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Introduction :
In the first part of the twentieth century, Language teaching was shaped by

teaching methods which reflected a forward planning approach. Methods such as

the Audio-lingual method, Situational Language Teaching, and early versions of
Communicative Language Teaching had firm foundations in well-developed
syllabuses, either grammatically based or with a more communicative framework
as with CLT. Language teaching should be given satisfactory attention. It is
known that, the role and function of English in linguistic research and pedagogy
is taken account for the paradigm shift time allocated. As said by (Numa Markee;
2001), in contrast to applied in linguistic, education already posses wellestablished of innovation research and practice (Fullan 1982). This writing tells
about the English Language teaching narration, portrays the pedagogical and
curriculum changes. It also discusses English Language best practices and ways
to implement it by the curriculum changes.



Brief history of English Language Teaching (ELT).

Method to teach language consists approach, design and procedure,

(Richards & Rodger 1982)There are four language types of teaching activities
approach (defining what and how the student should learn), syllabuses (course
and materials organizing ways), techniques (how to present the material and
teaching) and Exercise (what is presented is practices). Grammar translation and
Direct method is used to learn second languages in the ancient years. Direct
method later adapted to Audio-lingual method (ALM) in mimicry and
memorization. Next, the model of communicate competence consists of

grammatical, sociolinguistic, discourse and strategic is introduced. (Hymes 1972;

Canale & Swain 1980). Subsequently, Communicative Language Teaching (CLT)
is developed as the linguistic paradigm is shifted.


Development of Communicative Language

Teaching (CLT)

Task-based language teaching (TBLT), is one of the approach CLT

made of. Brown (2007) states A task-based curriculum specifies what a leaner
needs to do with the English language in terms of target tasks and organizes a
series of pedagogical tasks which leads to the achievement of the goals.
Besides, Content- based Instruction (CBI) refers in academic settings while
English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is also a variety kind of CLT. Both exits in
developing the students communicative competence. While the students are
also directly involves with the subject matter trough experimental learning. In
addition, Technology-enhanced Language Learning Environment (TEELE)
also plays its role in CLT global as the use of technology is kept ornament in our






Teaching In English as Foreign Language (EFL)

Majority accounts have recognized the EFL countries in adopting CLT.
Misconception in CLT elements makes the teacher to face difficulties in teaching
English. Apart from that, the study shows the goal of communicative competence
seemed too distinct for the students as the cannot recognized the need of the
language usage. While, ELF education system itself is a factor in rise the
barriers, as CLT approach is be short of of funding and governmental sustain.
Furthermore, CLT method itself is paramount which in lacks in the true clarity on
of CLT.





Innovation in Asian
Curriculum innovation takes place in order to develop English skills of the
students. These innovations can be seen as follows:

a) Task-Based Syllabus
We should conclude in how and what extent a communicative approach
applied as a need in TBLT.

Group tasks can be accomplished in group

discussion and solves problem respectively in their own field. The TBLT affects
both the students and the instructors as well. The TBLT conveys that
communicative advance in a way to of curriculum innovation profits the language.

b) E-Mail Project
As our generation is growing with the technology advance, the curriculum
innovation as e-mail project is established. It is explored in Taiwan as a group of
student enhanced their reading and writing abilities trough joining the e-mail
keypal project by combining with the American students. Based on the topics
given they were encouraged to share their opinion via e-mail. The study
concluded as the E-mail acts as an effective tool in improving the interaction and
the communication skills of the students.

c) Video Captioning
Its due to enhancing the listening skills in English learning, designers of
curriculum found this creative way. The use of movies and television programs
during ELF class can improve the students ability to understand the language.
Moreover, this way also helps them to be motivated in learning English. However,
the videos are seen with subtitles in order to increase their listening English
comprehension abilities.

d) Team Teaching
Ken Kech says in choosing with whom the students more prefer to learn
English with, the curriculum innovation create the team teaching method to
maximize the student learning. It can be done throughout combing the native
English speaker and non-native English speaker as a set. An article about
Burkina Faso by (Kauraogo 1987 written by Pailine Red Dikins;2001) has
discussed about the junction of teachers self-help groups can form a

collaborative national teacher organization to help the teachers each other to

resolve practical problems, give encouragements and also supports.

e) English Village (EV)

South Korea has introduced this method to engross their student to learn
English. The students experience an all-English atmosphere in here. It aims for
the students interest and motivation towards learning English in a fun way.



The term curriculum refers to the overall plan or design for a course and
how the content for a course is transformed into a blueprint for teaching and
learning which enables the desired learning outcomes to be achieved.
As said by, Kathleen Graves (2001), curriculum is development into various
frameworks that breakdown the process of curriculum and course development
into components and sub process. In contexts of this, I had seen that Malaysian
development in curriculum of language teaching changes from time to time as it
tries to suit the need of the citizen.
English Language is really essential in this growing era. But in much
country as Taiwan even in Malaysia undergoes difficulties in learning English
language which contributes to the curriculum changes to occur seldom.

As reflected in the students comments in this study, the fact

that Taiwan is a monolingual and monoculture environment means that
most students rarely utilize or encounter English outside educational
contexts. However, this speculation changes through using TBLT
implementation. So, this shows that we need to create an environment
that will aid the students to find that English learning is fun and the
teachers need to be approachable.

Teachers are central to long-lasting changes in any way to improve

education system. Curriculum needs to find out innovative instructional
methods to encourage a shift from a product-oriented, broadcast
approach to one that is more process-oriented and learner-centered
(Fulcher, 2003). They need to enhance their way of teaching the students to
produce a build their self self-assurance by English for significant

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