Sumerian Achievements

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Student Information


Some archeologists believe that the arch was the Sumerians' greatest architectural
achievement. Made of bricks, Sumerian arches were inverted U- or V-shaped
openings built above doorways. Sumerians built arches by stacking bricks one on
top of the other so that the arches projected out from the walls of a building. The
bricks rose in steps from the wall and met in the center. Builders formed the
identical bricks by mixing river clay with straw and pressing it into a mold. They
then baked the bricks under the sun or in an oven. Around 3000 B.C.E.,builders
created a special wedge-shaped brick mold that allowed the bricks to fit even more
closely together above a doorway.
Arches added both strength and beauty to Sumerian architecture. They allowed
builders to create larger openings than when they laid a single piece of wood across
two upright posts. The earliest arches were located above doorways leading to
tombs. Later, Sumerian builders placed more elaborate arches in bridges, temple
entrances, and wealthy people's homes. In addition, the arches enhanced the
artistic quality of Sumerian architecture.

The first city-states were located in Sumer. City-states were well-protected regions
that were made up of a city and its surrounding farmlands. They were different
from cities because they were usually larger and highly organized. Sumerians built
strong walls that stretched as far as six miles around their city-state. The walls had
bronze gates that were closed during times of war to keep out enemies. Sumerians
dug deep ditches called moats around their city-states to protect themselves
from attack.
Sumerian city-states were ruled by kings. Sumerians believed that the Gods had
chosen kings to rule on earth while the Gods ruled in the heavens. Kings ruled over
their city-states by enforcing their laws, collecting taxes, and making sure the
temples and irrigation canals were in good condition. They also led the army. This
last role was one of their most important jobs, because city-states were constantly
fighting over land boundaries and the use of water.


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Student Information


One of the greatest Sumerian achievements was the creation of the earliest highly
developed written language, known as cuneiform (pronounced kyoo-NEE-a-form).
Sumerians developed cuneiform to help them record information about goods that
they exchanged with each other. Cuneiform was based on an earlier, simpler
written language called pictographs. Pictographs were written symbols that
represented real objects, such as a snake or water. Scribes (writers) created
pictographs by drawing with a sharpened reed on wet pieces of clay. When the clay
dried, the marks became a permanent record.
Scribes later drew pictographs using a series of simpler lines. They quickly
impressed these lines using a pointed tool made from a reed, called a stylus.
Scribes "capped" the end of the lines by pressing one comer of the stylus's
rectangular end into the clay to create a triangle- shaped (or wedge-shaped)
impression. Nineteenth-century scholars later named the Sumerian script
cuneiform, which means "wedge-shaped writing." By 1800 B.C.E.,cuneiform
contained more than 700 written symbols.

--------------------------------------Devotional Statues
Sumerians created devotional, or religious, statues to express their religious
beliefs. The statues depicted people either alone or in couples worshipping the
Gods. Sumerians created these statues because they believed that the Gods were
pleased when people expressed their sincere religious beliefs, or devotion. Kings
and wealthy people honored the Gods by placing statues inside temples or their
homes. In return, they hoped that the Gods would bless them with long lives, many
children, and a successful harvest.
Many statues were detailed and lifelike. For example, archeologists have
discovered statues of people standing straight up with their hands folded in prayer.
Artists often depicted men with beards and wearing wool skirts, and women
wearing one-shoulder dresses or dancer's pants. Statues often showed smiling
figures with large, staring eyes. Sumerian artists probably gave these figures such
enormous eyes to represent people gazing heavenward toward the Gods.

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Student Information


Sumerians played games for entertainment and to obtain good luck. They played
on game board~ and used flat, round pieces of shells, stones, and bones to mark
their places. Some game boards had exquisite stonework and mother-of-pearl
designs. Sumerians used the brilliant blue stone lapis lazuli and red limestone to
form detailed patterns. One game board from Vr has 20 decorated squares across 3
sections, including 5 rosettes (rose designs) and 4 zigzag-patterned squares.
Another game board has 12 squares arranged in a rectangle, with 2 squares
decorated with bulls and 10 decorated with goats.
Sumerian games typically began with the players rolling dice and moving their
playing pieces across the board. The winner was the first person to move his or her
piece off an "exit square" located at one end of the board. Art experts believe that
these simple games were used to predict the players' futures. For example,
Sumerians believed winners would have luck in gaining food, drink, and love.

Sumerian farmers developed an excellent irrigation system that provided their crops
with a regular water supply. The irrigation system guided water from the Tigris and
Euphrates Rivers to farmers' fields. Farmers needed to control their water supply
because the rivers flooded unpredictably in the spring and then dried up in the
summer. Important features of the Sumerian irrigation system included dams,
reservoirs, and canals. Farmers built brick dams along the rivers that blocked some
of the water from flooding. The blocked water collected in multilevel pools called
reservoirs. I;'armerscould then use the water during the dry summer months.
Canals, or man-made waterways, wound throughout Sumer carrying water from the
rivers and reservoirs to farmers' fields.
In Sumerian city-states, it was the government's responsibility to make sure the
irrigation system was in good condition. The government organized workers to
clean the canals and repair the dams and reservoirs. A special government group
called the gagullu patrolled the canals, looking for damage and stopping farmers
from taking water illegally. Sumerian city-states successfully maintained their
irrigation system and grew many crops such as wheat, onions, and cucumbers.





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Student Information


Sumerians applied mathematics to many important areas of daily life. For example,
government officials used geometry to calculate the surface area of farmers' fields,
which helped them predict the amount of crops they could tax. Sumerians used
multiplication tables and fractions to accurately measure their land boundaries.
They also used calculations to weigh goods, to determine how much to enlarge
canals, and to count large numbers of bricks for building projects. In addition,
mathematics helped people learn the positions of the sun, moon, and planets.
Sumerians believed that their knowledge of the heavens could help them
predict their futures.
Sumerian mathematics can be seen in daily life today. Sumerians based their
counting system on the number 60, which is the basis of our 60-minute hour,
60-second minute, and 360-degree circle. They also used the number 3,600
(60 times 60) to indicate a very large number in the same way that we might use
the phrase "a million."

Sumerian medicine was a combination of natural healing techniques and surgery.
Early Sumerians tried to cure illness by asking spiritual doctors to get rid of the
demons they believed made people sick. By around 2500 B.C.E.,doctors' treatments
for illness focused on applying many different plants and mineral oils to sick body
parts. Doctors wrote prescriptions such as, "Wash the sick body part with beer.
Then, mix honey with crushed turtle shells to form a soothing paste. Oil the body
to prevent the paste from sticking, and spread the paste onto the sick body part."
Archeologists also believe that Sumerian doctors performed a kind of brain surgery
called trephination. As evidence, archeologists point to skulls with large holes in
them that they have found in Sumer. They believe that doctors cut holes in people's
skulls to relieve pressure on their brains. But even with doctors' healing efforts,
Sumerian people often died from disease as young as 32 years old.

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Student Information


One of the Sumerians' most important achievements was superb metalworking.
Sumerians worked with a variety of metals, including gold, silver, tin, lead, copper,
and bronze. Metalworkers used these metals to create many different kinds of
weapons, tools, and luxury items. For example, they made weapons such as
swords, arrowheads, and harpoons. To make weapons, metalworkers first mixed
melted copper with tin to make a new, stronger metal called bronze. They then
poured the liquid bronze into casts and let it harden into finished weapons.
Metalworkers also cast bronze into such tools as axes, knives, saws, and hoes. For
wealthy people, metalworkers hammered shiny metals such as gold and silver into
mirrors, necklaces, and statues. One wealthy Sumerian named Queen Pu-abi wore
silver hair combs and heavy gold earrings, and probably died by drinking poison
from a golden cup.
The Mesopotamian plains did not provide metalworkers with the valuable metals
they needed to create their works. Therefore, Sumerians had to bring in the metals,
or import them, from other regions around the ancient Near East. In return for
these metals, Sumerians traded their metalworks with people from as far away as
central Europe.


Instrumental and vocal music played an important role in Sumerians' lives.
Musicians played worship songs because they believed music would bring joy
to the Gods as well as to the people of Sumer. In addition, musicians played
instruments and sang during temple ceremonies in which people were sacrificed to
the Gods. Scholars often connect music with Sumerians' religious practices, but
musicians also wrote love songs. One Sumerian love song, called "Love Finds a
Way," tells of a woman singing about her husband-to-be: "As I was singing
away...he met me, he met me." Wealthy people hired musicians to perform recitals
in their homes to entertain guests as they enjoyed a feast.
Sumerian musicians played many instruments including drums, reed pipes, metal
pipes, and an ancient small harp called a lyre. Lyres were wooden instruments
made of a sound box, strings, and a wooden bar holding the strings at the top. They
were often decorated with a golden bull's head attached to the sound box. The
bull's head had eyes, a beard, and horn tips made of a brilliant blue stone called
lapis lazuli. Makers of these instruments elaborately decorated them to show the
value of music in Sumerian culture.

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Student Information 4.2A

Organized Armies
Sumerian armies had excellent organization,weapons, and leadership. Sumerian
kings first organized armies to fight other city-states over water usage and land
boundaries. The armies included professional soldiers and temporary citizen-soldiers.
The citizen-soldiers were farmers whom the king forced to serve in the army during
wartime. If they refused to serve, scholars believe they may have been punished
with death.
Sumerian armies were made up of different military units. First into battle were
the chariots, which were ancient "tanks" pulled by donkeys. These vehicles were
square, had a wooden frame, and had two or four wheels. Armies also had two
groups of infantry, or foot soldiers, who marched into battle in a tightly organized
formation. The heavy infantry wore copper helmets and carried short-handled
spears. The light infantry wore light helmets and carried axes. All soldiers wore
shields to protect themselves from the enemies' arrows. However, large numbers of
soldiers still died in army battles. One king claimed that his army killed 12,650
soldiers in a single battle. After the fighting was over, the winning side celebrated
their victory by beheading prisoners from the losing side. They also kept some
prisoners as slaves.



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Sumerian farmers' invention of the plow helped them provide their city-states with
a stable food supply. Before farmers invented the plow, they used animal horns or
pointed sticks to poke holes in the earth. They would then plant seeds in the holes
they had made. This method of cultivating crops was extremely slow, and farmers
needed a faster way to prepare the soil for planting seeds.
The Sumerians made the first plow out of wood. It had one crooked end for cutting
into, or plowing, th~ earth. Farmers operated the plow by pushing and pulling it
along the ground, or had animals such as oxen pull the plow. Around-4000 R.C-.E.,
Sumerian farmers began to develop plows with stronger blades made of metal,
such as copper and bronze.

While plows allowed farmers to cultivate larger areas of land quickly, plowing was
still hard work that required many steps. Farmers had to plow their land twice, rake
it three times, beat it with hammers, and then plow it again. To speed up the
planting process, farmers attached containers to their plows that dropped seeds
through a funnel into the freshly-plowed ground.





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Student Information


The Sumerians' invention of the sailboat allowed them to more easily travel and
transport traded goods by water. The earliest sailboats were small and shaped like
round baskets. They were made of reeds and covered with animal skins. The
sailboats had a central post, called a mast, to which a single sail was attached. The
sail powered the sailboat by catching the wind and pushing the boat forward.
People used these early boats mostly for sailing on rivers and canals. Sumerians
later built larger sailboats out of wood. The larger sailboats measured up to 60 feet
in length and weighed as much as 5 tons. They were designed for sea travel, and
the sides of the boats were fitted with oars to help sailors steer them.
Sumerian traders used sailboats to travel from Sumer to distant lands. In
preparation for their journey, they piled their sailboats high with farmers' extra
grain and woven materials, or textiles. Sumerians traded these goods in exchange
for wood from Ethiopia or spices and gemstones from India. As traders exchanged
goods, they also shared ideas and values from their homelands.

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The earliest examples of the wheel are from Sumer and date back to 3500 B.C.E.
Sumerian potters used the first wheels as a surface on which to shape clay into
pottery. These potters' wheels were balanced, flat-side up, on axles. Sumerians
discovered that if they flipped the potter's wheel on its edge, it could be rolled
forward. They used this new discovery to create wheeled carts. Sumerians built the
wheels by clamping three pieces of wood together to form disks.
The wheel greatly improved Sumerians' daily lives. Before the invention ofthe-wheel, people had to drag their goods on flat-bottomed structures-called~ledges;-::-This method of transporting goods was difficult because the sledges often got stuck
in the river mud and they could not support heavy loads. Wheeled carts allowed
people to transport goods more easily over long distances. Animals, such as
donkeys and oxen, could pull three times more weight on wheeled carts than they
could on the sledges. The wheel also increased the speed and strength of Sumerian
armies. Sumerians built two- or four-wheeled chariots that were usually pulled by
four donkeys. During battles, chariot drivers balanced themselves on top of the
wheel axle while driving the vehicle and hurling spears at enemy lines.

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Student Information 4.2A

Written Laws
The Sumerians were the first group of people to develop a system of written laws.
Their laws helped maintain order among people in Sumerian society. The first
law code was written on clay tablets and dates back to 2050 B.C.E.The code was
probably written for King Vr-Nammu of Vr by his son Shulgi. Sumerian kings
were responsible for overseeing the laws for their city-states. King Vr-Nammu and
another king, Vrukagina, both claimed that their attention to written laws helped
"set Sumer free."
Written laws were part of a Sumerian legal system that included trials and legal
agreements. When a person was accused of a crime, judges organized a trial with
witnesses to determine the person's innocence or guilt. If the person was found
guilty, Sumerian laws usually specified a fine as punishment. For example, a
person who crushed another person's arm with a club had to pay a fine of one mina
of silver (about two years' salary for a lower-class person). People who felt that a
judge's decision was unfair could complain to the king. Legal agreements, such as
property rights agreements signed by married couples, were also guided by
Sumerian law.

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One of the Sumerians' key contributions to ancient architecture was the temple
tower known as a ziggurat. The word ziggurat means "mountain of God."
Ziggurats were extremely important to Sumerians because of their religious
significance. Sumerian priests and kings stood inside them to ask for the Gods'
blessings. Sumerians also believed the Gods lived inside the towers. They built
special temples for the Gods on the top of the ziggurats. Scholars believe that the
builders may have placed a bed inside this special temple in which the Gods could
sleep".Outsidethe ziggurat,they attacheda staircaseof approximatelylQOst~ps::-.
which they believed the Gods could use to climb down to earth.
Ziggurats were made of mud bricks and were built near temples located in the
center of each city-state. They stood as high as 80 feet, extended as wide as 200
feet, and could easily be seen from 20 miles away. Because ziggurats had several
levels, hundreds of people were required to build each one. Inside, the ziggurats
were decorated with zigzag and triangle patterns on the walls and columns.

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