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FAQ ASC Start v2 en GT

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Android Script Creator

This FAQ (Help) will contain brief information about
yourself update.zip for OS Android, and instructions on
Android Script Creator. In the first part we will talk about
update.zip, but the second program Android Script

Update.zip for OS Android

Update.zip rather update-script (in the future will use this
name) - a list of commands for systems RECOVERY
(recovery system OS Android), operated from a file
format . Zip (update.zip).
Simply put it is a patch using the update-script can:
install custom firmware (CyanogenMod, MoKeeOS etc.)
russifyi firmware upgrade to fix bugs in the firmware, and
so on.
Analyze update-script:
After parsing the update-script we will see just such a
directory META-INF/com/google/android , in the folder
we find two files update-binary and updater-script,
also in the folder META-INF files available certificate
(but they do not concern us.)
Back to our files, start with update-binary.
update-binary this system means running the patch
also creates a temporary working folder tmp.

That is to say that "engine" update-script, and this

"engine" has its own set of parameters, which in turn
sometimes creates a lot of difficulties (update-binary binary) can not just read what you wrote in the script,
which means include "if the script does not work in the
first place it makes sense to change update-binary. Just
a manufacturer can create a binary which will only work
with a recovery device.
update-script comprises a set of instructions for
It's simple, all you write in update-script will execute
Well, that's basically all you need to know to create your
own update-script in Android Script Creator (ASC will
continue to decline).

Creating your UPDATE-SCRIPT

ASC designed to simplify the creation of maximum
update-script, for this it has a graphical user interface
and features that give the guarantee of successful
assembly update-script. ASC also assumes the maximum
nuances\pitfalls that can occur during assembly updatescript, such as the encoding of the script, signed script,
wrong location, etc. files.. ASC gives you the opportunity
to create your update-script literally a couple of mouse
clicks + you will get help with parameters and predefined

Begin by running the program.

What we see:
1 Field (script) like a notebook in which you write the
instructions for performing the work under update-binary.
2 ready-made templates, for example to add template
"Delete all files in the folder '/ data / battd' need to click
on "Add".
3 in this area is a list of standard commands with
update-script with their description and syntax.
4 two buttons "Add" - adds syntax of the selected
parameter to the script (before the addition of syntax you
can edit it), "Save" - save the script in the update-script
(generally saving the script automatically when: input
characters in the script, adding syntax, adding template)
but to be sure you can press the.

5 switching between pages (or steps, as you wish)

6 button which displays information about the program
7 pressing the program gives information on where you
can contact the developer or get answers to questions
8 by pressing the button (blue plus) page opens where
you can edit the script in full screen.
To start go the easiest way and add a template Delete
all files in the folder '/data/battd' (version it
should be exactly)
In the script, see the following:
#---# Deleting all files of a folder "/data/battd"
#---# Gives text "Wiping battd stats..."
ui_print("Wiping battd stats...");
# Mount "/data"
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk1p25", "/data");
# Deletes the contents of a folder "/data/battd"
# Unmounting "/data"
# Gives text "Finish!"

Everything after the # script during processing will not

be displayed, it is more necessary for you in order that
you may know what the command is executed, and in
what sequence.
But suppose you do not need to clean the folder
data/battd for example, you need to clear a folder
data/download, in this case, the script will look like this:
(a description of the commands I remove)
ui_print("Delete all files in folder DOWNLOAD");
mount("ext4", "EMMC", "/dev/block/mmcblk1p25", "/data");

Now the script will clean folder data/download.

Note: update-script not support the Cyrillic alphabet, so
that in the end it is impossible to write a "Finish" in
Now left click on the "Files".

What we see here:

1 box that displays what files are in the script, based on
the directory in the script (Example: If you add a file from
a folder c:\andro, which is a tree install\myapp.apk,
in the field it will be displayed as it will be in the script
2 path to the folder from which you want to add files to
the script.
3 "Add" button, add files to the script.

4 button "Delete All" deletes all the files in the script.

5 - switching between pages (or steps, as you wish)
6 - button which displays information about the program
7 - pressing the program gives information on where you
can contact the developer or get answers to questions
Note: With every hit to the "Files" program scans files in
the script!!!
But not in our script files, they simply do not need us, we
just need to clear a folder data/download, so we click
on the "Build".

What we see here:

1 Field that shows the process of assembling the script
2 Folder in which to save the script

3 Script file name (Note: script name must be entered

without specifying format .zip)
4 drop-down menu where you can select the binary (in
most cases, the "universal" binary works fine), you can
also choose your binary, select "Choose your ..." and
specify binary (if more than one binary from the list does
not suit you)
5 archive compression ratio, the degree of data
compression. Basically all that is usually added to the
script already pinched, but if possible, why not
6 button "Collect" collects script
7 Opens the folder with the compiled script
8 - switching between pages (or steps, as you wish)
9 - button which displays information about the program
10 - pressing the program gives information on where
you can contact the developer or get answers to
At this stage, you can not even touch the default settings,
except for the folder in which to save the script and the
script name, safely click on the "Collect", wait until after
the field "Build Status" appears the word "Done!". That's
basically all your script is created! if you click on the
words "Open Folder ...", the program will open your folder
in which your script.
The program also stores the path names of the files used
when you restart it will restore their.
On the home page you can find examples.
I hope this information was helpful =).

Author: Octanium
Version: 2.0
Home Page Program: http://forum.motofan.ru/index.php?
Email: [email protected] \ [email protected]
Some information about update.zip was taken from the
site 4pda.ru

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