Burning Feet Syndrome

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The passage discusses several potential causes of burning feet including lack of vitamins, poor footwear, nerve inflammation, diabetes, and provides home remedies and dietary changes that may help relieve symptoms.

Lack of niacin, poor footwear that doesn't allow air flow or retains moisture, allergies to dyes/chemicals, nerve inflammation, and diabetes are mentioned as potential causes of burning feet sensation.

Home remedies suggested include wearing leather shoes instead of synthetic, changing socks regularly, taking cold foot baths, treating any blisters or athlete's foot, and foot massage to increase circulation.

Burning Feet Syndrome, Sensation: Home

Remedies for Burning Feet

Posted on August 13, 2009 by mkr in Natural Home Remedies
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What Causes Burning Feet Sensation

Burning feet sensation mostly seems to be a cause of concern at night and is unbearable in some
cases. There is a specific factor affecting the burning feet syndrome. It is a lack of niacin
(vitamin B3). However, there are also several other possible causes, as discussed below

A secondary cause would be the use of shoes that do not allow the air to pass through or
the type of socks that retain perspiration.

Burning feet sensation can also be due to allergy to the dyes and chemicals in new
hosiery or used for tanning leather or the rubber compounds in athletic shoes.
Some times we may feel that these shoes smell like rubber.

Another possible cause of scorching soles and tingling feet could be nerve inflammation.

Diabetes mellitus can be one of the causes in elderly people.

Cure for Burning Feet Syndrome

People suffering from burning feet sensation should wear leather shoes and not
synthetic ones. If possible, socks should be changed halfway through each day.

Eat green leafy vegetables, if possible in raw form, as it is very healthy in this condition
and helps in early recovery as it contains enough vitamin B complex.

Niacin is found in richest form in brewers yeast. Other sources are wheat bran, wheat
germ, whole grain products, molasses, milk, green vegetables, beans, peas, peanuts, crude
molasses, yoghurt and egg yolk, should be taken regularly.

Home Remedies for Burning Feet

1. Niacinamide or Niacin (vitamin B3) should be added to the diet. Either one will
accomplish the task of eliminating the sense of burning feet. Niacin generally causes the

face to flush red and hot for a couple of minutes after swallowing it, while as it does not
happen with Niacinamide.
2. Vitamin B complex supplements- especially B1, B2 and pathothenic acid can reduce or
eliminate the nerve inflammation and burning feet and vitamin B6 and B12 can eliminate
the pins and needle sensation. Drink brewers yeast, stirred into water or any juice.
3. Cold foot baths will stimulate and give strength to the feet.
4. If your feet burn in one area (especially between your toes), a blister or athletes foot may
be developing.
5. In case the burning sensation of feet persists even after the above remedies it might be a

April 26, 2010 at 1:58 am

Burning feet syndrome is the unpleasant burning occurring in the feet usually at
night. There are several causes for burning feet, among them diabetes, vitamin
deficiency, are the main cause. The other cause can be decreased circulation in the
Control diabetes if present. Take vitamins B1, B6, B12 and niacin. Fruits and
vegetables contain plenty of vitamins and minerals in natural form, he can
consume in plenty.
Quit smoking and alcohol, smoking causes decreased circulation in the feet.
Keep feet in cold and warm water alternatively, for 5 to 10 minutes, it increases
the circulation.
Wear proper fitting shoes and shocks.
1. Jesse
May 8, 2012 at 1:48 pm
Eliminate gluten/wheat products entirely and see if that helps. Note that eliminating
gluten will not cure your problem overnight. It can take 6 months to 2 years to
completely heal. In my case it helped, but I still have flare ups during healing process.
Sometimes it interferes with my sleep at night. It remains flared up for a few hours, and
then goes away like nothing happened.
2. MS
May 27, 2012 at 1:14 pm

I have been leaving with the problem of burning sole for almost ten years. All the
doctors I have consulted end up by concluding to be a nerve problem. Can someone
suggest any medication? I am not suffering from vitamin deficiency or diabetes.
3. Lee
June 7, 2012 at 3:18 pm
My mother is 50 years and she is a diabetic. She has a bad foot burning problem and has
taken a lot of medicines prescribed by many doctors but she doesnt feel good. Kindly
suggest what we should do?
4. JW
June 7, 2012 at 10:18 pm
My mom is 50 years old and she is suffering from diabetes. Her glucose level is 113. She
is complaining of severe burning feet for which she has consulted many doctors and
taken many medicines, but the problem still persists. Is there any relief remedy in your
June 8, 2012 at 10:56 am
I too sympathize with her problem. As you know, the problem is related to
diabetes and it is called diabetic neuropathy. Taking vitamin B complex is
beneficial in this condition. The result is not very quick, it takes time but
gradually the problem is mostly reduced. She should eat more of green
vegetables, egg yolk, fruits, and food that contain vitamin B1, B6, B12. She
should wear leather shoes or sandals instead of synthetic one. She should also
control her blood sugar level.
5. MD
November 30, 2012 at 12:34 pm
My brother has burning sensation under his feet. He is 28 years old, what can be the
reason and how can it be treated.
December 1, 2012 at 9:21 am
Your brother should check his blood for blood sugar and thyroid function test.
There are several reasons for burning feet and one of them is diabetes.

Alcoholism, fungus infection, B vitamin deficiency, hypothyroidism can also give

rise to this problem. He can take vitamin B supplements. Eating green leafy
vegetables are also healthy as it contains natural vitamin B. foot massage and
exercise increases blood circulation and helps in reducing burning sensation.
Specific measure can be taken for diabetes and hypothyroidism. He should stop
alcohol if he is drinking regularly.
6. SZ
December 2, 2012 at 9:05 am
Burning feet is very annoying and distressful condition. Especially it becomes difficult to
have sound sleep at night. Does zinc and Amla (Indian gooseberry) are beneficial in
reducing the symptom of burning feet?
December 3, 2012 at 12:35 am
Zinc is a mineral that is required in small quantity in the body for different
metabolic purposes. It is found to be beneficial in burning feet syndrome. You can
take prescribed multivitamin and mineral supplement containing zinc after
consulting your health care provider. Vitamin B1, B6 and B12 are also found to be
useful in burning feet syndrome.
Many times diabetic patients complain of burning feet due to diabetic neuropathy.
Though there is not sufficient clinical data to suggest the benefit of Amla (Indian
gooseberry) in reducing burning feet, people who have used it for diabetes have
found their burning feet symptoms getting reduced.

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