Ameritron 2014 Catalog

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3:50 PM

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2014 Amateur Radio Catalog

AL-811, $849

AL-811H, $999

AL-80B, $1595

600 Watts . . . Page 92

800 Watts . . . Page 93

1000 Watts . . . Page 94

High Power Vacuum Tube Amplifiers, 600 Watts to Legal Limit!

AL-572, $1895

AL-800H, $3345

1300 Watts . . . Page 95

1500 Watts . . . Page 95

AL-1500, $4195

1500 Watts . . . Page 96

Solid State No Tune Amplifiers, 500 Watts to 1200 Watts!

ALS-500M, $949

ALS-1300, $2899


1300 Watts . . . Page 98

Page 98

1200 Watts . . . Page 97

High Power Accessories for Your High Power Station!



Page 105

Page 97

Antenna Tuners

Dummy Loads

Power Supplies



Page 104

. . . the Worlds High Power Leader!

Ameritron, 116 Willow Road, Starkville, MS 39759 1-662-323-8211




3:52 PM

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AL-811 . . . 600 WATTS . . . $849!

More hams use Ameritron AL-811 amplifiers than any other amplifier in the world
. . . The AL-811 has earned a worldwide reputation for legendary quality,
flawless performance, proven reliability and superb customer service . . .

load. Thats excellent

high voltage regulation!
Rectifier diodes are
rated for a massive surge
current of 200 amps-wont blow even if you
accidentally short the
high voltage supply.
Wire wound, 7 Watt,
50 K Ohm equalizing
resistors safely protect
each filter capacitor -- not
2 Watt, 100 K Ohm carbon composition resistors
that can open and cause
filter capacitors to
explode or fail.
Now wit
Ameritrons AL-811
Ameritrons AL-811 linear
heated thoriated
supply is built
amplifier gives you plenty of
tungsten filament
tough so you get peak
power to bust through QRM!
cathode that preperformance year after
You get a quiet desktop linvents the elecyear.
Suggested Retail
ear thats so compact itll slide
tron emitting
Tuned input provides
right into your operating posilayer from
excellent load for any rig
tion -- youll hardly know its
instantly stripping off -- even if
A Pi-Network tuned input
there . . . until QRM sets in. And
mistuning causes a sudden,
provides a 50 Ohm load for
you can conveniently plug it
severe current overload.
your rig. Even fussy solid state
into your nearest 120 VAC outThe Ameritron AL-811 is
rigs can deliver their full drive
let -- no special wiring needed.
excellent for the newcomer
to the AL-811.
You get three tough 811A
transmitting tubes, extra heavy
duty power supply, all HF band
coverage, pressurized ventilation,
tuned input, dual illuminated
meters, adjustable ALC and much
more for an incredible $849!
The First 600 Watts
of the
makes the difference
The AL-811 gives you 600
Watts PEP output -- thats nearly 2 full S-units over your barefoot rig. That could mean the
difference between hearing,
Youre Q-5 armchair copy
and Sorry, cant copy you, too
much QRM.
Now you wont have to
stand aside while the big guns
steal your DX. Youll log some
of those stations first.
All band, all mode Coverage
AL-811 covers all HF
bands. No compromise on
because its tough enough to
Low loss slug tuned coils -WARC and most MARS bands
withstand momentary mistuntunable from the rear panel --- you get a 100% rated output.
ing. And the tubes are so inexlet you optimize performance.
Operate AL-811 on all
pensive that you can replace
High quality low drift silver
modes. Get 600 Watts output
one for mere pocket change.
mica capacitors maintain proper
PEP SSB and 500 Watts output
Extra heavy duty power supply tuning.
CW. You even get 300 Watts
gives you peak performance
Output tank:
on continuous carrier modes
year after year
Optimum Q on each band
like RTTY, SSTV, and FM.
The heart of the AL-811
The low loss pi-network
The low cost 811A tubes
power supply is its heavy duty
output tank has been carefully
resists failure because . . .
power transformer with a high
designed for optimum Q on
First, theyre constructed with
silicon steel core weighing a
each band and built with top
widely spaced elements that
hefty 17 pounds.
quality RF components.
minimize the chance of eleA full wave bridge using
The result is peak performments touching and causing a
67.5 mfd of total capacitance
ance over each band, wide
short -- even if the plate gets
(four 270 ufd, 450 volt capaciimpedance matching range and
hot enough to melt.
tors) produces 1500 Volts under exceptionally smooth tuning
Second, they use a directly
full load and 1700 Volts no



AMERITRON...the worlds high power leader!

with efficiencies close to 70%.

Even a 3:1 SWR load wont
damage tubes/tank components.
A ball bearing vernier
reduction drive makes plate
tuning safe, precise and easy.
A quiet blower pressurizes
the cabinet with a large volume
of air flow. It keeps the 811A
tube temperature well below the
tube manufacturers rating -even with a key down carrier at
400 Watts output -- without the
overwhelming noise of oversized fans.
Two illuminated LED meters
Two illuminated LED
meters give you a clear picture
of your operating conditions so
you can tell right away if something is wrong. Long-lasting
LED lamps.
The Grid Current meter
continuously checks for
improper loading. The other
meter switches between high
voltage and plate current to
warn of abnormal conditions.
Exclusive Adapt-A-VoltTM
power transformer
Too high of line voltage
stresses components and causes
them to wear out and fail. Too
low line voltage causes a soft
tube effect -- low output and
signal distortion.
Ameritrons exclusive
Adapt-A-VoltTM power transformer has a special buck-boost
winding that lets you compensate for stressful high line voltage and performance robbing
low line voltage. Your components last longer and gives you
peak performance -- regardless
of your line voltage.
Plus much, much more . . .
An Operate/Standby switch
lets you run barefoot, but you
can instantly switch to full
power if needed. A transmit
LED tells you when your rig is
keying your AL-811. A 12
VDC keying relay makes it
compatible with all solid state
and tube rigs.
Back-pulse cancelling diode
protects the rig keying circuit.
Shielded RF compartment.
One year limited warranty.
Compact 16Dx133/4Wx8 H.
30 lbs. UPS shippable, has
transformer installed and wired
for 120 VAC. Draws 8 amps at
120 VAC. Export model is AL811X wired for 240 VAC.


116 Willow Road, Starkville, MS 39759

Tech: 662-323-8211Fax: 662-323-6551



3:53 PM

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800 WATTS OUT . . . 999!


Only the AMERITRON AL-811H

gives you four fully
neutralized 811A transSuggested Retail mitting tubes. You get
absolute stability and
superb performance on higher bands that
cant be matched by un-neutralized tubes.
AMERITRON mounts the 811A tubes
vertically -- not horizontally -- to prevent
hot tube elements from sagging and shorting out. Others, using potentially damaging horizontal mounting, require hard-tofind 811A tubes to retard harmful sagging
and shorting.
Powerful 20 CFM computer grade fan -not an open frame phonograph motor -draws in cool air to pressurize the cabinet
and efficiently cool your 811A tubes for an


Now with LED M

extra long life.

You also get efficient full-size heavy
duty tank coils, computer grade capacitors,
heavy duty high silicon core power transformer, slug tuned input coils,
operate/standby switch, transmit LED,
ALC, dual meters, QSK compatibility with
QSK-5 option and much more!
Output power: 800 Watts PEP, 600
Watts CW.
All Band Operation: Covers 160-15
Meters including WARC bands. Can be
user modified for 12 and 10 Meters.
Four 811A Tubes: Uses four rugged,
fully neutralized low cost 811A PA tubes.
Vertical Tube Mounting: Prevents shorting of tube filament/grid, prolongs tube life.
Fully Neutralized:

Improves stability and performance on

higher bands.
Input Tune Circuit: Adjustable rear
panel slug tuned input circuit.
ALC Control: Built-in adjustable ALC
Vernier Reduction Drives: Tuning and
loading reduction drives make tuning
smooth and easy.
Dual Illuminated LED Meters: Monitor
vital operating functions.
Heavy Duty Power Supply: 17 pounds,
high silicone steel core transformer and
computer grade filter capacitor gives 1700
Volts high voltage at no load and 1500
Volts at full load.
Multi-Voltage Operation: User selectable
for 100/110/120/210/220/230 VAC operation. Shipped with transformer installed
and wired for 120 VAC for domestic model
or 240 VAC for export model.
Air-Cooled: Quiet pressurized ventilation
keeps tubes safely cooled.
QSK Compatible: Optional external electronic pin diode Transmit/Receive switch.
QSK-5, $359.95. See page 96 for details.
Attractive Lexan front decal
One Year AMERITRON warranty.
Dimensions: 81/4Hx133/4Wx151/2D inches.
Operating Weight: 32 lbs. Made in USA

New! Get the AL-811HD

with 572B tubes . . . $1299

AL-811HD gives you the AL-811H with

four 572B tubes installed. Get a higher
power tank circuit and grid overload protection. Grid Overload Protection protects the
tubes from excessive grid current due to mistuning and it protects against excessive drive
power. Four 572B tubes give you more plate
dissipation than a single 3-500Z tube. AL811HD gives you 800 Watts output in SSB
and 600 Watts for continuous duty in CW,

RTTY, SSTV and AM operation.

A look inside AMERITRONs AL-811H

Pi-Network Tuned input

provides 50 Ohm
load for your rig.

Heavy duty power supply:

17 lb. high silicone
steel transformer and
computer grade capacitors.
Heavy duty band switch

Four fully neutralized and

rugged 811A transmitting
tubes vertically

Output tank circuit with

optimum Q
for each band

Pi-network gives smooth

tuning and excellent
harmonic suppression.




3:54 PM

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AMERITRON Doubles Average SSB Power

AL-80B kilowatt output desktop linear can double your average SSB power output with high-level
RF processing...runs cooler because its 3-500G tube completely turns off between words
Ameritrons AL-80B
kilowatt output desktop
linear can double your
average SSB power outRetail
put with high-level RF
processing using
Ameritrons exclusive Dynamic ALCTM.
You get cooler operation because the
AL-80Bs exclusive Instantaneous RF
BiasTM completely turns off the classic 3500G tube between words. It saves hundreds of watts wasted as heat.
You get a full kilowatt PEP output
from a whisper quiet desktop linear. Its
a compact 81/2Hx14Dx151/2 inches and
plugs into your nearest 120 VAC outlet.
Covers all bands 160-15 Meters, including WARC and MARS (10/12 Meters
modifiable; FCC license required).
You get 800 watts output on CW, 500 watts
output on RTTY, an extra heavy duty power
supply, genuine 3-500G tube, nearly 70% efficiency, tuned input, Pi/Pi-L output, inrush current protection, multi-voltage transformer, dual
cross-needle meters, QSK compatability, twoyear warranty, made in the USA, plus much
Dynamic ALCTM doubles average SSB power
The AL-80Bs exclusive Dynamic ALCTM
gives you high-level low-distortion RF processing. It can more than double your average
SSB power for up to 6 dB improvement in
intelligibility, maximizing talk power without
A convenient front panel control lets you
adjust output power level.
AL-80Bs exclusive Instantaneous RFbiasTM
turns off the classic 3-500G tube (except filaments) between words and dots and dashes,
eliminating hundreds of watts wasted as heat
for cooler operation and longer component life.


The guts of the AL-80B is its heavy duty

power supply. A 26 pound transformer using a
high silicone steel core, computer grade capacitors, heavy duty bleeders and ten 3 amp, 1000
volt power rectifiers give you a stiff 2700 volts
fully loaded. Many amps using two 3-500Gs
use such small power supplies they dont deliver much more power than the AL-80B.
The AL-80B is built on a rugged steel
chassis with a separate fully-shielded RF compartment to minimize RFI and TVI.
A whisper quiet internal fan draws in cool
air over power supply components and pressurizes the classic 3-500G tube compartment to
remove heat for longest life.
Tuned input lets your rig deliver full output
50 Ohm broadband Pi-Network tuned input
is used. Even fussy solid state transmitters
will deliver full power!
A carefully designed Pi/Pi-L output network using the optimum Q for each band gives
exceptionally smooth tuning, extremely wide
matching range, full band coverage, and peak

performance at all power levels.

Step-Start Inrush
ProtectionTM stops damaging
inrush current with a start up
sequence thats easy on your
tube and power supply components.
Our exclusive Multi-Voltage
Power TransformerTM lets you
optimize for 14 different primary line voltages. The high
voltage secondary can be wired
to reduce plate voltage for efficient operation below 400 watts
for use outside the USA.
illuminated cross-needle meters
give you four separate meters to
monitor your operating conditions -- you can
tell right away if something is wrong. Grid and
plate current and forward output power are
monitored for improper loading and abnormal
The fourth meter can be switched to monitor your 3-500G tube DC plate voltage, reflected PEP power, antenna system SWR, ALC
voltage to your rig, and the grid current that
starts ALC action -- get a clear picture of your
The T/R (transmit/ receive) relay in the
AL-80B switches nearly as fast as some vacuum relay QSK T/R switches.
Operate/Standby switch lets you run barefoot, but can instantly switch to full power if
Has transmit LED; 12 VDC, 200 mA
accessory jack; 12 VDC keying relay for solid
state and tube rigs; tough Lexan over-aluminum front panel. Two-year waranty.
Weighs 48 lb. Power required: 120 VAC,
12A. Made in the U.S.A.

An inside look at AMERITRONS AL-80B

Dual LED illuminated cross-needle meters
give you four separate indicators that monitor
your operating conditions -- PEP forward
power, PEP reflected power, SWR, Grid
Current, Plate Current, Plate Voltage
and ALC.

Heavy duty power supply: 26 lb. high silicone

steel transformer and
computer grade

Heavy Duty

Rear panel
adjustable input

Tank coils spaced

from chassis for
optimum Q.
Pi-Network gives smooth
tuning and full band
coverage, even on
160 and 80 Meters.

3-500G Tube.

AMERITRONS AL-80B Kilowatt Desktop Linear

Frequency Coverage: 1.8, 3.5,7, 14, 21 MHz and WARC bands.
Export/User modified models include 10/12 Meters.
Input Circuit: Adjustable Pi-Network, VSWR 1.3:1 or less at resonance.
Output Circuit: Pi-L/Pi-Network.
Input Bandwidth: 20% for 2:1 VSWR or better.


Drive Requirement: 85 Watts for 800 Watt CW output.

10 dB gain.
Shipping Weight: Amplifier, 54 lbs.; tube, 3 lb.
Operating Weight: 48 pounds.
Efficiency: CW/SSB better than 66%.
Dimensions: 151/4Dx14Wx81/2H inches. 1-662-323-8211



3:55 PM

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AMERITRONS four 572B tubes . . . 1300 Watts . . . $1895!

AMERITRON creates a new class of Near Legal LimitTM amplifiers with the AL-572 . . .
you get nearly full legal SSB power output for 65% of the price of a full legal limit amplifier . . .
No one will ever know the difference!
cial wiring needed.
You get heavy duty


You get 1300 Watts PEP SSB nominal

power out on amateur bands 160 through
15 Meters!
Four rugged 572B tubes give you near
legal limit power and instant 3-second
warm-up time.
This whisper quiet, desktop linear
plugs into your nearest 120 VAC outlet -no special wiring needed.
You get . . . Ameritrons exclusive
Instantaneous RF BiasTM, Dynamic
ALCTM, ParasiticKillerTM, Step-StartTM
Inrush Protection, heavy duty power supply, fully neutralized tubes, Pi/Pi-L network, tuned input, pressurized ventilation,
dual LED lighted Cross-Needle meters,
multi-voltage power transformer, front
panel ALC control, 6:1 vernier reduction
drives, and much more!
The AMERITRON AL-572 gives you
1300 Watts PEP SSB nominal power output
on 160 through 15 Meters, using four
rugged 572B tubes with 3 second warm-up
time. This whisper quiet, desktop linear
plugs into your 120 VAC outlet - no spe-

Ameritrons multi-voltage power transformer has a unique buck-boost winding.

It lets you select from 14 primary voltages
centered on 115 and 230 VAC.
You can match your AL-572 to your
AC line voltage so youll get peak performance and long component life -- regardless
of your line voltage.
An Operate/Standby switch lets you run
barefoot, but you can instantly switch to
full power if you need it. Transmit LED:
12 VDC. 200 mA accessory jack; 12 VDC
keying relay for solid state/tube rigs; tough,
nearly indestructable Lexan-over-aluminum
front panel. Shipped with transformer
installed. Draws 16 A at 120 VAC.
For lightning fast QSK operation use
the optional Ameritron electronic PIN
diode QSK switch. Shipped wired for 120
VAC. Weighs 40 lb. Power required: 120
VAC, 16 amps. Made in the USA.

power supply; fully neutralized tubes; pressurized ventilation; multi-voltage power transformer;
front panel ALC control; 6:1 vernier drives
... and more!
You'll typically get 1300 Watts PEP
SSB, 1000 Watts CW continuous, on all
amateur bands from 160 through 15 Meters
AMERITRON's exclusive
Instantaneous RF BiasTM completely turns
off the 572B tubes between words and dots
and dashes, for cooler operation and longer
component life, while Dynamic ALCTM can
more than double your average SSB power.
AMERITRON's Step-StartTM Inrush
Protection limits inrush current to your
power supply and tube filament, greatly
extending tube life and amplifier components.
A heavy duty power supply using a
high silicon steel transformer delivers 2500
Volts at 0.7 Amps with good regulation.
A Pi-Network tuned input using slug
tuned coils provides a good 50 ohm load
for your rig. A quiet internal fan draws in
cool air over power supply components and
pressurizes the tube compartment.
Grid current, plate current and forward Inside
PEP output power are continuously moni- view
tored by dual, lighted cross-needle meters.
A fourth scale switches among peak
reflected power (and SWR), high voltage,
ALC threshold, and ALC output voltage. AL-572

AMERITRON AL-800/AL-800H HF Linear Amplifiers:

High POWER in a Compact, Desktop Package

Select the 1250 Watt PEP AL-800 single 3CX800A7 near-legal-limit amplifier, or the 1500 Watt PEP
dual 3CX800A7 amplifier that loafs along at full legal limit -- and dont worry about desk space.
at 240 VAC and weighs just 51 lbs.
For more power and headroom, the AL800H uses a pair of 3CX800A7 tubes to
easily provide 1500 Watts PEP/CW with a
typical drive level of just 55 Watts.
The AL-800H draws 14 Amps peak current at 240 VAC (1500 Watts CW output)
and weighs just 52 lbs.
Other than power differences, these
amplifiers are very similar in features and
operation. Both cover 160-15 Meters, and
Ameritrons compact
are modifiable to cover 12/10 M with proof
1995 AL-800 /AL-800H amps of your FCC license.
Single Import tube are both desktop linears
Both include a Step-StartTM input power
with plenty of muscle!
circuit, a time delay circuit to allow for tube
At 14.25Wx8.5H
warm-up, thermal overload protection, grid
current limiting to protect your tube(s), a
One Eimac(R)tube x14.5D inches, the more
compact AL-800 uses a
DynamicBiasTM circuit and a built-in multiSuggested Retail single 3CX800A7 to provoltage (14 user-selectable AC line voltages
vide 1250 Watts PEP SSB from 90-140; 200-250 VAC) heavy duty
and 850 Watts CW with 85 power transformer. Hefty 32 lb. grain orien$
2745 Watts typical drive level. tated silicone steel core transformer.
Two Import tubes
And the AL-800 will
Front panel monitoring and tuning funceven run from a 20-Amp
tions are also virtually identical. Both
VAC line source if
amplifiers include a Standby/Operate switch
3345(R) 120
AL-800 typically for barefoot or full power operation, an ALC
Two Eimac
draws 17 Amps peak curSET control, Transmit and Fault LEDs.
rent at 120VAC, or 8 Amps
Dual LED illuminated Cross-Needle 1-662-323-8211

meters provide detailed monitoring of

amplifier performance. The left meter continuously measures grid and plate currents,
and the right meter continuously measures
peak RF output power on one scale, and
plate voltage, Reflected power and SWR,
ALC voltage, and ALC adjustment set.
Quiet pressurized ventilation keeps tubes
safely cooled. A Pi/Pi-L output network
gives you smooth tuning and wide matching
range. Vernier reduction drives make tuning
and loading adjustments smooth and easy.
Inside view of AL-800H




3:57 PM

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AMERITRON super legal limit amplifiers

Ameritrons AL-1500 Amplifier with Eimac(R) 3CX1500A7

Feel the need for maximum legal HF output

Suggested Retail AL-1500 will give it to you.
Using the Herculean
3CX1500A/ 8877 ceramic
tube with its high power
Eimac(R) tube
gain, the AL-1500 needs
only 65 watts of drive from your exciter to
deliver the goods-- transceivers and other
exciters just loaf at 1500 watts out.
Cool, efficient operation is provided by a
forced-air system with tube chimney, using
a commercial grade die-cast ball bearing
blower for maximum tube life. The tube is
further protected by time delay starting and
automatic over-current shutoff to remove
drive power if the amplifier is mis-tuned.
You get full legal power output from a
whisper quiet desktop linear. Measures
181/2D x17Wx10H inches, and covers all
bands, 160-15 Meters, including WARC and
MARS (80% of full output set to
nearest amateur band).
10/12 Meters modifiable.
You get 1500 watts output (1/2 hour continuous
carrier) and 2500 watts
(30 second continuous
carrier and 2500
watts- plus 30
minute PEP twotone test). You get all

Import tube

this power, plus, 65% efficiency, pi-network

tuned input, Pi/Pi-L output, inrush current
protection, multi-voltage transformer, QSK
compatability, and a one-year warranty.
The guts of the AL-1500 is its heavy duty
power supply, with a 32 lb. Hypersil(R)
transformer using a high silicone steel core,
computer grade capacitors (33 mfd total),
heavy duty bleeders and twenty 3 amp,
1000 volt power rectifiers give you a stiff
3300 volts fully loaded.
The AL-1500 is built on a rugged steel
chassis with a separate RF compartment
fully shielded to keep RF from leaking out,

New LED Meters!


An inside look at the AMERITRON AL-1500

keeping RFI and TVI to a minimum.

Superb RF design and layout, Hi-Q tank
circuit and commercially rated RF power
components give you 65% plate efficiency
over the entire operating range. Power goes
into the antenna instead of into heat.
50-ohm broadband Pi-Network tuned input with slug-tuned coils is used. Even fussy
solid state transmitters deliver full power!
A carefully designed Pi/Pi-L output network using the optimum Q for each band
with vernier ball drives gives smooth tuning,
wide matching range, full band coverage,
and peak performance at all power levels.
The AL-1500s grid overload circuit pro-

tects the tube from excessive grid current; if

175 mA of peak gric current is reached, the
OPR LED will no longer light and the
amplifier will go into a bypass condition
until reset by the operator.
Transformer provides many options
Since excessive line voltage stresses
components (low line voltage causes a soft
tube effect, for example), Ameritrons
exclusive Multi-Voltage Power
TransformerTM lets you optimize for different
line voltages. Select from 4 different primary
voltage ranges, from 205-219 VAC to 252 to
265 VAC. The amplifier comes wired from
the factory for 240 VAC.
The AL-1500 has two illuminated panel
meters. Grid Current meter provides continuous reading of the critical grid current and
indicates proper, safe amplifier operation.
The other meter can be selected to read
Plate Voltage, Plate Current, Peak RF
Watts, or ALC. A SSB/CW selector switch
chooses bias voltage for best linearity on
SSB or lowest dissipation on CW.
The Operate/Standby switch, in Standby,
maintains the tubes filament and plate voltages while allowing barefoot operation.
Includes 12 volt DC auxiliary jack and
an XMT LED to provide indication of
proper amplifier keying by the exciter.
Power required: 240 VAC, 15 amps.
Frequency coverage:
1.8,3.5,7,14, 21 MHz
& Warc bands. Usermodifiable for 28 MHz
(FCC license required).
77 pounds. UPS shippable, 3 boxes.
Hypersil(R) Transformer weighs 32 lbs.
Slug Core Tuning
Tool 965-6204,
$3.00. Plastic tuning stick for adjusting slug
cores. .1 inch hex end, 71/4 inches long. Fits
Ameritron tube amplifier input coils.

Ameritrons 3CX1200Z7 Amplifier Ameritrons Dual 3-500G Amplifier

Ham Radios toughest tube -the Eimac(R) 3CX1200Z7 is in

ham radios toughest amplifier!
It has a 50-Watt control grid dissipation. It also has the same
super heavy duty power supply
thats in our AL-1500
amplifier that
loafs at full power. A
3CX1200Z7 has the lowest quanSuggested Retail tity history of field replacement
of any modern transmitting tube
that we use. It has the ruggedness and power
handling of ceramic tubes combined with the longlife of thoriated tungsten filaments.


Rig Output Power Control

Use for transceivers without output power control

to drive an amplifier or
tune an antenna tuner.
TPC-150 Avoid over-driving your amplifiers
and tuners. Use with any transceiver
Suggested and amplifier combination with exterRetail nal ALC. Front panel transmit power
and ALC control, in/out phone jacks for CW,
Amp Key, ALC. 110 VAC. 51/4Wx21/4Hx31/2 in.



This classic linear gives you

full legal output using a pair of 3500G graphite tubes. Examine the
features and component ratings of
the AL-82 and compare
it to any competing
amplifier using
two 3-500Gs.
Most competing amplifiers using
3-500Gs cant give you 1500
Suggested Retail Watts because their lightweight
power supplies cant use these
tubes to their full potential. Our AL-82 amplifier uses the
same Hypersil(R) power transformer and used in the AL-1500 and
AL-1200 amplifiers -- powerful stuff, just loafs at full power!


Add-on Electronic Bias

for AL-82/1200/1500

EBS-1 PC board reduces heat by

reducing quiescent current to low
values during periods when exciter
output falls below 100 mW.
Remote detector board for
Ameritron amplifiers.
EBS-1H, $49.95, for other
brand amplifiers. Call 662-323Suggested Retail
8211 for more details.


GOP-100 Grid Overload

Protection Module - $3995

Grid Overload Protection

module protects your amps
tube from excessive grid
current. Fast-acting electronic circuit rapidly disables the
amp if excessive grid current condition occurs.
Easy to install in your Ameritron amp. Factory
installation available, 662-323-8211 for details. 1-662-323-8211



3:58 PM

Page 1

Ameritron1200W Output Solid State Amplifier

1200 Watts PEP Output, Instant bandswitching, no tuning, no warm-up, SWR protected, 1.522 MHz . . . Quiet Variable-Speed Cooling System . . . PEP Forward/Reflected Metering . . .
PA Balance /ALC Metering and LED Indicator . . . Front Panel Band and Error LEDs . . .



Suggested Retail
Call Your Dealer for Your Best Price!

AMERITRON ALS-1300 is a solid state

near legal limitTM FET no-tune Amplifier.
Get instant bandswitching, no tuning, no
warm-up, no tubes to baby and no fuss!
Reliability of the ALS-1300 is insured
by using eight rugged MRF-150 power
FETs. Ameritrons eight FETs are mounted
on the dual heavy duty heat sink. They are
properly arranged to spread out the heat
over a large surface, something that other
amplifiers using a single power device cannot do. Some FETs actually are a package
of several transistors in one large case.
This concentrates all of the heat in one
small package. They not only are more difficult to cool, if one transistor fails they all
have to be replaced.

Let your rig

The ALS-1300 RF deck operates from

50 Volts for efficient, low distortion linear
RF power service. Its cooled by a whisper
quiet cooling fan. Fan speed is regulated
by temperature sensors, assuring minimum
noise for adequate cooling.
ALS-1300 runs up to 1200 Watts of
clean SSB output power (just 100 Watts
drive gives you the full rated 1200 Watts
output) for continuous coverage between
1.5-22 MHz. 10/12 Meters available to
licensed amateurs with an optional kit
(MOD-10MK, $39.95). Must present FCC
license at time of sale.
The operator-friendly layout fits nearly
any station configuration. The attractive
desktop amplifier unit weighs only 22
pounds. Compact 10Wx 61/2Hx18D inches.
SWR Protection prevents amplifier damage
if you switch to the wrong band, use the
wrong antenna or have a high SWR. Overpower protection enables if output forward
power or reflected power exceeds a safe level.
Output power is automatically reduced
to prevent amplifier damage by controlling
ALC to exciter.
LED illuminated Cross-Needle SWR/
Wattmeter lets you read SWR, forward and
reflected peak power simultaneously. You
also get ALC, SWR, PA balance and transmit meter and LED indicators. An Operate/
Standby switch lets you run barefoot, but
you can instantly switch to full power if needed.
Front-panel ALC control! This exclusive
Ameritron feature lets you adjust output
power on the convenient front panel display.
You also get front panel Operation, Band,

and error LED indicators like reflected power

and bandswitch errors.
Enjoy 1200 Watts of no tune Solid State
power with the Ameritron ALS-1300 amp.
But it gets even better than this! Do you
want to place even the main ALS-1300
amplifier out of the way? Do you want the
ALS-1300 to change bands automatically
when you change bands on your radio?
You now have these options.
A pair of RJ45 remote control interface
jacks on the amplifier permits ALS-1300 to
be controlled either manually by the optional
ALS-500RC (see page 95) Remote Control
Head, or automatically by the optional ARI500 (see below) Auto Band Switch.
The Automatic Band Switch reads band
data from your transceiver and automatically changes the ALS-1300 bands as you
change bands on your transceiver. A superclean layout with easy-service modular
construction will give you years of operation.

ALS-1300SPS Power Supply

The ALS-1300 is
powered by a 50 VDC
switching power supply.
Comes with pre-wired
cable to plug into the
ALS-1300. This hash-free
fully-regulated switching
power supply is only 12 lbs. and measures a
compact 10Wx61/2Hx91/2D in. It can be
placed conveniently out-of-the-way at your
operating station. Output is 50 VDC at 50
Amps to the ALS-1300. Wired for 220
VAC, selectable to 110 VAC. Draws less than
25 Amps at 110 VAC; 12A at 220 VAC.

auto bandswitch your Solid-State Ameritron Amps

Ameritrons ARI-500 Amplifier Radio

Interface reads band data from your Icom,
Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecraft or Alinco rig
so you can remotely and automatically
band switch your Ameritron Solid State
Amps (ALS-500M/ALS-600/ALS-1300).
Now you can mount your amp out-ofthe-way in your trunk, at the back of your
motorhome or elsewhere and operate with
just this tiny box at your station control.
Works with ALS-500M amplifiers with
serial numbers above 13049 (below 13049



Suggested Retail

requires the ARF-500K, see page 99).

Works with all current ALS-600 and
ALS-600S amplifiers and older ALS-600
and ALS-600S amplifiers with the remote
A/B jacks on the front panel.
Works with all ALS-1300 amplifiers.

ARI-500 Cables . . . $24.95

Model #

Icom 706, 7000, 718
Icom ACC2, 7 pin
TS-2000, 570, 870, 590, 990
Ken TS480 and compatibles
FT-847 CAT
FT-847 Tuner Port
FT-857D, 897D, 1000MP
Yaesu with 8 pin Data
Yaesu FT-DX3000
Elecraft K3

Precision HF+6 Meter peak-reading SWR Wattmeters

Flat Mount Mobile SWR/Wattmeter

Just 15/8 thick easily

mounts on
your dashboard for
Suggested Retail easy viewing. Flat
mount on wall or shelf in your ham
shack for best viewing angle. Remote
sensor with 25 feet thin, flexible cable
lets you place sensor and coax out-ofthe-way. Handles full 1500 Watts, 1.8-60 MHz. LED
lighted Cross-Needle meter. Active electronics lets
you read true peak or average power in two power
ranges. Has High SWR LED. Flat-Mount watt-meter
measures 5Wx31/4H x15/8D; remote sensor is tiny
31/2Wx23/4H x23/4D. Use 9V battery or 12 VDC.
AWM-35B has 300 Watt low, 3 kW high meter scale.
AWM-35BH has 100W low, 1000W high meter scale.


Base Station 1500 Watt SWR/Wattmeter

We painstakingly designed
the AWM-30B to make accurate, $
precise power measurements.
Designed-in-accuracy is the Suggested Retail
result of a carefully designed
directional coupler, an accurate active peak reading circuit and a precision dArsonval meter
movement. Ameritrons AWM-30B reads truepeak or average power on a large LED lighted three inch CrossNeedle meter. Handles 1500 Watts, 1.8 to 60 MHz. Has 3000/300
Watt ranges. Reads forward and reflected power and SWR on highly visible dual cross-needle meter movement.
Remote sensor with cable lets you conveniently place sensor.
Battery saver turns unit off with no RF applied. Uses 12 VDC or 9
volt battery (not included). Beautiful wrap-around custom metal
cabinet looks great in your shack. Compact 41/2Wx41/2Hx51/2D in.





3:59 PM


Page 1

no tune Solid State FET Amplifier

No tuning, no fuss, no worries -- just turn on and operate . . . Incredibly low $1599 includes
AC power supply, 600 Watts output, continuous 1.5-22 MHz coverage, instant bandswitching,
no warm-up, no tubes to baby, fully SWR protected, extremely quiet, very compact . . .


Suggested Retail

(Includes AC Power Supply, ALS-600PS)


Suggested Retail

(Includes Switching Power Supply, ALS-600SPS)

AMERITRONs revolutionary
ALS-600 and ALS-600S are amateur
radios only linear amplifiers that
use four rugged TMOS RF power
Made in U.S.A.
FETs -- gives unequaled no tune
solid state performance. ALS-600, $1599, includes a linear
120/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz AC power supply for home operation.
ALS-600S, $1699, includes a 120/220 VAC portable switching
power supply, just ten pounds.
You get instant bandswitching, no tuning, no warm-up, no fuss!
ALS-600 gives 600 Watts PEP Output power and 500 Watts CW
with continuous coverage 1.5 to 22 MHz; 10/12 Meters with easyto-install optional kit, $29.95 plus shipping. Must present FCC
license at time of sale.
SWR Protection prevents amplifier damage if you switch to the
wrong band, use the wrong antenna or have a high SWR. Overpower protection enables if output forward power or reflected
power exceeds a safe level. Output power is automatically reduced
to prevent amplifier damage by controlling ALC to exciter.
The ALS-600 is extremely quiet. A low speed, low volume fan
is so quiet youll hardly know its there, unlike noisey blowers
used in other amplifiers. ALS-600 is a compact 91/2Wx61/2Hx12D
inches -- takes up less space than your rig! Weighs just 121/2 lbs.
An LED illuminated Cross-Needle SWR/Wattmeter lets you
read SWR, forward and reflected peak power simultaneously. An
Operate/Standby switch lets you run barefoot, but you can
instantly switch to full power if you need it.
You get a front-panel ALC control! This exclusive AMERITRON feature lets you adjust your output power on the convenient front panel display. You also get front panel Transmit, ALC,
and SWR LED indicators. A 12 VDC output jack lets you power
low current accessories. Enjoy 600 Watts of no tune Solid State
power. Call your favorite dealer for your best price.
But it gets even better than this! Do you want to place even the
main ALS-600 amplifier out of the way? Do you want the ALS-

600 to change bands automatically when you change bands on

your transceiver? You now have these options. A pair of RJ45
remote control interface jacks on the amplifier permits ALS-600 to
be controlled either manually by the compact ALS-500RC Remote
Control Head, or automatically by the ARI-500 Automatic Band
Switch. The Automatic Band Switch reads band data from your
transceiver and automatically changes the ALS-600 bands as you
change bands on your transceiver. See more details on page 99.
Heavy Duty Linear Power Supply (included with ALS-600)
features: Massive choke input filter greatly improves voltage
regulation and reduces peak AC line current AMERITRONs
exclusive Multi-Voltage Power Transformer lets you compensate
for stressful high line voltage and performance robbing low line
voltage Step-Start Inrush ProtectionTM stops damaging inrush currents and extends the life of your power supply components
Illuminated Cross-Needle Meter monitors voltage and current of
50 VDC line. Extremely quiet fan Very compact
91/2Wx61/2Hx12D inches -- can be placed conveniently out of the
way Wired for 120 VAC, supplies 50 VDC at 25 Amps to ALS600 amplifier Also use on 100-130 VAC and 220-250 VAC,
50/60 Hz Draws less than 12 Amps at 100 VAC and less than 6
Amps at 230 VAC Includes prewired cable to plug into ALS-600
amplifier. Purchase ALS-600PS separately for $599.95.
Switching Power Supply (included with ALS-600S)
works with all ALS-600 amplifiers. Extremely
lightweight, just 10 lbs. Superb regulation,
very low radiated noise. Measures a compact
9Wx6Hx141/2D inches. Great for portability!
Purchase ALS-600SPS separately for $699.95.
Amplifier Radio Interface
ARI-500, $119.95. Amplifier Radio
Interface reads band data from your transceiver so you can automatically bandswitch ALS600 or ALS-600S amplifiers. See Page 99.

Just dont take it from us . . . heres what they

say about our solid state base station amplifier:

. . . the ampifier faulted only when it was supposed to. It protected

itself from our boneheaded, sleep-deprived band changing manuevers . . .
I found myself not worrying about damaging this amplifier. It
seems quite capable of looking out for itself. . . . Kudos to Ameritron.
I couldnt hear any noise at all from the SPS (switching power supply)
on the vertical or quad . . .
I came to greatly appreciate the size, weight, reliability and simplicity of this amplifier.
The ALS-600S makes it possible to pack a transceiver and a 600
Watt amplifier, that together weigh less than 30 pounds. QST, 2005.

AMERITRON Inrush Current Protector stops damaging inrush current

or ICP-240

Protects your amplifier, tubes and power supply components . . .

When you first turn

on your amplifier, a
massive inrush current
Suggested gushes in. House
lights flicker as you
hear a loud thump
from your amp. This terrible
inrush current stresses all your
power supply components to their
limits. Your cold tube filament suffers abusive thermal shock.


Eventually, this massive inrush current will damage your amplifier.

Ameritrons Step-Start Inrush Current
ProtectorTM stops damaging inrush current.
Momentary high-voltage spikes in the AC
line can also cause damage to your amp. The
ICP-120/240 has built-in varistors to absorb
these spikes before they can cause damage.
Works with nearly all linear amplifiers.
By starting your linear amplifier through a
high power current limiting resistor and then

shorting the resistor with a relay, the start-up

sequence is easier on tube and power supply
components. All Ameritron kilowatt amplifiers
have this critical protection -- now you can add
this protection to your amp without complicated
wiring -- you dont even have to remove the cover!
Ameritron ICP-120, $79.95 for 120 Volt
wired amplifiers. Limits current to 12 Amperes
during heavy draw inrush period, 20 Amperes
during continuous operating current.
ICP-240, $79.95 for 240 Volt wired amps.

amplifiers for a combined amplifier output

power and still maintains the 50 Ohm output for your antenna.
Amps of equal power like two ALS500M or two ALS-600 can be used.
ASP-200, $69.95. Handles radio power
to 200 W. SO-239. 4Wx13/8Hx23/4D
ACB-1000, $149.95. Handles combined
power to 1.5 kW. SO-239s. 6Wx3X4D.

Use with rigs or amps that are

producing unwanted harmonics.
Frequency select switches to one
of six different ranges from 1.5 to Suggested
30 MHz. Handles 1000 W SSB
input power, 600 W CW or 400
W RTTY. SWR is less than 1.3:1 on all ham
bands. SO-239 connectors. 51/ Wx31/ Hx91/ D in.

Get power of 2 amplifiers with Ameritrons Splitter/Combiner!

Use the ASP-200

and ACB-1000 together and get a combined
output power of 2
ASP-200 splits your
radios output into two outputs to drive two
amplifiers of equal power.
ACB-1000 combines the outputs of two


ARF-1000 RF
Filter reduces




4:00 PM

Page 1


no tune Solid State Amp

500 Watts, Instant bandswitching, no tuning, no warm-up, SWR protected, 1.5-22 MHz . . .
ARI-500 Amplifier Radio Interface reads transceiver band data -- automatically bandswitches ALS-500M amp . . . NEW! ALS-500RC Remote Head gives total remote control!

Just turn on and operate -- no warm-up, no

tuning, instant bandswitching. Compact.
Ameritron's ALS-500M solid state mobile
gives you 500 Watts PEP SSB or 400
Suggested Retail
Watts CW output! Covers 1.5-22 MHz,
(10/12 Meters with MOD-10M, $29.95 kit, requires FCC license).
Mail with order to Ameritron.
Virtually indestructible! Load Fault Protection eliminates
amplifier damage due to operator error, antenna hitting tree
branches, 18-wheeler passing by. Thermal Overload Protection
disables/bypasses amp if temperature is excessively high. Auto resets.
Typically 60-70 watts in gives full output. ON/OFF switch



Let your rig

bypasses amplifier for "barefoot" operation. Extremely quiet fan

comes on as needed. Excellent harmonic suppression, push-pull
output, DC current meter. 13.8 VDC/80 Amps. Super-compact
31/2x9x15 inches. 7 pounds.
ALS-500M, $949, 500 Watt mobile amp.
ALS-500MR, $979, ALS-500M mobile amp plus ALS-500RC Remote
Head for full manual remote control.
ARF-500K, $179.95, Remote kit for older ALS- 500M mobile
amps with serial # below 13049. Includes filter/relay board for
ALS-500M, AL-500RC Remote Head, cables, hardware, instructions.
ARF-500K2, $289.95. Includes ARF-500K Remote kit for older
ALS-500Ms plus ARI-500 Amplifier Radio Interface below.
New ARI-500, $119.95, Amplifier Radio Interface reads band
data from your transceiver so you can automatically bandswitch
your ALS-500M amplifier. See below left.
Choose ARI-500 for fully automatic bandswitching or ALS-500RC
for manual remote control.
New ALS-500RC, $49.95, Remote Head
lets you place your ALS-500M or ALS-600
amplifier out-of-the-way and gives you full
manual remote control. Select desired band,
turn on/standby and monitor current draw on
its DC Current Meter. Power, transmit and
overload LEDs. RJ-45 cables plug into
Amplifier/ Remote Head. Works with serial
numbers above 13049 (below 13049 requires the ARF-500K,
above). Compact 4Wx23/4Hx1D inches.

auto bandswitch your Solid-State Ameritron Amps

Ameritrons ARI-500 Amplifier Radio

Interface reads band data from your Icom,
Yaesu, Kenwood, Elecraft or Alinco rig so
you can remotely and automatically
bandswitch your Ameritron Solid State
Amps (ALS-500M/ALS-600/S/ALS-1300).
Now you can mount your amp out-ofthe-way in your trunk, at the back of your
ALS-600S amplifiers and
motorhome or elsewhere and operate with
95 older ALS-600 and ALSjust this tiny box at your station control.
600S amplifiers with the
Works with ALS-500M serial numbers
Suggested Retail remote A/B jacks on the
above 13049 (below 13049 requires the
front panel.
ARF-500K, see above).
Works with all ALS-1300 amplifiers.
Works with all current ALS-600 and


ARI-500 Cables . . . $24.95

Model #

Icom 706, 7000, 718
Icom ACC2, 7 pin
TS-2000, 570, 870, 590, 990
Kenwood TS480, compatibles
FT-847 CAT
FT-847 Tuner Port, 450/950
FT-857D, 897D, 10000
Yaesu with 8 pin Data
Yaesu FT DX3000
Elecraft K3

Base Operation Power Supply for your ALS-500M Amplifier




Suggested Retail

AMERITRONs Exclusive HashFiltersTM

Filtering System eliminates RF hash that plagues
other manufacturers switching power supplies.

power supplies.
Has on switching
TM ! Fully protected -- your SPS-75MV has Short-Circuit, Over-load
And Poles and Over-Temperature protection systems. Also has an auto restart
after a fault. Has power on and Fault LED indicators.
You get front panel adjustable voltage from 4.0 to 16 VDC.

Ameritrons heavy duty 75 Amp switching power supply is

excellent for powering your HF mobile amplifier or your HF and
VHF/UHF rigs and accessories.
Its great for Ameritrons ALS-500M Solid State Mobile HF
Amplifier and others with a power requirement of up to 75 Amps.
SPS-75MV delivers 75 amps maximum and 70 amps continuously without even flexing its muscles. Input voltage selectable
for 110 VAC or 220 VAC.
Its highly regulated with load regulation better than 1%.
Ripple voltage is less than 12 mV peak-to-peak at rated load.
No RF hash! Ameritrons exclusive HashFiltersTM Filtering
System eliminates RF hash that plagues other manufacturers

Front-panel meters with backlight let you monitor voltage and current simultaneously.
Attractive front panel features several options for connecting
your gear: One pair of 5-way binding posts, two pair of Anderson
PowerPolesTM one pair of high-current 5-way binding posts, a cigarette socket for mobile accessories, and two pairs of quick connects.
Whisper quiet fan speed increases as load current increases -keeps components cool and protected.
Battery Charger
An automatic battery charging feature provides charging current of 20
Amps maximum, 5 Amps continuous,
and 30 mA trickle charge.
Measures 93/4Wx51/2Hx91/2D inches. Weighs just 10.5 lbs., so
its still light enough to carry on DXpeditions, camping trips and
vacations. No more hauling around big, bulky conventional power
supplies that can give you a hernia!




4:01 PM

Page 1

AMERITRON Amplifier-to-Transceiver Interface

Protects expensive radio from damage by keying line transients and steady state current and voltages

ARB-704 will work

with almost any transceiver without the need of the
plug-and-play pre-wired
The ARB-704
advanced interface is compatible with all common
radios and amplifiers even
though radios and amplifiers do not have standardized voltages, accessory plugs, or wiring. Its
designed to work with any amplifier/radio combination.
The input is designed to be compatible with
any transmitter or transceiver, and the output is
compatible with AC control lines or DC positive
or negative amplifier control lines having up to
200 Volts peak open circuit voltage and 300 mA
of operating current.
Why you need the ARB-704
Amplifiers can damage radios if the amplifier
has too much relay control voltage, voltage
spikes, or excessive current on the relay control
line. Such damage often appears as stuck or
sticky transmit relays in exciters or shorted
transistors on transmit control lines. In most
cases where the radio is damaged, the system
transmits normally but the external amplifier

The ARB-704 operates with transmitters or

INTERFACE BUFFER transceivers that pull amplifier control lines to
95 ground, or output a wide range of positive or
negative control voltages. The transmitter only
switches currents under 0.35 milliamperes and
for IC-706 series radios very low voltages when using the ARB-704.
(Includes PNP-13D) Measures a super compact 41/4Wx13/4Hx23/4D
stays locked in a
transmit mode.
This prevents receive
Cables are $17.95 each.
signals from coming
ARB-704 is supplied with the following: 1.
through the amplifier with normal levels whenOne power connector cord and plug with red
ever the amplifier is in the ON or OPERwire (+12 Volts) and black wire (negative and
ATE position.
The ARB-704 has many electrical advantages
2. Three phono (RCA) cord with connectors
over conventional relay buffer systems. The
on each end. These cables are for relay, ALC
ARB-704 has no moving parts, switches almost
and amplifier control lines.
instantaneously. It is noiseless, has very long
life, and will not develop dirty contacts. It operPNP-8D
FT-1000/2000,(MP), 767GX,920,990,747GX
ates with negative, AC, or positive amplifier
FT-890, 840, 817, 857, 897, FT450, 950, 900
relay control lines.
FT-100, (D)
It works with any relay voltage (AC, positive,
or negative) up to 200 peak volts and any relay
TS-440, 690, 450, 180, 140, 950, 130, 870, 2000,
current up to 300 mA. The ARB-704 is fully
50, 120, 530, 430, 830, 850, 940, 570, 990
compatible with conventional amplifier relay
All models of the IC-706 series, 718, 7000
TS-930 (serial numbers lower than 309)
systems. It is especially suited for buffering
A plug-and-play cable is not needed
vacuum relay QSK amplifiers, since the ARBif your radio is not listed.
704 does not affect attack or release times in a
deleterious manner.


AMERITRON QSK-5 High Power High Speed Transmit/Receive Switch

This self-contained AMERITRON
QSK-5 Transmit/Receive Switch uses $
electronic PIN diode switching to give
you lightning fast QSK operation
from nearly any HF linear amplifier.
It lets you use your linear amplifier for high
power QSK CW, for packet, AMTOR and any
mode requiring extremely fast switching
between transmit and receive.
Installation is simple. Just plug in a few
runs cooler so every component in your amplificables to start enjoying QSK -- theres no comer lasts longer.
plicated internal wiring.
Our exclusive SureSwitchTM handshaking preThe worlds most advanced QSK switch has
vents hot switching RF power. Prevents TVI,
new technology thatll make your amplifier last
RFI, key clicks and possible damage to your
longer and prevent TVI, RFI and key clicks.
AMERITRONs exclusive AmpSaverTM
The QSK-5 is six times faster than a typical
(available in QSK-5PC) completely turns off
mechanical vacuum relay QSK switch that can
your power amplifier tube current between dots,
just barely keep up with QSK transceivers. As
dashes and words! This new QSK technology
radios get faster and better, mechanical switching
gets rid of unwanted power dissipation that causjust wont be able to switch fast enough. Unlike
es damaging heat. Your expensive amplifier


Tune-up your linear amplifier perfectly! No overheating, tube damage, power supply stress, arc over

Suggested Retail
The ATP-102
Saver lets you safely tune up your linear amplifier perfectly for full power output and best linearity. This deluxe version tuning pulser has
Duty Cycle and Pulse Rate Controls on its front
panel for easy performance testing of
Wattmeters, QSK systems, and other equipment.
It protects your expensive amplifier from
overheating, tube damage, power supply stress
and arc-over during tune-up. It prevents premature failure and costly component replacements.
AMERITRONs innovative pulse tuning
technology lets you tune your amplifier at full
peak output power for best linearity. It keeps
average power to a low safe level to prevent
overheating and power supply stress.
Why cant I just tune up at low power to
reduce overheating and component stress? you
ask yourself. Well you can . . . but if you dont


re-tune at high power (which causes overheating)

you can create severe splatter and abuse your
tube grids because of excessive grid current.
If your linear uses tubes that are easily damaged by normal tune-up, the ATP-100 could
extend tube life.
Sniff-out RFI or TVI caused by rusty guy
wires, rain gutters, clotheslines and others by
generating full peak power without amp damage.
Also use to test wattmeters and QSK systems.
Set and forget internal trimpots let you tailor
duty cycle and pulse rate precisely for your rig
and amplifier. Plugs into your rig CW key jack.
Simply press Pulse Tune button and tune your
amplifier normally for maximum power output.
Locking Pulse Tune and momentary Carrier
Tune buttons. Fully shielded all metal case.
3 /4Wx11/4Hx4D inches. Uses 9 Volt battery.
Amplifier Tuning Pulser

ATP-100, $69.95. Like

ATP-102 but less Duty Cycle
and Pulse Rate Controls on
front panel.

noisy mechanical vacuum relays, the QSK- 5 is

extremely quiet -- theres no relay chatter keeping
you from enjoying QSK.
You wont have to pay for QSK again if you
buy another amplifier. Unplug the QSK-5 and
use it with your new amp.
Handles 2500 Watts PEP and 2000 Watts CW
in normal amateur service when SWR is below
1.5:1. Handles 750 Watts on continuous carrier
modes such as RTTY, SSTV, and FM. Optional
cooling fan (CF-5, $39.95) allows sustained
operation at 1500 Watts in any mode. Use with
positive voltage keying up to +25 Volts.
Internal QSK Available for the following
AMERITRON models: AL-80B, AL-1500, AL1200, AL-82, AL-800, and AL-800H.
Contact Ameritron for installation details on
the QSK-5PC internal switch.

Ameritron TRP-150

Front-end Protector

Suggested Retail


TRP-150 protects
your receiver frontend from high level
RF signals. Use this
for added safety when operating in a multi-station contest environment and when another station is nearby.
Close proximity of a high power transmitter on one antenna can result in a potentially damaging RF signal being applied
to a receiver on a nearby antenna. If both
transmitters are on the same band, the filter on the receiver wont help and receiver
damage can occur. Connecting between
transceiver and antenna, TRP-150 protects
the rig during receiving and automatically
bypasses it during transmitting. SO-239
for RF In/Out and phono jacks for radio
and amp keys. Requires 12VDC for
power. Tiny 21/4Wx21/2Hx11/4D inches.



4:17 PM

Page 1

AMERITRON HF Mobile Screwdriver Antenna

1.2 kW... 3.5-30 MHz continuous ...1.5:1 VSWR...more!




AMERITRON's SDA-100 is the best

built, best looking, best performing HF
mobile screwdriver antenna in the world!
Properly installed on your vehicle this
antenna covers 80-10 Meters with a 6 foot
whip. Remove the whip for 40-6 Meters.
What makes our antennas stand above
all the rest is that our CNC machined components are from aircraft aluminum or stainless steel and blueprinted, meaning you can
take the antennas apart and mix them up,
then reassemble and they work the same.
Our fiberglass coil form is approximately 2 inches in diameter. Other antenna
builders know fiberglass is better but they
choose not to use it because of the expense
and difficulty in machining. We use 14
gauge wire for high power capability,
wound at eight turns an inch for maximum
efficiency. We machine groove our coils so
they will not loosen up or jam -- they won't
wear out, for years of trouble free service!

New Lexan cover is super durable and

protects your Ameritron screwdriver for
years of trouble-free service.
The decoupler we use is CNC machined
for tight tolerances with custom fingerstock designed to contact 3 turns of coil all
the time with over 25 pounds of combined
contact pressure. With this design you can
run up to 1.2 kilowatts PEP, trouble free.
It's so superior to anything else on the market that we put our outstanding AMERITRON warranty behind it.
We use a new heavy duty Pittman commercial 12 volt gear motor, which is very
durable and quiet while receive tuning.
This motor is super heavy duty for years of
trouble-free service. Antennas come with
sensors already installed so if you add an
auto controller, everything is ready.
The AMERITRON SDA-100 includes:
Up/Down switch; 5 feet of motor DC
cable with detachable weather sealed connector; decoupling toroid matching coils.
SDA-100 comes in a handsome black,
using Dupont Basecoat/Clearcoat system.
Optional accessories:
SDM-100, $99.95. Stainless steel
flange mount base bracket , with multiple pre-punched holes. The SDA-100
mounting rod is a 1-in. pipe thread
14-inches long. Ship Code B.
SWP-100, $24.95. 6-ft stainless steel whip.
SMC-100, $4.95. Shunt matching
coil with solder lugs. For use at base of
mobile/screwdriver antennas with high SWR.
Combination Prices
SDA-110, $539.95. Combination SDA100 mobile screwdriver antenna, SDC100B auto-controller, and SWP-100 whip.
SDA-112, $569.95. Combination of
SDA-100, SDC-102 and SWP-100.
SDA-113, $589.95. Combination of
SDA-100 screwdriver antenna, SDC-103
auto-controller, and SWP-100 whip.

Ameritron Mobile Installation Accessories

ALS-500M DC Power Wire Harness
MIA-6, $69.95. Get an
extra DC power harness
for your ALS-500M
amplifier. Saves you from
the hassle of moving your
amp cable assembly. Fully assembled 8
foot cable, fuse holders and fuses included.
In-Line Fuse Holder/Distribution Block
MIA-1, $6.95.
AGU in-line fuse
holder; heavy
duty, waterproof,
handles to 80A,
4-10 gauge wire,
built-in mounting bracket.
AGU in-line
fused power
block; 1
input for 4
gauge wire, 2 outputs for up to 8-gauge
wire, plastic cover with mounting ears.

Remote Power ON/OFF for Amplifier

MIA-3, $59.95. 12
VDC Bosch relay. Turns
amplifier high current DC
supply line ON/OFF
remotely with vehicle
ignition switch. SPST,
heavy duty dual contacts. Handles 75 Amps.

Programmable 10-Memory
Screwdriver Controller

The SDC-102 lets you

save 10 screwdriver antenna
positions in memory.
With a push of a button,
you can quickly return to
any saved position.
Up/Down buttons let
you manually move the
antenna to any desired posi95
tion. A 4-digit turns counter $
Ship Code A
with bright see-in-the-sun
LEDs gives you precise antenna position.
The antenna always moves to its desired
position from the bottom, insuring that the
motor is always loaded the same.
Ameritrons AutoParkTM feature automatically bottoms your antenna for parking in
your garage and resets and calibrates your
counter each time to eliminate antenna slippage and turns count errors.
Ameritrons Dead-OnSTOPTM feature
eliminates overshoot for dead-on stops.
Ameritrons StallProtectorTM feature shuts
off stalled motors to prevent motor burnout.
Motor current can be monitored for signs
of trouble and to determine stall current.
Motor direction can be reversed so the UP
button is always up. Compatible with single/
dual magnetic sensors. 31/2Wx31/4Hx11/4D in.
Automatic Screwdriver Antenna
Controller: Icom/Kenwood/Yaesu
SDC-104 is
perfect for
your Icom, Kenwood or
Yaesu rig equipped with a
CI-V interface. Connect
the controller to your transceiver and the SDC-104
SDC-104 K,I, Y
receives the frequency data
and will automatically tune
Ship Code A
your screwdriver antenna.
Has all the great features of the SDC-102 and
includes rig the interface cable to receive frequency data. 31/2Wx31/4Hx11/4D inches.
SRS-100, $29.95. Magnetic sensor kit for
High Sierra to use SDC-100/102/103. Not
compatible with SidekickTM.
SRS-1001, $9.95. Magnetic sensor kit for
Hi-Q antennas to use SDC-100/102/103.




Ameritron Digital
Screwdriver Controller

4-digit super bright LEDs tell

you exactly where your antenna
is postioned! Re-tune exactly -fast, no guessing. Digital count
range -999 to +999. On/ off/
Battery Post Break-out Block
reset switch for easy calibration.
MIA-4, $14.95. Dont dam4Wx11/2H x2D. Use 13.8VDC.
age your amp because of poor
SRS-100, $29.95. Magnetic $
battery connections. Replace old
sensor kit for High Sierra. Not
clamps with this gold metal
compatible with SidekickTM.
battery break-out block. Has 4
SRS-1001, $9.95. Mag sensor kit, Hi-Q Ant.
AWG terminal for your auto battery and
two 8 AWG connections for your amplifier.
High Current Amplifier Power Cable
Highly flexible,
Braided Ground Strips
105 degrees celsius,
MIA-5, $9.95. Makes
600 Volts, tinned copper PVC cable. PVC
solid grounding for your
jacket is resistant to oil, fuel, acids, grease and
mobile radio or screwabrasion. Intended for mobile installation.
driver antenna installtion.
Part# Red Part# Blk Cost/Ft
Made from ultra-fine tinned 871-1022
.49 10AWG, 19/23, .176 OD
copper braid. Extremely flexible. 7/8-inch 871-0822 871-0800
$1.32 8 AWG, 19/21, .217 OD
871-0622 871-0600
$1.84 6AWG, 49/22.5, .330 OD
width, 13 long. 3/8 holes on each end.




AMERITRON . . . the Worlds High Power Leader!

$2.36 4AWG, 70/22.5, .380 OD




4:10 PM

Page 1






Circuit type: Pi-network, slug
tuned coils.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.3:1
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 15%.
Max. drive power permissable: AL-811: 80 Watts; AL811H: 100 Watts.
Typical drive rated output:
AL-811: 60 Watts; AL-811H:
75 Watts
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: AL-811: 600 Watts,
AL-811H: 800 Watts.
Typical CW operation: AL811: 400 Watts; AL-811H: 600
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
AL-811: 500 Watts; AL-811H:
650 Watts.
1/2 hour continuous carrier
(RTTY): AL-811: 300 Watts
input; AL-811H: 400 Watts
Power Supply:
Circuit type: full wave
No load voltage: 1700 Volts.
Full load voltage: 1500 Volts.
Full load current: AL-811:
550 mA; AL-811H: 650 mA.
Regulation: 10%.
Maximum draw at rated
output: AL-811: 8 A; AL811H: 10A.
AC Input: 120 V, 50/60 Hz
(AL-811/H) 240 V, 50/60 Hz
Type: (AL-811: 3)
(AL-811H: 4) 811A vertically
Continuous dissipation: 65
Watts per tube.
Warm-up time:
5 seconds
Multimeter: reads HV and
plate current.
Grid Meter: Reads PA grid
Negative going, 0-20 V,
adjustable, phono jack
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): greater than 70%
Yes, set to the nearest band.
Relay: engages amplifier
when grounded. +12 VDC
open circuit and supplies 100
mA when grounded. A builtin back-pulse cancelling diode
protects the exciter.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
RF Out:
50 Ohms with full power into
any SWR below 3:1.
NEMA 5-15P, 120 Volts.
151/2Dx133/4Wx81/4H inches.
Operating Weight:
32 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
41 pounds.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain modification details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -33 dB.

Circuit type: Pi-network, slug
tuned coils.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.3:1 or less.
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 20% of center frequency. Max. drive power permissable: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for full power
output: 85 W.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 1000 Watts.
Typical CW operation: 800
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
800 Watts.
1/2 hour continuous carrier
(RTTY): 500 Watts.
Power Supply:
Circuit type: Full wave voltage doubler.
No load voltage: 3000 Volts.
Full load voltage: 2700 Volts.
Full load current: .450 Amp.
Regulation: 10%.
Transformer: 26 pounds.
Capacitors: 33 uFd total,
computer grade.
Maximum draw at rated
output: 12 Amps.
AC Input: 120 V, 50/60 Hz.
Type: Classic 3-500G.
Continuous dissipation: 500
Warm-up time: 5 seconds.
Multimeter: reads HV, forward power, reflected power,
SWR, ALC, ALC set.
Current Meter: Reads plate
and grid current.
True ALC 0-10V negative,
front panel adjustable.
Efficiency CW: Typically
66% or greater.
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): Approximately 66% or
Yes, set to the nearest band.
Keying: Supplies 100 mA
when grounded, built-in backpulse cancelling diode, protects the exciter. 12 VDC
open circuit.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
RF Out:
50 Ohms with full power into
any SWR below 3:1.
NEMA 5-15P, 120 Volts.
151/2Dx141/2Wx81/2H inches.
Operating Weight:
48 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
Unit, 54 lbs.; Tube, 3 lbs.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain modification details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -35 dB.

Circuit type: Pi-network, slug
tuned coils.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.3:1 or less.
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 20% of center frequency. Max. drive power permissable: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for full power
output: 70 Watts.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 1300 Watts nominal (7
Typical CW operation:
900 Watts nominal.
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
1000 Watts.
1/2 hour continuous carrier
(RTTY): 650 Watts.
Power Supply:
Circuit type: Full wave voltage doubler.
No load voltage: 2800 Volts.
Full load voltage: 2500 Volts.
Full load current: .7 Amp.
Regulation: 14% or less.
Transformer: 21 pounds.
Capacitors: 33 mFd total,
computer grade.
Maximum draw at rated
output: 16 Amps.
AC Input: 120 V, 50/60 Hz.
Tubes: Type: 572B (x4).
Continuous dissipation: 640
Warm-up time: 5 seconds.
Multimeter: reads HV, forward power, reflected power,
SWR, ALC, ALC set.
Current Meter: Reads plate
and grid current.
True ALC 0-10V negative,
front panel adjustable.
Efficiency CW: Typically
60% or greater.
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): Typically 60% or
Yes, set to the nearest band.
Keying: Supplies 100 mA
when grounded, built-in backpulse cancelling diode, protects the exciter. 12 VDC
open circuit.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
RF Out:
50 Ohms with full power into
any SWR below 3:1.
NEMA 5-15P, 120 Volts.
151/2Dx141/2Wx81/2H inches.
Operating Weight:
40 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
48 lbs.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -34 dB (below PEP
rated output).

Circuit type: Pi-network,
resistor attenuated/slug tuned
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.3:1 or less.
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: within +20% or -40%
of selected band/ within 20%
of center frequency.
Max. drive power permissable: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for full power
output: 70/55Watts.
Output: Circuit type Pi/Pinetwork output.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 1250/1500+W
Typical CW continuous
operation: 1000/1500 W.
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
1000/1500 Watts.
1/2 hour continuous carrier
(RTTY): 750/1000 W.
Power Supply: Circuit type:
Full wave voltage doubler.
No load voltage: 2600 Volts.
Full load voltage:
2300/2250 V.
Full load current: 1/1.2 A.
Regulation: 12% orless/15%.
Transformer: 32 lbs grain
oriented El lamination.
Capacitors: 78/63 uFd total,
high current computer grade.
Maximum draw at rated
output:12/13A@240 VAC.
Typical line current at 1500
Watt PEP output. 9A at 240
VAC. Power line current in
standby: .5 A at 240 VAC.
AC Input: 120V, 50/60 Hz.
Tubes: EimacR 3CX800A7.
Continuous dissipation:
800W per tube, 1600W total.
Warm-up time: 180 seconds.
Estimated life: 6,000-8,000
hours ICAS.
Metering: Multimeter: reads
Peak forward power, Peak
reflected power, SWR, ALC
threshold output voltage, and
high voltage.
Current Meter: Reads plate
and grid current.
ALC: Negative going, 0-10 V,
phono jack output, front panel
Efficiency CW: Approximately 65-66% or greater.
Eff. SSB (envelope crest):
Approx. 66% or greater.
MARS/WARC: Yes, set to
the nearest band.
Keying: Requires contact closure or sink of +12 VDC at
100 mA, back pulse protected,
phono jack.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
RF Out:
50 Ohms with full power into
any SWR below 3:1.
Power: NEMA 5-15P,
120/240 Volts.
171/4Dx141/2Wx81/2H in.
Operating Weight: 51/52 lbs.
Shipping Weight: Unit, 59/60
lbs,; Tubes, 3/5 lbs.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -35 dB.

Circuit type: Pi-network, slug
tuned coils. Maximum
VSWR at resonance: 1.2:1
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 20%.
Max. drive power permissable: 130 Watts. Typical
drive rated output: 100
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 1500 Watts.
Typical CW continuous
operation: 1500 Watts.
30 second PEP two tone
test:1800 Watts plus.
1/2 hour PEP two-tone test:
1800 Watts.
Power Supply:
Circuit type: full wave
bridge, capacitor input.
No load voltage: 3600 Volts.
Full load voltage: 3300 Volts.
Full load current: .8 Amp.
Regulation: 10% or better.
Transformer: 32 lb HypersilR,
capacitors: 26 uFd total, computer grade. Maximum draw
at rated output: 13 Amps.
AC Input: 240 V, 50/60 Hz.
Type: 3-500G Classic (2).
Continuous dissipation: 1000
Warm-up time: 5 seconds.
Multimeter: Plate current,
plate voltage, drive/ALC,
power output (PEP Watts).
Grid Meter: Reads PA grid
Negative going, 0-20 V, phono
Efficiency CW: 65% typical.
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): 62% typical.
Yes, set to the nearest band.
Keying: engages amplifier
when grounded. +12 VDC
open circuit and supplies 100
mA when grounded. A builtin back-pulse cancelling diode
protects the exciter.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
NEMA 6-15P, 240 Volts.
181/2Dx17Wx10H inches.
Operating Weight:
76 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
Unit, 50 lbs.; Tubes, 6 lbs.;
Transformer, 35 lbs.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain modification details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
-34 dB at 1500 Watts Output.

* Exact performance measurements may vary due to the accuracy of

test equipment and the measurement methods used. (Prices and specifications subject to change without notice or obligation).




4:09 PM

Page 1






Circuit type: Pi-network, slug
tuned coils.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.2:1 or less.
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 20% of center frequency. Max. drive power permissable: 130 Watts.
Typical drive for full power
output: 130 W.
Circuit type: Pi-L.
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
1800 Watts.
30 second PEP two tone test:
1800 Watts plus.
Power Supply:
Circuit type: Full wave
bridge, capacitor input.
No load voltage: 3600 Volts.
Full load voltage: 3300 Volts.
Full load current: .8 Amp.
Regulation: 10% or better.
Transformer: 32 lb.
Capacitors: 26 uFd total,
computer grade.
Maximum draw at rated
output: 13 Amps.
AC Input: 240 V, 50/60 Hz.
Type: EimacR 3CX1200Z7.
Continuous dissipation: 1200
Warm-up time: 5 sec.
Multimeter: Reads plate current, plate voltage, drive/ALC,
power output (PEP Watts).
Grid Meter: Reads grid current.
Negative going, 0-20 Volts,
adjustable, phono jack.
Efficiency CW: 65%.
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): 62%.
MARS/WARC: Yes, set to
the nearest band.
Keying: Engages amplifier
when grounded, +12 VDC
open circuit and supplies 100
mA when grounded, built-in
back-pulse cancelling diode
protects the exciter.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
NEMA 5-15P, 240 Volts.
181/2Dx17Wx10H in.
Operating Weight:
77 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
Unit, 50 lb., Tube, 5 lb.,
Transformer 35 lb.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -34 dB at 1500 Watts

Input: Circuit type: Pi-network, slug tuned coils.

Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.3:1 or less.
Minimum 2:1 VSWR bandwidth: 20% of center frequency. Max. drive power permissable: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for full power
output: 65 Watts.
Circuit type: Pi-L.
1/2 hour continuous carrier:
1500 Watts.
30 second continuous carrier: 2500 Watts plus.
1/2 hour PEP two tone test:
2500 Watts plus.
30 second PEP two tone test:
2500 Watts plus.
Power Supply:
Circuit type: Full wave
bridge, capacitor input.
No load voltage: 3600 Volts.
Full load voltage: 3300 Volts.
Full load current: 1 Amp.
Regulation: 10% typical.
Transformer: 32 lb.
HypersilR. Capacitors: 26
uFd total, computer grade.
Maximum draw at rated
output: 15 Amps.
AC Input: 240 V, 50/60 Hz.
Type: EimacR 3CX1500/8877.
Continuous dissipation: 1500
Warm-up time: 180 sec.
Multimeter: Reads plate current, plate voltage, drive/ALC,
power output (PEP Watts).
Grid Meter: Reads grid current.
ALC: Negative going, 0-20
Volts, adjustable, phono jack.
Efficiency CW: 65%.
*Efficiency SSB (envelope
crest): 62%.
Yes, set to the nearest amateur
Keying: Engages amplifier
when grounded, +12 VDC.
100 mA when grounded, builtin back-pulse cancelling diode
protects the exciter.
RF input:
SO-239, 50 Ohm input.
NEMA 6-15P, 240 Volts.
181/2Dx17Wx10H in.
Operating Weight:
77 pounds.
Shipping Weight:
Unit, 50 lb., Tube, 3 lb.,
Transformer 35 lb.
Frequency Coverage:
Domestic model: 160, 80, 40,
30, 20, 17, 15 Meters. 10/12
Meters with modification.
Must present FCC license at
time of sale to obtain details.
Third Order IMD at Rated
Output: -36 dB.

Frequency Coverage:
(US) 1.5 to 22 MHz continuous; (Export) 1.5-30 MHz
Input: Circuit type:
Broadband, resistor swamped.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.5:1.
Bandwidth: Broadband.
Maximum drive power permissible: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for rated output: 60 Watts.
Output: Circuit: Broadband,
low pass.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 500 Watts PEP.
Typical CW operation: 400
Power requirement for
14-16 VDC, 80A (peak).
Output devices:
Transistor, (4) 2SC2879.
Current meter, 0-100 A.
ALC: None.
Efficiency CW: 40%.
Efficiency SSB: (envelope
crest) 45%.
MARS/WARC: Yes, continuous coverage.
Keying: Relay closure or
sinking to ground of +12 VDC
at 100 mA, RCA phono jack.
Power Supply connector:
Beau multi-contact male chassis mount.
Power Supply Cable: 8 foot
pre-wired with Beau connector on one end; other end with
5/8 inch ring lugs, 10 gauge
wire (x2), in line fuse holders,
fuses included.
RF Connectors:
SO-239 for input and output.
151/2Dx87/8Wx33/4H in.
Operating Weight:
7.5 lbs.
Shipping Weight:
12 lbs.
Third Order IMD at rated
-35 dB PEP or better.

Frequency Coverage:
(US) 1.5 to 22 MHz continuous; (Export) 1.5-30 MHz
Input: Circuit type:
Broadband, resistor swamped.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.5:1.
Bandwidth: Broadband.
Maximum drive power permissible: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for rated output: 100 Watts.
Output: Circuit: Broadband,
low pass.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 600 Watts PEP.
Typical CW operation: 500
Power requirement for
50 VDC, 25 Amps, +/-14
VDC, 1 Amp.
Output devices:
Power MOSFET (4) MRF150.
Amplifier-Cross-needle meter
for VSWR, FWD, reflected
true peak indicating wattmeter.
Negative going 12 VDC,
adjustable, RCA phono jack.
Efficiency CW: 50%.
Efficiency SSB: (envelope
crest) 55%.
MARS/WARC: Yes, continuous coverage.
Relay closure or sinking to
ground of +12 VDC at 100
mA, RCA phono jack.
Power Supply connector:
Beau multi-contact male chassis mount.
RF Connectors:
SO-239 for input and output.
91/2Wx61/2Hx12D inches.
Operating Weight:
12.5 lbs.
Shipping Weight:
18 lbs. (amp only).
Third Order IMD at rated
-35 dB PEP or better.

Switching Power Supply

Power Supply

Frequency Coverage:
(US) 1.5 to 22 MHz continuous; (Export) 1.5-30 MHz
Input: Circuit type:
Broadband, resistor swamped.
Maximum VSWR at resonance: 1.5:1.
Bandwidth: Broadband.
Maximum drive power permissible: 100 Watts.
Typical drive for rated output: 100 Watts.
Output: Circuit: Broadband,
low pass.
Typical SSB PEP voice operation: 1200 Watts PEP.
Typical CW operation:
1000 Watts.
Power requirement for
50 VDC, 50 Amps, +/- 14
VDC, 2 Amps.
Output devices:
(8) MRF-150.
Two Cross-Needle Meters for
VSWR, FWD, REF true peak
indicating wattmeter, ALC,
high voltage PA1 and PA2.
Constant current monitor PA1
and PA2.
ALC: Negative going 12
VDC, adjustable RCA phono
Efficiency CW: 50%.
Efficiency SSB: (envelope
crest) 55%.
MARS/WARC: Yes, continuous coverage.
Keying: Relay closure or
sinking to ground of +12 VDC
at 100 mA, RCA phono jack.
Power Supply connector:
Beau multi-contact male chassis mount.
RF Connectors:
SO-239 for input and output.
18Dx10Wx61/2H inches.
Operating Weight:
22 lbs.
Shipping Weight:
27 lbs.
Third Order IMD at rated
-35 dB PEP or better.

Line Input:
120 VAC/240 VAC.
Output: 50 VDC, 25 Amps,
+/-14 VDC, 1 A.
Cross-needle for volt/amp.
Output Cable:
6 foot prewired cable with
Beau multi-contact connector
to mate with ALS-600 amplifier.
12Dx91/2Wx6H inches.
Operating Weight:
9 lbs.*
Shipping Weight:
15 lbs.*
AC Line Connector:

Line Input:
120 VAC/240 VAC.
Output: 50 VDC, 25 Amps,
+/-14 VDC, 1 Amp.
Cross-needle for volt/amp.
Output Cable:
6 foot prewired cable with
Beau multi-contact connector
to mate with ALS-600 amplifier.
91/2Wx61/2Hx12D inches.
Operating Weight:
32 lbs.*
Shipping Weight:
37 lbs.*
AC Line Connector:

* Total Shipping weight for
ALS-600 Amplifier and ALS600SPS power supply is 33
lbs., shipped together.

* Total Shipping weight for
ALS-600 Amplifier and ALS600PS power supply is 57
lbs., shipped together.

Switching Power Supply
Line Input:
120 VAC@30 Amps
220 VAC@14 Amps
Output: 50 VDC, 50 Amps,
+/-14 VDC, 2 A.
Output Cable:
6 foot prewired cable with
Beau multi-contact connector
to mate with ALS-1300 amplifier.
91/2Dx10Wx61/2H inches.
Operating Weight:
15 lbs.*
Shipping Weight:
20 lbs.*
AC Line Connector:
* Total Shipping weight for
ALS-1300 Amplifier and
ALS-1300SPS power supply
is 49 lbs., shipped together.

* Exact performance measurements may vary due to the accuracy of

test equipment and the measurement methods used. (Prices and specifications subject to change without notice or obligation).




4:18 PM

Page 1

AMERITRON True Legal Limit TM Tuner

Easily handles 1500 Watts continuous carrier even on 160 Meters . . . High-current edge-wound silver
plated Roller Inductor . . . Two 500 pf high capacitance tuning capacitors with 6:1 vernier reduction
drives . . . 3 core choke balun . . . Six position antenna switch . . . True peak reading Cross-Needle
SWR/Wattmeter . . .
Handles well over 1.5 kW carrier
Super High Current edge-wound
silver plated Roller Inductor
500 pf tuning capacitors with 6:1
vernier reduction drives
3 core choke balun
6 position antenna switch
True peak reading meter with
LED Meter Light

Suggested Retail

Two 500 pf -the highest of

any antenna
tuner -- variable
capacitors give
you no-arc wide
range impedance
AMERITRONs ATR-30 True Legal
LimitTM roller inductor antenna tuner is ham matching for true
high power perradios toughest! Itll handle 1500 Watts
warranty with legendary customer service.
continuous carrier output on all modes and formance.
6:1 vernier reduction drives makes capacall HF bands into most antennas -- even on
ATR-20 Antenna Tuner . . .
160 Meters where most antenna tuners fail. itor tuning smooth and easy.
ATR-20, $459.95.
Super Balun, 6 position Antenna Switch
Its perfect for Ameritrons most powerSuper heavy duty three core choke balun
ful amplifiers where the ATR-30 just loafs.
All band coverage lets you operate 1.8-30 lets you match virtually any balanced feedline antenna without core saturation.
MHz including all MARS and WARC
A 6 position antenna switch lets you
select your desired operating antenna.
Super High Current Roller Inductor
Read true Peak Power
Youll see Ameritrons new super high
Ameritrons active electronic true peak
current air core roller inductor. Its edge
reading meter accurately reads forward and
wound from a thick solid copper strip and
reflected power and SWR simultaneously on
silver plated.
Handles 1.2 kW PEP SSB. Slightly less
This produces a large surface area and a a super-bright LED lighted Cross-Needle
on 160 Meters. 131/2W x51/2H x131/4D in.
massive conductor. It can carry huge circu- meter.
Roller inductor T-network, peak reading
Roomy Cabinet maintains High-Q
lating RF currents and withstand tremenSWR/Wattmeter with super-bright LED.
Roomy extra-strong .080 inch thick aludous heat thatll melt or burn ordinary roller
Covers 1.8-30 MHz, 6 position antenna
minum cabinet gives highest efficiency and
switch, balun.
lowest loss. 131/4Wx55/8 Hx171/2 D inches.
A gear driven turns counter and crank
Great for Ameritrons widely popular one
Legendary After-Sale Service
knob gives you precise inductance control.
killowatt AL-80B Amplifier!
Has Ameritrons superb one year limited
Two 500 pf Tuning Capacitors

Precision Single Needle


Fan Cooled

Legal Limit Oil-filled

Dry Dummy Load

Dummy Load



Without Oil.
Suggested Retail



Suggested Retail

These precision, compact meters feature peak

and average, forward and
reflected power reading

and SWR.
Each model has different selectable
power ranges.
A highly visible black and red meter
scale on a bright, white background makes
it quick and easy to read SWR, Forward or
Reflected power at-a-glance.
Large 25/8x11/4 lighted meter Lamp
requires 13.8 VDC or 110 VAC operation.
SO-239 connectors with gold-plated center
pins, all metal cabinet with rubber feet.
Compact 6Wx21/2H x4D inches.
Choose from 3 models.

Price Frequency

Power Power Ranges



1.6-60 MHz





1.8-200 MHz

200 W


AWM-24 119

1.8-525 MHz

200 W






Oil included.


Suggested Retail

AMERITRONs 2500 Watt fan cooled

dummy load handles any legal limit amplifier, and lets you tune-up your expensive
amplifier fast and super easy. Works with
all amplifiers, transceivers and transmitters
from DC through 6 Meters.
It can dissipate 2500 Watts average
power for one minute on, ten minutes off.
Handles 300 Watts continuous. SWR is
less than 1.25 to 1 below 30 MHz and less
than 1.4 from 30 to 60 MHz.
Four 50 Ohm non-inductive super high
energy density resistors are used. Each has
an incredibly high energy density of 7000
joules per cubic inch per second with a
voltage gradient of 10 kV per inch!
Detailed specifications/power curve are
permanently silk-screened on the cabinet
for easy reference. Uses 12 VDC. 91/2Dx81/4
Wx4H in. Has SO-239 connectors. 5 lbs.

AMERITRONs Legal Limit oil filled

dummy load lets you run the maximum
legal limit of 1500 Watts for a full five
ADL-1500 has high quality industrial
grade transformer oil (no PCB) and heavy
duty 50 Ohm resistor.
AMERITRONs Legal Limit oil filled
dummy load gives you SWR under 1.2 to
30 mHz and low SWR to 400 MHz.
Durable, sturdy gallon can measures
71/2Hx65/8D inches. Detailed specifications
and power curve.
Order ADL-1500 with industrial grade
transformer oil. Order ADL-1500X without oil.
ADL-21, $29.95. 1 Gallon Industrial
Grade Transformer oil.

AMERITRON . . . The Worlds High Power Leader



3:25 PM

Page 1

AMERITRON RCS-4 Remote Coax Switch

Now covers 6 Meters . . . improved relays . . . Greater Power Handling!

Ameritron RCS-4 is a remote

15995 controlled coax switch that selects

Suggested Retail 1 of 4 outputs by supplying all

control voltages through the coax.

Elimination of control cables gives you a
fast, neat and inexpensive installation -- only 1
coax line for 4 antennas.
You get two units -- the switching box
(53/8Dx7Wx3H inches.) that can be tower, mast
or wall mounted and the control console
(61/8Dx51/4Wx 33/8H inches.) that is located at
your operating station.
The attractive indoor console has bright LED
antenna selector indicators.
A steel enclosure provides 100% shielding to
prevent RFI and TVI.
Switching time is 50 milliseconds. Teflon(R)
SO-239 connectors provide reliable connections.
The weatherproof switching box uses three

Lightning Protected
model RCS-4L, $19995
heavy duty 16 ampere hermetically sealed relays
on a rugged G-10 fiberglass circuit board.
Quality components are used throughout the
entire unit to ensure maximum life for the sometimes difficult-to-reach switching box.
RCS-4 operates 120 VAC. RCS-4X for
220/240 VAC. RCS-4 allows safe operation with
14 Volts control voltage.
Frequencies 1.5 - 100 MHz are covered by
this excellent station accessory. Handles over
2.5 kW.
4 positions; Loss at 30 MHz less than 0.1
dB; VSWR is under 1.25:1, 1.5-60 MHz;
Impedance: 50 Ohms; Power: >2.5 kW average continuous.

RCS-8V HF to VHF/UHF Remote Coax Switch


Eliminate a tangle of troublesome

169 installation -- with just a single feedSuggested Retail


95 coax and have a simple and neat

The RCS-8V consists of two units -- the
weatherproof switching box that mounts on
your tower or mast and the control unit
thats placed at your operating station.
VSWR is less than 1.2 from DC to 250
MHz and less than 0.1 dB loss at 150 MHz -great for the HF/VHF/UHF operator.
It handles over 5 kW below 30 MHz and
1 kW at 150 MHz. You can ground unused
positions or leave them open.
The indoor control unit is all metal to prevent RFI and TVI. It also has LEDs to indicate the antenna youve selected.
A Lexan scratch-proof panel has a markAmeritrons Remote Coax Switch lets
able surface for labeling your antenna posiyou remotely switch up to five separate
antennas using one inexpensive small control
RCS-8V operates from a 120 VAC power
line (like standard telephone wire) --

Lightning Protected
model RCS-8VL, $20995
source or RCS-8VX for 220/240 VAC. Use
any 6 conductor control line (not supplied)
and allows safe operation with 14V control
RCS-8VN, $179.95. Same as RCS-8V but
has N- type connectors instead of SO-239.


Number of antenna positions: 5.

Loss at 150 MHz: less than 0.1 dB.
VSWR: under 1.2:1 from DC to 250 MHz.
Impedance: 50 Ohms. Power Capability:
>5 kW below 30 MHz, 1 kW at 150 MHz.
Power requirements: 12 VDC @ 100 mA.
AC adapter supplied. Connectors: Teflon(R)
SO-239 for RCS-8V; N for RCS-8VN.
Control Box: 6Dx61/8W x21/4H inches.
Switch Box: 53/8Dx7Wx3H inches.

RCS-10 Remote Coax Switch with 8 positions

with just a single coax feedline.
The RCS-10 consists of two
units -- the weatherproof switchSuggested Retail
ing box that mounts on your tower
or mast and the control unit thats placed at
your operating station.




Outdoor Unit Features:

Inexpensive and simple wiring: selects

up to eight antennas using one four conductor telephone type control line.
High Power Capability: The RCS-10
relay box will handle over 5 kW into
matched loads below 30 MHz.


Ameritrons RCS-10 remote coax

switch selects one of eight antennas using
an inexpensive three or four conductor control line (such as standard telephone wire).
Eliminate a tangle of troublesome coax
and have a simple and neat installation --

Long Relay Life: UL/CSA/VDE

approved sealed relays with 16 ampere
switching current rating. Tested to withstand 1200V RMS. Flexible Mounting:
RCS-10 hardware accepts mast sizes from
1 inch to 2 inches. Reliable Connectors:
Teflon UHF-style SO-239 females, internal
barrier strip for control lines. Low Voltage:
Requires 10-15 Volts at less than 300 mA.
Number of Antenna Positions: 8.
Frequency Coverage: DC to 100 MHz.

Lightning Protected
model RCS-10L, $219.95
VSWR: Under 1.25:1 below 30 MHz;
Under 1.3:1 below 60 MHz; Under 1.8:1
below 150 MHz.
Impedance: 50 Ohms.
Power Capability: >5 kW into 50 Ohms
below 30 MHz.
Power Requirement: RCS-10, 10-15 VDC
or 120 VAC with AC adaptor supplied.
RCS-10X, 10-15 VDC or 230 VAC with
AC adaptor supplied. Relay Switch
Control Line: 4 conductors telephone-type
cable, not supplied. Relay Control Line
Voltage: 10-15 VDC at less than 300 mA.
Flexible Control Box with External
Interface: Accepts and outputs one-ofeight and outputs three-line BCD data to
remote relay unit. Highly Weather
Resistant: Sealed relays, stainless hardware, and U-V resistant cover. Easy-toRead Antenna Indicators: Eight widespaced LEDs indicate the selected antenna.
Size: Control Box:61/4Wx31/4Hx45/8D in.

AMERITRON . . . The Worlds High Power Leader




4:20 PM

Page 1

AMERITRON Automatic Remote Antenna Coax Switch

Automatically reads data from your transceiver and selects up to 8 pre-programmed antennas . . .
The RCS-12 is
an automatic
remote antenna
Suggested Retail
switch. It reads
information from the transceiver and
selects the pre-programmed antenna
automatically. Programming is as
easy as a push of a button. It works
with most Icom,Yaesu, Kenwood
and other rigs that have a band data
output line. It has a manual/automatic
switch that will allow manual selection of
antennas as well. It has eight LEDs to indicate which antenna is selected.
RCS-12 stops expensive antenna switching damage. No HOT switching with the
RCS-12! It's late at night, there's a run of
stations going, and the operator pushes a
button. SWR shoots up! Even if the SWR
Watch Protection kicks in, you still lose
your run frequency while you look to see
what happened, if you notice at all! At best
you only lose your run frequency; at worse
you lose an amplifier or antenna switch.
You've learned a painful lesson! The cost
of a blown bandswitch or antenna relay
pales in comparison to the price of a contest. You'll never know if this was your year
because a split-second error turned you from
a winner to a loser. It's another year before
you can try again.
With a properly connected and programmed RCS-12 it is impossible to pick
the wrong antenna. It is impossible to damage equipment by switching antennas while
You no longer have to hover over guest

from picking the wrong switch

position. When the radio changes
bands the RCS-12 goes to the last
antenna used for that band.
RCS-12 makes it impossible to
put the radio on the wrong antenna. Its impossible to switch
relays while the amplifier is on,
whether you are switching stacks,
directions, or antenna arrays or
any combination of the three.
RCS-12 works with four-squares, stacking
systems, directional arrays and other combos of up to 8 antenna selections.
Measures 81/4Wx21/4Hx7D. 1.5 lbs.
RCS-12, $309.95 includes automatic controller and 8 position relay box. Covers DC
to 100 Mhz and handles over 5KW @ 50
ohm below 30 MHZ. Powered with 1015VDC or with 120VAC adaptor, included.
Order RCS-12X for 220VAC operation.
RCS-12L, $349.95 RCS-12 with lightning surge protection.
RCS-12C, $239.95. Automatic
Controller only. 110VAC, compatable with
RCS-8V/RCS-10 outdoor relay boxes.
*Not compatible with Kenwood TS-480,
or TS-2000 transceivers.

operators like a mother hen; RCS-12 will

not let them make an antenna switching
mistake. Ameritrons RCS-12 is compatible
with virtually any antenna switching system.
It works with BCD or one-of-eight outputs,
and is fully compatible with 12 or 24 volt
relay systems.
RCS-12 can handle directional control of
two four-squares, or one four-square along
with an assortment of other antennas. It can
handle up to eight individual antennas. Any
single position or combination of positions
can be programmed for any particular band.
The operator pushes an antenna selector button and the RCS-12 takes over.
The RCS 12 monitors the amplifier keying line. It prohibits antenna relay transfers
while your amplifier is active. Simultaneously,
it remembers what antenna function the
RCS-12 to Rig pre-wired Cables . . . $24.95
operator called for. It switches at the first
For Icom 706, 7000, 718 rigs
amplifier drop. It holds the amp off until
For Icom ACC 2
switching is complete and relays are settled. DB-7DK
For Kenwood TS-2000, 570, 870
It monitors the band data from radios.
DB-DB8MK For Kenwood TS-480
For Yaesu FT-847 CAT Port
The internal band decoder knows which
For Yaesu FT-847 Tune Port
groups of switch positions are allowed on
For Yaesu FT-897/857/100/817/840/890/990
each band. It prevents a distracted operator DB-8MY2

For ALL Yaesu rigs with 8 Pin CAT


Ameritrons extended warranty plan is the

same as the original warranty, just extended
for the amount of months described on your
purchase invoice. The extended warranty
warrants to the purchaser that if the product
should fail during the agreed term, Ameritron
has the option to repair or replace part (s)
except tube and output transistors) and provide
necessary labor free of charge. Warranty
repair can only be done at the Ameritron
facility. Purchaser must return defective
product to Ameritron prepaid in its original
packing or equivalent. Ameritron is not responsible for loss or damage due to shipping.
Necessary labor done at Ameritron to
repair the product back to specifications.
Return shipping (within the United States at
Ameritrons choice of shipping) with insurance at replacement cost.
Repairs done by unauthorized Ameritron

facility. Returning of product to Ameritron

facility. Shipping and labor to replace light
bulbs and fuses accessible by the owner.
Parts damaged due to shipping damage.
Parts damaged due to misuse, neglect, intentional, accidental or improper installation.
Cosmetic defects, dents, scratches, peeling,
rusting, corrosion and chips. Maintenance
and cleaning. Flood, fire, lightning and any
other act of nature. PA tubes and RF Output
Transistors (shipping and labor are covered).
Unauthorized modifications made to the
product. Returning of product with no problem detected. Return shipping is NOT covered on products sent in for services listed
under What is NOT covered.
If your Ameritron product is still within
its original warranty, contact Ameritron by
phone, fax, mail or email with model of
product, serial number, date of purchase and
dealer purchased from.

If your Ameritron product was purchased

used or is out of its original warranty, the
product will need to be sent to Ameritron
production facility prepaid shipping for
1 Year ext. 2 Year ext.
Model # Warranty Warranty
Call 1-662$149.00
323-8211. Use AL-1500
the chart (right) AL-82
to order a one AL-572
year or two year AL-80B
extended war- AL-800H
ranty plan.
For full
details of the
warranty plan, ALS-500M
call Ameritron ATR-30
direct, 1-662323-8211. Customer must contact the
Ameritron factory before shipping.
Ship to address: Ameritron, 116 Willow
Road, Starkville, MS 39759.

For Technical Information or parts order: Call (662) 323-8211

For service, return amplifier with letter of explanation to:

AMERITRON, 116 Willow Road, Starkville, MS 39759, USA.
email: go to:
All products manufactured by AMERITRON have a one year limited warranty. Ameritrons AL-80B amplifier carries a two year limited warranty. *All transmitter tubes are warranted by the tube manufacturers. Prices and specifications subject to change without notice or obligation. *Except as noted. (c) 2014 AMERITRON.

AMERITRON is an authorized Eimac

Tube Distributor . . .

EimacR 3CX1200A7 - $1995 EimacR 3CX1200Z7, $1595 EimacR 3CX1500A7/8877 - $1650 IMPORT 3CX1500A7/8877, $695
GRAPHITE 3-500GZ - $219
EimacR 3CX800A7 - $945
IMPORT 3CX800F, $695
572B (1) - $59.95 811A - (1) - $24.95; (2 match) - $54.95; (3M) - $79.95; (4M)- $109.95


AMERITRON . . . The Worlds High Power Leader

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