Waste To Energy Power Plants in Toronto

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CMN 432
Workshop Professor: Dianne Nubla
Group Members: Kuldeep Raval, Akash Patel, Mausami Naik,
Jigar Solanki, Avneet Saran, Maninderjit Johar
Date of Submission: April 09, 2015

Executive Summary
This recommendation report examines the feasibility of implementing waste-to-energy power
plants as a method of waste removal, as opposed to the landfills that currently house most of
Torontos waste. The recommendation is based on the evaluation of this technique from different
perspectives. All the areas of discussion are outlined below:






Environmental Perspective:
Overfilling of landfills
Air pollution
Eradication of worse energy sources
Implementation Perspective:
Transportation and Storage of Municipal Solid Waste
Energy Generation and Distribution
Hazardous Material Management
Design Perspective
Modes of energy generation
Plant design
Constraints in a power plant
Ethical Perspective:
Human health
Energy and environment
Workplace Hazards and Safety
Political Perspective:
Government legislation
Public policies
International trades
Business Perspective:
Cost of implementation
Job opportunities

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Environmental Impacts 6

2.1 Overfilling of landfills 6
2.2 Air pollution

2.3 Eradication of worse energy sources

2.4 Environmental Perspective Conclusion

3.0 Implementation Impacts

3.1 Transportation and Storage of Municipal Solid Waste 8

3.2 Energy Generation and Distribution

3.3 Hazardous Material Management

3.4 Implementation Perspective Conclusion

4.0 Design Impacts 10

4.1 Modes of energy generation
4.2 Plant Design



4.3 Constraints in power plant


4.4 Design Perspective Conclusion 11

5.0 Ethical Impacts 12
5.1 Human Health 12
5.2 Environment and Energy Production 12
5.3 Workplace Hazards and Safety 13
5.4 Ethical Perspective Conclusion 13
6.0 Political Impacts 14
6.1 Government Legislation


6.2 Public policies 14

6.3 International trades


6.4 Political Perspective Conclusion


7.0 Business Impacts 16

7.1 Cost of Implementation 16

7.2 Job Opportunities


7.3 Business Perspective Conclusion

8.0 Conclusion


8.0 Recommendations
9.0 References




List of Figures
Figure 1 Characteristic of WTE Power Plants


List of Tables
Table 1 Agreements and Disagreements on Implementing WTE plants
Table 2 Cost range of various technologies 16
Table 3 Impacts of Various labour Categories
Table 4 Decision Matrix

1.0 Introduction
The average Canadian citizen produces 777 kilograms of garbage per year, whereas the average
of all other countries is just 578 kilograms (CBC, 2013). The waste accumulating is only
increasing as time progresses and our landfills are brimming to their maximum capacity. Until
2010, Torontos garbage was shipped to the state of Michigan to be filled into landfills (The Star,
2010). The shipment only stopped because Michigan denied accepting anymore waste as their
landfills were filling up. Torontos current day garbage is transported to London to a landfill and
that location will too get filled in the near future, putting Toronto in a desperate garbage disposal
problem. In addition to the garbage problem, 17 % of Ontarios energy consumed is generated
from greenhouse gas emitting sources (Ontario Power Generation, 2010). Garbage disposal and
harmful energy generation are two issues that affect Toronto in an economic and environmental
perspective. To combat these problems, Sweden uses waste to energy power plants and because
of this they were able to reduce the amount of garbage sent to landfills to an astounding 1%
(Freden, 2014). These waste to energy power plants solve the waste disposal problem and also
generate cleaner electricity.
In order to solve Torontos garbage problem and concerns about greenhouse emitting energy
generation, we are writing a recommendation report to determine if it is feasible to implement
waste to energy power plants. The purpose of this report is to assess the waste to energy plants
from all the applicable perspective. The research from the report will cover the following
1. Environmental Perspective: (1) Eradication of worse energy sources (2) Overfilling of
landfills (3) Air Pollution
2. Implementation Perspective: (1) Transportation and Storage of Municipal Solid Waste
(2) Energy Generation and Distribution (3) Hazardous Material Management
3. Design Perspective: (1) Modes of energy generation (2) Plant Design (3) Constraints in
power plant
4. Ethical Perspective: (1) Human Health (2) Environment and Energy Production
(3) Workplace Hazards and Safety
5. Political Perspective: (1) Government Legislation (2) Public policies (3) International
6. Business Perspective: (1) Cost of Implementation (2) Job Opportunities
These findings will help assess the feasibility of waste to energy power plants in Toronto and
provide us with the ability to recommend or reject this technology.

2.0 Environmental Perspective: Kuldeep Raval

This part of the report discusses the environmental impacts of implementing the waste to energy
power plants in Toronto. The purpose of this writing this report is to comment on the feasibility
of implementing waste to energy power plants. I came to the conclusion based on findings from
three points: (1) Overfilling of Landfills/ Waste Management, (2) Air Pollution, and (3) The
eradication of bad energy sources.
2.1 Overfilling of Landfills/ Waste Management
In Toronto, there is a great amount of garbage produced every day and this is putting a strain on
the landfills. If garbage production continues at this rate, all the landfill space in Ontario will be
used up and we will be on the brink of a waste disposal crisis (Campbell and Dharmarajah,
2011). The implementation of waste to energy power plants will help ease the load on landfills
and solve the problem that Toronto is currently facing. Sweden had the same dilemma as Toronto
and they solved their problem by sending their garbage to waste to energy power plants. Because
of this, Sweden converts 99% of its waste to energy and this prevents the use of landfills
(Anadolu Agency, 2014). Based on looking at the effects of waste to energy power plants on
landfill space, it is clear that Torontos landfills would benefit from this technology.
2.2 Air pollution
Climate change is a big problem in the world and air pollution is contributing to that. The
implementation of waste to energy power plants will cause the emission of pollutants. When
these plants were implemented in Sweden, it was evident that large amounts of dioxins were
being produced due to waste to energy plants (Bergvall, 1987). A dioxin is a toxic and dangerous
environmental pollutant. Also, many older designs of these plants release greenhouse gases such
as carbon dioxide and methane (Butler, Dlugokencky and Montzka, 2011). The use of waste to
energy plants in Toronto will lead to the discharge of harmful gases and this will have a negative
effect on climate change.
2.3 Eradication of worse energy sources
Toronto relies on many different sources to provide energy. But a bulk of the energy that we use
comes from highly polluting and non-renewable energy sources. The two highly polluting
sources are coal and natural gas and they provide 17% of Torontos energy (Ontario Power
Generation, 2010). Waste incineration is a great alternative to burning fossil fuels for the
following reasons:
1. Emissions of greenhouse gases are much lower from waste incineration than fossil fuels
(Business Insights, 1993).
2. Coal and natural gas are non-renewable sources of energy (Cook, n.d.) while waste
incineration is renewable.
3. Waste to energy plants get rid of waste helping ease load on landfills while coal creates
more waste to go into landfills (University of Kentucky, 2015).

Using waste to energy power plants is a great way to avoid the usage of highly polluting and
non-renewable energy sources.
2.4 Environmental Perspective conclusion
There were many factors to be considered from the environmental perspective for implementing
waste to energy plants.
Table 1 Table listing agreements or disagreements of implementing WTE plants
Overfilling of
landfills/ Waste
Air pollution
Eradication of worse
energy sources




Based on the table above, I have come to the conclusion to recommend the implementation of
waste to energy power plants. A waste to energy plant is a better source for energy than many of
the current sources we use in Toronto. Furthermore, it eliminates the current problem we face
with landfills. Like anything, there are cons to this project but the benefits greatly outweigh the

3.0 Implementation Perspective: Avneet Saran

The purpose of this report is to study the viability of constructing a Waste-to-Energy power plant
in the city of Toronto. Implementation impacts contain three topics of assessment which are (1)
transportation of municipal solid waste, (2) energy generation and distribution and (3) hazardous
materials management. These topics will be examined and the result will determine the viability
of a waste-to-energy power plant from the implementation perspective.
3.1 Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste
The transportation of Municipal Solid Waste to a waste to energy power plant can be done
efficiently and effectively with the current waste transportation system in Toronto. Toronto is
presently transferring waste to the Green Lane landfill located in London Ont. Toronto waste is
being transported by long haul trucking to Green Lane by diesel trucks. Approximately 140
trucks transfer up to 10, 000 tons of solid waste per day. Through the transport of the waste by
long-haul truck, there is high amount fuel and resource consumption (CBC News, 2013). The
present waste export system that is in place in Toronto can be rerouted to a waste-to-energy
power plant. The rerouting of waste would be effective because it will cut down on
transportation costs of the current system.

3.2 Energy Generation and Distribution

The generation and distribution of heat, electricity and recovered metal from a waste to energy
power plant can be achieved through existing infrastructure in the city of Toronto. A constructed
waste to energy plant can produce approximately 75 mega-watts of electricity which is enough to
supply 26000 homes with energy. Additionally, about 60,000 kg of metal would be recovered per
day (Ontario Power Generation, 2010). Electricity produced can be transported to the grid
through a transfer station and heat generated can be used for district heating locally. Any byproduct such as metal that is recovered can be used beneficially within the city for construction
(U.S Environmental Protection Agency, 2014).
3.3 Hazardous Materials Management
Optimal energy generation can be achieved by removing hazardous material from the solid waste
with the use of existing technologies. Glue, light bulbs and batteries are shown to be the primary
hazardous materials accounting for nearly 0.4% of the total waste stream (Durmusoglua E,
2010). Experiments conducted at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have
proven that efficient removal of batteries and other waste materials can be achieved with the use
of rotating trammel system (University of hong kong, 2005). A similar trammel system can be
constructed within the power plant to ensure safe and optimal energy generation.

3.4 Implementation Perspective Conclusion

My analysis of the implementation perspective of waste to energy power plants shows that
constructing a plant in the city of Toronto would be beneficial and can be done easily with the
use of existing infrastructure and technologies. Transportation of waste can be done with the use
of the current transport system. Energy, heat and metal can be distributed within the city with the
use of existing infrastructure. Removal of hazardous material from the waste can be done with
the use of a trammel system. Therefore it is recommended from an implementation standpoint
that the city of Toronto should and can easily implement a waste to energy power plant to meet
the cities energy and waste disposal needs.

4.0 Design Perspective: Akash Patel

Waste disposal in the city of Toronto has always been a problem. In implementing waste to
energy power plants as a possible solution to the problem, I will summarize and analyze the
design impacts for this technology. The overall assessment of this impact will be based on three
criteria: (1) method of generation, (2) plant design and (3) design constraints.
4.1 Method of Generation
There are currently three main processes used by the existing waste to energy power plants to
generate electricity from waste. The three processes are as follows: (1) Incineration, (2)
Gasification and (3) Pyrolysis. A certain process is utilized at specific plants depending on
various criteria which include composition of garbage in the area, efficiency and the impacts on
the environment (Environmental Protection Agency, 2014). The composition of the garbage
depends on the location and the type of waste accumulated. The efficiency is ratio of the trash
burned to the electricity generated (Berkeley, 2013). The environment impacts of each process
are evaluated in terms of the products and to what extent they affect the environment. For a city
like Toronto where most of its waste is accumulated from residents, a process used in an existing
plant in the capital of Sweden can be used as they share similar characteristics. Data from
existing plants around the world shows that gasification is the ideal process overall when it
comes to efficiency and environmental impacts. From the three modes of electricity generation,
Figure 1 Characteristics of the different WTE technology

4.2 Power Plant Design

Torontos garbage is exported out of the city to dump in landfills on a daily basis. With the
landfills filling up, it is a necessity to implement a clean solution. The province of Ontario is on a
mission to improve its 17% greenhouse gas emitting energy generation. This would make it an
ideal place for implementing a waste to energy power plant (Ontario Power Generation, 2010).
All waste to energy power plants share similar major components. A furnace, post combustion
chamber, gas turbine and emission control area are four crucial components of any waste to

energy plant. The burning of the waste all starts in the furnace (Integra Global Green Energy,
2011). In the post combustion chamber, the burning of the waste is fully completed and products
are formed. The products then proceed through the turbines to generate electricity. The emission
control area is where the remains from the combustion sit (Columbia University, 2011). These
vital components are a must and should be taken into consideration when designing the power
plant for Toronto.
4.3 Constraints in Plant Design
Wastes to energy power plants have certain design constraints in order to optimize efficiency. For
a plant to be optimized it must have a minimum of 320 000 to 400 00 tons of waste to burn. Also
it must have a connection to local grid lines for electricity delivery, transportation from and to
the plant, and a sufficient water source for cooling purposes (Keppel Seghers, 2011). Along with
all that, the plant must run 8000 hours annually in order to be efficient (Upsala Univesitet, 2012).
The Greater Toronto area produces 2000 tonnes of garbage a day (CBC News, 2010). After doing
the math, Toronto will require two medium sized power plants that burn 350 000 tonnes of
garbage per year to accommodate the waste accumulated annually. The work of premier Dalton
McGuinty made Ontario a coal free province in the year 2015 (Desmog Canada, 2014). This
movement left the coal plants abandoned and to corrode away. These abandoned coal plants
could easily be converted to waste to energy power plants. Their location is perfect geologically
as they have transportation from and to the plant for the coal and they have connections to the
gridlines for electricity delivery. The only element missing is a sufficient water source. Due to
the fact that Toronto is close to a great lake, water is never an issue and can be delivered with
ease. With most of the work already done for the plant, implementing waste to energy plants in
the abandoned coal plants is a plausible possibility.
4.4 Design Perspective Conclusion
The analysis of the design impacts using the three criteria results in favouring the
implementation of waste to energy power plants in Toronto. It is feasible to use the incineration
process for the waste to energy plant as it dominates the other two processes in the chosen
criteria. The plant should also contain the 4 major components: the furnace, post combustion
chamber, gas turbine and an emission control system. The abandoned coal plants of Ontario are
an ideal location as they are well equipped to implement these wastes to energy power plants.
Therefore, after taking these facts into consideration, I believe waste to energy power plants are
the perfect solution to Torontos garbage problem.


5.0 Ethical Perspective: Mausami Naik

Ethics refers to well-founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what humans ought to
do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues (Andre
& Velasquez, 1987). Going by this definition, the topics discussed in my research report, which
was presented to you earlier, will be evaluated. They are: 1) human health, 2) energy and
environment, 3) workplace hazards and safety of workers. After this, I will give my
recommendation on the whether the implementation of WTE plants in Toronto is the right
5.1 Human Health
Being able to live a healthy lifestyle is a human right. Evaluating the two technologies, landfills
seem to be more dangerous for the residences living nearby. Both the cancer risk and the
possibility of adverse health effects were greater for people living near landfills. The study done
by the Ontario Ministry of Environment showed that the cancer risks ranged from 1 in 4.4million
people to 1 in 21 million people for incineration plants, while they ranged from 1 in 100,000
people to 1 in 250,000 people for landfills (Ontario Ministry of Environment, 1999). Although
these ratios seem relatively small, when the differences are compared, there is a striking contrast
between the two. Also, landfills release harmful pollutants like methane, carbon dioxide, and
nitrous oxide (Canadian Institute of Environmental Law and Policy, 1997). On the other hand,
Swedens WTE plants release only non-toxic carbon dioxide and water (Swedish Institute, 2014).
The effect on human health of the harmful pollutants is much greater, with the possibility of
headache, nausea, vomiting, palpitations, increased blood pressure and even coma and death in
some cases (Health Protection Agency, 2011). Looking at these two results, the safer and more
ethical choice is definitely Swedens waste-to-energy plants.
5.2 Energy and Environment
Looking at the issues of climate change and non-renewable resource exhaustion, landfills pose a
bigger threat to the energy resources and environment. Canadas top 3 energy resources are
nuclear, hydro, and gas/oil (Ontario Energy Board, 2014). 90% of Canadas energy production
comes from non-renewable sources (Smith, 2014). The issue with non-renewable energy
consumption is that over time, it will run out. Also, the greenhouse gases that landfills produce
pose a threat to the environment as they are contributors of climate change. With the increase of
carbon dioxide levels from 280 parts per million to 379 parts per million in the last 150 years due
to industrial activities, using a waste disposal technology that again adds to the pollution does not
seem to be helping the environment in any way (United States Global Change Research
Program, 2009). WTE plants are better for two reasons. First of all, humans will never stop
producing waste. Therefore, the source of energy, which is household garbage, will never fall

short. Secondly, the incineration plants, as stated in the previous paragraph, only produce nontoxic carbon dioxide and water as waste. This means that the amount of damage they do to the
environment is relatively much lesser. For these reasons, looking at the protection and
sustainability of the environment and limited energy sources, the waste-to-energy plants are a
5.3 Workplace Hazards and Safety
The operation of both landfills and WTE incineration plants requires manual labour. Therefore,
the safety of all the workers should be one of the main areas to be considered when making a
decision. A case study at an incineration plant in Finland reported that employees working at the
site are exposed to high levels of endotoxins, microbes, dust, and noise levels that exceed
threshold values (Kari & Outi, 2005). On the other hand, a case study at a landfill in Poland
showed that employees are exposed to bacterial and fungal aerosols (Kalwasiska, Burkowska,
& Brzezinska, 2013). Both conditions are harmful to the workers. However, at a landfill site,
many workers are needed at the sorting station. Their job requires them to sort out garbage bags
one after the other. At an incineration plant, most machines are automated, leaving minimal
manual labour for the workers. According to both studies, safety equipment is provided at both
sites. However, because workers do not need to manually handle the waste with their hands, the
work at the WTE plants is relatively safer. Therefore, I would again recommend the
implementation of the WTE plants in Toronto.
5.4 Ethical Perspective Conclusion
Judging from the three areas discussed above, I would like to go ahead with recommending the
WTE plants as the waste disposal treatment in Toronto. It is a much better technology when
protecting human health, sustaining the environment and non-renewable energy resources, and
for the safety of the workers. Furthermore, it also helps get rid of the garbage that piles up and
takes up space in the landfills. Implementing WTE plants will help in removing waste from
these lands, so that they can be used for other means that benefit the society. Looking back at the
definition of ethics written at the beginning, these reasons are valid enough to say that WTE
system is the right choice.


6.0 Political Perspective: Jigar Solanki

Implementing waste to energy power plants is a very likely solution for Torontos landfill
problems. The purpose of my research part is to examine and analyze the political impacts that
will be encountered due to the implementation of WTE plants in Toronto. I will focus on the
three criterias: 1) Government legislation regarding the construction of WTE plants, (2) Public
polices and rights for the community (3) International trade possibilities with other countries.

6.1 Government Legislation

Waste to energy plants all over North America are regulated under two acts, the federal clean air
act and the resource conservation recovery act. The federal clean air act will require WTE plants
built in Toronto to obtain permits. The required permits are based on plant size and technology,
have emissions limits for sulphur dioxide, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide,
particulates, cadmium, lead, mercury, and dioxins (Alam, 2014). Also the operating conditions,
monitoring, reporting, training and safety requirements have to be met to required standards of
Toronto. This act will allow Torontos pollution to stay reasonably low and make sure plants are
located in rural areas. Many safety precautions will have to be taken creating a safe work
environment for employees of the WTE plant. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act is
to protect communities and conserve resources. The Act requires the testing of plants ash
residue to determine if the ash is hazardous and to make sure it is properly disposed (Quan,
2014). The Act will require By-products created by WTE plants to be taken care of in a safe
manner to protect communities in Toronto. Along with the acts, Toronto must also follow
province specific requirements which can include additional solid waste management, recycling,
noise, site selection, transportation and related regulations; and water use or waste water
management limits (Quan, 2014). Overall WTE plants in Toronto will need to follow these acts
to protect current Toronto communities and create a safe working environment at the WTE
6.2 Public Policy
The publics shifting opinion between landfills and WTE plants is currently favouring WTE
plants. While some are arguing landfills are the better solution the majority does know that WTE
is the more probable solution for the future. WTE plants burn the solid waste instead of allowing
it to be sent to landfills. Nearly one tonne of CO2 equivalent emissions are avoided for every ton
on solid waste handled by WTE plants (Michaels, 2014). Cities using WTE plants have an
increased recycling rate by nearly 20 percent (Michaels, 2014). For every 150 ton of waste
consumed, there will be enough energy to power 5000 homes (Michaels, 2014). This not only
solves Torontos landfill problems but converts it into an energy source to power Toronto

communities. WTE plants are overall in favor of the community and should be considered as a
very plausible solution.

6.3 International Trades

Toronto had a huge increase in international trade due to its landfill crisis. International trade
between Canada and Michigan occurred between 2003 and 2010. Toronto's waste was exported
to landfill sites in Michigan, due to Toronto landfills reaching max capacity (Boyd, 2011). This
was not just very expensive and caused a large amount of pollution, but also showed the rest of
the world Toronto cannot handle its own waste and needs the assistants of others. On the other
hand Sweden who currently is able to recycle 99% of its garbage using WTE plants are able to
imports waste from UK, Italy, Norway, nearly 800,000 tonnes of waste per year to recycle. (Lum,
2014). This increases the reputation of the country in recycling and increases International trades
by assisting other countries in recycling their garbage. Toronto should consider taking such a
path by implementing WTE plants, especially as its landfill is estimated to be filled up by 2029.
6.4 Political Perspective Conclusion
Implementing WTE plants in Toronto will be a great benefit to all the communities and is in
favour of the public. When installed, Toronto must follow under the federal clean air act and the
resource conservation recovery act. This will allow communities to stay healthy, make sure WTE
plant work conditions are safe and waste is managed in a clean manner. The reduced landfills and
extra electricity generated will only please Toronto residences and make sure Toronto never has a
garbage crisis. I believe WTE plants would be a great implementation for Toronto to solve its
landfill problems.


7.0 Business Perspective: Maninderjit Johar

This part of the report will concentrate on how the new proposed waste-to-energy plant will
impact the city of Torontos economy. This perspective will show my research and final
recommendations for the budget of the new plant, and the jobs produced by this new plant.
7.1 Budget and Business Plan
The capital cost of the new plant varies with the different technology being used in the plant.
The table below shows the cost range per kilowatt for the four main technologies being used to
Table 2 Cost range of different types of plant technology
Direct Combustion
Conventional Gasification
Plasma Arc Gasification

Cost Range (per kW)

$7,000 - $10,000
$8,000 - $11,500
$7,500 - $11,000
$8,000 - $11,500

For instance, it was estimated by using Pyrolysis technology in the new plant of Uruguay, the
capital cost will be approximately US $420 million (Rodriguez, 2011). Furthermore, waste-toenergy plants will generate electricity from waste which will save land and contribute to the
citys revenue. There has been evidence from The Lancaster Solid Waste Management Authority
in Pennsylvania that stated, 7.5 million tons of waste was processed in the plant which generated
$256 million in electric revenue and protected 190 acres of farmland (SWANA, 2012).
Therefore, city of Toronto will profit from this new plant.
7.2 Job Opportunities
The new waste-to-energy plant will not only create jobs in the waste-to-energy sector but even
outside of this sector. The table below shows how these waste-to-energy plants impacted job
Table 3 The impacts of different types of labor categories
Direct Labor Impacts
Direct Labor Earnings
Job Multiplier Impact
Labor Income Multiplier Impact

381 workers in 6 plants
$32.7 million in wages, salaries and benefits
558 full time jobs produced outside WTE
$27.4 million in wages, salaries and benefits
outside the WTE sector

Total Jobs Impact

939 full-time jobs
Total Labor Income Impact
$60.0 million in wages, salaries and benefits
Furthermore, in the United States these plants have created 14,000 jobs and produced $5.6
billion of gross economic sales output (Berenyi, 2013). Therefore, these plants can produce
many job opportunities in Toronto.
7.3 Business Perspective Conclusion
The new plant in the city of Toronto will be really beneficial for the city and its residents. Even
though the capital costs of this plant are very high, it will generate enough revenue in 7-8 years
to cover up all the capital costs. Furthermore, it will also create new jobs inside waste-to-energy
sector as well as outside this sector as more land will be available as stated above. Therefore,
instead of wasting the garbage and land, it could be used in waste-to-energy plants to generate
electricity and revenue while saving land. Based on these facts, I recommend the implantation of
this technology in Toronto.


8.0 Conclusion
The goal of this report was to assess the feasibility of implementing waste to energy plants in
Toronto by looking at it through various different perspectives. We believe that it is a very good
idea to implement these WTE plants in Toronto. The usefulness of these plants were assessed
through the following perspectives:

Environmental Perspective Potential to reduce waste in landfills by 99% (Anadolu

Agency, 2014)
Implementation Perspective Helps eliminate the transport of waste by long-haul trucks,
thus eliminating high amount of fuel and resource consumption (CBC News, 2013)
Design Perspective The efficiency of the waste disposal will increase. (Berkeley, 2013)
Ethical Perspective WTE plants release only non-toxic carbon dioxide and water
(Swedish Institute, 2014)
Political Perspective Assists in International trade in which up to 800,000 tonnes of
waste can be imported every year (Lum, 2014)
Business Perspective The city of Toronto will profit from these plants (SWANA, 2012)

All the different perspectives that were researched agreed that the benefits of implementing
waste to energy plants in Toronto outweigh the risks. Based on the facts, our group agrees that it
is feasible to implement this technology in Toronto and strongly recommends it.


9.0 Recommendations
Table 4 Recommendations by all the group members
Kuldeep Raval
Avneet Saran
Akash Patel
Mausami Naik
Jigar Solanki
Maninderjit Johar



As seen by the table above, our team strongly recommends proceeding with implementing waste
to energy power plants in Toronto. This is a great solution to the garbage and green house
emitting energy generation problem. Although the research was carried out well, there may be
some limitations to the content as this is still a fairly new technology. The development of this
technology only really started in the early 21st century (Solid Waste Association of North
America, 2012). The next steps would be to actually look into the design and implementation
factors and proceed to higher authorities for the approval of this project. Also, a good idea would
be to gather a team that closely studies the existing plants in Sweden. After this, a team would
work closely with Swedish authorities to plan a path for implementation. The steps mentioned
above are ideally what should follow this report. In order for the organization to be successful in
this project, it is a must that they refer to the recommendations and educate themselves with the
conclusions drawn in this report.


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