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By and large, communication (from Latin commnicre, meaning "to share"[1]) is a purposeful

activity of exchanging information and meaning across space and time using various technical or
natural means, whichever is available or preferred.
Communication requires a sender, a message, a medium and a recipient, although the receiver does
not have to be present or aware of the sender's intent to communicate at the time of communication;
thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Communication requires
that the communicating parties share an area of communicative commonality. The communication
process is complete once the receiver understands the sender's message. [citation needed]
Discursive communication three primary steps:[2]

Thought: First, information exists in the mind of the sender. This can be a concept, idea,
information, or feeling.

Encoding: Next, a message is sent to a receiver in words or other symbols.

Decoding: Finally, the receiver translates the words or symbols into a concept or information
that a person can understand.

There are a range of verbal and non-verbal forms of communication. These include body
language, eye contact, sign language, haptic communication, and chronemics. Other examples
are media content such as pictures, graphics, sound, and writing. The Convention on the Rights of
Persons with Disabilities also defines the communication to include the display of
text, Braille, tactile communication, large print, accessible multimedia, as well as written and plain
language, human-reader,augmentative and alternative modes, means and formats of
communication, including accessible information and communication technology.[3] Feedback is a
critical component of effective communication.

1 Theory of Communication

2 Non-verbal communication

3 Verbal communication

4 Oral communication

5 Business communication

6 Written communication and its historical development

7 Effective communication

8 Barriers to effective human communication

9 Nonhuman communication

9.1 Animal communication

9.2 Plants and fungi

9.3 Bacteria quorum sensing

10 Communication cycle

11 Communication noise

12 Communication as academic discipline

13 See also

14 References

15 Further reading

Theory of Communication[edit]
Main article: Communication Theory
Some definitions of Communication include:

Two way sharing of messages through various mediums.[4]

Sharing meaning through the use of signs.[5]

A prescribed collective performance that is symbolically meaningful to the participants. [6]

Expression, interaction, and influence: how people interact causes and effects
communication, and it is mediated by psychological variables that cause behaviour such as
emotions, attitudes, beliefs, personality.[7]

Information processing.[8]

Participation in a common culture and society: shared patterns of action and meaning make
communication possible.[9]

sharing messages between two peoples.

Non-verbal communication[edit]
Main article: Nonverbal communication
Nonverbal communication describes the process of conveying meaning in the form of non-word
messages. Some forms of non verbal communication include chronemics, haptics, gesture, body
language or posture,facial expression and eye contact, object communication such
as clothing, hairstyles, architecture, symbols, infographics, and tone of voice, as well as through an
aggregate of the above. Speech also contains nonverbal elements known as paralanguage. This
form of communication is the most known for interacting with people. These include voice lesson
quality, emotion and speaking style as well as prosodic features such
as rhythm, intonation and stress. Research has shown that up to 55% of human communication may
occur through non verbal facial expressions, and a further 38% through paralanguage. [10] Likewise,
written texts include nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words
and the use of emoticons to convey emotional expressions in pictorial form.

Verbal communication[edit]
Effective verbal or spoken communication is dependent on a number of factors and cannot be fully
isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as non-verbal communication, listening skills
and clarification.Human spoken and pictorial languages can be described as
a system of symbols (sometimes known as lexemes) and the grammars (rules) by which the
symbols are manipulated. The word "language" also refers to common properties of
languages. Language learning normally occurs most intensively during human childhood. Most of
the thousands of human languages use patterns of sound or gesture for symbols which enable
communication with others around them. Languages seem to share certain properties although
many of these include exceptions. There is no defined line between a language and
a dialect. Constructed languages such as Esperanto, programming languages, and various
mathematical formalisms are not necessarily restricted to the properties shared by human
languages. Communication is the flow or exchange of information from one person to another or a
group of people.

Oral communication[edit]
Oral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal communication, can also employ
visual aids and non-verbal elements to support the conveyance of meaning. Oral communication
includes speeches, presentations, discussions, and aspects of interpersonal communication. As a
type of face-to-face communication, body language and choice tonality play a significant role, and

may have a greater impact upon the listener than informational content. This type of communication
also garners immediate feedback, and generally involves the cooperative principle.

Business communication[edit]
Main article: Business communication
A business can flourish only when all objectives to the organization are achieved effectively. For
efficiency in an organization, all the people to the organization must be able to convey their message
properly.[citation needed] Communication skills have proven to be the most powerful element to possess for
in a skill set of employee.To equip yourselves for a smooth career in the field of management, it is
even more essential to grasp, practice and put on display high levels of communication skills in
regular and crisis situations. Effective communication skills act as ladder to the managers and
leaders for quick progression in their careers.

Written communication and its historical development[edit]

Over time the forms of and ideas about communication have evolved through the continuing
progression of technology. Advances include communications psychology and media psychology, an
emerging field of study.
The progression of written communication can be divided into three "information communication
1. Written communication first emerged through the use of pictographs. The pictograms were
made in stone, hence written communication was not yet mobile.
2. The next step occurred when writing began to appear on paper, papyrus, clay, wax, etc. with
common alphabets. Communication became mobile.
3. The final stage is characterized by the transfer of information through controlled waves
of electromagnetic radiation (i.e., radio, microwave, infrared) and other electronic signals.
Communication is thus a process by which meaning is assigned and conveyed in an attempt to
create shared understanding. This process, which requires a vast repertoire of skills
in interpersonal processing, listening, observing, speaking, questioning, analyzing, gestures, and
evaluating enables collaboration and cooperation.[12]
Misunderstandings can be anticipated and solved through formulations, questions and answers,
paraphrasing, examples, and stories of strategic talk. Written communication can be clarified by
planning follow-up talks on critical written communication as part of the every-day way of doing
business. A few minutes spent talking in the present will save valuable time later by avoiding

misunderstandings in advance. A frequent method for this purpose is reiterating what one heard in
one's own words and asking the other person if that really was what was meant. [13]

Effective communication[edit]
Effective communication occurs when a desired effect is the result of intentional or unintentional
information sharing, which is interpreted between multiple entities and acted on in a desired way.
This effect also ensures that messages are not distorted during the communication process.
Effective communication should generate the desired effect and maintain the effect, with the
potential to increase the effect of the message. Therefore, effective communication serves the
purpose for which it was planned or designed. Possible purposes might be to elicit change, generate
action, create understanding, inform or communicate a certain idea or point of view. When the
desired effect is not achieved, factors such as barriers to communication are explored, with the
intention being to discover how the communication has been ineffective.

Barriers to effective human communication[edit]

Barriers to effective communication can retard or distort the message and intention of the message
being conveyed which may result in failure of the communication process or an effect that is
undesirable. These include filtering, selective perception, information overload, emotions, language,
silence, communication apprehension, gender differences and political correctness [14]
This also includes a lack of expressing "knowledge-appropriate" communication, which occurs when
a person uses ambiguous or complex legal words, medical jargon, or descriptions of a situation or
environment that is not understood by the recipient.

Physical barriers. Physical barriers are often due to the nature of the environment. An
example of this is the natural barrier which exists if staff are located in different buildings or on
different sites. Likewise, poor or outdated equipment, particularly the failure of management to
introduce new technology, may also cause problems. Staff shortages are another factor which
frequently causes communication difficulties for an organization.

System design. System design faults refer to problems with the structures or systems in
place in an organization. Examples might include an organizational structure which is unclear
and therefore makes it confusing to know whom to communicate with. Other examples could be
inefficient or inappropriate information systems, a lack of supervision or training, and a lack of
clarity in roles and responsibilities which can lead to staff being uncertain about what is expected
of them.

Attitudinal barriers. Attitudinal barriers come about as a result of problems with staff in an
organization. These may be brought about, for example, by such factors as poor management,

lack of consultation with employees, personality conflicts which can result in people delaying or
refusing to communicate, the personal attitudes of individual employees which may be due to
lack of motivation or dissatisfaction at work, brought about by insufficient training to enable them
to carry out particular tasks, or simply resistance to change due to entrenched attitudes and
ideas.[citation needed]

Ambiguity of words/phrases. Words sounding the same but having different meaning can
convey a different meaning altogether. Hence the communicator must ensure that the receiver
receives the same meaning. It is better if such words are avoided by using alternatives
whenever possible.

Individual linguistic ability. The use of jargon, difficult or inappropriate words in

communication can prevent the recipients from understanding the message. Poorly explained or
misunderstood messages can also result in confusion. However, research in communication has
shown that confusion can lend legitimacy to research when persuasion fails. [15][16]

Physiological barriers. These may result from individuals' personal discomfort, causedfor
exampleby ill health, poor eyesight or hearing difficulties.

Cultural differences. Cultural differences affects communication between people from

different departments in the organisation. It occurs frequently between people who have
experienced different social and religious environments. For example: words, colours and
symbols have different meanings in different cultures. In most parts of the world, nodding your
head means agreement, shaking your head means no, except in some parts of the world. [17]

Nonhuman communication[edit]
See also: Biocommunication (science), Interspecies communication and Biosemiotics
Every information exchange between living organisms i.e. transmission of signals that involve a
living sender and receiver can be considered a form of communication; and even primitive creatures
such as corals are competent to communicate. Nonhuman communication also include cell
signaling, cellular communication, and chemical transmissions between primitive organisms
like bacteria and within the plant and fungalkingdoms.

Animal communication[edit]
The broad field of animal communication encompasses most of the issues in ethology. Animal
communication can be defined as any behavior of one animal that affects the current or future
behavior of another animal. The study of animal communication, called zoo
semiotics (distinguishable from anthroposemiotics, the study of human communication) has played
an important part in the development of ethology,sociobiology, and the study of animal cognition.

Animal communication, and indeed the understanding of the animal world in general, is a rapidly
growing field, and even in the 21st century so far, a great share of prior understanding related to
diverse fields such as personal symbolic name use, animal emotions, animal culture and learning,
and even sexual conduct, long thought to be well understood, has been revolutionized.

Plants and fungi[edit]

Communication is observed within the plant organism, i.e. within plant cells and between plant cells,
between plants of the same or related species, and between plants and non-plant organisms,
especially in the root zone. Plant roots communicate in parallel with rhizome bacteria, with fungi and
with insects in the soil. These parallel sign-mediated interactions are governed by syntactic,
pragmatic, and semantic rules, and are possible because of the decentralized "nervous system" of
plants. The original meaning of the word "neuron" in Greek is "vegetable fiber" and recent research
has shown that most of the microorganism plant communication processes are neuronal-like.

Plants also communicate via volatiles when exposed to herbivory attack behavior, thus warning

neighboring plants.[19] In parallel they produce other volatiles to attractparasites which attack these
herbivores. In stress situations plants can overwrite the genomes they inherited from their parents
and revert to that of their grand- or great-grandparents.[citation needed]
Fungi communicate to coordinate and organize their growth and development such as the formation
of Marcelia and fruiting bodies. Fungi communicate with their own and related species as well as
with non fungal organisms in a great variety of symbiotic interactions, especially with
bacteria, unicellular eukaryote, plants and insects through biochemicals of biotic origin. The
biochemicals trigger the fungal organism to react in a specific manner, while if the same chemical
molecules are not part of biotic messages, they do not trigger the fungal organism to react. This
implies that fungal organisms can differentiate between molecules taking part in biotic messages
and similar molecules being irrelevant in the situation. So far five different primary signalling
molecules are known to coordinate different behavioral patterns such as filamentation, mating,
growth, and pathogenicity. Behavioral coordination and production of signaling substances is
achieved through interpretation processes that enables the organism to differ between self or nonself, a biotic indicator, biotic message from similar, related, or non-related species, and even filter out
"noise", i.e. similar molecules without biotic content.[20]

Bacteria quorum sensing[edit]

Communication is not a tool used only by humans, plants and animals, but it is also used by
microorganisms like bacteria. The process is called quorum sensing. Through quorum sensing,
bacteria are able to sense the density of cells, and regulate gene expression accordingly. This can
be seen in both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. This was first observed by Fuqua et al. in
marine microorganisms like V. harveyiand V. fischeri.[21]
Home B. Com. Part II B.Com. Part II Management Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Communication

Q.3. Discuss the Advantages and Disadvantages of Verbal and Written Communication.
Verbal Communication
When a message is communicated verbally and not is writing by exchanging the words in face
communication or through telephone or through the other visual aids, etc., it is called Verbal
Communication. It may take place at meetings, interviews, etc.
Advantages of Verbal Communication
Verbal Communication has the following advantages:
1. Saving of Time
The greatest advantages of verbal communication, is saving of time. Under this system of
communication the messages are communicated immediately without consuming any time.
Verbal communication is the only way out during urgent condition and when immediate action is
2. Saving of Money
As there is no formal method of communicating the message, no help of any particular media of
communication is taken, this type of communication saves a lot of money.
3. More Effective
As there is direct touch of the sender of message with the receiver of message these messages
prove to be more effective. The sender of message can also exercise his personal influence over
the receiver of message.
4. Knowledge of Reaction of Message
An important advantage of verbal communication is that under this method of communication,
the sender of message can judge the reaction of the message on its receiver. He comes to know
whether the receiver of the message will follow it or not.
5. Clear Doubts
Verbal Communication is also better form the point of view that the doubts regarding the
message, if any, between the sender and the receiver of message can immediately be cleared and
the receiver of the message can immediately get the explanations regarding any point or the
6. Increase in Productivity and Efficiency
Verbal communication is more effective. It increases the productivity and efficiency of workers
because they clearly understand it and follow it.

Disadvantages of Verbal Communication

Verbal communication has the following disadvantages:
1. Lack of Proof of Message
The greatest disadvantages of verbal communication is that there is no proof of the message
2. Not Suitable for Future Reference
As there is nothing in writing supporting the messages communicated under this method, it is not
suitable for future reference. If there is any dispute on any point of the message, it cannot be
helped in any way.
3. Not Suitable in Case of Distance
If the receiver and the sender of the message are living at a distance from each other, this method
of communication is not suitable because it will increase the cost of communication, it will no be
effective because of lack of personal touch and it may not be clear and explanatory.
Written Communication
When a message is communicated in writing, it is called Written Communication. Written
Communication takes place in the form of letters, circular, reports, magazines, notice board,
handbook, notice etc. Written Communication is generally, used for communicating a message
from the top management to the subordinates. Written message must be clear and
understandable. It must be brief and self-explanatory and must be prepared in a simple language.
The language must be polite and sweet so that the receiver of the message may easily accept it. If
possible, it must be in the printed form.
Advantages of Written Communication
1. No need of Personal Contact
In written communication there is no need of personal contact:
2. Economical
If the receiver and sender of the message are at a distance, it is economical to communicate the
message in writing because communicating by post is cheap and quite economical.
3. Written Proof
A great advantage of written communication is that it provides a proof for future reference. If
there is any dispute on any point in this regard, the message may be referred.
4. Clear and Explanatory
Written messages are very clear and self-explanatory. The receiver of the message can easily
follow it and understand it.

Disadvantages of Written Communication

Written communication has the following disadvantages:
1. Delay
The greatest disadvantage of written communication is the delay in communication. The message
is writing is communicated after a certain process is completed. It is prepared, verified and order
by the concerned officer. Consequently, the message is delayed.
2. Lack of Secrecy
Another great disadvantage of written communication is that secrecy cannot be maintained
because these messages can be read by anyone.
3. Costly
A written communication involves heavily expenditure. If the receiver and sender of message are
near to each other, it is fairly costly to communicate in writing.
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