The Eighth House and Its Implications by DR e S Neelakantan

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by Dr E S Neelakantan

Three undesirable houses in a horoscope are the Sixth(ruling debts, diseases and enemies), the Eighth (ruling
over life, misfortune), and the Twelfth (ruling over failure, loss expenditure). Contrary to what everyone
believes, the Eighth house does not represent death. Because the Eighth house is an undesirable house and
death is an undesirable event, people wrongly understand that the Eighth house represents death.The day I
had dreaded has come;the final loneliness is here. wrote Pearl S Buck in A Bridge for Passing(1962). In this
sentence she describes the death of Richard Walsh, her husband, articulating her emotions as the survivor. A
practical perception on death occurs in the Mahabharata. To the question What is the most wonderful thing
in this world?Yudhistira responds:

Ahani ahani bhutani gacchantih yamamandiram|
Sesah sthavaram icchanti kim ascharyam atah param||

[Every human sees that many living entities die every moment, but still that human imagines that
he/she is permanent and make elaborate arrangements for pleasure. That behavior is the most
wonderful thing in this world.]

In Stillness speaks Eckhart Tolle writes: Death is not the opposite of life;the opposite of death is birth;life is
eternal (page 103).Tolle offers a remark, in passing, on reincarnation: Reincarnation doesnt help you in
your next incarnation if you still dont know who you are (Ibid, page 52). Self-realization can take place only,
when you are in this physical body. In The Power of Now Tolle explains this with an analogy: If you saw an
angel and mistook it for a stone statue all you would have to do is to adjust your vision and look more closely
at the stone statue not start looking at somewhere else. You would then find that there never was a stone
statue (, page 164).

Satyam bruyat: priyam bruyat; na bruyat satyam apriyam (speak truth; speak what is pleasant; never speak an
unpleasant truth) is an ancient Sanskrit adage. An intelligent practitioner of astrology will not predict death.
An average astrologer cannot foresee the death of a person. So it is better that a client ceases to seek an
answer to this question since neither of the two can direct the client to the right answer. A misconception that
usually prevails in both scholars and students of astrology is that the lord of the Eighth house existing in
either the Sixth or the Twelfth house will offer viparita raja yoga. I cannot understand how this yoga is so
grossly misunderstood. If the lord of the Eighth House exists in either Sixth house or Twelfth house, will not
the persons longevity get restrained? If a person does not live, then who will receive the fruits of viparita raja
yoga? Note that lord of Eighth House in house Eight bears good effects: the sarala yoga. Presence of the lord of
the Eighth House in houses Six or Twelve is a major affliction in a horoscope. Note that the lord of the Eighth
House should be strong, but for longevity to exist in a chart, the lagna lord should be stronger than the lord of
the Eighth house.

Esoteric meaning of Eighth house

Instead of my elaboration on the esoteric meaning of the Eighth house and its implications, I would rather
allow the reader to have a look at the views of Vaughn Paul Manley, which offer insights into the functionality
of the Eighth house. If you were to discuss the prospects of the Eighth house with an astrologer, he/she will
only offer skeptical thoughts on it. Let us look at Vaughn Paul Manleys analysis on the connotations of Eighth
House in his article entitled Transformation and change. Manley says: The Eighth House has earned the
dubious reputation as an undesirable house in Astrology. It is the one capable of causing most damage, even
death, and its hard to get more morbid than that. It can be summed up as the house of change sudden,
dramatic and intense change. As a society we love the kind of drama, which the Eighth house provides, as long
as it involves someone else! Even though it is valid, from an astrological standpoint, to explain the effects of
the Eighth house as malefic, it is our attitude about that change that is critical. Our happiness is

internal. People are disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of them, writes Greek philosopher
Epictetus (1st century BC) Astrology reveals the likely outcome of our external situation, but not our internal
reaction to it. That is our choice, from a moment to another. Either we choose to be the victims of our fate or
we rise above it.

Similar to compost taking time to transform from biological waste, the blessing the Eighth house would offer
takes time to be revealed. According to the Dalai Lama, Sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful
stroke of luck. We all know of people who have lost their dreams only to find that something better was
awaiting them, if not immediately, but eventually. Carl Jung says, Whatever is not conscious will be
experienced as fate.

Rules governing the Eighth house

Condider these three planets Lagna lord,Eighth lord and Eleventh Lord.If these planets occupy a quadrant
or a trine or the Eleventh House, longevity is assured.
The lord of the Tenth house is the lord of karma how is it useful in offering longevity to a person? If a
person has a long career ahead of him, should he not be alive in the first place? Now we will discuss three
rules, which help resolving the question of longevity.
When the lords of the lagna, and Eighth and Tenth houses are strong and at the same time not influenced
by Saturn in any manner, the person will live long.
When out of the three planets viz.,lagna lord, lord of the Eighth House and the Tenth lord, only two are
strong, life span will be of medium length.
When none of them is strong, longevity could be said as absent.

If the lord of the Eighth bhava occupies a dustana (6,8,12) in conjunction with a malefic, the person will be
short lived. Please understand the subtle difference between what was discussed earlier and this rule. If the
lord of Eighth bhava is in 8,, longevity will be there, more so if it is aspected by a benefic. If a malefic conjoins
the Eighth lord in the Eighth house, then the person will be short lived.

Rekha yoga

The result of being born in Rekha yoga is that he/she would forbear neither knowledge nor wealth; he/she
would be penurious, hostile, lustful, and wrathful; his/her mind always remains distressed; he/she is
disagreeable, having neither charm nor grace; he/she is crafty; he/she lives in alms; he/she is filthy and
quarrelsome; he/she is full of envy and rage; he/she verbally abuses God and educated people; he/she will be
detested by his/her own family.

The following astrological combinations give rise to Rekha yoga:

When the lagna lord is weak and aspected by lord of the Eighth House and if Jupiter is combust.
When benefics occupy the 6,8 and 12 bhavas, while the malefics occupy either quadrants or trines and
lord of Eleventh house is weak.
When lagna lord is weak ,while the lords of 8 and 9 are conjunct in Fifth house.

The above list is illustrative only. Please note that in all the above, the lord of the Eighth house has a major
role to play in subjecting the person to deprivation of good things in life and humiliation.

Eighth house in Charts of Females

Mars in the Eighth house in a chart of a male will cause his death, but not that of his wife. In the chart of a
female (who is married), Mars in Eighth House will result in the death of her husband, but has no bearing on
her longevity.In charts of spinsters this rule is inapplicable. In the chart of a female, Eighth house denotes
MangalyasthanaSo a male who has Mars in house Seven can marry a female with Mars in house Eight. But a
female with Mars in house Seven or Eight should never marry a male with Mars in the Eighth house.A girl

who has Shuddha Jataka(meaning absence of a malefic in 7 or 8)can marry a boy who has Mars in Eighth
house. A word of caution: when Mars is in Eighth house, if other pointers to longevity are present in a male
chart, that person will be long lived. Merely because Mars in 8, one should not jump to a conclusion, without
examination of other pertinent factors, such as presence of benefics in quadrant, strength of lagna lord and
aspect of benefics on the Ascendant.

When the lagna lord is also the lord of the Eighth House, it will offer results of being the owner of lagna, when
it is strong. This point gets clarified by the explanation given by Mantreswara in Phala Deepika (Ch. 15,Verse
10). Take Aries, for instance. When judging the chart, proceed on the assumption that Mars is the lagna lord
and ignore the fact that it owns Eighth house. I am giving this clarification here because at times clients ask
me: Mars is in the Ninth house: should I view it as lagna lord in 9? Can we take it to be the eighth lord in 9?
The answer is :- it is the lagna lord in 9.

A rule of thumb is offered by Jaimini to ascertain longevity of a person. Let us consider the Lagna lord and the
Eighth lord as a pair:lagna lordeighth houselord (in short, LE pair).

Long life is indicated if this pair occupies movable signs.Alternatively one of them should occupy a fixed sign
and the other a common sign. I shall explain this: Longevity is indicated if the LE pair occupies either movable
signs or two dissimilar signs other than a movable sign.If the LE pair occupies two common signs, medium
span of life is indicated.Same is the case if they occupy two dissimilar signs other than a common sign. If the
LE pair occupies two fixed signs, a short span of life is indicated. Same is the case if they occupy two
dissimilar signs other than a fixed sign.With this theoretical discussion on the Eighth house, let us proceed to
discuss a few charts with a view to gaining conceptual clarity with reference to Eighth House prospects.

Chart 1 belongs to a person, who is nearing 90 and active. Lagna lord is in the Eleventh house, while the
eighth lord is in own house both pointing to long life. Applying the Jaimini logic,the LE pair occupies
movable signs a definite pointer to the person living a long life.

Chart 2 is that of a businessperson, who died when he was 90+, who was also active till the end. When a
debilitated planet is in retrograde motion, it gives the effect of an exalted planet.In chart 2, it is the debilitated
lagna lord, which is retrograde, thereby becoming strong. Further the Eighth House is strongly aspected by
Jupiter from the Second house. A long life was experienced by the chart holder.

Now to chart 3 ;In this chart Mars and Ketu occupy the second bhava and therefore the chart is governed by
Kuja dosha, which is dreadful in a female chart because of its tendency to make the person a widow (subject
to her not being a spinster).In this chart, Saturn as the lord of the Seventh house is in the Eighth house.As
discussed earlier,in a chart of a female, the Eighth House denotes longevity of the male spouse.In this chart
both Saturn and Rahu occupy the Eighth house. In other words, this is a chart where Mars dosha occurs in
addition to a heavily afflicted eighth house.The woman was widowed when she was about 36 years old. Her
husband was healthy, but died suddenly.

Chart 4 belongs to a person who lived in affluence but passed way suddenly while in early 50s.The lord of the
Eighth House in the sixth did not contribute to longevity. A viparita raja yoga could be said to occur here but
that did not favour longevity..Mars is in a common sign and Mercury is in a movable sign. Based on the LR
pair theory this is indicative of short life only. This could be taken as an additional argument against longevity
in this chart.

I have taken an example chart for each of the possibilities we discussed earlier. I am confident that the reader
can verify the rules in various charts that he/she happens to either see or discuss. In the next article in this
sequence we will take up the Ninth house for discussion.

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