually, perhaps always,
along with the Given some contrasting possibility is held in mind~ some
imagined way that the Given could have been different (Bromberger, 1966).
Thus, behind the G in a "Why G ?" usually there appears an " ... as opposed
to H " discernible in the background.
Abduction is a process of going from some Given to a best explanation for
that (or related) given. Describing a computational process as abduction says
what it accomplishes - namely, generation, criticism, and acceptance of an
explanation - but superficially it says nothing about how it is accomplished
(for example, how hypotheses are generated or how generation interacits with
An explanation is an assignment of causal responsibility; it tells a causal
story (at least this is the sense of"explanation" relevant to abduction). Thus,
finding possible explanations is finding possible. causes of the thing to be
explained, and so abduction is essentially a process of reasoning from effect
to cause.
A large part of knowledge consists of causal understanding. Abductions
produce knowledge, both in science and in ordinary life .


Figure l.2. Taxonomy of basic inference types.




This fonnulation is largely due to William Lycan.

Thagard (1988) recognizes abduction in his analysis of scientific theory formation.
For example, Darden ( 1991) describes the modularity of genetic theory,
The remainder of this chapter is more philosophical. It is not necessary to accept everything in
order to find value in the rest of the book. The next chapter includes an orientation to our approach to AI and a discussion of representational issues. The main computational treatment of
abduction begins in chapter 3. The philosophy increases again at the end of the book.
Thus abductions have a way of turning negative evidence against some hypotheses into positive
evidence for alternative explanations.
This condition shows most clearly why the process of discovery is a logical matter, and why logic
cannot simply be confined to matters of justification. The "logic ofjustification" cannot be neatly
separated from the "logic of discovery" because justification depends, in part,_ on evaluating the
quality of the discovery process.
Suggested by William Lycan.
I am ignoring here the so called "Gettier problem" with these conditions, but see Hannan (1965)
for an argument that successful abductions resolve the Gettier problem anyway.



9 For a brief summary of deductive and other models of explanation see Bhaskar (1981), and for a
history of recent philosophical accounts of explanation, see Salmon ( 1990).
I 0 For a well-developed historical account of the connections between ideas of causality and expla-

nation see Wallace (1972, 1974). Ideas of causality and explanation have been intimately linked
for a very long time.
11 What the types of causation and causal explanation are remains unsettled, despite Aristotle's best
efforts and those of many other thinkers. The point here is that a narrow view of causation makes
progress harder by obscuring the degree to which alt forms of causal thinking are fundamentally
12 "It is embarrassing to invoke such a wildly unlikely event as a chance encounter between the
entry probe and a rare and geographically confined methane plume, but so far we have eliminated all other plausible explanations" (Planetary scientist Thomas M. Donahue of the University of Michigan on the analysis of chemical data from a Pioneer probe parachuted onto the
planet Venus, reported in Science News for Sept. 12, 1992).
13 Note that this analysis suggests an explanation for why traditional mathematical logic has been
so remarkably unsuccessful in accounting for reasoning outside mathematics and the highly
mathematical sciences. The universal quantifier of logic is not the universal quantifier of ordinary life, or even of ordinary scientific thought.
14 I have not put likelihood qualifiers in the conclusions of any these forms because doing so would
at best postpone the deductive gap.

Knowledge-based systems and the science of AI

The science of AI

The field of artificial intelligence (AI} seems scattered and disunited with
several competing paradigms. One major controversy is between proponents
of symbolic AI (which represents information as discrete codes) and proponents of connectionism (which represents information as weighted connections between simple processing units in a network). Even within each of
these approaches there is no clear orthodoxy. Another concern is whether AI
is an engineering discipline or a science. This expresses an uncertainty about
the basic nature of AI as well as an uncertainty about methodology. If AI is
a science like physics, then an AI program is an experiment. As experiments,
perhaps AI programs should be judged by the standards of experiments. They
should be clearly helpful in confirming and falsifying theories, in determining specific constants, or in uncovering new facts. However, if AI is fundamentally engineering, AI programs are artifacts, technologies to be used. In
this case, there is no such reason for programs to have clear confirming or
falsifying relationships to theories. A result in AI would then be something
practical, a technique that could be exported to a real-world domain and
used. Thus, there is confusion about how results in AI should be judged,
what the role of a program is, and what counts as progress in AL
It has often been said that the plurality of approaches and standards in
AI is the result of the extreme youth of AI as an intellectual discipline. This
theory implies that with time the pluralism of AI wil1 sort itself out into a
normal science under a single paradigm. I suggest, instead, that as it ages
AI will continue to include diverse and opposing theories and methods.
This is because the reason for the pluralism is that programs are at the heart
of AI, and programs can be approached in four fundamentally different
ways: (I) An AI program can be treated as a technology to be used to solve
practical problems (AI as engineering); (2) it can be treated as an experiment or model (AI as traditional science); (3) an AI program can also be
treated as a real intelligence, either imitative of human intelligence (AI as
art) or (4) non-imitative (AI as design science). Because these four ways
The first section of this chapter on the science of AI is by Susan G. Josephson; the remaining sections are by B. Chandrasekaran.


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