Profibus Foundation Fieldbus As-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 Can/Open Devicenet Ethernet

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2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Abbreviation Process Field Bus Foundation Fieldbus Actuator Sensor Interface - Modicon Bus - - -
Available since Ca. 1990 Ca. 1996 Ca. 1995 Ca. 1988 Ca. 1979. Ca. 1995. Ca. 1996 Ca. 1975
Developer Originally Siemens, later the Fieldbus Foundation (US). AS-Interface Consortium Phoenix (Germany) Modicon / Gould / Groupe CiA (CAN In Automation) User Originally Allen-Bradley (US), Xerox (US)
Profibus Consortium (Germany) (Germany) Schneider (US) Group later the Open DeviceNet
Vendors Association (ODVA).

Number of members in main

User Group
National standards DIN 19-245 (Germany) ISA SP50 (US). - DIN 19-258 (Germany) - - - IEEE 802.3
European standards EN 13321/1 (FMS), EN 50254/2, EN 50170. EN 50295 EN 50254/1 - EN 50325/4 - -
EN 50170/2
International standards IEC 61158 Type 3 IEC 61158 Type ?? IEC 62026/2, IEC 947 IEC 61158 Type 8 - - ISO 8802.3
Industry standards SEMI E54.8 (DP) - - - - - -
Official website -
Non-official website - - - -
Email list available? Yes, at; the Yes, see None known. Yes, see Yes, see www.vector- There used to be an email list of
old list is at the Industrial Ethernet (but no Association, but this one is no
longer active). longer active.
OSI layers covered 1, 2, 7 1,2,7 1, 2, 7 1, 2, 7 2, 7 1, 2, 7. A specification for layer 1,2,7. 1, 2
5 (session management) exists
but is not often implemented.

Variants FMS, PA, FDL, DP (with H1, HSE V1.0, V2.0, V2.1, V2.11, V3.0 V1, V2, V3, V4, V4.6, ASCII, RTU (Remote Terminal V1, V2, V3, V4 plus minor 10Base2 (coax), 10Base5
subversions DP/E, DP/V1 and Interbus/Loop Unit) variations on these. (coax), 10BaseT (twisted-pair),
DP/V2) 100BaseTX (idem)
Most often used variant at DP/V1 H1, HSE V2.11 V4 RTU V4 10BaseT, 100BaseTX
this moment
Compatibility between these FMS and DP and FDL are Compatible, to the extent that the Backwards compatible. Backwards compatible. Both variants have the same Compatible when switches or
variants incompatible; but they can be protocol is identical, but the commandset but a different hubs are used that handle the
connected to the same network wiring different (can be transmission-format; they can conversions.
without problems. connected via bridge). not be both on the same
Variants that are not used FDL, FMS - V1.0 V1, V2, V3, Interbus/Loop ASCII V1, V2, V3. 10Base2, 10Base5
anymore or are seldomly
Intrinsically safe variant Yes (PA). Yes (H1). - - - No. No. -
Safety variant available? Yes (ProfiSafe). Under development. Yes (Safety At Work). Yes (Interbus Safety). - Yes (CAN/Open Safety). Yes (CIP Safety). -
Ethernet variant available? Under development (ProfiNet); HSE (High-speed Ethernet). No, this would make no sense. No, this would make no sense. Yes, Modbus/TCP. No. Yes (Ethernet/IP). -
first serious usable version
announced for end of 2005.

Profiles ProfiDrive, ProfiNet, various Analogue I/O. Drivecom, Encom, Mmicom, One (for semiconductor I/O, measuring devices, closed -
others for DP and FMS. Robocom, Weldcom. equipment). loop controllers, PLCs,
encoders, maritime devices,
drives, passenger info systems,
fluid power, inclinometers,
medical devices, truck
gateways, weaving machines,
road construction, building door
control, lift control, battery
chargers, extruders, injectors,
municipal vehicles
2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Other protocols that MPI (Multi-Point Interface) from - - - The French "J-Bus" is not CAL (CAN Application Layer), CAN/Open, SDS. -
resemble it Siemens (like FDL). officially a Modbus-1 variant, the predecessor of CAN/Open.
but for 99% compatible.
Specification of basic Only for members of the user's Only for members of the user's Only for members of the user's No. Yes, can be downloaded from Only for members of the user's Only for members of the user's Yes, can be downloaded from
protocol free? group; otherwise must be bought. group; otherwise must be bought. group; otherwise must be bought. the website. group. Others can get the group; otherwise must be the IEEE website
previous version for free from bought.
the website.

Specification of profiles No, must be bought from the No, must be bought from the user's Yes, can be downloaded from Yes, can be downloaded from Only for members of the user's -
free? user's group. group. the website. the website. group. Others can get the
previous version for free from
the website.
Stability of the system? FMS is stable since about 10 High. High, but the trick employed to High. High. High, although the CAN/Open High; the versions developed 20
years, but may be phased out. double the number of slaves can specification is known to be years ago are still compatible.
All new developments since not be done again. The handling of unclear at some points.
about 8 years are for DP and PA. analogue I/O has undergone a
ProfiNet is a completely new complete redesign.

Books about this system? Yes; 1 book about FMS (German Yes, mostly by ISA. 2. 8. - Three books specifically for Not known; but DeviceNet is 5; there are many other books,
/ English), but sold out. About a CAN/Open, but many books usually discussed in books but these are usually written for
dozen books about DP (mostly about CAN also discuss this about CAN. the office-user of Ethernet.
German, some English). protocol.
Available as shareware or - No. - - Yes (various). Also not very No, except for a partial No. -
open source? difficult to implement yourself. implementation by
Special hardware In principle not, but in practice Requires AS-Interface chips both No. No, not for the CAN/Open No, not for the Device protocol Yes, any available Ethernet
necessary? the special Profibus/DP for master and slaves. protocol itself, but for the lower itself, but for the lower OSI- controller chip.
controller chips are used. At OSI-layers a CAN-controller is layers a CAN-controller is
lower bitrates any UART may necessary. necessary.
work as well.
Most important PA: Foundation Fieldbus. DP: Profibus/PA. Interbus/Loop. AS-Interface, Profibus/DP. - Profibus/DP, DeviceNet. CAN/Open. -
competitor(s) Interbus, CAN.
Major supporting company Siemens (Germany) - Phoenix (Germany) Schneider - Allen-Bradley (US). -

Notes - - - - - CAN/Open is an extension of Ethernet itself is not a network,

the older "CAL" (CAN only a way of cabling. A higher-
Application Layer) whose level protocol (ProfiNet, IDA,
specification was lacking, too Ethernet/IP, Modbus/TCP, etc.
formal and too difficult to etc. etc.) is always needed.
understand for many users.

Applicable for No, too complex, and hardware No, too complex and hardware Yes, especially developed for this. Yes, via Interbus/Loop. No. Yes. Yes. No, hardware too large.
sensor/actuator I/O? too large. too large.
Applicable for remote I/O? Yes (DP only). Yes. Limited, can only have 4 digital I/O Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
channels of 2 analogue channels
per node.
Applicable for Yes (FMS for communication Yes (intended for process control No. Limited. Yes, but officially only for Yes. No. Yes.
communication between between controllers, PA for field devices such as transmitters, Modicon / Schneider
controllers, PC's, and/or instruments). valves, flow metes, controllers, controllers, although many other
intelligent equipment? etc.). controller vendors also support
Application areas Discrete industry (DP), process Process industry. Discrete industry, process industry Discrete industry. Discrete industry, process Many (see list of profiles Office automation; higher levels
industry (PA) partially (due to non-Exi). industry. above). of industrial networks.
2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Availability of interface Yes, several vendors. Yes, several vendors. Yes, several vendors. Yes, several vendors. Not needed when RS232 is Yes, several vendors. Yes, several vendors. Most modern PCs come with an
cards for PC's used; for RS422/485 a integrated Ethernet on the
converter can be used or a motherboard.
normal PC plug-in board.
Availability of protocol stack Comes with the PC card or the Comes with the PC card. Comes with the PC card or the Yes, comes with the PC card. In many cases the Windows or Comes with Windows or Linux
PLC. For DP, a network PLC. Linux support suffices. (virtually for free).
configuration package is also
Number of nodes installed 14 million (source: Profibus 10 million (source: AS-Interface 8 million (source: Interbus Unknown.
worldwide User's Group, May 2005). User's Group, May 2005). User's Group, January 2005).

Cable 2-wire. 2-wire. 2- wire (yellow AS-i cable), 4-wire (2 RX, 2 TX). Commonly used are either 2-wire. 5-wire. Coax (10Base2, 10Base5), 4-
possibly power-supply via extra 2- RS232 or RS422/485, although wire twisted pair (10BaseT,
wire cable (black or red). this is not formally specified. 100BaseTX).

Cable color Purple (DP), blue (PA); although Orange/blue (H1); although the Yellow (network + power 30V), Green; although the color is of Not specified. Not specified. Gray. Yellow (coax 10Base5), black
the color is of course not relevant color is of course not relevant for black (power 24V), red (power course not relevant for the (coax 10Base2), or usually grey
for the functionality of the the functionality of the network. 220V). functionality of the network. for all other variants.
network. HSE uses Ethernet cables.

Redundant cabling Not yet (only specification for H1 not possible; HSE uses No. Not yet. Depends on vendor. No. No. Yes .
possible? redundant slaves is now standard Ethernet mechanisms.
Fiber optic possible? Yes (via repeaters). Yes (via repeaters). No. Yes. Yes, depends on vendor. Yes, depends on vendor. Yes (via repeaters). Yes.
Power supply for nodes on Via separate connection Via the network itself. Via network itself (30V/8A), extra Via separate connection. Not specified. Via separate connection. Yes. Via separate connection.
the network (FMS,DP). With PA via the power (24V/8A) via black cable.
network itself.
Connector 9-pins sub-D connector (most Normal instrument wiring Via vampire tamps (most common) 9-pins sub-D connector. Not specified; often 9-pin sub-D 9-pins sub-D connector (most Various. 15-pins sub-D (10Base5), BNC
common); other connectors practice. or screw connector. is used, but the pinning is common); other connectors (10Base2), RJ45 (10BaseT,
possible. always different. possible. 100BaseTX).
Topology Bus (FMS, DP, PA), or chicken Bus, chicken feet (H1). Star Tree, bus, star. Bus, tree, star. Bus. Bus. Bus. Bus (10Base2, 10Base5), star
feet (PA). (HSE). (10BaseT, 100BaseTX).
Termination 3 resistors at both ends of the Combination of R and C, usually Not necessary. Not necessary (integrated in Not specified, depends on Resistor of 120 Ohm at both Resister of 120 Ohm at both 1 resistor at both ends of cable
cable (FMS, DP). Combination of available in termination block equipment). supplier (when using ends of the cable. ends of the cable. (10Base2, 10Base5 only).
R and C (PA). (H1). HSE does not have to be RS422/485).

Vulnerability for incorrect Nodes with terminators may not Operation with incorrect None. None. Nodes with terminators may not Nodes with terminators may not Nodes with terminators may not None.
termination be switched off or be removed termination is not defined, but be switched off or be removed be removed from the network be removed from the network
from the network. network may remain functional from the network (not applicable (however they may be switched (however they may be switched
(depending on network length for RS232). off). Too few or too many off). Too few or too many
and number of nodes). terminators can degrade terminators can degrade
network performance. network performance.

Signal transmission According RS485 (FMS, DP) or IEC 61158/2. AS-Interface specific. According RS485. According RS232 or According CAN datalink layer According CAN datalink layer Ethernet specific.
IEC 61158/2 (PA). RS422/485. specified in ISO 11898. specified in ISO 11898.
Maximum length (without 1200 m. 1900 m; depends on type of 100 m. Not applicable (every node is According RS232 (1560m), or 500m. 500m (10Base5), 200m
using repeaters). power system. automatically a repeater). RS422/485 (1200m). (10Base2), 100m between two
nodes (10BaseT, 100BaseTX).

Speed (bit rate) 9.6 / 19.2 / 93.75 / 187.5 / 500 31.25 Kbit/s (H1); 100 Mbit/s Always 167 Kbit/s. 500 Kbaud/s, or 2 Mbaud/s Not specified; usually not higher 10 / 20 / 50 / 125 / 250 / 500 / 125 / 250 / 500 Kbit/s. 10 Mbit/s (10Base2, 10Base5,
Kbit/s (FMS), DP like FMS but (HSE). with the new version. than 38,4 Kbit/s and most often 800 Kbit/s and 1 Mbit/s. 10BaseT) or 100 Mbit/s
also supports 45.45 Kbits and only 19,2 or 9,6 Kbit/s (lower (100BaseTX).
1.5 / 3 / 6 / 12 Mbit/s; PA only speeds are also possible).
supports 31.25 Kbit/s.
2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Stubs possible? Yes, with limitations (up to 1.5 Up to 200m (called "spur" in FF Yes (because of tree topology). Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes (only 10Base5)
Mbit/s only). terminology).
Repeaters possible? Yes, maximum 3 according to Up to 4 (H1). Yes, maximum 2. Not applicable (every node is Yes, according to RS422/485 Yes, although the CAN timing Yes. Yes, but nowadays usually hubs
standard, but more (up to 10..20) automatically a repeater). specification. requirements are very strict and or switches are used.
possible in practice (supplier- repeaters are not very
dependant!). commonly found.
Maximum length (when 10 km (copper), more than 90 km 9.5 km. 300m. 13 km (copper). Not known. Not applicable.
using repeaters). (fiber optic).
Speed configuration Via local switches or software Not needed for H1 (only has 1 Not necessary. Not necessary. Via local switches or software Via local switches or software Via local switches or software Not possible.
configuration; DP sometimes speed). HSE uses standard configuration. configuration. configuration.
have an autobaud feature. Not Ethernet mechanisms.
needed for PA (only has 1
Usage of switches. Switches don't exist. Only for HSE. Switches don't exist Switches don't exist. Switches don't exist. Switched don't exist. Switches don't exist. As of 2006 switches are common
in almost every Ethernet; hubs
are seldomly seen anymore.

Usage of hubs (multiport Hubs don't exist. Only for HSE. Hubs don't exist. Hubs don't exist. Hubs don't exist. Hubs don't exist. Hubs don't exist. Hubs are allowed; the maximum
repeaters). is limited by the higher level
protocols and/or the hardware
capabilities of the hubs and/or
the wiring used.
TCP/IP traffic possible? No. No. No. No. No. No. Yes.

Maximum number of nodes 32 (limitation of RS485). H1: depends on power 31 (V2.0) or 62 (V2.1). Less when 512. 2 (with RS232) or 32 64. 64. Practically no limits.
without using repeaters consumption of nodes and type analogue I/O or safety I/O is used. (RS422/485).
of power system; typically 8..16.

Maximum number of nodes 126 (= maximum 125 slaves + 1 H1: depends on power 31 (V2.0) or 62 (V2.1). Less when 512. 2 (with RS232), 250 127. 64. Practically no limits.
with use of repeaters. master). consumption of nodes and type analogue I/O or safety I/O is used. (RS422/485).
of power system; typically 8..16.

Network address Via local switches, or sometimes Via the network itself. Via network itself or cia Not necessary. Via local switches of software. Via local switches or software Via local switches or software Not necessary.
configuration. via the network itself (DP). configuration tool. Limited configuration. configuration.
automatic reconfiguration after
swapping defective nodes by an
identical node.
Network address configured None (FMS), 126 (DP/PA) in A set of temporary addresses is 0 (zero). Not necessary. Not necessary. None. 1. Every Ethernet-node has a
"out of the box". case no local switches are reserved for devices joining the worldwide unique 48-bit address
available. network (H1). (MAC-address).

Communication relations Multi-master (FMS), master/slave producer/consumer (also called Master/slave Master/slave. Master/slave. Master-slave, multi-master, Multi-master, but higher protocol
between nodes. (DP/PA), producer/consumer publish/subscribe), client/server. producer-consumer. layers can limit this.
Message destination. Point-to-point, multicast and Point-to-point, multicast and Point-to-point (between master and Point-to-point. Point-to-point, broadcast. Point-to-point, broadcast. Point-to-point, multicast, Point-to-point, multicast and
broadcast possible. broadcats possible. slaves). broadcast. broadcast possible.
Broadcast implementation. Use network address 127. Not possible. Not possible. Use network address 0. Note Via special CAN identifiers. Via MAC-address
that this is very often not FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF
implemented in a slave.
Network management. Via token-ring between masters; Via one of the link-masters Master/slave Master/slave. Master/slave. Master/slave; but slaves may Master/slave. CSMA/CD for 10Base5 and
otherwise master/slave. becoming the LAS (Link Active communicate amongst each 10Base2, and 10BaseT with
Scheduler). other via special CAN hubs. Software may determine
identifiers. additional management
strategies (such as token-bus,
master/slave, etc.).
2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Maximum number of No limitation (in practice usually No limitation (in practice usually 1. 1. 1. 1 (but the network-management No limitation.
masters. no more than 1). 2, often 3..4). master can be a different node
than the application master).

Routing possible? No, althoughit has been No. In a certain way; a network No. No. No. Depends on the higher-layer
prepared in the lower protocol may be built as a (max.) 16 protocols being used.
layer (FDL). level hierarchy of rings.

Maximum data in one 241 bytes (FMS), 244 bytes 244 bytes, 4 bits for inputs; 4 bits for outputs 8192 bits. 250 bytes (=125 registers or 8 bytes (in a so-called "Process 8 bytes. 1500 bytes.
message (DP,PA) but sometimes limited to (V2.0); as of V2.1 only 3 bits for 2000 single bits). Data Object").
32 (dependent on chip used). outputs available.

Minimum data in one 0 bytes. 0 bytes. 4 bits. 4 bits. 0 bytes. 0 bytes. 0 bytes. 46 bytes.
Overhead per message 9 bytes (SD2), plus 3 bits per 24 bits minus number of inputs 48 bits, plus 5 bits per byte. 47 bits, plus a variable number 47 bits, plus a variable number 38 bytes, plus minimal 46 bytes
byte. Also short transmit pause (max. 4) and minus number of of stuff bits (average ca. 5) of stuff bits (average ca. 5) in the data field. For small
between messages. outputs (max. 4). depending on the message depending on the message amounts of data a minimum
contents. contents. message is thus 672 bits long.

Number of messages 2*n (for inputs and for outputs). 2*n (for inputs and for outputs). 2*n (for inputs and for outputs). 1 (all inputs and all outputs are 4*n (for inputs and for outputs, Minimum 2*n (for inputs and for Minimum 2*n (for inputs and for 2*n (for inputs and for outputs).
needed for handling 'n' handled simultaneously). which must be handled via two outputs). However it is possible outputs). However it is possible
remote I/O modules separate commands). to work event-driven, so with to work event-driven, so with
Optionally 2*n, if the combined stable data less messages need stable data less messages need
read/write command is used to be sent. to be sent.
(often not supported).

Fault detection Balanced transmission per bit; Manchester coding per bit; parity Balanced transmission; 16 bit Paritybit per byte (optional); 8 Balanced transmission per bit; Balanced transmission per bit; 32 bit CRC per message.
parity bit per byte; 8 bits bit per message. CRC per message. bit checksum per message 15 bits CRC per message; 15 bits CRC per message;
checksum per message; (ASCII) or 16 bit CRC (RTU). automatic error counters with automatic error counters with
Hamming distance 4 on first and bus-off after exceeding limits. bus-off after exceeding limits.
last byte of a message.
Number of retries after a Configurable 1..8. 2. 3. Not specified; it is vendor- Indefinite (automatically Configurable. None (to be handled by higher
fault is detected. specific and this usually means handled by the CAN controller protocol layers).
that application program must chip).
handle the retries by itself.

Remote I/O
Cycle time calculation Calculate number of bits Per slave it takes 0,15 msec. Calculate size of the only Modbus has no standard for it, CAN/Open has no standard for Per remote I/O node this costs
transmission for inputs of slave, Multiply this with (amount of slaves message, which depends on therefor it is impossible to this, therefor it is impossible to 672 bits per message. Multiply
and also for the outputs. Add +2). the number of nodes and the calculate a cycle time in calculate a cycle time in this by twice the number of
overhead: twice 9 bytes, and add I/O per node. Divide this by the advance. Basically one can advance. The best case cycle slaves, and divide by 10 or 100
master and slave pause which bitrate. cycle I/O with separate time is calculated by having 2 Mbit/s. This is the theoretical
are bit rate dependent. Add 3 commands for read and for PDO's (for inputs and outputs) best cycle time (at 100% network
bits overhead per byte. Do this write of inputs and outputs, or per device in every cycle. To load). In practice software delays
for all slaves, and sum the with one command for this the master-overhead cause much longer (slower)
outcome. Divide by the bit rate. combined reading and writing. (vendor dependent) should be cycle times.
This gives a theoretically best This can either be done in added.
cycle time. ASCII or RTU, giving 4 different
methods to calculate a cycle
2006 R.A. Hulsebos. Profibus Fieldbus AS-Interface Interbus Modbus-1 CAN/Open DeviceNet Ethernet
Analogue I/O possible Yes. Yes. Yes. As of V2.1 this is standard, Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.
but about 8 times as slow as digital
I/O. As of V2.0 and earlier
analogue I/O had to be
programmed in the application,
and its speed thus became very

Maximum I/O per node 244 bytes for inputs and 244 4 bits digital inputs and 4 bits 16 bytes for inputs and 16 250 bytes for inputs and 250 8 Bytes data per event; multiple 1500 bytes for inputs and 1500
bytes for outputs in any digital outputs (V2.0); as of V2.1 bytes for outputs in any bytes for outputs in any events per node are possible bytes for outputs in any
combination analogue / digital. only 3 bits digital outputs. combination analogue / digital. combination analogue / digital. depending on the vendor. combination analogue / digital.
Maximum 2 analogue channels per
Configuration FMS is not standardized; the Via Device Description (DD) Via hand-held configurator or Via CMD software-package. No standard known. Each node has an "Object Via an "Electronic Data Sheet" No standard known.
specification for using GSD files files. master. Master can automatically Dictionary", which is usually set (EDS).
is hardly implemented. DP is detect defect slaves and their by the vendor. The master is
configured via GSD files and a replacement nodes, that do not often configured via
network-configurator. PA idem, have to be configured manually. configuration files for each
and it also has EDD files. node, but this is not strictly
Diagnostics at the network Which nodes are present and of Which nodes are present, and are Several bus errors, and their Not specified (vendor specific). Which nodes are present None (to be handled by higher
level what type (active or passive). they configured or not. physical location. ("node guarding"). protocol layers).
Counters for transmission errors,
Diagnostics at the node Part standard diagnostics bits Presence; configured; in use; Periphery error. A diagnostic command is None (handled by higher
level (specified by DP); remainder is periphery fault (V2.1 and higher). specified, although very often it protocol layers).
supplier-specific or profile- is not implemented,
Vulnerabilities Nodes with terminators that are Incorrect termination; improper Failure of power-supply; dual use Ring broken. Nodes with terminators that are Improper termination, short Improper termination, short Failure of hub/switch (10BaseT,
removed or switched off; short- grounding; short-circuit on the of network-addresses (especially removed or switched off; short- circuit of bus, duplicate circuit of bus, duplicate 100BaseT); or failure of the
circuit on the bus; dual use of bus (H1). address 0); ground fault. circuit on the bus; dual use of addressing. addressing. power-supply of that equipment.
network-addresses; incorrect network-addresses.
Can I/O nodes be removed Yes; this is detected. Yes; this is detected. Yes; this is detected. Yes; after switching off the Yes; this is detected if the Yes; this is detected (if switched Yes; this is detected (if switched Yes, but detection must be done
from a running network? node. master regularly communicate on for that node). on for that node). in higher protocol layers.
with that node (a timeout is the
Can I/O nodes be Yes. If node was configured Yes; this is detected. Yes. If node was configured Yes. If node was configured Yes. Yes (but there are Yes, if the node has been Is possible when supported by
connected to a running earlier, it is activated again. earlier, it is activated again. earlier, it is activated again. protocolstacks that depend on configured earlier. higher protocol layers.
system? the application to handle this).

What happens when a node Ignored. Its presence is reported; but the Ignored, after being reported to Reported to application. Ignored. Ignored. Depends on higher protocol
is connected that is not node is not used until is is application. layers.
configured? configured.
Synchronous reading of Yes; but only if supported by No. Yes (standard). - Yes. Is possible when supported by
inputs possible? supplier (it is an option in DP). higher protocol layers.
Not possible in FMS.
Synchronous activation of Yes; but only if supported by No. Yes (standard). No. Yes. Is possible when supported by
outputs possible? supplier (it is an option in DP). higher protocol layers.
Not possible in FMS.

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