BenchtopPIDController WhPaper

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Building a Benchtop PID Controller

Raymond Rogers
Keithley Instruments, Inc.

Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) control is a feedback control

scheme widely used in engineering, science, and industry. The popularity of
PID is largely due to its ease of implementation and effectiveness. Motivation
for the use of PID stems from its cost-efficiency: a PID controller is never an
optimum controller but is good enough in most cases that the added cost and
complexity of an optimum controller is not worth the marginal increase in
performance. Furthermore, PID control does not require a deep understanding
of the underlying workings of a process; all that matters is that some measured
process variable can be strongly influenced by some controlled variable.
Although most PID controllers are dedicated instruments designed for
controlling specific processes, this white paper explores how to create a PID
controller with exceptional performance quickly and easily using standard
benchtop test equipment and minimal programming. Today, nearly all process
actuators (valves, agitators, heaters, motors, etc.) and process meters are
electronic, so the only two instruments required to build a PID controller are
a digital multimeter (to measure the process variable) and a power source (to
drive an actuator). In fact, many applications require only a voltmeter and a
unipolar power supply.
The acronym PID is derived from the controllers constituent elements
and how they act on the difference between some desired value or set point
(SP) of a process variable and that variables current value. The process variable
(PV) of interest is often referred to as the measured (or manipulated) variable
(MV). The instantaneous difference between the SP and MV is known as the
error; the goal of the PID controller is to eliminate this error. In other words,
the controller works to ensure the process is operating in such a way that the
measured variable is always at the set point.
Keithley Instruments, Inc.
28775Aurora Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44139
(440) 248-0400
Fax: (440) 248-6168

A PID controller is made up of three parts: the proportional part, which drives the
output in proportion to the instantaneous error; the integral part, which drives the output
in proportion to the accumulated error; and the derivative part, which drives the output
in proportion to the instantaneous rate of change of the error. Each part has a weighted
contribution to the total output signal of the controller. The process of establishing those
weights in order to get the best response from the controller is known as tuning.
Not every controller requires all three PID elements: some are satisfactory with just
the proportional part and many others with just the proportional and integral parts. These
controllers are referred to as P, PI, PD, and PID in the context of PID control.
Each PID element is combined to create a controller with a unique and desired response.
The proportional part acts to eliminate the present error. As a result, a P controller is the
only feasible single-element PID controller. The integral part has a slow response but accounts
for process offsets that the proportional part cannot eliminate on its own. The derivative part
acts in response to the change in error. If the error is increasing, then the derivative output
adds to the total output; if the error is decreasing, then the derivative output subtracts from the
total output. The primary effect is that the derivative action responds strongly to quick changes
in the error but moderates the measured variables approach to the set point.
Tuning the PID controller involves giving each PID element the proper weight in order to
introduce desirable effects into the controller response while minimizing the drawbacks of
each element. The process to be controlled dictates what is desirable in the controller response.
For example, some processes may not accommodate overshoot well, which puts additional
limits on the rise time of the measured variable. On the other hand, another process may
accept some overshoot, allowing for a quick rise time of the measured variable.

PID Implementation
A DMM, a power supply, and a bit of programming are the only things required to build
a benchtop PID controller. Minimal programming experience is required because the PID
algorithm is relatively straightforward. A numerical realization of the PID controller will be
built upon its individual components. Figure 1 offers a graphic overview of PID control.

SP(t) +


uP(t) = KPe(t)

uI (t) = KI e(t)d

uD(t) = KD

uI (t) +





Figure 1. PID process diagram.

The PID controller takes the error as an input parameter and outputs a signal whose
magnitude is determined by the sum of the P, I, and D components of the PID
controller. Remember that the error is the difference between the desired value of some
process variable and that variables present value or the set point minus the measured value:
e(t) = SP(t) MV (t)
The P contribution, up (t), is determined by the following relation:
up (t) = e(t)
By similar notation, the I and D contributions are defined thus:


uI(t) = e(t)dt


uD(t) = _____
The integral is run from the start of the controller to the present time. The total output,
u(t), is the weighted sum of each of the contributions:
u(t) = KPuP (t) + KIuI (t) + KDuD (t)
where KP, KI, and KD are the gain coefficients for each of the components as indicated by
their subscripts. The coefficients are user-supplied parameters and are determined through
tuning the controller for a particular use. The process of tuning is addressed in the section
titled Tuning.












Figure 2. PID component contributions following a set point change from S0 to S1 at t1.

The proportional component acts on the instantaneous error. The integral component acts
on the error accumulated since the beginning of the control loop. The derivative component
acts on the instantaneous rate of change of error. Figure 2 illustrates how these components
are calculated.
It is important to note that the phrase increasing error could be misleading as to
whether the magnitude of e(t) is increasing or if e(t) has a positive slope. The derivative
component acts on the instantaneous slope of e(t) and can be negative even if the magnitude
is increasing, as is the case when the measured variable is deviating more and more above the
set point. The potential confusion arises from the fact that error has a sign associated with
it; a negative error indicates that the measured variable is above the set point. For the rest of
this white paper, increasing error means a positive slope of e(t), regardless of what the error
magnitude is doing.
The previous equations are realized numerically in this algorithm:
1. Determine the set point of the measured variable.
2. Make a measurement of the measured variable.

3. Measure the present time, call it tn, and calculate the time difference between the present
measurement and the previous measurement: tn = tn tn1
4. Calculate the error: e(tn) = SP(tn) MV(tn)
5. Determine each of the PID component outputs:
a. uP (tn) = e(tn)
b. uI (tn) = uI (tn1) + 3(tn) * tn

e(tn) e(tn1)
c. u D (tn) = _____________

6. Determine the total PID output from user-supplied gain coefficients:
a. u (tn) = KPuP (tn) + KIuI (tn) + KDuD (tn)
7. Begin again from step 1.
Keep two important details about this algorithm in mind. The first is that the loop takes a
finite amount of time to iterate through. If that time is controlled, then step 3 is unnecessary
because tn is the same for every iteration. Furthermore, the multiplication and division by a
fixed tn in steps 5b and 5c are not strictly necessary to carry out because they can be factored
out from each term and accounted for in the respective gain coefficients. The second detail is
that the loop is continued indefinitely until the controller is turned off.
The numerical integral and derivative presented in steps 5b and 5c are the simplest
approximations, that is, a Riemann Sum and a finite difference. Both have first-order error in
the time step. It is possible to make closer approximations for a given time step by using the
trapezoid rule (for example) for integration or a multi-point approximation for derivation.
The algorithm can be easily adapted to P, PI, or PD controllers by removing the
corresponding sub-step(s) in step 5 and the corresponding term(s) in step 6. Each of the three
components is computationally and functionally independent, so there are no extra steps
required when using less than full PID.
The output of the PID controller has been generalized and abstracted, but in practice
it will depend solely on the intended application. For instance, two PID controllers, each
from a separate process, may have the same output as determined from step 6. However, the
conversion from u(tn) to some meaningful physically controlled variable (such as voltage or
current) in order to drive a reactant flow rate or heating element is process dependent.
Some processes require a limit on the output so that the output of the PID does not drive
an actuator to failure or cause unnecessary stress. On the other hand, all actuators have
physical limits; a valve cannot open any wider than fully open. In these cases, it may be useful

to scale u(tn) as a ratio to fully open or fully actuated. It is generally easier to work with a PID
controller on both the coding and tuning sides if the output is appropriately scaled and limited
before tuning. Note that limits on the output must be hardcoded in some fashion.
As mentioned previously, PID controllers are easy to implement, in part because they can
be moved quickly from one process to another. The only changes needed will be to select an
appropriate output scale, the gain coefficients (via tuning), and maybe the output limits. This
modularity is a major reason PID controllers are so widely used.
The standard implementation would make use of a DMM to make voltage or current
measurements from an electronic sensor of some sort (a thermocouple, strain gauge, pressure
gauge, flow meter, etc.). The measurement would be fed into the PC running the PID
algorithm. The algorithm calculates the PID output and converts it to a source value for the
power supply. The power supply sources into some sort of electronic actuator (heating element,
motor, pump, valve, etc.), which drives the measured variable toward the process set point.

LabVIEW Implementation
Implementing a PID controller via software is the simple matter of realizing the previous
algorithm numerically. National Instruments LabVIEW programming environment is
used here to demonstrate a PID controller implementation for two reasons. The first is that
LabVIEW is widely used in industry and research and second is that the flowchart-like
representation of the code serves well to show how everything fits together. An example
PID controller written in LabVIEW is availalbe for download at
Figures 3, 4, and 5 show the block diagrams of the P, I, and D components of a PID
controller. Figure 6 shows how all of them fit into a single subVI (a.k.a. a subroutine).

Figure 3. LabVIEW implementation of P.

Figure 4. LabVIEW implementation of I.

Figure 5. LabVIEW implementation of D.

Figure 6. LabVIEW implementation of PID.

As Figure 3 indicates, the proportional component is the simplest; it takes the error and
gain coefficient as inputs and multiplies them together. The integral component takes the error,
gain coefficient, and time since start as inputs. The time step is accomplished by subtracting
the previous timing from the current timing via a feedback node. The integral is kept as a
running tally (Riemann Sum) of the error, which is then multiplied by the gain coefficient.
The derivative component keeps track of the time in the same way as the integral but also
keeps track of the previous error. The change in error is divided by the change in time to
approximate the derivative via a finite difference. The smaller subVIs can be used when only a
P or PI, for example, is needed. Otherwise, the total PID subVI is available when all three
components are needed.
The PID controller takes in six inputs: the present value (measurement), the set point, the
time since the start of the controller, and all three of the gain coefficients. The controller has
four outputs: the total output and the output for each of the three components. Each of the six
inputs must be supplied, but any of the outputs can be used.
The output of the PID controller is simply a number. That number needs to be converted
into something thats meaningful to the physical system being controlled, such as the source
value for the power supply. Furthermore, it is possible that the user may want to limit the
source value further to a certain range. Thus, the output of the controller must be mapped to
the range to be used.

For example, if the actuator to be controlled is determined to safely accept between 0V and
5V then the number out of the PID controller needs to be mapped to fall within that range.
The midpoint of the range also needs to be determined and the controller output mapped so
that an output of zero gets mapped to the midpoint.
The midpoint is best defined as the ideal point at which lower source values decrease
the measured variable and higher source values increase the measured variable. This poses
a problem of definition because the midpoint can very well end up dynamic and dependent
on the current state of the system to be controlled, particularly if there are system losses in
proportion to the measured variable. One manifestation of this dynamic behavior is whats
known as droop (see the section titled Droop and Windup for details). Ultimately, the
midpoint is an estimate that is close to the ideal point for the majority of system states,
particularly in the region of control interest. This is not a big problem because the PID
controller is self-regulating and any significant deviation is corrected primarily through the
integral term.
The simplest way to map the controller output is to choose an arbitrary maximum, such
as 1000. All that is required is to map the output of the controller linearly so that an output of
1000 gives 0V and 1000 gives 5V. The midpoint is determined to be 2.5V and an output of 0
maps to 2.5V. Figure 7 illustrates various mapping procedures.

Total (Virtual)

Actuator (i.e., valve)


Linear map


Linear map


Fully open

Half open

Fully closed


Fully open


Half open

Fully closed


Fully open

Half open

Linear map

Fully closed

Figure 7. PID controller output mapping from a virtual quantity (dimensionless) to a physical quantity
(volts, amps). The asymmetric mapping has different slopes before and after the midpoint.
Although the example illustrated here is linear, the mapping could take another form, for
example, logarithmic or polynomial.

The number 1000 is arbitrary and serves only as a scale basis. The response of the
controller is determined from the gain coefficients. Consider that the controller described
would have an identical response if the maximum output were to be increased to 10,000
and all the gain coefficients were increased by a factor of 10. The absolute contribution
from each of the components is accordingly greater by a factor of 10, but the relative
contributions are unchanged, which causes the controller to behave exactly the same as before.
Whatever controller maximum is chosen, it should be chosen on the basis of simplifying the
The final steps are to convert the DMM measured value to a number to feed into the PID
controller measurement pin and to format the controller output to a number to send to the
power supply. This is done by using Instrument I/O and string to/from number conversions.
The controller is complete (Figure 8) when the set point and gain coefficients are supplied.


Figure 8. Full PID Controller employing a Keithley Model 2000 DMM to monitor the measured variable
and a Keithley Model 2200 Power Supply to power the actuator. The subVI shown in Figure 6
is the KI-PID block seen in the center here. An example PID controller written in LabVIEW is
available for download at

Although implementing the PID controller is relatively straightforward, tuning the controller
is a more open-ended aspect of PID control. Tuning is not a simple process because it requires
understanding how each of the PID components affects the response. A poorly designed PID
controller will display one or more of the following performance problems: oscillation, poor
damping, overshoot, slow rise/fall times, kick, droop, and excessive windup. This section
describes each of these problems and their primary causes.
Oscillation is one of the more complicated performance issues and can be the result of several
factors. The most common cause is too large a proportional gain (Figure 9) for the loop
iteration rate (frequency) of the PID controller. A second cause is a mostly integral controller;
the proportional acts as a dampener in this case. Thirdly, and easily overlooked, is that the
physical system being controlled could be oscillatory in nature and the PID controlling
this system may have to accept some oscillation. This does not necessarily indicate a poor


Measured Variable Magnitude (arb)


Kp = 1
Kp = 1.1


Kp = 1.8
Kp = 5
Set Point












Time (arb)

Figure 9. Measured variable response to proportional gain coefficient.

An integral-heavy PID controller will also oscillate (Figure 10) because the error
accumulated while the measured variable is below the set point takes time to correct while the
measured variable is over the set point. The integral component then starts to accumulate error
in the opposite direction, which will not be corrected until the measured variable crosses the
set point again. The proportional component will act as a dampener in this situation.



Measured Variable Magnitude (arb)


Kp = 1, Ki =3
Kp = 1, Ki = 30


Set Point












Time (arb)

Figure 10. Oscillation due to high integration gain coefficient.

The frequency of the controller is the rate at which the control loop operates and the power
supply output is updated once per cycle. This single-update behavior can be problematic if
the proportional gain is too high. A small error produces a large output, which causes a large
change in the measured variable, even in one cycle. If that change takes the measured variable
past the set point, then the output reverses polarity for the next cycle. If the measured variable
keeps jumping across the set point from cycle to cycle, then the controller is oscillating. If
the gain is high enough and causes the measured variable to jump across with increasing
error magnitude, then the controller is deemed unstable. The quickest fix is to lessen the
proportional gain. However, increasing the controller frequency, if possible, will help as well.
This is an inherent limitation of a digital controller; there will always be some degree
of oscillation. In addition to the loop frequency issue already described, the output of the
power supply can only be resolved to some finite value and nothing smaller. The problem
then becomes a question of how much can the oscillation be reduced. A perfectly continuous
controller would not have this problem because the output is continually updating along with
the changing error. However, oscillation from frequency limitations still occurs in analog
PID control. Such controllers are analog circuits and they still have an effective operation
frequency resulting from reactive components that cause a time lag between output and input.


Oscillation due to a high integral gain can be reduced either by reducing the integral gain
(the obvious solution) or by increasing the proportional gain (not immediately obvious). The
proportional action will dampen the oscillations caused by the integral action. This example
showcases the difficulty of tuning and the user must decide which characteristics of controller
responses are required, desired, and unacceptable. Each characteristic has a tradeoff associated
with it and the priority of the controller characteristics should be established before attempting
to tune the system.
Droop and Windup
Most physical systems have some sort of parasitic mechanism that causes a loss or reduction of
the measured variable. For example, a heater/cooler system must take heat loss/gain through
system boundaries into consideration. The effort of a proportional-only control system will
always reduce to the point where the controller output is just enough to bring the measured
variable to the set point minus system losses. This point is where the controller output is not
enough to change the error but just enough to keep it constant a steady-state error, in other
words. This phenomenon, known as droop (Figure 11), prevents the measured variable from
reaching the set point. Despite the term droop, the offset can be either below or above the set
point as it depends on the state of the physical system being controlled.



Measured Variable Magnitude (arb)


Kp = 1
Set Point












Time (arb)

Figure 11. PID droop.

Ones first instinct might be to increase the proportional gain in an attempt to lessen the
droop amount. But that is all increasing the proportional gain will do; a proportional-only
controller will always encounter droop because there is nothing to account for system losses.
For some systems, a small droop may be acceptable and a proportional-only controller remains
useful. For other systems, droop is undesirable and increasing the proportional gain may
introduce more problems, such as oscillation and set point overshoot.
The heater/cooler mentioned previously represents a generic temperature control system,
complete with boundaries and temperature differences across them. Accurately controlling
the system temperature and accounting for droop may require a complicated algorithm
relating temperature gradients and time constants. Alternatively, the proportional-only
controller may expand to a PI controller and allow the integral component to account for
droop (Figure 12). The output of the controller will continually increase (or decrease) while
the measured variable is less than (or greater than) the set point. The integral component
builds up a buffer and establishes it as an offset of the controller output that compensates for
system losses.



Measured Variable Magnitude (arb)

Kp = 1, Ki = 1.5
Set Point
"Droop" Line












Time (arb)

Figure 12. Integration correction to droop.

The time required for the integral component to build this buffer from the start of the
controller is known as windup. There may also be a significant windup period following a
large set point change because the integral offset required at one set point is different than the
offset required at another set point. Some control systems start a control loop with a non-zero
addition to the integral term in an attempt to reduce the initial windup.
A large set point change can also induce a long windup. This effect can be reduced
by stopping the integral mechanism from accumulating while the output is already at an
extremum. This is because the integral term is not affecting the output but is still accumulating
error, which will have to be cancelled out later.
Rise Time and Overshoot
The rise (or fall) time of the measured variable is the time it takes for the measured variable
to reach the set point following a change. A fast rise time is desirable for obvious reasons, but
too fast a rise time will cause an overshoot of the measured variable across the set point. The
overshoot may then result in damped oscillation as the measured variable settles out to the set
point. For some applications, some overshoot is an acceptable tradeoff for a short rise time.


For others, no overshoot can be tolerated and carefully selecting the PID component gains can
produce the fastest rise time with no overshoot.
Rise time is principally affected through the proportional and derivative gains. The
derivative action responds strongly to an abrupt change but slows the approach to the set point.
The integral component doesnt affect rise time appreciably because of its error accumulation
nature but can cause overshoot. Furthermore, as described previously, a large integral gain will
cause oscillation.
The rise time is typically defined as the time for the variable of interest to rise from 10%
of the final value to 90% of the final value. This is the definition used here.
Disturbance Robustness
A disturbance occurs when anomalies in any of the process variables cause an abrupt or
unusual change in the measured variable, such as a pipe burst in a feedstock that causes a
dramatic drop in vessel pressure (the measured variable). A malfunction of a pre-heating
phase in a process, which causes the system temperature to droop much lower than during
normal operation, is another typical example. Disturbance robustness is then a property of a
PID controller to handle these changes effectively.
Disturbances may or may not be accounted for in a process scheme. This means that a
controller attempting to control a process without a feedback loop would certainly fail to
account for a disturbance simply because it is difficult to consider every possible source of a
disturbance. One of the biggest advantages of a PID controller is that it can be tuned to reject
disturbances, even if they originate with something seemingly unrelated (or unconsidered) to
the process at hand.
An abrupt change in the measured variable can be viewed as functionally equivalent to a
step change of the set point (Figure 13). Therefore, the tuning performed to ensure the best
response to a step change of the set point will do much the same for disturbance rejection.
This is the case unless the disturbance affects the PID controllers ability to control the
measured variable, either because the actuation becomes compromised or the disturbance
brings the measured variable near or outside of the actuation boundaries. The burst pipe
mentioned previously would be an example of compromised actuation; controlling the pressure
inside a breached pipe will surely overtax the pump.


Controller Response to Disturbances and Step Changes




Controller Output Action (arb)

















Time (arb)

Figure 13. Each peak is either a step change or a sudden disturbance. The two are indistinguishable.

Kick, Noise, and the Derivative Action

Figure 13 displays the usual controller response to a step change or disturbance. The issue to
point out is that the response is an abrupt spike. This is known as kick and can be undesirable
for several reasons: this sort of response may be stressing the power supply or actuator
unnecessarily or the controller output could be telling a power supply to force a current into an
inductive load, such as a motor. If kick is undesirable, consider one of the following options:
Hard code a limit to how much the output can change from iteration to iteration. This
may not impact the controller performance appreciably if kick is determined to occur
on certain extreme conditions. Otherwise, the limit will affect the rise time of the
measured variable.
Consider that the derivative action has the potential to cause a very high kick due
to division by a very small time step. The solution may be to remove the derivative
component completely.
A related problem, particularly with the derivative action, is that of noise. The small rapid
changes in the measured variable can be magnified to large controller responses solely from


the derivative action. The problem is that the derivative term needs to be large enough to have
an appreciable effect on the controller output, but the larger the derivative term is, the more
adversely it amplifies noise. The easiest solution is to include a dead-band of error change to
which the derivative component does not respond, that is, has a set output of zero.
The control loop frequency is understood to be the rate at which a control loop operates.
The inverse is the period (T) and corresponds to the time in between iterations of the loop.
Frequency is an important parameter because it determines what kind of systems the PID loop
can adequately control. Consider that every physical system has a time constant associated
with the measured variable. In other words, how fast does the measured variable change with
an associated change in the actuator?
This is important because, if the period of the PID loop is much greater than the time
constant of the measured variable, then the measured variable will not be able to be brought
to the set point, if at all, on an order of time faster than T. For instance, if the output is
determined to increase the measured variable for the next T seconds, then the measured
variable will be increasing by some rate associated with the systems time constant. The
measured variable might very well overshoot the set point in that time, possibly drastically.
The output will not be updated until the next iteration, which will then respond to decrease the
measured variable for the following T seconds. The end result is an oscillation and the only
way to reduce, but not eliminate, this oscillation is to have the controller respond weakly (low
gain coefficients) to the error. In effect, this increases the time constant of the physical system
to the period of the control loop and the potential for fast control is wasted.
If the period is much smaller than the time constant of the physical system, then the
controller is over-designed for the application. This doesnt have a drawback in controlling the
system, per se, but the controller itself may be more expensive or harder to build, maintain,
and run due to specialized parts, faster clocks, etc.
The period of a control loop can be determined from its implementation. To first
approximation, the period is equal to the slowest running part of the entire system, be it the
meter, power supply, actuator, etc. If the power supply takes 100ms to respond to commands
from a host PC running a software PID, then the period is 100ms, assuming the meter and
PID loop itself can respond quicker. The software loop can certainly run faster, but the power
supply wont be changing any quicker than once every 100ms.
The best way to tune a PID controller is first to decide which kind of control response is
desired. Is a fast rise time needed? Can there be any oscillation? Is the process to be controlled
too fast for my equipment? Start by using only the proportional component and then add in the


integral and derivative as the proportional-only inadequacies become apparent. A well-tuned

PID controller is an effective and simple solution to many process control needs.

Temperature Control Example

This example describes the implementation of a simple PID scheme that employs a
Peltier device, a J-type thermocouple, a Keithley Model 2000 DMM, a Keithley Model
2200-20-5 power supply unit, and the PID algorithm as run on a National Instruments
LabVIEW application. It allows controlling temperature to within 0.05C under most
operating conditions with just a J-type thermocouple and no shielding of the signal line. The
implementation is a temperature controller that consists of the Peltier device sandwiched
between a bottom aluminum plate and an insulator. The bottom plate is contained within
an ice-water bath and the PID loop controls the temperature of a small aluminum plate
underneath the insulator (Figure 14). This example demonstrates the effectiveness of a PID
loop, even when run from a PC.
The DMM is used to collect voltage measurements from the thermocouple. These
readings are internally converted to temperature measurements, which are fed as the
measured variable into the PID loop running on the LabVIEW application. The loop then
compares these measurements against the user-supplied set point and an appropriate output
is determined via the PID algorithm. The output is converted to a current to be sourced by
the power supply into the Peltier device. The current ranges between 0A and 5A.

Model 2000
Model 2200-20-5
Power Supply

Aluminum Heat Sink

Figure 14. The heat sink is kept at a constant temperature by placing it in an ice bath.

Some details about the PID system require clarification. For example, the Model
2200-20-5 is a unipolar power supply, which is not necessarily a problem, but it does mean
that the top aluminum plate will have to cool passively. The concern is the rate of passive
cooling vs. that of active heating. The difference can be significant unless the region of
control is chosen such that the control midpoint is the center of the power supplys output


range, namely 2.5A. This occurs at about 80C for this system. At this temperature, any
current less than 2.5A fed into the Peltier will cause the top plate to cool down. In other
words, active heating and passive cooling are symmetric about 2.5A at this temperature.
The second detail is that the PID loop is operating at 20Hz or 50ms per cycle. The rise
time associated with this system is several seconds, which is much longer than the PID
loop period. The loop period could be increased to about one second before any significant
performance degradation becomes apparent.
The last detail is that the PID output is linearly mapped so that an output of 1000
correlates to 0A and an output of 1000 correlates to 5A. This gives the 0A to 5A range with
a 2.5A midpoint described previously. The 1000 output of the controller dictates the order
of magnitude of the gains. Again, be aware that these numbers are completely arbitrary; the
output could have been mapped to 100 instead and the gains seen in the following figures
would be ten times less for identical responses.
A dead-band for the derivative action and a controlled accumulator for the integral
action were implemented as discussed in the Tuning section as a way to reduce the
derivative response to noise and the integral windup respectively. The dead-band has a usersettable threshold and the integral does not accumulate error if the controller is already
operating at maximum output.




Temperature (C)

Kp 200
Kp 400


Kp 600
Kp 1200

Set Point










Time (s)

Figure 15. Temperature controller proportional-only droop.

The PID controller is run at several different gain coefficients in order to demonstrate
tuning and the problems involved in it as discussed in the Tuning section. Figure 15
illustrates the primary problems associated with a P-only controller: droop and oscillation.
Increasing the proportional gain only reduces the droop; it will never eliminate it.
Furthermore, too high a proportional gain will introduce oscillation into the response. The
rise time is approximately nine seconds.



Temperature (C)



Kp 100, Ki 5

Kp 100
Set Point










Time (s)

Figure 16. Temperature controller integral correction to droop.

Figure 16 shows how adding even a small integral gain will correct the droop of a
proportional-only controller. The speed of this correction depends strongly on the integral
gain. The rise time of the PI trace is about nine seconds, but the settling time from the
overshoot extends for more than a minute.



Temperature (C)


Kp 400

Kp 400 Ki 50


Kp 400 Ki 200
Set Point









Time (s)

Figure 17. Temperature controller integral heavy oscillation.

Figure 17 demonstrates that a moderate integral gain will quickly correct droop,
but adding too much will introduce oscillations. One of the best responses seen for this
controller was the black trace (Kp 400, Ki 50). The rise time of this trace is approximately
nine seconds and the measured variable settles to 1% of the set point in approximately six
seconds after the rise time. The response settles to within 0.05C of the set point after
about eleven more seconds.




Temperature (C)

Kp 600
Kp 600 kd 100


Kp 600 Kd 200
Kp 600 Kd 600

Set Point








Time (s)

Figure 18. Temperature controller derivative damping.

Figure 18 shows how a derivative gain slows the approach to the set point. A high
derivative gain will introduce artifacts into the response, resulting from the derivative action
on noise. These artifacts can easily lead to system instability because the change resulting
from a derivative action against a noise spike will cause the derivative action in the next
loop iteration to be stronger and so on. The red trace (Kp 600, Kd 600) shows that the
artifacts will emerge randomly and can be sustained for upwards of a second. The controller
would be significantly less stable without the dead-band mentioned previously.


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A Greater Measure of Confidence

KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. 28775AURORA RD. CLEVELAND, OH 44139-1891 440-248-0400 Fax: 440-248-6168 1-888-KEITHLEY
















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Copyright 2013 Keithley Instruments, Inc.

Printed in the U.S.A

No. 3243


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