Chapter 8-Transport in Plants

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Transport in plants

Vascular Tissues
• Vascular tissues are the transport tissues in
• 1. Xylem
• 2. Phloem
• Function:
• It transports water and dissolved mineral ions
from roots up to the leaves.
• It provides mechanical support to the plant.
Structural adaptations of Xylem
• It is a hollow, long, narrow and cylindrical tube/
• The cells are joined end to end
• The cells have no contents for faster transport of
water and dissolved minerals
• The cell walls of xylem is thickened with lignin
which makes it strong, impermeable, thus
provide mechanical support to the plant
• Transports water and minerals only in 1 direction
• It is responsible to transport sucrose and
amino acids from leaves (source) to all the
parts of the plant (sink)
• Structure:
The direction of transport in phloem is bidirectional
Transverse section of a root
Transverse section of a stem
Water Uptake
Structural Adaptations of root hair cells
• Q. How are salts taken up by the root hair
• Evaporation of water vapours from the surface
of the leaves through stomata.
• Advantages of Transpiration:
• 1. It cools down the plant
• 2. It helps the water molecules to move
upwards in the xylem vessel from roots to the
leaves in a plant
• How does Transpiration Occur?
• Evaporation takes place from the surfaces of
spongy mesophyll cells
• The many interconnecting air spaces between
these cells and the stomata creates a large
surface area
• This means evaporation can happen
rapidly when stomata are open
• How is the Transpiration Stream Created?
• Water molecules are attracted to each other by cohesion –
creating a continuous column of water up the plant
• Water moves through the xylem vessels in a
continuous transpiration stream from roots to leaves via the stem
• Transpiration produces a tension or ‘pull’ on the water in the
xylem vessels by the leaves
• As water molecules are held together by cohesive forces (each
individual molecule ‘pulls’ on the one below it), so water is pulled
up through the plant
• If the rate of transpiration from the leaves increases, water
molecules are pulled up the xylem vessels quicker
Factors Effecting the rate of Transpiration

• Temperature -> an increase in temperature will

increase the rate of transpiration
• Humidity -> an increase in humidity will decrease
the rate of transpiration
• Wind speed -> an increase in wind speed will
increase the rate of transpiration
• Light intensity -> an increase in light intensity will
increase the rate of transpiration
• Water supply -> an increase in water supply will
increase the rate of transpiration
• Q. Outline how water that has entered the
root hair cell reaches the stomata

• If more water evaporates from the leaves of a
plant than is available in the soil to move into
the root by osmosis, then wilting will occur
• This is when all the cells of the plant are not
full of water, so the strength of the cell walls
cannot support the plant and it starts to
• Q. Explain what happens to the cells of a leaf
to cause wilting.
• Ref to osmosis;
• Water moves out of the cell;
• Lose its turgidity/ plasmolysed;
• This causes wilting;
• Water in cells not being replaced as quickly as
it is being lost;
• Q. State the causes of wilting
• No/ little water;
• High temperature;
• Dry air;
• High wind speed;
• High light intensity;
• Mineral deffieciency;
• Q. Suggest advantages of wilting to a plant.
• Stomata close;
• To prevent more water loss;
• Water conserved for other processes;
• Surface area of leaf is decreased for less
exposure to the sun;
• Translocation as the movement of sucrose and
amino acids in phloem from sources to sinks.
• Source: leaves
• Sink: roots, stem, flowers
• IGCSE ppt

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