Voltage Support Control Strategies For Static Synchronous Compensators Under Unbalanced Voltage Sags

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Voltage Support Control Strategies for Static Synchronous

Compensators Under Unbalanced Voltage Sags

Static synchronous compensators have been broadly employed for the provision of electrical
ac network services, which include voltage regulation, network balance, and stability
improvement. Several studies of such compensators have also been conducted to improve the
ac network operation during unbalanced voltage sags. This paper presents a complete control
scheme intended for synchronous compensators operating under these abnormal network
conditions. By using solar panel as source and MPPT controller which can deliver max power
output and charges the battery at its rated current value and this can be rectified by using
inverter circuit.By using STATCOM we can change the abnormal conditions in the network.
Thus, a safe system operation is easily guaranteed by fixing the limit required current to the
maximum rated current. Certainly, the topic of voltage support is open for further research,
and the control scheme proposed in this paper can be viewed as an interesting configuration
to devise other control strategies in future works

The increase in loading of existing power transmission system results in the problems of
voltage stability and voltage collapse. This has become a major concern in power system
planning and operation. In recent years environmental concerns and deregulation of power
utilities have delayed the construction of new transmission facilities. Hence with the existing
transmission system itself better utilization has to be obtained. Recently developed power
electronic based controllers have been used to meet this requirement. These controllers make
the transmission system more flexible in terms of controlling the active and reactive power
transfer and as well as the voltage profile of a power system. The power electronic devices
are used as controllers.
The FACTS controller stands for Flexible AC Transmission System. The potential benefits
offered by these controllers are reduced cost of operation and increased reliability of a power

system. There are five types of FACTS devices such as static VAR compensator (SVC), static
synchronous compensator (STATCOM), and thyristor controlled series capacitor (TCSC),
static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) and unified power flow controller (UPFC).
Each of them has its own features and limitations. From the utility point of view, they are
useful if they can achieve desired voltage stability criterion with the help of the most
beneficial FACTS devices. Many works in the literatures [1][2][3], consider only the AC
equations for voltage stability studies. This may lead to non-practical solutions in the DC
parts of the FACTS devices. In voltage stability assessment of the system with shunt
compensation devices like SVC and STATCOM has been compared with the IEEE 14-bus
system. For this purpose appropriate representation of equations in the DC parts of SVC and
STATCOM is incorporated in the continuation power flow (CPF) process in static voltage
stability studies.
Basically, FACTS controllers can be divided into four categories :
1) Series Controller
2) Shunt Controller
3) Combined series-series Controller
4) Combined series-shunt Controller
Typical applications of FACTS in power system are :
1) Effective voltage regulation and control.
2) Reduction of temporary overvoltage.
3) Improvement of steady-state power transfer capacity
4) Damping of power system oscillations.
5) Power quality improvement.
Voltage instability is mainly occurs due to reactive power imbalance. The loadbility of a bus
in the power system depends on the reactive power support that the bus can receive from the
system. When the system approaches the maximum loading point or to the point of voltage
collapse both real and reactive power losses increases rapidly. Therefore the reactive power
supports has to be local and must be adequate to satisfy the requirement. There are two types
of voltage stability based on the time frame simulation they are static voltage stability and
dynamic voltage stability. Static voltage stability analysis involves the solution only based on

algebraic equation and hence it is computationally less extensive than that of time required by
dynamic stability analysis.
Static voltage stability is ideal for bulk studies in which voltage stability limit for many precontingency and post-contingency cases must be evaluated. In static voltage stability, slowly
developing changes in the power system eventually leads to a reduction of reactive power and
voltage declining. This phenomenon can be seen from the plot of the power transferred versus
the voltage at receiving end characteristics. The plots are popularly referred to as P-V curves
or Nose curves. As the power transfer increases the voltage at the receiving end decreases.
This eventually leads to the critical (nose) point i.e. the point at which the system reactive
power is low in power supply. Any further increase in active power transfer will always lead
to rapid decrease in voltage magnitude. Before reaching the critical point, the large voltage
drop takes place due to more reactive power losses. Now only way to save the system from
voltage collapse is by reducing the reactive power load or add additional reactive power prior
to reaching the point of voltage collapse. In practice, placing adequate reactive power support
at the weakest bus enhances static-voltage stability margins. The weakest bus is defined as
the bus which is near to experience a voltage collapse.

1.2 Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM)

Static synchronous compensator is a shunt-connected static var compensator whose
capacitive or inductive output current can be controlled independent of the ac system
voltage[1] The concept of STATCOM was proposed by Gyugyi in 1976. Power Converter
employed in the STATCOM mainly of two types i.e. is Voltage Source Converter and Current
Source Converter. In Current source Converter direct current always has one polarity and the
power reversal takes place through reversal of dc voltage polarity while In Voltage Source
Converter dc voltage always has one polarity, and the power reversal takes place through
reversal of dc current polarity. The power semiconductor devices used in current source
converter requires bidirectional voltage blocking capability and for achieving this
Characteristic an additional diode must be connected in series with a semiconductor switch
which increased the system cost and its becomes costlier as compared to voltage source
converter moreover Voltage source converter can operate on higher efficiency in high power
applications. Because of the above reasons Voltage source converter is Preferred over Current
source converter and now these days it act as a basic electronic block of a STATCOM that

converts a dc voltage at its input terminals into a three-phase set of ac voltages at

fundamental frequency with controllable magnitude and phase angle [1]. In STATCOM
different technologies used dependent upon the power ratings of STATCOM. For higher
power STATCOMs GTO based technologies are used while for lower power STATCOMs
IGBT based technologies used.

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