RCC Most Important Questions 3-1

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Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures

Most IMPORTANT : Just average 4 Questions from each Unit

1a) Distinguish between working stress method and limit state method of analysis of R.C. structures.
1b) Explain balanced, under-reinforced & over-reinforced sections as per Working Stress and Limit
State Methods with sketches
2a) Sketch the stress strain curves for Concrete, Mild steel and HYSD steel. Briefly explain them.
2b) What is Stress block as per the Limit state method? Derive the stress block parameters from first
1a) Design flexural reinforcement for an RC beam of size 300mm wide and 500mm deep to resist an
ultimate moment of 245 kNm. Assume moderate exposure condition. Use M25 concrete and Fe 500
grade steel. Adopt Limit State method.
1b) Determine the ultimate moment of resistance of the doubly reinforced beam section with the
following characteristics b = 250mm
d= 500mm
ast = 18474 mm2 fy = 415 mpa fck = 25mpa g1
= 50mm
Asc = 942 mm2
2) Design a 4 span continuous beam of equal spans of each 4.5 m. The superimposed load on the beam
is 40 kN/m. Adopt M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. The width of the beam can be taken as 300mm.
3) The beams spaced at 4 m c/c and having simply supported span of 8.5m, support the floor slab of a
hall of size 16m x 8.5m is 250 mm thick and overall depth is 500 mm. Design the beam for flexure for
the following data: Live load = 4kN/m , Floor finish = 1.5kN/m , concrete grade M20, Steel grade Fe
500. Draw the longitudinal section and cross section at mid span
4) An isolated T-Beam has a flange width of 1000mm. flange thickness of 80mm and effective depth of
400mm. The rib is 240mm wide and reinforced with 5 bars of 20mm diameter. Determine the moment
of resistance of the section, If M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel are used. The beam is simply supported
over a span of 4m.
1) Design a simply supported slab to cover a room with internal dimensions 4.0 m x 5.0 m and 230 mm
thick brick walls aal around. Assume a live load of 5kN/m2 and a finish load of 1 kn/m2 . use m 20
concrete and Fe 415 steel. Assume thet the slab comers are free to lift up. Assume mild exposure
conditions. Draw a suitable scale plan, cross section along both sides
2) Design a reinforced concrete slab for a room of size 5.5m x 4m clear in size if the super imposed load
is 5 kN/m . Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. The edges are simply supported and corners are held
3) Design a slab for a Two room masonry building with internal dimensions of each room as 4.00m x
5.00m with one long edge continuous. the masonry walls are of 300 mm thick. Assume a live load of
3.0kN/m2 and a finish load of 1.5kN/m2 and a finish load of .5kN/m2 Assume that the slab corners are
not free to lift up. Consider M25 Concrete and Fe415Steel.
4) Design a reinforced concrete slab of size 6m x 4m whose one short edge is discontinuous and
corners are retained at supports. The slab has to carry a live load of 3kN/m and a floor finish of 1
kN/m . Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the details of reinforcements.
1) Design an isolated footing for a column with an axial force of 2500 kN under working loads. The size
of the column is 500mm x 500mm. consider S.B.C of soil as 250 kN/m 2. Consider m25 Concrete and
Fe500 steel. Assume mild exposure condition.
2) Design an isolated footing for a column with an axial force of 2500 kN under working loads. The size
of the column is 450 mm x 600 mm . Consider S.B.C. of soil as 300kN/m 2. Consider M25 concrete and
Fe415 steel.

3) Design a rectangular isolated sloped footing for a column of size 360 mm 660 mm carrying an
axial load of 2500 kN. The S.B.C. of the soil is 280 kN / m . Use M 30 grade concrete and Fe 500 grade
steel. Sketch the reinforcement details. Assume moderate exposure condition. [15]

1) Do notes problem number 1 for axially loaded Columns

2) Design a short square column, with effective length 3.5 m, capable of safely resisting factored load p u = 2000 kN 7 M u = 125
kN-m (under unaixial eccentricity the column is braced against side sway) Use M25 Concrete and Fe 415 Steel
3) Design the reinforcement in the column of size 400mm x 600mm subject to a factored axial load of 3000KN and Moment about
major axis Mux = 2oo KN-m the column has an unsupported length of 3.2 m and is braced againset side way in both directions. Use
M25 concrete and Fe415 steel.
4) Design the reinforcement for a column having a cross-section of 300 520 mm and effective length
of 3.6 m subjected to a factored axial load 1280 kN with biaxial moments of 200 kNm and 120 kNm
with respect to major and minor axes respectively. Use M30 concrete and Fe 415 steel. Sketch the
reinforcement details. Assume moderate exposure condition. [15].
5) An unbraced column 200mm square is subjected to the following factored loads P=3200 kN; at the top Mx = 76 kN-m and My
= 68kN-m: at the bottom Mx = 38 kN-m and My = 34 kN-m; lo = 5m; le = 6.0m; at bottom the axes, use M 30 and Fe415 steel
Design the longitudinal steel.
6) R.C. column 300mm x 500mm, reinforced with 8 bars of 20 mm dia., uniformly distributed on all the
faces is braced against side way and has unsupported length of 7m. Taking effective length ratio equal
to 0.85 in both the directions, determine the maximum factored axial load carrying capacity of the
column. Use M 20 concrete and Fe 415 steel
7) Design a short helically reinforced column of unsupported length 3.6 m to carry an axial service load
of 1200 kN. Use M 30 concrete and Fe 415 grade steel. Sketch the reinforcement details. Assume
moderate exposure condition. [15]
1) Design a dog-legged stair in a public building in which the floor height is 3.4m. the stair case room
measures. 3.0 m x 4.5 m. the live load may be taken as 3.0 kN/m 2. use M20 concrete and Fe 415 Steel
2) The clear dimensions of a staircase hall are 28 m 4.4 m. The floor to floor height is 3.6 m. The
landing slabs span in the same direction as the stair and are supported by the walls at the ends. The
stair is used in a residential building. Design a dog-legged staircase. Use M 30 concrete and Fe 500
steel. Sketch the reinforcement details. Sketch the reinforcement details. Assume moderate exposure
condition. [15]

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