Zeo Sleep Manager Bedside User Guide

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Sleep Manager

Bedside Sleep Management System

Sleep touches nearly every aspect of our lives from mood to energy level, from relationships to
productivity at work. Congratulations on taking an important step with Zeo on your journey to a
better nights sleep!

Your Zeo Sleep Manager - Bedside





The Zeo Sleep Manager - Bedside is designed to:

Help you understand how you really sleep.
Reveal which lifestyle factors may help or hinder your sleep.
Provide personalized guidance to help you improve your sleep.


As you get started with Zeo, a few things to keep in mind:

Experience Guide

It may take a couple of nights to get used to wearing the headband. Experiment to make sure it
is snug yet comfortable.


You have access to free myZeo online tools and the 7 Step Sleep Fitness program.
Getting a better nights sleep may take some effort on your part. It works best to experiment with
various changes and then see the results on your Zeo in the morning. The more you put in, the
more you get out.

A. Zeo Bedside Display

I hope your experience with Zeo is enlightening and rewarding.

B. Zeo serial number for creating a

myZeo.com account

Sleep Well,
Dave Dickinson, CEO

Zeo Headband

Zeo Sleep Manager is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of
sleep disorders. If you suspect you may have a sleep disorder, consult your physician.

Zeo Sleep Manager nest pas un appareil ni un programme mdical. Il nest pas destin lusage pour le diagnostic ni le traitement
des troubles du sommeil. Consultez un mdecin si vous souponnez que vous souffrez de troubles mdicaux du sommeil.

nal S
Persoh Guide

D. Sleep Wheel a reference of typical sleep



SD memory card and card reader
for uploading your sleep data
to myZeo
Zeo Sleep Manager - Bedside Guide
The Zeo Experience Guide a downloadable guide to help you get the most out of
Zeo visit www.myZeo.com/guide

E. Power Adapter

Bedside Display Buttons

Up / Down Arrows
Change an option,
adjust brightness

ZQ / Sleep Info

View last nights sleep
data: ZQ, Total Z,
Time to Z and more
Sleep History
View the past 7
nights sleep data

S ettings
Change alarm music
+Zzz length, wake mode,
sensor life,
and more

Clock Time
Change the time
and date

Left / Right
Navigate menu

Home / Snooze
Return to main

Alarm Time
Change the wake
up time

Bedside Display Screen Icons

Alarm Icon
Indicates the alarm
is activated

Setting Up your Sleep Manager

Place the bedside display near your bed
Connect the power adaptor to the bedside display and
plug it into a wall outlet

Time Display
Indicates the
current time

Charge the headband

 attery Icon
Flashing battery - the
headband is charging

Place the headband into the cradle

on the unit

Solid battery - the

headband is charged
Sleep Phase
Indicates Wake,
REM, Light and
Deep sleep on the
sleep graph

When positioned correctly, the battery charging icon

will appear as shown:
Blinking = charging
T ime of Night
In the sleep graph, indicates
the time of night

Headband Icon
Indicates that the headband
is communicating with the
bedside display
JEB Icon
Indicates that the headband is communicating
with the bedside display
and collecting data

Alarm Time
Indicates the
set alarm time
(at night) and
ZQ (in the

Solid = charged

If the battery icon does not appear, shift the headband
slightly in the cradle
The battery takes up to two hours to charge
myZeo Account
See page 14 for instructions

Setting Time And Using The Alarm

Wearing your Zeo Headband

Set clock time

 ress , then press

T o change the hour, press

T o set minutes, press



then press
Follow the arrows on the
screen to select
an option or navigate
a menu.

When finished, press or

to return to the main screen


, then press



T o change the hour, press

T o set minutes, press

 hen finished, press or
to return to the main screen

, then press

Turn alarm off when ringing


3. Loosen the strap until you reach a comfortable and secure fit.

Headband tips

Set alarm time

2. The gray pads should rest on the

center of your forehead. Make sure
not to trap any hair under the sensor.

The headband doesnt need to be extremely tight; just snug

enough to prevent the sensor from moving around
on your forehead.

Activate and deactivate alarm

1. Put the headband on at a tight size


so the hour flashes

so the alarm hour flashes


then press


To ensure an accurate recording of Time to Z, only put the

headband on when you are ready to turn off the lights.
If the headband falls off your head during the night, try
tightening it the next night.
Use the soft fabric tubes to provide extra comfort around
your ears.
With long hair, the headband should be worn under the hair,
or with a ponytail through the two straps.

, then press

If you have additional questions, visit www.myZeo.com

Headband Care
Charging your headband
When not using the headband, keep it docked on the
bedside display so it can recharge.
Replacing the SoftWave sensor pad
The silver fabric in the sensor pad wears out from normal usage.
The headband should be replaced roughly every three months of
nightly use. Your bedside display will notify you when the
sensor should be replaced.
Additional sensor pads can
be purchased at www.myZeo.com

Cleaning the headband


Customizing Your Zeo Settings

Screen brightness

to increase brightness, or

to decrease brightness

Wake music
Choose from five different wake tones to help stir you awake
gently and effectively.

, then press

to change music

Length of snooze
Adjust the length of snooze time, from 0 to 30 minutes.
, then
Then press

to navigate to +Zzz Time screen.

to change snooze length.

To wash the headband and sensor pad, unsnap the plastic pod and
hand wash the fabric with a delicate fabric cleaner and cold water.
Let the headband air dry thoroughly before using.

Other settings

Headband safety

Wake Mode see next page for a full explanation

The Zeo Headband safely detects your sleep patterns; it is not

intended to alter your sleep in any way. It has been laboratory
tested and complies with consensus standards for digital and
wireless devices.

Sensor life countdown until recommended sensor pad replacement


menu includes several other options in addition to the ones below.

Erase sleep data delete all sleep data on the bedside display


Waking Up With Zeo

myZeo Online Tools

There are two ways to use the bedside display as an alarm clock:

Explore your sleep in more depth

Standard wake: the bedside display acts just like a traditional alarm clock with a gently rising volume.

Discover the factors that may be helping or hindering your sleep using
simple interactive tools

SmartWake alarm: the bedside display searches for what could be a natural awakening point
a moment when it could be a little easier to get out of bed in the morning.

Reveal trends in your sleep over days, weeks and months

When SmartWake is activated, the alarm will sound within a half-hour before your set alarm time.
The alarm will never wake you later than the set alarm time.

Input specific lifestyle factors to the online Sleep Journal

Select wake mode


, then to navigate to the Wake Mode screen.

to select the standard wake or SmartWake alarm.

Record your morning feel

When you dock your headband in the morning, indicate how you
think you slept, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest.
to change the 1-5 number score.
When finished, press
Note: You can also indicate your Morning Feel in the myZeo Sleep Journal.


Turn the page to learn how to create your myZeo.com account today


The 7 Step Sleep Fitness Program

Create Your myZeo Account Today

3 easy steps to see your sleep data in a whole new way

Get the guidance you need to help

you improve your sleep

1. Visit www.myZeo.com and click sign in for myZeo

in the navigation bar

Target the Sleep Stealers that may be robbing you of sleep

2. Fill out your Sleep Profile. Youll need the serial

number on the bottom of your Zeo Bedside Display
Serial Number

3. Upload your data and explore your sleep!

Explore your recommended sleep strategies and see which ones

actually impact your sleep
Receive regular assessments of your progress

Uploading your sleep data is easy

Gently push the

SD card to eject

Insert the card

into the reader

Insert the reader into

the USB port
of your computer

Sign in to myZeo.com and

click on
Upload your
Sleep Data

Note: When you are done, remember to return your SD card to your Zeo Bedside Display!
Mac Users: If prompted to reformat SD card, choose No.


For more information about getting the most from Zeo, myZeo and the coaching
program, visit www.myZeo.com/guide


Total Z (total sleep time) - How long you really slept last night.
Time to Z (time to fall asleep) How long it took you to fall asleep. Zeo measures this from the
moment you put on the headband till the moment you fall asleep and stay asleep for 10 minutes.

Whats your ZQ?

ZQ A single score that represents the quantity and
quality of your sleep. There is no optimal ZQ, but
check out the Sleep Wheel to see what the typical ZQ
is for your age.

The Zeo Sleep Graph

Note: Zeo is not intended for the diagnosis or treatment of sleep disorders including apnea. If you
suspect that you may have a sleep disorder, consult your physician.

Each night, Zeo visually displays your sleep patterns

in a graph. Time advances from left to right, while the
type of sleep is indicated by the height of the bars.

(D) Deep

(Total Time Sleeping)

+ Restorative Sleep

(Deep and REM Sleep)

Disrupted Sleep

Times woken - The number of times you woke up in the middle of the night. Zeo defines wake-ups as
disruptions that last two minutes or more. You may not remember all the ones Zeo records.

Percentage in each phase - An at-a-glance view of the percentage of the night spent in each sleep

Total Z

(Time in Wake and Times Woken)

(L) Light

(W) Wake


= Your ZQ
Alarm time indicator

Time in Wake - Your total time awake from the moment you fall asleep until you wake up.
Time of

Time in REM - Your total time in REM sleep. This phase is important for its contribution to overall
mental health, mood, and the ability to learn and retain knowledge. REM is also associated with

Time of
the last

Time in Light Your total time in Light sleep. This phase typically accounts for the majority of the
night and takes place between the other phases and wakefulness.
Time in Deep - Your total time in Deep sleep. This phase is important for feeling restored and
refreshed, as well as for growing and immunity.

Signal dropout

Data is displayed in 5 minute average increments. For a closer look at your data, upload it to your
myZeo account.
Empty sections on the screen indicate a signal dropout, which can be caused by poor signal, not
wearing the headband properly, having it fall off, not being within the wireless range, an expired
sensor pad, or low battery power.


For more info about your sleep, visit www.myZeo.com/guide


Frequently Asked Questions

My wireless doesnt seem to be working anymore. What should I do?

Is it possible to analyze my sleep data outside of myZeo.com?

1. Make sure your headband is fully charged.

You can download your sleep data and your Sleep Journal to a CSV file that you can view in
Microsoft Excel and many other applications. Heres how:

2. U
 nplug your bedside display for 10 seconds and then plug it back in again.
3. I t may be time to replace your headbands sensor pad.
How often do I need to change my sensor pad?
The silverized fabric in the sensor pad can wear out with use. We recommend that you replace the
sensor pad about every 3 months of nightly use, or more frequently depending on your skin type.
Is the 7 Step Sleep Fitness Program for me?
This email-based guided coaching program is designed to help you get a better nights sleep, but only
if you engage in the recommendations. People who are ready to take an active role in their sleep find
the Sleep Fitness Program to be incredibly helpful.

1. Make sure youve allowed pop-ups in your browser (Internet Explorer users especially).
2. Log in to your myZeo account and click the Export Data button in the side navigation bar.
3. C
 lick the Export Data button to start your download, the Export Data Help Sheet for help
interpreting the file.
For more information:
Visit www.myZeo.com/support
Email [email protected]
Call toll free 1-888-myZeoHelp (1-888-699-3643)

What does incomplete data mean?

If Zeo is unable to record at least 25% of your night, it may say there was incomplete data. This can
be caused by poor headband connection or pulling out the SD card before docking the headband.



Take control of your sleep

Track it. Improve it. Feel your best.

Zeo, Inc.
320 Nevada Street 4th Floor
Newton, MA 02460
2011 Zeo, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Zeo, myZeo, Sleep Manager, SoftWave, SmartWake,
Sleep Fitness, Whats Your ZQ?, and the Zeo logo, are trademarks of Zeo, Inc.
SD logo is a trademark of the SD Card Association
Rev Number: 070-0016-1.01

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