Risk Management in Banks

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In Banks
 What is Risk Management
 Importance of Risk Management
 Credit Risk Management
 Market Risk Management
 Operational Risk Management
The forecasting and?
MANAGEMENT evaluation of
financial risks together with the
identification of procedures to avoid or
minimize their impact

Risk Management Process -

Identify Assess Control Review

the Risk the Risk Risk Control
Credit Risk

Market Risk

Types of Risk
Operational Risk
 Credit Risk is the risk or potential of loss that may
occur due to failure of borrower to meet the
obligation on agreed terms and condition of
financial contracts.

 Internal and External factors both Credit Risk of

bank portfolio.

 Credit Risk includes –

1. Loans
2. Internet Transactions
3. Derivatives
4. Acceptances
Best practices to manage this Risk

 Each bank should develop, with the approval of its

Board, its own credit risk strategy or plan

 They include a statement of the bank’s willingness to grant

loans based on the type of economic activity, geographical
location, currency, market, maturity and anticipated

 They take into account the cyclical aspects of the

economy and the resulting shifts in the composition/
quality of the overall credit portfolio.

 Senior management of a bank shall be responsible for

implementing the credit risk strategy approved by the
Market risk Comprises of Liquidity risk, Exchange
rate risk, Interest rate risk and Hedging risk.

 Liquidity risk is the potential inability to meet the

liabilities as they become due. It arises when the
banks are unable to generate cash to cope with a
decline in deposits or increase in assets.
The possibility of loss to the Bank
caused by changes in market variables  Interest Rate Risk - Interest rate risk is the risk
such as Interest rate, foreign exchange, where changes in market interest rates might
commodities and equities and prices of adversely affect a bank’s financial condition.
securities etc.
 Exchange rate risk, is an unavoidable risk of
foreign investment.
Strategies to Manage
this Risk

Should make a management

Top management of the Bank Bank should form asset-
committee in order to track
should clearly articulate the liability management
the market risk on real time
policies. committee
Operational Risk

 Operational Risks” is a risk that includes

errors because of the system, human
intervention, incorrect data, or because of
other technical problems. Every firm or
individual has to deal with such an
operational risk in completing any

 Types of Operational Risk –

 Technical Error
 Human Error
 Intentional fraud
 Gap in flow etc.

Estimating probability of Can use analytical

Operational loss and also techniques to measure the
potential size of the loss. operational risk level.

Should be assessed and Developing enterprise-wise

generic standards for OR
reviewed at regular Corporate Governance
interval standards.

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