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My first introduction to online pornography was at age ten; I searched the term naked girls into
Google and was greeted with hundreds of pictures of nude women. At age 12 I saw my first porn video
on a mobile phone at school, I was 16 and could recall more images of hardcore sex than most grown
men could have a generation ago before I started to question myself. Yet Im not a creepy nerd without
a social life, Im an average teenager and this is an average scenario. A US study in 2008 revealed that
only 3% of male college students who completed an online survey hadnt been exposed to online

So 97% of guys admit to watching porn before aged 18, the industry worldwide is estimated to be worth
$100 billion and there is a fast growing market of female-friendly porn. Yet it is one of the most
controversial, polarizing topics in current society. At aged 17 I started piecing together my personal
experience with the experiences of others and popular opinion and over the past 2 years I have
developed a very different view of porn from the casual past-time I had seen it as before.

Lets conduct a simple experiment, I encourage you to try this yourselves. Since most teenagers use
Google to navigate the web we will replicate an averages teenagers quest to get off. Simply type porn
into Google, then click on the first result and note the titles of the first 4 videos which appear. For me
the first result was and the titles are; Hot slut fucking like a mad whore, Big jugg milf
shared, Amateur babe anal fingering and Skinny teen slut fist fucked in her destroyed cunt. For
some parents this may seem shocking but for teens this is nothing new. I suggest every parent try this.

This is our sex education. I approached the world of online porn as an innocent, nave boy who hadnt
even kissed a girl yet. Nobody told me that what we see in porn isnt real, I hadnt had the birds and the
bees talk and I certainly hadnt experienced sex education in my catholic secondary school (at least not
formally). The fact of the matter is that teenagers learn about sex from porn, and I believe this is causing
disastrous effects later in life.

Porn is addictive. A controversial statement, science cant seem to make up its mind on this one but to
me its obvious. I see addiction as dependence on a particular substance or activity for pleasure and
being unable to stop despite the negative consequences it is having in your life. A quick Google search
will reveal tens of thousands of young men who claim to be addicted to internet porn; a common theme

is erectile dysfunction. Guys who have been masturbating to porn for most of their teenage years
suddenly encounter real women and cant perform. Their brains have been conditioned to require
enormous amounts of stimulation for them to get an erection or to reach orgasm and the stimulation of
real sex and real women simply isnt enough. Many would argue that this isnt necessarily a result of
porn. Yet when we look at the testimonies of young men on sites such as Your brain on porn, there is
an extremely high correlation between using porn regularly and erectile dysfunction. Furthermore,
when they remove porn from their life, the symptoms disappear. Coincidence?

But its not just young men who are experiencing this; almost every age group has popped up in their
thousands seeking help for porn addiction because of erectile dysfunction. The difference between
young and old is in recovery times. On average it takes men over 30 around 6-8 weeks for their sex drive
to return to normal levels, for younger men this time skyrockets to 6-9 months, why is this? The answer
lies in the anatomy of a teenage brain. As Im sure many of you know the teenage brain isnt fully
developed, the adolescent years are when the human brain matures and gets wired up. The problem is
that the brains of teenage boys are being programmed to associate arousal with porn.

When teenage boys want to masturbate they watch a porn video. Quickly, one video isnt enough so
they start watching multiple videos to reach orgasm. Then they graduate to skipping to parts of the
videos where they find most stimulation. This process continues until before long guys are sitting with
10 tabs open flicking from one video to the next and will often see a hundred women performing
extreme sexual acts before they can orgasm. The human brain wasnt built to deal with this, it
recognizes each new woman on the screen as a potential mate and in return releases a new flood of
dopamine (the go get it hormone) each time a new woman appears. After years of repeating this, the
teenage brain becomes accustomed to extremely high levels of stimulation and dopamine to achieve
orgasm and has been wired to think that this is normal and to be expected. So when they find
themselves naked in bed with a real woman dopamine levels soar, then they gradually drops as the
brain waits for the next woman to appear, when this doesnt happen the dopamine levels continue to
flop, and so does the penis.

Erectile dysfunction, however, is not the only problem and porn is far from the root of the issue. We live
in a sexualized world and teens arent being equipped to deal with it. From day zero sex is everywhere,
to spend a day without seeing a naked or semi-naked woman is becoming increasingly uncommon. We

are completely de-sensitized to sex. Go back a century and guys were getting aroused when they saw a
womans ankles, why? Because women didnt show their ankles or legs and the novelty was exciting.
Flip forward 100 years and hot pants are being marketed at toddlers. Few of us batted an eyelash at the
recent Blurred Lines video. Miley Cyrus has caused a media storm but we all know that teen stars using
their bodies for attention is nothing new. Companies like Club Orange casually associate womens
breasts with their soft drink. You can find nuts and other lads mags in almost every newsagent in the
country. The UKs bestselling newspaper, The Sun, includes a page devoted to images of naked women.
Novelty t-shirts and other clothing commonly include images of naked women. We live in a culture
where women are taught early that men judge them based on their appearance and see them as sexual
objects; the porn industry has taken this to the extreme.

But theres nothing wrong with men admiring the bodies of beautiful women, is there? Humans will
always admire what they consider beautiful. The issue does not lay with women expressing their
sexuality or showing off their body. The issue is that for many young men today, women are their
bodies, full stop. Women are not seen to have opinions, personalities and talents like men do. Female
musicians musical talent is too often seen as secondary to their looks, the same can be said about
actresses. We live in a world where the definition of beauty is becoming narrower and narrower by the
year and for many young women, if you dont fit the criteria, you will encounter countless obstacles in
life. This may explain a recent survey indicating 92% of teen girls in the UK want to change at least one
aspect of their appearance. Women are taught from a young age that they should look like men want
them to look, dress like men want them to dress, and act like men want them to act.

Society is telling young women that they should act like men want them to act

And many young men want them to act like porn stars. Guys arent the only ones learning about sex
through porn, according to several surveys, most young women have seen it at some point too. They
know what guys are watching and they are given the impression that this is what guys want. Young
women are speaking out more and more about rough, often violent sex, not only being suggested but
considered normal, they are being expected to perform anal and deep throat as if it is a compulsory part
of sex. And just like guys, nobody tells a young teenage girl that this isnt normal, nobody is telling them
that what they are often being subjected to is not sex, it is abuse.

Common language used by many guys to describe what they call their sexual conquests include verbs
like smash, pound or destroy which I would normally associate with wrestling. Jokes about rape are
considered comedy gold, one of the most popular being Its not called rape, its surprise sex. The
culture of casual sexism known as lad culture is pervasive in every age group, describing a woman as
beautiful or pretty isnt masculine enough, instead guys are expected to rate her on a scale of 1-10, label
her as fuckable or not, or simply comment on which body parts are most appealing. Im aware that this
type or misogynistic sexual objectification of women has been present in society longer than porn has,
but when I overhear kids as young as 12 describing in detail what they would do to girls and discussing
which hole they would most like to fuck, I cant help but question the role that free, easily accessible,
online pornography has played in recent years.

But dont get me wrong, Im not suggesting that porn is all bad and that everyone who watches it will
become addicted and turn into some sex crazed monster. What I do think is that porn is wrongly
educating kids about sex, that the potential for addiction is not talked about enough, that it is one of the
factors fueling casual sexism in the younger generations and that something needs to be done about it.

So what can we do about it? David Cameroon seems to think that imposing filters automatically set to
on will limit kids access to porn. Lets be realistic Mr Cameroon, you blocked the major torrent sharing
sites and illegal downloads are still on the rise, it will make small difference to the availability. If kids
want to access porn then no filter is going to stop them and his proposal sounds suspiciously like the
first step in internet censorship to me. Many anti-porn activists promote a ban. That wont work either.
Where there is a demand there is a supply and weve learned lessons in the past that prohibition doesnt
work. The answer to me is simple.


We need to educate young people about sex from a young age. And not just about porn and the act of
sex, we need to teach young men how to respect women and young women how to respect themselves.
I believe we should be teaching primary school kids what sexism is, how to identify it, and how to
prevent it. We live in a sexualized, sexist world and young people are entering it blind to the dangers.
We need promote sex education at a young age, and not the usual When a man loves a woman shit.
We need to teach them that you dont have to be married to have sex; you dont even need to love each

other to have sex. We need to teach them about contraception, about sex positions, about proper
consent. We need to teach them how to have sex, the purpose and importance of sex in a relationship.
We need to stop looking at teenagers as innocent angels and realize they are going to have sex whether
parents like it or not, we might as well make sure they dont fuck it up! (Pardon the pun)

As for porn, research has shown that the most effective way to tackle teen binge drinking is education.
This involves teaching young people that alcohol is relatively harmless in moderation and extremely
dangerous in excess. Likewise we need to teach young people that porn is relatively harmless if used as
an occasional aid to the imagination but not something which should be abused or relied on. We also
need them to understand exactly what porn is and teach them to see the sexual objectification of
women for what it is. Men and boys need to learn that it is not okay to see women in this way.

If teenagers understand what sex is then they will find it much easier to distinguish what sex isnt. And if
boys and girls are taught from a young age about what sexism is, then they will begin to recognize its
ugly face when catcalls and comments are thrown at random women in the street. Sexism is a real issue
which is being perpetuated by bad education and pornography. We cannot tackle one without the

Mouras, H., Stoleru, L., Moulier, V., Pelegrini-Issac, M., Rouxel, R., Grandjean, B., et al. (2008). Activation
of mirror-neuron system by erotic video clips predicts degree of induced erection: An fMRI
study. NeuroImage, 42(3), 11421150

Process Addiction the same as drug addiction

Dr. Howard Shaffer - Harvard
Although it is possible to debate whether we should include substance or process addictions within the
kingdom of addiction, technically there is little choice. Just as the use of exogenous substances
precipitate impostor molecules vying for receptor sites within the brain, human activities stimulate

naturally occurring neurotransmitters. The activity of these naturally occurring psychoactive substances
likely will be determined as important mediators of many process addictions.

Pedophiles addicted
Structural brain abnormalities in the frontostriatal system and cerebellum in pedophilia.
Brain studies (MRI) showed abnormalities in the orbitofrontal cortex of pedophiles similar to those
found in Methamphetamine and Cocaine addicts.
Compared to the homosexual and heterosexual control subjects, pedophiles showed decreased gray
matter volume in the ventral striatum (also extending into the nucl. accumbens), the orbitofrontal
cortex and the cerebellum. These observations further indicate an association between frontostriatal
morphometric abnormalities and pedophilia. In this respect these findings may support the hypothesis
that there is a shared etiopathological mechanism in all obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorders.

Sex on TV and Teenage sexual activity
Watching sex on TV predicts and may hasten adolescent sexual initiation. Reducing the amount of
sexual content in entertainment programming, reducing adolescent exposure to this content, or
increasing references to and depictions of possible negative consequences of sexual activity could
appreciably delay the initiation of coital and noncoital activities. Alternatively, parents may be able to
reduce the effects of sexual content by watching TV with their teenaged children and discussing their
own beliefs about sex and the behaviors portrayed. Pediatricians should encourage these family

Porn Viewing and Violence against Women
Study shows a positive correlation between those who view porn and those who are likely to be
aggressive or violent to women.

Pornography Statistics
In 2006 world pornography revenue was 97 billion dollars, more than Microsoft, Google, Amazon, eBay,
Yahoo, Apple, and Netflix combined.

Pornography Viewing among Fraternity Men: Effects on Bystander

Intervention, Rape Myth Acceptance and Behavioral Intent to Commit
Sexual Assault November 2011
College mens exposure to pornography is nearly universal, with growing viewing rates nationwide.
Substantial research documents the harmful effects of mainstream, sadomasochistic, and rape
pornography on mens attitudes and behavior related to sexual assault. The present study surveyed 62%
of the fraternity population at a Midwestern public university on their pornography viewing habits,
bystander efcacy, and bystander willingness to help in potential rape situations. Results showed that
men who view pornography are signicantly less likely to intervene as a bystander, report an increased
behavioral intent to rape, and are more likely to believe rape myths.

Aggression and Sexual Behavior in Best-Selling Pornography Videos: A

Content Analysis Update
Findings indicate high levels of aggression in pornography in both verbal and physical forms. Of the 304
scenes analyzed, 88.2% contained physical aggression, principally spanking, gagging, and slapping, while
48.7% of scenes contained verbal aggression, primarily name-calling. Perpetrators of aggression were
usually male, whereas targets of aggression were overwhelmingly female. Targets most often showed
pleasure or responded neutrally to the aggression.

Cambridge Study Dr. Valarie Voon 2013

Not yet published or peer reviewed, the study indicates that users who describe themselves as
addicted to porn show similar brain responses in the reward centers of the brain as drug addicts when
shown images of their drug of choice or pornography compared with a control group. It was featured in
Channel 4s porn on the brain.

University of East London Teenage Porn Use

177 Students

16-20 Age Group



97% had watched porn

80% had watched porn

Of those:

Of those:

23% tried to stop and couldnt

8% tried to stop and couldnt

13% said content became more extreme

10% said content became more extreme

7% wanted professional help

Pornography Consumption and Opposition to Affirmative Action for

Women- A Prospective Study (August 2013)
Paul J Wright, Michelle Funk
Wright and Funk used data from the General Social Survey, an ongoing look at behaviors, attitudes, and
trends. Specifically, they looked at answers given by the 200 members of a GSS panel, who answered
series of questions in 2006, 2008, and 2010.
At the 2008 sessions, nearly 24 percent of the men and 13 percent of the women said they had watched
a pornographic film during the previous year. Two years later, as part of a follow-up session, the same
people were asked, Are you for or against preferential hiring and promotion of women?
The results: Prior pornographic viewing predicted subsequent opposition to affirmative action for
women. While women in the study (like those in previous research) were more supportive of such
programs than men, they, too, were less likely to express approval if they had watched porn.
According to the researchers, this suggests sexual media activate abstract social scripts, which may
then be used to inform opinions about social issuesparticularly issues dealing with gender equality.
Pornography often presents women as sexual objects deserving of degradation, and even aggression,
the researchers write. In alignment with these depictions, prior studies have found that pornography
viewers are more likely to hold a variety of antisocial attitudes towards women.
Wright and Funk note that there are pornography producers who create egalitarian fare. They add that
they dont support censorship of pornographic material. Rather, they write, the public needs to be
educated about how women are depicted in most pornography, and the possible real-world effects of
these depictions.

Guardian Blog September 2013
Tolerance increases driving users to more extreme, often agressive or sadomachochistic porn. Only by
releasing a second drive, the aggressive drive, can the addict be excited. angry sex, men ejaculating
insultingly on women's faces, angry anal penetration, etc
Of all our instincts, sexuality is perhaps the most plastic, appearing to have broken free of its primary
evolutionary aim, reproduction, even though a certain naive biological narrative depicts our sexual
tastes as hardwired and unchanging, and insists we are all always drawn to the same, biologically fit,
symmetrical features and attributes which indicate "this person will produce fit offspring". But clearly
we are not all attracted to the same type, or person.
In her book, Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion, Izabella St James, who was one
of Hugh Hefner's former "official girlfriends", described sex with Hef. Hef, in his late 70s, would have sex
twice a week, sometimes with four or more of his girlfriends at once, St James among them. He had
novelty, variety, multiplicity and women willing to do what he pleased. At the end of the happy orgy,
wrote St James, came "the grand finale: he masturbated while watching porn".
Here, the man who could actually live out the ultimate porn fantasy, with real porn stars, instead
turned from their real flesh and touch, to the image on the screen.

Gary Wilson TEDx Glasgow
Internet Porn Is Killing Young Men's Sexual Performance - Survey by the Italian Society of Andrology and
Sexual Medicine, February 2011
"It starts with lower reactions to porn sites. Then there is a drop in libido, and in the end it becomes
impossible to get an erection" - Dr. Carlo Foresta (Head of Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual
Widespread youth E.D has never been recorded before.
ED recovery- Young 4-5 Months, Older 2 months
-Older guys didnt start on todays internet porn. Problems only occurred when the guys got high speed
Teen brains are at peak of dopamine production and neuroplasticity. When we mature the brain
strengthens heavily used brain circuits and prune back unused ones. -by about 22

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