MIT8 962S20 Pset01

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Department of Physics
8.962 Spring 2006

Problem Set 1

1. (a) [5 pts] Show that the sum of any two orthogonal spacelike vectors is spacelike.
(b) [5 pts] Show that a timelike vector and a null vector cannot be orthogonal.

2. In some reference frame, the vector fields U� and D � have the components
. √
U α = (1 + t2 , t2 , 2t, 0)
. √
Dα = (x, 5tx, 2t, 0) .

The scalar ρ has the value

ρ = x2 + t2 − y 2 .
(The relationship “LHS = RHS” means “the object on the left-hand side is represented
by the object on the right-hand side in the specified reference frame.”)
� is suitable as a 4-velocity. Is D
(a) [3 pts] Show that U �?

� , for arbitrary
(b) [3 pts] Find the spatial velocity v of a particle whose 4-velocity is U
t. Describe the motion in the limits t = 0 and t → ∞.

(c) [3 pts] Find ∂β U α for all α, β. Show that Uα ∂β U α = 0. (There’s a clever way to
do this; do it the brute force way instead.)

(d) [3 pts] Find ∂α Dα .

(e) [3 pts] Find ∂β (U α Dβ ) for all α.

(f) [3 pts] Find Uα ∂β (U α Dβ ). Why is the answer so similar to that for (d)?

(g) [3 pts] Calculate ∂α ρ for all α. Calculate ∂ α ρ.

(h) [3 pts] Find �U� ρ and �D� ρ.

� and the tensor
3. Consider a timelike unit 4-vector U

Pαβ = ηαβ + Uα Uβ .

Show that this tensor is a projection operator that projects an arbitrary vector V� into
� . In other words, show that the vector V�⊥ whose components are
one orthogonal to U

V⊥α = P α β V β


(a) [5 pts] orthogonal to U

(b) [5 pts] unaffected by further projections:

V⊥⊥ ≡ P α β V⊥β = V⊥α .

(c) [5 pts] Show that Pαβ is the metric for the space of vectors orthogonal to U

Pαβ V⊥α W⊥β = V�⊥ · W

�⊥ .

(d) [5 pts] Show that for an arbitrary nonnull vector �q, the projection tensor is given
qα q β
Pαβ (q α ) = ηαβ − .
q γ qγ

Do we need a projection tensor for null vectors?

4. [15 pts] Let ΛB (v) be a Lorentz boost associated with 3-velocity v. Consider

Λ ≡ ΛB (v1 ) · ΛB (v2 ) · ΛB (−v1 ) · ΛB (−v2 )

where v1 · v2 = 0. Assume v1 � 1, v2 � 1.

Show that Λ is a rotation. What is the axis of rotation? What is the angle of rotation?

5. “Superluminal” motion
The quasar 3C 273 emits relativistic blobs of plasma from near the massive black hole
at its center. The blobs travel at speed v along a jet making an angle θ with respect
to the line of sight of the observer. Projected onto the sky, the blobs appear to travel
perpendicular to the line of sight with angular speed vapp /r where r is the distance to
3C 273 as and vapp is the apparent speed.

(a) [7 pts] Show that

v sin θ
vapp = .
1 − v cos θ

(b) [5 pts] For a given value of v, what value of θ maximizes vapp ? What is the corre­
sponding maximal value of vapp ? Can this be greater than the speed of light? If so, is
special relativity violated?

(c) [3 pts] For 3C 273, vapp � 10c. What is the largest possible value of θ (in degrees)?

6. GZK cutoff in the cosmic ray spectrum

(a) [8 pts] Calculate the threshold energy of a nucleon N for it to undergo the reaction
γ + N → N + π 0 , where γ represents a microwave background photon of energy kT
with T = 2.73 K. Assume the collision is head-on and take the nucleon and pion masses
to be 938 MeV and 135 MeV, respectively.

(b) [5 pts] Explain why one might expect to observe very few cosmic rays of energy
above ∼ 1011 GeV.

(c) [3 pts] This expectation is called the Griesen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) cutoff. Mod­
ern observations show no sharp cutoff; there may even be evidence for an upturn in
cosmic ray flux at these energies. Can you suggest a mechanism by which the GZK
cutoff can be avoided?

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