Mary Triumphant

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Perplexed Catholics Must Remember Our Lady Said:

''In the end, My Immaculate Heart Will Triumph!"

Mary Triumphant

by Father Nicholas Gruner, S.T.L., S.T.D. (Cand.)

I. The Faithful Abandoned
Many true Catholics these days, in the laity and in the priesthood in Canada,
United States and overseas increasingly do see themselves without help and
without any apparent solution.
It is a terribly besetting situation for them all because they see many Church
officials and organizations and individual Catholics falling by the wayside to the
spirit of the world. The apostasy seems to have invaded the Church officials,
parishioners and chancery offices.
No longer do many of our true Catholic brethren look up to the bishops and
their pastors for help in the distress they feel and the hunger they experience
for pure simple Catholicism which they expected to find proclaimed, taught and
experienced at the parish level, in the catechisms, in the liturgical and prayer
life of the parish, in the books and sermons that are offered to them within the
Catholic community, and in the exemplary lives they have been taught to look
for in those publicly professing the evangelical councils.
As Father Paul Crane, S.J., editor of Christian Order puts it so aptly:
"It is not merely a case of the hungry sheep looking up and not
being fed. Nowadays the hungry sheep are not even bothering to look up,
so certain are they that they will not be fed. Experientia docet; they know
from bitter experience that there is no point in their doing so."
And Father Crane further explains:
"It is greatly to their credit enormously so that, despite the
frustration that besets them, they have held fast to the Faith of their
Fathers, the Faith for which the English Martyrs died. To my way of
thinking, contemporary Catholics who hold so firmly to their Faith, often
against all odds, are the true martyrs of our own time. May God bless
them for it."
It is a great credit to the orthodox Catholics that they have held on to the faith
despite the bad example, the heretical teaching, the heteropraxis of the
"modern Catholic" parish.
What Can Be Done?
What can be done in a situation like this? At first sight it seems very little! It
seems at second sight that there is even less we can do when we consider those
true Catholics who have dared to speak their minds openly in defense of the
Catholic Faith and practices in a lawful, justified and reasoned and reasonable
criticism of bishops and priests.
Yet those in authority by their words, their actions or by their omissions have
caused the defenders of the faith to be neutralized and marginalized to the point
where defenders of the faith and tradition are publicly abused by the

neomodernist Secularists who seem to have taken over the control of the
Church to a certain extent at all levels; local, diocesan, national and
II. What You Must Do
In such circumstances what can any true and loyal Catholic do?
First: We Must Pray
At Fatima Our Lady insisted on the Rosary. At least five decades of the Rosary
every day.
We must pray because it is by prayer that we will save our souls. "He who prays
will be saved. He who does not pray will be condemned" said St. Alphonsus de
Liguori. This is especially true in our time because we are living in a time of
Apostasy perhaps it is the time of the Great Apostasy predicted in Sacred
Scripture when even the elect would be deceived if that were possible.
Our Lady promised to St. Dominic and Blessed Alan that if we prayed the Rosary
every day we would not fall into heresy. And if one had already fallen into
heresy, that is, been deceived by the devil and his followers into denying an
article of faith, he would be led to hell if he persisted in that error. Our Lady
promised if he prayed the Rosary he would not long stay in heresy. Prayer,
especially the Rosary, is more important for all of us today than ever.
Second: We Should Pray for the Pope
We should pray for the Pope because it is only the Pope who can save the
Church and the world from being plunged into darkness and captivity. Pray, pray
especially for the Holy Father as only he alone personally can turn this situation
It is true that some few, a remnant of Faithful, will be left even in the time of
full blown Apostasy and the conquest of worldwide Communist victory which is
certain to happen if the Pope does not soon give the order to consecrate
All the Pope needs to do is give the order under pain of excommunication to all
the Catholic bishops to consecrate Russia on the same day in a solemn public
If some of the bishops do not cooperate, their cooperation would not be
necessary because they would be excommunicated and no longer Catholic
bishops. Therefore their absence would not constitute a less than 100%
participation by all the Catholic bishops.
And it seems that it is only necessary for the Pope to give the order to the
bishops to conform to Our Lady's request for the conversion of Russia to take
place and peace given to the world. Of course he himself must personally carry
out this command of Our Lady.
Sister Lucia did not suggest that the Pope had to wait until he had the consent
of the bishops before formally asking them rather she said it was for the Pope
to give the order. That order given, plus the Pope's own obedience, is all that is
necessary and I quote from her letter of May 29, 1930.

"... the good God promises to end the persecution in Russia if the
Holy Father deigns to make and orders that equally, the bishops of the
Catholic world make a solemn and public act of reparation and
consecration of Russia to the Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, and
if the Holy Father promises that upon the end of this persecution he will
approve and recommend the practice of the reparatory devotion already
described." (The Five First Saturdays).
So we must pray for the Pope, we must pray especially the Rosary for him
because the first triumph of Our Lady will be the obedience of the Pope. And the
Pope now hesitates only because he is persecuted.
As the Fatima Message tells us that the Pope would be persecuted we must free
him from his persecutors like the first Christians freed St. Peter by praying for
him and he was freed from Herod's prison by an angel because of their
unceasing prayers.
Third: Hold On to the Faith
Hold on to the Faith, above all things as handed on to us this is our obligation
as our Catholic Faith teaches us we must hold on to the Faith even against the
will of bad priests and bishops.
To hold on to the Faith at this time we must not only pray for our own souls in
this time of apostasy; we must not only pray for the Pope that he soon be freed
of his persecutors and then consecrate Russia; we must also be informed.
That is, we must know our Faith, read books of and by the saints. Particularly,
we should read the Catechism of the Council of Trent, written by Saint Charles
Borromeo and published and promulgated by Saint Pius V, which is the best
single and most authoritative book to help you know your Faith. And also read
about Fatima because it is a prophecy for our time.
God sends prophets for every generation not to give a new doctrine but to
remind the Faithful what they must do to save their souls.
And to help save our souls today we must realize that Fatima is a most
important prophetic revelation for our time. God worked the great miracle of the
sun and the cure of the sick and the conversion of sinners at Fatima and these
miracles and other extraordinary graces given through Our Lady of Fatima still
continue to this day.
God worked such great miracles for us to realize that indeed His Message at
Fatima is for us to ponder and live.
And at Fatima the Third Secret was given to warn us of the Apostasy now
overtaking the Church.
Fourth: We Must Not be Scandalized

The Coronation of Mary, Queen of Heaven and Earth. It is only by the Church's
obedience to her Queen that we will be delivered from the darkness of the
Church is in today.
We must not be scandalized and fall into disbelief (like the Apostles were when
they saw Judas lead Christ into captivity and to crucifixion, just as today when
we see the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ being betrayed by Judases
among the ranks of bishops and clergy.
We must realize that just as the Passion and death of Christ was predicted so is
the Mystical passion and death of the Church predicted and that many will fall
away. We must not be ruined by the bad example of others.
Not even the scandalous behavior of some priests, some bishops and even
some Cardinals should deter us from living and believing the Catholic Faith.
Because we must hold onto the Catholic Faith to save our souls. Outside the
Church there is no salvation. And once someone loses Faith he is outside the
This apostasy of our times we were warned against in the Fatima Secret (see
the articles by John Collorafi and Frre Michel about the Third Secret in Issues
No. 20"The Third Secret Revealed" and 26 "Many Antichrists Have Come" Part
I and Part II.
Also see the words of Cardinal Ratzinger "The Third Secret concerns the
dangers to our Faith and therefore to the life of the Christian and therefore to
the life of the world." These words were first published in English in The Fatima
Crusader Issue No. 18.)
Our Lady Herself alluded to it in the part that has been publicly revealed
"But in Portugal, the dogma of the Faith will always be preserved."
indicating clearly that elsewhere the dogma of the Faith will not be preserved.
This prophecy is for our time and we are obviously living through an apostasy.

Be aware then that the Apostasy we are living through should come as no shock
to you it was foreseen by God, predicted in Sacred Scripture that even some
bishops would arise seeking to lead their flock away from Christ (see Acts,
20:28-30) and that a time of great apostasy would come upon the whole world
(see 1 Thes. 2:3). And when Christ returns He asks "Will He find Faith upon the
So be not scandalized, hold onto the Faith. If possible, join with others in prayer
and friendship who share your orthodox Catholic Faith, since this way we get
moral support and can help each other in these difficult times. As Sacred
Scripture tells us a good friend is like a fortified city.

The remains of St. James the Apostle who saw Our Lord transfigured on Mount
Tabor are buried in this cathedral in Santiago, Spain, a site visited on our

Fifth: Work and Study

to Spread the Fatima Message
We must also work, study and pray to spread the full Fatima Message
because it is through knowledge of and obedience to this Message that many
souls will be saved including souls of your loved ones. It is by overcoming the
tactics the devil has used to silence Our Lady of Fatima and Her saving Message
we will hasten the triumph of Her Immaculate Heart.
We should continue to petition the Pope and the bishops for the consecration of
Russia and for revealing the Third Secret. Because as Our Lady said, "If My
requests are granted, Russia will be converted and peace will be given to the
And She certainly requested that the Pope reveal the secret to the world by
1960 and that he consecrate Russia together with all the bishops.

It is only by the Church's obedience to her Queen that we will be delivered from
the mess the Church is in today.
Although many true and loyal Catholics have addressed themselves with honest,
fair and well-balanced criticism to pastors of the Church only to be neutralized
and marginalized, Jesus tells us that through the Message of Fatima that it is
never too late to have recourse to Jesus and Mary They will not, like the
unfaithful pastors, turn us off.
III. Never Lose Confidence

We have recently been helped by Saint Jude of the Impossible. Let us all invoke
his aid, especially for the Consecration of Russia and that the Third Secret be
revealed because it seems almost impossible ... but we know it will be done and
the intercession of all saints will help at this time, especially Saint Jude.
Lastly, let us never lose confidence in Jesus and Mary and in the final victory. It
is certain. It is promised. And it is near.
Our Lady said, "But in the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph, the Holy
Father will consecrate Russia to Me, it will be converted and a period of peace
will be given to the world."
It is obvious that the Pope has not yet consecrated Russia according to Our
Lady of Fatima's requests.1 It is also obvious that faithful Catholics are still
much too often not being fed properly in doctrine and in liturgy by their pastors,
and that faithful true Catholics are being neutralized and marginalized by some
bad bishops but nevertheless the victory is ours. And it is not long in coming.
Our Lady of Good Fortune Also Forewarns Us
We have the prophetic words of Our Lady given at Quito, South America on
February 2, 1634. The Church has approved this prophetic revelation of Our
Lady of Good Fortune and it is a prophecy for the 20th Century.

The prophecy tells us that the time of heresy and apostasy we are living
through will not last into the 21st Century and as we all know there are only 11
years left to this 20th Century. It is well for us to quote here directly Our Lady's
own words:
"... at the end of the 19th Century and for a large part of the 20th,
various heresies will flourish on this earth which will have become a free
republic. The precious light of the Faith will go out in souls because of the
almost total moral corruption; in those times there will be great physical
and moral calamities, in private and in public.
"The little number of souls keeping the Faith and practicing the
virtues will undergo cruel and unspeakable suffering; through their long,
drawn out martyrdom many of them will go to their death because of the
violence of their sufferings, and those will count as martyrs who gave
their lives for Church or for country.
"To escape from being enslaved by these heresies will call for great
strength of will, constancy, courage and great trust in God, all of which
are gifts from the merciful love of My Divine Son to those He will have
chosen for the work of restoration ... there will come moments when
everything seems lost and paralyzed, and just then comes the happy
beginning of the complete restoration."
Victory Now or Chastisement First? the Pope Holds the Key
"You alone have crushed all heresies" the Church sings in her Liturgy honoring
the Blessed Virgin Mary. So the triumph of Our Lady the Victor over heresy
and apostasy is within 11 years and yet we must prepare for the worst. The
whole world will be enslaved by Communist Russia if the consecration does not
take place in time.
We can see this clearly in Sister Lucia's words to William Thomas Walsh. Sister
Lucia said:
"What Our Lady wants is that the Pope and all the bishops in the
world shall consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart on one special
day. If this is done, She will convert Russia and there will be peace. If it is
not done, the errors of Russia will spread through every country of the
Mr. Thomas Walsh asked her:
"Does this mean, in your opinion, that every country without
exception, will be overcome by Communism?"
Mr. Walsh wanted to be positive about the answer and therefore repeated the
question adding "and does that mean the United States of America too?" Sister
Lucia answered "yes."3
Sister Lucia confirmed again to Father Fuentes that the whole world will be
enslaved by Communist Russia if the Pope does not consecrate Russia in time.
She told Father Fuentes on December 26, 1957:

"She (Our Lady) said that Russia will be the instrument of

chastisement chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world if we do not
beforehand obtain the conversion of that poor nation."
It is clear from the words of Jesus and Mary to Sister Lucia on many occasions
that there is only one way that the conversion of Russia will take place. That is
by the Pope and bishops obeying exactly the command to consecrate Russia. If
it is not done soon we are going to lose our homes, families, friends and lives.
We then must work and pray and never lose confidence.
Our Lady's Victory is Near.
for full explanation.World Enslavement or Peace ... It's Up
To The Pope,See Father Gruner's book
, p. 221, by William Thomas Walsh, published in 1947.Our Lady
of Fatima
, p. 159, by Louis Kaczmarek, published in 1986.The Wonders
She Performs

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