Capital Adequacy and Planning

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The 2008 economic downturn and the ensuing increase in problem banks underscored the need for all
banks to build and maintain sufficient capital to weather stressed environments when raising capital
may be difficult. Capital planning helps to ensure a banks ongoing safety and soundness. The central
banks expects every bank, regardless of size or charter type, to have an effective internal process to
(1) assess its capital adequacy in relation to its overall risks and (2) plan for maintaining appropriate
capital levels. National banks and federal savings associations in a holding company structure that
conducts capital planning on a consolidated basis are independently responsible for assessing their
own capital adequacy based on their individual risk profile and business model. The central bank
should evaluate the adequacy of a banks assessment and its compliance with policies and regulatory
capital requirements.
The appropriate level of capital for an individual bank cannot be determined solely through the
application of a mathematical formula or wholly quantitative criteria. In this regard, the regulatory
minimum capital ratios are standards that address only a subset of risks faced by banks. Therefore, a
bank should maintain capital well above regulatory minimum capital ratios, especially during
expansionary periods when the economy may be growing robustly and bank earnings are strong but
the inherent risks in a banks operations and balance sheet may be increasing.
Capital levels at peer institutions with similar risk profiles can play a useful role in the capital
planning process by providing benchmarks for comparison. While peer comparisons are useful, their
value is limited; an effective approach to capital planning and capital adequacy should account for
factors that are unique to each bank.
The assessment of a banks capital adequacy includes a review of the banks own capital assessment
and planning process. Examiners evaluate the banks approach to identifying and measuring material
risks, assessing capital adequacy, identifying capital sources, raising capital when necessary, and
preparing for contingencies. Examiners also consider managements capital assessment processes and
the boards oversight.
The regulator should

ensure that a bank has sound and effective capital planning processes that appropriately
address the banks overall risk.

require an individual bank to take measures to prevent its capital from falling below the level
needed to adequately support its risks.

otherwise intervene to ensure that the banks capital levels are adequate.

Capital Planning
Capital planning is a dynamic and ongoing process that, in order to be effective, is forward-looking in
incorporating changes in a banks strategic focus, risk tolerance levels, business plans, operating
environment, or other factors that materially affect capital adequacy. Capital planning assists the
banks board of directors and senior management to

identify risks, improve their understanding of the banks overall risks, set risk tolerance
levels, and assess strategic choices in longer-term planning.

identify vulnerabilities such as concentrations and assess their impact on capital.

integrate business strategy, risk management, capital and liquidity planning decisions,
including due diligence for a merger or acquisition.

have a forward-looking assessment of the banks capital needs, including capital needs that
may arise from rapid changes in the economic and financial environment.

The most effective capital planning considers both short- and longer-term capital needs and is
coordinated with a banks overall strategy and planning cycles, usually with a forecast horizon of at
least two years. Banks need to factor events that occur outside of the normal capital planning cycle
into the capital planning process; for example, a natural disaster could have a major impact on future
capital needs.
The capital planning process should be tailored to the overall risk, complexity, and corporate structure
of the bank. The banks range of business activities, overall risks, and operating environment have a
significant impact on the level of detail needed in a banks capital planning. A more complex
institution with higher overall risk is expected to have a more detailed planning process than an
institution with less complex operations and lower risks. The corporate structure is also a factor.
While the exact content, extent, and depth of the capital planning process may vary, an effective
capital planning process includes the following components:
1. Identifying and Evaluating Risks
The first component of capital planning is to identify and evaluate all material risks. Risks that can be
quantified with reasonable confidence should be measured to determine how those risks affect the
banks overall capital adequacy. Banks should also consider qualitative factors that incorporate
managements experience and judgment in evaluating all risks. A qualitative assessment is especially
critical in understanding and evaluating risks that cannot be reasonably quantified.
Some of the risks to which a bank may be exposed include credit, operational, interest rate, liquidity,
price, and compliance risks. Other risks, such as reputation risk and strategic risk, may be material for
some banks. Risks may also arise from significant subsidiaries and operating units. Every bank should
have a process in place that allows it to identify its material risks on an ongoing basis so that it can
plan appropriately for those risks.
Banks should not allow current financial performance to mask or compensate for weaknesses that
exist in risk management practices and processes. There is often a lag between the creation of risks
and when they materialize in a banks financial performance. Once the bank faces problems in the
form of deteriorating credit quality, increased loan charge-offs, strained funding, increased processing
errors, or other financial performance measures, the underlying root causes are already well
established and difficult to reverse quickly. Furthermore, once weaknesses materialize, it may be
difficult, or more expensive, to raise capital. Capital alone does not mitigate excessive risk taking or
unsafe and unsound practices that deviate from sound governance, internal controls, risk management
principles, or OCC supervisory guidance. Banks need to be alert to deterioration in risk management
processes and rising indicators of future risk, such as

high levels of concentrations that are not paired with strong risk mitigants, including holding
additional capital. Banks with high levels of concentrations should have tools or processes to
mitigate the heightened risk associated with those concentrations. In some cases,
concentration levels may be deemed excessive regardless of capital levels.

funding asset growth with high-risk or volatile liabilities, or other risk-layering strategies.

increasing investments in new financial instruments without establishing an understanding of

the risks, exposures, and structural complexities and assessing the suitability of the
investment for the bank.

rapid rates of growth that are not accompanied by appropriate changes to staffing levels,
systems, and controls.

entering new lines of business without a well-defined strategy, appropriate risk controls, or
the capital needed to support the new lines of business.

liberalization of underwriting standards, weak underwriting, or increasing credit or collateral


higher delinquencies or high levels or increasing trends of adversely classified or criticized

assets, loan charge-offs, repossessed assets, or impaired securities.

2. Setting and Assessing Capital Adequacy Goals That Relate to Risk

The second component of effective capital planning is to determine the banks capital needs in
relation to material risks and strategic direction. A well-run bank regularly assesses capital adequacy
to ensure that capital levels remain adequate not just at a point in time, but over time, and recognizes
both short- and longer-term capital needs. Because overall risks and choices of risk tolerance may
differ across banks, capital needs also differ. Banks with higher risk exposure, plans for acquisition or
growth, or less access to capital need to operate with higher levels of capital. Certain identified risks
may be deemed too high regardless of capital levels, as capital alone does not compensate for
excessive risk taking. Some examples of activities that may warrant higher capital levels are

highly complex or specialized services with high-volume transaction processing (higher

operational risk).

significant concentrations in higher-risk activities, such as subprime lending programs,

construction and development lending, or syndicated/leveraged lending (higher credit risk).

concentrations that have a high degree of correlation with cyclical changes or economic
events, for example, construction and development lending (higher credit risk).

borrowing sources concentrated among a few providers or providers with common investment
objectives or economic influences, such as significant reliance on wholesale funds (higher
liquidity risk).

longer term re-pricing mismatches that are significant, complex, or difficult to hedge (higher
interest rate risk).

high volume of consumer complaints or a significant number of violations or weaknesses in

consumer or Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering compliance programs that expose the
bank to potential consumer reimbursements, regulatory fines and penalties, significant
reputation risk, or litigation risk (higher compliance risk).

In assessing capital needs, a bank should evaluate not only its exposures to risks, including
operational, fiduciary, and other off-balance-sheet activities, but also the potential impact of risks
arising from third party relationships, contingent exposures, the business cycle, and changes in the
financial and economic environment. Incorporating the results of stress testing into capital planning is
an effective means of quantifying the potential impact of identified risks particularly for complex
banks and those with higher risk profiles.7 Banks may use a variety of methodologies to translate risks
into capital needs; regardless of the methodology chosen, the bank needs to ask the appropriate what
if questions and incorporate the answers into the risk management process. The overall goal is to
quantify loss potential and the impact on earnings and capital adequacy. Other important factors to
consider in the capital planning process include

concentration levels and limits;

quality of risk management, internal control, and audit processes;

quality, sustainability, and level of earnings;

quality, composition, and sources of capital;

quality of assets and credit administration practices;

allowance adequacy;

balance-sheet structure, liquidity needs, and interest rate risk;

strategic objectives of the institution, including whether the bank effectively assesses and
controls risks when executing new products and servicesthis is critical for de novo

historical and planned growth;

mergers and acquisitions;

special situations that could cause capital impairment or future losses;

form of ownership and access to capital;

dividend practices;

a holding companys ability to serve as a source of strength and to contribute capital to the

a holding companys reliance on dividend payments from the bank to service debt or other

effect of affiliates; and

supervisory requirements for corrective action or associated with enforcement actions.

Banks should express their internal capital needs as ratios based on regulatory definitions and capital
requirements. In addition, banks may express capital needs based on measures important to key
stakeholders. Capital needs or targets may be expressed as a range as well.
3. Maintaining a Strategy to Ensure Capital Adequacy and Contingency Planning
The third component of capital planning is having a strategy to maintain capital adequacy and build
capital if needed. Through discussions with senior management, the board or its designee should
evaluate both internal and external sources of capital in defining a strategy to build capital when
necessary. One strategy may be strengthening capital through earnings retention. Another option may
be an infusion from principal shareholders or a parent holding company, or, in the case of a mutual
institution, a partial or full conversion to stock. A bank may also be able to raise capital from external
sources. During strong economic times, financially sound banks or banks that are subsidiaries of
strong bank holding companies can generally find purchasers for their equity and debt issuances. In

evaluating external sources of capital, banks should consider their history of public or private
offerings, current equity market conditions, and the cost of equity.
A banks capital planning process should also consider contingency or back-up plans. Contingency
planning should be commensurate with the banks overall risk and complexity. Effective contingency
planning includes identification of credible mechanisms and strategies for capital preservation and
enhancement during an economic downturn or other times of stress. Effective boards hold
management accountable for identifying and taking corrective actions if shortcomings or weaknesses
in the capital planning process become apparent or if the level of capital falls below identified needs.
Actions may include increasing capital using one of the strategies noted above, subject to any
applicable regulatory approvals. Banks may also adjust the balance sheet to reduce risk exposures (for
example, asset sales), improve internal governance processes, strengthen risk management systems, or
reinforce internal controls. Banks may need to consider restricting capital distributions. It is
particularly important for a banks board of directors to ensure the dividend level is prudent relative to
the banks financial position. Decisions on the dividend level should not be based on overly optimistic
earnings scenarios or pressure from a holding company or other controlling party. Comprehensive
capital distribution/dividend policies clearly articulate the institutions objectives and approaches for
maintaining a strong capital position, including restricting dividends and other discretionary capital
distributions when the institution does not, or may not, meet required capital levels or internal targets.
4. Ensuring Integrity in the Internal Capital Planning Process and Capital Adequacy Assessments
The fourth component of capital planning is ensuring the integrity, objectivity, and consistency of the
process through adequate governance. A banks success depends on the strong and independent
oversight by its board of directors in all areas, including capital planning. The board should articulate
to management its risk-tolerance level, for example by setting approved limits. A banks internal audit
function also plays a key role in reviewing the controls and governance surrounding the capital
planning process. Capital adequacy is influenced by the quality, experience, and depth of bank
management. Sound management entails implementing and monitoring policies and procedures,
internal controls, and audit coverage. Documenting the capital planning process and
expectations/goals approved by the board is important to maintaining the integrity of the capital
planning process and appropriateness of capital level determinations.
The board should review the capital planning process and capital goals at least annually to ensure that
a sufficient level of capital exists at all times to fully support the banks overall risks and anticipated
needs. When management provides the board with regular reports and updates, the board can clearly
understand the financial resiliency of the bank. Reports should typically highlight any changes in the
banks overall risk profile or risk components, proposed risk management enhancements to better
manage any new or increasing risks, and, if applicable, stress-testing results that affect the need for
capital. A range of techniques, approaches, and models are used by banks for a variety of purposes in
capital planning (for example, loss estimation, scenario analysis, sensitivity analysis, or reverse stress
testing). As models play an increasing role in decision-making processes, it is critical that bank
management reduce the likelihood of erroneous model output or incorrect interpretation of model
results. Model risk management begins with robust model development, implementation, and use,
followed by a sound model validation process and effective governance.
An effective capital planning process and capital goals would be documented and would include

roles and responsibilities of key parties in the process, including the board, senior
management, internal audit, and lines of business management.

processes for monitoring risk tolerance levels, capital adequacy, and overall capital planning
on an ongoing basis, including procedures for board and management reporting and
instituting change as conditions warrant.

key planning assumptions and methodologies used, as well as limitations and uncertainties in
the capital planning process.

risk exposures and concentrations that could impair or influence the banks level of capital.

measures to take in response to changes (for example, in strategic direction or economic

conditions), to deficiencies in the capital planning process, or when capital falls below
internal targets.

the results of any stress testing performed and any actions planned or taken in response to
those results.

Capital planning needs to evolve with changes in the banks overall risks and activities, as well as
with advances in risk measurement and management practices.
A robust capital planning process is an integral and significant part of a banks governance process
necessary to ensure safe and sound operations and ongoing viability. The exact content, extent, and
depth of the capital planning process should be commensurate with the overall risks, complexity, and
corporate structure of the bank. Examiners assess the capital planning process to ensure that the bank
maintains sufficient capital to support the risks it faces.

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