Lec 2 - Water and Plant Cells
Lec 2 - Water and Plant Cells
Lec 2 - Water and Plant Cells
plant cells
Water Transpiration
The evaporation of water into the atmosphere from
the leaves and stems of plants.
It occurs chiefly at the leaves while their stomata are
open for the passage of CO2 and O2 during
Transpiration is not simply a hazard of plant life.
It is the "engine" that pulls water up from the roots
supply photosynthesis (1%-2% of the total)
bring minerals from the roots for biosynthesis within leaf
cool the leaf .
Hydrogen Bonds
The Amazing Hydrogen Bond
results from the partial charges
generated by the 105 degree angle
between the two hydrogen atoms on
the water molecule.
Hydrogen bond: attraction of
hydrogen with a partial positive
charge to another molecule with a
partial negative charge.
Water is Polar
Water is a polar molecule with differing
charges on differing sides.
This sets up a critical difference between
Hydrophobic--afraid of water
Hydrophilic--love water
(A) Hydrogen
bonds between
water molecules
results in local
aggregations of
water molecules
Properties of Water
1. Water is Liquid at
Room Temperature.
Structure = Charge
Charge = Hbond
Properties of Water
3. Water is Cohesive
Water sticks to sides
Water fills vessels
Water molecules cling,
but also rearrange, this
allows water to flow!
4. The temperature of
water rises and falls
This prevents sudden or
dramatic changes!
One calorie will raise 1g
of water 1 degree C.
This is over two times the
amount of energy
required for other
covalent molecules!
Protection and Buffer
Properties of Water
5. Water has a high heat
of Vaporization
Water to steam requires a
lot of energy
This property helps
moderate the earths
Life as we know it would
not exist if we were all
Cell wall
Plasma membranes
Air spaces
The equation yw = ys + yp + yg
Affected by three factors:
Tonicity is the
osmolarity of a
solution--the amount of
solute in a solution.
substances like sugars
and salts.
Tonicity is always in
comparison to a cell.
The cell has a specific
amount of sugar and
Tonic Solutions
A Hypertonic solution has more solute than
the cell. A cell placed in this solution will give
up water (osmosis) and shrink.
A Hypotonic solution has less solute than the
cell. A cell placed in this solution will take up
water (osmosis) and blow up.
An Isotonic solution has just the right amount
of solute for the cell. A cell placed in this
solution will stay the same.
The equation
yw = ys + yp
Water is important to plants
Makes up the media in which all biochemical processes
occur that are essential to plant life.
Influences the structure and function of proteins, cell
membranes, nucleic acids, & carbohydrates
Quiz 1