University of Zambia: Physics Handbook 2009

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The document discusses the various undergraduate and graduate programs as well as career prospects available in the Department of Physics at the University of Zambia.

The undergraduate programs include B.Sc. degrees in general physics, applied physics, energy and environment, and computational physics. The department also offers graduate programs and research opportunities in various fields like condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, computational physics, and more.

Career prospects for physics graduates include opportunities in academia and research, instrumentation in industry, the IT/ICT field, and other diverse professions like lecturing, teaching, and research. Graduates have good success rates in securing employment.


There seems to be little knowledge among students in the School of Natural Sciences at the
University of Zambia of physics-based study programs, and the job prospects associated with them.
Students in the School frequently have trouble making the right career choices. Many of them have
already fixed their minds on proceeding to fields like Engineering, Medicine, and Agricultural
Sciences. The result is that at the end of their first year in Natural Sciences, most of the good
students leave. Little are they aware that the School, and the Department of Physics in particular,
offers some exciting study programs and future prospects to students that many faculties in the
university cannot match. It is necessary to counteract this ignorance among students if the situation is
to be rectified.
This handbook provides information on the various undergraduate and graduate programs available
in the Department of Physics, and the job opportunities associated with these specialisations. This
will provide students with the data necessary for them to be able to make informed and wise
decisions about the kind of career for them, even as they seek to satisfy their academic interests.
This handbook highlights the various academic and professional opportunities on offer in the
Department of Physics. Over the years the Department has diversified its offerings, so that in addition
to the traditional areas of Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Theoretical Physics and Electronics,
students can take courses in the new fields of Energy and the Environment, Computational Physics
and Applied Optics. Major changes have been made to the undergraduate curriculum in order to
adapt to the newly-introduced semester system; in the process the courses have been completely
overhauled. As well, new courses have been introduced, and this has resulted in the Physics degree
becoming more flexible and attractive. In consequence, Physics graduates now have a wider variety
of job prospects.
For those students who would like careers in academia and research, there are exciting academic
programs and research activities in Solid State Physics (now being popularly referred to as
Condensed Matter Physics), Nuclear Physics, Computational Physics, Electronics, Energy and
Environment, and others. Graduates in these fields are employed in very diverse professions ranging
from lecturing and teaching to research. Some have gone into instrumentation in industry, while
others are working in the IT/ICT field. The training in the Department is such that graduates are
successful in the job market. No one ends up being unemployed.
Special notice of first years is in order. They are enjoined to consider pursuing one of the
departmental specialisations. They are encouraged to think hard about the exciting academic
challenges and opportunities in the Department of Physics. Their path in the Department of Physics
is assisted if they opt for the physical sciences stream during the streaming exercise in the second
Second years should take note of the four different B.Sc. degree programs to choose from. These
should be scrutinised carefully for the purpose of identifying the particular one that suits the career
intentions of the student.
It is hoped that the third and final year-students are getting ready to put the skills they have acquired
to successful use in the outside world.
The vision of the Department of Physics has always been to produce physics graduates who will play
key roles in both the public and private sectors of the Zambian economy. It is the hope of the
Department that it has lived up to this lofty aim.
Whether the student chooses Physics or not, the ball is in his or her court. The Department wishes
every student success in his or her university endeavours. Good luck!
Head of Department

Introduction to the Department of Physics

Physics is the most fundamental of the Natural Sciences. It is the parent science of Biology,
Chemistry, Geology and Engineering, which are but specialisations in areas, which are ultimately a
part of Physics. For this reason, the Physics Department occupies an important place in the School of
Natural Sciences. A basic level of Physics is required by anyone who wishes to study any science
subject or Mathematics. The purpose of the Physics first-year courses is to offer this foundation.
Students wishing to pursue Physics after first year will find various strong programmes being offered
by the Department. Physics may be taken by itself or in combination with other sciences like Biology,
Chemistry and Geology, as well as with Mathematics. In the past, the Department specialised in
Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Electronics, and Theoretical Physics. Recently it has diversified
its offerings and in addition to the above-mentioned areas, the Department offers courses in the new
fields of Energy and the Environment, Computational Physics, and Applied Optics.
The main specialisations on offer are:
Solid State Physics: This is one of the most exciting areas of Physics and is advancing very fast.
Past developments in this field of Physics have changed our world profoundly. One or two may be
mentioned. Semiconductors have led to miniaturization in electronics and ultimately facilitated the
development of the computer. Solid State Physics is therefore at the base of the information
revolution. Superconductors, which are substances which exhibit no electrical resistance in certain
temperature regions, have been known to physicists since the beginning of the last century, but are
now exciting great interest because the temperatures at which they possess this property have
become higher. Such materials will make possible, among other things, magnets strong enough to
levitate trains, and the storage of electricity until it is needed. These developments are certain to
result in another revolution. Students opting for this specialisation will be able to participate directly in
this revolution.
Nuclear Physics: This is good for more than making weapons of mass destruction. Not only is the
study of Nuclear Physics fascinating, but the field has many peaceful applications. Cancer patients
are routinely treated with radiotherapy. Dating by means of radioactive nuclides is an indispensable
tool in Geology and Archaeology. Food can be preserved for long periods after irradiation. The list of
such applications is endless. The Physics Department conducts research into the beneficial
exploitation of Nuclear Physics. Graduates in this field are much in demand, especially by the
National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR) locally, and the International Atomic
Energy Agency (IAEA) internationally.
Computational Physics: Courses in this field of Physics are offered at the third- and the fourth-year
levels. The programme is unique in the region and offers courses that teach the basics of computers,
programming, and the numerical solution and modelling of practical problems. Students taking them
will have the opportunity of practical experience in computing in the Computational Physics
Laboratory. They will be exposed to modern software packages such as Word, Excel, CAD, those for
web applications, and programming languages such as Fortran-77 and C++. In this age of computers,
these courses are highly contemporary and will open the gates to a wide spectrum of job
opportunities in the computer and IT/ICT fields. The organisations interested in graduates having the
skills imparted by this programme include software firms, computer firms, banks, the mining sector,
NISIR, schools, universities, and all those establishments involved in intensive computer use.
Nowadays, computer literacy is almost always a requirement for a good job and higher studies.
Electronics: This is an important specialisation, which lays the foundation for the understanding of
many of the great technical developments of modern times. The fundamentals of how measuring
instruments, computers, robots, etc., work are taught. The courses are highly applied and so prepare
the student directly for the use of electronics in the real world. The courses stress the basics so well
that graduates in this specialisation have often been preferred to engineers by employers. A total of
four courses are offered in electronics at the third- and the fourth-year levels. Graduates in this field
will find exciting employment opportunities in such areas as telecommunications, broadcasting,
computer hardware manufacturing, and control of industrial processes.

Theoretical Physics: This is an option offered to those who have a stronger interest in the academic
side of Physics and offers a high degree of intellectual stimulation. Students taking it may wish to
pursue an academic career after graduation. However, they will still be in demand in the job market.
Such organisations as the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR), the
Environmental Council of Zambia, the Radiation Protection Board (at the University Teaching
Hospital), the Zambia Bureau of Standards, the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines, Chilanga
Cement, and TAP Building Products are interested in such graduates.
Energy and Environmental Physics: This will bring students in touch with some of the most
challenging developmental problems and issues of our time. In this specialisation, students are taught
the fundamentals and applications of solar energy, as well about the other renewable sources of
energy: wind, biomass, and hydroelectricity. The courses provide an introduction to the very topical
environmental problems of global warming and ozone depletion. The organisations interested in
graduates in this discipline include the Energy Department, the Environmental Council of Zambia, the
Ministry of Environment, the Department of Meteorology, and the National Institute for Scientific and
Industrial Research (NISIR).
Applied Optics: This course is yet another new offering. Applications of optics have grown at a
phenomenal pace in recent decades. Optical fibre technology has ushered in the age of fast
communications. Lasers are now widely used in industry, computers, medicine, scientific research,
and in home entertainment. Holography, one of the branches of optics, is used in producing threedimensional images, in non-destructive testing, and in information storage. The optics course at
fourth-year level teaches the fundamentals of these exciting developments.
The reorganisation of the courses offered by the Department went hand in hand with a review of the
teaching and examination policy. As a result of these improvements, substantially better student
performance in examinations is being recorded.
Recently, collaboration with certain South African universities has opened up opportunities for
Physics graduates. In particular, graduates with good grades have a chance to do an extra year of
study in Astrophysics at the University of Cape Town (South Africa) in order to qualify for an Honours
degree. Thereafter, they can pursue a Masters degree in Astrophysics, and if they wish they can go
on to do a Ph.D. Such a qualification gives the students international marketability, and the chance to
participate in the exciting developments currently going on in the field of Cosmology.
Collaboration with the University of Cape Town in the field of climate change, and with Ben Gurion
University (Israel) in the field of solar energy has enabled some physics graduates to embark on
Masters degree programmes with the possibility of a Ph.D. later.
Research projects are also an essential component of the physics programme. They are sometimes
mandatory in order for a student to fulfil the requirements for the award of the B.Sc. degree. The
Department therefore offers a variety of exciting final year undergraduate research projects. Through
the various research groups, Physics students can undertake research in solar energy materials. In
addition, the Department offers research experiments in solar radiation measurements on photovoltaic (PV) modules and the design and construction of instruments like temperature controllers,
inverters and charge controllers. Also on offer is very challenging computer interface research work
involving applications of electronics and computational physics. The nuclear physics laboratory offers
work in energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) experiments in elemental sample analysis. These
and many more make the Physics Department quite unique in the provision of real academic activity.
Finally, it is worth stressing again that graduates of the Department of Physics have not had problems
with getting into employment because of the applied nature of the degree programmes.
As can be gathered from what has been said above, the Physics Department offers very exciting
opportunities for students. Students opting to join the Department are assured of both intellectual
stimulation and job marketability when they graduate.
Students considering joining the Department should see the Head
any member of academic staff for further information.


Department or indeed

Main Office, Room 523

Telephone: 290429. UNZA extension 2514.

Academic Staff
Head of Department
and Senior Lecturer



Mweene, H. V.

B.Sc., M.Sc.(UNZA), Ph.D.(Surrey), MSAIP

Jain, P. C.

B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc., Ph.D.(Delhi), MInstP.

Associate Professor
Kaloyerou, P. N.

B.Sc.(Salford), M.Sc., Ph.D. (London)

Senior Lecturer
Hussain, M. M.

B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc.(Karachi), Ph.D.(Louvain)

Lecturer I
Chishimba, G. M.
Kalebwe, P. C.
Munyeme, G.

B.Sc.(UNZA), M.Sc.(Wis.), Dip.(NUS)

B.Sc.(UNZA), M.Sc.(Birmingham)
Dip.Ed.(Zambia), M.Sc.(St. Petersburg), Ph.D.(Utrecht)

Lecturer II
Habanyama, A.
Hansingo, K
Hatwaambo, S.
Mbewe, D. J.
Mwiinga, N
Rajan, R.

B.Sc., M.Sc.(UNZA), Ph.D.(Cape Town)

B.Sc.(UNZA), M.Sc.(Cape Town), Ph.D.(Cape Town)
Dip.Ed.(Nkrumah), B.Sc.(Ed.),M.Sc., Ph.D.(UNZA)
M.Sc.(St. Petersburg)
B.Sc.Ed.(UNZA), M.Sc.(Ben Gurion)
B.Sc., M.Sc.(Kerala), Ph.D.(Mahatma Gandhi Univ.)

Lecturer III
Mudenda, S.

B.Sc.(UNZA), M.Sc.(WesternCape)

Mulindwa, L.
Banda, Y.
Mwalaba, M
Mwalaba, M
Pumulo, N
Wamunyima, N

B.Sc.(UNZA), Dip.(ICTP)

Secretarial Staff
Chindefu, V.


Extension: 2514

Technical Staff
Wazili, D.
Changwe, B. C.
Mbewe, B.
Chibwe, W.
Musa, K. C.
Musonda, F. L.
Mushoke, D. S.
Chinyama, M.
Bundala, E.
Mwansa, G.

Adv Cert, C&G I,II,III SLT, Dip. Comp. Int.

Adv Cert, C&G II SLT, Dip. SLT
Adv Cert, C&G I SLT, Dip. SLT
Adv Cert SLT, Dip. SLT
Adv Cert SLT, Dip. SLT, BSc-Physics
Adv Cert SLT, Dip. SLT
Adv Cert SLT, Dip. SLT
Adv Cert SLT
Craft Certificate
Adv Cert SLT

Chief Technician
Senior Technician
Senior Technician
Senior Technician
Technician I
Technician II
Technician II
Technician II
Technician II
Technician II

Technical Staff (Natural Sciences Workshop)

Chanda, G. M.
Njobvu , J
Munyukwa, C.
Funda, P.
Yabalwashi, G.
Phiri, N.

Higher National Dip.(UK); Cert (UK)

Adv Cert SLT, Dip. SLT
Crafts Cert; Cert (IAEA, Vienna)
Crafts Certificate
Crafts Certificate
Trade Test Certificate

Chief Technician
Senior Technician
Technician I
Technician II
Carpenter II
Carpenter II

Overview of Programmes
The Department of Physics is currently offering the following courses to students pursuing a degree
in Physics. Depending on circumstances, a given course may not be available in a given year.
Students are advised to check with the Department before registering for a given course. Some of
the courses have an associated laboratory course. Normally, the grading of a course has a
continuous assessment (C.A.) component and a final-examination component. The laboratory
course marks are incorporated into the continuous assessment. Below is the full list of courses
offered by the department together with the division of marks between continuous assessment and
the final examination. It is important for students to understand that where a course has a laboratory
component associated with it, the student has to pass this independently of the theory, with a
minimum mark of 40%.

Course Code

Course Name

Assessment %


Introductory Physics-I
Introductory Physics-IIA or
Introductory Physics-IIB




Classical Mechanics I
Classical Mechanics II & Special Relativity
Electricity & Magnetism
Atomic Physics
Properties of Matter & Thermal Physics




Computational Physics I
Statistical and Thermal Physics
Introduction to Electronics
Digital Electronics I
Quantum Mechanics I
Electromagnetic Theory




Computational Physics II
Nuclear Experimental Techniques
Nuclear Physics
Solid State Physics I
Solid State Physics II
Analogue Electronics
Digital Electronics II
Quantum Mechanics II
Selected Topics in Theoretical Physics
Applied Optics
Physics of Renewable Energy
Resources and Environment
Special Project
Mathematical Methods for Physics







The following course combinations are available for the various degree
Physics may be offered as a single subject, or it may be combined with other subjects.
Candidates opting for the Physics Single-Subject Major must have the approval of the Head of
Year 1:

P191/192, M 111/112, C 101/102, BIO 1011/1012 (option A)

P 191/198, M 111/114, C 101/102 (option B)






Year 2:





Year 3:


P231/272 or

C351/352 or


Year 4:

P411 and/or


P361/302 or


+ 4/5 from

+ 2 from

+ 4 from

+ 3 from





First Year Programmes:

For all course combinations, the curriculum for the first year is as follows:
First Semester:

Cell Biology & Genetics

Introduction to Chemistry I
Mathematical Methods I
Introductory Physics I

Second Semester:
Option A



Systems Biology
Introduction to Chemistry II
Mathematical Methods IIA
Introductory Physics IIA

Option B

Introduction to Chemistry II
Mathematical Methods IIB
Introductory Physics IIB

Post-first year programmes:

Second Year:
Semester I


Mathematical Methods III

Classical Mechanics I


Electricity & Magnetism

Prop. of Matter & Thermal

Semester II

Mathematical Methods IV
Class. Mech. II & Special
Atomic Physics

Semester II

Mathematical Methods VI
Computational Physics I
Statistical and Thermal Physics
Digital Electronics I

Third Year:
Semester I


Mathematical Methods V
Quantum Mechanics I
Electromagnetic Theory
Introduction to Electronics

Fourth Year:
Semester I


Any 1 or 2

Theory of Functions.
of Complex Vars. I
Math. Methods for Physics
Nuclear Exptl. Techniques

Semester II


Computational Physics II
Nuclear Exptl. Techniques

(not required
plus 3
plus 4


Solid State Physics I



Analogue Electronics



Solid State Physics I

Th. of Functions of
Complex Variables II
if MP415 is offered )
( if M411/M412 are offered )
( if MP415 is offered )
Nuclear Physics
Solid State Physics II
Digital Electronics II
Phy. of Ren. Energy Res. &
Applied Optics

Quantum Mechanics II



Sel.Topics on Theor. Physics

Special Project


Second Year:
Semester I

Mathematical Methods III

Linear Algebra I
Classical Mechanics I

Semester II


Electricity & Magnetism


Mathematical Methods IV
Linear Algebra II
Class. Mech. II & Sp.
Atomic Physics

Semester II

Mathematical Methods VI
Intro to Probability
Computational Physics I


Digital Electronics I

Third Year:


Semester I

Mathematical Methods V
Intro to Statistics
Quantum Mechanics I
Prop. of Matter &
Thermal Physics
Introduction to Electronics

Fourth Year:
Semester I

Semester II
Theory of Functions of
Complex Vars. I


Electromagnetic Theory



Computational Physics II
Computational Physics II



Electromagnetic Theory



Nuclear Experimental
Computational Physics II
Computational Physics II


Analogue Electronics


+ 2 from:




Th. of Functions of Comp.

Intro to Group & Ring Theory
Statistical and Thermal
Quantum Mechanics II
Phy.of Ren.Energy Res.&
Statistical and Thermal
Nuclear Physics
Quantum Mechanics II
Phy.of Renewable Energy
Res.& Environment
Digital Electronics II

CHEMISTRY(major) - PHYSICS(minor)
Second Year:
Semester I

Third Year:

Semester II
Analytical & Inorganic
Electricity & Magnetism
Mathematical Methods III
Organic Chemistry I


Basic Physical Chemistry


Atomic Physics
Mathematical Methods IV
Organic Chemistry II

Semester I



Chem.Kinetics & Nuclear

Inorganic Chemistry II
Classical Mechanics I


Analytical Chemistry II
Organic Chemistry III

Semester II

Colloids & Electrochemistry

Inorganic Chemistry III
Class. Mech.II & Sp.
Analytical Chemistry III
Organic Chemistry IV

Fourth Year:
Semester I
Any 2


Semester II
Quant. Mech. & Mol.
Introduction to Electronics
Electromagnetic Theory
Appl. Analytical
Inorganic Industrial Chem.
Organic Industrial Chem. I
Adv. Inorganic Chemistry I
Adv. Organic Chemistry I



Stat. Mech. &

Digital Electronics I
Computational Physics I
Appl. Analyt. Chem.
Inorganic Industrial Chem. II


Organic Industrial Chem. II

Adv. Inorganic Chemistry II
Adv. Organic Chemistry II



Second Year:
Semester I

Mathematical Methods III

Classical Mechanics I

Semester II


Electricity & Magnetism

Introduction to Geology


Mathematical Methods IV
Class. Mech. II & Sp.
Atomic Physics
Physical Geology

Semester II



Digital Electronics I
Mineralogy & Petrology


Structural Geology I

Third Year:
Semester I

Prop. of Matter &

Thermal Physics
Introduction to Electronics
Introduction to Land
Crystallography &

Fourth Year:
Semester I

Electromagnetic Theory
Explor. Mining Geol.&
Applied Geophysics
Analogue Electronics

Semester II

Econ.Geol.of Metalf. Ore

Str. Geol.II & Plate
Statistical Physics
Digital Electronics II

Key to Course Codes:

Starting with 1
Starting with 2
Starting with 3
Starting with 4
Starting with 9

First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
3rd/4th Year

Ending with 1
Ending with 2
Ending with 4
Ending with 8
Ending with 5

First Semester
Second Semester
Second Semester
Second Semester
Either Semester

Physics is one of the four compulsory courses at the entry point in the School of Natural Sciences.
The student is expected to learn Physics at a level higher than that he/she encountered in the High
School, learning the basic concepts.
At the end of this course the student should have acquired sufficient knowledge of the basic concepts
of Physics to allow her/him to continue studies at higher levels in any branch of science.
Course Content:
Vectors and their use; uniformly accelerated motion; units; Newton's laws; work and energy; linear
momentum; motion in a circle; rotational work, energy and momentum; static equilibrium; mechanical
properties of matter; gases and the kinetic theory; thermal properties of matter; thermodynamics;
vibration and waves.
Time allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week. Lab: 3 hrs/week
Assessment: Continuous Assessment: 50%, Final Examination: 50%.
Recommended Textbook:
F. J. Bueche, D. A. Jerde, Principles of Physics 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1995. ISBN: 13.978-00700

P192: INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (Option A: Life Sciences)

This course is a continuation from the first semester. However, it is meant specifically for students
intending to pursue higher studies in Life Sciences.
At the end of this course, the student is expected to have learned basic skills in Physics that would be
required to pursue higher studies in any branch of science, especially the Life Sciences.
Course Content:
Sound; electric forces and fields; electric potential; direct-current circuits; magnetism; electromagnetic
induction; alternating currents and electronics; e.m. waves; properties of light; optical devices;
interference and diffraction; three revolutionary concepts; energy levels and spectra; the atomic
nucleus; physics of the very large and very small; energy and environment.
Time allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week. Lab: 3 hrs/week.
Assessment: Continuous Assessment: 50%. Final Examination: 50%.
Recommended Textbook:
F. J. Bueche, D. A. Jerde, Principles of Physics 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1995. ISBN: 13.978-00700

P198: INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS II (Option B: Physical Sciences)

This course is meant for students pursuing higher studies in Physical Sciences, including various
branches of Engineering. There are more contact hours, allowing for the teaching of more material in
greater detail.
At the end of this course, the student is expected to have learned basic skills in Physics that would be
required to pursue higher studies especially in Physical Sciences, including Engineering.
Course Content:
Fluid mechanics, molecular properties of matter, sound; electric forces and fields; electric potential;
direct-current circuits; magnetism; electromagnetic induction; alternating currents and electronics;
e.m. waves; properties of light; optical devices; interference and diffraction; three revolutionary
concepts; energy levels and spectra; the atomic nucleus; physics of the very large and very small;
energy and environment.
Time allocation: Lectures: 5 hrs/week. Tutorial: 2 hrs/week. Lab: 3 hrs/week.
Assessment: Continuous Assessment: 50%. Final Examination: 50%.
Recommended Textbook:
F. J. Bueche, D. A. Jerde, Principles of Physics 6th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1995. ISBN: 13.978-00700


Classical mechanics is one of the foundation stones of all physics. A thorough understanding of it is
essential to the successful assimilation of modern physics. Both quantum mechanics and relativity,
which underlie higher-level physics, have to be studied in a context that emphasizes that in an
appropriate limit, they reduce to classical mechanics. P251: Classical Mechanics I gives a
comprehensive introduction to all the major areas of classical mechanics.
After attending this course, the student should be able:
1. to solve problems in mechanics involving Newtons laws of motion
2. to solve standard problems in dynamics and the kinematics of a particle and a system of particles
using vector methods.
Course Content:
1. Vectors and calculus-based treatment of problems in kinematics and dynamics of a particle. 2.
Newton's laws in vector form. 3. Friction, work energy and potential. 4. Conservative forces,
collisions. 5. Rigid body dynamics. Gravitation.
Associated Laboratory : P251
Time allocation: 3 one hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial/week, 1 three hour lab/week

Assessment: Continuous Assessment. 40%, (labs 15%, Tests 20% and Assignments 5%)
Final examination. 60%
Pre-requisites: M111, M112/M114, P191, P192 Co-requisite: M211
Prescribed Texts:
1. C. D. Collinson, Introductory Mechanics, Edward Arnold, London, 1980. ISBN:0 7131 2786 4
Recommended Texts:
1. K. R. Symon, Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, 1971. ISBN:13:9780070350489
2. G. Sposito, An Introduction to Classical Mechanics, J. Wiley and Sons, 1976.
3. R. Grant and C. L. George, Analytical Mechanics, Brooks/Cole, USA, 1999. ISBN:0-03-022 317-2


The initial stage in the development of classical mechanics is often referred to as Newtonian
mechanics. More abstract and general methods include Lagrangian mechanics and Hamiltonian
mechanics. Some sources exclude relativistic mechanics from the category of classical mechanics.
However, a number of modern sources do include it, which in their view represents classical
mechanics in its most developed and most accurate form. Among other aspects of mechanics, this
course gives an introduction to the use of the Lagrangian and the Hamiltonian. It also introduces
relativistic mechanics.
To provide students with the knowledge to be able:
1. to solve problems in oscillations (damped and undamped)
2. to solve standard problems in dynamics and the kinematics of a particle and a system of particles,
through the use the Langrangian and the Hamiltonian.
3. to solve problems in relativistic mechanics.
Course Content:
1.Oscillations: damped and forced oscillations; resonance and coupled oscillations. 2. Waves:
solutions of the wave equation; waves in media. 3. Introduction to analytical mechanics, and
4.Elements of the special theory of relativity.
Associated Laboratory : P252
Time allocation: 3 one hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial/week, 1 three hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 40%, (labs 15%, Tests 20% and Assignments 5%)
Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: M111, M112/M114, P191, P192, P251..Co-requisite : M212
Prescribed Texts:
1. C. D. Collinson, Introductory Mechanics, Edward Arnold, 1980. ISBN: 0 7131 2786 4
2. A. P. French, Special Relativity, Van Nostrand Reingold, 1980. ISBN: 10:0393697935

Recommended Texts:
1. K. R. Symon, Mechanics, Addison-Wesley, 1971. ISBN: 10:0070350485
2. G. Sposito, An Introduction to Classical Mechanics, J. Wiley and Sons, 1976. 10:0201029189
3. R. Grant and C. L. George, Analytical Mechanics, Brooks/Cole, USA, 1999. ISBN: 0-03-022 317-2


Electricity and magnetism forms the basis of important disciplines such as electrical and electronic
engineering. The electromagnetic force is one of the fundamental forces of nature and is responsible
for such phenomena as chemical bonding and electrostatics. Electromagnetic waves are the means
by which telecommunications is accomplished. Sciences such as optics are studied on the basis of
At the end of attending the course, the student should acquire:
1. an understanding of basic electromagnetic concepts that are required to solve problems in
electrostatics, magnetism, and direct- and alternating-current circuits;
2. an understanding of the basis on which several electrical and electronic instruments such as
oscilloscopes and potentiometers are based;
3. the basic skills needed in the measurement of quantities in physics experiments and the analysis
of the data so obtained.
Course Content:
1. Electrostatics: Electric charge and Coulombs law of electronic forces. The electric field, E and the
electric potential, V. Capacitance and dielectrics.
2. Current and circuits. Electric current.
Resistance, Resistivity; series and parallel resistors. Ohms law. Voltage and current divider rules.
3. The Magnetic field: law of Biot and Savart. Amperes law. Induced electromotive force, emf
(Faradays law).
4. Transients in electric circuits: Alternating current circuits: rms values. RL, RC and RCL circuits.
5. The transformer. Transformer equation. Step-up and step-down transformers.
Associated Laboratory : P261
Time allocation: 3 one hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial/week, 1 three hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: M111, M112/M114, P191, P192/P198. Co-requisite: M211
Prescribed Texts:
1. A. Kip, Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw-Hill, 1969. ASIN: BOOO7E60GW
Recommended Texts:
1. D. Halliday and R. Resnick, Physics Parts I & II, John Wiley and Sons, 1978. ISBN: 471097128
2. W. J. Duffin, Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw-Hill, 1980. ISBN: 13-978-0077072094


Many problems of interest in modern physics involve interactions between microscopic particles such
as atoms and molecules. For example the modification of magnetic effects produced by currents in
the presence of matter can be attributed to the circulating currents which produce atomic magnetic
dipole moments within matter. The sources of this effect are the circulating currents which produce
atomic magnetic dipole moments within matter. All magnetic effects of matter may be understood on
the basis of current loops or their magnetic dipoles. Another case involving microscopic interactions
is the production of visible light from gases. Atomic and nuclear physics provides a transition from
classical to quantum mechanics and relativity. For students who may not be able to continue with
higher level physics, this is the only course in which they will encounter the basic theory of
electromagnetic waves such as x-rays and gamma rays. For many of them, the practical use of
electromagnetic rays is a large component of their studies. X-rays and gamma rays are thus of
interest to medical students because of their use in medical diagnostics. Agriculture, mining and
veterinary students encounter radio-physics in various departments of their specializations.
At the end of attending the course, the student should acquire:
1. an understanding of the basic concepts of magnetism in matter;
2. an understanding of the basic concepts upon which modern physics is based;
3. an introduction to atomic and nuclear physics and their applications.
Course Content:

Magnetism in matter. Modification of magnetic fields produced by currents.

Magnetization, M. Free and bound currents. magnetic field intensity, H
Magnetic susceptibility m and magnetic permeability m . Paramagnetic, diamagnetic, and
ferromagnetic materials and how they differ.


Atomic view of solids and radiation

Thomson and Rutherford atomic models; their failures and successes; black-body radiation;
Stefans, Wiens displacement and the Rayleigh-Jean law; Plancks radiation law and the
quantum equation. The photoelectric effect . Optical spectra; emission and absorption lines; the
spectrometer. Hydrogen emission spectrum. The Bohr model; atomic orbits; energy levels. The
Pauli exclusion principle.


Nature of X-rays. X-ray wave-lengths; X-ray production; the X-ray tube; X-ray spectrum: emission
spectra and the continuous spectrum. X-ray diffraction. Energy levels. Moseleys law. Properties
of X-rays. Absorption of X-rays: photo-effect; the Compton effect; pair production. the de Broglie
hypothesis; the uncertainty principle;


The phenomena of radioactivity. Radiations released in radioactive decay and their properties;
Natural and artificial radio-activity. Radiation detectors. Law of radioactive decay; decay
constant, half-life and mean life. Alpha, beta and gamma decays. Radioactive decay series.
Nuclear reactions: incident particles, target nuclei outgoing particle and recoil-nucleus.
Kinematics of nuclear reactions. Q-value in a nuclear reaction. Fusion and fission.

Associated Laboratory: P212

Time allocation: 3 one hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial/week, 1 three hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: M111, M112/M114, P191, P192/P198. Co-requisite: M212
Prescribed Texts:
1. M. R. Wehr, J. A. Richards and T. W. Adair, Physics of the Atom, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
ISBN 10:0201088789
2. A. F. Kip, Fundamentals of Electricity and Magnetism, McGraw-Hill, Kogakusha Ltd.
ASIN: B0007E60GW
Recommended Texts:
1. S. T. Thornton, Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd ed., Thomson Learning, 2002.
ISBN 0-03-006049-4
2. A. J. Dekker, Electrical Engineering Materials, Prentice Hall of India, 2005. ISBN 0:9880333918333


The course P231 is one of the second-year core courses. It consists of two parts - namely, properties of
matter and thermal physics. The combination of these two topics in one course has the advantage of a
course that equips the student with the knowledge of the basic principles in these topics. The course thus
prepares the student for further studies in Statistical Physics and Solid State Physics. It is hoped that in
future P231 will be further subdivided into two courses devoted to properties of matter and to thermal
At the end of attending the course, the student should acquire:
1. an understanding of the basic concepts of mechanical properties of matter and thermal physics,
2. an understanding of the laws of thermodynamics and of properties of gases.
Course Content:
Properties of Matter: Viscosity of liquids and gases; Definitions; Bernoulli's equation; Surface tension;
Definitions; Capillarity; Excess pressure; Curved surfaces; Elasticity; Modulus of elasticity; Torsional
rigidity; Bending of beams and plasticity; Fracture
Thermal Physics: Thermal expansion and thermal conductivity; Specific heat and latent heat; Kinetic
theory of gases; Bulk properties of real gases; Entropy and the second law.
Associated laboratory.
Time Allocation: Lectures 3 hrs/week; Tutorial 1hr/week; Lab 3 hrs/week
Continuous assessment, 40%; Final examinations, 60%
Prerequisites: P191, P192/P198, M111, M112/M114

Co-requisite: M211
Prescribed Texts:
1. M. W Zemansky and R. H. Dittman, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw Hill, 1981. ISBN: 13:9780071223041
2. F.H. Newman and V. H. L Searle, The General Properties of Matter, Edward Arnold, 1965. ISBN:

Optics is a branch of physics dealing with the properties and nature of light. Its basic applications are
used in all branches of science, technology and engineering. New developments in optics have
increased the importance of optics and its applications.
At the end of attending the course, the student should acquire:
1. an understanding of the basic concepts of geometrical and physical optics,
2. an introduction to basic optical instruments and their working principles.
Course Content:
Geometrical Optics: 1. Lenses and aberrations, 2. Prisms and prism instruments; dispersion,
Physical Optics: 3. Interference, 4. Diffraction, 5. Polarisation, and 6. Electro and magneto optics;
quantum optics and lasers.
Associated Laboratory: P272
Time allocation: 3 one hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial/week, 1 three hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: M111, M112/M114, P191, P192
Co-requisite: M212
Prescribed Texts:
1. A. Jenkins and H. Elliot, Fundamentals of Optics, McGraw-Hill, 1981. ISBN: 10:0070323305
2. F. G. Smith and J. H. Thompson, Optics, John Wiley, 1988. ISBN: 13:978-0471915348
Recommended Text:
1. R. S. Longhurst, Geometrical and Physical Optics, Longman, 1986. ISBN: 13:978-0582440999


Quantum mechanics is the most fundamental theory of physics and has the widest range of
applicability. It is the cornerstone of any physics degree programme. Therefore a good introduction
to the subject is essential for physics students. A thorough grasp of it is necessary for almost all
postgraduate work. P351 aims to introduce the basics of quantum mechanics to the student in a way
that lays a foundation for further study of the subject and for its use in other areas of physics.
At the end of this course, the student should have learned:
1. The failings of classical physics and the need for quantum concepts
2. How quantum mechanics resolves problems that confounded classical mechanics
3. The basic principles of quantum mechanics
4. How to apply quantum mechanics in simple situations
5. The student should be ready for more advanced concepts in quantum mechanics.
Course Content:
Origins of quantum theory: Wave-particle duality; black-body radiation; Compton effect; photoelectric
effect; atomic spectra and Bohr model; the correspondence principle; the de Broglie hypothesis and
electron diffraction.
Wave packets and the uncertainty relations: The wave function; superposition; wave packets and
group velocity; the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and examples.
The one-dimensional Schrdinger equation and applications: Time dependent and time-independent
Schrdinger equation; eigenvalues and eigenfunction; one-dimensional examples; normalization;
quantum mechanical tunnelling; the harmonic oscillator.
Basic postulates and formalism of quantum mechanics: The wave function; dynamical variables and
operators; Hermitian operators; expansion in eigenfunctions; commuting observables; compatibility.
Angular momentum in quantum mechanics: Angular momentum operators; eigenvalues and
eigenfunctions; experimental demonstration of angular momentum quantization; general solution of
the eigenvalue problem; matrix representation; spin and Pauli exclusion principle.
Three-dimensional Schrdinger equation: The wave equation; separation in Cartesian coordinates;
separation in spherical polar coordinates; the radial equation; application to the hydrogen atom;

Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Lab: Associated laboratory of 3 hrs/week
Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination: 60%
Pre-requisites: P251, P252, P261, P212, M211, M212
Prescribed Texts

1. B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, ELBS, 1989, ISBN: 0582-44498-5
2. S. Gasiorowicz, Quantum Physics, J. Wiley & Sons, 1971, ISBN: 0 471 29281-8
Recommended Texts:
1. A. I. M. Rae, Quantum Mechanics, Institute of Physics Publisher, 1993, ISBN: 13:9780750302173


In recent years the availability of powerful micro-computers has changed the approach to the method
of study in physics. In many countries the use of micro-computers is encouraged even at high school
levels. In its own right, the use of computers led to an applied branch of physics known as
Computational Physics. This branch of physics is one of the core subjects taken by every student of
Physics in many universities. It has become essential in preparing students intending to study fields
of Physics like Energy and Environment that require modelling and simulation skills. On the other
hand the study of Computational Physics helps a student of Physics in terms increasing job
1. provide the student with knowledge of the higher level programming languages which are currently
used in Physics e.g. C++ and C#.
2. introduce the use of a computer as a tool for solving Physics problems by the use of numerical
methods and simulation techniques.
Course Content:
1. Introduction to computer architecture and peripherals. Introduction to software tools: Word
processing and graphics usage. Basics of structured programming and computation: All fundamental
aspects of the currently used programming languages in Physics, computational arithmetic, precision
and propagation of errors (computational and numerical).
2. Solutions of non-linear equations: Newton-Raphson method with applications to physical problems,
e.g., van der Waals equation and phase transitions. Solution of non-linear equations in relation to
fractals, chaos and basins of attraction.
3. Least Squares Fit: Linear fitting of experimental data, mean and variance in relation to best fit and
experimental errors.
4. Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal, Simpson and Romberg methods with applications to physical
problems, e.g., van der Waals equation and work done. Introduction to the Monte Carlo method of
5. Linear Equations: Gauss's method, LU Factorization, Gauss-Jordon method, Gauss-Seidel
method and ill-conditioned equations with application to physical problems.
6. Ordinary Differential Equations: Euler, Runge-Kutta methods with application to physics problems,
e.g., square-well potentials, radioactive decay and the two-body problem.
Time Allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week.

Tutorial: 1 hr/week Lab: Associated Practical Computing

Assessment: Labs: 30%, Tests: 20%, Final Examination: 50%

Pre-requisites: P251, P252, M211, M212 Co-requisite: P351
Prescribed Texts:
1. J. R. Hanly, Essential C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd ed.,Addison Wesley, New York,
2002. ISBN: 13:9780201884951
2. P. L. DeVries, A First Course in Computational Physics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
ISBN: 13:978-0471548690
3. M. L. DeJong, Introduction to Computational Physics, Addison Wesley Publishing, New York,
1991. ISBN: 0-19-852522-2
Recommended Texts:
1. H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, C++: How to Program, 4th ed., Pearson Education, Delhi, 2004. ISBN
2. Microsoft cooperation: Microsoft C# Language Specifications 1st ed., Microsoft Press, Washington,
2001. 13:978-0735614482
3. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley and Sons, 1988. ISBN


Electromagnetism deals with relationship between electric current and magnetism. It is one of the
pillars of classical physics and forms part of any undergraduate curriculum in Physics.
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
(i) calculate electric fields in vacuum and in a dielectric medium due to stationary charges.
(ii) establish and use mathematical relationships between electric current and magnetism in
vacuum as well as inside magnetic materials.
(iii) use Maxwells equations to establish the existence, properties and behaviour of
electromagnetic waves in vacuum and in media.

Course Content:
Review of Vectors and Vector Calculus: Dot and vector products, time derivative. Vector operators:
gradient, divergence, curl and Laplacian. Line, surface and volume integrals. Green's theorem,
Stoke's theorem. Vector operators in spherical and cylindrical coordinates.
Electrostatic Fields I: Electrostatic Fields in Vacuum - Coulomb's Law, electric field intensity, electric
potential, electric field outside and inside macroscopic bodies, Gauss's Law, Poisson's and Laplace's
equation, conductors, electric dipole, potential energy of a charge distribution, energy density in an
electric field.
Electrostatic Fields II: Dielectric Materials - Electric polarization, electric field at an exterior point,
bound charge densities, polarization current density, electric susceptibility, electric displacement,
relative permittivity and Poisson's equation for dielectrics, the free and the bound charge density,
calculation of electric fields involving dielectrics, potential energy of a charge distribution in the
presence of dielectrics.

Electrostatic Fields III: General Methods for Solving Laplace and Poisson's Equations - Continuity
conditions, the Uniqueness theorem, method of images. Solution of Laplace equation in rectangular
Magnetic Fields I: Steady Currents and Nonmagnetic Materials: The Biot-Savart Law, magnetic
induction due to straight and circular wires, force on a point charge moving in a magnetic field,
divergence of magnetic induction, vector potential, curl of magnetic induction, Ampere's circuital Law
and applications, magnetic dipole.
Magnetic Fields II: Induced Electromotance and Magnetic Energy - Faraday's induction Law and
applications, induced electromotance in a moving system, mutual and self inductance, energy stored
in a magnetic field, self-inductance for a volume distribution of current.
Magnetic Fields III: Magnetic Materials - Magnetization, magnetic induction at an exterior point, the
magnetic field intensity H, Ampere's circuital law, magnetic susceptibiliy and relative permeability,
equivalent current density and the free current density, hysteresis, boundary conditions, magnetic
field calculations.
Maxwell's Equations - charge conservation, the Lorentz condition, nonhomogeneous wave equations
for V and A, curl of B, Maxwell's equations.
Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves - Plane electromagnetic waves in free space, Poynting vector,
the E and H vectors in homogeneous, isotropic, linear and stationary media, propagation of plane
electromagnetic waves in nonconductors and conductors, skin effect.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week Tutorial: 1 hr /week Lab: Associated practical lab: 3 hrs/week
Continuous Assessment 40%, Final Examination 60%
Prerequisites: P261
Prescribed Books:

P. Lorrain and D. Corson, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, W H Freeman and Company,
San Francisco, 1970. 13:978-0471571322
R. K. Wangness, Electromagnetic Fields, John Wiley and Sons, New York,1986. ISBN:


The basic laws governing dynamics are Newtons second law in classical mechanics and the
Schrdinger wave equation in quantum mechanics. Their application is however restricted to only the
simplest physical systems because of mathematical complications which arise primarily from the
many-body nature of most practical systems. Statistical mechanics is the study of systems comprising
many particles by means of the laws of statistics and probability. In P332, the fundamental principles
of equilibrium statistical mechanics are studied and are illustrated by means of simple examples.
Many important concepts are developed for the first time and some old ones rigorously justified or

derived. This lays the groundwork for the study of more complex systems which cannot be treated in
this course, and it leads to the study of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics at postgraduate level.

At the end of this course, the student should have learned:
1. The connection between the laws of thermodynamics and the microscopic structure of
2. How to use statistical mechanics to calculate the properties of simple systems.
3. How to derive many of the results of kinetic theory and thermodynamics by means of the
standard tools of statistical mechanics such as the partition function.
4. The student should be ready to move on to the study of more advanced concepts and more
complex physical systems in subsequent courses.
Course Content
Probability and Statistics: The random walk problem, the binomial distribution, the Gaussian
distribution, the Poisson distribution
Statistical Description of Systems of Particles: Statistical formulation of the mechanical problem
Statistical Thermodynamics: Irreversibility at the attainment of equilibrium, thermal interaction
between macroscopic systems, general interaction between macroscopic systems, general
interaction between macroscopic systems
Macroscopic Parameters and Their Measurement
Simple Applications of Macroscopic Thermodynamics: Properties of ideal gases, general relations for
a homogeneous substance, free expansion and throttling processes, heat engines and refrigerators
Basic Methods of Statistical Mechanics: Ensembles representative of situations of physical interest,
approximation methods
Simple Applications of Statistical Mechanics: Ideal monatomic gas, the equipartition theorem,
Equilibrium Between Phases or Chemical Species: General equilibrium conditions, equilibrium
between phases, chemical equilibrium of systems with several components
Quantum Statistics of Ideal Gases: Maxwell-Boltzmann, Bose-Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, blackbody radiation.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Lab: Associated laboratory of 3 hrs/week.
Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination: 60%
Pre-requisites: P231, P272, M211, M212
Prescribed Texts

1. F. Reif, Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw-Hill, 1981. ISBN: 0-07085615-X
2. B. N. Roy, Fundamentals of Classical and Statistical Thermodynamics, Wiley, 2002. ISBN:
Recommended Texts
1. M. W. Zemansky, Heat and Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1957. ISBN: 978-0070170599
2. F. W. Sears, Thermodynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1963. ISBN: 13:020106894


The electronics syllabus has the primary objective of enabling the student to acquire the theoretical
and practical skills that are necessary for the acquisition of instrumentation techniques utilised in
advanced experimental Physics. This basic course will equip the student with the skills necessary for
understanding the principles of transducer physics as applied in instrumentation electronics. It is an
essential preamble to the knowledge of the application of electronics in Industry, Science and
At the end of attending the course, the student should:
1) have acquired an understanding of basic electronic concepts needed for the analysis of electrical
2) have been introduced to the basic devices used in electronics and the physical principles, in
particular semiconductor theory, responsible for the electrical properties of these devices.
3) have been introduced to standard electronic circuits and circuits utilized in measurements of
physical quantities in physics experiments.
Course Content:
Kirchhoff's current and voltage Laws. Thevenin's and Norton's theorem. Impedance matching.
Feedback theory. A.C. circuit theory: Complex representation of a.c. current, voltage and electrical
components. Introduction to Laplace and Fourier series. Passive filters and RLC circuits.
Semiconductor devices and circuits: Physics of semiconductors. P-N junction diode. Diode rectifier
circuits. Bipolar transistor theory. d.c. transfer characteristics. a.c. characteristics and the hybrid
model of the transistor. Transistor circuits: a.c. amplifier, differential amplifier, switch. J-FET
Operational amplifier: Ideal op-amp characteristics. Op-amp as amplifier; inverting, non-inverting,
difference and instrumentation amplifiers. Op-amp mathematical circuits; summing, logarithmic,
multiplication, differentiation and integration circuits. Data acquisition circuits; sample-and-hold, peak
detector, A/D converter.
Measurement systems: General measurement system. Sensors and transducers.
Associated Laboratory: P341
Time Allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week Lab: 4 hrs/week

Assessment: Labs: 30%, Tests: 20%, Final Examination: 50%

Pre-requisites: P261, P212
Prescribed Texts:
1. J. J. Brophy, Basic Electronics for Scientists, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill,University of Utah, 1990. ISBN:
2. J. Millman and C. Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, Tokyo, 1971. ISBN: 13:9780708549391
Recommended Texts:
1. R. J. Higgins, Electronics with Digital and Analog Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N.J. 1983.


Digital electronics is a vital component of control circuits in most machines and communication
installations. It has given us gadgets like cell phones, pocket calculators, digital watches, heart pace
makers, computers, automatically controlled production processes, to name a few. Digital electronics
is an essential part of our daily life.
At the end of attending the course, the student should acquire basic knowledge and skills in digital
electronics. It introduces the fundamental concepts that are so essential to in advanced digital
electronics principles. Greater depth of coverage of digital electronics is to be emphasized due to the
increasing importance of computer technology for the analysis, control and simulation of physics
Course Content:
Basics: Logic gates: Basic logic gates and their truth tables; TTL construction of logic gates. Binary
arithmetic: Binary number system. Conversion from decimal to binary. Addition and subtraction of
binary numbers. Boolean algebra: Boolean identities; De Morgan's laws; Conversion of Boolean
equations to truth tables and vice versa.
Digital circuits: Binary arithmetic circuits; addition and subtraction. Flip-Flops: S-R, J-K, D and T flipflops. Counters and shift registers: Serial to parallel conversion; Parallel to serial conversion; Parallel
to parallel conversion; Binary ring and ripple counters. Digital Memory: Introduction to stacks; RAM
and ROM. A/D and D/A converters. Decoders: 4-16, BCD, Hexadecimal. Demultiplexer and
Multiplexer. Introduction to the microprocessor.
Associated Laboratory: P342
Time Allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week Lab: 4 hrs/week
Assessment: Labs: 30%, Tests: 20%, Final Examination 50%
Pre-requisites: P261, P341
Prescribed Texts:
1. H. Taub and D. Schilling, Digital Integrated Electronics, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-062921-8

Recommended Texts:
1. J. J. Brophy, Basic Electronics for Scientists, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, University of Utah, 1990.
2. R. J. Higgins, Electronics with Digital and Analog Integrated Circuits, Prentice Hall, Englewood
Cliffs, N. J. 1983.


Computational physics is physics done by means of computational methods. It is much more than
``Physics Using Computers.'' The essential point in computational physics is not the use of machines,
but the systematic application of numerical techniques in place of, and in addition to, analytical
methods, in order to render accessible to computation as large a part of physical reality as possible.
In all quantifying sciences the advent of computers rapidly extended the applicability of numerical
methods. In the case of physics it triggered the evolution of an entirely new field with its own goals
and problems. Computational physicists have developed new numerical techniques (Monte Carlo and
molecular dynamics simulation, fast Fourier transformation), discovered unexpected physical
phenomena (Alder vortices, shear thinning), and posed new questions to theory and experiment
(chaos, strange attractors, cellular automata, neural nets, spin glasses, etc.). This course is not a
short course in computing science, nor in programming. It focuses specifically on methods for solving
physics problems. Students taking this course will be expected to be familiar with basic programming.
This course aims to give the student a thorough grounding in the main computational techniques
used in modern physics. It is particularly important in this course that the students should learn by
doing. The course is therefore designed such that a significant fraction of the students' time is spent
actually programming specific physical problems while learning abstract techniques.
Course Content:
1. Programming languages: Advanced programming in Higher level languages which are currently
used in Physics e.g. C++ and C#.
Introduction to software tools: Scientific and graphics packages.
2. Introduction to statistical concepts: Random variables, probability, density functions and frequency
functions, co-variance and correlation coefficients.
Common distributions: Gaussian, Poisson, Fermi-Dirac, and Bose-Einstein.
3. Monte Carlo Methods: Integration, particle transport and Monte Carlo Error Analysis.
4. Curve fitting: Interpolation and non-linear least squares.
5. Fast Fourier Transforms: FFTs as applied to physics problems.
6. Matrix eigenvalue problem and diagonalisation procedures: Calculation of energy levels as
eigenvalues with applications to some Physics problems e.g. atomic structure calculations and
molecular orbital theory (Huckel Method) and defect energy levels in Solid State Physics.
7. Approximation methods: Perturbation and variational methods with reference to simple physical

8. Non-linear Dynamics: Chaos and fractals with reference to some simple Physics problems.
Time Allocation: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week Laboratory: Associated Practical Computing Class.
Assessment: Labs: 30%, Tests: 20%, Final Examination: 50%
Pre-requisites: P302, P351
Recommended Texts:
1. J. R. Hanly, Essential C++ for Engineers and Scientists, 2nd ed., Addison Wesley Publishing Co,
New York, 2002. ISBN: 10:020188495X
2. W. H. Press, B. P. Flannery, S. A. Teukolsky and W. T. Vetterling, Numerical Recipes, The Art of
Scientific Computing, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1990. ISBN: 978-0521431088
3. P. L. DeVries, A First Course in Computational Physics, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
ISBN: 13:978-0471548690
4. Harvey Gould & Jan Tobochnik, An Introduction to Computer Simulation Methods, Parts I & II,
Addison Wesley, New York, 1987. ISBN: 0-8053-7758-1
Further references:
1. H. M. Deitel and P. J. Deitel, C++ How to Program, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education, Patparganj,
Delhi, 2004. ISBN: 13:978-0131016217
2. Microsoft C# Language Specifications, Microsoft Press, Microsoft Corporation, Redmond,
Washington, 2001. ISBN: 978-0070081475
4. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 1988). ISBN: 0471726451


The world heavily relies for its energy needs on the use of oil, coal and gas, collectively termed as
fossil fuels. However, continued use of fossil fuels is leading to a very serious environmental problem
climate change. It is now accepted that a major shift towards increased use of renewable sources of
energy is required in order to mitigate this problem. Indeed the growth in the renewable energy sector
has been a phenomenal 30-40% per annum during the last decade. With the maximum solar
resource in the world, Africa - including Zambia - is uniquely poised to exploit this natural gift to best
advantage. Other renewable sources of energy also abound in parts of Africa. Institutions of higher
learning can play an important role by building high level capacity in this field.
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:

measure as well as to estimate the solar radiation incident on a horizontal surface.

use the physical principles of heat transfer, optics and photovoltaic conversion to understand,
calculate, assess and optimize the performance of solar-energy devices.
use physical principles to understand, calculate, assess and optimize the working of other
renewable-energy devices.
use basic physical principles to explain the behaviour of the atmosphere and the causes of
climate change.

Course Content:
Solar Radiation Fundamentals: Radiation Laws, The Sun, Sun-earth geometry, solar constant,
extraterrestrial radiation, spectral distribution, attenuation of solar radiation by the atmosphere, solar
radiation on the ground; direct, diffuse and global radiation; solar radiation on horizontal and inclined
surfaces, measurement of solar radiation.
Solar Energy Utilization: Fundamentals of heat transfer; conduction, convection and radiation in
specific-shaped bodies. Optics of collectors, reflection and refraction at dielectric interfaces,
transmittance and reflectance of single and multiple glazings, optical efficiency of a glazing-absorber
system, anti-reflecting coatings for glazings, selective absorber coatings; concentrators; solar heating
panels, performance and time constant under stagnant conditions, operational characteristics of flatplate collector; solar heating system; arrays; heat exchangers and heat pumps; thermodynamic
conversion of solar energy to work, solar powered mechanical engines, solar-driven cooling; direct
conversion of solar energy to electricity, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, the p-n junction,
junction photovoltaic spectral response of photocurrent, theoretical efficiency of photovoltaic devices,
photovoltaic arrays and systems.

Other Renewable Sources of Energy: Wind power: Types of wind turbines, design considerations and
applications. Biomass: Photosynthesis principle, physical characteristics of biomass residues,
thermoconversion (pyrolysis), gasification, biological conversion (anaerobic, fermentation).
Hydropower: Principles of hydropower extraction and hydropower turbines. Ocean thermal energy
conversion (OTEC): Principle and efficiency of OTEC, sea thermal power plants. Geothermal power.
Tidal power.
Physics of the Atmosphere: The atmosphere, hydrostatic equation, adiabatic lapse rate, blackbody
radiation, radiative transfer, absorption and emission of radiation, radiative equilibrium in a grey
atmosphere, energy systems of the earth, global radiation budget, equilibrium temperature, the
greenhouse effect and climate change. Absorption of radiation by ozone and the problem of ozone
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs per week, Tutorial: 1 hr per week , Laboratory: 1 laboratory per week
Continuous Assessment: 40%, Final examination 60%
Pre-requisites: P231, P361
Recommended Texts
1. S. Wieder, An Introduction to Solar Energy for Scientists and Engineers, John Wiley & Sons,
1982. ISBN: 13-978-0471060482
2. J.T. Houghton, The Physics of the Atmosphere, Cambridge University Press, 1977. ISBN:

3. J. Twidell and J. Weir, Renewable Energy Resources, ELBS, 1988.


ISBN: 13:978-

Supplementary Reading
1. H. P. Garg, Treatise on Solar Energy, Vol 1, John Wiley & Sons, 1982. ISBN:
2. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley &
Sons, 1980. ISBN: 13:978-04715610567
3. A. Henderson-Sellers and P. J. Robinson, Contemporary Climatology, Longman Scientific &
Technical, 1986. ISBN: 13:978-0470206645
4. M. Iqbal, Introduction to Solar Radiation, Academic Press, 1983. OSTI 10:5596615


In todays world Radiation Physics applications play an important role in everyday life, ranging from
medicine to industrial production. It is, therefore, important that students of Physics are furnished with
knowledge of the principles underlying these applications. This course is designed to offer exposure
to introductory nuclear instrumentation or radiation measurements. The knowledge is needed by
those who may pursue studies in Nuclear Physics, Medical Physics, and Nuclear Engineering.
On completion of the course, the student should be able to understand the working principles as well
as to utilize nuclear equipment such as various radiation detectors, amplifiers, multi-channel analyser
etc, and the effect of radiation on human health.
Course Content:
Basic nuclear physics, radioactivity, equilibrium, age of rocks, nuclear energy level diagrams,
activation analysis, types of radiation, electron interactions with matter, gamma ray interactions,
ionisation of gases, radiation detection methods, counting techniques, introduction to theory and
practice of dosimetry.

Associated Laboratory: P411/P412

Time Allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week Laboratory: 1 laboratory per week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: P351, P341, P342
Recommended Texts:
1. G. F. Knoll, Radiation Detection and Measurement, 2nd ed., John Wiley, 1989. ISBN: 0-47181504-7
Supplementary Texts:
1. N. Tsoulfanidis, Measurement and Detection of Radiation, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983.
ISBN: 0-07-065397-6.

2. W. R. Leo, Techniques for Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, Springer Verlag, BerlinHeidelberg-New York, ISBN: 3-540-17386-2
3. E. Segre, Nuclei and Particles, The Benjamin/Cumming Publishing Co., 1977. ISBN:


The course aims at understanding of basic and fundamental concepts used in nuclear physics.
At the end of the course, the student should be able to have enough background knowledge in
nuclear physics so as to enable him/her to pursue higher studies in nuclear physics or related
Course Content:
1. Elements of Nuclear Structure and Systematics: Nomenclature and conventions.
Nuclear Radii: Electromagnetic radius, nuclear radius, brief survey of methods of determining nuclear
radius. Values of spin, magnetic moments of nuclei, Schmidt lines, and electric quadrupole moments
of nuclei.
Semi-empirical mass formula, spontaneous fission, Q-value calculations for alpha and beta decay.
Two-body systems and Nuclear Forces: Bound state of deuteron, magnetic moment of deuteron and
non-central forces. Nucleon-nucleon scattering at low energies: scattering cross sections, phase shift,
scattering length, effective range, spin dependence of scattering cross-sections, charge
independence of scattering cross-sections.
Scattering in ortho- and para-hydrogen. Nucleon-nucleon scattering at high energies: a brief summary
and discussion. Meson theory of nuclear forces.
Nuclear Models:

Shell model, Collective nuclear model and rotational levels.

2. Nuclear Decay:
Alpha decay: basic theory, Gamow factor, Geiger-Nuttal law.
Beta decay: beta spectrum and Fermi-theory (without derivation), nature of weak interaction, parity
non conservation and helicity. Electron capture. Gamma decay: selection rules, transition
probabilities, internal conversion, nuclear isomerism, Coulomb excitation and nuclear fluorescence.
3. Nuclear Reactions:
Conservation laws for nuclear reactions.

Particle induced nuclear reactions-general features of

Optical model - an introduction.

Associated Laboratory: P411/P412
Time Allocation: Lectures: 3 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week Laboratory: 1 laboratory per week
Assessment: Continuous Assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%

Pre-requisites: P351, M911, M912. Co-requisites: P455.

Recommended Texts:
1. H. Enge, Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Addison Wesley,1966. ISBN: 0201018705
2. E. Segre , Nuclei and Particles, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., 1977 ISBN: 100805386009
3. W. N. Cottingham and D. A.Greenwood, An Introduction to Nuclear Physics, Cambridge University
Press, ISBN: 0 521 319609
4. H. von Buttlar, Nuclear Physics: An Introduction, Academic Press,1969. ISBN: 10: 0127245502
5. B. L. Cohen, Concepts of Nuclear Physics, McGraw-Hill, 1971. ISBN: 10: 0070115567
Supplementary Texts:
1. E. B. Paul, Nuclear and Particle Physics, North Holland, 1969. ISBN: 13:978-0720401462
2. J. M. Blatt and V. Weisskopf, Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Dover Publications New Edition,
1991. ISBN: 13:978-0486668277
3. M. A. Preston, Physics of the Nucleus. Addison & Wesley. 1967. ISBN: 13-9781124160276
4. R. R. Roy and B. P. Nigam, Nuclear Physics: Theory and Experiment, New Age International,
1996. ISBN: 13:978-0852267882


Solid-state physics, the largest branch of condensed matter physics, is the study of rigid matter or
solids. The course P421 treats this subject and addresses the most important properties of solids.
The bulk of this courses theory and experiment is focused on the study of the physical structural
properties of solids, as well as the thermal, electrical and electronic properties. The emphasis on
solids is largely because the periodicity of the atoms in a crystal facilitates mathematical modelling of
the substance
The framework of most solid-state physics theory is the Schrdinger wave formulation of nonrelativistic quantum mechanics. Blochs theorem, which characterizes the wave functions of electrons
in a periodic potential, is an important starting point for much analysis. This course gives a
comprehensive introduction to some major areas of solid-state physics.
Upon completion of this course, a student should be able to:
1. describe crystal structures in terms of the direct and reciprocal lattices and the unit cell,
calculate the cohesive energy of these structures and understand (in outline) how they
are determined experimentally;
2. understand lattice vibrations and relate them to the thermal properties of solids;
3. derive the free electron model and show how this can provide an explanation for many
features of metallic behaviour;
4. appreciate the strengths and weaknesses of the free electron model and explain the
effect of the lattice on the behaviour of electrons in solids both from the point of view of
the nearly-free electron model, the tight-binding model and the Kronig-Penny model;
5. explain the fundamental features of semiconductors and relate this to simple
semiconductor devices.
6. design and construct laboratory experiments to study and analyse the various above

Course Content:
Crystal structure. Crystal diffraction and the reciprocal lattice. Crystal binding. Lattice
Thermal properties of solids. Free
electron Fermi gas.
Energy bands.
Associated Laboratory.

Time Allocation:

3 one-hour lectures/week.
1 hr tutorial/week.
1 three-hour laboratory/week

Continuous assessment: 40%: Assignments
Final Examination 60%

15% (To depend on the number of labs)

Pre-requisites: P351, P332, P361, M91, and M912.

Prescribed Textbooks:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th ed., J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1986.
ISBN: 13:978-0471490241
2. J. S. Blakemore, Solid State Physics, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press, 1985. ISBN:
Recommended Texts:
1. M. T. Dove, Structure and Dynamics An Atomic View of Materials, Oxford University Press
Inc., New York, 2003. ISBN: 13:978-0198506775
2. J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press Inc.,
New York, 2001. ISBN: 13:978-0198506454
3. N. W. Ashcroft and D. N. Mermin, Solid State Physics, Harcourt College Publishers, Orlando,
1976. ISBN: 13:978-0030839931
4. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics 5ed, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
ISBN: 13:978-8122403817
5. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2000.
ISBN: 10: 047022052X
6. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Prentice-Hall, 1962. ISBN: 13: 978-0333004623


This course follows up on the study of the physical properties of solids by looking at the electronic
properties, and then moving on to the optical and magnetic properties of solids. In addition, it covers
Fermi surfaces, superconductivity and defects and dislocations in solids. Just like the sister course
P421, this course is generally concerned with understanding how the structure of a solid material and
the dynamics of its constituent atoms determine its properties and behaviour.

After completing this course, a student should be able to,

1. to construct and explain the basic features of Fermi surfaces;
2. describe optical processes involving plasmons, polaritons, polarons and excitons and be able
to analyse the various spectral features of solids.
3. show understanding of the dielectric properties of solids and their importance in
determination of electrical and optical properties like refractive index and extinction coefficient
and be able to use the Kramers-Krognig relations in optical analysis.
4. have the necessary background material in diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism
and anti-ferromagnetism and be capable describing these phenomena.
5. explain the fundamental theoretical and practical features of superconductors, point defects
and dislocations in solids
6. design and construct laboratory experiments to study and analyse the various above
7. show how solid-state physics plays a vital part both in other areas of physics and more
generally in science, technology and industry.

Course Content:
Fermi surfaces. Plasmons, polaritons and polarons. Optical properties of solids and excitons.
Superconductivity. Dielectrics and ferroelectrics. Magnetic properties of solids. Defects in solids.
Associated Laboratory.

Time Allocation:

3 one-hour lectures/week.
1 hr tutorial/week.
1 three-hour laboratory/week

Continuous assessment: 40%: Assignments 5%, Tests 20%, Labs 15% (To depend on number
of labs), Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: P421, P351, P332, P361, MP415
Prescribed Textbooks:
1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 6th ed., J. Wiley & Sons, New York. 1986.
ISBN: 10:471490245
2. J. S. Blakemore, Solid State Physics, 2nd ed., Cambridge University Press. 1985. ISBN:
Recommended Texts:
1. M. Fox, Optical Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2001. ISBN: 13:9780198506113
2. J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press Inc., New
York, 2001. ISBN: 13:978-0198506454
3. S. Blundell, Magnetism in Condensed Matter, Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2001. ISBN:
4. N. W. Ashcroft and D. N. Mermin, Solid State Physics, Harcourt College Publishers, Orlando,
1976. ISBN: 13:978-0030839931
5. S. O. Pillai, Solid State Physics, 5th ed., New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
ISBN: 13:978-8122403817

6. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State Physics, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi,
2000. ISBN: 10:812240466
7. A. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London, 1960. ISBN: 10:9880333918333


Operational amplifiers play a vital role in modern electronics design. The latest op amps have
powerful new features, making them more suitable for use in many products requiring weak signal
amplification, such as medical devices, communications technology, optical networks, and sensor
interfacing. This course covers basic concepts, the theories and practices used for analyzing
operational amplifier circuits. It follows up on the ideas introduced in P341, but treated at an
advanced level.
To provide

the basic principles of common operational amplifier and linear integrated circuit
analysis of operational amplifier circuits and their application to physics
more advanced linear integrated circuit applications.

Course Content
1. Introduction to operational amplifiers: Basic operational amplifier circuit; Open loop opamp
configurations-the differential amplifier, the inverting amplifier and the non-inverting amplifier; Opamp
2. Operational amplifiers with feedback: Block diagram representation of feedback configurations;
Voltage series feedback amplifier; Voltage shunt feedback amplifier; Differential amplifiers-differential
amplifier with one opamp, differential amplifier with two opamps, output resistance and bandwidth of
differential amplifiers with feedback.
3. The practical operational amplifier: offset voltage compensating network design. Thermal drift error voltage. Effect of variation in power supply voltages on offset voltage. Change in input offset
voltage and input offset current with time, other temperature and supply voltage sensitive parameters
and noise.
4. Frequency response of an operational amplifier: compensating networks; frequency response of
internally compensated and non-compensated opamps; high frequency opamp equivalent circuit;
circuit stability; frequency compensation techniques, slew rate equation, effect of slew rate in
5. General linear applications and linear simulation: DC and AC amplifiers, the peaking amplifier,
summing, scaling and averaging amplifiers; integrators and differentiators; mathematical function
circuits used to perform physical dynamic simulations, solution to a damped harmonic oscillator.
6. Active filters and oscillators: First order and second order low pass Butterworth filters; First order
and second order high pass Butterworth filters; Higher order filters, Band pass filters-wide band pass
filter and narrow band pass filter; Oscillators - Phase shift oscillator, Wien Bridge oscillator, Square
wave generator; Comparators- basic comparators, comparator characteristics, zero crossing
detectors. Schmitt trigger.

Associated laboratory.
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial per week, 1 three-hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous Assessment 50%, (30 % laboratory work, 10 % Test 1, 10 % Test 2), Final
examination 50%.
Pre-requisite: P341
Prescribed Texts
1. S. Franco, Design with Operational Amplifiers and Analog Integrated Circuits, 3rd ed.,
McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math, 2001. ISBN 13: 978-0072320848
2. W. Jung, Op Amp Applications Handbook (Analog Devices Series), Newnes, 2004. ISBN-10:
0750678445, ISBN-13: 978-0750678445,.


This course provides the fundamentals of both digital electronics and microprocessors, thereby
helping students to become proficient in both hardware and software principles. The course deals
with the applications, organization, architecture, and design of microprocessor systems.
At the end of this course, the student should be able to
1. analyse digital circuits using advanced techniques.
2 show understanding of the basic computer architecture of a microprocessor-based system of
3 use advanced linear integrated circuits in a variety of applications.
Course Content
1. Number systems and digital circuit design:- Review of basic logic gates, Boolean algebra,
Arithmetic circuits-half adder and full adder, twos compliment adder/subtractor circuit, AND-ORINVERT gate, Minterms and maxterms, Karnaugh mapping.
2. Computer languages and microprocessors: components of a computer; Microprocessor
architecture-microprocessor initiated operations, bus architecture, Internal data operations,
registers and flags, externally initiated operations, pin configuration.
3. Microprocessor and computer memory: Memory interfacing, Semiconductor memory and its types:
ROM-Masked ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, Flash memory. RAM-DRAM and SRAM, Cache
memory. Memory organization, memory map.
4. Introduction to basic instructions: Instruction classification-data transfer operations, arithmetic
operations, logical operations, Branching operations, Machine control operations, Addressing
modes; Illustrative programs.
5. Programming techniques: Looping, counting, indexing, 16-bit arithmetic instructions, Addition and
subtraction using unsigned binary numbers, 2's complement numbers and BCD numbers, Logical
and arithmetic shifts, programming examples.

6. Programming for interfacing: Interrupts-Maskable and non-maskable interrupts, hardware and

software interrupts, interrupt call locations. PUSH and POP instructions, programming practice
using subroutines. Data transfer schemes: methods of data transfer, Programmed controlled I/O:
Handshaking and Polling.
Associated laboratory
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one hour tutorial per week, 1 three-hour lab/week
Assessment: Continuous Assessment 50% (30 % laboratory work, 10 % Test 1, 10 % Test 2), Final
examination 50%
Pre-requisite: P342
Prescribed Texts:
1. W. Kleitz, Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals: Theory and Application, 4/E, Prentice
Hall, 2003. ISBN-10: 0130932175, ISBN-13: 9780130932174
2. J. Quinn, 6800 Microprocessor, Prentice Hall, 1997. ISBN-10: 0675205158, ISBN-13: 9780675205153


This course is essentially a continuation of P351, Quantum Mechanics I. Further topics are introduced
in order to further develop the theory and to give the students an improved mastery of the subject.
Together with P351, P455 aims to give students all the elements of elementary quantum mechanics.
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Use approximation methods to solve quantum systems that are close to exactly solved
2. Add two angular momenta.
3. Construct a description of systems of non-interacting bosons or fermions. The basic
principles of quantum mechanics
4. Employ basic theory to solve problems involving the interaction of radiation with matter.
Course Content
Approximation Methods in Quantum Theory; perturbation theory; time-independent theory; nondegenerate theory; degenerate theory; the Stark effect; time dependent theory; harmonic
perturbations; transition probabilities; the variation method; the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin (WKB)
approximation; tunnelling; the helium atom.
The Harmonic Oscillator: Treatment by algebraic methods.
Angular Momentum: angular momentum and rotations; general angular momentum; matrix
representation; addition of angular momentum.
Many-particle Systems: systems of identical particles; bosons and fermions; spin-1/2 particles in a
box; the Fermi gas.

The Interaction of Quantum Systems with Radiation: the electromagnetic field and its interaction with
radiation; perturbation theory for harmonic perturbations and transition rates; spontaneous emission;
selection rules for electric dipole transitions; line intensities, widths and shapes; the spin of the photon
and helicity; photoionisation; photodisintegration.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week: Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Continuous assessment: 30%: Final Examination: 70%
Pre-requisites: P351
Prescribed Texts:
1. B. H. Bransden and C. J. Joachain, Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Longman, 1989.
13-978-0582 444 980



This occasional course is designed for exceptional students who have identified an academic career
as their goal. The course contains material that prepares them for postgraduate studies. The exact
content of the course will vary somewhat from one instance of its being offered to another, and there
are a number of optional topics to be chosen to suit a particular student groups intended future
choice of area of study. It is expected that Analytical Mechanics will be included among the chosen
topics and that the topics chosen will be treated to some depth. It is expected that a minimum of two
and a maximum of three topics will be chosen. The content of each topic is left to the lecturer of the
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:

Relate the different formulations of classical mechanics to one another;

Use the appropriate formulation of classical mechanics to solve a particular problem;
Distinguish between the laws of nature on the basis of Lorentz covariance;
Describe dynamical systems relativistically;
Use Maxwells equations to solve various systems involving stationary and moving
6. Use whatever other theory is taught in practical applications.
Course Content
Analytical Mechanics: Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics; Poisson brackets; canonical
transformations; the Hamilton-Jacobi equation; Lorentz transformations; four vectors; Lorentz
covariance; Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics for continuous systems, Noethers theorem.
Advanced topics in electrodynamics: Charges in electromagnetic fields; Maxwells equations;
multipole expansions; radiation of moving charges.

Gravitation and Cosmology (i.e., The general theory of relativity and its application to cosmology)
Quantum Optics
Quantum Field Theory for Bosons and Fermions
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Klein-Gordon equation, The Dirac equation
Associated laboratory course: none
Time allocation:
3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one-hour tutorial
Continuous Assessment: 30% (Two tests 20%, Assignments 10%), Final Examination 70%
Pre-requisites: P251, P252, P361, P351
Co-requisite: P455
Prescribed Texts:
1. H. Goldstein, Classical Mechanics (Addison-Wesley, 1950). ISBN: 13:978-0201657029
2. J. D. Jackson, Electrodynamics, Wiley 3rd ed., 1998. ISBN: 13-9780471309321
3. Gravitation and Cosmology: Space, Time and Cosmology, Blocks 3 and 4, Open University,
Milton Keynes, 2001, Block 3 ISBN: 0 7492 8160X, Block 4 ISBN: 0 7492 8161 8
4. D. F. Walls and G.J. Milburn, Quantum Optics, Springer Verlag, ISBN 3 540 58831 0
5. M. O. Scully and M. S. Zubairy, Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0 521
43595 1)
6. P. L. Knight and L. Allen, Concepts of Quantum Optics, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1993. ISBN:
7. J.D. Bjorken and S.D. Drell, Quantum Field Theory, McGraw-Hill, New York.
8. J.D. Bjorken and S. D. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York, ISBN
07 005 493 2
9. W. Greiner, Relativistic Wave Equations, 3rd ed., Butterworth-Heinmann, 1981.
ISBN: 13-978-0750635394


The various branches of optics such as laser physics, holography and fiber optics have many
applications in science and technology. The laser has given physics a powerful instrument for
investigating the interaction of light with matter and is used in communications, surveying,
meteorology, cutting and welding, surgery, combustion studies and in such devices as laser printers
and compact disc players. Holography is widely used in inspection and testing and is also useful in
information storage and in interferometry. Fiber optics now plays a key role in optical communication
and offers broadband transmission of data. Optical devices and components are increasingly
replacing electronic components in communications and in the computer industry. P475 aims to
equip the students with the physics to understand the principles underlying these advances.

At the end of this course, the student should

Understand the fundamentals of laser physics and many of the diverse applications of lasers
Understand the principles and applications of Fourier optics
Have grasped the principles of holography as well as the applications
Have understood the basic principles of non-linear and fibre optics

Course Content
1. Laser Physics: Basic properties of lasers: Population inversion, Einstein coefficients, spontaneous
and stimulated emission, momentum transfer, life time, laser pumping and threshold conditions.
Types of lasers: the He-Ne laser. Applications: earth drift and rotation, counting of atoms, isotope
separation, fusion, communication. Lasers in astronomy, biology, chemistry, industry, the military and
2. Fourier Optics: Introduction Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction, effect of a thin lens on an incident
field, lens as a Fourier-transforming element, point spread function of a thin lens, frequency analysis,
spatial frequency filtering. Applications: Character recognition, cross-correlation, phase-contrast
3. Holography: General equations of holography, sources of illumination for holography, various types
of holograms: plane hologram, volume hologram, point source hologram, Fourier-transform hologram.
Properties of holograms, the hologram as an optical element. Applications in interferometry,
inspection and testing, microscopy and image processing.
4. Non-linear and fiber optics: Harmonic generation, phase matching, conjugate phase mirror, optical
mixing, parametric generation of light, cladding, clad optical fiber, inter-modal dispersion, graded
index, single mode fiber, step index multi-mode fiber, waves at an interface. Fresnel's equations:
derivation, interpretation, total internal reflection by an absorbing medium. Applications: Real time
holography and optical communication.
Time Allocation:
Lectures 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week, Laboratory: 1 session/week
Continuous assessment: 40%, Final Examination 60%
Pre-requisites: P272, P351, P361, M911, M912
Prescribed Texts:
1. A. K. Ghatak and K. Thyagarajan, Contemporary Optics, Plenum Publishing Corporation, New
York, 1984.
2. B. B. Laud, Lasers and Non-linear Optics, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1987.

Recommended Texts:
1. P. Hariharan, Optical Holography, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1987. ISBN: 13-978051439657
2. N. S. Kapany and J. J. Burke, Optical Waveguides, Academic Press, New York, 1972.

3. J. N. Butters, Holography and its Technology, Peter Peregrinus, 1971.

ISBN: 13-9780901223104
4. E. K. Kasper and S. A. Feller, The Complete Book of Holograms, Dover Publications, 2001. ISBN:
5. C. B. Hitz and J. Ewing. Laser Technology, Wiley & Sons, Auflage 3rd Sub ISBN: 13-9780780353732
6. H. M. Smith, Principles of Holography, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1975. ISBN: 13-9780471083405


Physics is the first cousin of mathematics, and a good repertoire of mathematical techniques is
essential to proper mastery of physics. The physics major degree recognises this and tries to give
the students adequate mathematics training. However, despite the best efforts of the program, it is
true that the students encounter more mathematics in physics than they are formally taught. This
course is designed to address the need of physics students for exposure to the mathematical
techniques they will need in their studies of Nuclear Physics (P412), Solid State Physics II (P422),
Quantum Mechanics II (P452) and at postgraduate level.
On completion of the course, students should be able to:
1. use the complex number systems, analytic functions, complex integration-calculus of residues and
some elementary introduction to analytic continuation in various areas of physics and
2. solve sets of linear equations, and determine eigenvalues and eigenvectors of matrices.
3. use the special functions of mathematics and physics and their properties in the solution of
practical problems in physics.
4. use the calculus of variations to derive minimum action and to use this principle to solve eigenvalue
Course content:
A. Complex Analysis and Applications: Complex numbers and functions of a complex variable:
Linear functions. Integrals and power series: The Laurent series. Analytic continuation. Linear
B. Linear Algebra. Introduction to vector spaces. Real symmetric, real skew-symmetric and
orthogonal matrices. Systems of linear equations.. Rank of a matrix. Homogeneous system Ax = 0
and non-homogeneous system Ax = b . Solutions of linear equations by determinants.
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Determination of eigenvectors. Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, unitary
matrices and their eigenvalues. Diagonalization of matrices.
C. Special Functions: .Series solution of differential equations.
Time Allocation: Lectures: 4 hrs/week. Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Assessment: Continuous assessment: 30% (Tests 20, Assignments 10), Final examination 70%
Pre-requisites: M911/912.

Recommended Texts:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, 1988. ISBN: 10:0471726451
2. G. Arfken, Mathematical Methods for Physicists, Academic, 1993. ISBN: 13:978-0120598
Supplementary Reading:
1. R. V. Churchill and J. W. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, 4th ed., MacGraw-Hill, 1984.
ISBN: 13:978-0070108554,
2. A. O. Morris, Linear Algebra: An Introduction, Van-Nostrand, 1978. ISBN: 13:978-0442305413
3. J. B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable, Springer-Verlag, 1978. ISBN: 13:9780387900029


A student graduating in Physics has done a number of theory and associated laboratory courses. At
the same time (s)he is expected to have acquired the skills to undertake the investigation of a Physics
problem on his own. The purpose of this course is to give a student hands on training in doing a small
research project.
At the end of this course, the student is expected to have learned how to investigate a scientific
problem, collect and analyze data, and present the results to his/her peers in the field in the form of a
research report.
Course content:
A half-course equivalent project based on individual student-staff agreement with Board of Studies
approval. Projects are available in Solid State Physics, Nuclear Physics, Electronics, Applied Optics,
Computational Physics, and Energy and the Environment.
Pre-requisite: Consent of Head of Department

Post Graduate Programmes

Ph.D. in Physics
The Department of Physics is currently offering Ph.D. programmes to suitably qualified students.
Students are advised to check with the Department about the availability of supervisor(s) and
facilities in the fields of their choice.

M. Sc. in Physics
The M.Sc. in Physics consists of two parts: Part 1 contains one compulsory course and three
optional courses while Part 2 consists of a dissertation (theoretical or experimental) in a
specialisation linked to research interests within the department. At present, this is in a suitable area
of Nuclear Physics, Condensed Matter Physics, Computational Physics, Instrumentation, Solar
Energy Application, and Physics of Atmosphere and Climate. The whole programme is designed for
two (2) years of full-time study.
The following courses are offered:
Semester I

Semester II


Mathematical Methods for Physics



Optional Courses

Computational Physics and Modelling

Nuclear Physics
Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Physics
Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate





It is anticipated that the candidate would supplement his/her knowledge in the given subject if
he/she did not take the pre-requisites in his/her undergraduate studies. These would not count
towards his/her M.Sc. A candidate is required to pass Part I before proceeding to Part II.
The optional courses can be combined in the following manner:
Semester I

Semester II

Computational Physics and Modelling

Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Physics



Computational Physics and Modelling

Condensed Matter Physics
Theoretical Physics



Computational Physics and Modelling

Theoretical Physics



Computational Physics and Modelling

Theoretical Physics
Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials



Computational Physics and Modelling

Theoretical Physics
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate



Computational Physics and Modelling

Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials



Computational Physics and Modelling

Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate



Computational Physics and Modelling

Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate





Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Physics



Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Physics
Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials



Nuclear Physics
Theoretical Physics
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate



Condensed Matter Physics

Theoretical Physics



Condensed Matter Physics

Theoretical Physics
Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials



Condensed Matter Physics

Theoretical Physics
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate



Theoretical Physics
Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate



Solar Energy and Applications
Solar Energy Materials
Physics of the Atmosphere and Climate








It should be noted that the combinations offered are subject to the availability of staff and the
background of the student.


The power of physics lies in the mathematical expression of physical law. Applications of physics
involve mathematical techniques of varying degrees of complexity. It is therefore essential for a
student to have a solid foundation in mathematics. These first and second semester courses aim at
providing a strong mathematical foundation to students in areas not usually covered at the
undergraduate level.
By the end of the course the student should be able to
1. recognise the main partial differential equations of physics and know the method of solution for
given initial and boundary conditions.
2. apply the methods of solution to partial differential equations that might arise in the students area
of specialization.
3. use Green s functions to solve physical problems.
4. use the techniques and concepts of the calculus of variations.
Course Content:
1.Partial differential equations: One-dimensional wave equation (vibrating string); Heat equation (onedimensional finite and infinite bar, two-dimensional time-independent case the Laplace equation);
Two-dimensional wave equation (rectangular, membrane); Use of polar coordinates and a circular
membrane (Bessels equation); Laplace equation in spherical polar coordinates, Legendres equation;
Laplace transforms applied to partial differential equations; Fourier transforms applied to partial
differential equations.
2. Eigen functions, eigenvalues and Greens functions: Some examples of eigenvalue problems; use
of Greens functions to solve inhomogeneous problems; Greens functions in electrodynamics.
3. Integral equations: Classification; Degenerate Kernels; Neuman and Friedholm series; SchmidtHilbert theory; Integral equations in dispersion theory.
4. Integral transforms: Laplace transforms: Inverse transforms, linearity, Laplace transforms of
derivatives and integrals, shifting s-axis and t-axis, unit step function, Diracs delta function,
convolution, systems to differential equations. Fourier transforms, sine and cosine transforms
5. Calculus of Variations: Euler-Lagrange equation. Generalizations of the basic problem. Connection
between the eigenvalue problem and the calculus of variations.
Associated laboratory: none
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one-hour tutorial
Assessment: Continuous Assessment 30%, Two tests 20%
Assignments 10%). Final Examination 70%
Prescribed texts:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed., John Wiley, New York, 1988. ISBN: 0
471 62787 9.
2. J. Mathews and R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods for Physics, 2nd ed., Pearson, Delhi,
1970, ISBN: 81 297 0543 5
3. M. L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, 1983. ISBN:

4. M. Spiegel, Vectors With Tensor Analysis, Schaum Series, McGraw-Hill, 1974. ISBN:


This course is basically a continuation of PHY5011. Further mathematical methods for use in
physics are introduced.
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. to apply tensor concepts to physical problem.
2. to apply group theory to physical problems
Course Content
1. Tensor Analysis: Curves in three-space, Frenet formulae, General tensor analysis;
2. Group Theory: Groups and group representations (finite and continuous): Definitions,
subgroups and classes, Group representations, characters, physical applications, infinite groups,
irreducible representations of SU(2) and O(3.), Physical applications
Associated laboratory: none
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one-hour tutorial
Assessment: Continuous Assessment 30%, Two tests 20%
Assignments 10%). Final Examination 70%
Prescribed texts:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th ed., John Wiley, New York, 1988. ISBN: 0
471 62787 9.
2. J. Mathews and R. L. Walker, Mathematical Methods for Physics, 2nd ed., Pearson, Delhi,
1970, ISBN: 81 297 0543 5
3. M. L. Boas, Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences, John Wiley & Sons, 1983. ISBN:
4. M. Spiegel, Vectors With Tensor Analysis, Schaum Series, McGraw-Hill, 1974. ISBN:


The ubiquitous presence of computers has meant that every student has at his or her disposal a
powerful computational tool. The field of computational physics has developed as a response to
the need to exploit this tool to solve problems which in a previous era were much more difficult to
deal with. Old algorithms for problem solving have been revised while new ones continue to be
developed. In this course, the student will be introduced to many of these, so that should he or
she need them they will be at hand.

At the end of this course, the student

1. Should know how to model a physical system mathematically, with a view to solving it.
2. Should know how to use various numerical methods to solve problems which are not amenable
to analytic solution.
3. Have deepened his or her understanding of numerical methods initially introduced in P302 and
4. Should be ready for more advanced study in numerical analysis and modelling.
Course Content
Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Numerical integration and Richardson extrapolation,
Gaussian quadrature, Romberg integration, adaptive quadrature, Sards theory of approximating
functionals, Bernoulli polynomials and the Euler-Maclaurin formula
Approximating Functions: Hermite interpolation, spline interpolation, best approximation by
Chebyshev theory, continued fractions, trigonometric interpolation and fast Fourier transform,
adaptive approximation
Solution of Nonlinear Equations: The secant method, fixed points and functional iteration, zeros of
polynomials, homotopy and continuation methods
Linear Systems: LU factorization, matrix inversion, solution by iteration, ill-conditioning, norms,
Doolittles method, Cholesky method, Neumann series and iterative refinement, the methods of
steepest descent and conjugate gradient, analysis of errors
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: Inclusion of eigenvalues, Eigenvalues by the power method,
tridiagonalization and the QR algorithm, Singular-value decomposition and pseudo-inverses
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Lab: Associated laboratory of 3 hrs/week
Continuous assessment: 40%, Final examination: 60%
Pre-requisites: P302, P401, MP415
Prescribed Texts:
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, J. Wiley and Sons, 2006. ISBN: 9971-51283-1
2. D. Kincaid and W. Cheney, Numerical Analysis, Brooks/Cole, 1991. ISBN: 0-534-13014-3
3. R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, PWS-Kent, 1989. ISBN: 0-53491-585-X


This course is a continuation of PHY5911 and is also aimed at equipping the student with the
techniques needed to solve physical problems which are not amenable to analytic treatment. As
many physical problems yield differential equations when modelled, the emphasis in this course
is on numerical solution of differential equations.

At the end of this course, the student
1. Should be well-equipped to solve differential equations by numerical methods.
2. Should know how to model a physical system mathematically, with a view to solving it.
3. Should know how to use various numerical methods to solve problems which are not
amenable to analytic solution.
4. Have deepened his/her understanding of numerical methods initially introduced in P302
and P401 and PHY5911
5. Should be ready for more advanced study in numerical analysis and modelling.
Course Content
Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Existence and uniqueness of solutions, the
Taylor-series method, Runge-Kutta methods, multi-step methods, local and global errors;
stability, systems of higher-order differential equations, boundary-value problems, linear
differential equations, stiff equations.
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Parabolic equations, problems without time
dependence, first-order partial differential equations, quasi-linear second-order equations, other
methods for hyperbolic equations, multi-grid methods, fast methods for Poissons equation
Linear Programming and Related Topics: Convexity and linear inequalities, linear programming,
the simplex algorithm
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Lab: Associated laboratory of 3 hrs/week
Continuous assessment: 40%, Final examination: 60%
Pre-requisites: PHY5911
Prescribed Texts
1. E. Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, J. Wiley and Sons, 2006. ISBN: 9971-51283-1
2. D. Kincaid and W. Cheney, Numerical Analysis, Brooks/Cole, 1991). ISBN: 0-534-13014-3
3. R. L. Burden and J. D. Faires, Numerical Analysis, PWS-Kent, 1989. ISBN: 0-53491-585-X


The courses in nuclear physics at fourth year, P411 and P412, serve to introduce the student to
the subject. The courses at postgraduate level serve to deepen the understanding of the material
already encountered and introduce new and important concepts. In this course, the emphasis is
on nuclear reactions.

At the end of this course, the student
1. Should know how to use the numerous models for nuclear reactions in their regimes of
2. Should be ready for more advanced study in nuclear physics.
Course Content
Introduction to Nuclear Reactions: Types of reactions, energy and mass balance, cross-sections,
nuclear sizes from neutron scattering, Coulomb scattering and Rutherfords formula, electrons
scattering, Coulomb excitation, polarization, angular correlations, partial waves, identical particles
Elementary Scattering Theory: Form of the wave function, differential cross sections, the
Schrdinger equation, partial waves, total cross section and the optical theorem, collisions with
spin, R-matrix and boundary-matching theories, classical and semi-classical descriptions
Models of Nuclear Reactions: Partial waves and strong absorption, effects of the Coulomb field,
diffraction models and strong-absorption scattering, strong-absorption models for inelastic
scattering, the optical model for elastic scattering, direct reactions, compound nucleus
resonances, continuum statistical theory of the compound nucleus, reactions between heavy ions
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Continuous assessment: 30%, Final examination: 70%
Pre-requisites: P411, P412, P455, MP415
Prescribed Texts
1. G. R. Satchler, Introduction to Nuclear Reactions, Macmillan Press, 1980. ISBN: 0-33325907-6
2. E. Segre, Nuclei and Particles, Benjamin/Cummings Publishing. ISBN: 10:0805386009


This course introduces the student to further advanced concepts in nuclear physics. It
concentrates on particle physics, a very vibrant area of physics, which for many serves as the
bridge to such active areas of research as string theory. The course therefore helps to prepare
the student for research in some of the most topical questions of modern-day physics.
At the end of this course, the student
1. Be conversant with the basic concepts of elementary particle physics.

2. Should be ready for more advanced study in such areas as string theory and particle
Recommended Course Content
Interactions of particles with matter, and detectors
SU(2), SU(3), models of mesons and baryons
QED, weak interactions, parity violation, lepton-nucleon scattering, and structure functions
QCD, gluon field and color
W and Z fields, electro-weak unification, the CKM matrix
Nucleon-nucleon interactions, properties of nuclei, single and collective particle models
Electron and hadron interactions with nuclei
Relativistic heavy ion collisions, and transition to quark-gluon plasma

Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week, Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Continuous assessment: 30%, Final examination: 70%
Pre-requisites: PHY5111, PHY5311
Co-requisite: PHY5322
Prescribed Texts
1. F. Halzen and D. Martin, Quarks and Leptons, Wiley Text Books, New York, 1984. ISBN:
2. S. M. Wong, Introductory Nuclear Physics, 2nd ed., Wiley-Interscience, New York, 1998.
ISBN: 0471239739.
Recommended Texts
1. D. Griffith, Introduction to Elementary Particles, Wiley Text Books, 1987. ISBN: 0471603864.
2. B. Povh, Particles and Nuclei: An Introduction to the Physical Concepts, 3rd ed., SpringerVerlag, Berlin; New York, 2002. ISBN: 3540438238.
3. J. J. Sakurai, Modern Quantum Mechanics, 2nd ed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1994.
ISBN: 0201539292.


This course is intended for graduate students and covers advanced topics in condensed matter
physics. Here a combined use of the statistical mechanics and the quantum theory lie at the heart
of this course. The student is grilled to look at those topics based on classical methods and those
demanding a quantum treatment. One can also look at this course as P421 but treated at an
advanced level. We discuss the theoretical treatment of the physics of solids,
The intention of this course is to make students understand at an advanced level the microscopic
and macroscopic properties of solids and be conversant with the mathematical formulations of
these properties towards certain physical applications.
After completing this course, a student should have:
1. a thorough understanding of the scientific characteristics that make solids stand out as
one of the key states of matter;
2. a deep grasp of the fundamental theories, both classical and quantum mechanical,
underlying the structural, thermal, electronic, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of
solids (metals, semimetals, semiconductors, insulators, dielectrics, etc.);
3. the knowledge to identify special key features of solids that are amenable to theoretical
and experimental manipulation for technological use;
Course Content:
Elementary excitations, crystal structure - symmetry- translational, rotational, energy bands APW, OPW, pseudopotential and LCAO schemes, theory of electron dynamics, scattering

Time Allocation:
3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 hr tutorial/week.
Continuous assessment: 30%: Assignments 10%, Tests 20%, Final examination 70%
P421, P422, P455, MP415.
Prescribed Textbooks:
1. N. W. Ashcroft and D. N. Mermin, Solid State Physics, Harcourt College Publishers, Orlando,
1976. ISBN: 13:978-0030839931
2. M. T. Dove, Structure and Dynamics An Atomic View of Materials, Oxford University Press
Inc., New York, 2003. ISBN: 10:0198506775
3. J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press Inc.,
New York, 2001. 10:0198506457
Recommended Texts:

1. S.O. Pillai, Solid State Physics 5ed, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
ISBN: 10:8122403816
2. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2000.
ISBN: 10:812240466
3. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London, 1960. ISBN: 10:9880333918333
4. S.L. Kakani and S. Kakani, Modern Physics, Viva Books Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2006. 4100


This course is a continuation of Condensed Matter Physics II and covers advanced topics in
condensed matter. However, here we treat specialised topics that are directed towards
background studies in areas of research that are to be the subject of the dissertation.
After completing this course, a student should be able to:
1. show a good understanding of the material properties of metals, insulators,
semiconductors and superconductors that are responsible for the importance of these
solids used in technological applications;
2. quantitatively describe the thermodynamic, optical, electrical and transport properties of
these novel materials;
3. show a good grasp of the fundamental characteristics of those magnetic materials
important in applied science;
4. understand the interaction of matter with electromagnetic radiation;
5. identify special features of solids that are amenable to theoretical and experimental
manipulation for technological use;
Course Content:
Matter-electron interactions, Stability of structures, Metals, Insulators and semiconductors,
Phonon measurements, Impurities and disorder, Collective phenomena, Superconductivity, etc.

Method of Teaching:
Time Allocation :

3 one-hour lectures/week.
1 hr tutorial/week.

Continuous assessment: 30%: Assignments
Final Examination 70%

Pre-requisites: PHY 5211

Prescribed Textbooks:


1. N. W. Ashcroft and D. N. Mermin, Solid State Physics, Harcourt College Publishers, Orlando,
1976. ISBN: 13:978-0030839931
2. M. T. Dove, Structure and Dynamics An Atomic View of Materials, Oxford University Press
Inc., ew York, 2003. ISBN: 10:0198506775
3. J. Singleton, Band Theory and Electronic Properties of Solids, Oxford University Press Inc.,
New York, 2001. ISBN: 10:0198506457
Recommended Texts:
1. S.O. Pillai, Solid State Physics 5ed, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
ISBN: 10:8122403816
2. H. V. Keer, Principles of the Solid State, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2000.
ISBN: 10:812240466
3. J. Dekker, Solid State Physics, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London, 1960. ISBN: 10:9880333918333
4. S.L. Kakani and S. Kakani, Modern Physics, Viva Books Private Ltd., New Delhi, 2006. 4100


Even where a student is specializing in a particular applied area of physics, an understanding of
the main theoretical areas of physics is essential for three reasons. First, by stimulating and
exerting his or her mind, the student improves his ability to solve problems in his/her area of
specialization. Second, the study of theoretical physics will improve the students mathematical
skills. Third, theory and techniques in one area of physics can often be adapted to other at first
very different areas of physics.
At the end of this course, the student:
1. Be familiar with the main areas of theoretical physics. In particular, he should be conversant
with the main ideas of relativistic quantum mechanics and quantum field theory.
2. Have developed his or her mathematical skills to the extent that he or she is able to tackle
problems in his or her area of specialization with confidence.
3. Have acquired a broad range of techniques which may adapted to solve problems in his or her
areas of specialization.
Course content:
1. Relativistic quantum mechanics: The Klein-Gordon equation; Problem of negative energy
solutions; The Dirac equation; Nonrelativistic correspondence; Lorentz covariance of the Dirac
equation; Solutions of the Dirac equation for a free particle; Zetterbewegung, The problem of
negative-energy solutions; Hole theory.
2.Quantum field theory: Classical field theory, Quantization of scalar fields, Quantization of Dirac
fields, Quantization of the electromagnetic field, Quantum electrodynamics, Renormalization,
Symmetries and symmetry-breaking
Associated laboratory: none
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one-hour tutorial
Assessment: Continuous Assessment 30%, Two tests 20%, Assignments 10%, Final examination

Prescribed Texts:
1. J. D. Bjorken and S. D. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, New York. ISBN:
07 005 493 2
2. W. Greiner, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: Wave Equations, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 2000.
ISBN: 3540674578
3. A. Lahiri and P. B. Pal, A First Course of Quantum Field Theory, Narosa Publishing House,
New Delhi, 2005. ISBN 81-7319-654-0


Since the field of theoretical physics is vast, one course cannot do justice to all the foundational
topics which a student should ideally study. In this course, further important areas of theoretical
physics are introduced. The exact contents of this course will to a large part be determined by
the proposed specialisation of the student, especially with regard to his dissertation.
1. Gravitation and Cosmology:
Beginnings of General Relativity: Space and time in a rotating frame, Gravity and acceleration,
Local inertial frame, universality of free fall, The equivalence principle, Experimental tests of the
universality of free fall and the equivalence principle.
A Metric Theory of Gravity and the Field Equations of General Relativity: Geometry on various
surfaces (parametric representation of curves and coordinate systems of such surfaces),
Geodesic equations , special relativity as a metric theory, concept of curvature and Einsteins field
equations, experimental tests of relativity.
The Big Bang: Light from galaxies, Distances of galaxies, Microwave background radiation,
Angular distribution of the 3K background radiation, primordial nuclear abundances.
General Relativity and Cosmology: Distribution of clusters of galaxies, Robertson and Walker comoving coordinates, The Robertson-Walker metric,
The Hubble parameter, Measurement of the scale factor R.
The Evolution of the Universe: Friedman-Robertson-Walker cosmology and predicted evolution of
the universe, the age of the universe, density and composition of the universe, Inflation, A brief
history of the universe.
2. Selected Topics in Foundations of Physics: Optional. Content to be chosen by lecturer.
3. Recent Experimental Tests of the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: Optional. Content to be
chosen by lecturer.
Associated laboratory: none
Time allocation: 3 one-hour lectures/week, 1 one-hour tutorial
Continuous assessment 30%, Two tests 20%, Assignments 10%. Final examination 70%
Prescribed texts:

1. J. D. Bjorken and S. D. Drell, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (McGraw-Hill, New York), ISBN:
07 005 493 2
2. W. Greiner, Relativistic Wave Equations, 3rd ed., Butterworth Heinemann, 1981. ISBN:
3. Gravitation and Cosmology: Space, Time and Cosmology, Blocks 3 and 4, Open University,
Milton Keynes, 2001. Block 3 ISBN 0 7492 8160X, Block 4 ISBN: 0 7492 8161 8


Instrumentation is a branch of physics which deals with measurement of various physical
quantities like temperature, pressure, flow, speed, sound, light intensity and control of the same in
various industries. The use of sensors and electronic instrumentation is an essential element of
all scientific and engineering activities. There is a high demand for graduates with specialist
knowledge and training in this area leading to opportunities over a wide range of fields, from
instrument and sensor production to chemical, aerospace and automotive engineering. This
course provides students with practical, hands-on experience in the design, development and
application of sensors and instrumentation systems.
At the end of this course a student should be able to
(i) describe the construction and calibration procedure for a particular measurement instrument;
(ii) identify and quantify errors from calibration graphs and describe correction procedures for
selected instruments;
(iii) select a suitable measurement instrument for a given process measurement;
(iv) describe the installation procedure for a selected measurement instrument in a particular
industrial situation, and correctly interpret measurements obtained;
(v) solve numerical problems involving equations pertaining to pressure, level, temperature and
flow measurements.
Course Content
1. Introduction to Instrumentation: Functional elements and characteristics of instruments;
Introduction to instruments and their representation; System configuration-Block diagram
representation of measurement systems; Static and dynamic characteristics of measurement
systems; Need for calibration and standards; Instrument parameters: sensitivity, accuracy,
resolution, span, range; Role of instruments in industrial processes.
2. Sensors and Transducers for Instrumentation: Transducer terminology, transducer
classification, performance characteristics, criteria for transducer selection, principles of
operation, specification and construction of following transducers; Displacement: potentiometer,
capacitive, inductive, optical encoders-linear and rotatory; Chemical sensors: measurement of
conductivity, pH and humidity; Optical sensors: PMT, photodiodes, CCD, LDR;
3. Pressure Measurements, Methods and Applications: Relationship between absolute,
atmospheric and gauge pressures; Principle of operation and installation of the following pressure
gauges: diaphragm gauges, bellows gauges, Bourdon gauges, strain gauges; Gauge calibration
using manometers, dead-weight testers, portable field calibrators and comparators; Pressure
transmitters: standard pneumatic and electrical signals.
4. Temperature Measurements, methods and applications: Metal resistance thermometers and
thermistors: theory, types, industrial installation and applications; Resistance temperature

detector (RTD); Thermocouples: Seebeck effect, base metal and rare metal thermocouples, their
metal combinations, operating ranges and uses; Law of Intermediate Metals and Law of
Intermediate Temperatures; Practical application of these laws in the use of thermocouples;
Installation techniques; Thermowells; Thermometer calibration procedures. Temperature
measurement by radiation method - optical pyrometer; solid state transducer.
5. Flow Measurements, methods and applications: Volume and mass flow rate; Turbulent flow,
streamlined flow and Reynolds number; The Continuity Equation, Bernoullis Equation and
application to differential pressure devices; Differential pressure primary elements: orifice plate,
Venturi tube, Dall tube, flow nozzle and pitot-static tube; Installation procedures; Classification of
flow meters:- mechanical flow meters, vortex flow meter, magnetic, ultrasound and coroilis flow
meters; Variable area flow meters.
6. Analytical, Optical and Biomedical Instrumentation: Mass spectrometry. UV, visible and IR
spectrometry. X-ray and nuclear radiation measurements. Optical sources and detectors, LED,
laser, Photo-diode, photo-resistor and their characteristics. Interferometers, applications in
metrology. Basics of fiber optics. Biomedical instruments, EEG, ECG and EMG. Clinical
measurements. Ultrasonic transducers and Ultrasonography.
Practical: Minimum Eight experiments based on above syllabus.
Time Allocation: 3 hours per week, 1 tutorial per week, Three-hour practical session per week.
50% exam, 30% laboratory work, 10% Tests, 10% Assignments
Pre-requisite: P231, P441
Recommended Textbooks
1. A. S. Morris, Measurement and Instrumentation Principles, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001.
ISBN: 0750650818
2. L. Michalski, Temperature Measurement, John Wiley & Sons, 2001. ISBN: 0471867799
3. D. W. Spitzer, Industrial Flow Measurement, 3rd ed., ISA, 2000. ISBN: 1556178719
4. T. A. Hughes, Measurement and Control Basics, 3rd ed., ISA, 2002. ISBN: 155617764X
Additional Reading/Textbooks
1. B. G. Liptak, Instrument Engineers Handbook Process Measurement and Analysis, Vol 1, 4th
ed., ISA, 2003. ISBN: 0849310830
3. W. Buchanan, Industrial Instrumentation and Control, Butterworth- Heinemann, 1999. ISBN:


Microprocessor based systems are suitable for dedicated applications in industries such as
process control, control of machines and equipment, instrumentations and so on. This course is
very useful to students who want to develop microprocessor based automatic industrial control,
appliances control, measuring instruments etc.

At the end of this course a student should


be able to select suitable memories and input/output devices for his task and interface them
to the microprocessor;
(ii) gain knowledge in measurement, display and control of some electrical and physical
(iii) be able to transfer skills to other applications.
Course Content


Microprocessors and computers

Microprocessor and computer architecture, CPUs, Buses, expansion slots, I/O units,
RAM and ROM memories, storage media, Interrupts, 8, 16, 32, and 64-bit processors
and processing speed.


Real-Time Systems
Event driven activities , I/O Devices, Serial devices and parallel devices, Peripheral,
serial buses, Multitasking in Real-Time Systems using JAVA, Scheduling,
Synchronization, Watchdog timers, multi-threaded real-time data acquisition,

Software Platform for Microprocessor based data acquisition system.

Real-Time operating system (e.g. Linux) , Programming a microprocessor based system
using a higher level language, .g., JAVA. Introduction to Databases (e.g. using SQL).
Distributed data acquisition systems using the TCP/IP protocol based networking (e.g.,
Ethernet). Creating a Graphical User Interface

Practical: Minimum Eight experiments based on above syllabus.

Time Allocation:

3 hrs/week
1 tutorial /week
3 hr practical session/week

Evaluation Criteria: The final score will be:

50% of written exam
30% laboratory work
20% Test/Assignments
Pre-requisite: P401, P442
Prescribed Textbooks
1. Programming Embedded Systems, O'Reilly Media, Inc.; 2nd edition (October 1, 2006), ISBN10: 0596009836.
2. 'Real-Time Programming - A guide to 32-bit Embedded Development', Grehan, Moote and
Cyliax, Addison Wesley, 1998.
3. Electronic Design of Microprocessor-based Electronic Instruments and Control Systems By
Abund Ottokar Wist, Z. H. Meiksin, Prentice Hall, Original from the University of
Michigan,digitized Dec 18, 2006.
4. INSTRUMENTATION REFERENCE BOOK, Walt Boyes, Principal in Spitzer and Boyes, LLC,
2002, ISBN-13: 978-0-7506-7123-1, ISBN-10: 0-7506-7123-8

Recommended Textbooks
1. Microprocessors and Microcomputer based System Design - Mohammed Rafiquzzaman
2. Slater, Microprocessor Based Design: A Comprehensive guide to Effective hardware Design,
3. ARM9 Intel Manual.


The problem of climate change arising due to emissions of the greenhouse gases has now
become a global agenda. The world is now rapidly moving towards increased use of renewable
energy, including solar, in order to mitigate this problem. The goal of this course is to build high
level capacity on some aspects of solar energy. This course is a follow up to the undergraduate
course Physics of Renewable Energy Resources and Environment (P485).
At the end of this course, a student should be able to carry out:
(i) assessment of the availability of various components of solar radiation on horizontal and
inclined surfaces.
(ii) performance analysis of a liquid flat-plate collector.
(iii) performance analysis of a concentrating collector.
(iv) life-cycle cost analysis of solar energy systems.
(v) design and performance analysis of solar photovoltaic systems.
Course Content:
Solar Radiation: Basics of solar radiation. Radiation on horizontal and inclined planes. Solar
radiation measuring instruments, pyrheliometric scales, calibration and quality control. Cloudlesssky atmosphere and its optics. Solar spectral and total radiation under cloudless sky. Solar
radiation and cloudy skies. Estimation of solar radiation on horizontal and inclined planes models and correlations for daily and hourly global diffuse /beam radiation.
Solar Collectors: General description of liquid flat-plate collectors, overall heat loss coefficient,
steady state model of liquid flat-plate collectors, two-dimensional heat transfer steady state
model, transient considerations, optimization of collector configuration, design of some important
flat-plate collectors, performance analysis and test procedures. Flat-plate air collectors.
Concentrating collectors. Applications. Photovoltaic systems: standard modules, series-parallel
connection of cells, storage of energy, stand-alone systems, residential and centralised systems.
Time Allocation:

Lectures: 3 hrs/week Tutorial: 1 hr /week Lab: Associated practical lab: 3 hrs/week

Continuous Assessment 40%, Final examination 60%
Prerequisites: P485
Prescribed Texts

1. M. Iqbal, Introduction to Solar Radiation, Academic Press, Toronto, 1983, OSTI

2. H. P. Garg, A Treatise on Solar Energy. Vol. 1: Fundamentals of Solar Energy, John
Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1982. ISBN: 10: 096014810300168X
Recommended Texts:
1. J. A. Duffie and W. A. Beckman, Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, 1980. ISBN: 10:0471510564
2. P.C. Jain, T.B. Chibuye and P.O. Kruss (Editors), Renewable Energy (Special Issue).
Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Solar Radiation, Environment and Climate Change,
held at the University of Zambia, 22-27 July, 1991, Pergamon Press (Oxford, 1993).
3. M. A. Green, Solar Cells Operating Principles: Technology and System Applications, Prentice
Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New York, 1982. ISBN: 13:978-0138222703


This course covers thin film coatings and surface treatments for energy efficient spectrally
selective materials of many different kinds that can be used for solar collectors, efficient windows,
anti-reflectors, heat mirrors, just to mention a few. The desired spectral properties of these
materials are introduced. The main thrust of this course is devoted to materials options, coating









experimental data of the optical properties, theoretical models for pertinent materials, and
optimization studies with regard to practical applications. The goal is to bridge the gap between
fundamental materials sciences and technological applications and to point out viable options for
future research and development. The focus is on basic concepts and ideas rather than physical
and mathematical details.
At the end of this course, a student should have:


acquired sufficient knowledge in the basic technology of fabrication of solar energy

conversion devices;
a good understanding of the advanced physical principles for the utilization of solar
energy materials;
the ability to conduct quantitative evaluation of the performance of solar energy
conversion devices; and
the knowledge to enable him/her formulate research in the growth and characterization of
spectrally selective coatings.

Course Content:
Selective Surfaces: Thin Film Optics: Multilayers and the characteristic matrix, transparent and
absorbing films. Optical characterization of thin films: Measurements of optical constants and film
thickness determination; spectrophotometry and ellipsometry. Thin film technology: vacuum
technology and thin film fabrication; vacuum deposition of thin films, electrochemical deposition,
electroless deposition and spray pyrolysis. Applications: spectral selectivity, photothermal solar
energy conversion; solar absorptance and thermal emittance; heat mirrors; transparent insulation;
chromogenics; smart windows and supersmart window materials.
Photovoltaics: Physics of photovoltaics, interaction of light with semiconductors and the basic
equations of device physics. Efficiency and its limiting factors: dark and illuminated
characteristics, solar cell output parameters, effect of temperature and efficiency measurements.
Solar cell materials and processing: monocrystalline, semicrystalline and amorphous silicon,
heterojunction and thin film cells, CdS and GaAs solar cells.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Lab: Associated practical lab: 3 hrs/week
Continuous Assessment 40%, Final examination 60%
Prerequisites: P421, P422, P485
Prescribed Texts:
1. R. J. Van Overstraeten and R. P. Mertens, Physics, Technology and Use of Photovoltaics,
Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1986. ISBN: 10:0852744870
2. O. P. Agnihotri and B. K. Gupta, Solar Selective Surfaces, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
1981. ISBN: 13:978-0471060352
3. H. P. Garg, A Treatise on Solar Energy, Vol. 1: Fundamentals of Solar Energy, John Wiley &
Sons, Chichester, 1982. ISBN: 10:096014810300168X
Recommended Texts:
1. M. A. Green, Solar Cell Operating Principles, Technology and System Applications, Prentice

Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New York, 1982. 13:978-0138222703


It is well known that the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is
leading to one of the most dreaded environmental problem of our time climate change. There is
need to build high level human resource in this new field and that is the aim of this course. This is
founded on the fact that Physics plays a pivotal role in the understanding, modelling and
prediction of climate.
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
(i) obtain/explain the processes and equations in the earth's climate system.
(ii) explain and use the techniques for observing and analysing the climate system.
(iii) obtain/explain physical principles and equations governing the transfer of radiation (solar
and terrestrial) through the atmosphere.
Course Content:
Basics - Climate system: components, nature and variability; feedback processes. Basic
equations for the atmosphere and oceans: equation of continuity, equations of motion, vorticity
equation, thermodynamic energy equation, equation of state. Decompositions of the circulation.
Data observation, processing and analysis. Radiation balance: solar and terrestrial radiation,
radiative transfer, radiation balance of the atmosphere and at the earth's surface.
Observed Mean State of the Climatic System - Observed mean state of the atmosphere: mass
and pressure, temperature structure, geopotential height structure, atmospheric circulation,
kinetic energy, precipitation and evaporation. Observed mean state of the oceans: temperature
structure, salinity structure, density structure, circulation. Observed mean state of the cryosphere.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Associated practical lab: 3 hrs/week
Continuous Assessment 40%, Final examination 60%
Prerequisites: P485

Prescribed Texts:
1. J. P. Peixoto and A. H. Oort, The Physics of Climate, American Institute of Physics, New York,
1992. ISBN: 10:0883187124
2. J. T. Houghton, Physics of the Atmosphere, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977.
ISBN: 10:0521011221
Recommended Texts:
1. J. T. Houghton, G. J. Jenkins and J. J. Ephraums, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Scientific Assessment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990 and 1992.
ISBN: 10:0521407206
2. P.C. Jain, T.B. Chibuye and P.O. Kruss (Editors), Renewable Energy (Special Issue).
Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Solar Radiation, Environment and Climate Change
held at the University of Zambia, 22-27 July, 1991. Pergamon Press (Oxford, 1993).
It is well known that increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are
leading to one of the most potentially catastrophic environmental problem climate change.
Study of this subject has grown greatly in recent years. There is need to build high levels of the
human resource in this new field. Physics plays a pivotal role in the understanding, modelling and
prediction of climate. This course, which builds upon the P5831: Physics of the Atmosphere and
Climate I, teaches the physics of the atmosphere and the climate, and is designed to develop
manpower in this field.
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
1. formulate exchange processes and cycles in the climate.
2. use tools for climate simulation and modelling.
3. analyze physical factors influencing the earths climate and vulnerability of human beings to
climate change.
Recommended Course Content:
Exchange Processes and Cycles - Exchange processes between the earth's surface and the
atmosphere: energy budget at the surface, momentum exchange, transfer of mechanical energy
to oceans, exchange of sensible heat and water vapour. Angular momentum balance and
observed cycle. The water cycle. Energetics: energy balance equations, observed energy
balance. Ocean-atmosphere heat engine: availability of energy in the atmosphere and ocean,
balance equations for kinetic and potential energy, observed energy cycle in the atmosphere and
oceans. Entropy in the climate system: balance equation of entropy, observed entropy budget of
the atmosphere.

Climate Variability and Modelling - Interannual and interdecadal variability in the climate system.
Quasibiennial oscillation, ENSO phenomenon, interdecadal fluctuations and trends. Climate
simulation: mathematical and physical structure of climate models, general circulation models,
statistical dynamic models, use and application of models.
Climate Change and Impacts - Climate change: past climatic changes, natural and
anthropogenic factors influencing climate, impact of climate change.
Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hrs/week Tutorial: 1 hr/week
Associated practical lab: 3 hrs/week
Continuous Assessment 40%, Final Examination 60%
Prerequisites: P485, P583
Prescribed Texts:
1. J. P. Peixoto and A. H. Oort, The Physics of Climate, American Institute of Physics, New York,
1992. ISBN: 10:0883187124
2. J. T. Houghton, Physics of the Atmosphere, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1977.
ISBN: 10:0521011221
3. W. M. Washington and C. L. Parkinson, An Introduction to Three-dimensional Climate
Modelling, University Science Books, 2005. ISBN: 1-891389-35-1
Recommended Texts:
1. J. T. Houghton, G. J. Jenkins and J. J. Ephraums, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) Scientific Assessment, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1990 and 1992.
ISBN: 13:978-051407205
2. P. C. Jain, T. Chibuye and P. D. Kruss (Editors), Renewable Energy (Special issue).
Proceedings of the Regional Workshop on Solar Radiation, Environment and Climate Change
held at the University of Zambia, 22-27 July, 1991, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1993.

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