2015-03-15 Final Minutes

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GCSA Forum Minutes

24 February 2015
I. Call to Order and Invocation, Henry Hagen
II. Roll Call, Hannah Wardell
Abel Cherian, tardy
Michael Santulli, absent
Rosie Drinkhouse, tardy
III. Approval of Minutes, Hannah Wardell
IV. Reports of Officers, Boards, and Standing Committees
i. Club Development Update, Gianna Scavo
Accepting a lot of goal and vision reports. Talking about national chapter clubs v.
independent clubs.
ii. Academic Affairs Committee, Kristen Gandek
Coffee with the cabinet tomorrow night, 7pm, Jenks 237
iii. Communications Committee, John Buckley
App is launching March 30th, need people to work the table and hand out free
iv. Financial Affairs Committee, Ryan Daly
New budget proposals are due today.
v. Cabinet Update, Henry Hagen
Talked about national chapters of clubs, coffee with the cabinet, and elections
vi. Executive Council Update, Chelsea Kapes
Started inviting next years executive council leadership
V. Council and Committee Updates
i. Advocates for Cultural Diversity
Got a slow start with the snow, did the Sexuality and Theology series. Black
History Month went well, working on small group meetings and an Islamaphobia
documentary showing.
ii. Student Venues Council
Chesters renovations went well. Planning on having a re-opening party this
weekend. As far as transitions go, the application got sent out today. Sending a
budget extension for wages because of recent pay increases. Trying to re
organize shifts. About $1500.
V. Representative Initiatives
Food for Thought and Cooking Classes going well!
Ezra-- Working to extend study halls
VI. New Business
i. Elections Feedback, Hannah Wardell
Ballot party went well, good build up, positive atmosphere. A whole hour was
kind of stressful, maybe a half hour would be less tedious and stressful for the
people running. Its not fun to get denied in public. Is it good to have a party
because it drew people in.
Debate was helpful.
ii. Senior Class Budget, Abel Cherian
Adjusted mojitos and madness event. In Bromley Lounge. Burritos for $200.
$1495 for the whole event out of the Rep Initiative account. 450 people in the

GCSA Forum Minutes

24 February 2015
senior class. Looking to spend about $14,000 for commencement committee this
year. (There is currently $4,955 in the Rep initiative account). All events are
tentatively funded. Hoping to build a culture of senior events to go out and create
memories well. Looking to have a budget for next year, it got missed this year.
The cost would probably not been sustainable unless CEC helps more through
their budget.
Worried that the budget is too big-- could we cut something out?
Tess (Commencement Committee): This event caters to a lot of students with a
low cost per student. It should be made sustainable. We spend a lot more on
events and club budgets that are a lot more per student.
Chelsea: We have a precedent of working with chipotle, these events benefit
seniors who have not necessarily benefited as much from GCSA events this
Nathanael: Worried that this is a lot of money for an exclusive group of people
(seniors), other clubs are open to the whole campus on principle.
Voting in principle vs. voting what you want to happen
Pharvyanna: Motion to approve the event by roll call vote
Nathan Seconded
Yes--8 No--3, Abel Abstained

iii. Sophomore Class Worship Night, Jamie Shore and Evan Keegan
Courage is the topic. Norman Britt will be leading worship. Reaching out to poets.
Total budget is 90 dollars. Kevin motioned, Emily seconded, Jamie and Evan
VII. Presidents Notes, Henry Hagen
Congrats Nathanael and Hannah on your presidential fellowship!
VIII. Announcements
Leadership transition in Chases with buffalo chicken calzones.
IX. Adjourn
X. Internal Announcements

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