2011 12 21 Minutes

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School Board Minutes December 21, 2011 Present: Fr.

Larry, Dave Andrys, Jim Remer, Jennifer LeMire, Rob Jung, Nikki Anvinson, Jennifer Modeen, Karen Cisek, Jenny LeTexier, Kevin Bloom Guests: Paul Bethke, Darrin Evavold

I. II.

Prayer Fr. Larry prayer Call to Order Quorum present Agenda Add #5, New Business: Committee meeting times Agenda approved; taking out of order for guests schedules. Standing Committees 1. Athletic Club a. Wrestling underway EGF/SH co-op b. Girls and Boys Basketball underway c. Thank you for buying blankets fundraiser made $6050 with matching funds d. Banners will be hung in gym (Cheri Fontaine name misspelled note to correct) e. Sports Sustainability study to be presented 2. Budget meeting tonight 3. Development Michelle Kraft; report distributed a. $250,000 challenge grant met b. Fundraising update i. Winning Calendar looks like we will make the goal ii. Rake-A-Thon went over iii. Magazine/coupon upcoming iv. SCRIP going well a) $23,000 this past Wed-Mon in SCRIP sales 4. PGI no report 5. Policy a. Dress code review coming up in January. Forward any issues to Policy Committee 6. School Strategic Plan - has not met 7. Recruitment Jennifer Modeen a. Down one member of this committee b. Still in dialogue phase; need to meet with Development



8. Envisioning Excellence a. Meghan meeting with teachers and doing survey, collecting information. Parent survey to go out in January. 9. Lumen Christi no report 10. Diocesan School Board no report V. Principals updates 1. Elementary distributed a. Music program b. Preschool forum at GFAFB attended by Dave, Michelle and Patrick Hart 2. High School distributed a. Under the direction of Gayle Gulbranson an ensemble of juniors and seniors sang at the Heritage Village Christmas on Sunday, December 5th. b. 7th and 8th religion classes made and donated cookies for the Cookie Walk c. Bags of Hope project for Mission d. Fleece blankets for St Marys Mission School e. Spanish II sang at Edgwood Vista f. Seniors debate to be held Thursday, Dec. 22


Pastors Update Continuing Business 1. Interim Week a. Jennifer met with Mr. Meyer and Mr. Marek (committee to address content) i. What is working, what is the vision, partnering with community, ii. Challenges safe environment, recruiting teachers, topics b. Trips (Spanish, German, Choir/Band ) Discussed Trips will not be scheduled during Subsection or Section basketball playoffs for boys or girls. Note trips do not need to be during Interim Week 2. Sports Sustainability presentation by Paul Bethke, Darrin Evavold (committee includes Tom Halloway, Craig Pietruszewski, Pat Phaneuf) (taken out of order as first item) a. Looking into numbers in and coming up in various sports. b. Where are we now? i. enrollment and participation data ii. how do we compare with peers c. What are our options? i. Increase enrollment ii. Increase current participation iii. Explore a co-op d. Where do we need to be? i. Many co-ops among schools our size ii. Met with reps from Fisher

iii. Address now in case need to act soon e. Enrollment and sports numbers needed to support schools? i. Numbers in elementary classes overall low ii. Participation rates low f. Need to consider co-op i. Next year football, wont have enough for a junior high team ii. Can do one or more sports. g. Need some type of parent meeting to explain to stakeholders. Athletic Club will organize this.


New Business 1. Catholic Schools Week Plan a. Theme Catholic Schools: Faith, Academics, Service 2. Endowment funding/capital campaign (taken out of order with Development Report) a. Discussion a capital campaign to fund endowment. Would have to ask the Diocese for permission; plan to put together a plan; hire someone to do this. Kickoff at 100-year celebration. i. Recruitment goals, teacher salaries, etc. to be included in case statement. 3. Expansion discussion held 4. Tuition recommendation b. Registration and fee plan distributed c. Budget committee met suggestions: i. Little Saints program Offer $250 credit is student stays ii. St. Marys/Holy Family/St. Michaels could pay at rate of home parish for 6th grade iii. Recruitment credit Be involved in process of recruitment; more substantial credit (with rules) e.g., $500 credit per family d. Motion for 5% increase in tuition plus 3 enhancements above (Kevin); seconded (Nikki). No discussion. Passed unanimously. e. Tuition assistance f. Reviewed tuition plans from HF/SM and Fargo Catholic Schools Network outline total cost of education, full tuition, and various plans. g. Not approving technology fee at this time. 5. School Board meeting structure a. Current set-up is alternating meetings between full board and committee nights. This results in only 6 meetings per year that are full board. b. Proposal is to have committees meet outside the SB nights. All meetings would be a full board meeting. It is noted that the current structure allows resource people (principals, pastor) to be available to the committees. c. Agreement that all meetings will be a full board meeting.


Meeting adjourned. Next meeting is Jan 18, 2012 at 7:45 pm.

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