Question Bank ASQL

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List and explain all the arithmetic expression that is used in Oracle with an example.
List different types of joins in Oracle. Explain Self join in detail with an example.
Explain the following with an example:
What is an Index in Oracle? What are the different types of Indexes? Write the syntax to create Index.
What is a sequence in Oracle? Write syntax to create sequence. Create a sequence by the name
ADDR_SEQ, which will generate numbers from 1 upto 9999 in ascending order with an interval of 1.
The sequence must restart from the number 1 after generating number 999.
What is a View in Oracle? What are the uses of view? Write syntax to update and delete view.
What are different types of constraints that are used in Oracle? Explain any two constraints in detail
with an example.

What is the use of GRANT and REVOKE statement? Write the syntax for REVOKE statement. Write a code
to revoke all privileges on the table NOMINEE_MSTR have been granted to Anil.
Explain UNION, INTERSECT and MINUS Clauses with an example.
Explain ROLLUP and CUBE operator. What is difference between them?
Explain correlated sub queries with an example.
Explain the concept of grouping by using the ROLLUP operator with the help of an example.
Explain SET operators with an example.
What is the use of GRANT and REVOKE statement? Write the syntax for GRANT statement. Write a code to
grant all data manipulation permission to user Sharanam on the table EMP_MSTR.
What are the types of sub-queries? Explain any one of them in detail with the help of example.

Explain Generic PL/SQL Block with the help of a diagram?

Write PL/SQL code to find Factorial of a given number.
List and Explain PL/SQL Data Types?
What do you mean by Row-Id .Explain the different types of function in Row-ID.
Write PL/SQL code to find given number is Prime or not.
What is PL/SQL .What are the advantages of PL/SQL?
List and Explain PL/SQL Data Types?
What do you mean by Row-Id .Explain the different types of function in Row-ID.

What is a Cursor? Write syntax to create cursor. Explain types of cursor?
Write a PL/SQL block that will display employee no., employee fname and salary from EMP table using Explicit
What is Exception-handling in Oracle? List and explain pre-determined internal pl/sql exceptions.
Write SQL code block that raises a user defined exception when business rule is violated. The business rule for
client_master table specifies when the value of Bal_due field is less than 0, handle the exception.
Explain Explicit Cursor with its attributes and with an example?
Write PL/SQL Programs in Cursors using Loops to extract employee name, Lname, age, sal from EMP table.
Explain USER-Named Exception handlers. Write syntax of user defined exception handling.
Write SQL code block that raises a user defined exception when business rule is violated. The business rule for
client_master table specifies when the value of Bal_due field is less than 0, handle the exception.

Write syntax for procedure using keywords and parameters. Explain with a small example.
Create a function to calculate factorial of given number.
What do you mean by package? What are the uses of package?
Create a function that accepts a Client_no and checks if the Client_no exists in the table CLIENT_MASTER.
If the Client_no exists, display a message Valid Client and if the Client_no does not exist then display an
appropriate error message.
Write syntax for function using keywords and parameters. Explain with a small example.
Create a procedure to calculate factorial of given number.
Create a function that accepts a Client_no and checks if the Client_no exists in the table CLIENT_MASTER.
If the Client_no exists, display a message Valid Client and if the Client_no does not exist then display an
appropriate error message.
What are procedures and functions? What are the advantages of procedures and functions?

Unit- 6
What is database triggers? What are the uses of database triggers?
Write syntax for creating trigger and explain the keywords and parameters of trigger.
Create an UPDATE trigger on CLIENT_MASTER table, which keep track of the records that are being
updated. The old values of the updated record are added in the AUDIT_TRAIL table.
What is database triggers? What are the uses of database triggers?

Write syntax for creating trigger and explain the keywords and parameters of trigger.

Create an UPDATE trigger on CLIENT_MASTER table, which keep track of the records that are being
updated. The old values of the updated record are added in the AUDIT_TRAIL table.
Write a plsql code for Before trigger for insert, update and delete using if statement on CLIENT_MASTER


What is a sequence in Oracle? Write syntax to create sequence. Create a sequence by the name ADDR_SEQ,
which will generate numbers from 1 upto 9999 in ascending order with an interval of 1. The sequence must
restart from the number 1 after generating number 999.
Explain correlated subqueries with an example.
Write PL/SQL code to find Largest of three numbers.
What is a Rollback? Write syntax to create rollback. Explain the difference between with savepoint & without
savepoint rollback.
Explain DBMS_UTILITY COMPILE package in Oracle.
List and explain different types of triggers. What is difference between triggers and procedures?
Explain the following functions with an example:
1. NVL() 2. DECODE()
3. SUBSTR() 4. INITCAP() 5. NVL2()
What are the types of sub-queries? Explain any one of them in detail with the help of example.
Write PL/SQL code to find Largest of three numbers.
What is a Rollback? Write syntax to create rollback. Explain the difference between with savepoint & without
savepoint rollback.
Explain DBMS_UTILITY COMPILE package in Oracle.
List and explain different types of triggers. What is difference between triggers and procedures?

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