Brief Profile of Claveria Cagayan

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Brief Profile of Claveria, Cagayan


Table of Key Facts

Land area (has.)
Municipal waters (has.)
Coastline length
Number of barangays
Major bays
Major rivers
Income classification
Total Population (latest, include year)
Major Industries

1,984 km2 or 19, 400 hectares

Babuyan Channel
Cabicungan and Pata rivers
4th class
30, 275

II. Coastal Management Profile

A. Institutional arrangements
The TWG for ICRMP is an active group composed of representatives of 40% peoples
organizations - cooperatives, POs, FARMCs academe (40%) and municipal offices
(60%). The LGU has designated a Focal Person for ICRM who is at the same the
designated MENRO and holder of a plantilla position as the Municipal Assessor,
making him one of the busiest persons at the LGU. The local executive
demonstrated leadership, openness to the ideas and participated in the activities
when possible.
B. Coastal zoning
Municipal water boundaries are not yet delineated and there is still an unsettled
dispute with Sta. Praxedes. The comprehensive land use plan needs updating.
Per Municipal Ordinance # 104-2000 regulates coastal, aquatic, and fisheries
resources utilization, conservation and management. Municipal coastal and
foreshore areas are divided into aquaculture zones, zone for stationery traps and
corals, zone for catching fry, marine sanctuaries, berthing area, habitat
conservation area, eco-tourism, and service areas for lighthouse, fish landings, for
beach resorts.
C. Fisheries management
Fishery management strategies in the Mun. Ord. # 104-2000 include zoning, catch
regulation such as seasonal closures on fry collection (i.e. ludong or goby),

collection of gravid crabs & crablets, area closure (seasonal and MPA), permit
system, fee and licensing of boats, gears (all active gears, compressor), trading fees
and concessions. While there are regulations on fish catch and efforts, maximum
sustainable yield has not been determined, a technical limitation recognized at
their level. BFAR conducts catch monitoring but data analysis is limited to their
own target objectives.
D. Marine protected area management
Five 95) MPA sites have been adopted. However, only the Taggat Norte MPA site
was delineated and has achieved Level 2 in MEAT ranking. A mangrove site was
also protected.
E. Natural and man-made hazard management
Hazards were identified in 2011 and upon which the annual MDRRM plans were
based. The plans consist of activities for the establishment of DRRM and emergency
response systems. The local radio station owned by the LGU and cell phone
networks issue the warnings. The early warning system is planned to be improved
The river bank rip rapping, facilitated through counter parting scheme with the
ICRMP, is almost completed. Other hazard mitigation actions are the promotion of
eco-friendly farming techniques like organic farming, a provincial ordinance banning
the burning of agriculture waste and promoting composting. The LGU has a plant
now pay later incentive scheme that provides for the payment for rice to the
farmer who applies a 50/50 combination of organic-synthetic fertilizer and produces
organic fertilizer that will be sold to other farmers.
Other local actions are coastal and river bank clean-up, solid waste segregation and
collection of the recyclable materials to be sold to junkshops. Only the segregated
recyclables are collected in the entire municipality. Unsegregated recycl ables are
not collected.
F. Climate Change Adaptation Management
There is no specific action plan on climate change adaptation. However, they
consider tree planting and greening as a climate change adaptation action.
Mangrove rehabilitation and protection and upland reforestation are also counted
as their initiative for climate change adaptation.
G. Threatened species
Mun Ord. # 104-2000 includes the local penalty for catching threatened species.
Municipal waters are part of the Babuyan channel, and thus, Claveria claims the
identified species with biodiversity importance like dolphins and whales. There is

also a regulation for catching locally threatened species like freshwater goby fish,
sabalo and fry, and mud crab that has high market value.
Another local action to protect/ save threatened species is the participation of the
MFARMC in the rescue and release of stranded marine wildlife like turtles and
marine mammals. Enforcement of laws and regulations are important contributions
of the council together with Bantay Kalikasan.
H. Water use and supply management
Identification of fresh water source was done a long time ago. Claveria was
recently given an award for having the cleanest water in the country. Estimation of
water resources has not done either yet. Claveria has several surface water
sources, being endowed with river, falls and springs. Claveria however does not
have a water use and supply management plan. Reforestation on watershed and
regular riverbank clean-up are conducted intermittently.

Pollution reduction and waste management

WACC has been conducted in previous years. Wastes are segregated in all barangays
and recyclables are collected through the MRFs while biodegradables are disposed
of at home back yards. There is no burning of agriculture waste and composting or
organic fertilizer production is being promoted. There is no industrial pollution in
the locality as there no industries. Agricultural practices and domestic waste are the
usual sources of pollution which is deemed to be at an insignificant level.


Compliance and enforcement

Enforcement of CRM-related regulations are undertaken by 32 deputized fish
wardens and the active MFARMC members. Most of the BRAFMC are active if not
all and recently, the MFARMC garnered a 2nd place award as best MFARMC in the
country. They have a center of operations near the coast, with patrol boats and fuel
supplies. Fifty percent (50%) of the cash award will be allocated for their operations
and 50% will be invested in livelihood project of the members.
The MFARMC has a set of logbooks to record operations, compiled reports, but they
have yet to learn and practice reporting-feedback system.

K. Monitoring
Monitoring activities have been conducted but there is no institutional program or
system for monitoring CRM , thus researches or other forms of information are not
put into use in planning or evaluation. For instance, the DENR conducts water
quality sampling, the BFAR RII conducts catch monitoring but the LGUs do not have
a copy of the results and do not consider these information in their planning.

III. ICM Profiling Score Sheet (see attached)

IV. Listing of Available documents




ICRM Annual Report - CY 2012



Municipal Environment Code of Claveria,
Mun. Ord #07, S. 2002
Mun Ord. #06, S. 2011 amending some
sections of the Mun Ord. # 07, S. 2000
entitled : an ord providing the dev't,
conservation, protection, regulation and
management of coastal fisheries & aquatic
resources within the jurisdiction of Claveria.
Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction &
Management Plan for 2012 & 2013

Taggat Norte MPA Management Plan for

2011-2013 (adopted)
Mun. Ord. #04-2011 declaring portion of
mun. water in Bargy. Taggat Norte as an
MPA of 2011











Source of




SB Sec


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