Interim Guidance On Night Operations - Aircraft Management Guidelines App. 14
Interim Guidance On Night Operations - Aircraft Management Guidelines App. 14
Interim Guidance On Night Operations - Aircraft Management Guidelines App. 14
Lights &
Use of
Exit Marking
Common controls
Common controls that apply to all threats associated with night operations.
Control 1.1 Night IFR flight
Flights flown at night should be conducted in compliance with Instrument Flight Rule (IFR) procedures using IFR
certified multi-engine aircraft.
For those operations where night can only be conducted under Visual Flight Rules (VFR), the aircraft operator should
conduct an appropriate risk assessment.
Control 1.2 Night IFR qualified crew
Flights flown at night should be flown using two pilots, type rated on the aircraft type in use, who hold valid and current
instrument and night flying ratings. The issue of fatigue should be considered when rostering crew to both night stand-by
and actual night flights (see AMG Section 5.6).
Control 1.3 Pilot night experience
Pilots should have 25 hours night time experience before operating as Pilot-in-Command at night. In the case of offshore
operations, the 25 hours should be offshore time. They should have both also completed, within the last 12 months,
initial or recurrent night proficiency training (see AMG Section 8.1.7 and Control 1.4). When rostering crews for night
operations, the pairing of crew should be specifically considered to avoid, whenever practical, a crew having low total or
recent night experience.
Control 1.4 Pilot night recency
All pilots assigned to night operations should retain night recency of not less than three night cycles in the preceding 90days. A night cycle consists of a stabilised approach, landing and take-off.
For offshore operations, night recency is to be conducted to an offshore helideck.
Use of a simulator of the same type and series being flown may be used if agreed by the OGP Members Aviation Advisor
provided the device has the capability of simulating the approach and landing to an offshore helideck. In addition the
specific device to be used must be approved for that use by national authorities.
In extreme latitudes, where night time is limited during summer months, a summer alleviation to this requirement may
be agreed by the OGP Members Aviation Advisor.
Control 1.5 Night ground training
Air operators engaged in night offshore activities should conduct annual ground training on night offshore operations
for pilots.
Control 1.6 Emergency Night Flight Policy
An Emergency Night Flight Policy should be established in all circumstances when night flights can reasonably be
expected to be requested in response to medical, weather or other emergencies. OGP Members, in consultation with
the air operator, should develop, using a risk assessment methodology, a documented night medevac/emergency policy.
This should be issued to both parties and have a suitable level of authorisation to request such flights. In recognition of
their higher risk, night offshore emergency flights should only be requested in genuinely life-threatening situations where
the risk of waiting until first light is considered to outweigh the risk of an emergency night flight. Once the cause of the
emergency is over, subsequent flights, such as for re-manning, should be conducted under the Non-Emergency Night
Flight Policy. Pilots should be rostered for night stand-by duty in accordance with the principles in AMG Section 5.6.6.
Control 1.7 Non-Emergency Night Flight Policy
The scheduling of non-emergency night flights should only be undertaken after a risk assessment by the OGP Member
Company that considers in-particular the effectiveness of the Emergency Response/Search and Rescue (SAR) capability.
Non-emergency night winching should be avoided (see AMG Appendix 9).
Weather controls
Weather conditions force the aircraft to deviate from original flight path and result in an
aircraft accident.
Control 2.1 Adverse weather policy
When weather conditions have the potential to question the ability to provide a suitable SAR capability, an Adverse
Weather Policy should be developed to provide a formalised process between the aircraft operator and the Company
to communicate when night flying operations should be restricted or temporarily halted. The policy should consider
the potentially higher risk of night operations and the greater SAR challenges. Limitations at night, for example for sea
states or for pitch, roll and heave of floating helidecks, will normally be more restrictive than during daytime (See AMG
Appendix 6).
Control 2.2 Weather reporting
Destination weather reporting should follow the requirements outlined in AMG Appendix 6.3.4. Wind indicating
systems should be illuminated.
Control 2.3 Weather radar
All aircraft contracted to be able to operate at night should be fitted with colour weather radar. In the event the weather
radar becomes unserviceable, the aircraft should not be flown at night in IMC and only if the weather forecasts indicate
there is no likelihood of thunderstorms, lightning, turbulence or icing.
Disorientation controls
An airworthy aircraft under the control of crew is flown into the ground (or water) resulting in an
Control 5.1 AFCS/Autopilot
Aircraft operated at night should be fitted with a serviceable autopilot or AFCS with the associate crew responsibilities clearly
defined in the operators SOPs. All helicopters expected to conduct SAR or hoist-operations at night should have an autohover capability (see AMG Appendix 9).
Control 5.2 TAWS/AVAD
Aircraft that may be tasked to provide flight at night and on long-term contract should be fitted with an approved and
serviceable Class A Terrain Awareness and Warning System (TAWS) or AVAD capability with appropriate voice warnings
compatible with offshore approach procedures. The operator should have corresponding procedures outlining the action to be
taken by the crew in the event of an alert.
Control 5.3 Radalt/IVSI
All aircraft flown at night should be equipped with at least one radio altimeter with dual displays with visual and audio
warnings. Both displays should be serviceable for any flight at night or conducted under IFR irrespective of any allowances
offered by the approved Minimum Equipment List. (MEL).
Furthermore aircraft operated at night should be fitted with two instantaneous vertical speed indicators.
Recovery measures
Emergency response and SAR capability/performance should be considered for night helicopter activity, with particular focus
when operating in hostile environments and the Adverse Weather Policy. As a minimum there should be consideration of the
estimated survival times of personnel given environmental conditions and mitigating measures (such as survival suits etc.) and
the availability, readiness and effectiveness of available night SAR resources and estimated rescue times (see AMG Appendices
6 and 12). Where a SAR helicopter capability is provided they should be operated by trained SAR crews and equipped with a
full night hoisting/auto-hover capability (see AMG Appendix 9).
Control 7.2 Helicopter emergency exit marking systems
Emergency exit lighting (such as HEELS or EXIS) should be fitted to helicopters engaged in night operations and be
automatically activated following the flooding of the aircraft (see AMG Section 10.3.4).
Control 7.3 Aircraft flotation system
Offshore helicopters should be fitted with an emergency flotation system. Automatic inflation systems should be installed. The
certified float sea state capability should be a factor in the Adverse Weather Policy.
Control 7.4 Externally mounted liferafts
Liferafts should be carried, and where a suitable approved modification exists, these should be externally mounted and able to
be deployed internally or externally.
Control 7.5 Survival equipment
For night operations, life-jackets should be equipped with an integral light. Immersion suits approved by the local regulatory
authority should be provided to crews and passengers for helicopter offshore operations in hostile environments and/or when
required by a risk assessment. Other equipment such as a re-breather self breathing device (or other emergency air devices)
or personal locator beacon may be required by a risk assessment. Passengers and crew should be trained in the use of this
equipment and helicopter underwater escape (see AMG Section 8).
Control 7.6 Satellite flight following
Where possible an approved satellite tracking system should be provided to augment the flight following system. Satellite
reporting intervals should be at least at two-minute intervals with higher reporting frequencies encouraged at lower levels. This
may be used in lieu of the scheduled radio transmissions where suitable procedures exist to ensure data is monitored.
Copyright OGP
Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information
contained in this publication, neither the OGP nor any of its members
past present or future warrants its accuracy or will, regardless of its or their
negligence, assume liability for any foreseeable or unforeseeable use made
thereof, which liability is hereby excluded. Consequently, such use is at the
recipients own risk on the basis that any use by the recipient constitutes
agreement to the terms of this disclaimer. The recipient is obliged to inform
any subsequent recipient of such terms.