Training Report On Basic Simulation & Modeling of Power Plant Using Ebsilon

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Training Report on basic

simulation & modeling of

Power plant using
Steag energy services India Pvt. Limited

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Er. Parveen Ambasta Gaurav Pandey
STEAG Energy Services (India) Pvt. Ltd..............................................................................................7
EBSILON Professional
Power Plant............................................................................................................................................7
PADO function:......................................................................................................................................9
PADO system:......................................................................................................................................11
Power plant types:................................................................................................................................14
Aim of power plant modeling:.............................................................................................................14
STEAG Energy Services
The main aim to write this report is to share my experience and observation that I achieved during the
training in Steag .This report basically implies the work carried out in Steag.Steag works on production
of electricity through various power plants {thermal, hydro, solar etc.).In order to make such big power
plants, the basis simulation and modeling plays a great role, so in result to this steag gmbh the power
plant company made its own graphical user interface (gui) software in 1970’s, to reduce the errors and
minimize them in a short period of time without much use of capital and thus growing its production of
electricity by increasing the efficiency and reducing capital.
The GUI named ebsilon is the software made by steag and is been used by their employees for
simulation .Basic simulation and modeling through ebsilon has been my main focus during my work
and report as well.
>Ebsilon is a tool for simulation of all kinds of thermal power plants. .
In order to know Ebsilon we should know many things related to it, such as:
>Power plant
I would like to thank Steag energy services (India) pvt Ltd for giving me opportunity to explore learn &
advance my knowledge in the field of (thermal power plant) which is one of the most advanced area of
engineering for mechanical engineers as an intern or fresher, besides this I would like to thank
employees working for this company for their cooperation specially PADO department
Above all thanks and gratitude, I would like to thank Swati mam and Afaq sir helping in making my

STEAG Energy Services (India) Pvt. Ltd.

STEAG Energy Services (India) Pvt. Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of STEAG Energy Services
GmbH, Germany which is the Engineering and Nuclear technology division of STEAG GmbH.
STEAG Energy Services GmbH is a wholly owned subsidiary of STEAG GmbH, Germany's fifth-
largest electricity generator. The company has headquarters in the city of Essen, in the state of North

Energy Technologies
STEAG has been Owner and Operator of thermal power plants for the last more than 70 years.
Comprehensive engineering services related to development of power plant from concept to
commissioning are provided by us for almost 40 year.

System Technologies
STEAG works closely for its Indian operations with its parent company in Germany for installation of
computerized operations and plant management systems to support the technical management of power
plants and industrial facilities, services for systems, communications related tasks etc.

Plant Services
STEAG provides onsite comprehensive services in context with expert field supervisory services for
pre-commissioning / commissioning support, diagnostic studies, RLA testing, performance guarantee
tests, water chemistry stabilization etc. of power plant ing over 3000 MW of thermal power

Project Development
STEAG provides services for development of power projects from concept to commissioning. It
includes: Pre Feasibility Study, Feasibility Study, Detailed Project Report, Environmental Studies,
Assistance in obtaining various permits and clearances, Assistance in financial closing etc.
Thermal power plant
 Thermal power station is a power plant in which the prime mover is steam driven. Water is heated,
turns into steam and spins a steam turbine which drives an electrical generator. After it passes through
the turbine, the steam is condensed in a condenser and recycled to where it was heated; this is known as
a Rankin cycle. The greatest variation in the design of thermal power stations is due to the
different fossil fuel resources generally used to heat the water. Some prefer to use the term energy
center because such facilities convert forms of heat energy into electrical energy.[1] Certain thermal
power plants also are designed to produce heat energy for industrial purposes of district heating,
or desalination of water, in addition to generating electrical power. Globally, fossil-fuel power
stations produce a large part of man-made CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, and efforts to reduce these
are varied and widespread.
 The energy efficiency of a conventional thermal power station, considered salable energy produced as
a percent of the heating value of the fuel consumed, is typically 33% to 48%.[ As with all heat engines,
their efficiency is limited, and governed by the laws of thermodynamics. By comparison,
most hydropower stations in the United States are about 90 percent efficient in converting the energy of
falling water into electricity.[4]
The energy of a thermal not utilized in power production must leave the plant in the form of heat to the
environment. This waste heat can go through a condenser and be disposed of with cooling water or
in cooling towers. If the waste heat is instead utilized for district heating, it is called co-generation. An
important class of thermal power station is associated with desalination facilities; these are typically
found in desert countries with large supplies of natural gas and in these plants, freshwater production
and electricity are equally important co-products
Types of power plants

Almost all coal, nuclear, geothermal, solar, thermal, electric, and waste incineration plant, as well as

many natural gas power plants are thermal. Natural gas is frequently combusted in gas as well
as boilers. The waste heat from a gas turbine can be used to raise steam, in a combined cycle plant that
improves overall efficiency. Power plants burning coal, fuel, or natural gas are often called fossil-fuel
power plants. Some biomass-fueled thermal power plants have appeared also. Non-nuclear thermal
power plants, particularly fossil-fueled plants, which do not use co-generation, are sometimes referred
to as conventional power plant.


Typical diagram of a coal-fired thermal power station
1. Cooling tower 10. Steam Control valve 19. Superheater
2. Cooling water pump 11. High pressure steam turbine 20. Forced draught (draft) fan
3. Transmission line (3-phase) 12. Deaerator 21. Reheater
4. Step-up transformer (3-
13. Feedwater heater 22. Combustion air intake
5. Electrical generator (3-phase) 14. Coal conveyor 23. Economiser
6. Low pressure steam turbine 15. Coal hopper 24. Air preheater
7. Condensate pump 16. Coal pulverizer 25. Precipitator
8. Surface condenser 17. Boiler steam drum 26. Induced draught (draft) fan

For units over about 200 MW capacity, redundancy of key components is provided by installing
duplicates of the forced and induced draft fans, air preheaters, and fly ash collectors. On some units of
about 60 MW, two boilers per unit may instead be provided. The list of coal power stations has the 200
largest power stations ranging in size from 2,000MW to 5,500MW.

DCS also has the information needed to do the calculation of efficiencies & heat rates.

But what are the limitations ?

DCS does not give the system wise efficiencies so you do not know where the losses occur.

Data from I/O points e.g. Temperature, pressure mass flow could be wrong because of sensor errors,
bad connectors etc. That makes calculation erroneous.

DCS does not give advice on what to do .

PADO function:
OFFLINE Data Validation

SRx (Datamanagement) SR4
Diagnosis +

SRx visualisation
Advantages of PADO
● Evaluation of boiler, turbine condenser and other
● Optimization of unit operation (sootblowing, setpoints), condenser and other
● Calculation of what-if scenario
● Generation of daily and monthly reports
● Enhance the efficiency of the power plant !
PADO system:

Soot Setpoint
Blowing Statistical
Blowing Optimizer
Optimizer Process

Base Modules Monitoring
Fault Detection
Physical Condition
Performance Analysis
Data Data
Data Data
Visualizer Data Management Ebsilon
Visualizer Management
Validation Model
System Model


EBSILON Professional  is an "All in One" solution for plant engineering. It can be used for:

 engineering,
 acquisition  and
 planning

for all kinds of power plants and other thermodynamic processes.

Building up on the models created with EBSILON Professional, SR::EPOS (Save Resources ::
EBSILON Performance and Optimization System) is used for

 power plant monitoring, and

 power plant optimization.

 EBSILON Professional  comes with a powerful graphical user interface.

 EBSILON Professional enables the balancing of

 individual parts or components

 component groups
 subsystems
 complete systems

regardless of, whether these parts or components build an open or a closed circulation.

Cycles can be modeled with the graphical user interface. The computing core of EBSILON
Professional creates and solves for this a system of equations.

Have a look at “Example 1", in order to get a glimpse of the most significant features of EBSILON

 "File  Open..." and select example1.ebs in the directory "examples" (in the EBSILON
Professional  installations directory) or
 Here Example 1 ; 

After the document or the drawing opens, you can see three components,

 one "Mixer" (the cycle) and

 two "boundary values" (the triangles),
 three pipelines between these components
 three value crosses.

This cycle can be calculated directly. Convince yourself by clicking the menu option "Calculate
Simulation".The equations of the equations system to be solved are determined by the components. The
 Pressure,
 Enthalpy and
 throughput  (Mass flow)

of all the three pipelines are the variables (unknown). For instance, the mixer component specifies
m1 + m3 = m2 .
The boundary values specify , m1 = 100 kg/s . The value 100 kg/s is specified in the component-
properties-window as the start value. Open this window by double-clicking the start-value component.
When you change the value of “M” and do the calculation again, the value of the mass flow at the
outlet (line 2) changes. In this cycle, the mass flows are shown in the bottom right corner of the value
cross. When you take the mouse pointer over a line or a component and leave it there for a brief
moment, a small ”Tool-Tip-window” opens, which shows the name of the object and its most important
physical parameters. In EBSILON Professional each object has its own unique name, which is either
specified by the user or is assigned automatically by the program.

Naturally this simple example contains some additional equations, which describe the energy
conservation and the pressure dependencies. All these equations are given in the description belonging
to each component. You can view them by clicking the “Help”-button in the Component-Properties
window of this component For most of the components, these equations describe the behavior of
“really existing” component within a power plant. But there are other components, such as the
boundary values, which are more mathematical in nature. Together, all these give you a powerful tool
for a large number of different calculations for power plants or in the power plant area.
In reality, EBSILON Professional is the "All in One" solution for power plant planning, power plant
development and power plant business development; for all power plant types and other
thermodynamic processes.

● Global objective: learn about power plant modeling using EBSILON

● Single steps: learn how to Build the geometry / topology of the power plant by
drag and drop.
o Tools to put the necessary information into a nice for , Make the
model run free of errors/warnings
o Learn about the error messages
o Learn about typical pitfalls in modeling
o Learn how to influence the model by the numerous parameters
(specification values or spec. values)
o Learn about design and part load calculation , Make the results fit
operational data, water / steam cycle schemes or any other data set as
good as necessary, Learn about component identification.
Power plant types:
Power plants can be classified based on different criteria:
 Based on fuels, such as nuclear, conventional with the fuels bituminous coal, lignite, oil, gas,
additional fuels as bio-gas, waste, water, wind etc. Alternatively, they can be classified on products,
such as power, district heat, process steam, or on size, such as >800 MW, 100-800 MW, 10-100 MW, <
10 MW, according to the year of erection and, therefore, steam conditions, on national standards and
local conditions, on fluid types or on operation, such as basic load or peak load. The classification on
these criteria gives a guideline for the topology, type of the components and parameters of components.
For modeling, such criteria can be used to generate model power plants, on the basis of which the
power plant in question can be modified and adjusted. In addition, it is also possible to make a database
of the default values. This saves time when setting the parameters during modeling and leads to a faster
engineering of a project. It also enables the manufacturers of the components to set the parameters
reliably for the areas, for which the know-how is low.

Aim of power plant modeling:

The life cycle of the energy plants comprises of different phases, which include planning, construction,
operation and dismantling. These main phases include a series of sub-processes, such as project
planning, engineering, purchase, manufacturing, transportation, assembling and commissioning,
production, maintenance, inspection, etc.

These sequential looking process are closed by several, often called as experience back-flow loops for
technical information. Thereby, the back flow from the operating data i.e. the output of the process
chain during commissioning, trial run, acceptance tests and production operation is especially

The general aim of a modeling of a virtual power plant is to improve the different business process
phases by power plant modelling. Because the different phases in most cases involve different
companies having different core activities, there are different aims depending upon the company. It is
even possible that these objectives change with time. For instance, reliability of the power plant was the
main aim for a long time; today, the product price is the main goal.

Elements of modeling in the software system EBSILON Professional are, on one hand, the components,
which model the thermodynamic and process-technical components, such as turbines, heat-exchangers,
pumps, etc. On the other hand are the control elements, which are primarily used for control
mechanisms, such as controllers or calculators.
For components and control elements the specification values can be set internally or externally. The
behavior can be controlled by activating different modes.

A component serves for the virtual determination of specific output parameters, when the input
parameters are specified. The behavior is described by thermodynamic laws or by characteristic lines.
The behavior is specified for all components. The component "Programmable Component" enables the
free, customer-specific programming of any component.
MODEL 1(200 MW)

Model 2 (regenerative cycle)

3>150 MW
5>125 MW

>Wind farms
>Geothermal energy transformer
>Ocean energy
>Solar energy

Wind Farms: Commercial or industrial wind Power is usually provided by large groups of
interconnected Wind turbines, often called wind farms.
Large wind farms are Located in California at the Altamont Pass, San GorgonioPass and the Tehachapi
There are over 16,000Wind turbines operating in California; these wind farms provideAbout 3% of the
state's overall energy generation (SERI/
SP-225-3555 1989).
Wind farms have also been built or are being planned in Hawaii, Massachusetts, Maine, Oregon,
Vermont, New Hampshire, Montana, and Minnesota.
Biomass Energy:
Wind Resource. The economic viability of a Wind energy project is highly dependent on the available
Wind resource.
On a global scale, winds result from temperature Gradients between the equator and poles and between
Land and seas.
On a smaller scale, thermal winds can be generated by local thermal effects.
Local factors such as high Altitude, unobstructed terrain, lofty air flow height, and natural Wind
tunneling features cause some areas to have inherently Higher wind speeds.

Ocean Energy Systems

The oceans of the world represent a vast resource for renewable
Energy. Three technologies for tapping this resource are ocean thermal energy conversion systems,
wave energy systems, And tidal energy systems.

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion- Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is an emerging
technology Concept for using the temperature difference between warm Surfaces water (as high as
80°F [27° C]) and cold (as low as40° F [4° C]) deep (3,000 ft [915 m]) water to generate electricity.
Because of the relatively small temperature differences (Only about 40° F [22° C]), OTEC plants
exhibit very Low efficiencies—in the range of 2.5%.

OTEC concepts have been developed using two basic cycles

Types of cycles;-
Closed cycle plants use a low boiling point Working fluid such as ammonia.
The working fluid is heated and vaporized by the warm surface water, expanded in a Turbine
generator, and condensed by deep cold water.
Open cycle plants use seawater as the working fluid.
The warm surface water is flashed to low-pressure steam, expanded in a turbine generator, and
condensed by the deep cold water. The relatively small temperature difference between warm and
cold seawater, and the resultant low system efficiency, requires
the pumping of enormous amounts of water for power

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