Jesus Appeals For Love
Jesus Appeals For Love
Jesus Appeals For Love
Jesus dictated these words to a modern day mystic, Sister Josefa, for
many souls to hear.
Jesus gives us a key to understand why many of our contemporaries do
not believe nor adore nor love God. The Angel of Fatima indicated that
this is the temptation of our age.
Help make Jesus' appeal for love widely known by passing out extra
copies of this Fatima Crusader.
These extracts are taken from the book Way of Divine Love which is
available from The Fatima Crusader Book Service. Subtitles are by the
Editor of The Fatima Crusader. The text opens with Jesus speaking:
"Alas! ... There are many who know and despise My love ... but a far greater
number are entirely ignorant of it ..." For each of these Jesus Christ has a word
of Love:
"My sons, who from infancy have lived apart from your Father, come, I will tell
you why you do not know Me ... for once you realize the affection I bear you,
you will not resist My love.
"It is often the case that those brought up far from their parents have little
affection for them; but when by chance the sweet love of father or mother is
manifested to them, there awakens a keener appreciation of this warm devotion
than is found in those who have never left home.
"In this lies the beginning of your hatred and persecution of Me. But I, your
Father, love you, and even as I see your blind revolt, My Heart is filled with
tenderness for you.
"So the years in which you led this life sped by, and they were, perhaps,
many ...
"Today I can no longer restrain My love for you, and the sight of you at war with
your best friend compels Me to enlighten you as to who I am.
"Dearly loved son, I am Jesus, which name signifies Savior! Why else are My
hands transfixed with nails which fasten them to a cross? On it, for love of you,
I died. My feet are wounded, My Heart wide open, riven by the lance after death
... Thus do I stand before you that you may know who I am and what My law is.
But do not fear - My law is one of love ... and in knowing Me you will find peace
and joy. It is sad to live as an orphan: come, My sons, come to your Father.
"None of these things is what you long for, and here below you will never obtain
all that your heart desires. Your craving is peace, not the peace of this world,
but that of the children of God; and how do you expect to find it in the midst of
rebellion? ...
Be Not Afraid
"You may perhaps say to Me: 'I have not entered a church for so many years
that I have forgotten how to hear Mass.' Do not be afraid on that account ...
Come, spend this half-hour with Me; your conscience will tell you what to do,
and be docile to its voice ... Open your soul wide to grace, and it will inspire you
... Gradually it will teach you how to act in a given circumstance, how to treat
with your family, what to do in regard to your business ... how to bring up your
children, love those who depend on you, and honor those in authority over
you ... It may make you feel that such and such a concern must be given up,
such a friendship relinquished, or such a meeting avoided ... Again, it may tell
you that you are disliking a certain person quite unreasonably; or it may put it
into your mind to sever your connection with some person you feel drawn to
and whose advice is doing you harm. Only give grace a chance, and gradually
its power will grow stronger in you, for just as evil increases insensibly, once it
is given into, so will each new grace prepare your soul for a still greater one. If
today you listen to My voice and let grace act, tomorrow its influence will be
stronger and so steadily increase as time goes on; light will grow in your soul,
peace envelop you, and the reward will be eternal bliss.
"Man was not created to live forever here below. He was made for eternity ... If
then he is immortal, he should live, not for the passing things of time, but for
that which will never die.
"Youth, wealth, wisdom, human glory, all that is nothing, it will all end with this
life; God only will endure forever.
Live By Faith
"The world is full of hate, races are in perpetual conflict with one another, so are
nations, and even individuals, and all this is due to the decay of faith. Only let
faith reign once more over the world and peace and charity will return to it.
"Faith in no way impedes civilization and progress. The more it is rooted in
individuals and peoples, the more wisdom and learning increase, for God is
infinite in wisdom and knowledge. But whenever faith is completely lacking,
peace, civilization and true progress likewise vanish ... for God is not in war ...
and in their place come enmities, clash of opinions, class wars, and within man
himself, rebellion of passions against duty. All that is noble in humanity is
exchanged for revolt, insubordination and warfare...
"Let yourselves be convinced by faith and you will be great. Let yourselves be
ruled by faith, and you will be free; live by faith, and you will escape eternal
Such were the last words of Christ's Message to the world.
Then He looked down at Josefa and said: "Adieu. You know that I expect
reparation and love from you all. Love is proved by deeds, so let all your works
prove your love. Be messengers of love in things great and small. Do all for
love. Live by love." He vanished.