Republic of The Philippines Department of Environment and Natural Resources Asian Development Bank

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Environment and Natural Resources

Asian Development Bank

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AEA Technology In Association With GlobalWorks • CalRecovery • ENR Consultants






Project Team

Neil Varey, AEA Technology, Project Director

Luis F. Diaz, CalRecovery, Inc., Medical Waste & Technical Team Leader
Nick Allen, GlobalWorks, Disposal & Sector Coordinator
Reynor Rollan, ENR Consultants, Disposal
Horace Crowe, AEA Technology, Institutional
Levi Buenafe, GlobalWorks, Institutional
Richard Pook, AEA Technology, Financial
Agnes Palacio, GlobalWorks, Financial
Linda Eggerth, CalRecovery, Inc., Community Awareness
Grace Favila, ENR Consultants, Community Awareness
Manjit Kahlon, AEA Technology, Solid Waste
Roger Lopez, ENR Consultants, Social
Joey Sta. Ana, GlobalWorks, Solid Waste

September 2003 (revised)

1. Introduction 1

2. Historical Information 2
2.1 Waste Characteristics – 1982 2
Source: Norconsult, et al, 1982. 3
2.2 Waste Characteristics – 1997 3

3. LGU Capacity Building Activities 4

3.1 Waste Characterization Procedures 5
3.2 Technical Working Group Meeting 5
3.3 LGU Seminar 6
3.4 Site Specific Planning Sessions 6
3.5 Orientation and Training during Field Work 6
3.6 Public Education Activities 6

4. Waste Analysis and Characterization Studies conducted by LGUs. 7

4.1 Methodology used in Field Work 7
4.1.1 Planning and Mobilization 7
4.1.2 Waste Quantity Analysis 8
4.1.3 Bulk Density Analysis 8
4.1.4 Waste Composition Study 8
4.1.5 Moisture Content Determination 10
4.2 Summary of Results 10
4.3 Makati 15
4.4 Muntinlupa 19
4.5 Pasig 25
4.6 Quezon City 29
4.7 Valenzuela 33

5. Discussion 37

6. Recommendations 39

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Executive Summary

RA 9003 requires each city and municipality to develop a 10-year plan to manage its waste. An accurate
assessment of the waste stream is needed to design an ecological solid waste management system that will
meet the needs of each community.

This report provides an overview of previous WACS, a description of the activities undertaken by the
consultants, a presentation of the waste characterization studies conducted by five LGUs, a comparison of
current results with previous WACS, and concludes with recommendations.

It is important to note that the results of the waste characterization studies that are presented in this report are
the results of five separate studies conducted by the five LGUs. The purpose of the waste characterization
studies was to provide important information on waste that is currently being disposed to enable the LGUs to
develop well-founded solid waste management plans and programs. It is envisioned that as other LGUs in
Metro Manila complete analyses of their waste streams, and as the LGUs conduct further studies to determine
seasonality and to analyze recycling and illegal disposal, that the information from these studies would be
compiled to characterize the waste stream for all of Metro Manila. It is critical that reliable information on the
current waste stream be used as government agencies are moving forward with the implementation of the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

LGU Capacity Building Activities

A number of capacity building activities were conducted to assist the eight LGUs selected under the project in
the aspect of waste characterization. These included:

Procedure for conducting WACS – A comprehensive methodology was prepared that included
procedures for field work as well as safety procedures. The procedures were based the experience of
the consultants in conducting similar studies elsewhere. The methodology explains the procedure for
analyzing four types of data: composition, quantity, bulk density, and moisture content.

Training at a technical working group meeting -- A training session was held at a Technical Working
Group meeting on January 30, 2003. The purpose of the session was to provide an overview of the
methodology for conducting the various parts of a waste characterization study, to explain the data
sheets, and to answer specific questions from the LGUs.

Presentation at the LGU seminar/workshop -- The procedure for conducting WACS was described to
participants at the Seminar for LGUs held in Antipolo on March 10, 2003.

Meetings at the LGUs to conduct site-specific planning -- Planning meetings were conducted at each of
the LGUs planning to conduct a waste characterization study. The purpose of each meeting was to
define a framework specific to the LGU for collecting and analyzing waste characterization data.

Orientation and training during the field work – The field crew was trained in the areas of sorting
procedures and safety procedures. Assistance was provided during the initial stages of the fieldwork.

Public education activities -- Public education activities related to waste characterization that have been
conducted include: (1) press releases and media events; (2) fact sheet distributed at the National
Conference, to industry associations, to NSWMC and DENR, and to LGUs; (3) a training presentation;
and (4) training videos.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Methodology for Waste Characterization Studies

The methodology that was used in the studies conducted by each of the LGUs was based on the procedures
prepared by the consultants. The studies analyzed the disposed waste stream by type of generator, i.e.,
residential (low-income, middle-income, and high-income); commercial (malls, offices, restaurants, and
hotels/condominiums); markets, industrial, and institutional.

The WACS included the following elements:

Planning and mobilization – In addition to the training activities conducted by the consultants, the LGUs
were responsible for identification of a site for the field work, preparation of a schedule for sampling,
collection of equipment and supplies, as well as other logistics related to the field study.

Waste quantity analysis -- A vehicle count was conducted in order to estimate the quantity of waste
disposed at the disposal site(s) serving the LGU. The results of the vehicle count analysis were used
to calculate the volume of waste disposed per week for each generator type.

Bulk density analysis -- Representative samples of waste were collected, weighed, and logged. An
average bulk density for each generator type was calculated, and subsequently applied to the results of
the vehicle count analysis to calculate the mass of waste disposed for each generator type.

Waste composition study – Collected samples were manually sorted into categories, and the data
recorded. Information was analyzed to determine an average composition for each generator type.

Moisture content determination -- Samples of various components of the waste stream were collected
and dried. Moisture contents of the components were used to calculate an estimated average air-dry
moisture content for the entire waste stream.

Results of Waste Characterization Studies

WACS have been conducted by the following of the LGUs selected for participation in the project: Makati,
Muntinlupa, Quezon City, Pasig, and Valenzuela.

Table E-1. Summary Results of Disposed Waste Characterization Studies Conducted by LGUs
(Spring 2003)

Component Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon City Valenzuela

Tonnes/year* 87,200 80,400 102,067 532,100 60,200
Population** 421,308 366,674 528,179 2,301,261 519,227
Average kg/cap-day 0.57 0.60 0.53 0.63 0.32
Bulk Density (avg. kg/cu m) 92 172 139 218 159
Composition (% wet wt.)
Paper 14.7 10.2 12.4 14.1 11.3
Glass 2.4 3.1 5.0 3.4 1.4
Metals 2.7 3.9 11.6 3.6 3.1
Plastic 25.0 28.1 20.9 21.4 28.3
Kitchen/Food Waste 32.6 29.1 23.1 39.9 38.0
Other Organic 18.9 20.4 18.9 14.8 14.2
Other Inorganic 3.5 5.0 6.7 2.4 2.2
Hazardous/Special 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.4 0.6
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Moisture Content (avg. % air dry) 41 29 33 67 38
*Quantity of waste disposed estimated for Pasig based on results of other cities.
**Population based on data from National Statistics Office for 2003.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table E-1 presents a summary of the key results. As shown in the table, the reported per capita rate for
disposed waste ranges from 0.32 kg/cap-day in Valenzuela to 0.63 kg/cap-day in Quezon City. There is a
wide range in the reported average bulk density of the waste, from 92 kg/cu m in Makati to 218 kg/cu m in
Quezon City. Similarly, there is a wide range in the reported moisture contents of the waste, from 29% in
Muntinlupa to 67% in Quezon City.

The estimated composition of disposed wastes for each of the LGUs that conducted the WACS is presented in
Figures E-1 through E-5. As shown by the information presented in the figures, the major components of the
waste disposed at the LGUs consist of kitchen/food waste, plastics, other organics, and paper.

Inorganic Hazardous/
4% Special
Other Organic



Food Waste

Figure E-1. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Makati (% wet wt.)

5% Paper
10% Glass
Other Organic Metals
21% 4%


Food Waste

Figure E-2. Composition of Disposed Waste – Muntinlupa (% wet wt.)

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Inorganic Special
1% Paper
Other Organic


Food Waste Plastic
23% 21%

Figure E-3. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Pasig (% wet wt.)

Inorganic Hazardous/
2% Special
<1% Paper
Other Organic 14%



Food Waste

Figure E-4. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Quezon City (% wet wt.)

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Inorganic Hazardous/
2% Special
Other Organic 11% Glass
14% 1%


Food Waste

Figure E-5. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Valenzuela (% wet wt.)


Based on the results of the waste characterization work, the following recommendations are made:

Every LGU in Metro Manila should be encouraged to conduct a WACS as soon as possible. The LGUs
that did not participate in this program should make every effort to follow the procedures and
methodologies suggested in this report such that all of the data collected can be compared.

LGUs that participated in this program should conduct another waste characterization study in 6 to 9
months to refine the data and to collect additional information. Thereafter, the study should be
repeated every two years.

A standardized reporting format should be prepared for use by the LGUs.

Emphasis should be placed on the collection of accurate quantity data by generator type, including bulk
density analyses.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Analyses should be conducted on recycling and illegal disposal by each LGU. Data on disposed waste
quantities should be combined with those for recycled materials and illegal disposal to determine the
quantity of waste generated.

Planning should be conducted based on LGU-specific information if possible, rather than generalized
per capita generation rates or “national averages” for waste composition.

Additional training should be provided to LGUs in the utilization of the results of waste characterization
studies in the planning process.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

1. Introduction
The growing quantity of municipal solid waste generated in the 17 cities and municipalities comprising Metro
Manila must be managed effectively to provide sound public health and environmental protection. An
accurate characterization of the waste stream is crucial to design an ecological solid waste management
system that will meet the needs of the community. An understanding of waste generation rates and
characteristics is critical in determining present and future needs and in designing the facilities/equipment that
will provide effective waste management.

Accurate information on the quantity of waste that is generated (recycled and disposed) is not currently
available. Quantities of disposed waste are typically estimated based on a standard per capita generation rate
that is fixed for every community, regardless of demographics. Inasmuch as most disposal sites do not
currently have weigh scales, when quantity determinations are made they are based on simple vehicle counts
and volumetric estimations, which may not take into consideration how full the vehicle is, i.e., at what percent
of capacity. Additional errors may be introduced during the process of converting volumetric estimates to
mass, since there is a great variability in the bulk density of waste from different types of generators.

Estimates of levels of recycling have in the past been based primarily on data compiled by one of the NGOs
that collects recyclable materials from households and has a cooperative of junk shops (Linis Ganda
Foundation). Although this information is valuable, it is apparent that much recycling takes place outside of
this entity. The consultants conducted a review of junk shops and a market study, the results of which are
presented in a separate report.

RA 9003 requires each city and municipality to develop a 10-year plan to manage its waste. A waste analysis
and characterization study (WACS) should be conducted in each city/municipality to collect the data to
prepare a well-conceived plan.

Accurate and reliable information on the quantity and characteristics of waste being disposed is important for a
number of reasons. Some of the key reasons include:

Design of storage system – A sound understanding of the quantity and bulk density of the waste produced
by different types of generators allows the determination of the number, type and size of the containers
required for storage.

Design of collection system – The number of collection vehicles, frequency of collection, and design of
routes should be based on the quantity and volume of the waste that is to be collected. This becomes
increasingly important as segregated collection is implemented, as more than one collection service is
provided. Proper design allows the efficient use of vehicle capacity, irrespective of the type of vehicle (e.g.,
compactor, dump truck, tricycle, pushcart), thus minimizing collection costs.

Development of diversion strategies – Programs to increase diversion (recycling) should be implemented in

phases, concentrating first on those activities that will divert the largest quantities of waste at the lowest
cost. The results of a WACS allows the LGU to identify large quantities of potentially recoverable materials
that are being disposed. For example, the results of the waste characterization study conducted by
Muntinlupa identified large concentrations of kitchen/food waste being disposed by markets, and the LGU
has decided to implement programs to recover and compost that material.

Design of processing facilities –MRFs (including composting facilities) need to have adequate capacity to
accept and process materials. If the facility has inadequate capacity, materials tend to be stockpiled and
create an eyesore and potential negative public health and environmental impacts. On the other hand, if
the design capacity of the facility is larger than needed, the facility is underutilized and is not cost efficient.

Identification and development of markets – Markets for recovered materials should be identified early in the
planning process. Types and quantities of materials that could be recycled can be estimated based on the
results of the WACS.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Various training activities were undertaken by members of the project team to assist the local government
units (LGUs) in conducting a waste characterization study, including: preparation of a procedure for
conducting WACS, training sessions at a technical working group meeting and at the LGU seminar/workshop,
several meetings at each one of the LGUs to conduct site-specific planning, orientation and training during the
field work, and public education activities. The project team provided assistance during the fieldwork and in
the analysis of data.

This report provides an overview of previous WACS, a description of the activities undertaken by the
consultants, a presentation of the waste characterization studies conducted by five LGUs, a comparison of
current results with previous WACS, and concludes with recommendations.

It is important to note that the results of the waste characterization studies that are presented in this report are
the results of five separate studies conducted by the five LGUs. The purpose of the waste characterization
studies was to provide important information on waste that is currently being disposed to enable the LGUs to
develop well-founded solid waste management plans and programs. It is envisioned that as other LGUs in
Metro Manila complete analyses of their waste streams, and as the LGUs conduct further studies to determine
seasonality and to analyze recycling and illegal disposal, that the information from these studies would be
compiled to characterize the waste stream for all of Metro Manila. It is critical that reliable information on the
current waste stream be used as government agencies are moving forward with the implementation of the
Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000.

2. Historical Information
The results of previous waste characterization studies are reviewed, because of their importance in providing
a perspective on the waste management situation today.

2.1 Waste Characteristics – 1982

A waste characterization study was conducted in 1982 as part of a comprehensive study that included the
development of a solid waste management plan for Metro Manila.1 The results of the composition analysis
are presented in Tables 1 and 2 for residential and non-residential waste generation, respectively.

Table 1. Composition of Residential Waste (1982)

% Composition (by weight)

Component Low- Middle- High Total
Income Income Income Residential
Paper 7.3 13.6 8.7 9.1
Cardboard 2.5 5.7 5.1 3.8
Food and Kitchen Waste 36.2 43.2 26.5 35.8
Textiles 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.8
Rubber and Leather 2.1 1.4 .7 1.6
Plastic, Film 5.7 6.4 2.7 5.2
Plastic, Hard 1.7 1.9 1.3 1.7
Yard Waste 6.2 3.8 26.4 9.9
Other Combustible 4.1 3.9 4.2 4.1
Metals 5.5 7.3 4.7 5.8
Glass 3.9 3.1 2.7 3.5
Other Non-combustible 3.4 2.2 2.7 3.0
Screenings 19.4 5.7 12.8 14.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Norconsult, et al, 1982.

Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Study: Waste Stream Characterization, Prepared by Norconsult A.S., Cal
Recovery Systems, Inc., and Engineering-Science, for the Republic of the Philippines, May 1982.
Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 2. Composition of Selected Non-Residential Waste Streams (1982)

% Composition (by weight)

Component Market Commercial Industrial Institutional
Paper 4.3 23 20 20
Cardboard 1.8 23 10 5
Food and Kitchen Waste 70.6 13 2 17
Textiles 1.5 1.5 1
Rubber and Leather 1.5 1.5
Plastic, Film 3.2 11 15 13
Plastic, Hard 0.3 4 5 1
Yard Waste 14.5
Other Combustible 0.6 7 25 13
Metals 0.3 9 12 10
Glass 0.4 5 9
Other Non-combustible 0.1 2
Screenings 3.9
Special and Hazardous Waste 2 8 9
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: Norconsult, et al, 1982.

2.2 Waste Characteristics – 1997

The latest waste characterization study for MSW in Metro Manila was conducted in 1997 under JICA.2 The
waste characterization surveys were conducted in April and June, 1997, to determine the characteristics of the
waste during dry and wet seasons.

According to the report, a total of 3,402 samples (approximately 15 tons total) were collected at the point of
generation from nine types of waste generators: residential areas (low, middle, and high income); commercial
establishments (restaurants, other shops); institutions; markets; street sweepings; and dredged materials from
rivers. The samples were obtained from three areas identified as being representative of the entire Metro
Manila area: Quezon City, Makati, and Parañaque. The samples that were collected from each generator
type were mixed and subdivided following a procedure similar to cone and quartering until the mixture reached
a volume between 30 and 50 liters; the reported average was 25 liters (approximately 5 kg). The 25-liter
samples were used for determining the composition and other characteristics of the waste for the various
generator types. Unit generation rates were calculated and extrapolated to all generators using population
data for 1995 for residential generation and using available information on the number of businesses, number
of stalls in markets, etc. for non-residential generation.

In addition to the analysis of waste generation described above, the JICA waste characterization study
included a vehicle count and interviews. Vehicles entering disposal sites were counted and volumes
estimated. Volume was converted to mass using average weights of representative vehicles obtained at a
weighbridge. Interviews were conducted with various groups involved in waste management, e.g., the public,
scavengers, collection crews, etc. Based on the results of interviews, the JICA project team developed
estimated unit rates for recycling (i.e., grams/person-day at the household level, grams/collector-day during
the collection process, etc.), and the unit rates were applied to all LGUs. Quantities of illegally disposed waste
were calculated by subtracting disposed quantities (obtained from the vehicle count) and recycled quantities
(estimated from the interviews) from generated quantities (determined from the generator analysis).

Summaries of the results of the composition analysis of generated waste are presented in Tables 3 and 4 for
residential and selected non-residential waste streams, respectively.

The Study on Solid Waste Management for Metro Manila in the Republic of the Philippines, Final Report,
Prepared by Pacific Consultants International for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), March 1999.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 3. Composition of Residential Waste Streams (1997)

% Composition (by weight)

Component Low- Middle- High Total
Income Income Income Residential
Kitchen Waste 42.00 49.97 41.97 45.82
Paper 13.82 15.90 17.62 15.39
Textile 7.39 2.76 1.81 4.33
Plastic 17.18 15.58 11.79 15.6
Grass and Wood 7.31 5.25 14.84 7.45
Leather and Rubber 1.13 0.39 1.34 0.80
Metal 4.92 6.35 4.03 5.47
Glass 3.24 1.85 4.05 2.69
Ceramic and Stone 1.44 1.13 1.23 1.26
Others (Soil, etc.) 1.66 0.84 1.34 1.19
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: JICA, 1999.

Table 4. Composition of Selected Non-Residential Waste Streams (1997)

% Composition (by weight)

Component Market Restaurant Other Institutional
Kitchen Waste 57.88 54.56 30.85 20.08
Paper 15.45 15.52 27.28 47.12
Textile 1.76 1.06 4.34 1.84
Plastic 13.54 15.45 17.16 15.91
Grass and Wood 7.68 4.23 1.95 2.38
Leather and Rubber 0.52 0.11 0.90 0.69
Metal 1.34 5.94 5.36 4.89
Glass 0.90 2.59 10.60 2.15
Ceramic and Stone 0.56 0.45 0.90 0.85
Others (Soil, etc.) 0.40 0.13 0.69 4.11
Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Source: JICA, 1999.

The results of the study conducted by JICA indicated that the per capita waste generation for residential waste
in the high-income areas was 0.50 kg/day; in middle-income areas, 0.45 kg/day; and in low-income areas,
0.34 kg/day. The weighted average ‘waste’ generation for households of Metro Manila based on the
distribution level of income of the study area was calculated as 0.42 kg/capita/day. At that time this equated to
an aggregated total for Metro Manila of 5,345 tonnes per day.
The study also estimated that the sources of waste that comprised MSW were:

48% from residential sources;

26% from informal settlers; and
26% from commercial and industrial sources.

The results of the apparent specific gravity indicated that the average for MSW was 0.20 kg/liter.
Furthermore, the average moisture content for household waste was 45.8%, and that for the entire MSW
stream was 45.0%.

3. LGU Capacity Building Activities

Various capacity building activities were conducted by the project team to assist the eight LGUs selected
under the project in the aspect of waste characterization. These included:
Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

preparation of procedures for conducting WACS,

training at a technical working group meeting,
presentations at the LGU seminar/workshop,
meetings at the LGUs to conduct site-specific planning,
orientation and training during the field work, and
public education activities.

3.1 Waste Characterization Procedures

The consultants developed comprehensive procedures for conducting waste characterization studies for
disposed waste in Metro Manila (Annex 1). The procedures were adapted from those prepared for a similar
study conducted in several other countries and most recently in Mongolia,3 and are appropriate for waste
characterization studies conducted in countries where financial resources are scarce. The detailed
procedures have taken into consideration the guidelines/procedures included in the IRR for RA 9003 (Annex
2). The procedures were also reviewed and adopted by the NSWMC.

The procedures describe the four types of data to be collected during the waste characterization analysis:

Composition – Samples are taken from collection vehicles for sorting. Samples are selected to ensure
that the various sources of waste are addressed, e.g., residential (low-income, medium-income, and
high-income), large commercial, industrial, and markets.

Quantity – Data on the waste collected by the city contractor and by private haulers are collected. The
quantity is determined by weighing every vehicle or by volume (using accurate bulk density data) when
weight measurements are not possible.

Bulk density – The bulk density of the various waste streams is measured in order to determine the
quantity (in tons) of waste disposed.

Moisture content -- Measurements are made to provide information that is important to the design of

In addition, the methodology includes a section entitled Safety Procedures and Guidelines provided to protect
the health of the personnel participating in the waste characterization process.

3.2 Technical Working Group Meeting

A training session was held at a Technical Working Group meeting on January 30, 2003. The meeting was
attended by representatives of the LGUs selected under this project, as well as representatives of NSWMC
and DENR. The focus of the meeting was to provide an overview of the methodology for conducting the
various phases of a WACS, to explain the content and procedure for completing the data sheets, and to
answer specific questions from the LGUs.

The presentation consisted of two main parts:

Slide presentation – A pictorial overview was presented from actual waste characterization studies
conducted by the consultants throughout the world. The presentation includes photographs showing
the measuring of vehicles (to determine the quantity of waste disposed), selection of samples for
sorting, actual sorting, weighing of sorted samples, and moisture content analysis. Participants in the
meeting indicated that viewing of actual photographs was very helpful in understanding the procedure.
A copy of the presentation is included in Annex 3.

Waste Characterization Study, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Winter-Summer 2002, Prepared by CalRecovery, Inc. for
the World Health Organization, August 2002.
Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Review of procedures – The written procedures were then reviewed, with particular emphasis being
placed on the procedures for completing the data sheets.

3.3 LGU Seminar

The procedure for conducting waste characterization studies was described to participants at the Seminar for
LGUs held in Antipolo on March 10, 2003. The presentation was based on the procedures developed by the

3.4 Site Specific Planning Sessions

Planning meetings were conducted at each of the LGUs planning to conduct a WACS. The following
meetings were held:

Makati 4th February 2003

Muntinlupa 7th February 2003
Quezon City 18th March 2003
Pasig 19th March 2003
Valenzuela 8th May 2003

The purpose of each meeting was to define a framework specific to the LGU for collecting and analyzing
waste characterization data. Specifically, the following topics were addressed:

types of generators in the LGUs, including primary types of businesses,

current collection and disposal practices for each of the generator types,

procedure for collecting quantity data for each generator type,

specific areas of the city from which each type of waste could be collected,

equipment and supplies needed, and

location and logistics of the fieldwork including safety procedures.

3.5 Orientation and Training during Field Work

The first waste analysis and characterization study was conducted in Makati. All of the personnel involved in
the project were first trained in the classroom on the various procedures regarding the program. A training
session for inexperienced sorters was carried out at the start of the sorting work. The methodology to be
followed for sorting was delineated, stressing the importance of safety and the accuracy of the work. The
different components to be sorted were clearly explained and shown to ensure reliable data from the sorting

A practical sorting demonstration was performed to allow the sorters to fully understand the tasks to be
conducted. Safety precautions (Annex 1) were reviewed with sorting personnel prior to the conduct of the field

Representatives from all other LGUs, as well as other interested parties, were invited to observe the WACS in

3.6 Public Education Activities

A number of public education activities related to waste characterization have been conducted. These
activities are briefly described here. A more detailed description of these activities is provided in a separate
project report, Community Awareness Strategies, No. 10.
Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Press release and media event – A press release was prepared for the first WACS, conducted in
Makati. Media were invited to attend, and coverage showing the DENR Secretary at the event was
published (see examples of news clippings Community Awareness Strategies, No. 10). The interest on
the part of media appeared to be primarily directed at the participation of the DENR Secretary, rather
than in the waste characterization work itself.

Fact sheet – The project team prepared informational material to meet the need for factual information,
simply written, that could be distributed widely. A one-page fact sheet, containing photos and data,
was prepared on the subject of waste characterization. The material was intended to provide accurate
information in an easy-to-read format. The fact sheet was: (1) included in the conference kit for the
National Solid Waste Management Conference for Barangays held on April 14-15, 2003 (approximately
1500 participants); (2) faxed or e-mailed to industry associations in conjunction with Earth Day; and (3)
provided to the NSWMC and the EEIO for duplication and distribution as they saw fit. In addition,
copies of the fact sheet were provided to the selected LGUs for distribution to each barangay.

Training presentation – The presentation made at the Technical Working Group meeting was expanded
and submitted to DENR for use in conducting training sessions in other areas of the country.

Training videos – (1) The DENR Public Affairs Office prepared a video based on footage taken at the
WACS conducted in Makati. Voice over was added in Tagalog. (2) The City of Muntinlupa prepared
an instructional video in English based on their experience in planning and conducting a waste
characterization study and using footage taken during the fieldwork.

4. Waste Analysis and Characterization Studies conducted by LGUs.

During the project, WACS were conducted by the following of the LGUs selected for participation in the

Quezon City

The consultants developed the procedures for the WACS and conducted training for the LGUs. The WACs
were conducted by the LGUs, and data were entered and analyzed by the LGUs. The project team conducted
further analysis and compilation of the data for presentation in this report

4.1 Methodology used in Field Work

An overview of the methodology used in conducting the studies at each of the LGUs is discussed below; the
detailed procedures are included in Annex 1. The methodology includes a comprehensive description of the
procedures necessary to plan, mobilize, and conduct a WACS. The study consisted of four types of analyses:
waste quantity, bulk density, waste composition, and moisture content.

4.1.1 Planning and Mobilization

The overall logistics of the work were carefully analyzed. Planning and mobilization activities included: (1) a
training workshop for representatives of the LGUs; (2) a planning meeting to review the logistics; (3)
assembling a team of individuals to participate in the study; (4) identification by the LGU of a site for the field
work; (5) preparation by the LGU of a schedule for sampling; (6) collection by the LGU of equipment and
supplies; and (7) orientation for the sorters, including health and safety training.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.1.2 Waste Quantity Analysis

A vehicle count was conducted in order to estimate the quantity of waste disposed at the disposal site(s)
serving the LGU, inasmuch as truck scales were not available.

The height, width, and length (in meters) of the incoming loads of waste were measured. The date, type of
load (by type of generator), and measurements were recorded on a data sheet (Annex 1). The generator
types analyzed during the study varied somewhat for each LGU, but generally included:

Low-income residential
Middle-income residential
High-income residential

For the commercial sector, the loads were subcategorized by some LGUs (e.g., as malls, offices, restaurants,
and hotels/condominiums) in order to allow for additional analysis of these sectors.

The results of the vehicle count analysis were used to calculate the volume (in cubic yards) of waste disposed
per week. In Muntinlupa, quantity information was obtained by generator type. In Quezon City and
Valenzuela, it was not possible to collect information by generator type, and data was reported for the total
waste stream. Makati chose to use an alternate method of quantifying its waste. The unit generation rates
that were determined during the fieldwork were extrapolated for the entire generator sector.

4.1.3 Bulk Density Analysis

A representative sample (approximately 100 to 150 kg) was collected from each of the vehicle loads
designated for sampling each day. The standard procedure for collection of the representative sample was to
discharge the vehicle load into a longitudinal pile, and to collect a portion of the sample from each of the four
quadrants of the longitudinal pile.

The date, source of the sample, generator type, and gross and tare weights were recorded for each sample.
A container of known volume was loosely filled and weighed.

An average bulk density for each generator type was calculated, and subsequently applied to the results of the
vehicle count analysis to calculate the mass (in kg) of waste disposed for each generator type.

The sample collection process is shown in Figure 1. The workers in the process of obtaining the weight of the
sample for calculating the bulk density are shown in Figure 2.

4.1.4 Waste Composition Study

The LGUs were instructed to collect approximately 60 representative samples (100 to 150 kg each) during the
one-week sampling period, which would result in approximately 30 to 45 tons of waste being sorted for
purposes of characterizing the disposed waste stream. The number and mass of the samples actually
collected varied with each LGU depending on availability of collection vehicles for each generator type
The representative samples were taken to the designated sorting area. The samples were manually sorted
into different categories, the sorted materials were weighed, and the data recorded on a data sheet (see
Annex 1). After the materials were weighed, the waste was disposed.

The information on the data sheets was analyzed to determine an average composition (% wet wt.) for each
generator type. The average compositions were applied to the quantity data (in kg) to calculate the quantity of
each material type that is disposed by each of the generator types and by the LGU as a whole. The sorting
process is shown in Figures 3 and 4.
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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Figure 1. Collection of Representative Figure 2. Weighing of Representative

Sample from Vehicle Load Sample

Figure 3. Sorting of Sample into Figure 4. Weighing of Sorted

Components and Subcomponents Components

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.1.5 Moisture Content Determination

An analysis of the moisture content of key components of the waste stream was conducted as part of the
WACS. Due to the lack of laboratory equipment, a procedure was used to obtain the moisture content of the
samples on an air-dry basis. Containers were obtained and weighed. Samples of various components of the
waste stream were collected, placed in the containers, and weighed again. After weighing, the samples were
air dried for a period of 10 days. After the materials were air dried, they were weighed once again, and the
weight was recorded.

The moisture contents of the components were used to calculate an estimated average air-dry moisture
content for the entire waste stream.

4.2 Summary of Results

A summary of the results of the waste analysis and characterization studies conducted by each of the LGUs is
presented in Table 5. Additional details for each LGU is provided in Sections 4.3 through 4.7 of the report.

Table 5. Summary Results of Disposed Waste Characterization Studies Conducted by LGUs

(Spring 2003)
Component Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon City Valenzuela
Tonnes/year* 87,200 80,400 102,067 532,100 60,200
Population** 421,308 366,674 528,179 2,301,261 519,227
Average kg/cap-day 0.57 0.60 0.53 0.63 0.32
Bulk Density (avg. kg/cu m) 92 172 139 218 159
Composition (% wet wt.)
Paper 14.7 10.2 12.4 14.1 11.3
Glass 2.4 3.1 5.0 3.4 1.4
Metals 2.7 3.9 11.6 3.6 3.1
Plastic 25.0 28.1 20.9 21.4 28.3
Kitchen/Food Waste 32.6 29.1 23.1 39.9 38.0
Other Organic 18.9 20.4 18.9 14.8 14.2
Other Inorganic 3.5 5.0 6.7 2.4 2.2
Hazardous/Special*** 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.4 0.6
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Moisture Content (avg. % air dry) 41 29 33 67 38
*Quantity of waste disposed estimated for Pasig based on results of other cities.
**Population based on data from National Statistics Office for 2003.
***Primarily, paint residues and small batteries.

The waste compositions for the low-income residential, middle-income residential, high-income residential,
market, industrial, and institutional sectors are compared for the five LGUs in Figures 5 through 11.

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Composition of disposed waste (% wet wt)










Makati Muntinlup Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
. City/Municipality City

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 5. Composition of Disposed Waste from Low-Income Residential Sector – All LGUs (% wet wt.)


Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)









Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
City/Municipality City

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 6. Composition of Disposed Waste from Middle-Income Residential Sector – All LGUs (% wet

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Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)








Makati Muntinl Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
upa City/Municipality

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 7. Composition of Disposed Waste from High-Income Residential Sector – All LGUs (% wet wt.)


Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)









Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
City/Municipality City

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 8. Composition of Disposed Waste from Market Sector – All LGUs (% wet wt.)

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report



Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)









Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon Valenzuela

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 9. Composition of Disposed Waste from Industrial Sector – All LGUs (% wet wt.)


Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)









Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
City/Municipality City

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 10. Composition of Disposed Waste from Institutional Sector – All LGUs (% wet wt.)

Figure 11 provides a comparison of the combined waste stream (all generator sectors) for the five LGUs that
conducted waste characterization and analysis studies. The data in Figure 11 show that Makati and Quezon
City have the highest concentrations of paper (15% and 14%), Muntinlupa and Valenzuela have the highest
concentrations of plastic (28% each), Quezon City and Valenzuela found the highest concentrations of food
waste (40% and 38%) and that Pasig found the highest concentrations of hazardous/special wastes (1.4%).

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Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)








Makati Muntinlupa Pasig Quezon Valenzuela
City/Municipality City
Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 11. Composition of Disposed Waste from All Sectors – All LGUs (% wet wt.)

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.3 Makati

The results of the waste characterization study conducted by Makati are presented graphically in Figure 12.
The figure presents the composition (% wet wt.) broken down by generator sector.

Significant variations in composition exist for the various types of generators. As expected, the concentration
of food waste is greatest in the markets sector (81%). It is interesting to note that food waste constitutes a
larger percentage of the waste disposed by middle-income residents (40%), as compared to waste disposed
by low-income (32%) or high-income residents (28%). Not surprisingly, a relatively high percentage of
yard/landscape waste (27%) is disposed by high-income residents (reported as Other Organic). The high
percentage of plastic (76%) reported in the industrial waste stream is attributed to the large quantities of
HDPE disposed by Colgate.

Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)

Low - Middle- High- Commercial Hotels/ Markets Industrial Institutional
Income Income Income Condos

Generator Type

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 12. Composition of Disposed Waste by Generator Sector – Makati (% wet wt.)

Results of the analysis of disposed waste in Makati are presented Tables 6 and 7.

Table 6 presents a breakdown of the composition (% wet wt.) by sector and by component/subcomponent.
The results of the bulk density and moisture content analyses are reported in Table 7.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 6. Makati – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study

(February 2003, % wet wt.)
Low-Income Middle-Income High-Income
Residential Residential Residential
Component Commercial
PAPER 9.8 10.2 14.9 28.2
Cardboard/Paper Bags 3.6 4.2 4.3 8.8
Newspaper 1.9 1.2 3.4 2.5
Office Paper/High Grade 0.3 0.9 0.2 5.4
Mixed Paper 4.0 3.9 6.9 11.5
GLASS 2.4 2.7 2.7 2.4
Bottles and Containers 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.4
Other/Composite 0.1
METALS 3.2 3.1 3.2 2.3
Tin/Steel Cans 2.4 2.7 2.2 0.8
Other Ferrous 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.9
Aluminum Cans 0.1 0.6
Other Non-Ferrous
Other/Composite 0.2 0.9
PLASTIC 25.1 25.1 17.8 21.0
PET 0.3 0.4 0.1 2.6
HDPE 7.7 5.1 4.5 4.4
Film Plastic/LDPE 7.2 9.8 7.7 8.4
Diapers 8.5 7.9 4.2 2.3
Other/Composite 1.4 1.9 1.3 3.4
OTHER ORGANIC 52.8 54.8 59.1 43.6
Kitchen/Food Waste 31.9 40.3 28.1 32.7
Yard/Landscape 9.7 5.8 27.1 3.9
Wood 3.0 2.0 0.3 0.8
Textiles 2.5 2.7 0.8 1.7
Leather 0.3 0.1
Rubber 1.2 0.5 0.4
Animal Remains 0.5 0.3 2.3
Other/Composite 0.8 0.5 0.1 0.7
Fines 3.0 2.5 2.7 1.1
OTHER INORGANIC 6.4 4.0 2.2 2.2
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.5 0.2 0.1
Ceramic/Stone 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.6
Soil/Sand 1.5 0.9
Ash/Charcoal 1.5 1.6 1.4 1.6
Other/Composite 2.0
Fines 0.5
HAZARDOUS 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1
Paint 0.1
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 0.1
SPECIAL 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.2
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 6. Makati – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study (continued)

(February 2003, % wet wt.)

Component Hotels/ Condos Industrial Institutional
PAPER 27.9 4.6 5.8 27.9
Cardboard/Paper Bags 8.4 1.0 4.5 9.4
Newspaper 9.9 2.4 0.5 2.7
Office Paper/High Grade 9.7
Mixed Paper 1.1 0.8 15.9
GLASS 2.6 0.4 0.5 2.0
Bottles and Containers 2.4 0.4 0.5 2.0
Other/Composite 0.2
METALS 3.1 0.3 1.1 0.8
Tin/Steel Cans 1.7 0.3 0.3 0.2
Other Ferrous 0.4 0.1 0.2
Aluminum Cans 0.7 0.2
Other Non-Ferrous 0.1
Other/Composite 0.4 0.6 0.1
PLASTIC 20.9 11.7 75.6 29.0
PET 2.7 0.2 2.5
HDPE 2.8 3.5 47.4 11.2
Film Plastic/LDPE 7.8 6.6 28.0 9.3
Diapers 3.6 0.7 3.9
Other/Composite 4.1 0.7 0.3 2.1
OTHER ORGANIC 43.0 82.5 11.1 31.3
Kitchen/Food Waste 29.7 81.3 3.3 15.0
Yard/Landscape 7.7 3.5 4.6
Wood 0.5 1.0 0.4 3.6
Textiles 3.4 0.3 1.5 5.1
Rubber 0.1 0.1
Animal Remains
Other/Composite 0.7 0.7
Fines 0.8 2.3 2.1
OTHER INORGANIC 2.0 0.5 5.1 8.9
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.1
Ceramic/Stone 0.5 0.4 2.4
Soil/Sand 0.6
Ash/Charcoal 0.1 0.9 2.8
Other/Composite 1.0
Fines 0.3 0.2 4.2 3.0
HAZARDOUS 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.1
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 0.3
SPECIAL 0.2 0.0 0.9 0.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 7. Makati – Results of Disposed Waste Bulk Density and Moisture Content Analyses
(February 2003)
Bulk Density Moisture Content
Generator Sector (kg/cu m) (% air-dry)
Low-income Residential 105.9 40.0
Middle-income Residential 94.7 34.1
High-income Residential 72.3 53.3
Commercial 50.6
Malls 35.0
Offices 11.4
Restaurants 50.0
Hotels/Condominiums 64.3 33.0
Markets 182.1 36.0
Industrial 119.2 44.4
Institutional 77.8 33.0
All Sectors (weighted average) 92.0 41.1

The estimated disposed waste composition, for all generator sectors, is shown in Figure 13. The composition
presented reflects a weighted average of the composition for each of the generator sectors, using disposed
waste quantity data calculated by the municipality, and using the results of analyses from other LGUs as well
as population data broken down by income level.

The figure shows that the components with the highest concentrations are kitchen/food waste (32%) and
plastic (25%). The high concentration of kitchen/food waste indicates that methods of diversion should be
considered for these materials.

Inorganic Hazardous/
4% Special
Other Organic



Food Waste

Figure 13. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Makati (% wet wt.)

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.4 Muntinlupa

The results of the waste characterization study conducted by Muntinlupa are presented graphically in Figure
14. The figure presents the composition (% wet wt.) broken down by generator sector.

The composition of the disposed waste stream varies significantly by type of generator. As expected, the
concentration of food waste is greatest in the markets sector, and it is also relatively high in the waste from
malls, restaurants, and hotels. Interestingly, the highest concentration of paper is in the institutional sector
(26%), and that concentration is about 60% greater than that estimated for the office sector. The reason for
the substantial difference may be due to the higher rates of recycling in the office sector.

Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)










Low-Income M iddle- High-Income Of f ices M alls Restaurant s Hot els/ M arket s Indust rial Inst it ut ional
Income Condos

Generator Type

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 14. Composition of Disposed Waste by Generator Sector – Muntinlupa (% wet wt.)

Results of the analyses of disposed waste in Muntinlupa are presented Tables 8,9,and 10.

Table 8 presents a breakdown of the composition (% wet wt.) by sector and by component/subcomponent.
The quantity of waste disposed, by sector and component, is presented in Table 9; and the results of the bulk
density analysis and of the moisture content analysis are reported in Table 10.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 8. Muntinlupa – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study

(February 2003, % wet wt.)
Low-Income Middle- High-Income
All Sectors Residential Income Residential
Component Residential Offices Malls
PAPER 10.2 11.0 8.5 13.5 16.7 15.1
Cardboard/Paper Bags 4.7 5.3 4.2 4.8 3.6 6.5
Newspaper 1.9 2.5 1.2 1.7 2.5 0.3
Office Paper/High Grade 1.6 1.8 1.2 2.3 6.5 1.1
Mixed Paper 2.0 1.3 1.9 4.7 4.1 7.2
GLASS 3.1 3.6 3.6 5.1 1.1 1.4
Bottles and Containers 2.2 2.7 2.2 4.9 0.8 1.2
Other/Composite 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.2
METALS 3.9 4.2 5.3 3.9 2.7 2.0
Tin/Steel Cans 2.9 3.2 4.0 3.4 1.3 0.5
Other Ferrous 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.7 1.1
Aluminum Cans 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.4
Other Non-Ferrous 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PLASTIC 28.1 31.6 32.4 25.7 29.8 28.1
PET 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.3 2.0 4.1
HDPE 1.2 1.5 1.3 0.8 0.8 1.3
Film Plastic/LDPE 13.2 13.4 15.2 7.7 17.9 16.7
Diapers 7.3 10.2 10.1 4.1 0.6 0.6
Other/Composite 2.3 3.0 2.1 1.4 3.5 1.1
Styrofoam 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.6 2.3 1.5
PVC 2.0 1.4 1.9 9.9 2.1 2.9
Foam 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 0.6 0.0
OTHER ORGANIC 49.5 44.6 41.5 49.3 41.0 48.6
Kitchen/Food Waste 29.1 24.4 18.9 13.2 21.0 44.9
Yard/Landscape 11.4 10.8 13.2 30.9 15.9 0.0
Wood 2.9 3.1 3.6 2.1 1.5 2.0
Textiles 3.2 3.9 3.1 1.3 2.4 0.9
Leather 0.6 0.8 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0
Tires 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rubber 1.1 1.6 1.4 0.5 0.2 0.4
Animal Remains 1.2 0.0 0.5 1.2 0.0 0.3
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fines 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OTHER INORGANIC 5.0 5.0 8.4 2.5 8.1 4.8
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ceramic/Stone 1.3 1.4 1.7 0.0 0.9 4.0
Asphalt 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.2 0.0
Soil/Sand 3.3 3.5 5.4 2.5 0.0 0.8
Ash/Charcoal 0.3 0.1 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fines 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HAZARDOUS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.0
Paint 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Oil/Oil Filters 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Small Batteries 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SPECIAL 0.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.1
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 8. Muntinlupa – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study (continued)

(February 2003, % wet wt.)

Hotels/ Condos
Component Restaurants Markets Industrial Institutional
PAPER 11.8 15.8 3.8 17.9 26.4
Cardboard/Paper Bags 2.2 7.0 2.3 7.9 5.7
Newspaper 0.3 2.1 1.3 2.0 6.6
Office Paper/High Grade 2.2 5.4 0.0 3.4 10.3
Mixed Paper 7.1 1.3 0.3 4.6 3.7
GLASS 4.7 6.2 0.2 1.8 2.1
Bottles and Containers 0.8 5.6 0.1 1.2 0.6
Other/Composite 3.9 0.6 0.1 0.6 1.5
METALS 0.6 2.8 0.6 7.4 2.1
Tin/Steel Cans 0.5 1.3 0.4 6.1 1.5
Other Ferrous 0.0 0.4 0.2 1.2 0.3
Aluminum Cans 0.1 1.0 0.0 0.1 0.3
Other Non-Ferrous 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
PLASTIC 35.9 26.1 9.0 27.8 32.5
PET 7.5 2.0 0.1 0.7 5.7
HDPE 0.9 2.0 0.1 1.4 1.4
Film Plastic/LDPE 16.3 15.2 8.1 18.7 12.7
Diapers 0.6 3.0 0.0 0.9 0.5
Other/Composite 2.2 1.5 0.2 3.9 8.2
Styrofoam 4.4 0.7 0.3 0.3 2.1
PVC 4.0 0.7 0.2 1.7 1.9
Foam 0.1 0.9 0.0 0.2 0.0
OTHER ORGANIC 47.0 46.0 86.2 39.0 28.6
Kitchen/Food Waste 45.7 44.2 68.6 15.9 9.8
Yard/Landscape 0.1 1.4 7.6 4.4 8.8
Wood 0.6 0.2 1.4 4.2 5.2
Textiles 0.6 0.1 1.1 11.4 2.3
Leather 0.0 0.1 0.2 1.6 0.1
Tires 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Rubber 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 2.4
Animal Remains 0.0 0.0 7.4 0.5 0.0
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fines 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
OTHER INORGANIC 0.0 3.2 0.1 5.3 8.0
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.0 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
Ceramic/Stone 0.0 0.9 0.0 1.1 3.2
Asphalt 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Soil/Sand 0.0 0.0 0.1 4.1 4.7
Ash/Charcoal 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fines 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
HAZARDOUS 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3
Paint 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0
Oil/Oil Filters 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Small Batteries 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.3
Other/Composite 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
SPECIAL 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.1
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 9. Muntinlupa – Quantity and Composition of Disposed Waste

(February 2003, tonnes/yr)

All Sectors Low-Income Income High-Income
Component Residential Residential Residential Offices Malls
PAPER 8,237 3,837 1,719 687 87 549
Cardboard/Paper Bags 3,795 1,861 857 245 19 238
Newspaper 1,495 884 236 85 13 11
Office Paper/High Grade 1,314 637 244 116 34 40
Mixed Paper 1,633 455 382 241 21 261
GLASS 2,466 1,250 721 262 5 49
Bottles and Containers 1,770 932 453 248 4 44
Other/Composite 695 318 269 14 1 6
METALS 3,129 1,463 1,075 199 14 74
Tin/Steel Cans 2,347 1,107 804 174 7 17
Other Ferrous 559 272 174 16 4 40
Aluminum Cans 121 49 34 5 3 15
Other Non-Ferrous 103 35 63 3 1
PLASTIC 22,638 11,045 6,536 1,309 156 1,023
PET 1,034 406 220 65 10 150
HDPE 959 529 257 41 4 47
Film Plastic/LDPE 10,605 4,690 3,071 390 94 605
Diapers 5,881 3,559 2,043 207 3 21
Other/Composite 1,848 1,058 424 71 18 40
Styrofoam 598 255 127 30 12 54
PVC 1,610 475 382 505 11 104
Foam 102 73 12 3 2
OTHER ORGANIC 39,829 15,579 8,375 2,507 214 1,765
Kitchen/Food Waste 23,426 8,526 3,814 674 110 1,630
Yard/Landscape 9,140 3,782 2,675 1,573 83
Wood 2,313 1,080 728 106 8 74
Textiles 2,556 1,370 628 66 13 33
Leather 489 279 147
Rubber 917 541 279 26 1 15
Animal Remains 988 103 62 12
OTHER INORGANIC 4,014 1,729 1,699 126 42 173
Rock/Concrete/Brick 71 14 44
Ceramic/Stone 1,050 485 350 5 145
Asphalt 37 37
Soil/Sand 2,619 1,208 1,091 126 28
Ash/Charcoal 237 21 214
HAZARDOUS 32 7 6 0 4 0
Paint 2
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 30 7 6 4
SPECIAL 97 13 72 1 0 2
TOTAL 80,442 34,923 20,203 5,090 522 3,635
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 9. Muntinlupa – Quantity and Composition of Disposed Waste (continued)

(February 2003, tonnes/yr)

Hotels/ Condos
Restaurants Markets Industrial Institutional
PAPER 134 86 411 473 254
Cardboard/Paper Bags 25 39 248 210 55
Newspaper 3 11 135 52 64
Office Paper/High Grade 25 29 89 99
Mixed Paper 81 7 28 121 36
GLASS 53 34 22 49 21
Bottles and Containers 9 31 12 32 6
Other/Composite 44 3 10 17 15
METALS 7 15 67 196 20
Tin/Steel Cans 5 7 48 162 15
Other Ferrous 2 16 31 3
Aluminum Cans 1 5 2 2 2
Other Non-Ferrous
PLASTIC 406 143 973 736 312
PET 85 11 14 19 55
HDPE 11 11 9 37 14
Film Plastic/LDPE 184 83 872 494 122
Diapers 6 17 23 4
Other/Composite 25 8 22 103 79
Styrofoam 50 4 37 9 20
PVC 45 4 20 46 19
Foam 1 5 5
OTHER ORGANIC 532 252 9,300 1,031 275
Kitchen/Food Waste 517 242 7,398 421 94
Yard/Landscape 1 8 818 115 85
Wood 7 1 148 111 50
Textiles 7 115 302 22
Leather 19 42 1
Rubber 4 28 23
Animal Remains 797 13
OTHER INORGANIC 0 17 12 139 77
Rock/Concrete/Brick 12
Ceramic/Stone 5 29 31
Soil/Sand 12 109 45
Ash/Charcoal 1 1
HAZARDOUS 0 0 1 12 2
Paint 1
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 1 10 2
SPECIAL 0 0 2 7 1
TOTAL 1,132 548 10,786 2,641 962
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 10. Muntinlupa – Results of Disposed Waste Bulk Density and Moisture Content Analyses
(February 2003)

Bulk Density Moisture Content

Generator Sector (kg/cu m) (% air-dry)
Low-income Residential 154.9 24.5
Middle-income Residential 148.0 47.6
High-income Residential 123.8 13.3
Commercial 56.6
Offices 95.4
Malls 182.3
Restaurants 122.3
Hotels/Condominiums 130.3
Markets 325.2 80.6
Industrial 108.6 27.3
Institutional 90.7 16.0
All Sectors (weighted average) 160.4 39.5

The overall waste composition, for all generator sectors, is shown in Figure 15. The composition presented in
the figure reflects a weighted average of the composition for each of the generator sectors, using disposed
waste quantity data collected by the municipality. As shown in the figure, the two components with the highest
concentrations are kitchen/food waste (29%) and plastic (28%).

5% Paper
10% Glass
Other Organic Metals
21% 4%


Food Waste

Figure 15. Composition of Disposed Waste – Muntinlupa (% wet wt.)

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.5 Pasig

The results of the waste characterization study conducted by Pasig are presented graphically in Figure 16.
The figure presents the composition (% wet wt.) broken down by generator sector.

Of particular significance are the high concentrations of paper in the commercial (38%) and the institutional
(40%) waste streams, which potentially represent a good opportunity for additional recycling. Also of interest
is the high concentration of inorganic materials in the industrial waste (68%). This material was categorized
as “fines” during the WACS. Further review should be conducted by Pasig to collect additional information on
the characteristics of this material and thus assess its recyclability.

Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)










Low -Income Middle- High-Income Commercial Markets Industrial Institutional
Generator Type

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure16. Composition of Disposed Waste by Generator Sector – Pasig (% wet wt.)

Results of the analysis of disposed waste in Pasig are presented Tables 11 and 12.

Table 11 presents a breakdown of the composition (% wet wt.) by sector and by component/subcomponent.
The results of the bulk density analysis and of the moisture content analysis are reported in Table 12.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 11. Pasig – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study

(April 2003, % wet wt.)
Low-Income Middle-Income High-Income
Residential Residential Residential
Component Commercial
PAPER 7.4 10.6 14.8 37.5
Cardboard/Paper Bags 3.0 4.9 6.8 16.6
Newspaper 2.1 2.3 2.6 6.3
Office Paper/High Grade 0.1 0.4 1.2 7.9
Mixed Paper 2.3 3.1 4.1 6.8
GLASS 4.9 4.8 8.6 10.1
Bottles and Containers 3.9 4.0 7.8 9.5
Other/Composite 1.1 0.7 0.9 0.6
METALS 13.9 14.3 14.4 6.8
Tin/Steel Cans 9.0 7.1 9.9 2.5
Other Ferrous 1.3
Aluminum Cans 0.7 1.6 1.8 4.3
Other Non-Ferrous 0.6 0.3
Other/Composite 2.4 5.3 2.7
PLASTIC 19.7 27.1 14.3 24.0
PET 7.4 7.2 5.8 6.4
HDPE 6.2 10.9 4.1 12.1
Film Plastic/LDPE 0.4 0.2
Diapers 1.7 4.5 2.7
Other/Composite 4.4 4.0 1.5 5.4
OTHER ORGANIC 43.1 38.0 41.8 21.6
Kitchen/Food Waste 15.7 22.8 17.7 9.9
Yard/Landscape 5.4 1.5 3.9 4.8
Wood 5.2 1.5 7.5 4.4
Textiles 1.2 1.8 1.9 1.7
Leather 1.1 2.7
Tires 5.3 3.5 1.5
Rubber 3.2 0.1
Animal Remains 6.8 4.8 5.7
Other/Composite 0.2 1.0 0.9 0.8
OTHER INORGANIC 8.5 3.9 4.1 0.0
Rock/Concrete/Brick 3.3 0.9 1.2
Ceramic/Stone 1.4 1.4 1.3
Soil/Sand 1.5 0.8 1.1
Ash/Charcoal 0.7
Other/Composite 0.7 0.1 0.4
Fines 1.7 0.2
HAZARDOUS 1.1 1.3 1.5 0.0
Paint 0.3
Oil/Oil Filters 0.3
Small Batteries 0.8 1.3 1.2
SPECIAL 1.3 0.0 0.5 0.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 11. Pasig – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study (continued)

(April 2003, % wet wt.)

Component Markets Industrial Institutional

PAPER 10.0 6.8 39.8
Cardboard/Paper Bags 2.0 4.0 19.6
Newspaper 5.8 1.7
Office Paper/High Grade 1.2 1.1
Mixed Paper 2.2 1.6 17.4
GLASS 0.0 0.0 0.0
Bottles and Containers
METALS 3.0 0.9 5.0
Tin/Steel Cans 1.3 1.4
Other Ferrous 0.9
Aluminum Cans 1.7 3.6
Other Non-Ferrous
PLASTIC 20.3 3.7 36.7
PET 9.4 1.6 14.6
HDPE 8.5 1.8 17.7
Film Plastic/LDPE
Other/Composite 2.3 0.2 4.4
OTHER ORGANIC 66.8 22.1 15.7
Kitchen/Food Waste 57.6 18.8 9.9
Yard/Landscape 2.5
Wood 2.4 3.1
Tires 1.5
Rubber 0.8
Animal Remains 1.8
Other/Composite 2.6 0.2 3.3
OTHER INORGANIC 0.0 66.5 2.8
Soil/Sand 1.4
Ash/Charcoal 0.8
Fines 66.5 0.6
HAZARDOUS 0.0 0.0 0.0
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries
SPECIAL 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0

Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 12. Pasig – Results of Disposed Waste Bulk Density and Moisture Content Analyses
(April 2003)

Bulk Density Moisture Content

Generator Sector (kg/cu m) (% air-dry)
Low-income Residential 181.7 24.5
Middle-income Residential 184.8 47.6
High-income Residential 193.9 13.3
Commercial 122.1 56.6
Markets 84.9 80.6
Industrial 127.4 27.3
Institutional 36.2 16.0
All Sectors (weighted average) 138.6 33.3

An estimate of the overall waste composition for Pasig is shown in Figure 17. The estimate is based on the
results of the composition analysis for each generator sector conducted by Pasig, with the weighted average
calculated using the results of analyses from other LGUs as well as population data broken down by income
level. The data in the figure show that the components with the highest concentrations are: kitchen/food
waste (23%), plastic (21%), and other organic (19%). Collectively these three components constitute 63% of
the waste stream. The figure also shows a high concentration of metals (12%) in the waste stream.

Inorganic Special
1% Paper
Other Organic


Food Waste Plastic
23% 21%

Figure 17. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Pasig (% wet wt.)

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.6 Quezon City

The results of the waste characterization study conducted by Quezon City are presented graphically in Figure
18. The figure presents the composition (% wet wt.) broken down by generator sector.

The results of the analysis show a relatively high concentration of paper disposed by the institutional (31%)
and commercial sectors (24%). In addition, kitchen/food waste constitutes a substantial percentage of the
waste stream for all of the generator sectors, i.e., from 26% for institutional to 64% for markets.

Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)










Low -Income Middle- High-Income Commercial Markets Industrial Institutional
Generator Type

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 18. Composition of Disposed Waste by Generator Sector – Quezon City (% wet wt.)

Results of the analysis of disposed waste in Quezon City are presented Tables 13 and 14.

Table 13 presents a breakdown of the composition (% wet wt.) by sector and by component/subcomponent.
The results of the bulk density analysis and of the moisture content analysis are reported in Table 14.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 13. Quezon City – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study

(April-May 2003, % wet wt.)
Low-Income Middle-Income High-Income
Residential Residential Residential
Component Commercial
PAPER 12.5 13.3 14.2 23.9
Cardboard/Paper Bags 5.7 5.1 4.7 9.2
Newspaper 0.4 2.0 1.0 0.7
Office Paper/High Grade 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.5
Mixed Paper 6.2 6.0 8.4 13.6
GLASS 3.1 4.4 4.2 2.8
Bottles and Containers 2.1 2.9 3.5 1.9
Other/Composite 1.0 1.5 0.7 0.9
METALS 3.1 4.7 4.0 4.1
Tin/Steel Cans 2.9 2.8 3.7 3.4
Other Ferrous 0.1 1.6 0.1 0.2
Aluminum Cans 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.5
Other Non-Ferrous
PLASTIC 26.3 19.0 22.2 24.1
PET 0.9 1.3 1.0 2.7
HDPE 2.7 1.4 1.9 1.4
Film Plastic/LDPE 16.3 10.5 9.6 14.7
Diapers 6.1 5.2 8.8 3.6
Other/Composite 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.7
OTHER ORGANIC 50.5 56.1 53.7 41.0
Kitchen/Food Waste 38.7 34.9 37.9 31.5
Yard/Landscape 1.2 16.5 11.7 0.7
Wood 2.1 0.3 1.1 0.6
Textiles 3.4 3.3 1.4 6.4
Leather 1.2 0.1 0.1 0.5
Rubber 1.0 0.1 0.3
Animal Remains 0.2
Other/Composite 2.3 0.1 0.7 0.2
Fines 0.7 0.8 0.5 0.7
OTHER INORGANIC 3.8 2.2 1.4 3.4
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.5 1.0 0.9
Ceramic/Stone 1.5 0.4 0.9 0.7
Ash/Charcoal 0.1 0.2
Other/Composite 0.1
Fines 1.7 0.7 0.5 1.5
HAZARDOUS 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.7
Paint 0.2 0.5
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 0.1 0.1 0.1
Other/Composite 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1
SPECIAL 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 13. Quezon City – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study (continued)
(April-May 2003, % wet wt.)

Component Markets Industrial Institutional

PAPER 11.0 17.0 30.7
Cardboard/Paper Bags 6.0 6.8 5.2
Newspaper 0.6 2.0
Office Paper/High Grade 1.0 8.6
Mixed Paper 5.0 8.6 14.9
GLASS 0.7 4.7 2.4
Bottles and Containers 0.7 2.5 2.4
Other/Composite 2.2
METALS 1.4 4.3 1.6
Tin/Steel Cans 1.3 3.3 1.3
Other Ferrous 0.7
Aluminum Cans 0.1 0.3 0.3
Other Non-Ferrous
PLASTIC 13.6 25.6 20.6
PET 0.9 2.9 3.7
HDPE 0.8 2.2 0.9
Film Plastic/LDPE 9.8 15.6 11.1
Diapers 1.5 3.7 3.8
Other/Composite 0.5 1.2 1.1
OTHER ORGANIC 72.6 43.0 41.3
Kitchen/Food Waste 64.1 32.8 26.1
Yard/Landscape 1.4 2.1 10.3
Wood 1.8 2.6 0.9
Textiles 1.3 2.6 2.2
Leather 0.1 0.6
Rubber 0.1 0.7 0.3
Animal Remains 2.3
Other/Composite 1.1 0.9 0.7
Fines 0.4 0.6 0.8
Rock/Concrete/Brick 1.1 0.6
Ceramic/Stone 0.2 0.8 0.1
Ash/Charcoal 0.1
Other/Composite 0.2 0.1
Fines 0.3 0.8 1.3
HAZARDOUS 0.0 2.3 0.1
Paint 1.9
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 0.2 0.1
Other/Composite 0.2
SPECIAL 0.0 0.3 1.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 14. Quezon City – Results of Disposed Waste Bulk Density and Moisture Content Analyses
(April-May 2003)

Bulk Density Moisture Content

Generator Sector (kg/cu m) (% air-dry)
Low-income Residential 216.0 68.4
Middle-income Residential 207.3 64.5
High-income Residential 208.5 66.3
Commercial 203.7 61.6
Markets 272.8 76.3
Industrial 220.6 69.5
Institutional 197.0 33.8
All Sectors (weighted average) 218.6 67.0

An estimate of the overall composition is shown in Figure 19. The estimate is based on the results of the
composition analysis for each generator sector conducted by Quezon City and data collected by Quezon City
on the quantity of waste disposed for all sectors combined, with the weighted average calculated using the
results of analyses from other LGUs as well as population data broken down by income level. Similarly to
other LGUs, the composition of the waste disposed in Quezon City show the components with the highest
concentrations are: kitchen/food waste (40%), plastics (21%) and other organics (16%).

Inorganic Hazardous/
2% Special
<1% Paper
Other Organic 14%



Food Waste

Figure 19. Estimated Composition of Disposed Waste – Quezon City (% wet wt.)

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

4.7 Valenzuela

The results of the waste characterization study conducted by Valenzuela are presented graphically in Figure
20. The figure presents the composition (% wet wt.) broken down by generator sector.

The results of the analysis show a relatively high concentration of paper disposed by the commercial (31%)
and institutional sectors (28%), In addition, there is a relatively high percentage of plastic in the waste stream
for all of the generator sectors, i.e., from 24% for institutional to 38% for commercial.


Composition of Disposed Waste (% wet wt.)









Low -Income Middle- High-Income Commercial Markets Industrial Institutional
Generator Type

Paper Glass Metals Plastic Kitchen/Food Waste Other Organic Other Inorganic Hazardous/Special

Figure 20. Composition of Disposed Waste by Generator Sector – Valenzuela (% wet wt.)

Results of the analysis of disposed waste in Valenzuela are presented Tables 15 and 16.

Table 15 presents a breakdown of the composition (% wet wt.) by sector and by component/subcomponent.
The results of the bulk density analysis and of the moisture content analysis are reported in Table 16.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 15. Valenzuela – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study

(May 2003, % wet wt.)
Low-Income Middle-Income High-Income
Residential Residential Residential
Component Commercial
PAPER 9.7 7.7 11.4 31.2
Cardboard/Paper Bags 2.2 2.9 3.9 9.4
Newspaper 0.8 0.5 2.0 2.6
Office Paper/High Grade 1.4 1.3 1.6 3.0
Mixed Paper 5.3 3.0 3.9 16.3
GLASS 1.3 1.4 2.4 2.8
Bottles and Containers 1.1 1.4 1.7 2.8
Other/Composite 0.2 0.6
METALS 4.0 3.2 3.1 2.7
Tin/Steel Cans 3.1 2.4 1.8 1.5
Other Ferrous 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.4
Aluminum Cans 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.8
Other Non-Ferrous 0.1
Other/Composite 0.1 0.1
PLASTIC 27.4 27.7 28.2 37.8
PET 1.5 2.1 3.0 3.4
HDPE 4.0 0.8 3.8 3.1
Film Plastic/LDPE 9.5 12.6 8.1 22.1
Diapers 9.2 6.0 8.7 0.2
Other/Composite 3.1 6.1 4.7 9.0
OTHER ORGANIC 55.6 58.0 53.6 24.4
Kitchen/Food Waste 38.2 43.7 42.1 17.5
Yard/Landscape 6.3 6.6 4.1 1.1
Wood 2.6 2.4 1.6 1.4
Textiles 3.7 2.2 1.9 1.5
Leather 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
Tires 0.1
Rubber 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.1
Animal Remains 1.1
Other/Composite 0.5 0.7 2.5 1.4
Fines 1.5 1.3 0.8 1.3
OTHER INORGANIC 1.7 1.5 0.3 1.1
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.4 0.3 0.5
Ceramic/Stone 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.5
Other/Composite 0.5 0.3 0.1
Fines 0.1 0.1
HAZARDOUS 0.1 0.3 0.6 0.0
Paint 0.1 0.4
Oil/Oil Filters 0.1
Small Batteries 0.1 0.1
Other/Composite 0.1 0.1
SPECIAL 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.0
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 15. Valenzuela – Results of Disposed Waste Composition Study (continued)

(May 2003, % wet wt.)

Component Markets Industrial Institutional

PAPER 11.4 14.5 27.5
Cardboard/Paper Bags 2.3 4.1 7.5
Newspaper 2.8 0.4 2.9
Office Paper/High Grade 1.1 4.5
Mixed Paper 6.3 8.9 12.6
GLASS 1.1 0.5 3.3
Bottles and Containers 0.3 0.5 2.9
Other/Composite 0.8 0.4
METALS 0.7 2.0 4.4
Tin/Steel Cans 0.6 1.0 2.7
Other Ferrous 0.1 0.6
Aluminum Cans 0.3 0.9
Other Non-Ferrous 0.1
Other/Composite 0.6
PLASTIC 25.9 37.1 24.1
PET 4.1 2.5 6.0
HDPE 6.5 17.6 7.7
Film Plastic/LDPE 7.6 9.1 6.2
Diapers 5.3 0.1 0.1
Other/Composite 2.3 7.7 4.1
OTHER ORGANIC 55.4 36.2 28.7
Kitchen/Food Waste 51.0 7.4 12.2
Yard/Landscape 0.2 1.2 5.8
Wood 0.9 2.9 6.7
Textiles 1.8 12.6 1.0
Rubber 0.6 2.2 0.7
Animal Remains
Other/Composite 0.1 5.9 2.0
Fines 0.9 4.0 0.3
OTHER INORGANIC 4.7 4.8 11.1
Rock/Concrete/Brick 0.7 2.4 1.9
Ceramic/Stone 2.4 8.7
Soil/Sand 0.4
Ash/Charcoal 0.1
Other/Composite 3.0
Fines 0.9 0.1
HAZARDOUS 0.7 4.9 0.9
Paint 3.0 0.9
Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries 0.1
Other/Composite 0.7 1.8
SPECIAL 0.1 0.1 0.1
TOTAL 100.0 100.0 100.0
Values may not total exactly due to rounding.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Table 16. Valenzuela – Results of Disposed Waste Bulk Density and Moisture Content Analyses
(May 2003)

Bulk Density Moisture Content

Generator Sector (kg/cu m) (% air-dry)
Low-income Residential 177.2 28.2
Middle-income Residential 152.6 34.8
High-income Residential 125.7 14.0
Commercial 48.2 51.6
Markets 185.0 81.5
Industrial 185.0 27.4
Institutional 71.4 14.0
All Sectors (weighted average) 158.8 38.2

An estimate of the overall composition is shown in Figure 21. The estimate is based on the results of the
composition analysis for each generator sector conducted by Valenzuela and data collected by Valenzuela on
the quantity of waste disposed for all sectors combined, with the weighted average calculated using the results
of analyses from other LGUs as well as population data broken down by income level.

Inorganic Hazardous/
2% Special
Other Organic 11% Glass
14% 1%


Food Waste

Figure 21. Composition of Disposed Waste – Valenzuela (% wet wt.)

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology
ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

5. Discussion
It is interesting and important to compare the results of the current waste characterization studies conducted
by the five LGUs with those of previous waste analyses. Such comparisons provide an understanding of
changes in the waste stream that may be due to purchasing habits, consumption practices, collection
practices, recycling programs, public education, and any number of other factors. However, any comparison
of this nature must take into consideration the differences in methodologies among the studies.

The average of the results of the LGU studies are compared with the results of previous studies (discussed in
Section 2) in Table 17 for the residential sector, and in Table 18 for the entire municipal solid waste (MSW

Table 17. Comparison of Results of Composition Analyses, Residential Waste

(Composition, % wet weight)

Component 1982 1997 2003*

Generated Waste Generated Disposed Waste
Paper 12.9 15.4 11.3
Glass 3.5 2.7 3.7
Metals 5.8 5.5 5.8
Plastic 6.9 15.6 24.6
Kitchen/Food Waste 35.8 45.8 29.9
Other Organic 17.4 12.6 20.3
Other Inorganic 3.0 2.5 3.7
Screenings 14.7
Hazardous/Special 0.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Sources: Norconsult, et al, 1982; JICA, 1999.
*Average of the results from five LGUs for the low, middle, and high-income residential

Table 18. Comparison of Results of Composition Analyses, MSW

(Composition, % wet weight)

Component 1982 1997 2003*

Generated Waste Generated Disposed Waste
Paper 14.5 16.8 12.5
Glass 2.7 3.4 3.1
Metals 4.9 5.2 5.0
Plastic 7.5 15.6 24.7
Kitchen/Food Waste 31.7 45.4 32.7
Other Organic 17.4 11.3 17.4
Other Inorganic 3.0 2.3 4.0
Screenings 14.7
Hazardous/Special 1.0 0.6
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Sources: Norconsult, et al, 1982; JICA, 1999.
*Average of the results from five LGUs.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

The comparisons show that the concentration of paper products in the MSW increased slightly from 14.5% in
1982 to 16.8% in 1997, but decreased to 12.5% in 2003. The comparison also shows that the concentration
of kitchen/food waste increased substantially from 1982 to 1997, then decreased in 2003 to levels that were
more similar to those in 1982. The decreases in concentrations of paper products and kitchen/food waste
from 1997 to 2003 may be attributable to the differences of the sampling points. The concentrations of glass
and metals in the waste stream have remained relatively constant, despite the fact that the 2003 studies were
conducted at the point of disposal.

A significant finding of the comparison pertains to plastics. The concentration of plastic has increased
dramatically over the last twenty years; in 2003, it is over three times that in 1982. A large concentration of
film plastic is reported by the LGUs as currently being disposed. Even taking into consideration the
differences in sampling methodologies among the studies, this represents a major change in disposal

Table 19 presents a comparison of the other results of the studies. The average moisture content in 1982 was
reported to vary from 43% to 47% (oven dried), while the moisture content varied from 30% to 55% (oven
dried) in 1997. The average moisture contents of MSW measured in 2003 by the five LGUs ranged between
29% and 67% (air dried); the average for all five LGUs was 42%.

The bulk density of the waste ranged from 175 to 275 kg/cu m (as collected) in 1982, and the average bulk
density reported for 1997 was 200 kg/cu m. The average bulk densities obtained in 2003 by the five LGUs
ranged between 92 and 218 kg/cu m in 2003 (as discharged).

Table 19. Comparison of Other Results of Waste Analyses

1982 1997 2003*

Generated Waste Generated Disposed Waste
Moisture Content (%) 43 – 47 30 – 55 29 – 67
oven dried oven dried air dried
Bulk Density (kg/cu m) 175 – 275 200 92 – 218
as collected as as discharged
Sources: Norconsult, et al, 1982; JICA, 1999.
*Average of the results from five LGUs.

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ADB TA3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

6. Recommendations
Based on the results of the waste characterization program, the following recommendations are made:

Every LGU in Metro Manila should be encouraged to conduct a WACS as soon as possible. The LGUs
that did not participate in this program should make every effort to follow the procedures and
methodologies suggested in this report such that all of the data collected can be compared.

LGUs that participated in this program should conduct another waste characterization study in 6 to 9
months to refine the data and to collect additional information. Thereafter, the study should be
repeated every two years.

A standardized reporting format should be prepared for use by the LGUs.

Emphasis should be placed on the collection of accurate quantity data by generator type, including bulk
density analyses.

Analyses should be conducted on recycling and illegal disposal by each LGU. Data on disposed waste
quantities should be combined with those for recycled materials and illegal disposal to determine the
quantity of waste generated.

Planning should be conducted based on LGU-specific information if possible, rather than generalized
per capita generation rates or “national averages” for waste composition.

Additional training should be provided to LGUs in the utilization of the results of waste characterization
studies in the planning process.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study – Report No 3 AEA Technology

ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Waste Characterization Procedures

1. Procedures for Field Work to Determine Composition of Waste

2. Procedures for Field Work to Determine Bulk Density of Waste


3. Procedures for Field Work to Determine Moisture Content of

Waste Fractions

4. Safety Procedures and Guidelines

5. Waste Composition Data Sheet

6. Vehicle Count Data Sheet

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 1, Page 1
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Waste Characterization Study for Metro Manila:

Procedures for Field Work to Determine Composition of Waste1

General Scheduling/Logistics

1. Determine schedule for sampling. The project schedule should consider calendar dates which will not
impact on how representative the field data actually are. Care should be taken to avoid, if possible,
weekly periods that include holidays or sampling periods that occur immediately after major holidays.
2. Notify all affected parties in writing and via telephone. City representatives, haulers, and disposal site
operators should be contacted to confirm any special operations that might be conducted during the
period in question.
3. Hire/assign personnel to assist in the conduct of the sort.
4. Secure necessary heavy equipment.
5. Identify and locate emergency services nearest to the site. Acquire the name, address, and phone
number of the nearest hospital and ambulance service, as well as a map indicating directions to the
hospital, other emergency facilities, or both.
6. Identify the generator types to be surveyed. The generator types may be divided by type of waste
(e.g., residential, commercial, market, light industrial, hospital, etc.). The residential sector may be
further divided by economic status. Determine the number of samples to be taken from each type of
waste stream. Identify sources of each of the types of waste.


The following personnel are recommended:

1. 8 personnel for sorting 8 hours per day.

2. 2 personnel for collecting the samples.
3. bulldozer operator (if bulldozer is available).
4. driver for vehicle used to transport samples (as required).
5. 2 supervisors (one at the disposal site and one at the sorting area).

Equipment and Materials

1. Temporary use of warehouse or similar building to perform the sorting process.

2. Front-end loader or bulldozer with a grapple attachment to aid in sample collection. Alternatively,
samples can be collected with shovels and containers.
3. Weigh scale capable of reading from 0 to 60 kg, preferably in 0.1-kg increments.
4. Two shovels, preferably wide-mouth shovels.
5. Two rakes.
6. Twenty 120 to 200-liter drums and twenty 60 to 80-liter pails to store segregated materials for
7. A 1.5 m x 3 m section of 2 cm plywood and two saw horses (or use 55-gallon drums as legs for the
table) to be used as sorting table.

Adapted from Waste Characterization Study, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Winter-Summer 2002, Prepared by
CalRecovery, Inc. for the World Health Organization, August 2002.

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8. A 1 m x 1 m sheet of 2 cm plywood for use as a base on which to set the weigh scale (or a solid, level
area in a building).
9. Safety equipment for the sorters including: hard hats (if sorting takes place outdoors)).
10. Drinking water.
11. A minimum of six orange cones (or stakes and tape) to delineate the working area (if sorting takes
place outdoors).
12. Vehicle and operator to transport samples from disposal site to sorting area.
13. A supply of 100-liter plastic bags.
14. A 5 m x 5 m tarp to place on the ground under the sorting table.
15. Two dust pans with brushes.
16. Two three-finger claw-type garden tools to assist in opening plastic bags and segregating food
17. A section of 1 m x 1 m metal screen (2.5-cm mesh) to sort the fines.
18. Safety equipment for the sorters including: vests (if sorting takes place outdoors), gloves, fiber masks,
and a first aid kit.

The area for collecting the samples should be approximately 20 meters by 10 meters to accommodate the
stockpiling of 2 or 3 vehicle loads of waste and continually grab samples. The constant collection of samples
is important in order to maintain the sorters busy.


A training session for inexperienced sorters should be carried out at the start of the "official" sorting work. The
sorting methodology to be followed should be delineated, stressing the importance of safety and the accuracy
of the work. The different components to be sorted should be clearly explained and, preferably, shown to
ensure reliable data from the sorting procedure. A practical sorting demonstration performed by the sorters, at
least on a small sample portion, should be performed to allow them to fully understand the tasks to be
conducted. At all times the supervisors must check that the sorting and related work is properly done,
explaining any detected mistakes to all the crew members.

Even if the crew is experienced in sorting or in scavenging, safety precautions and sorting procedures should
be reviewed with disposal site and sorting personnel prior to the conduct of the field study.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Sampling Procedures

The following procedure is adopted from the Method for Determining the Composition of Unprocessed Solid
Waste promulgated by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), Method D5231.


1. Secure a flat and level area for discharge of the vehicle load. The surface should be swept clean or
covered with a clean, durable tarp prior to discharge of the load. It is important to select a location for
discharge of designated loads, manual sorting activities, and weighing operations that is flat, level, and
away from the normal waste handling and processing areas.
2. Position the scale on a clean, flat, and level surface and adjust the level of the scale if necessary.
3. Check the accuracy and operation of the scale with a known (i.e., reference) weight. All weigh scale
equipment should be calibrated according to the manufacturer's instructions. Take appropriate
corrective action if the readings are different than the calibration weights.
4. Weigh all empty storage containers and record the tare weights. Storage containers should be
weighed each day, or more frequently if necessary, in order to maintain an accurate tare weight.
5. Label the storage containers according to the type of waste that will be placed into them.
6. Arrange for delivery of waste to sorting location. Coordinate selection of the vehicles and routing
method to the sorting area with traffic monitors, supervisors, etc., at the facility, as required, in order to
assure that selected vehicles will find their way to the location where the sampling will take place. The
number of samples for each waste source should correspond to the test plan. The field supervisor
should obtain the vehicle information and instruct the driver where to discharge the load. Maintain at
least one load in inventory so that the sorting crew will not be idle waiting for material to sort. Weights
of 100 to 150 kg for sorting samples of unprocessed solid waste are recommended.


1. Vehicles for sampling will be selected at random during each day of the sampling period. Vehicles will
be selected which have been assigned to collect waste from specific areas on a given day. The waste
will be selected depending upon the economic groups and type of generator.
2. Direct the designated vehicle containing the load of waste to the area secured for discharge of the
load and collection of the sorting sample.
3. Direct the vehicle operator to discharge the load onto the relatively flat, clean surface in one
continuous pile, i.e., to avoid gaps in the discharged load.
4. Collect any required information from the vehicle operator prior to the vehicle leaving the discharge
area and label the discharged load for the purpose of maintaining its identification as other loads are
discharged nearby.
5. The bulldozer operator will be asked to collect 100 to 150 kg samples from two different sections of the
load and deposit them on the floor/tarp. If a bulldozer is not available, the samples can be collected
manually. If samples are collected manually, the laborers can be instructed to collect samples from
various sections of the load and deposited on the floor/tarp.
6. Once the samples are on the ground, the sampling crew will divide the mix in half, collect one of the
halves. If an oversized item constitutes a large weight percentage of the sorting sample, add a
notation on the data sheet and weigh it, if possible.
7. Place the sample to be sorted in a plastic bag or other type of container and label the container
(include sample number, origin, truck number). The container will be stored and additional samples

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collected. The containers with the samples will be transported to the area where the sorting is to take
8. All handling and manipulation of the discharged load, longitudinal sample, and sorting sample should
be conducted on previously cleaned surfaces. The sample will be transported to the secured and
sheltered manual sorting area. The sample will be placed on a clean surface for sorting. For the
convenience of the sorting personnel, the surface should be at table height. The sorting area should
be a previously cleaned, flat, and level surface.
9. Position the storage containers around and conveniently close to the sorting sample.
10. Empty all containers such as capped jars, paper bags, and plastic bags of their contents.
11. The sorters will be instructed to remove the various categories of materials (i.e., components and
subcomponents) and place them in their respective containers.
a. In the case of composite items found in the waste, separate the individual materials where
practical and place the individual materials into the appropriate storage containers. Where
impractical, segregate and classify the composite item according to the following order:
b. If there are many identical composite items (e.g., plastic-sheathed aluminum electrical
conductors), place them into the waste component containers corresponding to the materials
present in the item and in the approximate proportions according to the estimated mass
fraction of each material in the item.
c. If there are only a few identical composite items, place them in the storage container
corresponding to the material which comprises, on a weight basis, the majority of the items
(e.g., place bi-metal beverage cans in the ferrous container).
d. If composite items represent substantial weight percentages of the sorting sample, a separate
category should be established, (e.g., tar and gravel roofing material).
e. If none of the previous procedures is appropriate, place the item(s) in the “Other/Composite”
storage container for the type of component.
12. Once all of the large particles are removed, the sorters will use a shovel, brush, dust pan, and screen
to remove the fine material from the residue. The material that passes through the 2.5 cm screen will
be considered “fines” and the material that remains on the surface of the screen (the overs) will be
further segregated into the various categories. Continue sorting until the maximum particle size of the
remaining waste particles is approximately 1 cm.
13. Apportion the remaining particles into the storage containers corresponding to the waste components
represented in the remaining mixture. The apportionment should be accomplished by making a visual
estimate of the mass fraction of waste components represented in the remaining mixture.
14. Record the gross weights of the storage containers and of any waste items sorted but not stored in
15. Empty the storage containers in a designated area and weigh them again, if appropriate.
16. Re-weighing is important and necessary if the containers become moisture-laden, (e.g., from wet
17. Clean the sorting site and the load discharge area of all waste materials. Maintaining a clean work site
at all times will allow easier operations and contribute to the accuracy of the analysis.

Time Period

The recommended sampling period is seven days.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Waste Characterization Study for Metro Manila:

Procedures for Field Work to Determine Bulk Density of Waste Fractions

Raw Mixed Solid Waste


1. Type of container and required volume: wood, metal, or plastic; 0.5 to 1 cubic meter (500 to 1000
2. Mechanical or electronic scale capable of measuring up to 500 kg with 0.5 or 1 kg precision.
3. Shovels and/or small front end loader to load waste into container.


1. Weigh the empty container to determine its tare weight.

2. Select a representative sample of 2 to 4 cubic meters from the load of waste. Cone and quarter the
sample, using shovels and/or front end loader, down to a sub-sample of 0.5 to 1 cubic meter (500 to
1000 liter) of waste that will subsequently be loaded into the tared container. Retain the residual
sample material pending successful completion of the procedures on the initial sub-sample.
3. Fill the container with the sub-sample of material to a level that is slightly above the rim of the
container (to allow for settlement of the material). Do not compact (pack) the waste but try to minimize
void space caused by oversized objects (or note on the data sheet and remove oversized objects from
the sub-sample if encountered). Shake the container or drop one edge of the container (a drop of
about 3 to 5 cm) three times to slightly settle the material in the container; if necessary place more
waste material in the container to bring the contents level with the rim.
4. Weigh the filled container to determine its gross weight.
5. Calculate the net weight of the sub-sample by subtracting the tare weight from the gross weight.
6. Calculate the bulk density of the sub-sample by dividing the gross weight of the sub-sample by the
volume of the container.
7. Empty the sub-sample from the container and re-weigh the empty container to determine the container
tare weight for the next sub-sample. If an error is encountered during the procedure, select another
sub-sample from the residual sample material and repeat the process.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Segregated Components of Solid Waste


1. Types of container and required volume: wood, metal, or plastic; 0.1 to 0.5 cubic meter (100 to 500
liters). Containers with a smaller capacity (volume) can be used to determine the bulk density of
small-sized components such as glass, metal, and plastic containers; dirt/ash, or food waste. Larger-
volume containers may be required for large objects/materials, such as cardboard or wood waste, etc.)
2. Mechanical or electronic scale capable of measuring up to 500 kg with 0.5 or 1 kg precision.
3. Shovels and/or small front end loader to load waste into container.


1. Weigh the empty container to determine its tare weight.

2. From a representative sample volume of 0.25 to 0.5 cubic meters (250 to 500 liters) of the segregated
component of interest. Cone and quarter the sample, using shovels and/or front end loader, down to a
sub-sample of 0.13 to 0.25 cubic meter (130 to 250 liters) of materials that will subsequently be loaded
into the tared container. Retain the residual materials pending successful completion of the
procedures on the initial sub-sample.
3. Fill the container with the sub-sample of material to a level that is slightly above the rim of the
container (to allow for settlement of the material). Do not pack the waste but try to minimize void
space caused by oversized objects (or note on data sheet and remove oversize objects from the sub-
sample if encountered). Shake the container or drop one edge of the container (a drop of about 3 to 5
cm) three times to slightly settle the material in the container; if necessary place more waste material
in the container to bring the contents level with the rim.
4. Weigh the filled container to determine its gross weight.
5. Calculate the net weight of the sub-sample by subtracting the tare weight from the gross weight.
6. Calculate the bulk density of the sub-sample by dividing the gross weight of the sub-sample by the
volume of the container.
7. Empty the sub-sample from the container and re-weigh the empty container to determine the container
tare weight for the next sub-sample. If an error is encountered during the procedure, select another
sub-sample from the residual sample material and repeat the process.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Waste Characterization Study for Metro Manila:

Procedures for Field Work to Determine Moisture Content of Waste Fractions

Air-dry Moisture Content

Air drying of samples is performed outdoors in an area that is or can be protected from wind and rain. Direct
sun light facilitates the drying process.

The sample can be air-dried on a clean, level surface or in drying trays. If drying trays are used, they should
be of metal or plastic because these construction materials will not absorb water. Additionally, if drying trays
are used their tare weight must be determined.


1. Weigh scale of capacity of about 100 kg and a precision of 0.1 kg.


1. Ideally, the air-dry measurements should be performed on fresh waste as soon as possible. If there
will be delays in the performance of the drying procedures, the sample material should be double-
bagged in plastic bags. The time elapsed between sampling and commencement of the drying
procedures should be noted on the data collection forms.
2. For determinations of air-dry moisture content, use the material from the bulk density determinations;
or alternatively, cone and quarter 0.25 to 0.5 cubic meters (250 to 500 liters) of material, using shovels
and/or front end loader, down to a sub-sample of 0.13 to 0.25 cubic meters (130 to 250 liters). This
material will subsequently be spread on the clean surface or placed in a tared tray for the air-drying
3. Weigh the sub-sample to determine its wet weight if the sample is to be placed on a clean surface; or
measure the total weight of the sub-sample and drying tray and the tare weight of the drying tray if one
is used. Set the sub-sample out to air-dry. If the sub-sample is very wet (e.g., food waste or paper),
care should be taken to spread the material out in a thin layer, e.g., no more than about 7 cm, so that it
will dry quickly. Stirring wet material gently at intervals during the drying process (carefully making
sure not to lose sample material) facilitates the drying process.
4. Allow the material to dry until it reaches a constant weight as evidence by no additional loss of weight
through repeated weighings. The material is approximately “air-dry” if one can observe air-borne dust
particles when a handful of the material is picked up and dropped a few centimeters. However,
constant weight is only accurately determined using a weigh scale. The air-drying process can take
several days depending on the moisture content of the waste and meteorological conditions.
5. Record the meteorological conditions (temperature, rainfall, humidity and cloud cover) on the data
6. Calculate the moisture loss (weight) from the sub-sample by subtracting the tare weight (if any)
from the initial (i.e., wet) weight of the sub-sample.
7. Calculate the air-dry moisture content by dividing the moisture loss (weight) by the wet weight of the
sample and multiplying by 100.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Oven-dry Moisture Content

The oven-dry determinations should be performed on fresh waste as soon as possible.

The sample should be dried in an oven of sufficient volume to easily accommodate the quantity of material.
The oven must be equipped with a system to ventilate the oven air space for purposes of moisture removal
and with a system to measure and control the oven temperature.


1. Weigh scale of capacity of about 100 kg and a precision of 0.1 kg.

2. Drying oven with temperature monitoring and control, and ventilation system.


1. If there will be delays in the performance of the drying procedures, the sample material should be
double-bagged in plastic bags. The time elapsed between sampling and commencement of the drying
procedures should be noted on the data collection forms.
2. For determinations of oven-dry moisture content, use the material from the bulk density
determinations; from air-dried samples, or alternatively, cone and quarter 0.25 to 0.5 cubic meters
(250 to 500 l) of material, using shovels and/or front end loader, down to a sub-sample of 0.13 to 0.25
cubic meters (100 to 250 liters).
3. Weigh the sub-sample to determine its wet weight (or air-dry weight). Place the sub-sample in the
oven. The oven temperature should be within the range of 100 to 105 degrees C. If the sub-sample
is very wet (e.g., food waste or paper), care should be taken to spread the material out in a thin layer,
e.g., no more than about 2 cm, so that it will dry quickly. Stirring wet material gently at intervals during
the drying process (being carefully making sure not to lose sample material) facilitates the drying
4. Allow the material to dry until it reaches constant weight as evidence by no additional loss of weight
after repeated weighings.
5. Calculate the moisture loss (weight) from the sub-sample by subtracting the tare weight (if any) from
the initial (i.e., wet) weight of the sub-sample.
6. Calculate the percent moisture content by dividing the moisture loss by the wet weight of the sample
and multiplying by 100. This is the oven-dry moisture content if the initial sub-sample was not air dried
prior to oven drying. If an air-dried sub-sample was oven dried, then the percent oven-dry moisture
content of the sub-sample is the sum of the moisture losses from air-drying and oven-drying multiplied
by 100 and divided by the wet weight of the sample prior to air drying (For example, if the wet weight
of the sub-sample prior to air-drying is 50 kg and 5 kg and 10 kg are the moisture losses, respectively,
due to air-drying and subsequent oven drying, then the percent oven-dry moisture content is (15 x
100)/50, or 30%).

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Waste Characterization Study for Metro Manila:

Safety Procedures and Guidelines

1. All personnel will conduct themselves in a careful and proper manner at all times.
2. Being under the influence of intoxicants, narcotics, or controlled substances is prohibited. Pregnant
women should not be allowed to participate in these activities.
3. Smoking, drinking, or eating is only allowed in designated area. Avoid any practice that may increase
the probability of hand-to-mouth transfer and ingestion of waste materials. Prescription drugs should
not be taken where the potential for contact with toxic substances exists.
4. Proper care must be taken to avoid contact with hazardous or contaminated or potentially
contaminated substances. Do not stray from designated work area. Do not walk through puddles. Do
not kneel on the ground. Do not lean or sit on equipment, drums, containers, vehicles, or on the
5. Stay within the marked off or the designated work site. Permission must be given by field supervisor
before leaving the site.
6. All injuries (no matter how minor) must be reported directly to the field supervisor. Depending on the
severity of the injury, first aid will be administered and/or transportation to the nearest medical facility
will be provided. A list will be maintained by the field supervisor containing all relevant medical
information regarding emergency procedures.
7. Always use sampling, handling, and container-opening techniques demonstrated at the safety and
orientation meeting.
8. Always pick waste material from the top of the pile. Never dig into the pile with your hands.
9. No personnel will be admitted into the work facility without the proper safety clearance and
understanding of all safety procedures. All personnel must comply with the established procedures.
Anyone not in compliance with all stated safety procedures will be dismissed from the area
immediately. Report all suspicious or potentially dangerous waste (including sharps and hazardous
wastes) to the crew supervisor prior to handling or sorting. The crew supervisor is responsible for the
safe handling of potentially dangerous materials and for the handling of household hazardous wastes
and their classification.
10. Tetanus immunization must be current.
11. The following work attire is mandatory: long sleeve shirt; full length pants; strong shoes or boots with
puncture resistant soles; gloves; long hair must be worn "up" or tied back; and no loose or hanging
clothes or garments.
12. The following attire is strongly recommended and may be required depending on site conditions: eye
protection (sunglasses, glasses, or goggles); dust masks; hard hats; gloves, and safety vests.
13. The following equipment is available to sorting personnel: gloves; dust masks; and a first aid kit.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Metro Manila, Philippines

Waste Composition Data Sheet

Sample # Date: Surveyor (initials):

City: Source:

Vehicle Type: Vehicle #:


Weight Weight Weight Weight

Cardboard/Paper Bags Kitchen/Food Waste

Newspaper Yard/Landscape

Office Paper/High Grade Wood

Mixed Paper Textiles

Other Organic
Bottles and Containers Tires

Other/Composite Rubber
Animal Remains (dead
Tin/Steel Cans Other/Composite
Other Ferrous Fines
Aluminum Cans

Other Non-Ferrous

Other/Composite Rock/Concrete/Brick
Other Inorganic

PET Asphalt
HDPE Soil/Sand
Film Plastic/LDPE Ash

Diapers Other/Composite
Other/Composite Fines


Oil/Oil Filters
Small Batteries

Medical Waste

(Syringes, sharps,
gauze, etc.)
Electronic appliances


(continue on reverse side if needed)

Vehicle Count Data Sheeta

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 1, Page 11
ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project

Date ____________________ LGU ____________________

Site ____________________ Surveyor ____________________

Vehicle No. Type of Loadb Vehicle Size of Loadc

(cu m) Length (m) Width Depth
(m) (m)

a) Vehicle Count Data Sheet can be used to determine the quantity of waste disposed when weigh
scales are not available. All vehicle loads from the LGU should be recorded.
b) The type of load is based on the source of the material, e.g., low-income residential (res-low),
medium-income residential (res-med), high-income residential (res-high), industrial (ind), commercial
(com), or market (mrkt).
c) If the vehicle capacity (cu m) is not known, the size of the load should be measured. The load size is
the height, length, and depth of the material inside the vehicle.

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ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report


Appendix A of IRR to RA 9003

General Guidelines/Procedures in Conducting Waste Characterization Survey/Study

When conducting waste characterization survey/study, the following guidelines shall apply unless modified by
the Commission.

1) Waste composition – when analyzing solid waste composition, it is necessary to obtain the following
information: total quantities of waste, bulk (density), moisture content, and composition (physical and
Waste may be described as:
Readily biodegradable – garbage, paper, wood, leaves, trees
Readily combustible – textile, plastics, rubber, leather
Mostly inert -- metals, glass, dirt, ceramics, ash and stones

2) Sampling of solid waste – in order to obtain representative sample the following steps should be
a. Subdivide the area into sub-areas each representing a certain economic status;
b. Further subdivide the areas into residential, commercial, market, light industrial, hospital, etc.
in case of municipal waste; and
c. Collect a representative sample for each sub-area.

To adequately determine the composition, the generalized field procedure should include the following
a. As soon as the study area is selected and subdivided, a marked vehicle collects refuse from
each unit area. Each vehicle must be fully loaded and brought into the sample processing site.
b. The load is placed on a clean, flat surface, mixed thoroughly, then formed into a square about
30 cm high.
c. This is subdivided into quarters, two opposite quarters are discarded and the two remaining
quarters are thoroughly mixed again, formed into a square, and again quartered. This
continues until the desired refuse quantity is obtained (usually about one cubic meter).

3) Moisture content determination – when determining moisture content of waste, the following steps
shall be undertaken:
a. Weigh the sample
b. Separate the components
c. Weigh each component as is
d. Oven dry the component at about 75 degrees Celsius for 24 hours to minimize the possibility
of components sticking to each other; and
e. Weigh each component again.

4) Sorting – when sorting the sample, the following guidelines shall apply:
a. Sort the sample into major components
b. Weigh each component again

5) Statistical treatment of data – Data obtained is processed to determine the following:

a. Seasonal means
b. Differences of generation between economic groups
c. Differences in quantity and quality between seasons
d. Others depending on objective of study such as NPK values.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 2, Page 1
ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report


! " # $ %$$
The total quantity
of waste entering a
disposal site
needs to be
When truck scales
(weigh bridges)
are not available,
all incoming
vehicles can be
measured to
determine the
volume of waste

!" # $

The vehicle load

should be Samples can be
discharged in a collected using
longitudinal pile. available
A representative Shown here is the
sample (100 to 150- use of a front-end-
kg) is collected loader.
from various parts
of the pile for

# ! $ !" # $

Alternatively, samples
can be collected Samples are
manually using a rake segregated into
or a shovel. the various
Here, the
The sample should be
collected from various sampling area is
parts of the pile. protected from
the wind by 30-
cu. m.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 3, Page 1
ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

Sorting should Sorters are

take place on provided with
an elevated safety
surface such as equipment,
a table. The including
height should gloves, masks,
be determined and uniforms (if
for the comfort available).
of the workers.

Once the large If rigid plastic or

items are metallic containers
segregated, it is are not available, it
recommend that is possible to use
screens be used plastic bags for
to separate the temporarily storing
fines from the the segregated
remainder of the materials.

After the entire Containers with

sample has been sorted materials
segregated into should be
its components, weighed on a flat
the containers surface for the
are weighed, and scale to give
the data accurate
recorded. readings.
Shown is a flat
Note shade and
electronic scale
water cooler.
on the pallet.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 3, Page 2
ADB TA 3848-PHI: Metro Manila Solid Waste Management Project Final Report

# ! $

Any type of
Although sorting
storage container
on the ground is
can be used as not recommended,
long as it is
additional sorting
can be done in this
Containers with manner for certain
small quantities components of the
of materials are waste stream.
weighed using a
small scale.

& ! $

In some situations, It is important to

waste determine the
management moisture content
planners may be of components.
interested in Ideally a drying
determining the oven should be
composition of used. When one
specific is not available,
components such moisture can be
as glass estimated by air
containers. drying.

Waste Analysis and Characterization Study Report No: 3 AEA Technology Annex 3, Page 3

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