Design and Embedded Control Systems

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Design of Embedded

Control Systems

Design of Embedded
Control Systems
Marian Andrzej Adamski
Andrei Karatkevich
Marek Wegrzyn
University of Zielona Gora, Poland

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Design of embedded control systems / Marian Andrzej Adamski, Andrei Karatkevich,
Marek Wegrzyn [editors].
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-387-23630-9
1. Digital control systemsDesign and construction. 2. Embedded computer systemsDesign
and construction. I. Adamski, M. (Marian) II. Karatkevich, Andrei. III. Wegrzyn, M. (Marek)
TJ223.M53D47 2005

ISBN-10: 0-387-23630-9
Printed on acid-free paper.
ISBN-13: 978-0387-23630-8

C 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
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About the Editors

Marian Andrzej Adamski received an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering (specialty of control engineering) from Poznan Technical University, Poland, in 1970; a Ph.D. degree in control and computer engineering
from Silesian Technical University, Gliwice, Poland, in 1976; and a D.Sc.
in computer engineering from Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, in
After completing his M.Sc. in 1970, he joined the research laboratory in
Nuclear Electronics Company in Poznan. In 1973 he became a senior lecturer
at the Technical University of Zielona Gora, Poland. From 1976 to 1991 he was
employed as an assistant professor, and later from 1991 to 1992 as an associate
professor. From 1993 to 1996 he was a visiting professor at University of Minho,
in Braga and Guimaraes, Portugal. Currently he is a full-tenured professor of
computer engineering at University of Zielona Gora, Poland. He is a chair of
Computer Engineering and Electronics Institute at University of Zielona Gora.
Prof. Adamskis research includes mathematical logic and Petri nets in
digital systems design, formal development of logic controller programs, and
VHDL, FPLD, and FPGA in industrial applications.
Prof. M. Adamski is an author of more than 160 publications, including six
books, and he holds ve patents. He is a member of several international and
national societies, including Committees of Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish
Computer Science Society, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). He has supervised
more than 100 M.Sc. theses and several Ph.D. dissertations. He has been a principal investigator for government-sponsored research projects and a consultant
to industry. He is a member of the editorial board of International Journal
of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science and a referee of international
conferences and journals. He has been involved as a program and organizing
committee member of several international workshops and conferences. He obtained the Scientic Award from Ministry of Higher Education and won several
times the University Distinguished Teaching and Research awards.


About the Editors

Andrei Karatkevich received a masters degree in system engineering

(1993) from Minsk Radioengineering Institute (Belarus) and Ph.D. (1998) from
Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (Minsk). From
1998 to 2000 he was employed at this university as a lecturer. Since 1999 he has
been working at University of Zielona Gora (Poland) as an Assistant Professor.
Dr. Karatkevich teaches a variety of classes in computer science and computer
engineering. His research interest includes digital design, theory of logical
control. Petri nets, analysis and verication of concurrent algorithms, discrete
systems and graph theory. He has published 40+ technical papers and several
research presentations.
Marek Wegrzyn received an M.Sc. in electrical engineering (summa cum
laude) from the Technical University of Zielona Gora, Poland, in 1991. Since
1991 he has been a lecturer of digital systems in Computer Engineering and
Electronics Department, Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the university.
He spent one academic year (199293) at University of Manchester Institute
of Science and Technology (UMIST), Manchester, UK, working on VLSI design and HDLs (Verilog and VHDL). He has been a visiting research fellow
in the Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Braga and
Guimaraes, Portugal (in 1996). He received his Ph.D. in computer engineering
from the Faculty of Electronics and Information Techniques at Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, in 1999. Currently, Dr. Marek Wegrzyn is an
assistant professor and head of Computer Engineering Division at University
of Zielona Gora, Poland.
His research interests focus on hardware description languages, Petri nets,
concurrent controller designs, and information technology. His recent work
includes design of dedicated FPGA-based digital systems and tools for the
automatic synthesis of programmable logic. He is a referee of international
conferences and journals.
Dr. Marek Wegrzyn was the 1991 recipient of the Best Young Electrical
Engineer award from District Branch of Electrical Engineering Society. As
the best student he obtained in 1989 a gold medal (maxima cum laude) from
the rector-head of the Technical University of Zielona Gora, a Primus Inter
Pares diploma, and the Nicolaus Copernicus Award from the National Student
Association. He won the National Price from Ministry of Education for the
distinguished Ph.D. dissertation (2000). He obtained several awards from the
rector-head of the University of Zielona Gora. He has published more than
70 papers in conferences and journals. He was a coeditor of two postconference


A set of original results in the eld of high-level design of logical control

devices and systems is presented in this book. These concern different aspects
of such important and long-term design problems, including the following,
which seem to be the main ones.
First, the behavior of a device under design must be described properly, and
some adequate formal language should be chosen for that. Second, effective
algorithms should be used for checking the prepared description for correctness,
for its syntactic and semantic verication at the initial behavior level. Third, the
problem of logic circuit implementation must be solved using some concrete
technological base; efcient methods of logic synthesis, test, and verication
should be developed for that. Fourth, the task of the communication between
the control device and controlled objects (and maybe between different control
devices) waits for its solution. All these problems are hard enough and cannot be
successfully solved without efcient methods and algorithms oriented toward
computer implementation. Some of these are described in this book.
The languages used for behavior description have been descended usually
from two well-known abstract models which became classic: Petri nets and
nite state machines (FSMs). Anyhow, more detailed versions are developed
and described in the book, which enable to give more complete information
concerning specic qualities of the regarded systems. For example, the model of
parallel automaton is presented, which unlike the conventional nite automaton
can be placed simultaneously into several places, called partial. As a base for
circuit implementation of control algorithms, FPGA is accepted in majority of
Hierarchical Petri nets have been investigated by Andrzejewski and
Miczulski, who prove their applicability to design of control devices in practical
situations. Using Petri nets for design and verication of control paths is suggested by Schober, Reinsch, and Erhard, and also by Wegrzyn and Wegrzyn.
A new approach to modeling and analyzing embedded hybrid control systems,
based on using hybrid Petri nets and time-interval Petri nets, is proposed by



Hummel and Fengler. A memory-saving method of checking Petri nets for

deadlocks and other qualities is developed by Karatkevich. A special class of
reactive Petri nets with macronodes is introduced and thoroughly investigated
(Gomes, Barros, and Costa). Using Petri nets for reactive system design was
worked out by Adamski.
The model of sequent automaton was suggested by Zakrevskij for description of systems with many binary variables. It consists of so-called sequents
expressions dening cause-effect relations between events in Boolean space
of input, output, and inner variables. A new method for encoding inner FSM
states, oriented toward FSM decomposition, is described (Kubatova). Several
algorithms were developed for assignment of partial states of parallel automata:
for using in the case of synchronous automata (Pottosin) and for the asynchronous case, when race-free encoding is needed (Cheremisinova). A new
technique of state exploration of statecharts specifying the behavior of controllers is suggested by Labiak. A wide variety of formal languages is used in
the object-oriented real-time techniques method, the goal of which is the specication of distributed real-time systems (Lopes, Silva, Tavares, and Monteiro).
The problem of functional decomposition is touched by Bibilo and Kirienko,
who regarded it as the task of decomposing a big PLA into a set of smaller
ones, and by Rawski, Luba, Jachna, and Tomaszewicz, who applied it to circuit
implementation in CPLD/FPGA architecture.
Some other problems concerning the architecture of control systems are also
discussed. Architectural Description Language for using in design of embedded processors is presented by Tavares, Silva, Lima, Metrolho, and Couto. The
inuence of FPGA architectures on implementation of Petri net specications
is investigated by Soto and Pereira. Communication architectures of multiprocessor systems are regarded by Dvorak, who suggest some tools for their
improving. A two-processor (bit-byte) architecture of a CPU with optimized
interaction is suggested by Chmiel and Hrynkiewicz.
An example of application of formal design methods with estimation of their
effectiveness is described by Caban, who synthesized positional digital image
lters from VHDL descriptions, using eld programmable devices. In another
example, a technology of development and productization of virtual electronic
components, both in FPGA and ASIC architectures, is presented (Sakowski,
Bandzerewicz, Pyka, and Wrona).

A. Zakrevskij


About the Editors



Section I: Specication of Concurrent Embedded Control Systems

1. Using Sequents for Description of Concurrent Digital
Systems Behavior
Arkadij Zakrevskij

2. Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers

Marian Adamski


3. Hierarchical Petri Nets for Digital Controller Design

Grzegorz Andrzejewski


Section II: Analysis and Verication of Discrete-Event Systems

4. WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL
Adriano Tavarev / Carlos Silva / Carlos Lima / Jose Metrolho /
Carlos Couto


5. Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets

Torsten Schober / Andreas Reinsch / Werner Erhard


6. Memory-Saving Analysis of Petri Nets

Andrei Karatkevich



7. Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts for Hardware

Grzegorz L abiak


8. Calculating State Spaces of Hierarchical Petri Nets Using

Piotr Miczulski


9. A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers

Agnieszka Wegrzyn / Marek Wegrzyn


Section III: Synthesis of Concurrent Embedded Control Systems

10. Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata
Yury Pottosin


11. Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata

Ljudmila Cheremisinova


12. Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets

Thorsten Hummel / Wolfgang Fengler


Section IV: Implementation of Discrete-Event Systems

in Programmable Logic
13. Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models
Paulo Barros / Aniko Costa
Lus Gomes / Joao


14. Implementing a Petri Net Specication in a FPGA Using VHDL

Enrique Soto / Miguel Pereira


15. Finite State Machine Implementation in FPGAs

Hana Kubatova


16. Block Synthesis of Combinational Circuits

Pyotr Bibilo / Natalia Kirienko


17. The Inuence of Functional Decomposition on Modern Digital

Design Process
Mariusz Rawski / Tadeusz L uba / Zbigniew Jachna /
Pawel Tomaszewicz




Section V: System Engineering for Embedded Systems

18. Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT
Sergio Lopes / Carlos Silva / Adriano Tavares / Joao


19. Optimizing Communication Architectures for Parallel

Embedded Systems
Vaclav Dvorak


20. Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures of the

Programmable Logic Controller
Miroslaw Chmiel / Edward Hrynkiewicz


21. FPGA Implementation of Positional Filters

Dariusz Caban
22. A Methodology for Developing IP Cores that Replace
Obsolete ICS
Wojciech Sakowski / Miroslaw Bandzerewicz / Maciej Pyka /
Wlodzimierz Wrona




Section I

Specification of Concurrent
Embedded Control Systems

Chapter 1


Arkadij Zakrevskij
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Surganov Str. 6, 220012, Minsk, Belarus; e-mail: [email protected]


A model of sequent automaton is proposed for description of digital systems

behavior. It consists of sequents expressions dening cause-effect relations
between events in the space of Boolean variables: input, output, and inner. The
rules of its equivalence transformations are formulated, leading to several canonical forms. Simple sequent automaton is introduced using simple events described
by conjunctive terms. It is represented in matrix form, which is intended for
easing programmable logic array (PLA) implementation of the automaton. The
problem of automata correctness is discussed and reduced to checking automata
for consistency, irredundancy, and persistency.

Key words:

logical control; behavior level; simple event; sequent automaton; PLA implementation; concurrency; correctness.



Development of modern technology results in the appearance of complex

engineering systems, consisting of many digital units working in parallel and
often in the asynchronous way. In many cases they exchange information by
means of binary signals represented by Boolean variables, and logical control
devices (LCDs) are used to maintain a proper interaction between them. Design
of such a device begins with dening a desirable behavior of the considered
system and formulating a corresponding logical control algorithm (LCA) that
must be implemented by the control device. The well-known Petri net formalism
is rather often used for this purpose.
But it would be worth noting that the main theoretical results of the theory
of Petri nets were obtained for pure Petri nets presenting nothing more than sets

Chapter 1

of several ordered pairs of some nite set, interpreted in a special way. To use a
Petri net for LCA representation, some logical conditions and operations should
be added. That is why various extensions of Petri nets have been proposed.
Their common feature is that some logical variables are assigned to elements
of the Petri net structure: places, transitions, arcs, and even tokens. This makes
possible to represent by extended Petri nets rather complicated LCAs, but at
the cost of losing the vital theoretical maintenance.
These considerations motivated developing a new approach to LCA
representation11 , where Petri nets were applied together with cause-effect relations between simple discrete events (presented by elementary conjunctions).
In that approach only the simplest kind of Petri nets is regarded, where arithmetic operations (used for counting the current number of tokens in a place)
are changed by set operations, more convenient when solving logical problems
of control algorithms verication and implementation.
According to this approach, the special language PRALU was proposed
for LCA representation and used as the input language in an experimental
system of CAD of LCDs12 . A fully automated technology of LCD design was
suggested, beginning with representation of some LCA in PRALU and using
an intermediate formal model called sequent automaton38 . A brief review of
this model is given below.



Two sets of Boolean variables constitute the interface between an LCD and
some object of control: the set X of condition variables x1 , . . . , xn that present
some information obtained from the object (delivered by some sensors, for
example) and the set Y of control variables y1 , . . . , ym that present control
signals sent to the object. Note that these two sets may intersect the same
variable could be presented in both sets when it is used in a feedback. From the
LCDs point of view X may be considered as the set of input variables, and Y
as the set of output variables. In case of an LCD with memory the third set Z is
added interpreted as the set of inner variables. Union of all these sets constitutes
the general set W of Boolean variables.
2|W| different combinations of values of variables from W constitute the
Boolean space over W (|W| denotes the cardinality of set W ). This Boolean
space is designated below as BS(W ). Each of its elements may be regarded
as a global state of the system, or as the corresponding event that occurs
when the system enters that state. Let us call such an event elementary. In
the same way, the elements of Boolean spaces over X , Y , and Z may be regarded as input states, output states, and inner states, as well as corresponding

Using Sequents Description of Concurrent Digital Systems . . .

Besides these, many more events of other types may be taken into consideration. Generally, every subset of BS(W ) may be interpreted as an event that
occurs when some element from BS(W ) is realized; i.e., when the variables from
W possess the corresponding combination of values. In this general case the
event is called complicated and could be presented by the characteristic Boolean
function of the regarded subset. Therefore, the number of complicated events
coincides with the number of arbitrary Boolean functions of |W| variables.
From the practical point of view, the following two types of events deserve
special consideration: basic events and simple events.
Basic events are represented by literals symbols of variables or their negations and occur when these variables take on corresponding values. For example, basic event a occurs when variable a equals 1, and event c occurs when
c = 0. The number of different basic events is 2|W|.
Simple events are represented by elementary conjunctions and occur when
these conjunctions take value 1. For example, event ab f occurs when a = 1,
b = 0, and f = 1. The number of different simple events is 3|W| , including the
trivial event, when values of all variables are arbitrary.
Evidently, the class of simple events absorbs elementary events and basic
events. Therefore, elementary conjunction ki is the general form for representation of events i of all three introduced types; it contains symbols of all variables
in the case of an elementary event and only one symbol when a basic event
is regarded. One event i can realize another event j it means that the latter
always comes when the former comes. It follows from the denitions that it
occurs when conjunction ki implicates conjunction k j ; in other words, when
k j can be obtained from ki by deleting some of its letters. For example, event
abc de realizes events ac d and bc e , event ac d realizes basic events a, c , and
d, and so on. Hence, several different events can occur simultaneously, if only
they are not orthogonal.



The behavior of a digital system is dened by the rules of changing its state.
A standard form for describing such rules was suggested by the well-developed
classical theory of nite automata considering relations between the sets of
input, inner, and output states. Unfortunately, this model becomes inapplicable
for digital systems with many Boolean variables hundreds and more. That is
why a new formal model called sequent automaton was proposed35 . It takes
into account the fact that interaction between variables from W takes place
within comparatively small groups and has functional character, and it suggests
means for describing both the control unit of the system and the object of
control the body of the system.

Chapter 1

Sequent automaton is a logical dynamic model dened formally as a system

S of sequents si . Each sequent si has the form f i | ki and denes the causeeffect relation between a complicated event represented by Boolean function f i
and a simple event ki represented by conjunction term ki ; | is the symbol of
the considered relation. Suppose that function f i is given in disjunctive normal
form (DNF).
The expression f i | ki is interpreted as follows: if at some moment function
f i takes value 1, then immediately after that ki must also become equal to 1
by this the values of all variables in ki are dened uniquely. In such a way a
separate sequent can present a denite demand to the behavior of the discrete
system; and the set S as a whole, the totality of such demands.
Note that the variables from X may appear only in f i and can carry information obtained from some sensors; the variables from Y present control signals
and appear only in ki ; and the variables from Z are feedback variables that can
appear both in f i and ki .
The explication of immediately after that depends greatly on the accepted
time model. It is different for two kinds of behavior interpretation, which could
be used for sequent automata, both of practical interest: synchronous and asynchronous.
We shall interpret system S mostly as a synchronous sequent automaton.
In this case the behavior of the automaton is regarded in discrete time t, the
sequence of moments t0 , t1 , t2 , . . . , tl , tl+1 , . . . . At a current transition from tl to
tl+1 all such sequents si for which f i = 1 are executed simultaneously, and as a
result all corresponding conjunctions ki turn to 1 (all their factors take value 1).
In that case immediately after that means at the next moment.
Suppose that if some of the inner and output variables are absent in conjunctions ki of executed sequents, they preserve their previous values. That is why
the regarded sequent automata are called inertial 9 . Hence a new state of the
sequent automaton (the set of values of inner variables), as well as new values
of output variables, is dened uniquely.
Sometimes the initial state of the automaton is xed (for moment t0 ); then
the automaton is called initial. The initial state uniquely determines the set R of
all reachable states. When computing it, it is supposed that all input variables
are free; i.e., by any moment tl they could take arbitrary combinations of values.
Let us represent set R by characteristic Boolean function of inner variables,
which takes value 1 on the elements from R. In the case of noninitialized
automata it is reasonable to consider that = 1.
Under asynchronous interpretation the behavior of sequent automaton is
regarded in continuous time. There appear many more hard problems of
their analysis connected with races between variables presented in terms
ki , especially when providing the automaton with the important quality of

Using Sequents Description of Concurrent Digital Systems . . .



Let us say that sequent si is satised in some engineering system if event

f i is always followed by event ki and that sequent si realizes sequent s j if the
latter is satised automatically when the former is satised.
Afrmation 1. Sequent si realizes sequent s j if and only if f j f i and ki k j ,
where is the symbol of formal implication.
For instance, sequent ab c| uv realizes sequent abc | u. Indeed, abc
ab c and uv u.
If two sequents si and s j realize each other, they are equivalent. In that case
f i = f j and ki = k j .
The relations of realization and equivalence can be extended onto sequent
automata S and T . If S includes in some form all demands contained in T , then
S realizes T . If two automata realize each other, they are equivalent.
These relations are easily dened for elementary sequent automata S e and
T , which consist of elementary sequents. The left part of such a sequent
presents an elementary event in BS(X Z ), and the right part presents a
basic event (for example, ab cde | q, where it is supposed that X Z =
{a, b, c, d, e}). S e realizes T e if it contains all sequents contained in T e . S e and
T e are equivalent if they contain the same sequents. It follows from this that
the elementary sequent automaton is a canonical form.
There exist two basic equivalencies formulated as follows.
Afrmation 2. Sequent f i f j | k is equivalent to the pair of sequents f i | k
and f j | k.
Afrmation 3. Sequent f | ki k j is equivalent to the pair of sequents f | ki
and f | k j .
According to these afrmations, any sequent can be decomposed into a
series of elementary sequents (which cannot be decomposed further). This
transformation enables to compare any sequent automata, checking them for
binary relations of realization and equivalence. Afrmations 2 and 3 can be used
for equivalence transformations of sequent automata by elementary operations
of two kinds: splitting sequents (replacing one sequent by a pair) and merging
sequents (replacing a pair of sequents by one, if possible).
Elementary sequent automaton is useful for theoretical constructions but
could turn out quite noneconomical when regarding some real control systems.
Therefore two more canonical forms are introduced.
The point sequent automaton S p consists of sequents in which all left
parts represent elementary events (in BS(X Z )) and are different. The

Chapter 1

corresponding right parts show the responses. This form can be obtained from
elementary sequent automaton S e by merging sequents with equal left parts.
The functional sequent automaton S f consists of sequents in which all right
parts represent basic events in BS(Z Y ) and are different. So the sequents have
the form f i1 | u i or f i0 | u i , where variables u i Z Y, and the corresponding
left parts are interpreted as switching functions for them: ON functions f i1 and
OFF functions f i0 . S f can be obtained from S e by merging sequents with equal
right parts.
Note that both forms S p and S f can also be obtained from arbitrary sequent
automata by disjunctive decomposition of the left parts of the sequents (for the
point sequent automaton) or conjunctive decomposition of the right parts (for
the functional one).



Now consider a special important type of sequent automata, a simple sequent

automaton. It is dened formally as a system S of simple sequents, expressions
ki | ki where both ki and ki are elementary conjunctions representing simple
events. This form has a convenient matrix representation, inasmuch as every
elementary conjunction can be presented as a ternary vector.
Let us represent any simple sequent automaton by two ternary matrices:
a cause matrix A and an effect matrix B. They have equal number of rows
indicating simple sequents, and their columns correspond to Boolean variables
input, output, and inner.
Example. Two ternary matrices
a b c
0 1
0 1





q r u v w z
1 1 1
0 1 0

0 1 0

1 1 0 1

represent the following system of simple sequents regarded as a simple sequent

aq | qvz,
b cp | r  uw ,
a  bqr | pq vz ,
cr  | p  w,
c pq | qru w.

Using Sequents Description of Concurrent Digital Systems . . .

Here X = {a, b, c}, Y = {u, v, w, z}, Z = { p, q, r }.

It has been noted1 that, to a certain extent, simple sequents resemble the
sequents of the theory of logical inference introduced by Gentzen2 . The latter
are dened as expressions
A1 , . . . , An B1 , . . . , Bm ,
which connect arbitrary logic formulae A1 , . . . , An , B1 , . . . , Bm and are interpreted as implications
A1 . . . An B1 . . . Bm .

The main difference is that any simple sequent ki | ki presents not a pure

logical but a cause-effect relation: event ki is generated by event ki and appears

after it, so we cannot mix variables from ki with variables from ki .

But sometimes we may discard this time aspect and consider terms ki and ki
on the same level; for instance, when looking for stable states of the regarded

system. In that case, sequent ki | ki could be formally changed for implication

ki ki and subjected further to Boolean transformations, leading to equivalent
sets of Gentzen sequents and corresponding sets of standard disjuncts usual for
the theory of logical inference.
For example, the system of simple sequents
ab | cd , a  b | cd, a  b | c
may be transformed into the following system of disjuncts
a  b c, a  b d  , a b c, a b d, a b c.



The model of simple sequent automaton is rather close to the well-known

technique of disjunctive normal forms (DNFs) used for hardware implementation of systems of Boolean functions. Indeed, each row of matrix A may be
regarded as a conjunctive term (product), and each column in B denes DNFs
for two switching functions of the corresponding output or inner variable: 1s
indicate terms entering ON functions, while 0s indicate terms which enter
OFF functions. Note that these DNFs can be easily obtained by transforming
the regarded automaton into S f -form and then changing expressions f i1 | u i
for u i1 = f i1 and f i0 | u i for u i0 = f i0 . For the same example
p 1 = a  bqr, p 0 = cr  ; q 1 = aq  c pq , q 0 = a  bqr; r 1 = c pq , r 0 = b cp;
u 1 = b cp, u 0 = c pq ; v 1 = aq a  bqr; w 1 = cr  c pq , w 0 = b cp;
z 1 = aq , z 0 = a  bqr.


Chapter 1

Figure 1-1. PLA implementation of a simple sequent automaton.

It is seen from here that the problem of constructing a simple sequent automaton with minimum number of rows is similar to that of the minimization
of a system of Boolean functions in the class of DNFs known as a hard combinatorial problem. An approach to its solving was suggested in Refs. 7 and 8.
The considered model turned out to be especially convenient for representation of programmable logic arrays (PLAs) with memory on RS-ip-ops. It
is also used in methods of automaton implementation of parallel algorithms for
logical control described by expressions in PRALU11 .
Consider a simple sequent automaton shown in the above example. It is
implemented by a PLA represented in Fig. 1-1. It has three inputs (a, b, c)
supplied with inverters (NOT elements) and four outputs (u, v, w, z) supplied
with RS ip-ops. So its input and output lines are doubled. The six input
lines are intersecting with ve inner ones, and at some points of intersection
transistors are placed. Their disposition can be presented by a Boolean matrix
easily obtained from matrix A and determines the AND plane of the PLA. In a
similar way the OR plane of the PLA is found from matrix B and realized on
the intersection of inner lines with 14 output lines.

Using Sequents Description of Concurrent Digital Systems . . .




In general, correctness is a quality of objects of some type, dened as the

sum of several properties, which are considered reasonable and necessary10 .
Let us enumerate such properties rst for synchronous sequent automata.
Evidently, for any sequent si that carries some information, inequalities f i = 0
and ki = 1 should hold, to avoid trivial sequents.
Sequents si and sj are called parallel if they could be executed simultaneously. A necessary and sufcient condition of parallelism for a noninitialized
automaton is relation f i f j = 0 for the initialized relation f i f j = 0.
First of all, any sequent automaton should be consistent; that is very important. This means that for any parallel sequents si and s j , relation ki k j = 0
must hold. Evidently, this condition is necessary, inasmuch as by its violation some variable exists that must take two different values, which is
The second quality is not so necessary for sequent automata as the rst
one, but it is useful. It is irredundancy. A system S is irredundant if it is
impossible to remove from it a sequent or only a literal from a sequent without
violating the functional properties of the system. For example, it should not
have nonreachable sequents, such as si for which f i = 0.
It is rather easy to check a simple sequent automaton for consistency. An
automaton represented by ternary matrices A and B is obviously consistent if
for any orthogonal rows in matrix B the corresponding rows of matrix A are
also orthogonal. Note that this condition is satised in Example.
One more useful quality called persistency is very important for asynchronous sequent automata. To check them for this quality it is convenient
to deal with the functional canonical form.
The point is that several sequents can be executed simultaneously and if
the sequent automaton is asynchronous, these sequents (called parallel) could
compete, and the so-called race could take place. The automaton is persistent
if the execution of one of the parallel sequents does not destroy the conditions
for executing other sequents.
Afrmation 4. In a persistent asynchronous sequent automaton for any pair of
parallel sequents
f i1 | u i and f j1 | u j ,
f i0 | u i and f j1 | u j ,
f i1 | u i and f j0 | u j ,
f i0 | u i and f j0 | u j ,


Chapter 1
the corresponding relation

f i1 f j1 : u i u j f i1 : u i u j f j1

f i0 f j1 : u i u j f i0 : u i u j f j1

f i1 f j0 : u i u j f i1 : u i u j f j0

f i0 f j0 : u i u j f i0 : u i u j f j0

: u i u j ,

: u i u j ,

: ui u j ,

: u i u j ,

should hold, where expression f : k means the result of substitution of those

variables of function f that appear in the elementary conjunction k by the values
satisfying equation k = 1.
The proof of this afrmation can be found in Ref. 9.

This research was supported by ISTC, Project B-986.

1. M. Adamski, Digital Systems Design by Means of Rigorous and Structural Method.
Wydawnictwo Wyzszej Szkoly Inzynierskiej, Zielona Gora (1990) (in Polish).
2. G. Gentzen, Untersuchungen u ber das Logische Schlieen. Ukrainskii Matematicheskii
Zhurnal, 39 176210, 405431 (193435).
3. V.S. Grigoryev, A.D. Zakrevskij, V.A. Perchuk, The Sequent Model of the Discrete Automaton. Vychislitelnaya Tekhnika v Mashinostroenii. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk, 147153 (March 1972) (in Russian).
4. V.N. Zakharov, Sequent Description of Control Automata. Izvestiya AN SSSR, No. 2
(1972) (in Russian).
5. V.N. Zakharov, Automata with Distributed Memory. Energia, Moscow (1975) (in Russian).
6. A.D. Zakrevskij, V.S. Grigoryev, A system for synthesis of sequent automata in the basis
of arbitrary DNFs. In: Problems of Cybernetics. Theory of Relay Devices and Finite
Automata. VINITI, Moscow, 157166 (1975) (in Russian).
7. A.D. Zakrevskij, Optimizing Sequent Automata. Optimization in Digital Devices Design.
Leningrad, 4252 (1976) (in Russian).
8. A.D. Zakrevskij, Optimizing transformations of sequent automata. Tanul. MTA SeAKJ,
63, Budapest, 147151 (1977) (in Russian).
9. A.D. Zakrevskij, Logical Synthesis of Cascade Networks. Nauka Moscow (1981) (in
10. A.D. Zakrevskij, The analysis of concurrent logic control algorithms. In: L. Budach, R.G.
Bukharaev, O.B. Lupanov (eds.), Fundamentals of Computation Theory. Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 278. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris
Tokyo, 497500 (1987).

Using Sequents Description of Concurrent Digital Systems . . .


11. A.D. Zakrevskij, Parallel Algorithms for Logical Control. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Minsk (1999) (in Russian).
12. A.D. Zakrevskij, Y.V. Pottosin, V.I. Romanov, I.V. Vasilkova, Experimental system of
automated design of logical control devices. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design, Minsk
pp. 216221 (September 56, 2000).

Chapter 2


Marian Adamski
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics,
ul. Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


The goal of the paper is to present a formal, rigorous approach to the design of
logic controllers, which are implemented as independent control units or as central control parts inside modern recongurable microsystems. A discrete model of
a dedicated digital system is derived from the control interpreted Petri net behavioral specication and considered as a modular concurrent state machine. After
hierarchical and distributed local state encoding, an equivalent symbolic description of a sequential system is reected in eld programmable logic by means of
commercial CAD tools. The desired behavior of the designed reprogrammable
logic controller can be validated by simulation in a VHDL environment.

Key words:

Petri nets; logic controllers; hardware description languages (HDL); eld programmable logic.



The paper covers some effective techniques for computer-based synthesis

of reprogrammable logic controllers (RLCs), which start from the given interpreted Petri net based behavioral specication. It is shown how to implement
parallel (concurrent) controllers1,4,8,14 in eld programmable logic (FPL). The
symbolic specication of the Petri net is considered in terms of its local state
changes, which are represented graphically by means of labeled transitions,
together with their input and output places. Such simple subnets of control interpreted Petri nets are described in the form of decision rules logic assertions
in propositional logic, written in the Gentzen sequent style1,2,12 .
Formal expressions (sequents), which describe both the structure of the net
and the intended behavior of a discrete system, may be veried formally in


Chapter 2

the context of mathematical logic and Petri net theory. For professional validation by simulation and effective synthesis, they are automatically transformed
into intermediate VHDL programs, which are accepted by industrial CAD
The main goal of the proposed design style is to continuously preserve
the direct, self-evident correspondence between modular interpreted Petri nets,
symbolic specication, and all considered hierarchically structured implementations of modeled digital systems, implemented in congurable or recongurable logic arrays.
The paper presents an extended outline of the proposed design methodology,
which was previously presented in DESDes01 Conference Proceedings3 . The
modular approach to specication and synthesis of concurrent controllers is applied, and a direct hierarchical mapping of Petri nets into FPL is demonstrated.
The author assumes that the reader has a basic knowledge of Petri nets5,9,10,13,14 .
The early basic ideas related with concurrent controller design are reported in
the chapter in Ref. 1. The authors previous work on reprogrammable logic controllers has been summarized in various papers2,4,6,8 . Several important aspects
of Petri net mapping into hardware are covered in books3,13,14 . The implementation of Petri net based controllers from VHDL descriptions can be found in Refs.
2, 6, and 13. Some arguments of using Petri nets instead of linked sequential
state machines are pointed in Ref. 9.



In the traditional sequential nite state machine (SFSM) model, the logic
controller changes its global internal states, which are usually recognized by
their mnemonic names. The set of all the possible internal states is nite and
xed. Only one current state is able to hold (be active), and only one next
state can be chosen during a particular global state change. The behavioral
specication of the modeled sequential logic controller is frequently given as a
state graph (diagram) and may be easily transformed into state machinePetri
net (SM-PN), in which only one current marked place, representing the active
state, contains a token. In that case, the state change of controller is always
represented by means of a transfer transition, with only one input and only
one output place. The traditional single SFSM based models are useful only
for the description of simple tasks, which are manually coordinated as linked
state machines with a lot of effort9 . The equivalent SFSM model of highly
concurrent system is complicated and difcult to obtain, because of the state
space explosion.
In the modular Petri net approach, a concurrent nite state machine (CFSM)
simultaneously holds several local states, and several local state changes can

Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers


occur independently and concurrently. The global states of the controller, included into the equivalent SFSM model, can be eventually deduced as maximal
subsets of the local states, which simultaneously hold (congurations). They
correspond to all different maximal sets of marked places, which are obtained
during the complete execution of the net. They are usually presented in compact
form as vertices in Petri net reachability graph5,10,13 . It should be stressed that the
explicitly obtained behaviorally equivalent transition systems are usually complex, both for maintenance and effective synthesis. The methodology proposed
in the paper makes it possible to obtain a correctly encoded and implemented
transition system directly from a Petri net, without knowing its global state
The novel tactic presented in this paper is based on a hierarchical decomposition of Petri nets into self-contained and structurally ordered modular subsets,
which can be easily identied and recognized by their common parts of the internal state code. The total codes of the related modular Petri net subnets, which
are represented graphically as macroplaces, can be obtained by means of a
simple hierarchical superposition (merging) of appropriate codes of individual
places. On the other hand, the code of a particular place includes specic parts,
which precisely dene all hierarchically ordered macroplaces, which contain
the considered place inside. In such a way any separated part of a behavioral
specication can be immediately recognized on the proper level of abstraction
and easily found in the regular cell structure (logic array). It can be efciently
modied, rejected, or replaced during the validation or redesign of the digital
Boolean expressions called predicate labels or guards depict the external
conditions for transitions, so they can be enabled. One of enabled transition
occurs (it res). Every immediate combinational Moore type output signal y is
linked with some sequentially related places, and it is activated when one of
these places holds a token. Immediate combinational Mealy type output signals
are also related with proper subsets of sequentially related places, but they also
depend on relevant (valid) input signals or internal signals. The Mealy type
output is active if the place holds a token and the correlated logic conditional
expression is true.
The implemented Petri net should be determined (without conicts), safe, reversible, and without deadlocks5,7 . For several practical reasons the synchronous
hardware implementations of Petri nets4,6,7 are preferred. They can be realized
as dedicated digital circuits, with an internal state register and eventual output
registers, which are usually synchronized by a common clock. It is considered
here that all enabled concurrent transitions can re independently in any order,
but nearly immediately.
In the example under consideration (Fig. 2-1), Petri net places P = {p1
p9} stand for the local states {P1P9} of the implemented logic controller. The


Chapter 2
[1 2]


MP7 Q1



















y5 Q3
t7 /x5











Figure 2-1. Modular, hierarchical and colored control interpreted Petri net.

Petri net transitions T = {t1t8} symbolize all the possible local state changes
{T1T9}. The Petri net places are hierarchically grouped as nested modular
macroplaces MP0-MP7. The Petri net describes a controller with inputs x0x6
and outputs y0 y6 . The controller contains an internal state register with ipops Q1Q4. The state variables structurally encode places and macroplaces
to be implemented in hardware.
The direct mapping of a Petri net into eld programmable logic (FPL) is
based on a self-evident correspondence between a place and a clearly dened
bit-subset of a state register. The place of the Petri net is assigned only to the
particular part of the register block (only to selected variables from internal
state register Q1Q4). The beginning of local state changes is inuenced by the
edge of the clock signal, giving always, as a superposition of excitations, the
predicted nal global state in the state register. The high-active input values are
denoted as xi, and low-active input values as /xi.
The net could be SM-colored during the specication process, demonstrating
the paths of recognized intended sequential processes (state machines subnets).
These colors evidently help the designer to intuitively and formally validate the
consistency of all sequential processes in the developed discrete state model4 .
The colored subnets usually replicate Petri net place invariants. The invariants
of the top-level subnets can be hierarchically determined by invariants of its


Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers

subnets. If a given net or subnet has not been previously colored by a designer
during specication, it is possible to perform the coloring procedure by means
of analysis of congurations. Any two concurrent places or macroplaces, which
are marked simultaneously, cannot share the same color. It means that coloring
of the net can be obtained by coloring the concurrency graph, applying the
well-known methods taken from the graph theory1,2 . For some classes of Petri
nets, the concurrency relation can be found without the derivation of all the
global state space4,7,13 . The colors ([1], [2]), which paint the places in Fig. 2-1,
separate two independent sequences of local state changes. They are easy to
nd as closed chains of transitions, in which selected input and output places
are painted by means of identical colors.
The equivalent interpreted SM Petri net model, derived from equivalent
transition system description (interpreted Petri net reachability graph of the
logic controller), is given in Fig. 2-2.
The distribution of Petri net tokens among places, before the ring of any
transition, can be regarded as the identication of the current global state M.
Marking M after the ring of any enabled transition is treated as the next global






y1 y2

p 2 *p 4




p 3 *p 4







p 2 *p 5


p 3 *p 5


/x 6




x5 *x6

y3 y4

p 6 *p 7




p 7 *p 8


p 6 *p 9

y3 y4 y5
/x2 */x4


/x2 */x4



x 5 *x6

p 8 *p 9

y5 y6



Figure 2-2. Global states of control interpreted Petri net. Transition system modeled as
equivalent state machine Petri net.


Chapter 2

state @M. From the present global internal state M, the modeled controller
goes to the next internal global state @M, generating the desired combinational
immediate output signals y and registered @y output signals.
There are 9 places describing global states M1M9 and 13 transitions between 13 pairs of global states. Such an implicit formal structure really exists in
hardware, although its internal structure could be unknown, because eventually
deduced global state codes are immediately read from the state register as a
consistent superposition of local state codes. Since a Moore-type output should
be stable during the entire clock period, it can also be produced as a registered
Moore-type output @y. The registered Moore-type output signals should be
predicted before the local state changes.




The well-structured formal specication, which is represented in the humanreadable language, has a direct impact on the validation, formal verication,
and implementation of digital microsystems in FPL. The declarative, logicbased specication of the Petri net can increase the efciency of the concurrent
(parallel) controller design. The proposed model of a concurrent state machine
can be considered within a framework of the concept of sequent parallel automaton, developed by Zakrevskij3,14 . Here, a control automaton, with discrete
elementary states and composite super-states, is treated as a dynamic inference
system, based on Gentzen sequent logic1,2,12 .
After analysis of some behavioral and structural properties of the Petri
net5,7,10,13,14 , a discrete-event model is related with a knowledge-based, textual,
descriptive form of representation. The syntactic and semantic compatibility
between Petri net descriptions and symbolic conditional assertions are kept as
close as possible. The symbolic sequents-axioms may include elements, taken
from temporal logic, especially operator next @11 . Statements about the discrete behavior of the designed system (behavioral axioms) are represented by
means of sequents-assertions, forming the rule-base of the decision system,
implemented in recongurable hardware. Eventual complex sequents are formally, step by step, transformed into the set of the equivalent sequent-clauses,
which are very similar to elementary sequents1,3,14 . The simple decision rules,
which are transformed into reprogrammable hardware, can be automatically
mapped into equivalent VHDL statements on RTL level2,6,13 . The next steps of
design are performed by means of professional CAD tools.

Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers


The implicit or explicit interpreted reachability graph of the net is considered

here only as a conceptual supplement: compact description of an equivalent
discrete transition system (Fig. 2-2), as well as Kripke interpretation structure11
for symbolic logic conditionals.



The simplest technique for Petri net place encoding is to use one-to-one
mapping of places onto ip-ops in the style of one-hot state assignment. In
that case, a name of the place becomes also a name of the related ip-op.
The ip-op Qi is set to 1 if and only if the particular place pi holds the
token. In such a case it is a popular mistake to think that other state variables
Qj, . . . ,Qk have simultaneously dont care values. It is evidently seen from the
reachability graph (Fig. 2-2) that the places from the same P-invariant, which
are sequentially related with the considered place pi, do not hold tokens, and
consequently all ip-ops used for their encoding have to be set to logical 0. On
the other hand, the places from the same conguration but with different colors,
which are concurrently related with the selected place pi, have strictly dened,
but not necessarily explicitly known, markings. The only way of avoiding such
misunderstanding of the concurrent one-hot encoding is the assumption that
the considered place, marked by token, can be recognized by its own, private
ip-op, which is set to logical 1, and that signals from other ip-ops from
the state register are always xed but usually unknown.
In general encoding, places are recognized by their particular coding
conjunctions1 , which are formed from state variables, properly chosen from the
xed set of ip-op names {Q1, Q2, . . . , Qk}. The registered output variables
{Y } can be eventually merged with the state variable set {Q} and economically
applied to the Petri net place encoding as local state variables. For simplicity,
the encoded and implemented place pi is treated as a complex signal Pi.
The local states, which are simultaneously active, must have nonorthogonal
codes. It means that the Boolean expression formed as a conjunction of coding
terms for such concurrent places is always satised (always different from
logical 0). The conguration of concurrent places gives as superposition of
coding conjunctions a unique code of the considered global state.
The local states, which are not concurrent, consequently belong to at least
one common sequential process (Figs. 2-2, 2-3). Their symbols are not included
in the same vertex of the reachability graph, so they may have orthogonal codes.
The code of a particular place or macroplace is represented by means of a
vector composed of {0, 1, . . . , }, or it is given textually as a related Boolean
term. The symbols of the values for logic signals 0, 1, and dont care have the


Chapter 2

usual meanings. The symbol * in the vector denotes explicitly dont know
value (0 or 1, but no dont care). In expressions, the symbol / denotes the
operator of logic negation, and the symbol * represents the operator of logic
conjunction. An example3 of a heuristic hierarchical local state assignment [Q1,
Q2, Q3, Q4] is as follows:








The global state encoding is correct if all vertices of the reachability graph
have different codes. The total code of the global state (a vertex of the reachability graph) can be obtained by merging the codes of the simultaneously marked
places. Taking as an example some global states (vertices of the reachability
graph; Fig. 2-2), we obtain
QM3 = QP3 QP4 = Q1 /Q2 Q3 /Q4;
QM4 = QP2 QP5 = Q1 /Q2 /Q3 Q4.



Modular and hierarchical Petri nets can provide a unied style for the design of logic controllers, from an initial behavioral system description to the
possibly different hierarchical physical realizations. The concurrency relation
between subnets can be partially seen from the distribution of colors. Colors5
are attached explicitly to the places and macroplaces, and implicitly to the
transitions, arcs, and tokens2,3,4 . Before the mapping into hardware, the Petri
net is hierarchically encoded. The Petri net from Fig. 2-2 can be successfully
reduced to one compound multiactive macroplace MP0. The colored hierarchy tree in Fig. 2-3 graphically represents both the hierarchy and partial concurrency relations between subnets (modules). It contains a single ordinary
monoactive place P1[1,2], coded as QP1 = /Q1, and a multiactive doublemacroplace MP7[1,2], coded as QMP7 = Q1, which stands for other hierarchically nested subnets, from lower levels of abstraction containing places p1p9.
The macroplace MP7[1,2] is built of the sequentially related macroplaces
MP5[1,2] and MP6[1,2], which are coded respectively as Q1*/Q2 and Q1*Q2.


Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers



[1 2]


[1 2]


[1 2]


[1 2]



































Figure 2-3. Hierarchy tree.

It should be mentioned that parallel macroplaces may obtain exactly the

same top-level codes. The macroplace MP5[1,2] consists of two parallel
macroplaces MP1[1] and MP2[2], which are not recognized by different conjunctions inside MP5. The macroplace MP6[1,2] appears as an abstraction of
two other parallel macroplaces MP3[1] and MP4[2]. The macroplaces MP1[1],
MP2[2], MP3[1], and MP4[2] are directly extracted from the initial Petri net
as elementary sequential subnets.
The concurrency relation between subnets, which belong to the same
macroplace, can be expressed graphically by means of additional double or
single lines (Fig. 2-3). The code of the macroplace or place on a lower level of
hierarchy is obtained by means of superposition of codes, previously given to
all macroplaces to which the considered vertex belongs hierarchically. Taken
as an example, the code of place p2 is described as a product term QP2 =




The logic controller is considered as an abstract reasoning system (rulebased system) implemented in recongurable hardware. The mapping between
inputs, outputs, and local internal states of the system is described in a formal
manner by means of logic rules (represented as sequents) with some temporal
operators, especially with the operator next @1,2 . As an example of a basic


Chapter 2

style of the textual controller description, the transition-oriented declarative

specication is presented.
The declarative style of description is close to well-known production rules,
which are principal forms of Petri net specication in LOGICIAN1 , CONPAR6 ,
PARIS4,8 , and PeNCAD2,3 . It should be noted that here the names of transitions
T1, T2, . . . , T8 serve only as decision rule labels, keeping the easy correspondence between Petri net transitions and their textual logic descriptions. The
symbol | denotes yield, the symbol * stands for the logic conjunction operator, and / stands for negation.


P1[1,2] * X0 | -@P2[1] *@P4[2];

P2[1] * X1 | -@P3[1];
P4[2] * X3 | -@P5[2];
P3[1] * P5[1]
| -@P6 * @P7;
P6[1] * X5*X6 | -@P8[1];
P7[2] * /X2*/X4| -@P9[2];
P8[1] * /X5 | -@P6[1];
P6[1] *P9[2] * /X6| -@P1[1,2].

The immediate combinational Moore-type output signals Y0Y6, depend

directly only on appropriate place markings:
P1[1,2]| -Y0; P2[1]| -Y1; P4[2]| -Y2; P7[2]| -Y3*Y4;
P8[1]| -Y5;P9[2] | -Y6.

Instead of combinational, intermediate Moore-type outputs Y0Y6, the values of next registered outputs @Y0@Y6 could be predicted in advance and
included directly in the initial rule-based specication. The transition-oriented
specication of the controller, after the substitution of encoding terms and next
values of changing outputs, would look as follows:
T1: /Q1*X0 | - @Q1*@/Q2*@/Q3*@/Q4*/@Y0*@Y1*@Y2;
T2: Q1*/Q2*/Q3*X1 | - @Q1*@/Q2*@Q3*@/Y1;
T7: Q1*Q2*Q3*/X5 | -@Q1*@Q2*@/Q3*@/Y5;
T8: Q1*Q2*/Q3*Q4*/X6 | -@/Q1*@/Y6* @Y0.

In FPGA realizations of concurrent state machines with D ip-ops, it is

worth introducing and directly implementing the intermediate binary signals
{T1, T2, . . . } for detecting in advance the enabled transitions, which re together
with the next active edge of the clock. This way of design is especially suitable
when relatively small FPGA macrocells might be easily recongured. In such
Martin Boltons style, the subset of simultaneously activated transitions keeps
the logic signal 1 on its appropriate transition status lines. Simultaneously, the
complementary subset of blocked transitions is recognized by logic signal 0 on

Formal Logic Design of Reprogrammable Controllers


its transition status lines. The great advantage of using transition status lines
is the self-evident possibility of reducing the complexity of the next state and
the output combinational logic. The registered output signals together with the
next local state codes may be generated in very simple combinational structures,
sharing together several common AND terms.
The simplied rule-based specication, especially planned for controllers
with JK state and output registers, on the right side of sequents does not contain
state coding signals, which keep their values stable, during the occurrence of
transition1 . Taking into account both the concept of transition status lines and
introducing into specication only the changing registered Moore-type outputs
signals, the specication may be rewritten as follows:
/Q1 * X0 | -T1;
T1| -@Q1*@/Q2*@/Q3*@/Q4*/@Y0*@Y1*@Y2;
Q1*Q2*Q3*/X5 | -T7;
T7 | - @/Q3*@/Y5;
Q1*Q2*/Q3*Q4*/X6 | -T8;
T8| - @/Q1*/@Y6*@Y0.

The translation of decision rules into VHDL is straightforward and can be

performed as described in Refs. 2 and 6.



The paper presents the hierarchical Petri net approach to synthesis, in which
the modular net is structurally mapped into eld programmable logic. The hierarchy levels are preserved and related with some particular local state variable
subsets. The proposed state encoding technique saves a number of macrocells
and secures a direct mapping of Petri net into an FPL array. A concise, understandable specication can be easily locally modied.
The experimental Petri net to VHDL translator has been implemented on
the top of standard VHDL design tools, such as ALDEC Active-HDL. VHDL
syntax supports several conditional statements, which can be used to describe
the topology and an interpretation of Petri nets.

The research was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic
Research (Komitet Badan Naukowych) grant 4T11C 006 24.


Chapter 2

1. M. Adamski, Parallel controller implementation using standard PLD software. In: W.R.
Moore, W. Luk (eds.), FPGAs. Abingdon EE&CS Books, Abingdon, England, pp. 296
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2. M. Adamski, SFC, Petri nets and application specic logic controllers. In: Proc. of the
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3. M. Adamski, M. Wegrzyn (eds.), Discrete-Event System Design DESDes01, Technical
University of Zielona Gora Press Zielona Gora, ISBN: 83-85911-62-6 (2001).
4. K. Bilinski, M. Adamski, J.M. Saul, E.L. Dagless, Petri Net based algorithms for parallel
controller synthesis. IEE Proceedings-E, Computers and Digital Techniques, 141, 405
412 (1994).
5. R. David, H. Alla, Petri Nets & Grafcet. Tools for Modelling Discrete Event Systems.
Prentice Hall, New York (1992).
6. J.M. Fernandes, M. Adamski, A.J. Proenca, VHDL generation from hierarchical Petri
net specications of parallel controllers. IEE Proceedings-E, Computer and Digital Techniques, 144, 127137 (1997).
7. M. Heiner, Petri Net based system analysis without state explosion. In: Proceedings of
High Performance Computing98, April 1998, SCS Int., San Diego, pp. 394403 (1988).
8. T. Kozlowski, E.L. Dagless, J.M. Saul, M. Adamski, J. Szajna, Parallel controller synthesis
using Petri nets. IEE Proceedings-E, Computers and Digital Techniques, 142, 263271
9. N. Marranghello, W. de Oliveira, F. Damianini, Modeling a processor with a Petri net
extension for digital systems. In: Proceedings of Conference on Design Analysis and
Simulation of Distributed SystemsDASD 2004, Part of the ASTC, Washington, DC, USA
10. T. Murata, Petri Nets: Properties, analysis and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77
(4), 541580 (1989).
11. J.S. Sagoo, D.J. Holding, A comparison of temporal Petri net based techniques in the specication and design of hard real-time systems. Microprocessing and Microprogramming,
32, 111118 (1991).
12. M.E. Szabo (Ed.), The collected papers of Gerhard Gentzen. North-Holland Publishing
Company, Amsterdam (1969).
13. A. Yakovlev, L. Gomes, L. Lavagno (eds.), Hardware Design and Petri Nets. Kluwer
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14. A.D. Zakrevskij, Parallel Algorithms for Logical Control. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of NAS of Belarus, Minsk (1999) (Book in Russian).

Chapter 3


Grzegorz Andrzejewski
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics, ul. Podgorna
50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


This paper presents a model of formal specication of reactive systems. It is a kind

of an interpreted Petri net, extended by important properties: hierarchy, history,
and time dependencies. The syntax denition is introduced and the principles
of graphical representation drawing are characterized. Semantics and dynamic
behavior are shown by means of a little practical example: automatic washer

Key words:

reactive system; Petri net; formal specication.



Reactive systems strongly interact with the environment. Their essence consists in appropriate control signals shaping in response to changes in communication signals. Control signals are usually called output signals, and communication signals input signals. It happens very frequently that a response depends
not only on actual inputs but on the systems history too. The system is then
called an automaton and its basic model is known as the nite state machine
(FSM). But in a situation in which the system is more complicated, this model
may be difcult to depict. The problem may be solved by using a hierarchy in
which it is possible to consider the modeled system in a great number of abstraction layers. Such models as Statecharts or SyncCharts are the FSM expansions
with a hierarchy1,7,8 .
Concurrency is a next important problem. Very often a situation occurs in
which some processes must work simultaneously. In practice, it is realized by
a net of related automata synchronized by internal signals. It is not easy to


Chapter 3

formally verify such a net because of necessity of separate analysis of each

automaton4,13 .
A Petri net is a model in which concurrency is its natural property. Interpreted Petri nets are especially useful for modeling reactive systems. The existing apparatus of formal verication places this model very high among others
in supporting concurrency. There exist many works in which the methodology
of creating hierarchical nets is proposed6,9,10,11,12,14 . But the models support
only selected properties, such as the structure hierarchy or descriptions of time
dependencies. In general they are too complicated for small microsystem realizations (object-oriented models).
In this paper, a different model of a hierarchical Petri net (HPN) is proposed, in which it is possible to describe strongly reactive systems at a digital
microsystem realization platform. The model was partially described in Refs. 2
and 3.



The following nomenclature is used: capital letters from the Latin alphabet
represent names of sets, whereas small letters stand for elements of these sets.
Small letters from the Greek alphabet represent functions belonging to the
model. Auxiliary functions are denoted by two characteristic small letters from
the Latin alphabet.
Def. 1 A hierarchical Petri net (HPN) is shown as a tuple:
HPN = (P, T, F, S, T- , , , , , , ),


1. P is a nite nonempty set of places. In at nets with places the capacity
function : P N () describes the maximum number of tokens in
place p. For reactive systems the function equals 1; for each place p
P, ( p) = 1.
2. T is a nite nonempty set of transitions. A sum of sets P T will be called
a set of nodes and described by N .
3. F is a nite nonempty set of arcs, such that F = Fo Fe Fi , where
Fo : Fo (P T ) (T P) and is called a set of ordinary arcs, Fe : Fe
(P T ) and is called a set of enabling arcs, and Fi : Fi (P T ) and is
called a set of inhibit arcs. In at nets the weight function : F N
describes the maximum number of tokens that can be moved at the same
time through arc f . For reactive systems f F, ( p) 1. According to
this, an extra-specication of arcs is possible: f Fo , ( f ) = 1; f
Fe Fi , ( f ) = 0.

Hierarchical Petri Nets for Digital Controller Design


4. S is a nite nonempty set of signals, such that S = X Y L, where X, Y ,

and L mean sets of input, output, and internal signals, respectively.
5. T- is a discrete time scale, which is a set of numbers assigned to discrete
values of time, sorted by an order relation.
6. : P 2 N is a hierarchy function, describing a set of immediate subnodes of place p. The expression denotes a transitive-reexive closure of function, such that for each p P the following predicates
p ( p),
( p) ( p),

p  ( p) ( p  ) ( p).
7. : P {true, false} is a Boolean history function, assigning a history
attribute to every place p, such that ( p) = . For basic places the function
is not dened.
8. : N 2 S is a labeling function, assigning expressions created from elements of set S to nodes from N . The following rules are suggested: places
may be labeled only by subsets of Y L (a label action means an action assigned to a place); the label of transition may be composed of the following
cond created on set X L {false, true}, being a Boolean expression
imposed as a condition to transition t and generated by operators not, or,
and and; the absence of cond label means cond = true;
abort created as a cond but standing in a different logical relation with
respect to general condition for transition t enabling, represented graphically by # at the beginning of expression; absence of abort label means
abort = false;
action created on set Y L, meaning action assigned to transition t, represented graphically by / at the beginning of expression.
9. : P {true, false} is an initial marking function, assigning the attribute
of an initial place to every place p P. Initial places are graphically distinguished by a dot (mark) in circles representing these places.
10. : P {true, false} is a nal marking function, assigning the attribute of a
nal place to every place p P. Final places are graphically distinguished
by inside circles representing these places.
11. : N T- is a time function, assigning numbers from the discrete scale of
time to each element from the set of nodes N .
The operation of a net is determined by movement of tokens. The rules
of their movement are dened by conditions of transition enabling and action
assigned to transition ring.


Chapter 3

Let -t0 be an activation moment of node n N . The function (n) assigns

a number to node n at the moment -t0 : (n, -t0 ) = -t, where -t T- . In further
instants the number is decremented, and after time -t it accomplishes value 0:
(n, -t0 + -t) = 0. The symbol (n) = 0 describes the function at the moment,
in which it equals 0.
Def. 2 Ppend is a set of nal places of a subnet assigned to macroplace p,
such that

p  ( p)

( p  ) = true p  Ppend .


Def. 3 : P P is a function of the set of nal places, such that for

macroplace p it returns its set of nal places:
( p) = Ppend .


The expression denotes a transitive-reexive closure of function, such

that for each p P and ( p) = the following predicates hold:
p ( p),
( p) ( p),

p  ( p) ( p  ) ( p).
Def. 4 A nal marking of a subnet is a marking that contains all nal places
of that subnet.
The conditions of transition t enabling:
la(t) = p ac( p) = true



pPtin(o) ptin(e)

ac( p) = true


ac( p) = false



cond(t) = true

(ac( p  ) = true oraz ( p  ) = 0)

( p) =

( p) = 0


abort(t) = true



p  ( p)


Note: From all conditions the following logical expression can be composed (the general condition): a b c (d e f + g), which means a possibility of
enabling transition t without the need to satisfy conditions d, e, and f if g is
true. This situation is known as preemption.


Hierarchical Petri Nets for Digital Controller Design

The actions assigned to transition t ring:

ac( p) := false



in(o) ( p) =


p  ( p)

ac( p  ) := false


s := false


pPtin(o) saction( p)


( p) =

p  ( p) saction( p  )

s := false


(t) = 0 ac( p) := true


ac(la( p ) = true oraz
( p) =


(la( p  )) = false ac( p  ) := ( p  ))

( p) =
ac(la( p ) = true (la( p  )) = true


ac( p  ) = false ac( p  ) := ac( p  , -te ))

out ( p) =  ac(la( p ) = true (la( p  )) = true


p  ( p)


p  ( p)


p  (la( p  ))

p ( p)


p  (la( p  ))

ac( p  ) = true ac( p  ) := ( p  ))

pPtout saction( p)


s := true

( p) =


(t, 0 ) =


p  ( p)


ac( p ) = true

saction( p  )

s := true

s := true w przedziale < 0 , 0 + + 1 >


where ac( p, -te ) is the state of possession (or not) of a token by place p at an
instant, in which the token left place la(p).
Note: Actions ej are performed when (t) = 0. Action k is performed
during all activity time of transition t.
The most important ideas are dened additionally:
Let be given a hierarchical Petri net and place p from the set of places of
this net.
Def. 5 A place p is called a basic place if ( p) = .
Def. 6 A place p is called a macroplace if it isnt a basic place: ( p) = .


Chapter 3
Def. 7 A set of input places of transition t is called Ptin(o) , such that
Ptin(o) = { p P : ( p, t) Fo }.
Def. 8 A set of enabling places of transition t is called Ptin(e) , such that
Ptin(e) = { p P : ( p, t) Fe }.
Def. 9 A set of prohibit places of transition t is called Ptin(i) , such that
Ptin(i) = { p P : ( p, t) Fi }.
Def. 10 A set of output places of transition t is called Ptout , such that
Ptout = { p P : (t, p) Fo }.

Def. 11 The function ac: P {true, false} is called a place activity function
and it assigns true to each place that has a token, and false otherwise.
Def. 12 The place p is the lowest ancestor of node n  , such that
n  ( p), which is described by la(n  ) = p.
Def. 13 Let N i be a set of nodes assigned to a macroplace p by the hierarchy
function N i = ( p), and let F i be a set of all arcs joining the nodes belonging
to N i . Then Z i is a subnet assigned to macroplace p, such that Z i = N i + F i .
All subnets assigned to macroplaces are required to be disjoint (no common
nodes and arcs).





One of the basic assumptions accepted in the HPN model is synchronism.

Changes of internal state of a net follow as a result of inputs changes in strictly
appointed instants given by discrete scale of time. It entails a possibility of a
simultaneous execution of more than one transition (if the net fullls the persistent property). Additionally, it makes possible to simplify formal verication
methods and practical realization of the model5 .



The hierarchy property is realized by a net decomposition, in which other

nets are coupled with distinguished places. These places are called macroplaces,
and the assigned nets are called subnets. A subnet is a basic net if no macroplaces
are assigned to it. A subnet is a nal net if it contains no macroplaces. Marking of a macroplace is an activate condition of the corresponding subnet.
Such a concept allows not only much clearer projects with high complication

Hierarchical Petri Nets for Digital Controller Design


structures but also testing of selected behavioral properties for each subnet



Often a situation occurs in which an internal state on selected hierarchy

levels must be remembered. In an HPN it is realized throughout, ascribing the
history attribute {H } to a selected macroplace. With a token leaving macro,
all token locations in the adequate subnet are remembered. And after renewed
macro activation, tokens are inserted to lately active places.
For the convenience of the user, a possibility of ascribing the history attribute
to all subordinated nets is included. Operator {H } is used.


System reaction

There exists a possibility of assigning labels to the set of nodes. The system
is able to perform given actions described by the labels; e.g., testing input
conditions on the input signals set and setting (or clearing) output signals in
appropriate time moments.


Time parameters

Time parameters are associated with nodes (see function (n) in Def. 1).
Ascribing time -t from the discrete scale of time to place p determines the minimum activity time of this place. This means that the output transition of place p
will be enabled only after time -t, beginning at the moment of activation of place
p. The time parameter associated with transition determines the activity time
of this transition, and it means that after removing tokens from all input places
of transition t, insertion of tokens to all output places ensues only after time -t.
This solution provides in practice great possibilities in describing strongly time
dependent systems.


Graphical representation

An important feature of the model is its user-friendly graphical representation. In general, it is an oriented graph with two kinds of nodes connected by
arcs. On the basic layer, graphical symbols used in an HPN are the same as
in the at interpreted Petri nets. Places are represented by arcs, transitions by
thick beams, and markers (tokens) by dots inside the places. The macroplace
and its expansion are presented in Fig. 3-1. Macroplace MP has a deep history
attribute. The subnet assigned to MP is a compound of macroplace P1 and basic


Chapter 3
history attribute

name of macro
MP {H* }

body of macro





local signals

Figure 3-1. A macroplace with assigned expansion.

places P2 and P3. P1 is an initial place, and places P2 and P3 are nal places.
Macroplace P1 can be deprived of activity by means of abort-condition 1.
There is a simple example showing a simplied control system of initial
washing in an automatic washer (Fig. 3-2).
After turning on the washing program, valve V1 is opened and water is
infused. The infusing process lasts to the moment of achieving L1 level. At the
same time, after exceeding L2 level (total sinking of heater H) if the temperature
is below the required (TL1), the heater system is turned on. After closing valve
V1 the washing process is started, in which the washing cylinder is turned
alternately left and right for 10 sec. with a 5-sec. break. The process of keeping
the temperature constant is active for the whole washing cycle. The cycle is
turned off after 280 sec. and the cylinder is stopped, the heater is turned off,
and valve V2 is opened for water removal.
There is a possibility of describing such a system by means of hierarchical
Petri nets (Fig. 3-3).

Figure 3-2. An example of an automatic washer control system.


Hierarchical Petri Nets for Digital Controller Design

P2 {H}





#(not start)














c1=L2 and (not TL1)
c2=(not L2) or TL2
<5sec> t9 t10



P6 {H}




Figure 3-3. Fragment of the net modeling the washer controller.



The model offers a convenient means for a formal specication of reactive

systems. An equivalent model of textual notation (HPN format) is worked out
too. The rules of assigning the external function (e.g., ANSI C or VHDL) to
nodes of the net are the subject of research.
Further work and research shall focus on creating tools for automatic analysis and synthesis of the model on a hardware/software codesign platform in
an ORION software package developed by the author.

The research was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic
Research (Komitet Badan Naukowych) grant 4T11C 006 24.

1. C. Andre, Synccharts: A visual representation of reactive behaviors. Technical Report RR
95-52, I3S, Sophia-Antipolis, France (1995).


Chapter 3

2. G. Andrzejewski, Hierarchical Petri Net as a representation of reactive behaviors. In: Proceedings of International Conference Advanced Computer Systems: ACS2001, Szczecin,
Polska, Part 2, pp. 145154 (2001).
3. G. Andrzejewski, Program Model of Interpeted Petri Net for Digital Microsystems Design.
University of Zielona Gora Press, Poland (2003) (in Polish).
4. F. Balarin et. al., HardwareSoftware Co-Design of Embedded Systems. The POLIS Approach. Kluwer Academic Publishers (1999).
5. Z. Banaszak, J. Kus, M. Adamski, Petri Nets, Modeling, Control and Synthesis of Discrete
Systems. WSI Press (1993) (in Polish).
6. M.P.J. Bolton, Digital Systems Design with Programmable Logic. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Wakingham (1990).
7. D.D. Gajski, F. Vahid, S. Narayan, J. Gong, Specication and Design of Embedded Systems.
Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ (1994).
8. D. Harel, Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems, North-Holland, Amsterdam. Science of Computer Programming, 8 231274 (1987).
9. T. Holvoet, P. Verbaeten, Petri charts: An alternative technique for hierarchical net construction. In: IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (1995).
10. J.E. Hong, D.H. Bae, HOONets: Hierarchical object-oriented Petri nets for system odeling
and analysis. KAIST Technical Report CS/TR-98-132 (1998).
11. K. Jensen, Coloured Petri Nets. Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use.
Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science, Springer-Verlag (1997).

12. C. Johnsson, K.E.Arzen,

High-level grafcet and batch control. In: Conference Proceedings
ADPM94 Automation of Mixed Processes: Dynamical Hybrid Systems, Bryssel (1994).
13. G. de Micheli, Synthesis and optimization of Digital Circuits, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994.
14. S. Schof, M. Sonnenschein, R. Wieting, High-level modeling with THORNs. In: Proceedings of 14th International Congress on Cybernetics, Namur, Belgium (1995).

Section II

Analysis and Verication

of Discrete-Event Systems

Chapter 4


Adriano Tavares, Carlos Silva, Carlos Lima, Jose Metrolho,
and Carlos Couto
Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058
Guimaraes, Portugal; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


A method for analyzing and predicting the timing properties of a program fragment will be described. First an architectural description language implemented
to describe a processors architecture is presented, followed by the presentation
of a new, static worst-case execution time (WCET) estimation method. The timing analysis starts by compiling a processors architecture program, followed by
the disassembling of the program fragment. After sectioning the assembler program into basic blocks, call graphs are generated and these data are later used
to evaluate the pipeline hazards and cache miss that penalize the real-time performance. Some experimental results of using the developed tool to predict the
WCET of code segments using some Intel microcontroller are presented. Finally,
some conclusions and future work are presented.

Key words:

architectural description language (ADL); worst-case execution time (WCET);

language paradigm; timing scheme, timing analysis.



Real-time systems are characterized by the need to satisfy a huge timing and
logical constraints that regulate their correctness. Therefore, predicting a tight
worst-case execution time (WCET) of a code segment will be a must to guarantee the system correctness and performance. The simplest approach to estimate
the execution time of a program fragment for each arithmetic instruction is to
count the number of times it appears on the code, express the contribution of this
instruction in terms of clock cycles, and update the total clock cycles with this


Chapter 4

contribution. Nevertheless, these approaches are unrealistic since they ignore

the system interferences and the effects of cache and pipeline, two very important features of some processors that can be used in our hardware architecture.
Some very elaborated methodologies for WCET estimation, such as Shaw1 ,
were developed in the past, but none of them takes into account the effects of
cache and pipeline.
Theoretically, the estimation of WCET must skip over all the prots provided by modern processors, such as caches and pipeline (i.e., each instruction
execution suffers from all kind of pipeline hazards and each memory access
would cause a cache miss), as they are the main source of uncertainty. Experimentally, a very pessimistic result would be obtained, thus making useless these processors resources. Some WCET estimation schemes oriented to
modern hardware features were presented in the past few years, and among
them we refer to Nilsen2 , Steven Li3 , Whalley4 , and Sung-Soo Lim5 . However,
these WCET estimators do not address some specicity of our target processors (microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)), since they are
oriented to general-purpose processors. Therefore, we propose a new machineindependent predictor, implemented as an ADL for processor description. Such
a machine-independent scheme using an ADL was used before by Tremblay6
to generate machine-independent code, by Proebsting and Fraser7 to describe
pipeline architectures, and by Nilsen5 to implement a compiler, a simulator, and
a WCET estimator for pipeline processors.



The purpose of any little language, typically, is to solve a specic problem

and, in so doing, simplify the activities related to the solution of the problem.
Our little language is an ADL, so its statements are created on the basis of the
tasks that must be performed to describe a processors architectures in terms
of structure and functional architecture of the interrupt controller, PTS (peripheral transaction server), PWM (pulse width modulation), WG (waveform
generator), and HIS (high-speed input), instruction set, instruction semantics,
addressing modes, processors registers, instruction coding, compilers specicity, scratch-pad memory, pipeline and cache resources, and many others specic features of an embedded processor. For this ADL, we adopt a procedural
and modular paradigm (language paradigm denes how the language processor must process the built-in statements), such that modules are independent of
each other. The sequence of modules execution does not matter, but the register
module must always be the rst to be executed, and within each module an exact sequence of instructions is specied and the computer executes them in the
specied order. An ADL program describing a processor is written by modules,


WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL

Front End
Source Editor







File Editor



















Executor (Back End)

Figure 4-1. Organization of the ADL processor language.

each describing a specic processors feature such as instruction set, interrupt

structure and mechanism, registers structure, memory organization, pipeline,
data cache, instruction cache, PTS, and so on. A module can be dened more
than once, and it is a processor language (Fig. 4-1) job to verify the information
consistency among them and concatenate all them into a single module.


Chapter 4

The disassembling process consists of four phases and has as input an executable le containing the code segment that one wants to measure and the
compiled version of an ADL program. The disassembling process starts at the
start-up code address (start-up code is the bootstrap code executed immediately
after the reset or power-on of the processor) and follows the execution ow of
the program:
1. Starting at the start-up code address, it follows all possible execution paths
till reaching the end address of the main function. At this stage, all function
calls are examined and their entry code addresses are pushed into an auxiliary
2. From the entry address of the main function, it checks the main function
code for interrupt activation.
3. For each active interrupt, it gets its entry code address and pushes it into the
auxiliary stack.
4. It pops each entry address from the auxiliary stack and disassembles it,
following the functions execution paths.
The execution of the simulation module is optional and the associated process is described by a set of operation introduced using a function named
SetAction. For instance, the simulation process including the ag register
affectation, associated to an instruction, is described using SetAction calls to
specify a sequence of operations. Running the simulation process before the
estimation process will produce a more optimistic worst-case timing analysis
since it can
1. rectify the execution time of instructions that depend on data locations, such
as stack, internal, or external memory;
2. solve the indirect address problem by checking if it is a jump or a function
call (function call by address);
3. estimate the iteration number of a loop.
The WCET estimator module requires a direct interaction with the user as
some parameters are not directly measurable through the program code. Note
that the number of an interrupt occurrence and the preview of a possible maximum iterations number associated with an innite loop are quite impossible
to be evaluated using only the program code. The WCET estimation process is
divided into two phases:
1. First, the code segment to be measured is decomposed into basic blocks;
2. For each basic block, the lower and upper execution times are estimated
using the shortest path method and a timing scheme1 .
The shortest path algorithm with the basic block graph as input is used
to estimate the lower and the upper bounds on the execution time of the

WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL


code segment. For the estimation of the upper bound, the multiplicative inverse of the upper execution time of each basic block is used. A basic block
is a sequence of assemblers instructions, such as only the rst instruction
can be prexed by a label and only the last one can be a control transfer
The decomposition phase is carried out following the steps given below:
1. rearrangement of code segment to guarantee the visual cohesion of a basic
block (note that the ordering of instructions by address makes the visualization of the inter basic block control ow more difcult, because of long
jump instructions that can occur between basic blocks. To guarantee visual
cohesion, all sequence of instructions are rearranged by memory address,
excluding those located from long jump labels, which are inserted from the
last buffer index);
2. characterization of the conditional structure through the identication of the
instructions sequence that compose the if and else body;
3. characterization of the loop structure through the identication of the instructions sequence that composes the loop body, control, and transfer control (it
is essential to discern between while/for and do while loops since the
timing schemes are different);
4. building a basic block graph showing all the execution paths between basic
5. nding the lower and upper execution time for each basic block.


Pipeline Modeling

The WCET estimator presented so far (Fig. 4-2) considers that an instructions execution is xed over the program execution; i.e., it ignores the contribution of modern processors. Note that the dependence among instruction
can cause pipeline hazards, introducing a delay in the instruction execution.
This dependence emerges as several instructions are simultaneously executed,
and as a result of this parallel execution among instructions, the execution time
of an instruction uctuates depending on the set of its neighboring instructions. Our ADLs processor language analyzes the pipeline using the pipeline
hazard detection technique (Fig. 4-3) suggested by Proebsting and Fraser7 .
The ADL models the pipeline as a set of resources and each instruction as
a process that acquires and consumes a subset of resources for its execution.
Special-purpose functions, such as setPipeStage(Mn) and SetPipeFunctionalUnit(Mn, num), are used to dene the pipeline stages and functional units, respectively. For each instruction, there is a set of functions to solve the following
1. Instr.SetSourceStage(s Opr, Stg) species the pipeline stage, at which each
source operand must be available,


Chapter 4

Figure 4-2. Organization of the WCET predictor.

2. Instr.SetResultStage(d Opr, Stg) species the pipeline stage, at which the

output of the destination operand becomes available with the output of the
destination operand,
3. Instr.SetStageWCET(stg, tm) species each pipeline stage required to
execute an instruction and the execution time associated with that stage,
4. Instr.SetbranchDelayCost(tm) sets the control hazard cost associated with a
branch instruction.
The pipeline analysis of a given basic block must always take into account
the inuences of the predecessor basic blocks (note that the dependence among
instructions can cause pipeline hazards, introducing a delay in the instructions
execution); otherwise, it leads to an underestimation of the execution time.
Therefore, at the hazard detection stage of a given basic block, it will always

WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL


Figure 4-3. Hazard detection and correction algorithm based on Proebstings technique.

incorporate the pipelines state associated with the predecessor basic blocks
over the execution paths. The resources vector that describes the pipelines
state will be iteratively updated by inserting pipeline stalls to correct the data
and/or structural hazards when the next instruction is issued. If these two hazards
happen simultaneously, the correction process starts at the hazard that occurred
rst and then it will be checked whether the second still remains. The issuing
of a new instruction will be always preceded by the updating of the previous
pipelines state, achieved by shifting the actual pipeline resource vector one
cycle forward (Fig. 4-4).
The pipeline architectures, usually, present special techniques to correct
the execution ow when a control hazard happens. For instance, the delay
transfer control technique offers the hardware an extra machine cycle to decide the branch. Also, special hardware is used to determine the branch label
and value condition at the end of the instructions decode. As one can conclude, the execution of delay instructions does not depend on the branch decision, and it is always carried out. Therefore, we model the control hazard
as being caused by all kinds of branch instruction and by adding the sum of


Chapter 4

Figure 4-4. Organization of the WCET predictor with pipeline effect.

execution time of all instructions in the slot delay to the basic block execution


Cache and scratchpad memory modeling

Cache is a high-speed and small-sized memory, typically a SRAM that

contains parts of the most recent accesses to the main memory. Nowadays, the
time required to load an instruction or data to the processor is much longer
than the instruction execution time. The main function of a cache memory is to
reduce the time needed to move the information from and to the processor. An
explanation for this improvement comes from the locality of reference theory
at any time, the processor will access a very small and localized region of the
main memory, and the cache loads this region, allowing faster memory accesses
to the processor.
In spite of the memory performance enhancement, the cache makes the
execution time estimation harder, as the execution time of any instruction will

WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL


vary and depend on the presence of the instruction and data into the caches.
Furthermore, to exactly know if the execution of a given instruction causes a
cache miss/hit, it will be necessary to carry out a global analysis of the program.
Note that an instructions behavior can be affected by memory references that
happened a long time ago. Adversely, the estimation of WCET becomes harder
for the modern processors, as the behaviors of cache and pipeline depend on
each other. Therefore, we propose the following changes to the algorithm that
takes into account the pipeline effects:
1. Classify the cache behavior4 for any data and instruction as cache hit or
cache miss before the analysis of the pipeline behavior.
2. Before the issuing of an instruction, verify if there is any cache miss related to
the instruction; if there is, rst apply the miss penalty and then the detection
and correction of pipeline hazards.
In contrast, the scratchpad memory that is a software-controlled on-chip
memory located in a separate address region provides predictable execution
time. In a scratchpad memory system, the mapping of programs elements is
done statically during compile time either by the user or automatically by the
compiler. Therefore, whereas an access to cache SRAM is subject to compulsory, capacity and conict misses, the scratchpad memory guarantees a singlecycle access time, and it can be modeled like any internal memory access, using
the access time as the only parameter.



For the moment, we will present some results using the 8 C196 Intel
microcontrollers as they are the only ones present with all the needed execution
time information in the users guide. But we hope to present soon the results
of experiments with modern processors such as Texas Instruments DSPs, Intel
8 C296, PICs, and so on. Figure 4-5 shows the result achieved by a direct
measurement of a program composed by two functions: main() and func().
This program was instrumented to allow a direct measurement with a digital
oscilloscope through pin 6 of port 2 (P2.6).
At a rst stage, the WCET estimator builds the call graph given at the lower
right quadrant of Fig. 4-6 and then func(), identied by the label C 2192, is
processed, providing a similar screen (Fig. 4-7). At the upper right quadrant,
information, such as execution time of individual basic blocks, basic block
control ow, and function execution time, is presented. The lower right quadrant can present the assembly code translated by the disassembler from the
executable code, the call graph, and the simulator state. The upper left quadrant


Chapter 4

Figure 4-5. Direct measurement of an instrumented program using a digital oscilloscope to

monitor pin 2 of port P2 (P2.6).

Figure 4-6. WCET = 61s was estimated for the code segment measured in Fig. 4-4.

WCET Prediction for Embedded Processors Using an ADL


Figure 4-7. WCET analysis of the function denominated func().

presents parts of the ADL program describing the microcontroller architecture.



A very friendly tool for WCET estimation was developed, and the results
obtained over some Intel microcontroller were very satisfactory. To complete
the evaluation of our tool, we will realize more tests using other classes of
processors, such as DSPs, PICs, and some Motorola microcontrollers. A plenty
use of this tool requires some processor information, such as the execution
time of each instruction composing the processor instruction set, sometimes
not provided in the processor users guide. In such a case, to time an individual
instruction, we recommended the use of the logic analyzer to trigger on the
opcode at the target instruction location and on the opcode and location of the
next instruction.
On the basis of previous studies of some emergent ADLs8,9 , we are developing a framework to generate accurate simulators with different levels of
abstraction by using information embedded in our ADL. With this ADL it
will be possible to generate simulators, and other tools, for microprocessors


Chapter 4

with different features such as superpipelining, superscalar with out-of-order

execution, VLIW, and so on.

1. Alan C. Shaw, Deterministic timing schema for parallel programs, Technical Report 90-0506, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle
2. K. Nilsen, B. Rygg, Worst-case execution time analysis on modern processor. ACM
SIGPLAN Notices, 30 (11), 2030 (1995).
3. Y. Steven Li et al., Efcient microarchitecture modeling and path analysis for real-time
software. Technical Report, Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton University.
4. C. Healy, M. Harmon, D. Whalley, Integrating the timing analysis of pipelining and instruction caching. Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Florida State University.
5. Sung-Soo Lim, C. Yun Park et al., An accurate worst case timing analysis for RISC processors. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21 (7), 593604 (1995).
6. P. Sorenson, J. Tremblay, The Theory and Practice of Compiler Writing. McGraw-Hill,
New York, ISBN 0-07-065161-2 (1987).
7. C.W. Fraser, T. Proebsting, Detecting pipeline structural hazards quickly. In: Proceedings
of the 21th Annual ACM SIGPLAN SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming
Languages, pp. 280286 (January 1994).
8. S. Pees et al. LISA Machine description language for cycle-accurate models of programmable DSP architectures. In: ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (1999).
9. Ashok Halambi, et al. EXPRESSION: A language for architecture exploration through
compiler/simulator retargetability. In: Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference (1999).

Chapter 5


Torsten Schober, Andreas Reinsch, and Werner Erhard
Jena University, Department of Computer Science, Ernst-Abbe-Platz 1-4, 07743 Jena,
Germany; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]


This work introduces a hardware design methodology based on Petri nets that
is applied to the verication of digital control paths. The main purpose is to
design control paths that are modeled and veried formally by means of Petri net

Key words:

Petri nets; digital system design; hardware design methodology; property checking; verication and validation.



As the complexity of digital systems grows rapidly, there is a rising interest to

apply modeling and verication techniques for discrete-event systems. Owing
to their universality, Petri nets can be applied for system modeling, simulation,
and functional verication of hardware. Regarding digital system modeling and
verication, the Petri net theory shows signicant advantages:
r Inherent ability to model sequential and concurrent events with behaviors
conict, join, fork, and synchronization
r Ability to model system structure and system functionality as static and
dynamic net behavior
r Ability to model digital systems at different levels of abstraction using
hierarchical net concepts
r Ability to apply Petri nets as a graphical tool for functional and timed system
r Ability to verify system properties by analysis of static and dynamic net


Chapter 5

Considering the utilization of these advantages, a Petri net based hardware

design methodology is introduced. The approach ends up in a complete and
practicable hardware design ow. In order to achieve practical relevance and
applicability, there are two requirements to accomplish:
1. Use of a common hardware description language for system modeling in
addition to Petri nets, and
2. Use of a common logic synthesis tool to enable a technology mapping to
hardware, where hardware platforms may range from eld programmable
gate arrays to custom integrated circuits.




At the beginning of the system modeling process, it is essential to make two

basic choices regarding net specication and net interpretation. The choice of a
net specication determines the range of structural elements that can be represented by the system model. Thus, the chosen net specication has a great inuence on the expressiveness of the system model. By means of place/transition
nets with free-choice structure (FCPN), it is easy to express both sequential and
concurrent events, as well as conicting, joining, forking, and synchronizing
events. Concerning analysis methods for structural and behavioral net analysis,
FCPNs are particularly suitable too. Because of net interpretation, the components of a Petri net are assigned to the components of a digital system. Hence,
every net interpretation of a Petri net creates a Petri net model. There exist
several net interpretations in different technical domains that map either Petri
net components to elementary hardware components or small subnets to hardware modules1,2,3 . Control engineering interpreted (CEI) Petri nets4 perform a
direct mapping between a system of communicating nite state machines and
a dedicated hardware realization. A CEI Petri net N is dened as a 10-tuple
N = (P, T , Fpre , Fpost , m 0 , G, X , Y , Q t , Q p ), namely places, transitions, preand post-arcs, an initial marking, transition guards, input signals, output signals,
a transition-enabling function, and a place-marking function. Every transition
ti is assigned to an AND gate and every place pi is assigned to a memory cell.
Consequently, a marked place pi = (ei , ai ) symbolizes an active memory cell
in a state memory module. Transition activating and place marking are realized
by two mappings Q t and Q p , where Q t = G i ai and Q p = ai . Therefore, in
addition to the usual ring rule, transitions are activated by guards G i , where
G i = f (xi ). These guards arise from logically conjuncted input signals xi and
express signal processing in a digital system. Output signals ai can be used to
enable state transitions pi pj and for output signal processing yi . In case
of a state transition, ai = 1 is conjuncted with an arbitrary G j at transition tj .

Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets


Figure 5-1. Petri net based modeling and verication of digital systems.

Then pi is unmarked before pj is marked, and hence a new state is activated.

Concurrent behavior is represented by different state memory modules, each of
sequential behavior, communicating through shared transitions. In that case tj
has several successors and/or predecessors pj . State transitions in a CEI Petri
net show that the token ow of the Petri net equivalently represents the signal
ow of the modeled digital system. Digital system modeling and verication
using interpreted Petri nets can be schematized as in Fig. 5-1.
Using CEI Petri nets and a place/transition net specication with FCPN, it is
possible to model digital systems in a highly transparent way, such that system
behavior is equivalently reproduced by the token ow of a simple structured
Petri net model. The structure and behavior of a Petri net model is extensively
analyzable if the model is retransformed into a FCPN. Therefore, all transition
guards G i are eliminated. To preserve state space equivalence it is required to
apply a ring rule that only res one transition at a time. For functional verication of a modeled digital system, a set of properties is studied by means of Petri
net analysis. This approach is extended to describe a complete hardware design
ow. A design ow shown in Fig. 5-2 is subdivided into ve steps: modeling,
verication, technology-independent net model mapping, logic synthesis, and
timing verication.
Because of the high acceptance of conventional EDA synthesis tools and
HDLs, it is not preferable to create a design ow that is solely based on Petri nets.
Therefore, in the design ow two entities enable a transformation between constructs of a HDL and Petri net components, and vice versa. To translate VHDL
constructs into Petri net structures, common rules5 are used. On the top in


Chapter 5

Figure 5-2. PN-based hardware design ow.

Fig. 5-2, HDL input as well as graphical or textual Petri net input are proposed.
Regarding recent attempts to develop a general textual interchange format6 for
Petri nets to link Petri net editors, simulation tools, and analysis tools, an entity
for textual Petri net input is very valuable. High-level Petri nets (HLPN), such
as hierarchical Petri nets or colored Petri nets, can be applied if it is possible
to unfold the HLPN to a FCPN. Once a Petri net model is created, simulation
and analysis methods can be applied to verify the Petri net model functionally.
Because of the graphical concepts of Petri nets, design errors can be detected
easily by functional simulation. Also, functional simulation can be used to test
subnets of the Petri net model successively. A simulation run is represented as
a sequence of state transitions, and thus as a Petri net. The created occurrence
sequence is analyzed further to evaluate system behavior. Beyond simulation,
an exhaustive analysis of structural and behavioral properties leads to a formal
design verication. Behavioral properties are studied by invariant analysis and
reachability analysis. In a next step, the Petri net model can be optimized using
advanced state space analysis, Petri net reduction techniques, and net symmetries. Therefore, some conditions should be met before a Petri net model can be
optimized. Net model optimization techniques heavily effect an efcient implementation of the Petri net model7 . The Petri net model is then subdivided into
small subnets that can be mapped to dedicated hardware modules. The timing
behavior of the chosen hardware modules determines the timing behavior of
the designed digital system. Therefore, it is possible to verify a modeled digital
system functionally and then implement it as a self-timed design8 or as a synchronous clocked design. This is clearly not the case in a conventional hardware

Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets


design methodology. A functionally veried and optimized Petri net model is

transformed to dedicated VHDL constructs to enable logic synthesis by means
of conventional EDA tools. After logic synthesis and technology-dependent
design steps, simulation and analysis methods can be applied again to simulate
and verify the timing behavior of the implemented design. Therefore, timing
information is assigned to Petri net components of the Petri net model using
a timed Petri net specication. For worst-case timing analysis deterministic
timed Petri nets are suitable, while for performance modeling stochastic timed
Petri nets are applied. It is shown that the complete design ow is based on
Petri nets but, nevertheless, is embedded in a conventional design ow. To put
the new design steps into practice, the tool development environment Petri Net
Kernel (PNK)9 and the Integrated Net Analyzer (INA)10 are used to create the
tool VeriCon11 , which performs the rst two steps of this integrated hardware
design ow in a prototypic way. The application of the proposed methodology
is focused on microprocessor control paths.



For functional verication of a modeled digital system, a set of properties

is studied by means of Petri net analysis. The analysis results are interpreted
as properties of the Petri net model. In a more practical way, it is necessary to
propose some requirements and goals that must be obtained for functional verication. For net models of microprocessor control paths, sets of analysis strategies are derived. These analysis strategies enable detection and localization of
modeling errors. Each set of strategies is arranged to a scheme that enables an
automated verication process. As an outcome of applied analysis strategies,
some modeling guidelines are derived. Adhering to these guidelines enables to
approach a functionally correct design already at early modeling cycles. Requirements for functional verication are expressed as Petri net properties of
the analyzed Petri net and should cover
1. boundedness,
2. liveness,
3. reversibility,
4. state machine structure or free-choice structure,
5. persistence, and
6. pureness or proper self-loop assignment.
Petri net analysis has to ensure boundedness. In the Petri net model, boundedness determines that the modeled design has a nite state space. Consequently,
control paths with an innite number of states are not close to reality. If every
place of the Petri net contains at most one token, logical values high and


Chapter 5

low are distinguishable for the memory cells that are represented by places.
The digital system is thereby modeled transparently. Other assignment schemes
require decoding. Liveness is the next necessary Petri net property for functional
verication, and it is interpreted as the capability to perform a state transition in
any case. Every transition of the Petri net can be red at any reachable marking.
Therefore, if liveness is preserved, the Petri net and thus the Petri net model are
not deadlocked. If, in a live Petri net, the initial state is reachable, then the Petri
net is reversible. To reect the structure of a sequential control path, the Petri net
should have state machine structure (SM structure). In this case no transition of
the Petri net is shared. Every transition has exactly one predecessor place and
one successor place. Therefore, in a state machine, generation and consumption
of tokens is avoided. For modeling concurrent control paths, both marked graph
structures (MG structure) with shared transitions, forking, and synchronizing
events and SM structures are required. Thus the Petri net model of a concurrent control path should have free-choice structure. Places with more than one
successor transition generate conict situations. If several posttransitions of a
marked place are enabled, and one transition res, then all other transitions are
disabled. Hence the Petri net is not persistent, and also it is not predictable as to
what transition will re. Transition guards are able to solve conicts, because
they represent an additional ring condition that is required to perform a state
transition. Therefore, transitions in conict can become unique using transition
guards and no behavior ambiguity remains. When a pre-place of a transition
also appears as its post-place, then there is a self loop in the Petri net. Self loops
can give a structural expression to model external signal processing distinctly.
It has to be claried in the modeling process as to which, if any, which self
loops are desired to emphasize external signal processing. Thus, self loops can
be detected and assigned to that situation, and others are marked as modeling
errors and should be removed. As for concurrent control path models, it is not
preferred to start with a state space analysis. Because of the huge amount of
states that a concurrent control path may have, it is more convenient to apply
structural properties analysis rst. Tests for marking conservation, coverability
with place invariants, and strong connectedness perform fast. Out of these net
model properties, boundedness is decided.



Table 5-1 summarizes all derived analyses strategies12 regarding detected

modeling errors and affected Petri net properties. Strategies S1 . . . S9 are applied
to verify sequential control paths. Primed strategies are derived from nonprimed
ones with only minor changes and can be applied for pipelined control path
verication. If a strategy (S1 . . . S9) exists only as nonprimed version, it can


Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets

Table 5-1. Analysis strategies
Analysis strategy

Modeling error

Affected property

S1, S1 , S1

Transition without a pre-place,

token production, fork
Not strongly connected
Token consumption
Not conservative
Transition without post-place
Place without pretransition
Place without posttransition, and
with nonconservative
Self loops
Marking sum > 1
Nonsynchronized transitions
between pipeline stages
Marking sum < 1


S4, S4
S7, S7
S8, S8
S9, S9

Liveness, SM structure
SM structure, conservativeness
Liveness, SM structure
Liveness, boundedness

Safeness, liveness

be applied for both types of control paths. Strategies S10 . . . S12 are derived to
verify pipelined control paths.
An automated verication of Petri net models using S1 . . . S12 can be performed according to Figures 5-3 and 5-4. In Fig. 5-3, verication of sequential control paths is shown, whereas Fig. 5-4 illustrates pipelined control path
verication. Using PNK and INA, all analysis strategies are efciently implementable. Exemplarily, strategies S1 and S2 are listed.


Strategy S1

1. If Petri net N is unbounded, then

(a) determine all shared transitions ti , |ti r| >1 using rpj pj P generate list {tiP }.
(b) determine all transition sources Fti 0 using rti ti T .
2. Check if [(ti = r pj , ti {tiP }) (t = Fti 0)] pj P. pretransition of
place pj produces tokens ti {tiP } or Fti 0, and unboundedness of pj is
caused by ti .


Strategy S2

1. Check liveness generate list of live transitions {tiL }.

2. Compute strongly connected components (SCC) in RN generate tuple
{SCCi , pj }.


Chapter 5

Figure 5-3. Application of analysis strategies for sequential control paths.

Figure 5-4. Application of analysis strategies for pipelined control paths.

Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets


3. Determine shared places and sharing transitions for each SCC using preset and postset of pj pj P: (| r pj | > 1) (| pj r| >1) generate tuple
{SCCi , pj , tk }.
4. Compare all tuples {SCCi , pj , tk }. Multiple-occurring tk form transitions
between different SCCs: SCCi SCCj (SMi SMj ).
5. Compare all tk and {tiL }. If tk {tiL } tk is live. Otherwise tk is a dead
transition between two different SCCs.
6. Detect live SCCs. For each SCC, check whether ( r pj {tiL } pj SCCi )
( r pj {tiL } pj SCCi ) SCCi is live. Dead SCCs include at least one
dead transition in the preset or postset of its places.
Strategies S1 . . . S1 detect shared transitions with more than one post-place
or transitions without pre-place that cause unbounded places, and hence an
unbounded Petri net. S2 and S3 are applied to detect and localize dead transitions
that are caused by lack of strong connectedness or by shared transitions with
more than one pre-place. It is possible that the analyzed Petri net is 1-bounded
and live, but it shows no state machine structure. In this case, all generated tokens
are consumed within a marked graph that is a Petri net structure in which no place
is shared. Strategy S4 is applied to localize such shared transitions. Similarly
S4 nds nonconservative transitions by evaluating place invariants. By means
of strategies S5 . . . S7 , dead transitions caused by one-sided nodes are detected,
as mentioned in Table 5-1. In analysis strategies S8 . . . S9 , transition guards
are used to interpret conicts and self loops within the Petri net model. The last
strategies S10 . . . S12 are applied to localize liveness and safeness problems
in conservative, strongly connected, and place invariant covered net models.
According to the proposed analysis strategies, it is possible to derive modeling
guidelines that affect the modeling process and assist the designer to create a
system model reecting the desired functionality. In Table 5-2, analysis results
and their interpretation for the Petri net model are summarized.
Table 5-2. Veried properties and their interpretation in the Petri net model
Petri net properties

Interpretation in the Petri net model

State machine structure

Free-choice structure
Strong connected
No source and sink

Sequential control path

Concurrent control path
Signal to token assignment
No deadlocks, no restrictions of state transitions
Arbitrary state transitions
No restrictions of liveness and/or boundedness
Resetable control path
No self loops
Solved dynamic conicts


Chapter 5



Modeling guidelines

Avoid nonconservative transitions

Avoid of one-sided nodes
Ensure strong connectedness
Remove conicts using transition guards
1. Provide all posttransitions of a shared place with guards
2. Provide every posttransition of a shared place with a unique guard


In computer architecture, the DLX microprocessor is a well-known

example13 . In a case study, the control path of the sequential and the concurrent DLX is designed as a Petri net model, whereas data path and memory
test bench are provided by VHDL models14 . In all, 52 instructions covering all
instruction types are modeled. Additionally reset, error, exception, and interrupt handling is considered. The Petri net model corresponding to the sequential
control path contains 243 nodes. To implement the whole instruction set, 64
control states are required. Complex sequential control paths, such as control
path of a sequential microprocessor, consist of a system of strongly connected
state machines. This includes decomposability into partial nets with state machine structure. When a Petri net is 1-bounded and live and has state machine
structure, then a very transparent Petri net model is created. Every state in the
Petri net model is assigned to a state of the control path. Thus, the reachability
tree is rather small and represents exactly 64 control states. Using the derived
analysis strategies S1 . . . S9, all modeling errors could be detected, localized,
and removed. The analyzed Petri net properties and their interpretation for the
Petri net model enable to decide functional correctness of the Petri net model
formally. The Petri net model that corresponds to the pipelined control path
contains 267 nodes and, compared with the sequential case, a similar proportion of places and transitions. But the state space of this Petri net model is of
O(105 ). The processor pipeline with ve stages is modeled using a free-choice
structure that shows only conservative transitions. Hence the fork degree of a
transition equals its synchronization degree. There are control places to ensure
mutual exclusion between pipeline stages. Under these modeling conditions,
especially, place invariants are convenient to verify the correct pipeline behavior. A Petri net model of 5 pipeline stages leads to 4 place invariants that cover
the whole net model, each a set of places that contains a constant weighted sum
of markings. If there are less than 4 invariants, then there may occur a situation
of an unbounded net model. If the weighted sum of markings is not equal to 1,
then there is a liveness or safeness problem. Because of structural preanalysis, it

Verication of Control Paths Using Petri Nets


is easy to detect and locate modeling errors. The analysis strategies S1 . . . S12
detected and localized all occurring modeling errors. Thus the Petri net model
of the pipelined control path was formally veried, too.



This work introduces a Petri net based hardware design methodology for
modeling and verication of digital systems. Modeling digital systems using
free-choice Petri nets (FCPN) and control engineering interpreted Petri nets
(CEI PN) leads to highly transparent and simple structured Petri net models.
Using Petri net analysis techniques, functional verication of Petri net models
is obtained by analysis of Petri net properties and a suitable interpretation
of the Petri net model. For functional verication of control paths, analysis
strategies are provided. Using these analysis strategies, it is possible to detect
and localize modeling errors automatically. As an outcome of applied analysis
strategies, some modeling guidelines are derived. Adhering to these modeling
guidelines enables to approach a functionally correct design already at early
modeling cycles. The methodology is applied to the functional verication of
microprocessor control paths.

1. S. Patil, Coordination of asynchronous events. PhD Thesis, Department of Electrical
Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, MA (1970).
2. D. Misunas, Petri-nets and speed-independent design. Communications of the ACM, 16 (8),
474479 (1973).
3. J. Cortadella et al., Hardware and Petri nets: Application to asynchronous circuit design.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1825, 115, (Springer 2000).
4. R. Konig, L. Quack, Petri-Netze in der Steuerungstechnik. Oldenbourg, Munchen (1988).
5. S. Olcoz, J.M. Colom, A Petri net approach for the analysis of VHDL descriptions. Lecture
Notes in Computer Science, 683, 115 (Springer 1993).
6. M. Jungel, E. Kindler, M.Weber, The Petri net markup language. In: Philippi Stefan (ed.),
Fachberichte Informatik Universitat Koblenz-Landau, Nr. 7-2000, pp. 4752 (2000).
7. W. Erhard, A. Reinsch, T. Schober, Formale Verikation sequentieller Kontrollpfade mit
Petrinetzen, Berichte zur Rechnerarchitektur,Universitat Jena, Institut fur Informatik, 7
(2), 142 (2001).
8. W. Erhard, A. Reinsch, T. Schober, First steps towards a recongurable asynchronous system. In: Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping
(RSP), Clearwater, FL, pp. 2831 (1999).
9. E. Kindler, M. Weber, The Petri net kernelAn infrastructure for buildung Petri net tools.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1643, 1019 (Springer 1999).
10. INA Integrated Net Analyzer. Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin, Institut fur Informatik,
(July 7, 2003);


Chapter 5

11. K.Wagner, Petri Netz basierte Implementierung einer formalen Verikation sequentieller
Kontrollpfade. Studienarbeit, Universitat Jena, Institut fur Informatik, pp. 122 (2002)
12. T. Schober, Formale Verikation digitaler Systeme mit Petrinetzen. Dissertation, Universitat Jena, pp. 1114 (2003).
13. J.A. Hennessy, D.A. Patterson, Computer ArchitectureA Quantitative Approach. Morgan
Kaufmann Publisher, San Francisco (1996).
14. The DLXS processor design, University Stuttgart, Institut of Parallel and Distributed
Systems (April 28, 1998);

Chapter 6


Andrei Karatkevich
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics,
ul. Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


An approach to Petri net analysis by state space construction is presented in the

paper, allowing reducing the necessary memory amount by means of removing
from memory the information on some of intermediate states. Applicability of the
approach to deadlock detection and some other analysis tasks is studied. Besides
this, a method of breaking cycles in oriented graphs is described.

Key words:

Petri nets; simulation; analysis; formal models.



Petri nets1 are a popular formal model of a concurrent discrete system,

widely applied for specifying and verifying control systems, communication
protocols, digital devices, and so on. Analysis of such nets is a time- and
memory-consuming task, because even a simple net may have a huge number
of reachable states caused by its concurrent nature (the so-called state explosion
problem2,3 ).
However, state space search remains one of the main approaches to Petri
net analysis (deadlock detection, for example). But there are various methods
handling state explosion problem, such as lazy state space constructions, building reduced state spaces instead of the complete ones2 . Among such methods,
Valmaris stubborn set method 4,5 is best known.
Theoretically there is no necessity of huge memory amount to solve Petri net
analysis problems; there is a polynomial-space algorithm of deadlock detection
in a safe Petri net, but it is practically absolutely inapplicable because its time
consumption is woeful3 . Generally, the known algorithms solving verication
tasks in a relatively small memory are extremely slow3 .


Chapter 6

In this paper we concentrate on a less radical approach, reducing memory

amount and keeping it, however, exponential in worst case. The approach is
based on removing from memory some of the intermediate states. Some results
are recalled from Refs. 6 and 7; also, new results are presented.



A Petri net1 is a triple  = (P, T, F), where P is a set of places, T is a set

of transitions, P T = and F (P T ) (T P). For t T , t denotes
{ p P|( p, t) F}, t denotes { p P|(t, p) F}, and t and t are the sets
of input and output places, respectively. t T : t = , t = . A similar
notation is used for places ( p, p ). A Petri net can also be considered as an
oriented bipartite graph. A state (marking) of a net is dened as a function
M: P {0, 1, 2, . . .}. It can be considered as a number of tokens situated in
the net places. M( p) denotes the number of tokens in place p at M. M  > M
denotes that p P: M  ( p) M( p) and p P: M  ( p) > M( p). Initial state
M0 is usually specied.
A transition t is enabled and can re if all its input places contain tokens.
Transition ring removes one token from each input place and adds one token
to each output place, thus changing the current state. If t is enabled in M and its
ring transforms M into M  , then that is denoted as MtM . This denotation and
the notion of transition ring can be generalized for ring sequencess (sequential
ring of the transitions, such that each transition is enabled in the state created by
ring of the previous transition). If a ring sequence leads from state M to M  ,
it is denoted as MM  . A state that can be reached from M by a ring sequence
is called reachable from M; the set of reachable states is denoted as [M. A
transition is live if there is a reachable marking in which it is enabled; otherwise
it is dead. A state in which no transitions are enabled is called a deadlock. A net
is live if in all the reachable markings, all the transitions of the net are live. A
net is safe if in any reachable marking no place contains more than one token.
A net is bounded if n: p P M [M0 M( p) n (there is an upper bound
of number of tokens for all the net places in all reachable markings).
A reachability graph is a graph G = (V, E) representing state space of a
net. V = [M0 ; e = (M, M  ) E Mt M  (then t marks e). The reachability
graph is nite if and only if the net is bounded. A strongly connected component
(SCC) of a reachability graph is a maximal strongly connected subgraph. A
terminal component of a graph G is its SCC such that each edge which starts
in the component also ends in it3,5 .
A set TS of the transitions of a Petri net at state M is a stubborn set if
(1) every disabled transition in TS has an empty input place p such that all

Memory-Saving Analysis of Petri Nets


transitions in p are in TS , (2) no enabled transition in TS has a common input

place with any transition (including disabled ones) outside TS , and (3) TS
contains an enabled transition.
A reduced reachability graph (RRG), created with the basic stubborn set
method, is a subgraph of the reachability graph built so that in every considered
state only ring of the enabled transitions belonging to TS is simulated. Such
an RRG contains all deadlocks of the system that are reachable from the initial
states. Furthermore, all deadlock states of the RRG are deadlock states of the
system (the fundamental property of the stubborn set method3,4 ).



Consider the problem of detecting deadlocks. To solve it there is no necessity to keep in memory the whole (even reduced) reachability graph with all
intermediate (non-deadlock) states. But it is evident that removing all of them
can lead to eternal looping (if the reachability graph has cycles). So, some of
the intermediate states should be kept. Which ones? The following afrmations
allow obtaining the answer.
Afrmation 1. (Lemma 3 from Ref. 7). For every cycle C in a reachability
graph, there is a cycle C in the net graph such that every transition belonging
to C marks an arc in C.
Afrmation 2. (Lemma 1 from Ref. 7). Let M M  , where M  > M. Then
there is a cycle C in the net graph such that every transition belonging to C
appears in .
An algorithm is presented, which is a modication of the well-known algorithm of reachability graph building.
Algorithm 1
Input: Petri net  = (P, T, F), initial state M0 .
Output: Graph G(V, E).
1 V := {M0 }, E := with cir cle, D := {M0 }. Tag M0 as new.
2 Select Q T such that for every cycle in the net graph, at least one
transition belongs to Q.
3 While new states exist in V , do the following:
3.1 Select a new state M.
3.2 If no transitions are enabled at M, tag M as deadlock.
3.3 While there exist enabled transitions at M, do the following for each
enabled transition t at M :
3.3.1 Obtain the state M  that results from ring t at M.


Chapter 6

3.3.2 If on the path from M0 to M, there exists a marking M  such that

M > M  , then communicate The net is unbounded and go to 4.
3.3.3 If M 
/ V , add M to V and tag M  as new.
3.3.4 Add the arc (M, M  ) to F.
3.3.5 If t Q, add M  to D.
3.4 If M is not a deadlock and M
/ Q, do the following:
3.4.1 For every pair of arcs in (a, M) F and (M, b) F, add to F arc (a, b).
3.4.2 Remove M from V and all the incident arcs from F.
4 The end.
Afrmation 3. Algorithms 1 and 1a stop for every Petri net.
Proof. Suppose the net is bounded and the algorithm never stops. This means
that there exists a cycle in the reachability graph such that every state in it
is added to V and then removed from it, and the loop never stops. But from
Afrmation 1 it follows that at least one of those states will be included in set
D and never deleted from V ; hence it cannot be tagged as new more than
once, and such eternal looping is impossible. A contradiction.
Suppose the net is unbounded and the algorithm never stops. Then the algorithm considers new states (never considered before) innitely often (another
possibility of looping is excluded by Afrmation 1). Any long enough ring sequence leading to new states will go through states M and M  such that
M  > M, which follows from the fact that P is nite. Then, as follows from
Afrmation 2, a state M  between them will be added to D and never removed.
This means that graph G will grow innitely.
This in turn means that sooner or later in G there will be a long enough
path such that there will be states M and M  in it such that M  > M. Then the
algorithm will detect this situation (item 3.3.2) and stop.
The proof is now completed; note that it is valid for both variants of the
algorithm (proof only for Algorithm 1 would be simpler).
Afrmation 4. Algorithms 1 and 1a detect all the deadlocks of a Petri net or
its unboundedness.
The proof follows from the algorithm description and the fundamental property of the stubborn set method.
Note that item 2 of Algorithm 1 is a nontrivial task if we want to make set
Q as small as possible (which would reduce the needed memory amount). It
can be formulated as a task of minimal decyclization of an oriented graph or of
nding minimal feedback arc set9 . It has applications in electrical engineering,
computer-aided design of discrete devices, scheduling, and so on. The topic is
discussed in the appendix.

Algorithm 1a the variant of Algorithm 1 will be meant, in which item 3.3 is the following: While there
exist enabled transitions belonging to TS at M, do the following for each enabled transition t TS:

Memory-Saving Analysis of Petri Nets




The application of the proposed approach to solving some other analysis

tasks will be discussed below.
r Boundedness. It is easy to see that n-boundedness can be checked by
Algorithm 1 if the number of tokens in the places is checked on-the-y.
Algorithm 1 also detects unboundedness, as follows from Afrmations 2
and 3.
r Liveness. It is easy to see that Algorithm 1as it iscannot check liveness.
Consider the next modication (the additions are given in bold).
Algorithm 2
Input: Petri net  = (P, T, F), initial state M0 .
Output: Graph G(V, E).
1 V := {M0 }, E := , D := {M0 }. Tag M0 as new.
2 Select Q T such that for every cycle in the net graph, at least one
transition belongs to Q.
3 While new states exist in V , do the following:
3.1 Select a new state M.
3.2 If no transitions are enabled at M, tag M as deadlock.
3.3 While there exist enabled transitions at M, do the following for each
enabled transition t at M:
3.3.1 Obtain the state M  that results from ring t at M.
3.3.2 If on the path from M0 to M there exists a marking M  such that
M > M  , then communicate The net is unbounded and go to 4.
3.3.3 If M 
/ V , add M to V and tag M  as new.
3.3.4 Add the arc (M, M  ) to F, mark (M, M ) by t.
3.3.5 If t Q, add M  to D.
3.4 If M is not a deadlock and M
/ Q, do the following:
3.4.1 For every pair of arcs in (a, M) F and (M, b) F, add to F arc (a, b),
and mark (a, b) by all the transitions marking (a, M) and (M, b).
3.4.2 Remove M from V and all the incident arcs from F.
4 The end.
The graph built by Algorithm 2 contains enough information for liveness
checkingit is enough to check whether every transition marks an arc in every
terminal component.
r Reversibility. The net is reversible if and only if graph G constructed by
Algorithm 1 is strongly connected.
r Reachability. Algorithm 1 by construction considers every reachable state,
and so, of course, reachability of a state can be checked by means of it.


Chapter 6
























Dead markings!



Figure 6-1. A Petri net (a) and its reachability graph (b).



Consider a Petri net (Fig. 6-1a). Its reachability graph is shown in Fig. 6-1b.
It has 13 nodes. In Fig. 6-2 graph G is shown; Fig. 6-2a presents it at a stage of
Algorithm 1 execution when its number of nodes is maximal (supposing search
in BFS order); Fig. 6-2b presents its nal form. The maximal number of nodes of
G is 6; every marking has been considered only once. The situation is different
if the state space is searched in DFS order; then the maximal number of nodes
is also 13, but some of the states have been considered two or even three times.
It is also interesting to compare an RRG built using the stubborn set method
and graph G  built by Algorithm 1a for this example. The RRG contains seven
nodes, and G  has maximally three nodes.




Complexity of the method

How much we gain (and loose) with the proposed method?

An exact analytical evaluation of the space and time complexity of the
method turns to be a complex task even for the nets with a very restricted


Memory-Saving Analysis of Petri Nets











Figure 6-2. Intermediate (a) and nal (b) graph G constructed by Algorithm 1 for the net
shown in Fig. 1a.

structure, and we do not have sufcient evidence to decide how good it is

generally. There are a lot of good and bad examples. Some general notes
on its complexity are presented below.
r Gaining in memory, we lose in time with the method. In most cases the
algorithms described have to recalculate the same states several (sometimes
a number of) times.
r BFS search seems to be preferable here. DFS in many cases allows saving
more space, but it leads to multiple recalculation of the states and increases
time consumption drastically.
r A combination of the method with the stubborn set method is efcient,
because the stubborn set method, avoiding interleaving, reduces radically the
number of paths leading to a node in a reachability graph. So, recalculation
of the states occurs rarely for such a combination.


Applicability of the method and further work

The approach presented allows saving memory when solving the tasks of
Petri net analysis by methods of state space search. Space complexity is reduced at the expense of time complexity, so the practical use of the approach
makes sense (if any) in the cases where the amount of memory is a more critical
parameter than time. The approach seems to be especially efcient for deadlock and reachability analysis and, generally, for safety properties (to a wide
extent)4 .
The method is compatible with the stubborn set method. It would be interesting to analyze how it will be working with other lazy state space construction
methods; for example, with maximal concurrent simulation9,10 . An experimental analysis of the method using benchmarks could answer the question whether
it is good for practical purposes.


Chapter 6

The research was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic
Research (Komitet Badan Naukowych) grant 4T11C 006 24.


Some methods of optimal decyclization of oriented graphs are described in Refs. 11 and
12. One of them is based on the fact that the adjacency matrix of an acyclic oriented graph can
be transformed (by reordering columns and rows) to a strictly triangular matrix. The method
reorders the matrix in such a way that the number of nonzero elements below the main diagonal
or on it is minimized. Then the arcs corresponding to such nonzero elements are removed. Of
course such reordering is a complex combinatorial task.
Another method described in Ref. 12 is based on Boolean transformations: let a Boolean variable correspond to every arc of the graph, and elementary disjunction of those variables (without
negation) correspond to every cycle in the graph. Transform the obtained formula in conjunctive
normal form (CNF) into disjunctive normal form (DNF) (by multiplying the disjunctions and
deleting products that subsume others) and select the shortest elementary conjunction, which
will correspond to the minimal feedback arc set.
By using some newer methods of Boolean transformations, this approach can be much
rened. In fact the shortest prime implicant has to be calculated here. A very efcient method of
computation of the prime implicants of CNF is proposed by Thelen13 , where the prime implicants
are obtained without direct multiplying but by using a search tree and the reducing rules for it.
In Ref. 14, a modication of Thelens method intended for computation of the shortest prime
implicant is presented. In Refs. 15 and 16, the heuristics for Thelens method are proposed (not
affecting the results but additionally reducing the search tree). On the other hand, the task can
be reduced to the deeply investigated unate covering problem17 . Therefore, much can be done to
accelerate the exact solving of the task.
But computing of all the cycles in a graph requires exponential time and space in the worst
case; computation of the shortest prime implicant is NP, the same as that of the covering problem.
For the problem being the topic of our paper, as well as for other practical purposes, a quick
approximate algorithm would be useful. Such an algorithm is proposed in Ref. 8.
In this algorithm the weights are assigned to the arcs of the graph according to the formula:
w(e) = id(init(e)) od(init(e)) + od(ter(e)) id(ter(e)),
where e is an arc, w(e) is the weight, id and od are input and output degrees, respectively,
and init(e) and ter(e) are the initial and terminal nodes of the arc e, respectively. Then the arcs
are sorted (in order of nondecreasing weights) and added to the acyclic oriented graph being
constructed, excluding the arcs, adding of which would create a cycle. The algorithm processes
each strongly connected component separately.
This process is similar to the process of building of a minimal spanning tree in Prims
algorithm18 , but, of course, a greedy algorithm cannot guarantee the optimal solution in this case.
The intuition behind the algorithm is the following: if the initial node of an arc has many incoming
arcs and few outgoing arcs, and its terminal node has many outgoing arcs and few incoming arcs,
then it is likely that it belongs to many cycles and is one (or one of the few) common arc of those

Memory-Saving Analysis of Petri Nets


Figure 6-3. Examples of breaking cycles in oriented graphs by the algorithm described in the
appendix. Dashed arcs are removed.
cycles. Therefore, it is better not to add such an arc to the acyclic graph being built; that is why
a bigger weight is assigned to it.
The time complexity of the algorithm is ((|V | + |E|)2 ). For many examples it gives exact
or close to exact solutions (see Fig. 6-3).

1. T. Murata, Petri nets: Properties, analysis and applications. Proceedings of the IEEE, 77
(4), 548580 (April 1989).
2. M. Heiner, Petri net-based system analysis without state explosion. High Performance
Computing 98, Boston, pp. 110 (April 1998).
3. A. Valmari, The state explosion problem. In: W. Reisicg, G. Rozenberg (eds.), Lectures
on Petri Nets I: Basic Models, LNCS Tutorials, LNCS 1491, Springer-Verlag pp. 429528,
4. A. Valmari, State of the art report: Stubborn sets. Petri Nets Newsletter, 46, 614 (1994).
5. C. Girault, R. Valk Petri Nets for System Engineering: A Guide to Modeling, Verication,
and Applications, Springer-Verlag (2003).
6. A. Karatkevich, M. Adamski, Deadlock analysis of Petri nets: Minimization of memory
amount. In: Proceedings of 3rd ECS Conference, Bratislava, pp. 6972 (2001).
7. A.G. Karatkevich, Dynamic reduction of Petri net reachability graphs. Radioelektronika
i Informatika, 18 (1), 7682, Kharkov (2002) (in Russian).
8. A. Karatkevich, On algorithms for decyclisation of oriented graphs. In: DESDes01.
Przytok, Poland, pp. 3540 (2001).
9. R. Janicki, M. Koutny, Optimal simulation, nets and reachability graphs. Technical Report
No. 01-09, McMaster University, Hamilton (1991).
10. A. Karatkevich, Optimal simulation of -nets. In: SRE-2000. Zielona Gora, pp. 205210
11. A. Lempel, Minimum feedback arc and vertex sets of a directed graph IEEE Transactions
on Circuit Theory, CT-13 (4), 399403 (December 1966).
12. N. Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science. PrenticeHall, New Jersey (1974).
13. B. Thelen, Investigation of Algorithms for Computer-Aided Logic Design of Digital Circuits. University of Karlsruhe (1988) (in German).


Chapter 6

14. H.-J. Mathony, Universal logic design algorithm and its application to the synthesis of
two-level switching circuits. In: Proceedings of the IEE, 136 (3), 171177 (1989).
15. J. Bieganowski, A. Karatkevich, Heuristics for Thelens prime implicant method. In: MSK,
Krakow, pp. 7176 (November 2003) (in Polish).
16. A. Wegrzyn, A. Karatkevich, J. Bieganowski, Detection of deadlocks and traps in Petri
nets by means of Thelens prime implicant method, AMCS, 14 (1), 113121 (2004).
17. O. Coudert, J.K. Madre, New ideas for solving covering problems. In: Proceedings of the
32nd ACM/IEEE Conference on Design Automation, San Francisco, California, United
States, pp. 641646 (1995).
18. T.H. Cormen, Ch.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, Introduction to Algorithms. MIT (1994).

Chapter 7


Grzegorz Labiak

University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics,

ul. Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


The nite state machine (FSM) and Petri net theories have elaborated many
techniques and algorithms that enable the employment of formal methods in the
elds of synthesis, testing, and verication. Many of them are based on symbolic
state exploration. This paper focuses on the algorithm of the symbolic state space
exploration of controllers specied by means of statecharts. Statecharts are a new
technique for specifying the behaviour of controllers, which, in comparison with
FSM and Petri nets, is enriched with notions of hierarchy, history, and exception
transitions. The paper presents the statechart diagrams as a means of digital circuit

Key words:

statechart; UML; logic control; symbolic analysis; BDD.



Statecharts are a visual formalism for the specication of reactive systems,

which is based on the idea of enriching state transition diagrams with notions
of hierarchy, concurrency, and broadcast communication1,2,3,4 . It was invented
as a visual formalism for complex systems by David Harel1 . Today, as a part of
UML technology, it is widely used in many elds of modern engineering5 . The
presented approach features such characteristics as Moore and Mealy automata,
history, and terminal states. There are many algorithms based on a state transition graph traversal for nite state machines (FSMs) which have applications in
the area of synthesis, test, and verication4,6,7,8,9 . It seems to be very promising
to use well-developed techniques from the FSM and Petri net theory in the eld
of synthesis10 , testing, and the verication of controllers specied by means


Chapter 7

of statechart diagrams. These considerations caused the elaboration of the new

algorithms of symbolic state space exploration.



The big problem with statecharts is syntax and semantics. A variety of

application domains caused many authors to propose their own syntax and
semantics11 , sometimes differing signicantly. Syntax and semantics presented
in this paper are intended for specifying the behavior of binary digital controllers
that would satisfy as much as possible the UML standard5 . Not every element
of UML statechart syntax is supported in the HiCoS approach. The selection
of language characteristic was made on the basis of application domain and
technical constraints of programmable logic devices.
As a result of these considerations it was assumed that system HiCoS is to
be intended for untimed control systems which operate on binary values. Moreover, the research was divided into two stages, delimiting them with a modular
paradigm12 . Hence, HiCoS statecharts are characterized by hierarchy and concurrency, simple states, composite states, end states, discrete events, actions
assigned to state (entry, do, exit), simple transitions, history attribute, and logic
predicates imposed on transitions. Another very essential issue is to allow the
use of feedbacks: this means that events generated in circuits can affect their
behavior. The role of an end state is to prevent removing an activity from a
sequential automaton before the end state becomes active. Such elements as
factored transition paths and time were rejected, whereas others as cross-level
and composite transitions and synch states have been shifted to the second stage
of the research. An example of statechart is depicted in Fig. 7-1, where event
a is an input to the system and event b is an output. Events b and c are of local
scope. Figure 7-2 depicts the hierarchy tree (a.k.a. AND-OR tree).



A digital controller specied with a statechart and realized as an electronic

circuit is meant to work in an environment that prompts the controller by means
of events. It is assumed that every event (incoming, outgoing, and internal) is
bound with a discrete time domain. The controller reacts to the set of accessible
events in the system through a ring set of enabled transitions called a microstep.
Because of feedback, execution of a microstep entails generating further events
and causes ring subsequent microsteps. Events triggered during a current
microstep do not inuence on transitions being realized but are only allowed
to affect the behavior of a controller in the next tick of discrete time: that is, in


Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts . . .



exit / a

t1: a+c

t2: b

t6: b

X = {a }




t4: a* !b

E z = {a,b,c,d}


Y = {d}

t3: a*c

do / d

t5: c* !b/{b}

do / c
Figure 7-1. Statechart diagram.

the next microstep. A sequence of subsequently generated microsteps is called

a step, and additionally it is assumed that during a step no events can come
from the outside world. A step is said to be nished when there are no enabled
transitions. Figure 7-3 depicts a step which consists of two simple microsteps.
After the step is nished the system is in the STOP state. Summarizing, dynamic
characteristics of hardware implementation are as follows:
r system is synchronous,
r system reacts to the set of available events through transition executions,
r generated events are accessible for the system during next tick of the clock.









Figure 7-2. Hierarchy graph.


Chapter 7


t1: i/{t1}

t2: t1/{t2}
Figure 7-3. Simple diagram and its waveform.

In Fig. 7-3 a simple diagram and its waveforms illustrate the assumed dynamics features. When transition t1 is red (T = 350), event t1 is broadcast and
becomes available for the system at the next instant of discrete time (T = 450).
The activity moves from the START to the ACTION state. Now transition t2
becomes enabled. Its source state is active and predicates imposed on it (event
t1 ) are met. So, at instant of time T = 450 the system shifts its activity to the
STOP state and triggers event t2 , which does not affect any other transition. The
step is nished.



The main assumption of a hardware implemented behavior described with

statechart diagrams is that the systems specied in this way can directly be
mapped into programmable logic devices. This means that elements from a
diagram (for example, states or events) are to be in direct correspondence with
resources available in a programmable device
mainly ip-ops and the programmable combinatorial logic. On the basis of this assumption and taking
into account the assumed dynamic characteristics, the following principles of
hardware implementation have been formulated:
r Each state is assigned one ip-op
activity means that the state associated
with the ip-op can be active or in the case of a state with a history attribute,
its past activity is remembered; an activity of state is established on the basis
of activity of ip-ops assigned to superordinate states (in the sense of a
hierarchy tree).


Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts . . .






Figure 7-4. Statechart system model.

r Each event is also assigned one ip-op

activity means the occurrence of
an associated event and is sustained to the next tick of discrete time when
the event becomes available for the system.
r On the basis of the diagram topography and rules of transition executions,
excitation functions are created for each ip-op in a circuit.
Figure 7-4 presents the main blocks of hardware implementation of statecharts.




To investigate symbolically dynamic characteristics of digital controllers

specied with statechart diagrams, it is necessary to introduce notions of global
state, conguration, and characteristic function.
Denition 1. Global state
Global state G is a set of all ip-ops in the system, bound both with local
states and with distributed events, which can be generated in several parts of
the diagram and separately memorized.

The diagram from Fig. 7-1 consists of 10 state ip-ops (s1 , s11 , s12 , s2 , s3 ,
s4 , s5 , s6 , s7 , se ) and three event ip-ops (e1 , e2 , e3 ). The ip-op denoted as
e1 corresponds to exit event e1 assigned to state s2 , e2 corresponds to the entry
action (e2 ) to state s5 , and e3 corresponds to the transition action (broadcasting
of e2 event) bound with transition t5 ring (from state s7 to state s6 ). Global
states comprise all information about the statechart, about both currently active
states and their past activity.
An activity of a state ip-op does not mean activity of a state bound with
the ip-op. Logic 1 on ip-op output means actual or recent state activity.
Hence, state activity is established on the basis of activity of ip-ops assigned


Chapter 7

to the superordinate states. The state is said to be active when every ip-op
bound with the states belonging to the path (in the sense of a hierarchy tree)
carried from the state to the root state (located on top of a hierarchy) is asserted.
Formally, a state activity condition is calculated according to the following
Denition 2. State activity condition
State activity condition, denoted as activecond(s), is calculated as follows:

activecond(s) =
si path(rootz ,s)

where si is a signal from the ip-op output and path(rootz , s) is a set of states
belonging to the path carried between rootz and sin a hierarchy tree.

For example, activecond(s6 )= s1 s11 s3 s6 (cf. Fig. 7-2, where this path is
Denition 3. Conguration
Conguration is a set of currently active states obtained in the consequence of
iterative executing of the system, starting from default global state G 0 .

A conguration carries only the information about the current state of the
system and is calculated by means of the state activity condition (cf. Denition 2). For example, conguration s1 s11 s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se corresponds to global
state s1 s11 s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1 e2 e3 . In Fig. 7-2 states belonging to the default conguration C0 are grayed.
From the point of view of symbolic analysis techniques it is essential to
express the concept of the set of states. The notion of the characteristic function,
well known in algebra theory, can be applied.
Denition 4. Characteristic function
A characteristic function X A of a set of elements A U is a Boolean function
X A : U {0, 1} dened as follows:

1 x A,
X A (x) =
0 otherwise.

The characteristic function is calculated as a disjunction of all elements of

A. Operations on sets are in direct correspondence with operations on their
characteristic functions. Thus,
X (AB) = X A + X B ;

X (AB) = X A X B ;

X ( A) = X A ;

X () = 0;


The characteristic function allows sets to be represented by binary decision diagrams13 (BDDs). Figure 7-5 presents the characteristic function of all

Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts . . .


X [G0 = s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se s1e2e3 +

s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2e3 + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 +

s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 +
s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3 +
s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se e1e2 e3
Figure 7-5. Characteristic function of all global states of the diagram from Fig. 7-1.

possible global states, and Fig. 7-6 the characteristic function of all congurations for the statechart from Fig. 7-1.




Symbolic state space exploration techniques are widely used in the area
of synthesis, testing, and verication of nite state systems (for example,
Bilinski6 ). Coudert et al.8 were the rst to realize that BDDs could be used
to represent sets of states. This led to the formulation of an algorithm that traverses the state transition graph in breadth-rst manner, moving from a set of
current states to the set of its fan-out states. In this approach, sets of states are
represented by means of characteristic functions. The key operation required
for traversal is the computation of the range of a function, given a subset of its
domain. The computational cost of these symbolic techniques depends on the
cost of the operations performed on the BDDs and depends indirectly on the
number of states and transitions. For example, the BDD characteristic function
for the set of all global states for the diagram from Fig. 7-1 consists of 43 nodes,
and the characteristic function for the set of all congurations has 31 nodes.
The symbolic state exploration of statecharts consists in14
r association of excitation functions to state ip-ops,
r association of excitation functions to event ip-ops,
r association of logic functions to signals,
r representation of the Boolean function as BDDs,
X [C0 = s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se +

s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se +
s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se + s1s11s12 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 se
Figure 7-6. Characteristic function of all congurations of the diagram from Fig. 7-1.


Chapter 7

symbolic_traversal_of_Statechart(Z,initial_marking) {
= current_marking = initial_marking;

while (current_marking != ) {
next_marking = image_computation(Z,current_marking);

current_marking = next_marking *

= current_marking +



Figure 7-7. The symbolic traversal of statecharts.

r representation of sets of states using their characteristic functions, and

r computation of a set of ip-op states as an image of the state transition
function on the current states set for all input signals.
Starting from the default global state and the set of signals, symbolic state
exploration methods enable the computation of the entire set of next global states
in one formal step. Burch et al. and Coudert et al. were the rst to independently
propose the approach to the image computation8,9 . Two main methods are the
transition relation and transition function. The latter is the method implemented
by the author. The symbolic state space algorithm of statechart Z is given in
Fig. 7-7.
The variables in italics represent characteristic functions of corresponding
sets of congurations. All logical variables are represented by BDDs. Several
subsequent global states are simultaneously calculated using the characteristic
function of current global states and transition functions. This computation is
realized by the image computation function. The set of subsequent global states
is calculated from the following equations:
next marking


= s x current marking i=1 si  current marking i (s, x))


next marking = next markings  s


where s, s  , and x denote the present state, next state, and input signal respectively; s and x represent the existential quantication of the present state and
signal variables; symbols  and represent logic operators XNOR and AND,
respectively; equation (5) means swapping variables in the expression.
Given the characteristic function of all reachable global states of a system
(see, for example, Fig. 7-5), it is possible to calculate the set of all congurations.


Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts . . .

As mentioned earlier in Denition 2, a state is said to be active when every state

belonging to the path, carried from it to the root state, is active. This led to the
formulation of a state activating function. Let activecondi be a Boolean function activecondi : S Z {0, 1}, which evaluates to 1 when state si is active.
The generation of a set of all congurations consists in the image computation of a global states characteristic function in transformation by activating


X [c0  = s x X [G 0  i=1 si  X [G 0  activecond (si )
X [c0  = X [c0  s  s


In the characteristic function X [c0  from Fig. 7-6, si denotes activity of ith
state. The statechart from Fig. 7-1 describes the behavior that comprises 9 global
states and 6 congurations.



Up till now, there have not been many CAD programs that employ statechart
diagrams in digital circuit design implemented in programmable devices. The
most prominent is STATEMATE Magnum by I-Logix15 , where the modeled
behavior is ultimately described in HDL language ( VHDL or Verilog) with the
use of case and sequential instructions like process or always.
System HiCoS16 (Fig. 7-8) automatically converts a statechart description
of behavior into a register transfer level description. The input model described
is in its own textual representation (statecharts specication format), which
is equivalent to a graphical form, and the next is transformed into Boolean
equations. Boolean equations are internally represented by means of BDDs13,17 .
Next, a reachability graph can be built or through RTL-VHDL designed model
can be implemented in programmable logic devices.



Graph BDD

Figure 7-8. System HiCos

schematic diagram.




Chapter 7


A visual formalism proposed by David Harel can be effectively used to

specify the behavior of digital controllers. Controllers specied in this way
can subsequently be synthesized in FPGA circuits. In this paper it has been
shown that state space traversal techniques from the FSM and Petri nets theory
can be efciently used in the elds of statechart controllers design. Within the
framework of the research, a software system called HiCoS has been developed,
where the algorithms have been successfully implemented.

The research was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic
Research (Komitet Badan Naukowych) grant 4T11C 006 24.

1. D. Harel, Statecharts, A visual formalism for complex systems. Science of Computer
Programming, Vol. 8. North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 231274 (1987).
2. G. Labiak, Implementacja sieci Statechart w reprogramowalnej strukturze FPGA. Mat. I
Krajowej Konf. Nauk. Reprogramowalne Uklady Cyfrowe, Szczecin, pp. 169177 (1998).
3. A. Magiollo-Schettini, M. Merro, Priorities in Statecharts, Diparamiento di Informatica,
Universita di Pisa, Corso Italia.
4. M. Rausch B.H. Krogh, Symbolic verication of stateow logic. In: Proceedings of the
4th Workshop on Discrete Event System, Cagliari, Italy, pp. 489494 (1998).
5. UML 1.3 Documentation, Rational Software Corp. 9 9, http://
6. K. Bilinski, Application of Petri Nets in parallel controllers design. PhD. Thesis, University
of Bristol, Bristol (1996).
7. J.R. Burch, E.M. Clarke, K.L. McMillan, D. Dill, Sequential circuit verication using
symbolic model checking. In: Proceedings of the 27th Design Automation Conference,
pp. 4651 (June 1990).
8. O. Coudert, C. Berthet, J.C. Madre, Verication of sequential machines using Boolean
functional vectors. In: IMEC-IFIP International Workshop on Applied Formal Methods
for Correct VLSI Design, pp. 111128 (November 1989).
9. A. Ghosh, S. Devadas, A.R. Newton, Sequential Logic Testing and Verication. Kluwer
Academic Publisher, Boston (1992).
10. M. Adamski , SFC, Petri nets and application specic logic controllers. In: Proceedings of
the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, San Diego, USA,
pp. 728733 (November 1998).
11. M. von der Beeck, A Comparison of Statecharts Variants, LNCS, Vol. 860. Springer,
pp. 128148 (1994).
znego automatu w projek12. G. Labiak, Wykorzystanie hierarchicznego modelu wspolbie
towaniu sterownikow cyfrowych. PhD Thesis, Warsaw University of Technology, Warsaw
(June, 2003).

Symbolic State Exploration of UML Statecharts . . .


13. S.-I. Minato, Binary Decision Diagrams and Applications for VLSI CAD. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston (1996).
14. G. Labiak, Symbolic states exploration of controllers specied by means of statecharts.
In. Proceedings of the International Workshop DESDes01, Przytok pp. 209214 (2001).
17. F. Somenzi, CUDD: CU decision diagram package,

Chapter 8


Piotr Miczulski
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics,
ul. Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


The state space of a hierarchical Petri net can be presented as a hierarchical

reachability graph. However, the hierarchical reachability graph can be described
with the help of logic functions. On the other hand, binary decision diagrams
(BDD) are efcient data structures for representing logic functions. Because of the
exponential growth of the number of states in Petri nets, it is difcult to process the
whole state space. Therefore the abstraction method of selected macromodules
gives the possibility of analysis and synthesis for more complex systems. The
goal of the paper is to show a method for representing the state space in the
form of a connected system of binary decision diagrams as well as its calculation

Key words:

hierarchical Petri nets; state space calculation algorithm; binary decision diagram;
connected system of binary decision diagrams.



Hierarchical interpreted Petri nets are a hierarchical method of describing

concurrent processes. They enable the design of a complex system through
abstracting some parts of the net. It is possible when the abstraction part of
the net is formally correct; i.e., it is safe, live, and persistent1 . This approach
can also be used for a level of the state space of a digital circuit. One of
the possibilities of state spaces representation is a hierarchical reachability
graph. It describes the state space on various hierarchy levels. The hierarchical
reachability graph can be represented in the form of logic functions2 , in which


Chapter 8

the logic variables correspond to places and macroplaces of a Petri net. The
number of them equals the number of places and macroplaces. However, the
efcient methods of representing logic functions are decision diagrams, e.g.,
binary decision diagrams (BDDs), zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams
(ZBDDs), or Kronecker functional decision diagrams (KFDDs). Therefore,
each level of the hierarchy can be represented as a logic function (decision
diagram), and the set of these functions creates the system of the connected
decision diagrams. They describe the hierarchical state space.
In this paper, the calculation method of hierarchical state space with the help
of operations on the logic functions and decision diagrams is presented. The
symbolic traversal method of the state space, for at Petri nets, was presented
by Bilinski3 . The application of this method for the hierarchical Petri nets and
the method of describing a hierarchical reachability graph in the form of the
connected system of decision diagrams are a new idea.



A hierarchical Petri net is a directed graph, which has three types of nodes
called places (represented by circles), transitions (represented by bars or boxes),
and macroplaces (represented by double circles). The macroplaces include other
places, transitions, and also macroplaces and signify lower levels of hierarchy.
When a hierarchical Petri net is used to model a parallel controller, each place
and macroplace represents a local state of the digital circuit. Every marked
place or macroplace represents an active local state. The set of places, which
are marked in the same time, represents the global state of the controller. However, the transitions describe the events, which occur in the controller. The
controller can also receive input signals coming from a data path, as well as
from another control unit. It generates, using this information, control signals,
which determine the behavior of the system. Input signals can be assigned to
transitions in the form of logic functions. These functions are called transition
predicates. If the predicate is satised and all input places of the transition have
markers, the transition will re.
Figure 8-1 presents an example of a hierarchical Petri net, which consists of
some levels of hierarchy. The top hierarchy level is composed of macroplaces
M1 and M5 . The state space of it can be described in the form of the logic function
(M1 , M5 ) = M1 M 5 + M 1 M5 . The lower level of the hierarchy is composed of
three parallel macroplaces M2 , M3 , and M4 , which are a part of the macroplace
M5 . However, the macroplaces M1 , M2 , M3 , and M4 form the lowest level of
the hierarchy. As in the top hierarchy level, every remaining abstraction level
can be described with the help of a logic function.
The rst step, which the designer has to do, is to create a graphical or a
textual description of a Petri net. With this end in view, the designer can use



Calculating State Spaces of Hierarchical Petri Nets Using BDD




















!S 1



!S 2





!S 3









Figure 8-1. An example of a hierarchical Petri net.

the textual format PNSF2 for a specication of the at and hierarchical Petri
nets4 . In the next step, the computer program loads this specication to internal
object data structures. During loading the textual or graphical description of a
Petri net (or nets), the basic validation of the Petri net structure is made. The
class diagram of the designed Petri net object library (PNOL) is described in
the UML notation, in Fig. 8-2.
After reading a structure of the Petri net, the space of the states of a digital
controller can be calculated. It can be done on the grounds of an internal data
structure of the Petri net and with the help of BDDs.




A binary decision diagram (BDD) is a rooted, directed, acyclic graph, which

has two sink nodes labeled 0 and 1, representing the Boolean function values


Chapter 8






















Figure 8-2. The class diagram of the Petri net object library.

0 and 1, and non-sink nodes, each labeled with a Boolean variable. Each nonsink node has two output edges labeled 0 and 1 and represents the Boolean
function corresponding to its edge 0 or the Boolean function corresponding to its
edge 1. The construction of a standard BDD is based on the Shannon expansion
of a Boolean function5,6 . An ordered binary decision diagram (OBDD) is a
BDD diagram in which all the variables are ordered and every path from the
root node to a sink node visits the variables in the same order. A reduced ordered
binary decision diagram (ROBDD) is an OBDD diagram in which each node
represents a distinct logic function. The size of a ROBDD greatly depends on
the variable ordering. Many heuristics have been developed to optimize the size
of BDDs5,6 . In this paper, all binary decision diagrams are reduced and ordered.
The whole state space of the hierarchical Petri net (Fig. 8-1) can be described
as one logic function:
( p1 , p2 , p3 , p4 , p5 , p6 , p7 , p8 , p9 , p10 , p11 ) =

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +


Calculating State Spaces of Hierarchical Petri Nets Using BDD

p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 + p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11 +
p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10 p11

This means that the modeling controller may be in one of 29 states. The BBD
diagram, for this function, has 24 non-sink nodes. We can reduce the number
of nodes by creating a connected system of BDDs (see Fig. 8-3). Each decision
diagram describes one characteristic function of the appropriate hierarchy level.
In this case there are six decision diagrams, which have 19 non-sink nodes. This
situation follows from the fact that the size of decision diagram depends, among
other things, on the number of logic variables of the function. Besides, each


c M3















c M4


p5 1





Figure 8-3. The connected system of the binary decision diagrams.


Chapter 8














p5 1

p11 1

Figure 8-4. Variable shifters in the connected system of the decision diagrams.

logic function can be represented with the help of another kind of the decision
diagram. The kind of the decision diagram used strictly depends on the kind of
the function. For example, for one logical function the binary decision diagram
is better, but the zero-suppressed binary decision diagram is better for another
In many cases we can nd similar parts of the Petri net, for which there is
only one difference: a naming of the places. It means that they are isomorphic.
Therefore, the state spaces of similar parts of the Petri net can be represented
by the same BDD, with the special edge attributes, called variable shifters
(see Fig. 8-4). These edge attributes were described by Minato6 . They allow a
composition of some decision diagrams into one graph by storing the difference
of the indices. The variable shifter edges indicate that a number should be added
to the indices of all descendant nodes. The variable index is not stored with each
node, because the variable shifter gives information about the distance between
the pair of nodes. In the case of the edges, which point to a terminal node, a
variable shifter is not used. The variable shifters, which point to the root of a
BDD, indicate the absolute index of the node. The other variable shifters, which
are assigned to the edges of the BDD, indicate the difference between the index
of the start node and the end node. We can use these edges to reduce the number

Calculating State Spaces of Hierarchical Petri Nets Using BDD


of nodes in the connected system of the decision diagrams, and it will allow
designing a more complex system.




After parsing of a Petri net description, written in the PNSF2 format, and
loading a Petri net to internal data structures, the algorithm checks the structure
of the Petri net (see Fig. 8-5). Afterward, if it is a at Petri net, the algorithm

Parsing PNSF2 file, describing structure of

hierarchical Petri net (HPN)

Reading hierarchical Petri net (HPN)

from PNSF2 to internal data structures

Is it hierarchical
Petri net?

Petri net into hierarchical
structure of macroplaces


All levels of
hierarchy have
been processed ?


Getting the next macroplace
in hierarchical Petri net

Generating characteristic function describing state

space ofthis macroplace with thehelp of BDDs

Adding the BDD, representing the state space of

current macroplace, to connected system of BDDs


Figure 8-5. Calculation algorithm of the state space of a hierarchical Petri net.


Chapter 8

Calculating initial marking (initial marking)

for the current macroplace of analyzing HPN

Putting initial marking to current marking:

current marking := initial marking;

current marking != 0


Generating a new marking
(new marking)

Setting the current marking to the new

marking current marking := new marking;

Adding current marking (current_marking) to

the state space of the macroplace


Figure 8-6. Symbolic traversal algorithm for a hierarchical Petri net.

splits it into a hierarchical structure of macroplaces. In the next step, for each
macroplace, the algorithm recursively calculates characteristic function. Each
logic function, represented in the form of a decision diagram, describes a state
space of each macroplace. However the calculated decision diagram is joined
to the connected system of decision diagrams, which represents the whole state
space of the hierarchical Petri net. During this process we can also check whether
the Petri net is formally correct.
One of the more important steps of this algorithm is the calculation of
the characteristic function, which describes the state space of a macroplace
(Fig. 8-6). The symbolic traversal algorithm is taken from Bilinski3 . In this
method, the next marking is calculated using the characteristic function and the
transition function. Transition functions ( :  ) are the logic functions
associated with places and dened as a functional vector of Boolean functions:
 = [1 (P, X ), 2 (P, X ), . . . , n (P, X )], where i (P, X ) is a transition function of place pi ; P and X are sets of places and input signals, respectively.

Calculating State Spaces of Hierarchical Petri Nets Using BDD


The function i has value 1 when place pi has a token in the next iteration;
otherwise it equals 0. Every function i consists of two parts: a part describing
the situation when the place pi will receive a token and a part describing the
situation when the place will keep a token. For example, place p7 will have a
token in the next iteration if place p6 has a token and input signal S2 is active
(transition t6 will re) or place p7 has already got a token and input signal K 2 is
inactive (transition t7 is disabled); thus the function 7 can be dened as follows:
7 = p6 S2 + p7 K 2 .
The computation of a set of markings which can be reached from the current
marking (current marking) in one iteration is carried out according to the
following equations:

next marking = (current marking [ pi (current marking i ( p, x))])
p x


where p, p  , and x denote the present state, the next state, and the input signal,
respectively, and symbols  and * represent logic operators XNOR and AND,



The application of a connected system of binary decision diagrams enables

to reduce the number of nodes of decision diagrams. On the other hand, application of the hierarchical Petri nets makes designing parallel digital controllers
easier. It means that we can process more complex digital circuits on various
abstraction levels without processing the whole state space. The connected
system of decision diagrams can also be used for a formal verication of the
hierarchical Petri nets.

The research was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic
Research (Komitet Badan Naukowych) grant 4T11C 006 24.

1. T. Murata, Petri nets: properties, analysis and applications. In: Proceedings of the IEEE, 77
(4), 541580 (1989).


Chapter 8

2. E. Pastor, O. Roig, J. Cortadella, M. R. Badia, Application and theory of Petri nets. In:
Proceedings of 15th International Conference, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 815,
Petri Net Analysis Using Boolean Manipulation. Springer-Verlang (1994).
3. K. Bilinski, Application of Petri nets in parallel controller design. PhD. Thesis, University
of Bristol (1996).
4. M. Wegrzyn, Hierarchical implementation of concurrent logic controllers by means of
FPGAs. PhD. Thesis, Warsaw University of Technology (1998).
5. R. Drechsler, Binary Decision Diagram. Theory and Implementation. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, pp. 930 (1998).
6. S. Minato, Binary Decision Diagrams and Applications for VLSI CAD. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, pp. 922 (1996).

Chapter 9


Agnieszka Wegrzyn and Marek Wegrzyn
University of Zielona Gora, Institute of Computer Engineering and Electronics,
ul. Podgorna 50, 65-246 Zielona Gora; e-mail: [email protected],
[email protected]


In the paper a new approach to simulation of modeled concurrent controllers

is presented. In the case presented, a concurrent controller is modeled using
Petri nets and HDL languages. A very important stage of digital circuits design is
verication, because it saves time and money. Simulation is the simplest method of
verication. In the literature a lot of approaches to circuit simulation are described,
but a new technology gives new possibilities and it gives a new idea to use XML
and Verilog to simulate concurrent controllers.

Key words:

Petri net; simulation; XML; HDL; verication.



Dynamic expansion of electronics in daily life and constantly developing

digital technology are making life easier, better, and safer. Increasing demands
for digital circuits and controllers create a new working eld for engineers. The
designers encounter new problems and have to search new, optimal methods of
design of programmable logic controllers (PLCs).
Nowadays in the world, for design and modeling digital circuits and concurrent controllers, two kinds of the models, HDL languages and Petri nets, are
used most frequently. Testing of concurrent controller model is very important,
because a good system should not contain events that can never occur.
There exist many different methods of systems verication, but one of the
simplest is simulation. This method enables checking of behavior correctness
of the model, and in the same way of a real circuit. Furthermore, the simulation allows to detect and remove many errors at an early stage of design. The


Chapter 9

verication of modeling concurrent controllers using Petri nets can be carried

out in the following three ways:
r animation of Petri nets,
r analysis of Petri nets,
r simulation of HDL model.
In the paper, two methods of simulation will be presented: animation of
Petri net using Scalable Vector Graphics and simulation of Petri nets using the
HDL language.
Verilog has become the standard interface between human and design automation tools. It can describe both functional and behavioral information about
a digital system, as well as the structure of the interconnected composite blocks
down to the physical implementation level. It can be also used for modeling
and design of industrial logic controllers, especially those that are realized with
modern FPGAs as application specic logic controllers (ASLCs)6 .
Verilog is used for Petri net model prototyping of industrial logic controllers.
It is used for operation unit modeling of the system, too.



In this section basic information about and denitions of Petri nets and HDL
language are presented.


Petri nets

Petri nets1 are mathematical objects that exist independently on any physical representation and implementation. This model allows to describe designed
digital circuits, especially concurrent controllers in a graphical and mathematical way. The graphical form of Petri nets is often used as a tool for analysis
and modeling of digital circuits on high-level abstraction.
In the original version (which was dened in 1961 by C.A. Petri) this model
enabled to specify the rules of digital circuit action, which was meant for asynchronous and nondeterministic nets. Well-known and perfect mathematical formalism enables modeling concurrent processes, such as sequential, conict, and
concurrent. Later, this model was extended to encompass other more useful
functions, such as synchronization, interpretation, hierarchy, and color.
For the modeling of digital systems, selected classes of Petri nets are applicable. In this paper synchronous, interpreted, hierarchical, and colored Petri
nets are described.
A Petri net model can be presented as an oriented bipartite graph with two
subsets of nodes called places and transitions, where each node is linked with

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers


another by an arc. A Petri net model can be described as

PN = (P, T, F),
r P is a nite set of places;
r T is a nite state of transitions, and
r F is a nite set of arcs.
In a graphical form of Petri nets each place represents a local state of a digital
circuit. A currently active place is marked. Every marked place represents an
active local state. The set of places, which are marked at the same time, denes
the global state of the controller. Each transition describes logical condition of
controllers state change.
In the ow graph, each place has a unique identier and an ordered list of
output signals, which are activated in this state (Moore outputs). However, each
transition, besides the unique names tag, has an enabling function to change the
currently active state. This function consists of two parts: logical condition of
state change and ring results. The logical condition consists of inputs product,
outputs, predicates, and places, which are connected by inhibitor and enabling
arcs to this transition. When a logical condition is satised and all input places
of the transition have markers, then the transition is being red with the nearest
rising edge of a clock signal. As a result of execution, input places shift active
markers to output places of the transition and appropriate output signals are
activated (Mealy outputs).
In large projects, it is more useful to create models of Petri nets with the
use of hierarchical approach. In this way any part of the net can be replaced by
the symbol of a macronode. Each macroplace or macrotransition includes other
places, transitions, arcs, and other macronodes. They are making subnets and
represent lower levels of the hierarchy. When the macronode becomes active
(gets a marker), the control is passed to the subnet and starting places of the
subnet are marked inside. The marker stays at this macronode until all output
places of the subnet are marked. Then the control is passed back to the main


HDL language

Even today, the usual validation method to discover design errors is simulation. The implementation is expressed in terms of a hardware description
language such as Verilog HDL or VHDL, which can be simulated. By simulation it is possible to decide whether the resulting output sequence violates the
specication, i.e., the implementation behaves erroneously2 .


Chapter 9

Verilog4 is a hardware description language used to design and document

electronic systems. It allows designers to design at various levels of abstraction. It was invented as a simulation language. Use of Verilog for synthesis was
a complete afterthought. The IEEE standardization process includes enhancements and renements; at the end the work on the Verilog 1364-2001 standard
was analyzed. It is a language capable of representing the hardware with the
independence of its nal implementation.
Verilog is increasingly used to describe digital hardware designs that are
applicable for both simulation and synthesis. In addition, these HDLs are commonly used as an exchange medium, e.g., between the tools of different vendors.
HDL modeling of Petri nets is an actual research topic presented in papers.



In this section two methods of modeling of logic controllers (especially concurrent controllers), i.e., Petri nets and Verilog-HDL language, are presented.


An example of a concurrent controller

In this section, an example of a digital controller, which is used to control

in technology process of liquids mixing and transporting them is presented. A
general diagram of this process is presented in Fig. 9-1. The whole process
consists of three main steps.


emergency stopping of system


initialization of work


normal cycle of work




















AC1 = AC2 = AC
C1 = C2 = C
V1 = P = VP
V3 = V5 = V35


Figure 9-1. Schema of a technological process.

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers


Table 9-1. Input and output signals



B1, B2
V1, P
V2, V4
V3, V5
C1, C2
AC1, AC2

Breakdown appearance notication

Initial transaction signal
Enabling signal for starting operation
Notication product A and B proper weight
Maximal level of foam (hLIM)
Maximal level of liquid (hmax)
Minimal level of liquid (hmin)
Valve-opening and pump-running signals
Signals opening valves of containers with products A, B
Signals opening valves in scales for products A, B
Signals running conveyor belt delivering products A, B
Signals running conveyor belts removing redundant products A, B
Signal opening main container valve for removing waste
Signal opening main container valve for the nal product

Outputs P, V1, V2, V4, AC1, AC2, EV, and M are Mealy outputs; however, outputs C1, C2, V3,
V5, and V6 are Moore outputs.

The schema of the technological process is presented in Fig. 9-1. An example

of the process is taken from Ref. 6.
Table 9-1 gives a description of each input and output signal. Generally, the
working of a system can be divided into three stages:
r stage I initialization of work;
r stage II normal cycle of work;
r stage III emergency stopping of the system.
Figure 9-2 presents Petri nets for the logic circuit that controls the described
technological process. The controller is described by two nets. Each coherent
net is analyzed separately. In literature there are some ways to analyze such
nets, using enabling arcs. But, for the sake of the state local code P14 occurring
in the condition for a lot of transitions (e.g., t2, t3, t4), insert an additional signal
M14, because joining a lot of enabling arcs going out from place P14 decreases
the legibility of the net.


Petri net specication format 3

New technologies give new possibilities. Since XML7 was developed by

an XML Working Group in 1996, several applications of XML to a specic
domain have been created, e.g., CML for chemistry and GedML for genealogy.
XML markup describes a documents structure and meaning.
The development of a new XML-based format for Petri nets enables transforming modeled Petri nets between systems that use an XML-based format.


Chapter 9




M14-> EV









M14*Nmax t6













!FT2 -> M AU










Figure 9-2. PNSF3 format for Petri nets.

Because of this fact a new XML format, PNSF3 (Petri net specication format 3), was proposed5 . This format is based on PNSF2, which was developed
at the University of Zielona Gora.
PNSF3 is one of such textual descriptions of concurrent controller models.
In this format XML markup notation is used for storing information about the

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers


controller. The main goal of PNSF3 is specication of the principle of concurrent controller action. By means of PNSF3 format, interpreted, synchronous,
hierarchical, and colored Petri nets can be modeled. As a result, this format is
simple to create and modify.
PNSF3 species the structure of a Petri net. It allows describing each place
and transition of the net and connection between them inside a graph. It stores
information about clock, input and output signals, and their kinds. However,
PNSF3 does not keep any information about the way of element presentation and placement inside the graph, as opposed to the format described in
Ref 3.
Each such XML application should have its own syntax and vocabulary
dened by an outside DTD le. The XML language is a set of rules dening semantic tags that break a document into parts and identify the logical
parts of the document. XML markups describe only the syntax, meaning, and
connections between data. This format is good for storing large and complex
structures of data textual format. It is easy to read, write, and convert into other
PNSF3 has its own dictionary of XML markups. The dictionary consists
of a few main markups, which are grouped and provide information about the
model. Each dened markup includes a list of arguments or child markups,
which enable precise description of a given element of the graph. One such
markup, which describes place, is presented in Fig. 9-3.
A general tag of the document, which is validated by the DTD le, is presented in Fig. 9-4.
The main advantage of XML is that it is very easy to transform into another
format (e.g. SVG). In this paper, a way of transformation from the XMLbased format (PNSF3) to SVG8 is presented. The SVG le holds information
about places, transitions, predicates, markings, and placement of these elements.
Using the option of dynamic SVG animation, it is possible to simulate an
interpreted Petri net.
A PNSF3 format (Fig. 9-5) was prepared for the Petri net (Fig. 9-2).


HDL modeling and simulation

Several methods were proposed to transfer Petri nets specications

into VHDL for performance and reliability analysis. But in the literature,
c2 c3


Figure 9-3. An example of a PNSF3 markup.


Chapter 9
<? xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"
standalone="no" ?>
<!DOCTYPE PNSF3 SYSTEM "pnsf3.dtd">
declarations of global signal ....
description of macroplace used in other units ....
description of macrotransition used in other units

description of independent unit ...

Figure 9-4. A general template of a PNSF3 document.

Verilogbased modeling of Petri nets is not known. Verilog syntax can support the intermediate-level models. It makes it possible to describe the highest
level of the system and its interfaces rst and then to refer to greater details.
The Verilog language describes a digital system as a set of modules. Each
of these modules has an interface to other modules, as well as a description of
its contents4 .
The basic Verilog statement for describing a process is the always statement.
The always continuously repeats its statement, never exiting or stopping. A
behavioral model may contain one or more always statements.
The initial statement is similar to the always statement, except that it is
executed only once. The initial provides a means of initiating input waveforms
and other simulation variables before the actual description begins its simulation. The initial and always statements are the basic constructs for describing
concurrency4 .
Because of the fact that Verilog can model concurrency, e.g., using structure
always, Petri nets can be effectively described by the Verilog language.
The conditions of transitions are input signals, or internal signals (for subnets
synchronization). Each place is represented by a ip-op (i.e., concurrent onehot method is used for place encoding), which holds the local state of the
controller. During initialization of the simulation, and after active state of signal
reset, initial marked places are set to logical 1, other places are set to 0.
In Fig. 9-6 a part of a Verilog model is presented. At the beginning, a
le called denes.h is included, and real names of objects (input/output signals,
places, and transitions) are assigned to names used in the model. In the example
presented, the signals Nmin, V1, and TM1 are assigned as follows:

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-2"
<!DOCTYPE pnsf3 SYSTEM "pnsf3.dtd">
<CLOCK ID="clk1" > clk </CLOCK>
<COLOUR ID="col1" > red </COLOUR>
<COLOUR ID="col2" > green </COLOUR>

<INPUT ID="i1" > x0 </INPUT>
<INPUT ID="i2" > x1 </INPUT>
<INPUT ID="i3" > x2 </INPUT>

<OUTPUT ID="o1" > y1 </OUTPUT>
<OUTPUT ID="o2" > y2 </OUTPUT>
<OUTPUT ID="o3" > y3 </OUTPUT>

<PART NAME="sterownik" ID="part1">
<PLACE ID="p1" MARKING="yes"
col2 col3 col4"> p1
col2"> p2
<PLACE ID="p3" ID_COLOURS="col3">

col2 col3 col4">
col2" >

_ _
p3 p6"
_ _
o2 o9">
_ _
_ _
_ _
_ _

_ _
_ _
_ _


Figure 9-5. PNSF3 format for Petri nets.



Chapter 9
`include "defines.h"
module Petri_Net_example (reset, clk, INs, REGOUTs, OUTs);
input reset, clk;
input [9:0] INs;
output [13:0] OUTs;
output [1:0] REGOUTs; reg [1:0] REGOUTs ;
reg [14:0] States;
wire [0:12] T;
// Conditions for transitions
assign `T1 = `M14;
assign `T2 = `M14 & `Nmin;
assign `T3 = `M14 & `FT1;
//Combinatorial outputs ...
assign `V1 = (`M14 & `NLIM==1)?`P6 :0;
assign `V2 = (`M14==1)?`P7:0;
assign `V3 = `P12;
assign `P = ((`M14 & `NLIM)==1)?`P6:0 ;
//... and registered outputs
assign `M14 = `P14;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) `TM1 <= 0;
else `TM1 <= `T1&`P1 | `T8&`P9&`P10&`P11 ;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) `TM2 <= 0;
else `TM2 <= `T9&`P12 ;
//Exciting functions for flip-flops (places)
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) `P1 <= 1;
else `P1 <= (`P1 &~`T1 )|(`T13&`P13);
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) `P2 <= 0;
else `P2 <= (`P2 & ~`T2 ) | (`P1 & `T1) ;

Figure 9-6. A part of the Verilog model.

define Nmin INs[0]

define V1 OUTs[0]
define TM1 REGOUTs[0]

In a module, the designed controller interface is declared, i.e., the number, types,
and size of input/output ports. Then there are two assign blocks. The rst block
denes conditions, with respect to input signals, for ring of transitions. The
second one denes logical outputs for each active local state of the controller.
The next blocks are a group of always statements, which calculate the current

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers


state of the ip-ops. Each always statement controls one place of a net. During
work of the controller, the exciting function of the ip-op for the given state
(place) can be calculated as follows:
Px = Px set + Px hold
Px set =

C(ti )

ti px

Px hold = px

C(ti )

ti Px

r Px is the set of the input transitions of a place Px ;
r Px is the set of the output transitions of a place Px ;
r C(ti ) is the ring condition of the transition ti ; and
r , , , and are logical operations OR, AND, AND, NOT, respectively.
Figure 9-7 shows a window from Aldec Active-HDL simulator with the
waveforms as the simulation result (the vector of the output signals is presented
in detail).

Figure 9-7. Results of the Verilog model simulation.



Chapter 9



The next step after modeling is analysis of prepared specication. Scalable

Vector Graphics (SVG) is a format of vector graphics that is based on XML
language. The SVG format is supported by some script languages for animation.
It gives an idea for using such a format for presenting Petri nets in a graphical
SVG was created by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional (2D) vector graphics by means of XML
markup notation. This format has its own vocabulary of restricted and dened
meanings, recognizable by Web browser tools. SVG has many advantages in
comparison with other raster graphic formats commonly used on the Web today,
such as GIF or JPEG, which have to store information for every pixel of the
With the aim of Petri nets model simulation, the textual PNSF3 description
must be transformed into another graphic format. In this paper, a conversion
into SVG format is proposed. The automatic process of conversion into SVG
consists of a few of the following steps:
r validation of the PNSF3 document,
r loading information about Petri nets model;
r changing all the identiers of net elements (such as places, transitions, arcs,
markups) into appropriate SVG graphic elements;
r arranging elements of a Petri graph on the screen;
r assigning colors to appropriate elements;
r generating the script, which is the managing process of animation;
r generating the GUI (graphical user interface), which includes different control panels;
r storing the SVG into a le.
In the previous section it was mentioned that PNSF3 did not keep any
information about element arrangement. Therefore, it is very difcult to make
an XSL le directly for transformation into SVG graphics. To eliminate these
problems, a special program should be used to automate this process.
The rst and the most important step for creating the SVG le is to arrange
all elements on the screen correctly. Next, the Animate Script is generated on the
basis of information about connections, conditions, and results of execution for
all transitions. The script consists of a few functions, which control the processes
of the animation. Then special functions and control panels are generated.
The additional functions enable to communicate with the user. However, the
control panels enable setting input signals and watching the current state of the

A New Approach to Simulation of Concurrent Controllers


The dynamic SVG le consists of three main parts:

r denition block of graphic net elements,

r denition block of control panels, and
r animation script.



In the paper a new XML application for modeling and simulation of digital
circuits, especially concurrent controllers, was presented. The proposed PNSF3
is one such textual form for describing Petri net models.
The most important advantages of the proposed PNSF3 are as follows:
extreme exibility, platform independence, precise specication, human reading, easiness of preparation, parsability, transformation, and validation. No
special and expensive tools are necessary to prepare documents in PNSF3.
However, the disadvantage is difculty of conversion into other graphic formats. This problem can be solved by a special application, which generates the
graphical form of Petri nets as a SVG le on the basis of PNSF3 specication.
On the other hand, for simulation of logic controllers, which are described
by Petri nets, HDL-based models are very efcient. In the paper, modeling in Verilog-HDL was presented. Verilog construction always has been
used for effective description of concurrency. For concurrent place encoding, one-hot method is used; a dedicated ip-op holds the local state of the

The research has been nancially supported by the (Polish) Committee of
Scientic Research in 20042006 (grant 3 T11C 046 26).

1. E. Best, C. Fernandez, Notations and terminology on Petri net theory, Petri Net Newsletter,
23, 2146 (1986).
2. T. Kropf, Introduction to Formal Hardware Verication. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1999).
3. R.B. Lyngs, T. Mailund, Textual interchange format for high-level Petri nets. In: Workshop
on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and Design. Aarhus University, pp. 4764 (June
4. D.E. Thomas, P. Moorby, The Verilog Hardware Description Language. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Boston (1998).


Chapter 9

5. A. Wegrzyn, P. Bubacz, XML application for modeling and simulation of concurrent controllers. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Discrete-Event Systems Design,
DESDes2001, Przytok, Poland, pp. 215221 (June 2001).
6. M. Wegrzyn, M. Adamski, J.L. Monteiro, The application of recongurable logic to controller design. Control Engineering Practice, Special Section on Custom Processes, IFAC,
6, 879887 (1998).
7. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, W3C Recommendation;
8. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.0, W3C Candidate Recommendation, http://www.w3.

Section III

Synthesis of Concurrent
Embedded Control Systems

Chapter 10


Yury Pottosin
National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Surganov Str.,
6, 220012, Minsk, Belarus; e-mail: [email protected]


Three algorithms for assignment of partial states of synchronous parallel automata

are considered. Two of them are original; the third one is taken for comparison.
One of them is exact; i.e., the number of coding variables obtained by this algorithm is minimal. It is based on covering a nonparallelism graph of partial states
by complete bipartite subgraphs. Two other algorithms are heuristic. One of the
heuristic algorithms uses the same approach as the exact one. The other is known
as iterative. The results of application of these algorithms on some pseudorandom synchronous parallel automata and the method for generating such objects
are given.

Key words:

synchronous parallel automata; state encoding; parallelism.



The parallel automaton is a functional model of a discrete device and is rather

convenient to represent the parallelism of interactive branches of controlled
process19 . The main distinction between a parallel automaton and a sequential
one (nite state machine) is that the latter can be in only one state at any moment,
while the parallel automaton can be in several partial states simultaneously. A
set of partial states in which a parallel automaton can be simultaneously is called
a total state. Any two partial states in which an automaton can be simultaneously
are called parallel.
A parallel automaton is described by the set of strings of the form i :
w i i i , where w i and i are elementary conjunctions of Boolean variables that dene the condition of transition and the output signals, respectively,
and i and i are labels that represent the sets of partial states of the parallel
automaton19 . Every such string should be understood as follows. If the total


Chapter 10

state of the parallel automaton contains all the partial states from i and the
event w i has been realized in the input variable space, then the automaton is
found to be in the total state that differs from the initial one by containing partial
states from i instead of those from i . The values of output variables in this
case are set to be such that i = 1.
If w i and i are removed from the string, it can be interpreted as a
transition (i , i ) in a Petri net. Therefore, the set of such reduced strings can
be considered as a Petri net being a skeletonof the given parallel automaton.
Here we consider only those parallel automata whose skeleton is an -net19 that
is a subclass of live and safe expanded nets of free choice, which are studied in
Ref. 6.
In state assignment of a parallel automaton, partial states are encoded by
ternary vectors in the space of introduced internal variables that can take values 0, 1, or , orthogonal vectors being assigned to nonparallel states and
nonorthogonal vectors to parallel states2,18,19 . The orthogonality of ternary vectors means existence of a component having opposite values (0 and 1) in these
vectors. It is natural to minimize the dimension of the space that results in the
minimum of memory elements (
ops) in the circuit implementation of the
The methods to solve the state assignment problem for synchronous parallel
automata are surveyed in Ref. 4. Two heuristic algorithms are considered here.
One of them is based on iterative method3 ; the other reduces the minimization
of the number of memory elements to the problem of covering a nonparallelism
graph of partial states by complete bipartite subgraphs10 . To solve the problem
of covering, the algorithm uses a heuristic technique. The third algorithm considered here is exact; i.e., the number of coding variables (memory elements)
obtained by this algorithm is minimal. It also nds a cover of a nonparallelism
graph of partial states by complete bipartite subgraphs, though using an exact technique12 . These three algorithms were used to encode partial states of a
number of synchronous parallel automata obtained as pseudorandom objects.
The pseudorandom parallel automata with given parameters were generated
by a special computer program. The method for generating such objects is described. The results of this experiment allow to decide about the quality of the
algorithms. Similar experiments are described in Ref. 21, where another approach was investigated and the pseudorandom objects were Boolean matrices
interpreted as partial state orthogonality matrices of parallel automata.



Below, we refer to this algorithm as Algorithm A. It is based on covering a

nonparallelism graph G of partial states by complete bipartite subgraphs.

Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata



Reducing the problem to search for a cover of

a graph by complete bipartite subgraphs

A method for partial state assignment that reduces the problem to searching
the shortest cover of a graph by complete bipartite subgraphs is known10,18 .
This method considers graph G, whose vertices correspond to partial states of
a given automaton and edges to pairs of nonparallel partial states.
In general, graph G is constructed by obtaining all achievable markings of
the Petri net that is the skeleton of the given automaton. The number of them
grows exponentially with the size of the net. Here the considered automata are
restricted to those whose skeletons are -nets. The characteristic properties of
an -net are the initial marking of it, consisting of one element, {1}, and the
sets of input places of two different transitions coinciding or disjoining. The
complexity of the problem of establishing state parallelism relation of such
automata is proved to be polynomial9 . By the way, encoding partial states by
ternary vectors is admitted in this case.
According to Ref. 7, a complete bipartite subgraph of a graph G = (V, E)
with vertex set V and edge set E is the graph B = (V  , E  ), where V  V ,
E  E, and the vertex set V  is divided into two disjoint subsets X and Y so
that 1 2 E  if and only if 1 X and 2 Y . A cover of graph G by complete
bipartite subgraphs is a family of complete bipartite subgraphs, such that every
edge of G is at least in one of them. Below, we call it B-cover of G. The shortest
B-cover of G is a B-cover with the minimal number of elements (subgraphs).
Let the complete bipartite subgraphs B1 , B2 , . . . , Bm form the shortest Bcover of G, and let Bk , k = 1, 2, . . . , m, be associated with a Boolean coding
variable z k so that z k = 1 for the states relative to one partite set of Bk and
z k = 0 for the states relative to the other. Then the values of coding variables
z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z m represent the solution sought for.


Decomposition of the partial state

nonparallelism graph

The rst step to the solution is nding all maximum complete bipartite
subgraphs of G. Three ways to do it are given in Refs. 11 and 17. Then one
must obtain the shortest cover of edge set of G by those complete bipartite
The search for the shortest cover is a classical NP-hard problem5 . In our case,
the complexity of this problem can be considerably decreased. Let us consider
one of the ways to decrease the dimension of complete bipartite subgraph cover
problem for the partial state nonparallelism graph G of a parallel automaton. It
can be applied if graph G can be represented as G = G 1 + G 2 , i.e. in the form of
the result of join operation on two graphs7 . If G = (V, E), G 1 = (V1 , E 1 ), and


Chapter 10

G 2 = (V2 , E 2 ), then V = V1 V2 and E = E 1 E 2 E 12 , and E 12 consists of

edges connecting every vertex from V1 with all vertices from V2 . The decrease
is achieved if G 1 or G 2 is a complete graph. This is typical for an automaton
whose skeleton is -net.
Let X 1 , Y1  and X 2 , Y2  be maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of
G 1 and G 2 , respectively. Then any maximum complete bipartite subgraph of
G can be represented in one of the forms X 1 X 2 , Y1 Y2 , X 1 Y2 , Y1
X 2 , X 1 , Y1 V2 , X 1 V2 , Y1 , X 2 V1 , Y1 , X 2 , Y2 V1 , or V1 , V2 . So,
having the families of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of G 1 and G 2 ,
one can easily obtain all maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of G. Let r1
and r2 be the numbers of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of G 1 and
G 2 , respectively. Then enumerating all the above forms we obtain the number
of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of G as
r = 2(r1r2 + r1 + r2 ) + 1.


If one of those graphs, namely G 2 , is complete graph K n with n vertices, then

any two-block partition of its vertex set denes one of its maximum complete
bipartite subgraphs and their number is r2 = 2n1 1. The number of maximum
complete bipartite subgraphs of G in this case is
r = (r1 + 1)2n 1.


The class of parallel automata under consideration is featured by exiting at

least one partial state nonparallel to any other state. As the initial marking of
-net has only one place, the total initial state of the automaton contains only
one partial state that is not parallel to any other partial state.
It can be seen from formula (2) that adding n vertices to a graph, so that
each one of them is connected with all other vertices of the graph, increases the
number of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs more than 2n times. We call
the vertex that is adjacent to all others an all-adjacent vector.
It follows from above that for the search of a shortest B-cover of a partial
state nonparallelism graph G, it is convenient to decompose graph G into graphs
G 1 and G 2 , where G 1 is the subgraph of G, no vertex of which is all adjacent
in G, and G 2 is the complete subgraph of G induced by all all-adjacent vertices
of G. The idea of using decomposition as the means to reduce the dimension
of the task is rather fruitful. For example, one can see in Ref. 8 another case of
using decomposition to decrease the dimension of the problem of our eld.


Placement of partial states in Boolean space

of coding variables

The classical covering problem is solved now by the traditional way only
for G 1 . We obtain the B-cover of G 1 . It may be considered as a set of m

Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata


partial two-block partitions on the vertex set of G. Having introduced Boolean

variables z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z m and determined their values for the vertices of G 1 and
thus for the corresponding partial states of the given automaton as it is shown
above, we obtain the set of ternary vectors that are the codes of those states.
These codes form a Boolean space Z of coding variables z 1 , z 2 , . . . , z m .
Encoding the other vertices of G that are not in G 1 may be described as
placement of their codes in the part of Boolean space Z that is not occupied by
the intervals dened by the above ternary vectors. If these intervals occupy the
whole Z or the rest of it is not enough to place the codes of all-adjacent vertices
of G, then Z is widened by adding new variables. The set of the partial state
codes form a ternary coding matrix.
It should be noted that the size of the rest of Z, where the codes of alladjacent vertices exist, may be different for different shortest covers. Possibly,
it is not the shortest cover that always suits the solution of our problem. Therefore, all nonredundant covers should be considered. The algorithm to nd all
nonredundant covers can be taken from Ref. 16.
Extracting the part of Z that is not covered by the intervals corresponding
to the codes of the vertices of G is executed as the solving of the complement
problem described in Ref. 17. It is reduced to nding for a given ternary matrix
T the ternary matrix U such that any row of U is orthogonal to any row of T and
these matrices together specify a Boolean function that is identically equal to 1.
As it was said above, the part of Z dened by matrix U may not be enough for
encoding all all-adjacent vertices of G. In this case, the set of coding variables
is extended as much as the space formed by these variables can contain the
codes of all vertices of G. The value of every such new variable z i in the codes
of vertices of G 1 is assumed to be 0.
The variant of a nonredundant cover is selected that gives the minimum size
of space Z.



Let a parallel automaton be given by the following set of strings:

1 : x 1 x2 y1 y 2 10
10 : x 2 2.3.4
2 : y1 5
3.5 : x2 8
4 : x 1 y 1 7
4 : x1 y2 9
7 : x 2 9
8.9 : y 2 6
6 : x1 y1 y 2 1


Chapter 10

Table 10-1. Obtaining nonredundant covers of graph G 1 by maximum complete bipartite

Maximum complete
bipartite G 1 subgraphs v 2 v 8
v 2 ,v 8 ; v 5 
v 2 ,v 3 ,v 5 ; v 8 
v 4 ; v 7 ,v 9 
v 4 ,v 9 ; v 7 
v 2 ; v 5 ,v 8 
v 4 ,v 7 ; v 9 

Edges of G 1











covers of G 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1


The nonparallelism relation on the set of partial states of this automaton is

dened by the following matrix that is the adjacency matrix of graph G:
v 10












v 10




Graph G 1 is the subgraph of G induced by the set of vertices {v 2 , v 3 , v 4 , v 5 ,

v 7 , v 8 , v 9 }, and G 2 is the subgraph induced by {v 1 , v 6 , v 10 }.
The results of the search process of nonredundant covers of graph G 1 by
maximum complete bipartite subgraphs are shown in Table 10-1. The rows of
Table 10-1 correspond to maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of graph G.
The left part of Table 10-1 shows all the maximum complete bipartite subgraphs
of G. The middle part is the covering table, its columns corresponding to the
edges of G. The columns of the right part of Table 10-1 represent all nonredundant covers of G by its maximum complete bipartite subgraphs, where
1 in a row denotes the presence of the corresponding subgraph in the given
One can construct a ternary matrix for any such cover. All the matrices
give sets of intervals, each of which occupies the whole space of four Boolean
variables but one element. Therefore, all obtained covers are equivalent. For the
cover represented by the fourth column of the right part of Table 10-1, we have

Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata


the following ternary matrix:


z 1 z 2 z 3

0 1

1 0

1 1


The rows of this matrix are marked by the indices of the partial states of the
given automaton, except those having no parallel states. The intervals dened
by the rows of the matrix occupy almost the whole space Z formed by Boolean
variables z 1 , z 2 , z 3 , and z 4 . Only one element of it, 0000, is vacant. Therefore,
to place the remaining partial states, 1, 6, and 10, in Z, it must be widened.
Having added variable z 5 , we obtain the nal coding matrix with the minimum
length of codes as follows:
1 0
2 1

3 1

5 1

6 0

10 1















The NP-hardness of covering problem5 does not allow it always to be solved

in acceptable time. Therefore the heuristic algorithms that obtain in many cases
the shortest cover are developed.


Algorithm B

The method realized in Algorithm B reduces the problem to covering the

state nonparallelism graph G of a given automaton by complete bipartite


Chapter 10

subgraphs as well as in Algorithm A, but the algorithm for covering is not

exact. It consists of two stages. At the rst stage the sequence of graphs
G 2 , G 3 , . . . , G n = G is considered, where G is the nonparallelism graph of
the given automaton with V = {1 , 2 , . . . , n } as the set of vertices, and G i is
the subgraph of G induced by the set of vertices V i = {1 , 2 , . . . , i }. Having the B-cover of G i the transition from it to the B-cover of G i+1 is carried
out. At the second stage the obtained B-cover is improved (if possible). This
improvement consists in removing some complete bipartite subgraph from the
B-cover and in the attempt of reconstruction the B-cover by adding edges to the
remaining subgraphs. This procedure repeats for all elements of the B-cover.
The complete bipartite subgraphs are obtained concurrently with the constructing of the B-cover.
Let B i = {B1i , B2i , . . . , Bmi i } be the B-cover of graph G i . When going from
G to G i+1 and adding vertex v i+1 and incident edges, we attempt to place these
edges in subgraphs B1i , B2i , . . . , Bmi i . Evidently, subgraph B ij = X ij , Y ji  can
be transformed into some B  = X ij {v i+1 }, Y ji  only if Y ji N (v i+1 ), where
N (v) is the neighborhood of vertex v. Some edges connecting v i+1 with vertices
from N (v i+1 ) would be in B  . The edges not covered can be introduced to other
complete bipartite subgraphs in the same way. If we manage to do it for all edges
connecting v i+1 with vertices from V i , then |B i+1 | = m i+1 = |B i | = m i . If not,
then m i+1 = m i + 1 and X mi+1
, Ymi+1
 is taken as Bmi+1
, where X mi+1
= {v i+1 }
that are connected with v i+1 by
and Ym i+1 consists of those vertices from V
the edges that are not in any of B1i+1 , B2i+1 , . . . , Bmi+1
The initial B-cover may consist of a single edge (being in G 2 ), or it may be
a star.
The size of a B-cover obtained in such a way depends to a great extent on the
numbering of vertices in a given graph. The results of solving test tasks allow
assuming that the most favorable numbering is that obtained as follows. The
vertex with the maximum degree in graph G gets number n. After removing
v with incident edges we take the vertex with the maximum degree in graph
G v. We associate number n1 with it and remove it as well. This process of
plucking G continues until only two vertices remain in it. We associate with
them arbitrary numbers 1 and 2 and other vertices are numbered in the order
reverse to the course of the process.
After a B-cover of graph G has been obtained in such a way, we attempt
to decrease the number of elements of the B-cover. The possibility of such
decreasing is due to the way of constructing a B-cover.
We improve the obtained B-cover in the following way. Let us have a Bcover B1 , B2 , . . . , Bm of a graph G = (V, E). For this B-cover, we call an
edge e E once-covered if there is only one Bi that has e. For every Bi ,
i = 1, 2, . . . , m, we calculate the number si of once-covered edges belonging
to it. We remove from the B-cover the subgraph B j whose s j is minimal. Then

Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata


we try to restore the B-cover by adding vertices from V and edges from E to
subgraphs of the rest. If we cannot manage it we introduce a new complete
bipartite subgraph containing all uncovered edges.
This procedure can be repeated many times. The sign to nish it may be
the following condition: the number m of B-cover elements and the number of
once-covered edges do not decrease. When this condition is satised the process
of solving the task is over and the B-cover obtained after the last executing the
procedure is the result.
To illustrate Algorithm B, let us take the parallel automaton from section
2.4. The adjacency matrix of the state nonparallelism graph of this automaton
is given above. After renumbering according to the rule above, it is
v 10












v 10





which corresponds to the following order of vertices: v 3 , v 5 , v 9 , v 7 , v 2 , v 4 , v 8 ,

v 10 , v 6 , v 1 .
The sequence of B-covers corresponding to the sequence of subgraphs
G 2 , G 3 , . . . , G 10 of graph G is
B 2 = B 3 = ;
B 4 = v 3 ; v 4 ;
B 5 = v 3 ; v 4 ; v 2 ; v 5 ;
B 6 = v 3 , v 6 ; v 4 ; v 2 ; v 5 ; v 3 ; v 6 ;
B 7 = v 3 , v 6 ; v 4 ; v 2 , v 7 ; v 5 ; v 3 ; v 6 ; v 1 , v 2 ; v 7 ;
B 8 = v 3 , v 6 ; v 4 , v 8 ; v 2 , v 7 ; v 5 , v 8 ; v 3 , v 8 ; v 6 ; v 1 , v 2 ; v 7 , v 8 ;
v 4 , v 5 ; v 8 ;
B = v 3 , v 6 , v 9 ; v 4 , v 8 ; v 2 , v 7 ; v 5 , v 8 , v 9 ; v 3 , v 8 , v 9 ; v 6 ;

v 1 , v 2 ; v 7 , v 8 , v 9 ; v 4 , v 5 ; v 8 , v 9 ; v 3 ; v 9 ;


= v 3 , v 6 , v 9 ; v 4 , v 8 , v 10 ; v 2 , v 7 , v 10 ; v 5 , v 8 , v 9 ; v 3 , v 8 , v 9 ; v 6 ;

v 1 , v 2 ; v 7 , v 8 , v 9 , v 10 ; v 4 , v 5 ; v 8 , v 9 , v 10 ; v 3 ; v 9 ; v 7 ; v 10 .


Chapter 10

Let us try to decrease the number of elements of the obtained Bcover. Subgraph B610 = v 3 ; 9 , as well as B710 = 7 ; 10 , has the minimum number of once-covered edges (s6 = s7 = 1). We remove B610 from
B 10 and extend v 4 , v 5 ; v 8 , v 9 , v 10  to v 3 , v 4 , v 5 ; v 8 , v 9 , v 10 . Then we remove B710 and extend 3 , 4 , 5 ; 8 , 9 , 10 . Finally, we obtain the following B-cover: 3 , 6 , 9 ; 4 , 8 , 10 ; 2 , 7 , 10 ; 5 , 8 , 9 ; 3 , 8 , 9 ; 6 ;
1 , 2 ; 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ; 3 , 4 , 5 , 7 ; 8 , 9 , 10 .


Algorithm C

To appreciate the efciency of the proposed algorithms we consider

Algorithm C based on the heuristic iterative method suggested in Ref. 3. The iterative method assumes the denition of parallelism relation and an initial coding
matrix for partial states (the initial matrix may be empty). The matrix is extended
in the process of coding by introducing additional coding variables, which
makes it possible to separate nonparallel partial states in certain pairs. To separate two states means to put opposite values (0 and 1) to some coding variable
in the codes of these states. The method consists in iterative executions of two
procedures: introducing a new coding variable and dening its values in codes
of nonseparated yet non-parallel partial states. These procedures are executed
until all nonparallel states have been separated. Minimizing the number of introduced coding variables also minimizes the Hamming distance between codes of
states related by transitions. The aim of this is the minimization of the number
of switchings of RS-type
ops in circuit realization of a parallel automaton.
Introducing a new coding variable is accompanied with separating the maximal number of nonseparated yet nonparallel partial states by this variable. For
this purpose, at each step of the procedure of dening the values of the due
variable, a state is chosen to encode by this variable. This state should be separated from the maximal number of states already encoded by this variable.
The number of states that are not separated from the chosen one and have been
encoded by this variable must be maximal. A new coding variable is introduced
if the inner variables already introduced do not separate all nonparallel partial
states from each other.



Any string of the form i : w i v i v i in automaton specication we

call a transition, and a set of transitions with the same i is a sentence. The
algorithm for generating parallel automata is described in detail in Ref. 13,
where a parallel automaton is constructed as a system of three pseudorandom
objects. They are the skeletonof the automaton that is an -net specied

Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata


in the form of a sequence of pairs (i , v i ), the ternary matrix X representing

conjunctions w i , and the ternary matrix Y representing conjunctions v i . In our
task the -net is enough; therefore, we should not describe the way of generating
X and Y here.
The parameters given beforehand of every pseudorandom -net generated
by a special computer program are the number of places (partial states of the
automaton) p, the number of transitions t, and the number of sentences s.
Generating pseudorandom parallel automata as systems of three objects
mentioned above with parameters given beforehand would not be difcult if
no correctness demands exist, without which there is no sense in executing
algorithms intended for such automata. Proceeding from the correctness properties of a parallel control algorithm that are named in Ref. 19, let us consider
the following properties of a parallel automaton that guarantee its correctness
in our case. It must be irredundant (there is no transition that can be never
executed), recoverable (it can return to the initial total state from any other
one), and self-coordinated (any transition cannot be started again before it
Irredundancy, recoverability, and self-coordination of a parallel automaton
correspond to liveness and safeness of the related -net19 . In the Petri net theory
the reduction methods for checking liveness and safeness are well known1 ,
where the initial net is transformed according to certain rules preserving these
properties. The transformations reduce the dimension of a given net and so
facilitate checking the liveness and safeness of the net.
To check liveness and safeness of -nets the application of two rules is
sufcient19 . The rst rule consists in deleting loops, i.e., the transitions where
i = v i . The second is as follows. Let a set of places not containing place 1 be
such that for every transition (i , v i ), i = implies = i and v i =
, and v i = implies v i . Besides, there exists at least one transition
with v i = . Then all transitions ( j , v j ) with = i are removed and
every transition (k , v k ) with v k is substituted by the set of transitions that
are obtained from (k , v k ) by replacing by sets v j from those transitions ( j ,
v j ) where = j . A live and safe -net is proved in Ref. 15 to be completely
reducible; i.e., the application of these rules leads to the net that consists of the
only transition (1, 1). This implies the way of generating live and safe -nets,
which consists in transformations that are inverse to the above.



Algorithms A, B, and C are realized in computer programs and the corresponding modules are included as components into ISAPR, which is a research
CAD system14 . The program for generating pseudorandom parallel automata is


Chapter 10

Table 10-2. Experimental results ( p, t, and s are parameters of -nets, b is the number
of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs of G 2 )
Algorithm A

20 18 18
APR1 2 2 1
APR2 2 2 1
APR3 2 2 1
APR6 2 2 1
APR7 2 3 1
APR8 2 1 1
2 2 1 1033

Algorithm B

Algorithm C


Run time






13 min. 28 sec.
8 sec.
5 sec.
6 sec.
2 min. 23 sec.
49 sec.
1 min. 28 sec.
3 h. 46 min. 22 sec.


6 sec.
7 sec.
8 sec.
3 sec.
8 sec.
8 sec.
5 sec.
8 sec.


3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
3 sec.
4 sec.

included into ISAPR as well. This program was used to generate several parallel
automata. The results of partial state assignment are shown in Table 10-2. One
of the automata whose partial states were encoded, RAZ, was not generated by
the program mentioned above. It was obtained from a real control algorithm.
As was noted, only the parameters of -net, i.e., the number of places p,
the number of transitions t, and the number of sentences s, were considered.
Besides this, the number of maximum complete bipartite subgraphs in the graph
G of nonparallelism of partial states of the given automaton may be of interest.
Algorithm A uses the method that decomposes graph G into two subgraphs G 1
and G 2 , G 1 being complete. The maximum complete bipartite subgraphs were
found in G 2 . The calculations were performed on a computer of AT type with
the 386 processor.



The technique of investigation of algorithms for state assignment of parallel

automata is described in this paper. The experimental data show that Algorithms
B and C are quite competitive to each other, although the speed of Algorithm
C is higher than that of Algorithm B. Algorithm A is intended to be applied for
automata of small dimension. It can be used as a standard algorithm and helps
one to appreciate the quality of solutions obtained by heuristic algorithms.

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Optimal State Assignment of Synchronous Parallel Automata


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Discrete Devices (CAD DD99), Vol. 1, Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, National
Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 4
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BSSR, Ser. Fisiko-Tehnicheskih Nauk, 1 8691 (1987) (in Russian).
4. L.D. Cheremisinova, Yu.V. Pottosin, Assignment of partial states of a parallel synchronous
automaton. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided Design
of Discrete Devices (CAD DD95). Wydawnictwo Uczelniane Politechniki Szczecinskiej,
Minsk-Szczecin, pp. 85
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6. M.T. Hack, Analysis of production schemata by Petri nets. Project MAC TR-94,
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7. F. Harary, Graph Theory. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, MA (1969).
8. A. Karatkevich, Hierarchical decomposition of safe Petri nets. In: Proceedings of the Third
International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of Discrete Devices (CAD DD99),
Vol. 1. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
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pp. 299309 (1992).
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Systems. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk,
pp. 7284 (1989) (in Russian).
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Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 19
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12. Yu.V. Pottosin, A method for encoding the partial states of a parallel automaton with
minimal-length codes. In: Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, Vol. 6. Allerton
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13. Yu.V. Pottosin, Generating parallel automata. In: Methods and Algorithms for Logical
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pp. 132142 (1995) (in Russian).
14. N.R. Toropov, Research CAD System for Discrete Control Devices: Materials on Software
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15. V.V. Tropashko, Proof of the conjecture of complete reducibility of -nets. In: Design of
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of BSSR, Minsk, pp. 13
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16. A.D. Zakrevskij, Optimal coverage of sets. In: A Programming Language for Logic
and Coding Algorithms. ASM Monograph Series, Academic Press, New York, London,
pp. 175192 (1969).
17. A.D. Zakrevskij, Combinatorics of logical design. Avtomatika i Vychislitelnaya Tekhnika,
2 6879 (1990) (in Russian).
18. A.D. Zakrevskij, Optimization of matrix of partial state assignment for parallel automata.
In: Formalization and Automatization of Logic Design. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 63
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20. A.D. Zakrevskij, Parallel Algorithms for Logical Control. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk (1999) (in Russian).
21. A. Zakrevskij, I. Vasilkova, A quick algorithm for state assignment in parallel automata. In:
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Chapter 11


Ljudmila Cheremisinova
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Surganov
Str., 6, 220012 Minsk, Belarus; e-mail: [email protected]


A problem of race-free state assignment of asynchronous parallel automata is

considered. The goal is to encode partial states of parallel automaton using minimal number of coding variables and excluding critical races during automaton
operation. Requirements imposing on the partial states codes to eliminate the inuence of races are formulated. An exact algorithm to nd a minimal solution of

the problem of race-free state assignment for parallel automata is suggested. The
algorithm provides reducing the computational efforts when searching for state

Key words:

asynchronous parallel automata; state assignment; parallelism; critical races.



Successive control of a multicomponent system depends greatly on the efciency of the synchronization among its processing elements. The functions
of a control of such a system are concentrated in one block a logic control
device that should provide a proper synchronization of interaction between the
components. In order to represent clearly the interaction involved in concurrent engineering system, it is necessary to describe formally its functional and
structural properties.
As a functional model of a discrete control device to be designed, a model
of parallel automaton is proposed1,8,9 . This model can be considered as an
extension of a sequential automaton (nite state machine) allowing representing parallel processes. The parallel automaton is a more complicated and less
studied model in contrast with the classical sequential automaton model. An
essential difference from sequential automaton is that a parallel automaton can


Chapter 11

be in more than one state simultaneously. That is why the states of a parallel
automaton were called partial8 . Partial states in which a parallel automaton is
at the same moment are called parallel8 . Any transition of automaton denes
parallel partial state changes.
The design of asynchronous automata has been an active area of research
for the last 40 years. There has been a renewed interest in asynchronous design
because of its potential for high performance. However, design of asynchronous
automata remains a cumbersome problem because of difculties of ensuring
correct dynamic behavior.
The important step of control device hardware implementation is the state
assignment. It is at the heart of the automaton synthesis problem (especially
for its asynchronous mode of realization). Despite great efforts devoted to this
problem, no satisfactory solutions have been proposed. A difference of this
process for parallel automaton in comparison with the sequential one is that
there are parallel states (they are compatible in the sense that the automaton can
nd itself in several of them at the same time). That is why it was suggested in
Ref. 8 to encode partial states with ternary vectors that should be nonorthogonal
for parallel partial states but orthogonal for nonparallel ones. In such a way an
initial parallel automaton is transformed from its abstract form into a structural
form a sequent parallel automaton 9 or a system of Boolean functions that can
be directly implemented in hardware.
The problem of state assignment becomes harder when asynchronous implementation of a parallel automaton is considered. The mentioned condition
imposed on codes is necessary but not enough for that case. The additional
condition to be fullled is to avoid the in
uence of races between memory
elements (
ops) during hardware operation. One of the ways to avoid this
is to order switches of memory elements so as to eliminate critical races.
A problem of racefree state assignment of asynchronous parallel automata
is considered. The goal is to encode partial states of parallel automaton using minimal number of coding variables and to avoid the critical races during
automaton operation. An exact algorithm to nd a minimal solution of the problem is suggested. The algorithm allows reducing computational efforts of state
encoding. The same problem is considered in Ref. 5, where another approach is
suggested. The method is based on covering a family of complete bipartite subgraphs dening constraints of absence of critical races by minimal number of
maximal complete bipartite subgraphs of the partial state nonparallelism graph.



The asynchronous sequential automaton behaves as follows. Initially, the

automaton is stable in some state. After the input state changes, the output

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata


signals change their values as specied in automaton description. An internal

state change may be concurrent with the output change. When the automaton
has achieved a new stable state it is ready to receive the next input. Throughout
this cycle, output and inner variables should be free of glitches. In summary,
asynchronous designs differ from those synchronous because state changes may
pass through intermediate states.
The sequence of these intermediate states must be preserved in the case
of multi-output change (when intermediate states involve the output change).
It can be done with the proper state assignment. The one
hot encoding 4 can
ensure such a behavior, but it demands too many coding variables. That is why
the methods of race-free state assignment are of interest.


Constraints of race-free implementation

of sequential automaton

In Ref. 6 the constraints to ensure hardware implementation of sequential automaton to be race-free are given. These constraints allow avoiding interference
between automaton transitions that take place for the same input state. Codes
satisfying these constraints ensure race-free implementation of the automaton.
The encoding constraints can be represented in the form of dichotomies.
A dichotomy is a bipartition {S1 ; S2 } of a subset of S : S1 S2 S, S1
S2 = . In the state encoding considered, a binary variable yi covers dichotomy
{S1 ; S2 } if z i = 0 for every state in S1 and z i = 1 for every state in S2 (or
vice versa). Transitions taking place at the same input are called competing
transitions. In Ref. 6 the following constraints of critical race-free encoding are given that are induced by pairs of competing transitions of different
1. si s j , sk sl (i, j, k, l are pairwise different) give rise to {si s j ; sk , sl };
2. si s j , s j sl (i, j, l are pairwise different) give rise to {si s j ; sl }; and
{si ; s j , sl };
3. si s j , sk sl (i, j, k, are pairwise different) give rise to {si s j ; sl } if the
output on the transition from sk is different from that on the transitions from
si and s j (at the input considered).


Distinctive features of parallel automaton

All parallel partial states in which a parallel automaton is at some moment form its global state. Any transition of automaton denes the partial state
changes that cause the global state changes. Most transitions (and all for asynchronous parallel automaton) are forced by changes of external signals.
A parallel automaton is described by a set of generalized transitions
(X kl , Sk ) (Sl , Ykl ) between the subsets of partial states. Such a transition
should be understood as follows: if a global state of the parallel automaton


Chapter 11

contains all the partial states from Sk and the variables in the conjunction term
X kl assume values at which X kl = 1, then as the result of the transition the
automaton goes to the next global state that differs from initial one in that it
contains partial states from Sl instead of those from Sk . More than one generalized transition may take place at some moment when a parallel automaton
functions. These transitions dene changing different subsets of parallel partial
states. There are no races on such a pair of transitions.
In the case of parallel automaton there are generalized transitions instead
of elementary ones. A generalized transition tkl : Sk Sl consists of |Sk | |Sl |
elementary transitions ski slj , where ski Sk is nonparallel to slj Sl . Let
us introduce the set T (tkl , t pq ) of pairs of elementary transitions ski slj and
s pi sqj between pairwise nonparallel partial states taken from Sk , Sl , S p , and
Sq generated by the pair of competing transitions tkl : Sk Sl and t pq : S p Sq .
For compatible pair tkl , t pq of generalized transitions, we have T (tkl , t pq ) = .


Constraints of race-free implementation

of parallel automaton

In Ref. 2, it has been shown that in order to avoid the in

uence of races on
competing generalized transitions tkl and t pq , it is sufcient to avoid them on
one pair of elementary transitions from the set T (tkl , t pq ). This statement gives
the way of a parallel automaton partial states encoding. Besides, this statement
ensures that any dichotomy constraint consists of pairwise nonparallel partial
states. The last implies the absence of a constraint forcing a coding variable to
have orthogonal values in codes of parallel partial states.
Let us distinguish elementary u nij , simple u nip , and generalized Un constraints.
The rst is a single dichotomy constraint. The second is associated with a pair
of competing elementary transitions and can consist of one (cases 1 and 3 of
constraints) or two (case 2) elementary constraints. To avoid critical races on
a pair of elementary competing transitions, one has to satisfy an appropriate
simple constraint (one or two elementary ones). A generalized constraint Un
induced by a pair Pn of competing generalized transitions consists of the simple
constraints induced by pairs of elementary transitions from its generated set
T (Pn ). To avoid critical races on Pn it is sufcient to satisfy one of the simple
constraints from Un .
Example 1. Let us consider the following parallel automaton in the form
X kl Sk Sl Ykl :
t1 :  x1
s1 s2 s3 y1 y2

t2 : x2 x3 s2 s9
y2 y3

t3 : x 3
s9 s2
y2 y3
t4 : x 2
s2 s4 s5  y1 y3

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata

t5 :
t6 :
t7 :
t8 :

x1  x2

x2 x3


s3 s6
s4 s7
s5 s8
s6 s7 s8 s1


y1  y2

y1 y4

The partial states from {s2 , s4 , s5 , s7 , s8 , s9 } and {s3 , s6 } are pairwise parallel,
so also are the partial states from {s4 , s7 } and {s5 , s8 }. One can see, for example,
that the pair t1 , t8 of generalized transitions is competing. The generalized
constraint U1,8 induced by that pair consists of three simple constraints: u 1,8.1
({s1 , s2 ; s7 } and ({s1 , s7 ; s2 }), u 1,8.2 = ({s1 , s2 ; s8 } and ({s1 , s8 ; s2 }), and u 1,8.3 =
({s1 , s3 ; s6 } and ({s1 ; s3 , s6 }). Thus for this automaton we have the following set
of generalized constraints Uk (in the form of dichotomies) derived from the
pairs of competing generalized transitions:
1. {s1 , s2 ; s9 } and {s1 ; s2 , s9 };
2. ({s1 , s2 ; s4 } and {s1 ; s2 , s4 }) or ({s1 , s2 ; s5 } and {s1 ; s2 , s5 });
3. ({s1 , s3 ; s6 } and {s1 ; s3 , s6 });
4. {s1 , s2 ; s5 , s8 };
5. ({s1 , s2 ; s7 } and {s1 , s7 ; s2 }) or ({s1 , s2 ; s8 } and {s1 , s8 ; s2 }) or ({s1 , s3 ; s6 } and
{s1 , s6 ; s3 });
6. {s2 , s9 ; s4 , s7 };
7. ({s2 , s9 ; s4 } and {s4 , s2 ; s9 }) or ({s2 , s9 ; s5 } and {s2 , s5 ; s9 });
8. {s1 , s7 ; s2 , s9 } or {s1 , s8 ; s2 , s9 };
9. {s2 , s9 ; s5 , s8 };
10. {s1 , s7 ; s2 , s4 } or {s1 , s8 ; s2 , s5 };
11. ({s1 , s7 ; s4 } and {s1 ; s4 , s7 }).
Just as in the case of sequential automaton7 , when seeking critical race-free
partial state assignment we proceed in three steps:
1. Generating a set of encoding constraints
2. Finding a compressed set of encoding constraints equivalent to the initial one
3. Solving these constraints to produce a partial state assignment.




Now an encoding problem formulation is presented that is based on a matrix

notation similar to that used in Ref. 7 for sequential automata. A dichotomy
constraint {si , s j ; sk , sl } can be presented as a ternary (3-valued) vector called
a constraint vector. Its length equals the number of partial states, ith and jth
entries are 1, kth and lth entries are 0 (or vice versa), and the other ones are


Chapter 11

(dont care). For example, the dichotomy {s1 , s7 ; s2 , s9 } corresponds to the

vector 1 0 10.
Constraint matrix U is a ternary matrix with as many rows as critical racefree constraints exist (for a given automaton) and as many columns as partial
states. One can see that the constraint matrix U is an encoding matrix V looked
for, but the number of encoding variables (which is equal to the number of rows
of U ) is too large. The task is to compress the matrix U without violation of
any constraint from U : each row of U should be implicated by some row from
V. For the case of sequent automaton it is enough. But a parallel automaton
constraint matrix U has a complex structure it consists of submatrices Ui
dening generalized constraints Ui ; the last ones are in turn 1 or 2 line sectioned
(separating simple constraints).


Relations on the set of constraints

Below, some denitions follow; note that the ternary vectors in every definition are of the same length. A ternary vector a covers a ternary vector b if,
whenever the ith entry of b is {1,0}, the ith entry of a is too. b is an
inversion of a(b =  a) if, whenever the ith entry of a is 1, 0, ,the
ith entry
of b is 0, 1, ,respectively. Any vectors
a and b are orthogonal if for at least
an index i the ith entries of a and b are orthogonal (1 and 0, or vice versa).
An elementary constraint u j implicates an elementary constraint u i if u j
as a ternary vector covers u i or its inversion. An elementary constraint u j can
implicate a simple constraint u np if it consists of the only elementary constraint
that is implicated by u j .
A simple constraint u np implicates
r an elementary constraint u j if u j is implicated by one of the elementary
constraints from u np ,
r a simple constraint u p if every u m j u p is implicated by at least one of
u n j u np ,
r a generalized constraint Uk if u p implicates at least one of u kip Uk .
A generalized constraint Uk implicates

r a simple constraint u pj (elementary constraint u j ) if every u kpj Uk implicates


r a generalized constraint Un if every u kpj Uk implicates at least one of

u nip Un .

A set U  of elementary constraints implicates a simple constraint u kpj and thus

a generalized constraint Uk (such that u kpj Uk ) if every u k j,i u kpj is implicated
by one of the constraints from U  .

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata



Compressing a set of encoding constraints

For computational efciency of the procedure of searching for an optimal

encoding, it is important to reduce the number of rows of constraint matrix U
to the minimal number that represents an equivalent set of constraints on the
encoding. It is trivial that duplicate generalized constraints can be deleted. Then
the number of rows of U can be decreased further by eliminating generalized,
simple, or elementary constraints that are implicated by any other generalized
Example 2. For the automaton under consideration we can see that the generalized constraint ({s1 , s7 ; s2 , s9 } or ({s1 , s8 ; s2 , s9 }) induced by the pair t3 , t8
of competing transitions implicates the elementary constraint ({s1 ; s2 , s9 } from
the simple constraint ({s1 , s2 ; s9 } and ({s1 ; s2 , s9 }) induced by the pair t1 , t2 of
competing transitions.
The irredundant constraint matrix U for the automaton under consideration
is shown in the second column in Table 11-1. Its rst column gives the structure
Table 11-1. Encoding constraints, their boundary vectors, and compatibility relation among
1 1,1
2 2,1.1
3 2,1.2
4 2,2
5 3,1.1
6 3,1.2
7 4,1
8 5,1.1
9 5,1.2
10 5,2
11 5,3
12 6,1
13 7,1
14 7,2
15 8,1
16 8,2
17 9,1
18 10,1
19 10,2
20 11,1.1
21 11,1.2
22 12,1

12345 6789
11 0
11 0
10 1
10 1
10 10
10 10

Boundary vectors
12345 6789

Compatibility relation
12345 67890123456789012

11+ + 0
1+1++0+ + +
1+0++1+ + +



Chapter 11

of matrix U what rows belong to what generalized and simple constraints.

The last row of the matrix is introduced since nonparallel partial states should
be encoded with orthogonal codes (but appropriate constraint is implicated by
none other).
The encoding matrix V is grown from an initial seed constraint matrix U by
its compressing at the expense of combining some constraints and substituting
them for one constraint implicating them.


Basic denitions

Now we give some denitions and derive some useful properties from them.
A constraint u (having no orthogonal entries associated with parallel states) is
called an implicant of a set of rows of constrained matrix U if it implicates
each of them separately. A set of elementary constraints is considered compatible if there exists an implicant for it. For example, u 1,1.1 U1 is compatible
with only u 4,1.1 U4 (their implicants are {s1 , s2 ; s5 , s8 , s9 }, {s1 , s2 ; s4 , s5 , s8 , s9 },
{s1 , s2 ; s4 , s5 , s7 , s8 , s9 }), but not compatible with u 10,1.1 u 10,1
U10 .
Let us dene for a row uk U (specifying dichotomy {Sk1 ; Sk2 }) a boundary
vector ukz a 4-valued vector that gives an upper bound of its growth (extension),
i.e., it determines the potential of dening the components of the row uk (considered to be a vector). Its ith entry is if the ith entry of uk is {1, 0};
otherwise its value depends on the partial state si associated with the entry:
1. if it is nonparallel to any of the states from Sk1 Sk2 , then the entry is ;
2. if it is parallel only to those states from Sk1 Sk2 and the appropriate entries
of u i have the same value {1, 0}, then the entry is ;
3. if it is parallel to at least a pair of states from Sk1 Sk2 and the appropriate
entries of ui have the orthogonal values, then the entry is +
The ith entry of ukz denes whether the state si may be encoded with kth
coding variable, and if yes (ith entry is not +), it shows what may be the
value of that variable in the code. For example, for the automaton under consideration, boundary vectors for matrix U rows are displayed in the third column
in Table 11-1.
Now we dene some operations over 4-valued vectors that extend those over
ternary vectors (keeping in view vectors of the same length). A 4-valued vector
b is an inversion of a vector a if, whenever the ith entry of a is 1, 0, , +, the
ith entry of b is 0, 1, , +. The 4-valued vectors a and b (one of them can be
ternary) are orthogonal if for at least an index i one vector has the ith entry
equaled to {1, 0}, and the other to or +.A weight of a vector is dened
as a sum of the weights of its entries, supposing that the weight of the entry
equaled to 1, 0, , + is 1, 1, 0, 2, respectively. A 4-valued vector a covers a

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata


vector b (4-valued or ternary) nonorthogonal to a if, whenever the ith entry of

b is {1, 0}, the ith entry of a is or .
Example 3. The vectors 1+0+01 and 01+00+0+1 are nonorthogonal
and the rst covers the second. Their weights are 8 and 12, respectively. The
inversion of the rst vector is 0+1+10.


Compressing a set of encoding constraints toward

the set of codes

When using the notion of a boundary vector we can simply nd whether

two rows of k V and ul U (or both from U ) are compatible. That takes
place if kz is nonorthogonal to ul or  ul .
When concatenating two rows k and ul (constructing their implicant), we
do minimal extensions of k to implicate ul and of kz to implicate ulz (or
inversions of ul and ulz . In this way any ith entry of the result of concatenation
is equal to that of k and ul (or  ul ), depending on whose weight is bigger. Any
ith entry of the boundary vector of the result of concatenation is equal to any
entry of kz and ulz that has bigger weight or +if they are orthogonal.
k V is an implicant for generalized constraint U l U if it is an implicant
for one of the elementary constraints uli, j ulip U l . An implicant of a subset
U  of generalized constraints is maximal if it is incompatible with all those
others (it cannot implicate any more constraints besides those from U  ).
Example 4. The boundary vectors for the vectors u2,2.1 = 100 and
u7,2.1 = 110 (Example 1) are u2,2.1
= 10+00+0 and u7,2.1
1+11+10, respectively. u2,2.1 is compatible with the inversion of u7,2.1 and
their implicant is 1001 with boundary vector 10+00+01. This implicant is not maximal, but 10011 is maximal.




The encoding matrix V is grown from an initial seed matrix U by concatenating its rows. The rows of encoding matrix V may be found among the
maximal implicants of the rows of U . The task is to nd the set of maximal
implicants of minimal cardinality that satises all generalized constraints from
the matrix U.
An exact algorithm to nd a minimum solution of the problem of racefree state assignment is based on building a set C of all maximal implicants
for constraint matrix U and then looking for a subset of V C of minimal


Chapter 11

cardinality, such that for any generalized constraint Ui U there exists an implicant in V implicating it. The second part of the problem is reduced to a
covering problem of Boolean matrix7 , as in the case with Quine table.


Maximal implicant retrieval

We use branch-and-bound algorithm to build all maximal implicants. Constraints are processed one by one in a predened order choosing (at each step)
one compatible with the current state of the implicant formed. If we exhaust
such constraints we would start backtracking to a previous step to modify the
solution and repeat searching.
The computational efforts can be reduced using a previously generated compatibility relation on the rows from U .
Taking into account that any maximal implicant may satisfy only one of the
simple constraints from each generalized constraint, they all can be regarded as
pairwise incompatible. At each step of the algorithm it is enough to consider as
candidates for concatenating only the rows compatible with all concatenated in
the current implicant. Further search reduction can be received by sorting the
constraints according to the degree of their incompatibility: the greater it is, the
less is branching.
Example 5. For the automaton considered, there exist 15 maximal implicants
shown in the second column in Table 11-2. They have been found searching
Table 11-2. Maximal implicants and the Quine table

12345 6789

Quine table
12345 67890 123456



11 11111
11 11111
11 1
11 11 1
1 11111
1 11

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata


for maximal compatible sets of constraints using their pairwise compatibility

relation shown in matrix form in the fourth column in Table 11-1 (the relation is
symmetric, so it is enough to dene only a part of the matrix below the principal
diagonal, and the relation among constraints from the same generalized constraint can be not dened). At rst the fth and eleventh constraint (u3,1.1 and
u5,3.1 are examined to generate maximal implicants since they are compatible
with none of the other constraints.
Then the sixth constraint u3,1.2 is chosen (it is compatible with three constraints), and so on.


Covering problem statement

Once a set C of maximal implicants is found, the task is to extract from

it a subset that satises all generalized constraints Uk U . Every generalized
constraint Uk = {u k1
, u k2
, . . . , u kn
} is satised as OR (quite enough for one of
its simple constraint u kip to be satised) and u kip consist of one or two u i j that
are satised as AND (both u i1 and u i2 should be satised). These statements
can be expressed logically (as is suggested in Ref. 5) by the formulas: Uk =
u k1
u k2
. . . u kn
and u kip = u i1 u i2 . Substituting expressions u kip into Uk
and using the distributive law one can receive the conjunctive normal form
Uk = Uk1 Uk2 . . . . Ukm . Any Uki is a union of separate elementary constraints. For
example, generalized constraint U2 = {U2,1
, U2,2
} (Example 2) is represented
as U6 = U61 U62 = (u 2,1.1 u 2,2.1 ) (u 2,1.2 u 2,2.1 ) = ({s1 , s2 ; s4 } or {s1 ; s2 , s5 })
({s1 ; s2 , s4 } or {s1 ; s2 , s5 }).
Now the problem is stated in the form of Quine table Q. Its rows correspond to maximal implicants Ci C, and columns to conjunctive members Uki
for all Uk . An entry (i j) of Q is 1 (marked) if Ci implicates jth conjunctive
member. The task is to nd the minimal number of rows covering all columns
(every column should have 1 at least in one position corresponding to the rows
chosen)7 .
Example 6. For the automaton example considered, there exist 16 conjunctive
members. They are as follows:
U1 = u 1 (u 1,1 );
U2 = u 2 u 4 (u 2,1.1 u 2,2.1 );
U3 = u 3 u 4 (u 2,1.2 u 2,2.1 );
U4 = u 5 (u 3,1.1 );
U5 = u 6 (u 3,1.2 );
U6 = u 7 (u 4,1 );
U7 = u 8 u 10 u 11 (u 5,1.1 u 5,2 u 5,3 );
U8 = u 9 u 10 u 11 (u 5,1.2 u 5,2 u 5,3 );


Chapter 11

U9 = u 12 (u 6,1 );
U10 = u 13 u 14 (u 7,1 u 7,2 );
U11 = u 15 u 16 (u 8,1 u 8,2 );
U12 = u 17 (u 9,1 );
U13 = u 18 u 19 (u 10,1 u 10,2 );
U14 = u 20 (u 11,1.1 );
U15 = u 21 (u 11,1.2 );
U16 = u 22 (u 12,1 ).
These conjunctive members are assigned to the columns of the Quine table
shown in the third column in Table 11-2. Permissible minimum number of rows
that provide the Quine table cover is 5. One of the minimal covers presenting
encoding for automaton considered consists of the rows 3, 6, 10, 13, and 1.
So we nd the following 5-component codes of partial states that provide the
absence of critical races when the automaton operates:

1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 0



V =

1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0
It should be noted that some entries of a matrix with values 0 or 1 can be
substituted with value d ont carebecause of usage of maximal implicants. In
our case the irredundant form of the coding matrix is

1 0 0
1 0 0 1 0

V =
1 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 1 0 0
1 1 0



The suggested method solves the encoding problem exactly: it ensures that
the number of variables to encode partial states is minimal. Unfortunately the
problems considered are computationally hard. The growth of the computation
time as the size of the problem is a practical limitation of the method to be used
in computer-aided design systems. It can be used for solving encoding problems
of moderate size obtaining after decomposing the whole big problem. Besides,
the method can be useful for estimation of efciency of heuristic encoding
techniques3 .

Optimal State Assignment of Asynchronous Parallel Automata


1. M. Adamski, M. Wegrzyn, Field programmable implementation of current state machine.
In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computer-Aided Design of Discrete Devises (CAD DD99), Vol. 1. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of the of Belarus
Academy of Sciences, Minsk, 4
12 (1999).
2. L.D. Cheremisinova, Implementation of parallel digital control algorithms by asynchronous
automata. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences, 19 (2), 78
83 (1985).
3. L.D. Cheremisinova, Race-free state assignment of a parallel asynchronous automaton.
Upravlyajushchie Sistemy i Mashiny, 2 5154 (1987) (in Russian).
4. L.D. Cheremisinova, PLC implementation of concurrent control algorithms. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in Scheduling and
Computer-Aided Design. Republic of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 190
196 Sept. 5
6 (2000).
5. Yu.V. Pottosin, State assignment of asynchronous parallel automata with codes of minimum
length. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop Discrete Optimization Methods in
Scheduling and Computer-Aided Design. Republic of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 202
206 Sept.
56 (2000).
6. S.H. Unger, Asynchronous Sequential Switching Circuits. Wiley-Interscience, New York
7. A.D. Zakrevskij, Logical Synthesis of Cascade Networks. Nauka, Moscow (1981) (in Russian) .
8. A.D. Zakrevskij, Parallel automaton. Doklady AN BSSR, 28 (8), 717
719 (1984) (in
9. A.D. Zakrevskij, Parallel Algorithms for Logical Control. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of NAS of Belarus, Minsk (1999) (in Russian).

Chapter 12


Thorsten Hummel and Wolfgang Fengler
Ilmenau Technical University, Department of Computer Architectures, P.O. Box 100565,
98684 Ilmenau, Germany; e-mail: [email protected]


The paper describes the challenges of modeling embedded hybrid control systems
at a higher abstraction level. It discusses the problems of modeling and analyzing
such systems and suggests the use of hybrid Petri nets and time interval Petri nets.
Modeling an exemplary embedded control system with a special hybrid Petri net
class using an object-oriented modeling and simulation tool and the extension of
hybrid Petri nets with the concept of time intervals for analyzing time constraints
shows the potential of this approach.

Key words:

embedded control systems; hybrid Petri nets; time interval Petri nets.



The design of complex embedded systems makes high demands on the

design process because of the strong combination of hardware and software
components and the observance of strong time constraints. These demands rise
rapidly if the system includes components of different time and signal concepts.
This means that there are systems including both event parts and continuous
parts. Such systems are called heterogeneous or hybrid systems.
The behavior of such hybrid systems cannot be covered homogeneously
by the well-known specication formalisms of the different hardware or software parts because of the special adaptation of these methods to their respective eld of application and the different time and signal concepts the several
components are described with. A continuous time model usually describes
continuous components, whereas digital components are described by discrete


Chapter 12

For describing both kinds of behavior in its interaction, there are different
approaches to describe such systems. On the one hand, the different components
can be described by their special formalisms. On the other hand, homogeneous
description formalism can be used to model the complete system with its different time and signal concepts, and that is what we are in favor of.
Therefore, we have investigated modeling methods that can describe the behavior of such systems homogeneously at a high abstraction level independently
from their physical or technical details. Apart from considering the heterogeneity, the modeling method must cope with the high complexity of the modeled
system. This demand requires support for modularization and partitioning and
hierarchical structuring capabilities. To meet the challenges of strong time constraints the tool used should have time analysis capabilities.
In the following sections, a graph-based formal modeling approach is presented. It is based on a special Petri net class, which has extended capabilities
for the modeling of hybrid systems. To model the hybrid systems, we have used
an object-oriented modeling and simulation tool based on this Petri net class.
This tool can be used for modeling hybrid systems from an object-oriented point
of view. It can be used for modeling and simulating components or subsystems
and offers capabilities for hierarchical structuring.
By extending the used Petri net class with the concept of time intervals, an
analysis method for time constraints could be implemented.



The theory of Petri nets has its origin in C.A. Petris dissertation C
ommunication with Automata7 , submitted in 1962. Petri nets are used as describing
formalism in a wide range of application elds. They offer formal graphical
description possibilities for modeling systems consisting of concurrent processes. Petri nets extend the automata theory by aspects such as concurrency
and synchronization.
A method to describe embedded hybrid systems homogeneously is the use
of hybrid Petri nets1 . They originate from continuous Petri nets introduced by
David and Alla2 . A basic difference between continuous and ordinary Petri nets
is the interpretation of the token value. A token is not an individual anymore,
but a real quantity of token fragments. The transition moves the token fragments
from the pre-place to the post-place with a certain velocity of ow. The essence
of hybrid Petri nets is the combination of continuous and discrete net elements
in order to model hybrid systems.
In the past, there were applications of hybrid Petri nets described in many
cases, but essentially they were concentrated on the elds of process control and
automation. In the following section we demonstrate the possibilities of using

Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets


hybrid Petri nets to model embedded hybrid systems. The used Petri net class
of hybrid dynamic nets (HDN) and its object-oriented extension is described
in Refs.3 and 4. This class is derived from the above-mentioned approach of
David and Alla and denes the ring speed as function of the marking from the
continuous net places.
Components or subsystems are modeled separately and abstracted into
classes. Classes are templates, which describe the general properties of objects.
They are grouped into class libraries. Classes can be used to create objects,
which are called instances of these classes. If an object is created by a class, it
inherits all attributes and operations dened in this class.
One of the important advantages of this concept is the ability to describe a
larger system by decomposition into interacting objects. Because of the properties of objects, the modication of the system model could be achieved easily.
The object-oriented concept unites the advantages of the modules and hierarchies and adds useful concepts such as reuse and encapsulation.




The used hybrid Petri net approach includes discrete and continuous components. For analyzing time aspects the discrete transitions are extended by the
concept of time intervals6,7 .
Time-related Petri nets were introduced for the integration of time aspects
to classical Petri nets. There exist two basic types of time-related Petri nets.
One type relates a ring time to the transition. The other type relates a time
interval to the transition during which this transition is allowed to re.
In our approach we use the latter. In a time interval Petri net, a transition
with ring capability may re only during the given interval and must have red
at the latest with the end of the interval, except that it loses its ring capability
in the meantime. If the transition gets back its ring capability in the later time,
the interval time starts again.


Analysis of a specication model by using time

interval Petri nets

By using the implemented time interval Petri net approach, structural and
behavioral properties of the modeled system can be analyzed. The analysis
delivers information about properties such as reachability, liveness, and boundedness. To describe the state of a time interval Petri net, the time component


Chapter 12

has to be considered because of the change of the net behavior with different
time intervals.
The analysis method consists of two steps. At rst, for a given transition
sequence the reachability graph has to be calculated without considering any
time restrictions. In the next step a state class for the given transition sequence
with consideration of the time intervals has to be built. Every class includes all
states with the same marking components. The states of one class differ by its
time components. A change in the marking component leads to a class change.
The method of class building is based on the investigation of ring capabilities for all transitions with the progressive time. The resulting inequation system
of every class can be solved with methods of linear optimization considering
additional conditions. Thereby for the given transition sequence, different time
characteristics can be found:
r Worst case: maximum-minimum analysis,
r Observance of time constraints (deadline),
r Livelock.
The analyzing method is implemented with methods of linear optimization,
the simplex algorithm, and the interior-point method. These methods can be
used alternatively.



The application example we have chosen to discover the possibilities of using

hybrid Petri nets for modeling embedded hybrid control systems and analyzing
time-related aspects of this system is an integrated multi-coordinate drive8 .
This is a complex mechatronic system including a so-called multicoordinate
measuring system. Figure 12-1 shows this incremental, incident light measuring
system consisting of three scanning units xed in the stator and a cross-grid
measure integrated into the stage. The two y-systems allow determining the
angle of rotation . The current x, y1 , and y2 position is determined by the cycle
detection of its corresponding sine and cosine signals. The full cycle counter
keeps track of completed periods of the incremental measuring system. This is
a precondition for the following deep interpolation. The cycle counter of these
signals is a function of the grid constant and the shift between the scanning grids
and the measure. The cycle counter provides a discrete position, and in many
cases this precision is sufcient for the motive control algorithm. To support a
very precise position control with micrometer or nanometer resolution, it must
be decided which possibility of increasing the measure precision is the most

Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets


scanning grids


measure with cross-grid

y1 -system


transmitters y2 -system

Figure 12-1. Multicoordinate measuring system.

cost-efcient. There is a limit to improving the optic and mechanical properties

because of the minimum distances in the grid.
Alternatively, an interpolation within a signal period can be used, whereby
the sampling rate of the A/D converter is increased, which would allow a more
detailed evaluation of the continuous signals of the receiver. The problem to be
solved in this application example leads to modeling and simulating the measure
system together with the evaluation algorithm for the position detection.
The measuring system is hierarchically modeled using components
(Fig. 12-2).

Figure 12-2. The principle of hierarchical modeling.


Chapter 12










Position pos





Figure 12-3. Component S

ignal generation.

Components with the same functionalities are abstracted into classes, put
into a class library, and instantiated while modeling. The modeling of a multihierarchical system is possible as well.


System environment

The component Signal generation(Fig. 12-3) simulates the sensor data

and provides the sine and cosine signals as well as a position value. For clearness
reasons this net is saved as a component into a subnet and gets the input places
Forward,Stop,and Backward.It provides a sine and a cosine signal and
additionally a position signal as a comparative value for a later error control
To simulate a potential misbehavior of the measuring system, external disturbances are modeled in the subnet Scrambler,which is included in the
component D
isturbanceof the complete system.


Measuring system components

The position detection of one axis is modeled with the component A

xismeasure(Fig. 12-4).
At rst, the input signals sineand cosineare normalized in the subnets
minmax sand minmax c.These subnets are identical in their functions and
were instantiated during the modeling process from the same class m
(Fig. 12-5). To nd out the exact position of the carrier, the cycle number has to
be determined in meas 1.To determine this correctly, the measuring system


Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets





































normalized sine

normalized cosine


calculated position



Figure 12-4. Subnet A


has to detect the moving direction of the carrier and with it the increasing or
decreasing of the cycle number. The original measuring system used a look-up
table, but this was very hard to model with Petri nets. Therefore, we changed
this into logic rules and used this to model the subnet p osition 1.


Model of the entire system

In Fig. 12-6, the model of the entire system is shown. Besides the measuring system, it includes the components for signal generation and external


















Figure 12-5. Subnet Minmax.



Chapter 12







axmess.sin axmess.nsin
axmess.cos axmess.ncos

































axmess.cos axmess.ncos







axmess.cos axmess.ncos


Time delay on/off


measured X-position

Zero line displacement on/off




Amplitude error on/off



measured Y-position






Figure 12-6. Model of the entire system.

disturbance simulation. The components for signal generation x/y1 /y2 directionare instances of the class Signaland model the signals of an ideal
The component Disturbanceincludes the simulation of various kinds of
signal disturbances (displacement of the zero line, amplitude errors, time delay,
etc.). The signal disturbances can be turned on and off at any time during the
The objects A
xismeasure x/y1 /y2 are based on the class A
and include the evaluation algorithm for the three directions. The motion of any
desired direction can be controlled by feeding marks into the places m1 to m8.
The x-position, the average y-position, and the divergence of the y-position
arose as result of the net calculation.


System simulation

The tool Visual Object Net++ 5 allows not only the modeling but also the
simulation of systems described with hybrid dynamic nets. During the simulation the ring of the transitions and the transport of the tokens are animated. The
changes of the place values can be visualized by signal diagrams (Fig. 12-7).

Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets


Figure 12-7. System behavior with different disturbances.

For example, the middle top diagram in Fig. 12-7 shows an extreme example
of a simulation with disturbances. It shows a clear exceeding of the zero line of
the cosine signal. Nevertheless, the normal values are correctly calculated and
the position of the machine is correctly displayed.


System analysis

The modeling and simulation tool VisualObjectNet++w as extended by

an analysis component for time constraints. In this application example, a time
interval Petri net for the component A
xismeasurewas made (Fig. 12-8). For a
dened transition sequence and given intervals, a maximum-minimum analysis
was made to determine the worst-case behavior of this system component. The
analysis results in the fulllment of the given restrictions.



Our investigation has shown the advantages of using hybrid Petri nets for
homogeneous modeling of an embedded hybrid system. The object-oriented
approach of the hybrid Petri net class used makes possible a clear modeling of
complex hybrid systems.
The analysis of time-related properties of complex embedded systems offers
the chance to check, in early stages of the design ow, if the modeled system
matches to given time constraints.
Things that have to be done in future are the extension and completion of
the system model and the integration of the modeling process in a complete
ow. Here we focus our future work on connecting our approach to


Chapter 12











T3 [0.1, 0.3]


T4 [3.0, 5.0]

new direction
of movement


T5 [9.5, 10.1]

T6 [0.1, 0.3]




T7 [0.1, 0.3]


Figure 12-8. Interval Petri net of the analyzed system component.

other approaches related to hardware/software partitioning and SoC design on

system level.

This research work was supported by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Association) as part of the investigation project
Design and Design Methodology of Embedded Systemswith the subject
Design of Embedded Parallel Control Systems for Integrated Multi-Axial Motive Systemsunder grant FE373/13-1/2.

Design of Embedded Control Systems Using Hybrid Petri Nets


1. H. Alla, R. David, J. Le Bail, Hybrid Petri nets. In: Proceedings of the European Control
Conference, Grenoble (1991).
2. H. Alla, R. David, Continuous Petri nets. In: Proceedings of the 8th European Workshop
on Application and Theory of Petri nets, Saragossa (1987).
3. R. Drath, Modeling hybrid systems based on modied Petri nets. PhD Thesis, TU Ilmenau,
(1999) (in German).
4. R. Drath, Hybrid object nets: An object-oriented concept for modeling complex hybrid
systems. In: Hybrid Dynamical Systems. Third International Conference on Automation of
Mixed Processes, ADPM98, Reims (1998).
5. L. Popova-Zeugmann, Time Petri nets. PhD Thesis, Humboldt-Universit
at zu Berlin (1989)
(in German).
6. L. Popova-Zeugmann, On Parametrical Sequences in Time Petri Nets. HumboldtUniversity Berlin, Institute of Informatics.
7. C.A. Petri, Communication with Automata. Schriften des IIM Nr. 2, Institut f
ur Instrumentelle Mathematik, Bonn (1962) (in German).
8. E. Saffert, C. Sch
affel, E. Kallenbach, Control of an integrated multi-coordinate drive. In:
Mechatronics96, Vol. 1, Guimaraes, Portugal, Proceedings 151
156 September 18

Section IV

Implementation of Discrete-Event
Systems in Programmable Logic

Chapter 13

From specication to FPGA-based implementations
Lus Gomes1 , Joao Paulo Barros1,2 , and Aniko Costa1
1 Universidade

Nova de Lisboa / UNINOVA, Monte de Caparica, Portugal

Politecnico de Beja, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestao, Beja, Portugal;
e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

2 Instituto


This chapter addresses the use of modular model structuring mechanisms for the
design of embedded systems, using reactive Petri nets. Relevant characteristics
of reactive Petri nets are briey presented. One graphical hierarchical structuring mechanism named horizontal decomposition is presented. This mechanism
relies on the usage of macronodes, which have subnets associated with them
and can be seen as a generalization of widely known mechanisms available in
several Petri nets tools. Three types of macronodes are used: macroplace, macrotransition, and macroblock. The model execution is accomplished through the
execution of the models at representation. Additional folding mechanisms are
proposed through the introduction of a vector notation associated with nodes
and external signals. A running example of a controller for a 3-cell rst-in-rstout system is used illustrating the several modular construction mechanisms.
High-level and low-level Petri net models are used and compared for this purpose. A modular composition operation is presented and its use in the controllers design is exemplied. Finally, an overview of distinct eld programmable
gate array (FPGA)-based implementation strategies for the referred controller is

Key words:

Petri nets; structuring mechanisms; modular design; programmable logic devices;

eld programmable gate arrays.



Petri nets are a well-known formal specication language offering numerous and important advantages for the modeling of concurrent and distributed


Chapter 13

systems10 . Among them we emphasize three: locality, concurrency, and

graphical representation. Locality means the models evolution is based on
transition ring, and the ring of a specic transition is evaluated exclusively
on the basis of its attributes and its input and output arcs and places. Concurrency is implicit as transitions can re independently (if they have disjointed
associated conditions).
The graphical representation often allows a more readable model provided
some care is taken to decompose large models in smaller parts. In fact, although the importance of a modular system structuring has been recognized
since a long time, Petri nets have no intrinsic support for modular structuring. This has motivated several proposals for the modular structuring of Petri
net models17,4,16,18,8,6,12,13 . These proposals allow different levels of abstraction
enabling an incremental model construction.
From our point of view, the concepts proposed in Huber et al.17 , namely
substitution transitions and substitution places, are of utmost importance. The
substitution transition concept is probably the most used hierarchical structuring mechanism, as it is also used by the two main coloured Petri nets tools:
CPNTools and Design/CPN. The substitution place mechanism plays a dual
role related with substitution transitions. In both cases, the model execution
is accomplished through the at model obtained after the fusion of nodes in
one net level with nodes in the other net level. It is important to stress that, in
Huber et al.17 , one is not allowed to directly connect a substitution place to a
substitution transition. Moreover this was identied but was considered not to
be a serious restriction. We disagree with that assumption and we will consider
a more exible hierarchical structuring mechanism, supporting modular specications. Some other model-structuring mechanisms, important for embedded
systems specication, are not used in this chapter. Among them, one can mention the concept of depth, extensively used in statecharts15 , and also integrated
in some Petri net classes.
The chapter extends a previous paper on hierarchical structuring mechanisms for Petri nets, for use in the programmable logic devices (PLD)-based
systems12 , with a proposal for modular addition of Petri net models and a discussion about several strategies for their implementation in PLDs, namely in
eld programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). The chapter starts by a brief presentation of a Petri net class supporting hierarchical structuring of Petri net models.
Then we present a running example, which is used to show several distinct and
alternative ways to compose Petri net models. Next, horizontal decomposition
is presented and the system structure is shown to be speciable in a precise
way by the use of an operation for the modular addition of Petri net models
named net addition. The chapter ends with a discussion about several possible
strategies to implement net models in FPGAs.

Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models




In the present chapter, we will use as reference a nonautonomous high-level

Petri net class, named reactive petri nets11 (RPN). This class of Petri nets is
briey and informally presented in this section.
Its characteristics are divided into two groups: the autonomous part, dealing with the intrinsic graph characteristics; and the nonautonomous part,
modeling of: inputs, outputs, time, priorities, conict resolutions, and other
implementation-specic issues. The name reactive for the Petri net class comes
from the proposed semantics for transition ring.
Because of their intrinsic characteristics, coloured Petri nets18 were chosen
as the reference model for the autonomous part of the model. They have two
main advantages: the capability to create compact models; and the possibility
to specify data processing, in addition to control ow. The former allows a
useful treatment of structural and marking symmetries found in many realworld applications, while the latter complements the control-dominated nature
of low-level Petri nets. This is very desirable for embedded systems modeling.
The data processing specication is supported by transition bindings, guards,
and arc inscriptions.
Synchronized Petri nets and interpreted Petri nets19,9 , as well as statecharts15 ,
are the reference paradigms for the nonautonomous part in RPNs. However, in
this chapter, only the extensions associated with input/output modeling are
Modeling of input events is accomplished through their usual association
with transitions. In this sense, input is specied by event conditions associated with transitions. The transition ring rule was changed so as to consider
the new input dependency. As such, for a transition to re it must fulll two
conditions: it must be enabled (by the existence of a specic binding of tokens presented in the input places), and it must be ready (the external input
evaluation must be true). Every enabled and ready transition will be red.
This means that the maximal step is always used. This is the approach followed by the already referred synchronized Petri net and interpreted Petri net
Output actions can be associated with either transition rings or place
markings. In the former case, transition ring generates output events (as in
a Mealy automaton). In the latter case, output actions are generated according to the place markings (as in a Moore automaton). Outputs can be made
dependent on specic marking or binding attributes, as convenient. As an
example, an output associated with a place can be updated only if a specic attribute of the coloured token stored in the place satises a specic


Chapter 13



In this section we present a running example that allows us to illustrate the

structuring and composition mechanisms that we will introduce. It is a 3-cell
rst-in-rst-out (FIFO) system with four associated conveyor belts. This is a
simplied version of an example presented elsewhere14 .
Each conveyor (except the last one) has sensors to detect objects on its inputs
and outputs. These sensors have associated variables IN[1..4] and OUT[1..3].
Each conveyor also has movement control, through the variables MOVE[1..3].
Figure 13-1 presents the referred layout.
Depending on the designer preferences, several modeling styles can be used,
e.g., starting with a high-level Petri net model, as in Fig. 13-2, or using low-level
nets, as in Fig. 13-3. In Fig. 13-2, as a simplied notation, the ith element of
the input/output signal vector x, x[i], is referred to as xi. As a matter of fact,
Fig. 13-3 can be seen as a (slightly modied) unfolding of the model in Fig. 132. In Fig. 13-3, we can easily identify three model parts associated with different
token colors in Fig. 13-2. Places and transitions in Fig. 13-3 exhibit the names
used in Fig. 13-2 and additionally receive a vector index. This will be presented
later on.
The colored model in Fig. 13-2 easily accommodates the modeling associated with the systems expansion. For example, if one wants to model a 25-cell
FIFO system, the changes are really easy to follow, as far as only initial marking
at pa and p6, and guards at t2 and t3, is changed accordingly.
On the other hand, the equivalent low-level Petri net model will expand
through several pages, although as a result of the duplication of a specic
submodel. Yet, for an implementation based on elementary platforms (those
without sophisticated computational resources), it is probably preferable to
start from the low-level model, as it can be used directly as an implementation
specication. This is the case for hardware implementations, namely the ones
supported by FPGAs (or other recongurable devices), where each node can be



Number of cells N = 3
Figure 13-1. N -cell FIFO system model (with N = 3).


Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models

<2> <3>






INi+1=0 <i> i=1 or i=2 <i>

<i> i=1 <i>
i=1 or
INi+1=1 <i>
<i> t7 <i+1>

Free <2> <3>

and busy


<i> <i>

IF <i>

Figure 13-2. High-level Petri net model of the FIFO system.

directly translated to implementation: places as ip-ops or registers, transitions

as combinatorial logic functions.
In this sense, it is important to allow compactness of the model while keeping the low-level modeling attitude. This is one major goal of the proposals in this chapter. To this end, let us start by identifying, in Fig. 13-4, the
submodel that has to be replicated for each cell that we want to add to the
FIFO system. This attitude uses the common structuring mechanism usually
referred as macronode, or horizontal decomposition, and widely used within
low-level nets (i.e., in automation applications). It is also used by colored
Petri nets and associated tools as part of the hierarchical colored Petri net
class18 .
We name the nodes on the border of this submodel interface nodes. It has to
be noted that the model in Fig. 13-3 can be obtained by a triple replication of
the submodel presented in Fig. 13-4 and the addition of one transition and one
place. The added transition represents the initial feeding of the system with an
object in the rst conveyor; the added place represents the objects that exit the
system (as one last conveyor).
It has to be noted that places ppa and ppb of Cell[i] are fused with places
pa and pb of Cell[i + 1], respectively. In this sense, ppa and ppb can be seen
as dummy places used to allow submodels to be glued together and to offer the
support for the addition of an arc from place pa of Cell[i] to transition t3 of
Cell[i 1]. Therefore, places ppa/ppb are graphical conveniences to represent
the arcs to or from transition t3 or t7, by this sense, we can represent the


Chapter 13





1] OUT[1]=11 p3[1] OUT[1]=0



2 =1





p7[2] OUT[2]=1















IN[2 ]=0






pa [3]
p7[3] OUT[3]=1












Figure 13-3. Low-level net model for the FIFO system.

submodel, in an encapsulated form, by one node (named macroblock). This

allows the higher-level representation shown in Fig. 13-5.
As a nal folding step, we may take advantage of the regularity of the model
and also of the vectorial notation we have been using for the representation of
external signals, places, and transitions. This makes possible the compact model
in Fig. 13-6. As in the colored model, it is easy to accommodate the modeling
of a 25-cell FIFO system: we only need to replace 3 by 25 in three arc
inscriptions and change the vector dimension.
Typically, the design of Petri net models starts with the construction of a
graphical specication for the system model, but afterward we need to represent it formally (to feed our verication and implementation tools). The












IN[i+1]=1 ppb



Cell [i]

Interface nodes
pa - Conveyor free
pb - Conveyor moving
ppa - Next conveyor free
ppb - Next conveyor moving

Other places interpretation

p2 - Product processing in the cell
p3 - Feeding
p5 - Redraw
p6 - Cell free
p7 - Conveyor stop and busy

Figure 13-4. Submodel of a cell.


Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models

IN[1 ] =1







b[1] = Cell[i=1]





b[2] = Cell [i=2] b[3] = Celll [i=3]


Figure 13-5. Model of the system using macroblocks.

/ {1}: <>, k-1
IN[1] =1





<>, k{3}




b[i=1..3] = Cell [i]

/ {3}: <>, k+1

Figure 13-6. Folded model of the system based on a vector of macroblocks.

formalization of the net composition, including the use of macronodes for hierarchical structuring, can be supported by a small set of operations (dened
elsewhere1,13 ). The basic operation is named net addition.
Net addition is an intuitive operation that works in two steps. In the rst step,
two nets are considered as a single net (a disjoint union). In the second step,
several pairs of nodes (either places or transitions) are fused. Figure 13-7 exemplies net addition. The addition of the two upper nets, Start and Cell, results
in net StartCell. Roughly speaking, the addition was accomplished through the


IN[1 ] =1































OUT[1]= 0






Figure 13-7. Addition of nets.







Chapter 13

fusion of two pairs of places: pp1 from the Start net with pa from the Cell net
and pp2 from the Start net with pb from the Cell net.
The operation is amenable to be algebraically represented as
StartCell = Cell Start (pa/ppl pa, pb/pp2 pb)


where the places preceding the arrows are the interface nodes. The nodes after
the arrows are the resulting merged nodes. For example, the notation pa/pp1
pa means that nodes pa and pp1 are merged (fused) together giving origin to a
new node named pa.
Also, the whole model presented in Fig. 13-3 can be straightforwardly produced through the following expression, where Place represents a subnet with
no transitions and a single place p1 containing one token* :
System = Place Cell[3] Cell[2] Cell[1] Start
(Cell[1].pa/pp pa[1], Cell[1].pb/pp2 pb[1],
Cell[1].ppb/Cell[2].pb pb[2], Cell[1].ppa/Cell[2].pa pa[2],
Cell[2].ppb/Cell[3].pb pb[3], Cell[2].ppa/Cell[3].pa pa[3],
Cell[3].ppb/Cell[3].ppa/p1 p1)
First, the expression clearly shows the nets and the net instances that are
added together. Then the expression shows the node fusions used to glue the
nets together. We name this list of node fusions expressions a net collapse and
each of the elements in the list a named fusion set. These two concepts, as well
as net addition, are informally dened in section 5.



The horizontal decomposition mechanism is dened in the common way

used in top-down and bottom-up approaches, supporting renements and abstractions, and is based on the concept of module. The module is modeled in
a separated net, stored in a page; every page may be used several times in the
same design as a net instance. The pages with references to the modules are
referred to as superpages (upper-level pages), while the pages containing the
module model are referred to as subpages (lower-level pages). The nodes of
the net model related with hierarchical structuring are named by macronodes.
Three types of macronodes are used: macroplace, macrotransition (also used
by hierarchical colored Petri nets18 ), and macroblock. Every macronode has an
* Note


that, for simplication purposes, in Fig. 13-3, the nodes named Cell[i].n appear as

Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models


associated subpage that can be referred to as a macronet. Distinctive graphical

notations are used for the representation of macronodes: macroplaces are represented by a double circle (or ellipse), macrotransitions by a rectangle, and macroblocks are represented in a half-macroplace and half-macrotransition manner.
They correspond to modules in a more general way. In this sense, the mechanism can be seen as a generalization of the macrotransition and macroplace
concepts available in several tools. The hybrid nature of the macroblock node
enables the existence of arcs connecting similar types of nodes (as shown in previous gures), although the bipartite intrinsic characteristic of Petri nets is not
violated, as this representation is not an executable specication (at this level).
In fact, the models execution is accomplished through the at model, which
was the motivation for the name of this decomposition type. Finally, we note
that this type of hierarchical decomposition is based solely in the autonomous
characteristics of the model.



In this section we informally present net addition and the two main associated
concepts: net collapse and named fusion sets. The respective formal denitions
can be found elsewhere3 , together with a more comprehensive presentation. An
implementation of these concepts is also presented elsewhere2 . It is proposed in
accordance with the Petri Net Markup Language (PNML)5 , which is currently
the major input for a transfer format for the International Standard ISO/IEC
15909 on high-level Petri nets.
For simplication purposes, we base our presentation in terms of a lowlevel marked Petri net. This implies that all the nonautonomous extensions as
well as the high-level features are not mentioned. In fact, for net inscriptions,
only the net marking is taken into account: the respective place markings are
added when places are fused. This assumes the existence of a net addition
operation dened for net markings. All other net inscriptions can be handled
in a similar manner as long as the respective addition operation is dened on
We now present informal denitions for a few concepts implicit in a net
addition operation.
Given a net with a set of places P and a set of transitions T , we say that a
fusion set is a subset of P or a subset of T . A fusion set with n nodes x1 , x2 . . . , xn
is denoted as x1 /x2 / . . . /xn .
As the objective of fusion sets is the specication of a new fused node,
we also dene named fusion sets. A named fusion set is simply a fusion set
(x1 /x2 / . . . /xn ) plus the name for the node resulting (rn) from the fusion of all
the nodes in the fusion set. It is denoted as x1 /x2 / . . . /xn r n. This notation


Chapter 13

was already used in the (1) and (2). We also say that Nodes (x1 /x2 / . . . /xn
r n) = {x1 /x2 , . . . , xn }, and Result (x1 /x2 / . . . /xn r n) = r n.
Fusion sets and named fusion sets constitute the basis for the net collapse
denition: a net collapse is simply a list of named fusion sets. For example, (1)
uses a net collapse containing two named fusion sets.
The application of a net collapse CO to a net N is named a net collapse
operation. Informally, each named fusion set nfs, in a net collapse CO, fuses
all the nodes in Nodes(nfs) into the respective single node Result(nfs). A net
addition between two or more nets is dened as a net disjoint union of all the
nets, followed by a net collapse operation on the resulting net.
Finally, the interested reader should refer to Refs. 2 and 3, where an additional reverse operation named net subtraction is also dened. This allows the
undoing of a previous addition operation in a structured way.



The example presented already illustrated the use of net instances, which
are specied by the net name followed by an index number between square
brackets (e.g. Cell[2]). This is called the net instance name. The rationale for
this notation comes from viewing each net as a template from which any number
of instances can be created. Two instances are made different by the respective
instance numbers. All the node identiers and all the net inscriptions of a
given net instance become prexed by the net instance name (e.g. Cell[2].p6).
This guarantees that all the elements in two net instances of a given net are
The use of net instances is made particularly useful if we allow the denition
of net vectors and iterators across the net vector elements. A net vector is simply
a list of net instances: Cell[1..3] = (Cell[1], Cell[2], Cell[3]).
A vector iterator is dened as an integer variable that can be specied
together with a vector declaration. This is used in the specication of net collapses. In this way we can specify collapse vectors, which allow the gluing of
an arbitrary number of net instances. As an example, (3) generalizes (2) to any
number of cells ((2) corresponds to NCells = 2):
System = Place Cell[1.. NCells] Start
(Cell[1].pa/pp1 pa[1], Cell[1].pb/pp2 pb[1],
(Cell[i].ppb/Cell[i + 1].pb pb[i + 1],
Cell[i].ppa/Cell[i + 1].pa pa[i + 1])
[i : 1..NCells 1],
Cell[3].ppb/ Cell[3].ppa/p1 p1)


Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models


Especially important is the fact that (3) allows the specication of a similar
system with any number of cells. Note the use of an iterator variable i in the
specication of the addition collapse.
Vectors are also extremely useful for the input events. If we dene an input
event vector with NIE elements ie[NIE], we can then use a vector element ie[i]
as an event. If the index value iis specied as a (colored) transition variable, it
can then be used to bind i. This is another way for the execution environment to
interfere with the net execution. In this sense, transition ring depends not only
on the marking of the connected places (as common on a Petri net), constrained
by the guard expressions, but also on the occurrence of the associated events12 .



Although the complexity of the running example is relatively small, it is

amenable to exercise different possible implementation solutions. Designers
can follow several implementation strategies from direct implementations
to indirect ones, including some hybrid implementations and from colored
models to low-level nets. The appeal of the running example presented is that
it allows simple comparisons between different ways to implement Petri nets
models in hardware. Also, some of the tested solutions can use a microprocessor
IP core to be embedded into FPGA designs. This allows us to exercise hardwaresoftware codesign techniques within Petri net implementations.
As a common framework we had considered hardware implementations
based on programmable logic devices; for most situations, complex programmable logic devices (CPLDs) can be adequate (or even simple devices
like PALs for some solutions), but for some implementations, FPGA usage is
mandatory (i.e., when we intend to use IP cores).
As another common characteristic for the tested implementations, VHDL
coding was used for FPGA and CPLD implementations. This choice was due
to the expressiveness capabilities of VHDL and also to its support for portability among different environments. Having said this, we have to add that all
implementations were tested using Xilinx devices, some of them with CPLDs
XC9536 and XC95108, but most of them with Spartan2 FPGA X2S200.
Several of the strategies referred to are very straightforward to implement.
In the following paragraphs we summarize the main solutions we have tested
or analyzed:
r The most intuitive implementation technique is to face direct implementation of every node of the low-level model; taking Fig. 13-3 as reference,
each place can be implemented by a ip-op (because it is a safe model),
and each transition can be implemented as a combinatorial logic function
(also dependent of external input signals).


Chapter 13

r One alternative implementation solution, applicable to small complexity

models, is the behaviorally equivalent state space, normally used for analysis
and propriety verication. This alternative systems representation can be
generated using a computer tool and can be implemented as an ordinary state
machine. It is to be noted that even for relatively simple examples, such as
the one presented, the associated state space is too large to be managed
without the support of adequate tools (this was the main reason why it
was not viable to exercise this implementation technique for the example).
Note that for hardware direct implementations, any kind of state encoding
technique can be used, from global encoding schemes to one-hot encoding;
yet, the state machine can also be implemented in software, which can, in
turn, be embedded into the FPGA through a microcontroller IP core (e.g.,
the picoblaze core7 was successfully used).
r Alternatively, we may decompose the model into a set of interacting submodels that will be executed concurrently; one solution using this attitude
relies on the module concept associated with the macroblock previously
identied in Fig. 13-4 (readily supported by the implementation language,
VHDL); also, the usage of place invariant analysis led us to the conclusion
that the ve place invariants cover all the places of the model, and each
invariant can be seen as a state machine (as far as only one place of the
invariant is marked at a time). In this sense, the systems implementation
could be based on the partitioning of the model into ve concurrent state machines, which were trivially implemented, coded in either hardware (using
VHDL) or software (using an assembler, with the support of the picoblaze
r Finally, we may also decide for the direct implementation of the colored Petri
net model, taking advantage of the existence of no conicts in the model;
to that end, places can be implemented using registers, and each transition
can be implemented through a microcontroller IP core, which supports the
data transformation characteristics associated with transitions.



In this paper, Petri net-based digital system design was addressed. Modular
design was supported by the concept of the net addition operation. A hierarchical structuring mechanism, named horizontal decomposition, was presented
on the basis of the concept of module, which can be represented by special
kind of nodes, named macronodes, and was complemented by the vectorial
representation of nodes and signals. Their usage was successfully validated
through an example of a controller for a low-to-medium complexity system,
which was implemented on the basis of programmable logic devices (normally

Structuring Mechanisms in Petri Net Models


FPGAs, although CPLD- or even PAL-based implementations were carried


1. Joao Paulo Barros, Lus Gomes, Modifying Petri net models by means of crosscutting
operations. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Application of Concurrency to System Design (ACSD2003); Guimaraes, Portugal (1820 June 2003).
2. Joao Paulo Barros, Lus Gomes, Operational PNML: Towards a PNML support for model
construction and modication. In: Workshop on the Denition, Implementation and Application of a Standard Interchange Format for Petri Nets; Satellite event at the International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets 2004, Bologna, Italy (June 26,
3. Joao Paulo Barros, Lus Gomes, Net model composition and modication by net operations: A pragmatic approach. In: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference
on Industrial Informatics (INDIN04), Berlin, Germany (2426 June, 2004).
4. Luca Bernardinello, Fiorella De Cindio; A survey of basic net models and modular net
classes. In: Advances in Petri Nets 1992; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, G. Rozenberg
(ed.). Springer-Verlag (1992).
5. Jonathan Billington, Sren Christensen, Kees van Hee, Ekkart Kindler, Olaf Kummer,
Laure Petrucci, Reinier Post, Christian Stehno, Michael Weber, The Petri net markup
language: Concepts, technology, and tools. In: W. van der Aalst, E. Best (ed.), Proceeding
of the 24th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets, LNCS, Vol.
2679, p. 483505, Eindhoven, Holland, Springer-Verlag. (June 2003).
6. Peter Buchholz, Hierarchical high level Petri nets for complex system analysis. In: R.
Valette (ed.) Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994, Proceedings of 15th International
Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 815, pp. 119138,
(1994) Springer-Verlag.
7. Ken Chapman; Picoblaze;
8. Sren Christensen, N.D. Hansen. Coloured Petri nets extended with channels for synchronous communication. Application and Theory of Petri Nets 1994, Proceedings of
15th International Conference, Zaragoza, Spain, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol.
815, (1994), pp. 159178.
9. R. David, H. Alla, Petri Nets & Grafcet; Tools for Modelling Discrete Event Systems.
Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd; ISBN 0-13-327537-X (1992).
10. Claude Girault, Rudiger Valk, Petri Nets for Systems EngineeringA Guide to Modelling,
Verication, and Applications, Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-41217-4 (2003).
11. Luis Gomes, Redes de Petri Reactivas e HierarquicasIntegraca o de Formalismos no
Projecto de Sistemas Reactivos de Tempo-Real (in Portuguese). Universidade Nova de
Lisboa 318 pp. (1997).
12. Luis Gomes, Joao Paulo Barros, Using hierarchical structuring mechanisms with Petri nets
for PLD based system design. In: Workshop on Discrete-Event System Design, DESDes01,
2729 June 2001; Zielona Gora, Poland, (2001).
13. Luis Gomes, Joao Paulo Barros, On structuring mechanisms for Petri nets based system
design. In: Proceedings of ETFA20032003 IEEE Conference on Emerging Technologies
and Factory Automation Proceedings, September, 1619, 2003, Lisbon, Portugal; IEEE
Catalog Number 03TH86961 ISBN 0-7803-7937-3.


Chapter 13

14. Luis Gomes, Adolfo Steiger-Garca o, Programmable controller design based on a synchronized colored Petri net model and integrating fuzzy reasoning. In: Application and Theory
of Petri Nets95; Giorgio De Michelis, Michel Diaz (eds.); Lecture Notes in Computer
Science; Vol. 935; Springer, Berlin, pp. 218237 (1995).
15. David Harel, Statecharts: A visual formalism for complex systems. Science of Computer
Programming, 8, 231274 (1987).
16. Xudong He, John A. N. Lee. A methodology for constructing predicate transition net
specications. Software-Practice and Experience, 21(8), 845875 (August 1991).
17. P. Huber, K. Jensen, R.M. Shapiro, Hierarchies in Coloured Petri Nets. In: Advances
in Petri Nets 1990, Lecture Nores in Computer Science, Vol. 483, G. Rozenberg (ed.);
pp. 313341 (1990).
18. Kurt Jensen, Coloured Petri Nets: Basic Concepts, Analysis Methods and Practical Use,
Vol. 1. Springer-Verlag, ISBN 3-540-55597-8 (1992).
19. Manuel Silva, Las Redes de Petri: En la Automatica y la Informatica. Editorial AC, Madrid,
ISBN 84 7288 045 1 (1985).

Chapter 14


Enrique Soto1 and Miguel Pereira2
1 Dept.

Tecnologa Electronica, Universidad de Vigo, Apdo. Ocial, 36200 Vigo, Espana,

[email protected]
2 Intelsis Sistemas Inteligentes S.A.R&D Digital Systems Department, Va Edison 16 Polgono
del Tambre 15890, Santiago de Compostela (La Coruna): e-mail [email protected]


This paper discusses how the FPGA architectures affect the implementation of
Petri net specications. Taking into consideration the observations from that study,
a method is developed for obtaining VHDL descriptions amenable to synthesis,
and tested against other standard methods of implementation. These results have
relevance in the integration of access technologies to high-speed telecommunication networks, where FPGAs are excellent implementation platforms.

Key words:

Petri nets; VHDL; FPGA; synthesis.



In many applications it is necessary to develop control systems based on

Petri nets1 . When a complex system is going to be implemented in a small
space, the best solution may be to use a FPGA.
FPGA architectures2 are divided in many programmable and congurable
modules that can be interconnected with the aim of optimizing the use of the
device surface. It is necessary to remember that the main problem of PLDs,
PALs, and PLAs is the poor use of the device surface, that is, the low percentage
of logic gates used. This occurs because this kind of programmable device has
only one matrix for AND operations and another matrix for OR operations.
FPGAs are different because they are composed of small congurable logic
blocks (CLBs) that work like sequential systems. CLBs are composed of a RAM
memory and one or more macrocells. Each CLB RAM memory is programmed
with the combinational system that denes the behavior of the sequential system.


Chapter 14

On each macrocell a memory element (bistable) and a conguration circuit are

included. The conguration circuit denes the behavior of the macrocell.
VHDL is a standard hardware description language capable of representing the hardware independent of its nal implementation3 . It is also widely
supported by a number of simulation and synthesis tools.



It is necessary to take into account the following points for implementing a

sequential system on a FPGA:
r The system must be divided into low complexity subsystems for integrating
them on each CLB of the FPGA.
r Usually, CLBs have only four or ve inputs, and one or two outputs (macrocells), and sometimes it is necessary to achieve a strong division of the
global system for integrating the subsystems into the CLBs.
r CLBs are interconnected through buses. These buses are connected to congurable connection matrices that have a limited capacity. It is necessary to
bring near one another subsystems with a strong dependence between them
to optimize the use of these connection matrices.
These points can be followed in many cases when implementing a Petri net.
There are two kinds of elements in a Petri net: places and transitions. The circuit
implementation of these elements is relatively easy, as shown in the schematics
of a place and a transition in Fig. 14-1. Each one of these elements can be
programmed in one or more CLBs following the model shown in Fig. 14-1.
That would not be the most compact and efcient design, but it would be the
Each place and transition can be implemented on a CLB. The main problem
is the low number of inputs in a CLB. Sometimes it is necessary to use more

Figure 14-1. Electrical schematics of a place and a transition.

Implementing A Petri Net Specication in a FPGA Using VHDL


CLBs for each element. T inputs are the signals generated for the preceding
transitions. R inputs are connected to the output of the next transitions. LS is
the output signal of the place. E inputs are the system inputs involved in the
transition. L inputs are the signals generated for the preceding places. TS is the
output of the transition.
For obtaining the most compact and efcient design, it is necessary to make
the following transformations.
In the models of Fig. 14-1, each place of the Petri net is associated to one
bit-state (one-hot encoding). This is not the most compact solution because
most of the designs do not need every combination of bits for dening all the
states of the system. For instance, in many cases a place being active implies
that a set of places will not be active. Coding the place bits with a reduced
number of bits will be a good solution because the number of CLBs decreases.
For instance, if a Petri net with six places always has only one place active, it
is enough to use only 3 bits for coding the active place number (binary state
The other transformation consists of implementing the combinational circuit
of the global system and dividing the nal sequential system (combinational
circuit and memory elements).
These transformations are used for making compact and fast designs, but
they have some limitations.
When a compacted system is divided, maybe too many CLBs have to be
used, because of the low number of inputs on each CLB (four or ve inputs). This
obstacle supposes sometimes to use more CLBs than dividing a noncompacted
Verifying or updating a concrete signal of the Petri net in a compacted
system may be difcult. It is necessary to take into account the achieved transformations and to supply the inverse transformations for monitoring the signal.
This problem can be exposed in failure-tolerant systems. This kind of systems
need to verify their signals while they are running. This system may be more
complex if it has been compacted previously.
To avoid the mentioned problems, this paper proposes a solution that consists
in implementing the system using special blocks composed of one place and a
transition. With this kind of blocks compact systems can be achieved, preserving
the Petri net structure. Figure 14-2 shows an example of Petri net divided into
ve blocks. Each block is implemented in a CLB.



With this kind of implementation of Petri net-based systems, every CLB

is composed of a place connected to a transition. The place can be activated


Chapter 14

Figure 14-2. Example of Petri net divided into blocks for implementation in FPGA.

through its inputs connected to other transitions. It will be deactivated through

reset inputs, or through the transition that is in the block (Fig. 14-3).
The transition will be active when the preceding place is active and the
transition inputs have the appropriated values. Every block has two outputs,
one state bit corresponding to the place, and a transition bit.
Figure 14-3 presents the description of the new blocks that are developed in
a congurable block in a FPGA. On the left, a simplied digital schematic of
the block is shown, where
r T is the input bits set connected to other transitions for activating the place,
r R is the vector of signals for deactivating the place since other transitions,
r LE are the signals coming from other places and other input signals that let
the activation of the transition,

Figure 14-3. Description of the new blocks.

Implementing A Petri Net Specication in a FPGA Using VHDL


r LS is the output place, and

r TS is the output transition,
Figure 14-3 shows logical and electronic schematics of these blocks. The
place and the transition are interconnected through two signals in the block.
These signals are not always connected to the exterior. This detail allows a
reduction of the CLB connections in a FPGA. In many cases a concrete CLB
does not have enough inputs for including a block of this kind. In those cases,
it is necessary to use auxiliary CLBs for implementing the block. However,
it is unusual to nd a Petri net on which every place is preceded by a high
number of transitions (or to nd a transition preceded by many places). Usually,
most places and transitions in a practical Petri net are connected to one or two
transitions or places, respectively (except common resources or synchronism
points). Figures 14-4 and 14-5 show some examples in which there is an element
preceded by many others.
There are cases in which the number of CLB inputs is not enough to include
a place or a transition in the CLB. Figure 14-6 shows a logical schematic for
expanding the block inputs. The logic gates connected outside the block placetransition are used for incrementing the number of inputs. In this gure, four
CLBs are necessary for implementing the block. Three of them are auxiliary
blocks and have the function of concentrating a number of inputs in one signal.

Figure 14-4. Examples of different block interconnections for implementing several places
(above) or several transitions (below) with one other element.


Chapter 14

Figure 14-5. Example of interconnection for implementing several places and transitions.

Figure 14-6. Block schematic with a high number of inputs.



The methodology proposed uses the blocks described above as a set

of parametrizable objects available in VHDL libraries. The implementation
is simply the interconnection, according to the Petri net specication, of
those objects whose correctness is guaranteed. The VHDL description represents correctly the specication as long the Petri net does it. The resulting architecture that is implemented within the FPGA is OHE (one-hot
This solution gives best results in the implementation of SRAM-based
FPGA4 , at least as long as the number of places and the random logic associated with the transitions is not too complex relative to the combinational
logic available in the FPGA.

Implementing A Petri Net Specication in a FPGA Using VHDL


Figure 14-7. Schematic of the connections for the Petri net of Fig. 14-1 with congurable



Figure 14-7 shows the blocks interconnection of a Petri net-based system

on a FPGA. The given example corresponds to the net of Fig. 14-2.
Each block is a CLB of the FPGA, and it is not necessary to include auxiliary
blocks for incrementing the number of inputs of the elements of the net. There
is only a place with two input signals in the net of Fig. 14-2. Rest of the
places have only one input signal. If some element had more than two inputs,
it would be necessary to use the structures of Fig. 14-4, and then the number of
CLBs would be increased. The results of different design methodologies using
a sample FPGA are summarized in Table 14-1.
Table 14-1. The results of the FPGA design methods
Design method
VDHL behavioral
This paper


Design process

FPGA resources in use

Device frequency achieved



27, 62 MHz
16, 75 MHz
63, 69 MHz


In this paper, the implementation of Petri net-based systems on FPGAs has

been discussed. The main problem consists of using places and transitions with a


Chapter 14

different number of inputs, including the case when there are more inputs than a
congurable block of a FPGA. For that, a method has been developed through
two circuit models, one for places and the other for transitions. With these
models a new block has been presented that contains a place interconnected
with a transition. The purpose of this block is to reduce the interconnections
between CLBs in a FPGA and, therefore, reducing the number of inputs on
each block (especially, feedback signals necessary to reset preceding places).
This method is optimal for Petri nets in which most places and transitions are
preceded by one or two (but no more) transitions or places. Furthermore, some
possibilities have been shown for the interconnection of blocks that increase the
number of inputs in elements of a Petri net. The main purpose of this method
is to integrate the maximum number of elements of a Petri net in a FPGA.

This work was nanced by the European Commission and the Comision
Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologa (Spain) through research grant TIC
1FD97-2248-C02-02 in collaboration with Versaware SL (Vigo, Spain).

1. R. Zurawski, M.C. Zhou, Petri nets and industrial applications: A tutorial. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (December 1994).
2. FLEX8000 HandBook ALTERA Corp. (1994).
3. E. Soto, E. Mandado, J. Farina, Lenguajes de descripcion hardware (HDL): El lenguaje
VHDL. Mundo Electronico (April 1993).
4. John Nemec, Stoke the res of FPGA design. Keep an FPGAs architecture in mind and
produce designs that will yield optimum performance and efciency. Electronic Design
(October 25, 1994).

Chapter 15


Hana Kubatova
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Czech Technical University in Prague,
Karlovo nam. 13, 121 35 Prague 2, Czech Republic; e-mail: [email protected]


This paper deals with the possibility of the description and decomposition of the
nite state machine (FSM). The aim is to obtain better placement of a designed
FSM to the selected FPGA. It compares several methods of encoding of the FSM
internal states with respect to the space (the number of CLB blocks) and time
characteristics. It evaluates the FSM benchmarks and seeks for such qualitative
properties to choose the best method for encoding before performing all FOUNDATION CAD system algorithms, since this process is time consuming. The new
method for encoding the internal FSM states is presented. All results are veried
by experiments.

Key words:

nite state machine (FSM); hardware description language (HDL); state transition
graph (STG); encoding method; decomposition; benchmark.



Most research reports and other materials devoted to searching for the optimal encoding of the internal states of a FSM are based on the minimum number
of internal states and sometimes also on the minimum number of ip-ops used
in their hardware implementation. The only method to get really optimal results
is testing of all possibilities1 . But sometimes wasting the internal states or
ip-ops is a better solution because of the speed of the designed circuit and
mapping to a regular structure. Most encoding methods are not suitable for
these structures, e.g., different types of FPGAs or CPLDs. Therefore it is desirable to compare several types of sequential circuit benchmarks to search for
the relation between the type of this circuit (the number of the internal states,
inputs, outputs, cycles, branching) and the encoding method with respect to
their implementation in a XILINX FPGA.


Chapter 15

Our research group has been working on encoding and decomposition methods for FSMs. We have worked with the CAD system XILINX FOUNDATION
v2.1i during our rst experiments and next with XILINX ISE. We have used
the benchmarks from the Internet in KISS2 format, some encoding algorithms
from JEDI program and system SIS 1.2 10 . First of all, we classied the FSM
benchmarks to know their quantitative characteristics: the number of internal
states, inputs, outputs, transitions (i.e., the number of arcs in the state transition
graph (STG)), a maximum number of input arcs, a maximum number of output arcs to and from STG nodes, etc. We compared eight encoding methods:
one-hot, minimum-lengths (binary), Johnson, and Gray implemented
in FOUNDATION CAD system. Fan-in and Fan-out oriented algorithms,
the algorithm FAN connecting Fan-in and Fan-out ones,1,5 and the two-hots
methods were implemented. The second group of our experiments was focused
on FSM decompositions. Our original method called a FEL-code is based
on these experimental results and is presented in this paper. The nal results
(the number of CLB blocks and maximum frequency) were obtained for the
concrete FPGA implementation (Spartan XCS05-PC84).




Encoding methods

A one-hot method uses the same number of bits as the number of internal
states, where the great number of internal variables is its main disadvantage.
The states that have the same next state for the given input should be given
adjacent assignments (Fan-out oriented). The states that are the next states
of the same state should be given adjacent assignments (Fan-in oriented).
The states that have the same output for a given input should be given adjacent
assignments, which will help to cover the 1s in the output Karnaugh maps
(output oriented method).
A very popular and frequently used method is the minimum-length code
(obviously called binary) that uses the minimum number of internal variables, and the Gray code with the same characteristics and adjacent codes for a
sequence of the states.
The two-hots method uses a combination of two 1s to distinguish between
all states.
First partial results based on several encoding methods (Table 15.1) and
benchmarks characteristics were presented in Refs. 6, 7, 8, and 9. We have
found out that the most successful methods are minimum-length and onehot. Minimum-length encoding is better than one-hot encoding for small FSMs
and for FSMs that fulll the following condition: a STG describing the FSM


Finite State Machine Implementation in FPGAs

Table 15-1. Examples of codes for six internal states






two -hot






should be complete or nearly complete. If the ratio of the average output degree
of the node to the number of states is greater than 0.7, then it is better to use the
minimum-length code. On the contrary, one-hot encoding is better when this
ratio is low. Let us dene this qualitative property of the FSM as a characteristic
Average output edges
AN =
Number of states 1
The value AN = 0.7 was experimentally veried on benchmarks and on
our specially generated testing FSMs Moore-type FSMs with the determined
number of internal states and the determined number of the transitions from
the internal states. Our FSM has the STG with the strictly dened number
of edges from all states. For each internal state this number of output edges
must be the same. The resulting format is the KISS2 format e.g., 4.kiss
testing FSM has the STG with four edges from each internal state (node).
The next state connections were generated randomly to overcome the XILINX
FOUNDATION optimization for the counter design. The relationship between
one-hot and minimum-length encoding methods is illustrated in Fig. 15-1. The

Figure 15-1. The comparison of minimum-length and one-hot encoding with respect to AN.


Chapter 15

Figure 15-2. Partial decomposition.

comparison was made for 30 internal states FSMs with different branching.
The number of transitions from all states is expressed by AN (axis X). The axis
Y expresses the percentage success of the methods with respect to the space
(the minimum number of the CLB from all encoding methods for every testing
FSM is 100%). It can be seen that for less branching (smaller AN) the one-hot
code is always better until the border AN = 0.7.


Decomposition types

Decomposition1 means splitting of one whole into several (simpler) parts

that implement the function of the former whole. We were interested in the
decomposition of the FSM into several cooperating sub-FSMs. Decomposition
can be partial or full according to division of only the internal states (partial)
or all the sets of input, output, and internal states (full). See Fig. 15-2, where
X is the nite set of input symbols, Y is the nite set of output symbols, Q is
the nite set of internal states, the FSM M = (X, Y, Q, , ) is to be split into
sub-FSMs M  = (X  , Y  , Q  ,  ,  ) and M  = (X  , Y  , Q  ,  ,  ).
The following decomposition types are classied as two-level and severallevel ones according the number of sub-FSMs. There are decompositions which
are distinguished according the way of cooperation: simultaneous decomposition, where all sub-FSMs work simultaneously; and cascade decomposition,
where sub-FSMs work sequentially and where the next sub-FSM starts to work
when its predecessor nishes its function. All types of decomposition can be
parallel, serial, or general according the type of exchange of information about
internal states. The strict denition can be seen in Refs. 1, 2, 3, and 4.


FEL-code method

Our method combines both the one-hot and minimum-length encoding

methods. It is based on the partial FSM internal state decomposition, such

Finite State Machine Implementation in FPGAs


Figure 15-3. FEL-code basis.

as several level, cascade, and general, where the number of levels depends on
the FSM properties. The global number of states of the decomposed FSM is
equal to the original number of FSM internal states. The internal states are divided into groups (sets of internal states) with many connections between states
(for such strongly connected states the minimum-length encoding is better to
use); see Fig. 15-3. The internal state code is composed of the minimum-length
part (a serial number of the state in its set in binary notation) and the one-hot
part (a serial number of a set in one-hot notation). The number of minimumlength part bits is equal to b, where 2b is greater than or equal to the maximum
number of the states in sets and the number of one-hot part bits corresponds to
the number of sets.
The global algorithm could be described as follows:
1. Place all FSM internal states Q i into the set S0 .
2. Select the state Q i (from S0 ) with the greatest number of transitions to other
disjoint states from S0 . Take away Q i from S0 ; Q i becomes the rst member
of the new set Sgroup .
3. Construct the set Sneighbor of neighboring internal states of all members of
Sgroup . Compute the score expressing the placement suitability for a state Q j
into Sgroup for all states from Sneighbor . Add the state with the highest score to
Sgroup .
4. The score is a sum of
(a) the number of transitions from Q j to all states from Sgroup multiplied by
the constant 10;
(b) the number of such states from Sgroup for which exists the transition from
Q j to them, multiplied by the constant 20;
(c) the number of transitions from Q j to all neighboring internal states from
Sgroup (i.e. to all states from Sneighbor ) multiplied by the constant 3;
(d) the number of such states from Sneighbor for which the transition from Q j
to them, multiplied by the constant 6, exists;




Chapter 15

(e) the number of transitions from all internal states from Sgroup to Q j multiplied by the constant 10;
(f) the number of such states from Sgroup that the transition from them to
Q j , multiplied by the constant 20, exists;
(g) the number of transitions from all neighboring states of Sgroup (placed
in Sneighbor ) to Q j , multiplied by the constant 3;
(h) the number of the neighboring states in Sneighbor for which the transition
from them to Q j , multiplied by the constant 6, exists;
Compute AN (1) characteristics for Sgroup .
When this value is greater than the border value (the input parameter of
this algorithm, in our experiments is usually 0.7) the state Q j becomes the
real member of Sgroup . Now continue with step 3. When the ratio is less than
the border value, state Q j is discarded from the Sgroup and this set is closed.
Now continue with step 2.
If all internal states are placed into sets Si and at the same time S0 is empty,
construct the internal states code:
The code consists of the binary part (a serial number of the state in its set
in binary notation) and the one-hot part (a serial number of a set in one-hot
notation). The number of binary part bits is equal to b, where 2b is greater
than or equal to the maximum number of states in the sets. The number of
one-hot part bits is equal to the number of sets Si .

Example (lion benchmark10 , border ratio 0.7, Fig. 15-4)

1. Place all FSM internal states Q i into the set S0
S0 = {st0, st1, st2, st3}
2. For all S0 elements compute the number of transitions to next disjoint states
from S0 :
(st0 . . . 1, st1 . . . 2, st2 . . . 2, st3 . . . 1)










Figure 15-4. STG of the lion benchmark.

Finite State Machine Implementation in FPGAs


Choose the state with the highest value and construct the new set S1 :
S0 = {st0, st2, st3}, S1 = {st1}
3. Construct the set Sneighbor of neighboring internal states of all members
of S1 :
S0 = {st0, st2, st3}, S1 = {st1}, Sneighbor = {st0, st2}
Compute the score for all states from Sneighbor :
st0score = 1.10 + 1.20 + 2.3 + 1.6 + 1.10 + 1.20 + 2.3 + 1.6 = 84
st2score = 1.10 + 1.20 + 1.3 + 1.6 + 1.10 + 1.20 + 1.3 + 1.6 = 78
Choose the state with the highest score and add it to S1 :
S0 = {st2, st3}, S1 = {st0, st1}, Sneighbor = {st2}
4. Compute AN (1) for the elements from S1 :
AN = 1.0.
AN is greater then 0.7; therefore, the state Q j becomes a real member of S1 .
Now continue with step 3.
5. Try to add the state st2 into S1 and compute AN. Because AN = 0.66, state
st2 is discarded from S1 and this set is closed. Now continue by step 2.
At the end all internal states are placed into two groups:
S1 = {st0, st1}, S2 = {st2, st3}
Now the internal state code is connected from the one-bit binary part and
the two-bit one-hot parts:
st0 . . . 0/01


st1 . . . 1/01

st2 . . . 0/10

st3 . . . 1/10


Because the conversion program between a KISS2 format and VHDL was
necessary, the converter K2V DOS (in C++ by the compiler GCC for DOS OS)
was implemented6 . The K2V DOS program allows obtaining information about
FSMs; e.g., the node degree, the number of states, the number of transitions,
etc. The VHDL description of a FSM created by the K2V DOS program can
be described in different ways (with different results):
r One big process sensitive to both the clock signal and the input signals (one
case statement is used in this process; it selects an active state; in each branch
of the case there are if statements dening the next states and outputs). This
is the same method that was used for the conversion between STG and
r Three processes (next-state-proc for the implementation of the next-state
function, state-dff-proc for the asynchronous reset and D ip-ops application, and output-proc for the FSM output function implementation). To


Chapter 15


Figure 15-5. The nal comparison of all encoding methods used.

overcome the XILINX FOUNDATION optimization for the one-hot encoding method, the direct code assignment was used as well.
The K2V DOS program system can generate our special testing FSMs (for
more precise setting of the characteristics AN, see Section 2.1). The K2V DOS
program can generate different FSM internal state encoding by minimumlengths, Gray, Johnson, one-hot, two-hots, Fan-in, Fan-out, FAN, and FELcode methods. All benchmarks were processed by the DECOMP program to
generate all possible types of decompositions (in KISS2 format due to using
the same batch for the FPGA implementation).



We have performed about 1000 experiments with different types of encoding and decomposition methods for 50 benchmarks. The comparison of nine
encoding methods is shown in Fig. 15-5. There is condensed information about
the average success of all encoding methods. The minimum number of CLB
blocks for a benchmark is divided by the number of CLB blocks for a particular
encoding method. Similarly, the working frequency for a particular encoding
method is divided by the maximum frequency for a benchmark. These values were computed for all benchmarks for maximum working frequency (dark
columns) and number of CLB blocks (#CLB, white columns) and expressed as
percentage success for each encoding method.
We can reach the following conclusions based on our encoding and decomposition experiments:
r The minimum-length encoding method provides the best results for FSM
with a few internal states (5) and for FSM with AN > 0.7 (the state transition
graph with many cycles).


Finite State Machine Implementation in FPGAs

Table 15-2. Frequency improvement
Average maximum frequency (MHz)
Encoding method
FEL-c 0.5
FEL-c 0.7



Frequency increase (%)




r One-hot encoding method is better for other cases and mostly generates

faster circuits (but the XILINX FOUNDATION uses optimization methods

for one-hot encoding).
The FEL-code method is universal as it combines the advantages of both onehot and minimum-length methods. This method is heuristic; the parameters
(AN and the score evaluations) have been experimentally veried.
Other tested encoding methods provide worse results in most cases and have
no practical signicance.
For such FSM implementation where majority of CLB blocks are used (e.g.,
90%), the one-hot method gives better results, mainly with respect to the
maximum working frequency due to easier wiring.
All FSM decomposition types are not advantageous to use in most cases
due to great information exchange the parallel decomposition is the best
one (if it exists).
A different strategy for searching for the partitions the best FSM partition
is not the one with the minimum number of internal states but the one with
the minimum sets of input and output symbols could be used for FPGA

The experimental results performed on the recent XILINX ISE CAD system
have not been sufciently compared with those presented above, since many
qualitative changes were incorporated into this tool, such as new types of nal
platforms and new design algorithms. According to our last results not yet
presented, we can conclude that the one-hot and minimum-length methods still
remain the most successful. The average improvement (for all benchmarks but
only for working frequency) is presented in Table 15-2. It can be stated that
the encoding methods offered by the CAD system are better then the outside
methods and AN = 0.7 is a right value.

This paper is based on the results of several student projects supervised by
the author for four years. This research was in part supported by the grants De-


Chapter 15

sign of Highly Reliable Control Systems Built on Dynamically Recongurable

FPGAs (GA 102/04/2137) and Modern Methods of Digital Systems Design
(GA 102/04/0737).

1. P. Ashar, F. Devadas, A.R. Newton, Sequential Logic Synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London (1992).
2. L. Jozwiak, J.C. Kolsteren, An efcient method for sequential general decomposition of
sequential machines. Microprocessing and Microprogramming, 32 657664 (1991).
3. A. Chojnaci, L. Jozwiak, An effective and efcient method for functional decomposition
of Boolean functions based on information relationship Measures. In: Proceedings of 3rd
DDECS 2000 Workshop, Smolenice, Slovakia, pp. 242249 (2000).
4. L. Jozwiak, An efcient heuristic method for state assignment of large sequential machines.
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2 (1) 126 (1991).
5. K. Feske, S. Mulka, M. Koegst, G. Elst, Technology-driven FSM partitioning for synthesis of large sequential circuits targeting lookup-table based FPGAs. In: Proceedings
7th Workshop Field-Programable Logic and Applications (FPL 97), Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, 1304, London, UK, pp. 235244 (1997).
6. H. Kubatova, T. Hrdy, M. Prokes, Problems with the Enencoding of the FSM with the Relation to its Implementation by FPGA. In: ECI2000 Electronic Computers and Informatics,
International Scientic Conference, Herlany, pp. 183188 (2000).
7. H. Kubatova, Implementation of the FSM into FPGA. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Discrete-Event System Design DESDes 01, Ocyna Wydawnicza
Politechnika Zielona Gora, Przytok, Poland, pp. 141146 (2001).
8. H. Kubatova, How to obtain better implementation of the FSM in FPGA. In: Proceedings
of the 5th IEEE Workshop DDECS 2002, Brno, Czech Republic, pp. 332335 (2002).
9. H. Kubatova, M. Becvar, FEL-Code: FSM internal state enencoding method. In: Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Boolean Problems. Technische Universitat
Bergakademie, Freiberg, pp. 109114 (2002).
11. The Programmable Logic Data Book. XILINX Tenth Anniversary (1999),

Chapter 16

Pyotr Bibilo and Natalia Kirienko
United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
Logic Design Laboratory, Surganov Str. 6, 220012 Minsk, Belarus;
e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]


Circuit realization on a single programmable logic array (PLA) may be unacceptable because of the large number of terms in sum-of-products; therefore a
problem of block synthesis is considered in this paper. This problem is to realize a
multilevel form of Boolean function system by some blocks, where each block is
a PLA of smaller size. A problem of block synthesis in gate array library basis is
also discussed in this paper. The results of experimental research of inuence of
previous partitioning of Boolean function systems on circuit complexity in PLA
and gate array library basis are presented in this paper.

Key words:

synthesis of combinational circuits; partitioning; programmable logic array

(PLA); gate array library; layout.



There are different ways of implementation of the control logic of custom

digital VLSI circuits. The most important ways are realization of two-level
AND/OR circuits in programmable logic array (PLA) basis9 and realization of
multilevel circuits in library gates basis7 . Each of them has its advantages and
disadvantages. The advantage of PLA circuits is simplicity of layout design,
testing, and modication, because the circuits are regular. There are effective
methods and programs of PLA area minimization9,4 . The disadvantage of twolevel PLA circuits is the large chip area in comparison with the area required
for a multilevel library gates circuit. But the synthesis of a multilevel circuit is a
very difcult task5 ; moreover, such circuits are harder for testing and topological


Chapter 16

design than PLA circuits. The implementation of a circuit in a single PLA may
be unacceptable because of the large size of the PLA. Therefore a problem of
block synthesis is considered in this paper. The results of experimental research
are given.




It is well known that the formal (mathematical) model of functioning of a

multioutput combinational circuit is a system of completely dened Boolean
functions9 . Let a combinational circuit have n inputs and m outputs. One of
the forms of Boolean function system representation is the sum-of-product
(SOP) system. Let us denote by D f (n, k, m) the system of Boolean functions
f (x) = ( f 1 (x), . . . , f m (x)), x = (x1 , . . . , xn ), specied on k common elementary products of Boolean variables x1 , . . . , xn . Let us represent D f (n, k, m) by
a pair of matrices, the ternary k n matrix T x and the Boolean k m matrix
B f . A pair of the appropriate rows of T x and B f represents, respectively, the
product and the subset of the functions that belongs to their SOPs. The representation of a system of Boolean functions in the form of a SOP system will
be called a two-level representation. We refer to the specication of a system
of Boolean functions in the form of a system of parenthesized algebraic expression on the basis of logic AND, OR, and NOT operators as the multilevel
A programmable logic array is a classical two-level structure for realization of a SOP system of Boolean functions. A system of SOP D f (n, k, m) can
be realized on PLA (n, m, k), which has not less than n input pins, m output
pins, and k intermediate lines. Elementary products are realized on intermediate lines of matrix AND of PLA, whereas SOPs are realized in matrix OR
of PLA. The PLA structure is adequate for the system of SOPs D f (n, k, m).
The commutation points between input pins and intermediate lines in AND
matrix correspond to xed (0,1) elements of T x , and the commutation points
between output pins and intermediate lines in OR matrix correspond to elements
1 of B f .
The library gates used as basis elements for synthesis of combinational logic
circuits are the elements from the logic gate library K15743 . Each element of
such a library is characterized by the number of basis gates needed for its
location in the chip. There are various elements in the gate library K1574:
inverters, multiplexers, buffer elements, and gates AND, OR, NAND, NOR,
XOR etc.

Block Synthesis of Combinational Circuits





Let us consider the multilevel algebraic form of a Boolean function system

in AND/OR/NOT basis. Each intermediate or output function is given by a
separate SOP. Let nonoverlapping SOP subsets R1 , . . . , Rh form a partition of
SOP set D = {D 1 , . . . , D m }. R1 , . . . , Rh are the blocks of the partition with the
following parameters: n i is the number of input variables, m i is the number of
output variables, and ki is the number of products in two-level form of SOP of
functions of the block.
Let the restrictions (n , m , k ) imposed on block complexity be given,
where n is the maximal number of input variables, m is the maximal number
of output variables, and k is the maximal number of products in two-level
representation of SOP of functions of the block.
Transformation of multilevel into two-level representation and determination of the parameter ki is related to solving problems of intermediate variables
elimination6 and joint minimization of a system of Boolean functions in SOP
form4,5,9 .
The problem of partitioning of multilevel representation of a system of
Boolean functions is to nd a partition R1 , . . . , Rh that fulls the (n , m , k )
restriction and has a minimum number of blocks h.
The main idea of the technique for solving this problem is the following.
The blocks (or SOP subsystems) build up step by step. A SOP with the maximal
number of external variables is chosen out as the starting point for formation
of the next subsystem. Then SOPs that are most closely connected to this subsystem (having maximal number of common variables) are added to it, and
the elimination of intermediate variables and joint minimization of functions
in SOP subsystem are performed. The resulting subsystem is checked for the
fulllment of the (n , m , k ) restriction. If the (n , m , k ) restriction is not violated, then the next SOP is added to this subsystem; otherwise the constructing
of the next subsystem begins. As a result, each SOP is in one of the subsystems.
This algorithm was described in detail in Ref. 2.




The block method for synthesis in PLA basis has two procedures. The
rst procedure is the partitioning of multilevel representation of the system


Chapter 16

of Boolean functions into blocks with (n , m , k )-restricted parameters. The

second procedure is realization of each block by one PLA.
Let the area of a circuit consisting of some (possibly interconnected) PLAs
be equal to the sum of the areas of these PLAs. The conditional area of one PLA
(n, m, k), evaluated in conditional units (bits), is determined by the formula
= (2n + m)k(bit).


At the level of a particular layout used in silicon compiler SCAS1 , the real
PLA area is determined by the formula


where SAND,OR is the area of information matrices AND, OR, determined by the

and SBND is the area of the PLA boundary (load transistors, buffers, etc.), determined by the formula
SBND = 34,992
+ 85
+ 49,104

1 12,276 + 60,423.
determined by formulas (3) and (4) is the number of real
The value of SPLA
layout cells that the PLA layout is composed of1 .




The block method for synthesis in gate array library basis has two procedures. The rst procedure is the partitioning of multilevel representation of the
system of Boolean functions into blocks with (n , m , k )-restricted parameters. The second procedure is realization of technology mapping of each block
into the logic gate library. This procedure includes synthesis in the gate array
library using a basic method, Cover.
The basic method Cover is a process of covering Boolean expressions
in AND/OR/NOT basis by elements from the gate library. Previously, each
multiplace AND or OR operator of the system is replaced by superposition of
two-place AND or OR operators, respectively. Then the Boolean network is
built for each expression, where each node corresponds to two-place operator
AND/OR or one-place operator NOT. The problem of covering of Boolean

Block Synthesis of Combinational Circuits


network is to nd subnetworks in it, which are functionally equivalent to library

elements. The basic method Cover was described in detail in Ref. 3. It is
experimentally conrmed to be better than the method represented in Ref. 7.




The block methods for synthesis were implemented in computer programs

and investigated experimentally. The experiments were done on a series of
combinational circuits from the well-known MCNC benchmark set chosen from
design practice. The programs run on PC Celeron 600, RAM 64 Mb.
Experiment 1. Two realizations of multilevel representation in PLAs were
compared: the rst is realization in single PLA; the second is realization in
several PLAs, obtained by the partition algorithm. Table 16-1 shows the results
of Experiment 1.
Experiment 2. Three realizations of multilevel representation in the basis of
logic gate library were compared: the basis method Cover, the combining
method, and the block method of synthesis. The combining method is composed
of two steps. The rst step is transformation of multilevel representation into
two-level representation. The second step is synthesis by basis method Cover.
Table 16-2 shows the results of Experiment 2.
The minimization of two-level representations of Boolean function system
in partition algorithm was performed by the program of joint minimization in
SOP8 . The basis method Cover uses the computer program from Ref. 3.
The notation in Tables 16-1 and 16-2 is as follows:
n, the number of arguments of the realized Boolean function system (the
number of input pins in the circuit);
m, the number of functions in the system (the number of output pins in the
k, the number of products in the SOP system (two-level representation);
SPLA , the conditional area of one PLA (n, m, k), evaluated in conditional
(bits) by formula (1);
SPLA , the sum of conditional areas of PLAs, found by the block synthesis
PLA , the real area of one PLA (n, m, k), evaluated by formula (2);

, the sum of real areas of PLAs, found by the block synthesis method;
S, the circuit complexity in library gate basis (the total number of gates
required for logical elements, i.e. area of elements);


Chapter 16

Table 16-1. Comparison of two realizations of multilevel representation for PLAs: the rst is
realization in one PLA; the second is realization in several PLAs, obtained by partition


















too large

143 139 3090

3 1021
24 21 222









19 117
9 2519
99 915
10 818












PLA net
n, m , k

37538 26715,29 40, 20, 500 3

154656 99092,84 100, 70, 900 3
105, 80, 900 2
70, 40, 900 4
28329 20680,35 30, 30, 500 3
35, 30, 500 2
25, 20, 500 4
37513 28394,06 40, 30, 900 4
60, 40, 900 2
55, 35, 900 2
95347 63474,61 60, 35, 900 4
66, 50, 900 3
1313250 794310,4 50, 30, 500 11
80659 52539,5
50, 2, 900 4
15318 11824,2 24, 10, 900 3
24, 8, 900 5
34228 26343,73
16, 2, 500 3
18, 3, 500 2
7021 5904,407
26, 1, 100 3
28, 2, 100 2
8307 6994,927 30, 16, 100 5
108317 81949,77
12, 9, 900 2
337635 209646,7 80, 50, 900 5
63804 42979,46
30, 8, 500 2
34, 4, 500 3
20, 8, 500 8
18275 14706,1 16, 10, 100 2
12, 6, 100 3
7654 7091,571
25, 8, 100 4
18, 6, 100 6






21982, 5
73608, 43
79032, 04
60442, 43
16603, 77
16008, 26
10526, 71
20406, 34
20429, 21
19194, 59
35639, 54
46237, 44
166857, 8
73014, 45
13958, 77
9907, 832
6422, 373
14899, 51
6441, 453
8530, 519
8248, 276
9184, 462
122437, 9
56050, 37
27895, 76
23514, 69
3025, 974
3270, 493
5072, 029
5606, 067

L, the number of logical elements in a circuit;

n , partition parameter (the number of arguments of a block);
m , partition parameter (the number of functions in a block);
k , partition parameter (the number of products in a block); and
h, the number of blocks in the partition of multilevel representation of
Boolean functions system.
According to the results of the experiment the following conclusions can be


Block Synthesis of Combinational Circuits

Table 16-2. Comparison of basis method, combining method, and block realization
of multi-level representation
Basis method
Circuit name
too larg





Combining method

Block realization







The block method for synthesis of multilevel representation by a PLA net is

preferable to single PLA realization. The gain for area is obtained in 13 circuits
from 16. The parameters of circuits with the smallest area are given in bold (see
Table 16-1). Only macroelement area was taken into account in this experiment,
and the bound area was not. Thus the nal conclusion about replacement of one
PLA with PLA net can be made after layout design. Using formula (2) for area
calculation is preferable to using formula, (1). For example, area calculation
for Frg1, Lal with (1), gives advantage, but the real PLA net area is more than
the single PLA area.
The block realization is preferable for synthesis in logic gate library too.
The better (minimum) valuations of circuit complexity are given in bold
(Table 16-2). The transformation of multilevel representation into two-level
representation (combining method) is advisable in only three examples; it is
not competitive with the basis method Cover and the block method.


Chapter 16

1. P.N. Bibilo, Symbolic layout of VLSI array macros with an SCAS silicon compiler. I.
Russian Microelectronics, 27 (2) 109117 (1998).
2. P.N. Bibilo, N.A. Kirienko, Partitioning a system of logic equations into subsystem under
given restrictions. In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on ComputerAided Design of Discrete Devices (CAD DD99), Vol. 1, Republic of Belarus, Minsk,
pp. 122126 (1999).
3. P.N. Bibilo, V.G. Litskevich, Boolean Network Covering by Library Elements. Control
Systems and Computers, Vol. 6, Kiev, Ukraine, pp. 1624 (1999) (in Russian).
4. K.R. Brayton, G.D. Hachtel, C.T. McMullen, A.L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Logic Minimization Algorithm for VLSI Synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publisher, Boston (1984).
5. K.R. Brayton, R. Rudell, A.L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, A.R. Wang, MIS: A multiply-level
logic optimisation systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated
Circuits and Systems, CAD-6 10621081 (1987).
6. L.D. Cheremisinova, V.G. Litskevich, Realization of Operations on Systems of Logic Equations and SOPs. Logical Design. Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of National Academy
of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, pp. 139145 (1998) (in Russian).
7. F. Mailhot, G. De Micheli, Algorithms for technology mapping based on binary decision
diagrams and on Boolean operations. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of
Integrated Circuits and Systems, 12 (5) 599620 (1993).
8. N.R. Toropov, Minimization of Systems of Boolean Functions in DNF. Logical Design.
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk,
pp. 419 (1999) (in Russian).
9. A.D. Zakrevskij, Logic Synthesis of the Cascade Circuits. Nauka, Moscow (1981) (in

Chapter 17


Mariusz Rawski1 , Tadeusz Luba1 , Zbigniew Jachna2 ,
and Pawel Tomaszewicz1

1 Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Telecommunications, Nowowiejska 15/19,

Warsaw, Poland; [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
2 Military University of Technology, Kaliskiego 2, Warsaw, Poland


General functional decomposition has been gaining more and more importance
in recent years. Though it is mainly perceived as a method of logic synthesis
for the implementation of Boolean functions into FPGA-based architectures, it
has found applications in many other elds of modern engineering and science.
In this paper, an application of balanced functional decomposition in different
tasks of modern digital designing is presented. The experimental results prove
that functional decomposition as a method of synthesis can help implementing
circuits in CPLD/FPGA architectures. It can also be efciently used as a method
for implementing FSMs in FPGAs with Embedded ROM Memory Blocks.

Key words:

Logic Synthesis; Functional Decomposition; FPGA; FSM; ROM.



Decomposition has become an important activity in the analysis and design

of digital systems. It is fundamental for many elds of modern engineering and
science1,2,3,4 . The functional decomposition relies on breaking down a complex
system into a network of smaller and relatively independent cooperating subsystems, in such a way that the behavior of the original system is preserved,
i.e., function F is decomposed to subfunction G and H in the form described
by formula F = H (A, G(B)).
New methods of logic synthesis based on the functional decomposition were
recently developed5,6,7 . One of the promising decomposition-based methods is
the so-called balanced decomposition8 .


Chapter 17

Since multilevel functional decomposition yields very good results in the

logic synthesis of combinational circuits, it is viewed mostly as a synthesis
method for the implementation of combinational functions into FPGA-based
architectures9,10 . However, a decomposition-based method can be used beyond
this eld. In the sequential machine synthesis after the state code assignment
of the process of implementation is reduced to the computation of a ip-op
excitation function, the decomposition can be efciently used to assist such an
implementation. An application of a balanced decomposition method allows
the designer to decide what the optimization criterion isis it circuit area or
circuit speed. Good results produced by the decomposition-based logic synthesis methods in implementation of combinational circuits guarantee that this
method will implement encoded sequential machines efciently and effectively.
The balanced decomposition gives the designer control over the process of excitation function implementation. Therefore, such undesirable effects as hazards
can be avoided. Elimination of these effects can increase the speed of circuits.
Modern FPGA architectures contain embedded memory blocks. In many
cases, designers do not need to use these resources. However, such memory
blocks allow implementing sequential machines in a way that requires less
logic cells than the traditional, ip-op implementation. This may be used to
implement nonvital sequential parts of the design saving logic cell resources
for more important parts. However such an implementation may require more
memory than is available in a circuit. To reduce memory usage in ROM-based
sequential machine implementations decomposition-based methods can be successfully used11 .
In this paper some basic information has been introduced and the application
of the balanced decomposition in the implementation of combinational parts
of digital systems has been discussed. The application of the decomposition
in the implementation of sequential machines is also presented. Subsequently,
some experimental results, reached with a prototype tool that implements the
balanced functional decomposition has also been discussed.
The experimental results demonstrate that balanced decomposition is capable of constructing solutions of comparable or even better quality than the
methods implemented in a university or in commercial systems.



Some preliminaries necessary for understanding this paper are presented

here. More detailed information concerning balanced functional decomposition
method can be found in Ref. 8, 12.
Balanced decomposition relies on the partitioning of a switching function
with either parallel decomposition or serial decomposition applied at each phase

The Inuence of Functional Decomposition


Figure 17-1. Schematic representation of a) the serial and b) the parallel decomposition.

of the synthesis process. In parallel decomposition, the set of output variables

Y of a multioutput function F is partitioned into subsets, Yg and Yh , and the
corresponding functions, G and H , are derived so that, for either of these
two functions, the input support contains less variables than the set of input
variables X of the original function F (Fig. 17-1b). An objective of parallel
decomposition is to minimize the input support of G and H .
In serial decomposition, the set of input variables X is partitioned into
subsets, A and B, and functions G and H are derived so that the set of input
variables of G is B C, where C is a subset of A, the set of input variables of
H is A Z , where Z is the set of output variables of G, and H has less input
variables than the original function F, i.e. F = H (A, G(B, C)) (Fig. 17-1a).
The balanced decomposition is an iterative process in which, at each step,
either parallel or serial decomposition of a selected component is performed.
The process is carried out until all resulting subfunctions are small enough to
t blocks with a given number of input variables.
The idea of intertwining parallel and serial decomposition has been implemented in a program called DEMAIN. This tool is designed to aid implementation of combinational parts of digital systems and this application has two
modes: automatic and interactive. It can also be used for the reduction of the
number of inputs of a function, when an output depends on only a subset of
the inputs. From this point of view DEMAIN is a tool specially dedicated to
FPGA-oriented technology mapping.
Example: The inuence of the balanced decomposition on the nal result
of the FPGA-based mapping process will be explained with the function F
(Table 17-1) describing one of benchmark examples with 10 input variables
and 2 output variables, for which cells with 4 inputs and 1 output are assumed
(this is the size of Alteras FLEX FPGA)13 .
As F is a ten-input, two-output function, in the rst step of the decomposition
both the parallel and serial decomposition can be applied. Let us apply parallel


Chapter 17
Table 17-1. Truth table of function F in espresso format
.type fr
0101000000 00
1110100100 00
0010110000 10
0101001000 10
1110101101 01
0100010101 01

1100010001 00
0011101110 01
0001001110 01
0110000110 01
1110110010 10
0111100000 00
0100011011 00
0010111010 01
0110001110 00
0110110111 11

0001001011 11
1110001110 10
0011001011 10
0010011010 01
1010110010 00
0100110101 11
0001111010 00
1101100100 10
1001110111 11

decomposition at rst. Parallel decomposition generates two components with

6 inputs and one output each. Assuming that the inputs of the primary function
are denoted as 0, 1, . . . ,9 (from the left column to the right column), and the
outputs are y0 and y1 , the inputs of the obtained components are 0, 1, 3, 4, 6,
7 and 0, 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, respectively. Each of the above components is subject to
two-stage serial decomposition.
For the rst stage the nondisjoint serial decomposition can be applied, as
shown on the left hand side of Figure 17-2. The second component can also
be decomposed serially, however with the number of outputs of the extracted
block G equal to two. Therefore, minimizing the total number of decomposition
components, a disjoint decomposition strategy is applied, resulting in components G 2 and H2 , as shown on the right side of Fig. 17-2. The truth tables of
the components of function F produced by decomposition algorithm DEMAIN
(denoted G 1 , H1 , G 2 and H2 in Fig. 17-2) are shown in Tables 17-2a, 17-2b,
17-2c and 17-2d, respectively. Thus it is clear that the function F can be mapped
onto four logic cells of Alteras FLEX structure.
It is worth noting, that the same function synthesised directly by commercial
tools e.g., MAX+PlusII, Quartus and Leonardo Spectrum is mapped onto 35,
29, and 95 logic cells, respectively.
0 1 3 7


4 6

0 1 2 6

1 7 9






Figure 17-2. Decomposition of function F.


The Inuence of Functional Decomposition

Table 17-2. Truth tables of decomposition blocks


a) G 1

b) H1

c) G 2

d) H2

0110 1
1101 1
1000 1
0010 1
0000 0
0101 0
1100 0
0100 0
0011 0
1011 0
1111 0

01 0
011 1
111 0
100 1
00 0
110 0

0110 1
0011 1
0100 1
1000 1
0101 1
1100 0
0010 0
1010 0
1110 0
0001 0
0111 0
1111 0

101 0
101 1
111 1
0011 0
0001 1
100 0
0000 0
1110 1
1010 0
0100 1
0010 1


FSM can be implemented using ROM (Read Only Memory)11 . In the general
architecture of such an implementation state and input variables (q1 , q2 , . . . , qn
and x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) constitute ROM address variables (a1 , a2 , . . . , am+n ). The
ROM would consist of words, each storing the encoded present state (control
eld) and output values (information eld). The next state would be determined
by the input values and the present-state information feedback from memory.
This kind of implementation requires much less logic cells than the traditional ip-op implementation (or does not require them at all, if memory can
be controlled by clock signalno address register required); therefore, it can
be used to implement nonvital FSMs of the design, saving LC resources for
more important sections of the design. However, a large FSM may require too
many memory resources.
The size of the memory needed for such an implementation depends on the
length of the address and the memory word.
Let m be the number of inputs, n be the number of state encoding bits and
y be the number of output functions of FSM. The size of memory needed for
implementation of such an FSM can be expressed by the following formula:
M = 2(m+n) (n + y),
where m + n is the size of the address, and n + y is the size of the memory
Since modern programmable devices contain embedded memory blocks,
there exists a possibility of implementing FSM using these blocks. The size of
the memory blocks available in programmable devices is limited. For example,


Chapter 17


c< b

(a + c) < (x + q)


Figure 17-3. Implementation of FSM using an address modier.

Alteras FLEX family EAB (Embedded Array Block) has 2048 bits of memory
and the device FLEX10K10 consists of 3 such EABs. Functional decomposition
can be used to implement FSMs that exceed that size.
Any FSM dened by a given transition table can be implemented as in
Fig. 17-3, using an address modier. The process may be considered as a decomposition of memory block into two blocks: a combinational address modier and a smaller memory block. Appropriately chosen strategy of the balanced
decomposition may allow reducing required memory size at the cost of additional logic cells for address modier implementation. This makes possible the
implemention of FSM that exceeds available memory through using embedded
memory blocks and additional programmable logic.
Example: FSM implementation with the use of the concept of address modier.
Table 17-3. a) FSM table, b) state and input encoding





























Q2 q3





The Inuence of Functional Decomposition






g = x1q3 + q2





Figure 17-4. Implementation of FSM using an address modier.

Let us consider FSM described in Table 17-3a. Its outputs are omitted, as
they do not have inuence on the method. This FSM can be implemented using
ROM memory with 5 addressing bits. This would require memory of the size of
32 words. In order to implement this FSM machine in ROM with 4 addressing
bits, the address modier is required.
Let us implement the given FSM in a structure shown on Fig. 17-4 with
3 free variables and one output variable from the address modier. Such an
implementation requires memory of the size of 16 words and additional logic
to implement the address modier.
To nd the appropriate state/input encoding and partitioning, the FSMs state
transition table is divided into 8 subtables (encoded by free variables), each of
them having no more then two different next states, which can be encoded with
one variableaddress modier output variable (to achieve this, rows s3 and s4
changed places with each other). Next the appropriate state and input encoding
is introduced (Table 17-3b).
The truth table of address modier, as well as content of the ROM memory,
can be computed by the application of the serial functional decomposition
More detailed description of the method can be found in Ref. 11.



The balanced decomposition was applied to implement FPGA in architectures of several real life examples: combinational functions and combinational
parts of FSMs. We used the following examples:
r bin2bcd1binary to BCD converter for binary values from 0 to 99,
r bin2bcd2binary to BCD converter for binary values from 0 to 355,
r rd88sbox from Rijndael implementation,
r DESautcombinational part of the state machine used in DES algorithm


Chapter 17

Table 17-4. Implementation of real-life examples





FPGA Express

Leonardo Spectrum









r 5B6Bthe combinational part of the 5B-6B coder,

r count44 bit counter with COUNT UP, COUNT DOWN, HOLD, CLEAR
and LOAD.
For the comparison the following synthesis tools were used: MAX+PlusII
v10.2 Baseline, QuartusII WebEdition v3.0 SP1, FPGA Express 3.5, Leonardo
Spectrum v1999.1 and DEMAIN. Logic network produced by all synthesis
tools were implemented in EPF10K10LC84-3, the FPGA device from FLEX
family of Altera.
Table 17-4 shows the comparison of our method based on balanced decomposition as implemented in tool DEMAIN with other methods of compared
tools. The table presents the comparison of logic cells needed for implementation of given examples. The results of implementation in FPGA architecture
show that the method based on the balanced decomposition provide better results than other tools used in the comparison. It is especially noticeable in
synthesis of such parts of digital systems that can be represented by truth
table description, as in the case of BIN2BCD converter. In the implementation of this example obtained with DEMAIN software the number of logic
cells required are over 10 times less than in the case of the MAX+PlusII and
2 times in case of the Leonardo Spectrum. It is also much better than implementation based on behavioral description14 , which requires 41 logic cells of
device EPF10K10. This is over 3 times worse than the solution obtained with
The presented results lead to the conclusion that the inuence of the balanced decomposition on efciency of practical digital systems implementation
would be particularly signicant when the designed circuit contains complex
combinational blocks. This is a typical situation when implementing cryptographic algorithms, where so-called substitution boxes are usually implemented
as combinational logic.
DEMAIN has been used in the implementation of such algorithms allowing
signicant improvement in logic resources utilization, as well as in performance.
Implementation of data path of the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm


The Inuence of Functional Decomposition

with MAX+PlusII requires 710 logic cells and allows encrypting data with
throughput of 115 Mb/s. Application of balanced functional decomposition in
optimization of selected parts of the algorithm reduces the number of required
logic cells to 296 without performance degradation and even increasing it to
206 Mbits/s14 .
The balanced functional decomposition was also used in the implementation process of the Rijndael algorithm targeted to low-cost Altera programmable
devices15 . Application of DEMAIN software allowed implementing this algorithm in FLEX10K200 circuit very efciently with throughput of 752 Mbits/s.
For comparison, implementation of Rijndael in the same programmable structure developed at TSI (France) and Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia)
allowed throughput of 451 Mbits/s, at George Mason University (USA)316
Mbits/s, and at Military University of Technology (Poland)248 Mbits/s16 .
Since, upon the encoding of the FSM states, the implementation of such
FSM architectures involves the technology mapping of the combinational part
into target architecture, the quality of such an implementation strongly depends
on the combinational function implementation quality.
In Table 17-5 the comparison of different FSM implementations is presented.
Each sequential machine was described by a transition table with encoded states.
We present here the number of logic cells and memory bits required (i.e., area
of the circuit) and the maximal frequency of clock signal (i.e., speed of the
circuit) for each method of FSM implementation.
The columns under the FF MAX+PlusII heading present results obtained
by the Altera MAX+PlusII system in a classical ip-op implementation of
FSM. The columns under FF DEMAIN heading show results of implementation of the transition table with the use of balanced decomposition. The
ROM columns provide the results of ROM implementation; the columns under
AM ROM heading present the results of ROM implementation with the use of
an address modier. It can be easily noticed that the application of balanced
Table 17-5. Implementation of FSM: 1) FSM described with special AHDL construction,
decomposition with the minimum number of logic levels, 3) decomposition not possible,
not enough memory to implement the project







































Chapter 17

decomposition can improve the quality of ip-op as well as ROM implementation. Especially interesting is the implementation of the 4-bit counter. Its
description with a transition table leads to a strongly nonoptimal implementation. On the other hand, its description when using a special Altera HDL
(Hardware Description Language) construction produces very good results.
However, utilization of balanced decomposition allows the designer to choose
between whether area or speed is optimized. The ROM implementation of this
example requires too many memory bits (the size of required memory block
exceeds the available memory), thus it cannot be implemented in a given structure. Application of functional decomposition allows reducing of the necessary
size of memory, which makes implementation possible.



Balanced decomposition produces very good results in combinational function implementation in FPGA-based architectures. However, results presented
in this paper show that balanced functional decomposition can be efciently
and effectively applied beyond the implementation of combinational circuits
in FPGAs. Presented results, achieved using different algorithms of multilevel
synthesis, show that the possibilities of decomposition-based multilevel synthesis are not fully explored.
Implementation of sequential machines in FPGA-based architectures
through balanced decomposition produces devices that are not only smaller
(less logic cells utilised) but are also often more important, faster than those
obtained by the commercial MAX+PlusII tool. Balanced decomposition can
also be used to implement large FSM in an alternative wayusing ROM.
This kind of implementation requires much less logic cells than the traditional
ip-op implementation; therefore, it can be used to implement nonvital
FSMs of the design, saving logic cell resources for more important parts of
the circuits. However, large FSM may require too much memory resources.
With the concept of address modier, memory usage can be signicantly
The experimental results shown in this paper demonstrate that the synthesis
method based on functional decomposition can help in implementing sequential
machines using ip-ops, as well as ROM memory.
Application of this method allows signicant improvement in logic resources utilization as well as in performance. Implementation of data path
of the DES (Data Encryption Standard) algorithm with MAX+PlusII requires
710 logic cells and allows encrypting data with throughput of 115 Mbits/s. Application of balanced decomposition reduces the number of logic cells to 296
without performance degradation and even increasing it to 206 Mbits/s.

The Inuence of Functional Decomposition


These features make balanced decomposition the universal method that can
be successfully used in digital circuits design with FPGAs.

This paper was supported by the Polish State Committee for Scientic Research nancial grant for years 20032004, number 4 T11D 014 24.

1. J.A. Brzozowski, T. Luba, Decomposition of Boolean functions specied by cubes. Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 9, 377417 (2003). Old City Publishing,
Inc., Philadelphia.
2. C. Scholl, Functional Decomposition with Application to FPGA Synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001.
3. T. Luba, Multi-level logic synthesis based on decomposition. Microprocessors and Microsystems, 18 (8), 429437 (1994).
4. R. Rzechowski, L. Joz wiak, T. Luba, Technology driven multilevel logic synthesis based
on functional decomposition into gates. In: EUROMICRO99 Conference, Milan, pp. 368
375 (1999).
5. M. Burns, M. Perkowski, L. Joz wiak, An efcient approach to decomposition of multioutput Boolean functions with large set of bound variables. EUROMICRO98 Conference,
Vol. 1, Vasteras, pp. 1623 (1998).
6. S.C. Chang, M. Marek-Sadowska, T.T. Hwang, Technology mapping for TLU FPGAs
based on decomposition of binary decision diagrams. IEEE Transactions on CAD, 15
(10), 12261236 (October, 1996).
7. L. Joz wiak, A. Chojnacki, Functional decomposition based on information relationship
measures extremely effective and efcient for symmetric Functions. EUROMICRO99
Conference, Vol. 1, Milan, pp. 150159 (1999).
8. T. Luba, H. Selvaraj, M. Nowicka, A. Krasniewski, Balanced multilevel decomposition
and its applications in FPGA-based synthesis, In: G. Saucier, A. Mignotte (eds.), Logic
and Architecture Synthesis. Chapman & Hall (1995).
9. M. Nowicka, T. Luba, M. Rawski, FPGA-based decomposition of Boolean functions.
Algorithms and implementation. In: Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on
Advanced Computer Systems, Szczecin, pp. 502509.
10. M. Rawski, L. Joz wiak, T. Luba, Functional decomposition with an efcient input support
selection for sub-functions based on information relationship measures. Journal of Systems
Architecture, 47, 137155 (2001).
11. M. Rawski, T. Luba, FSM Implementation in embedded memory blocks using concept
of decomposition. In: W. Ciazynski, et al. (eds.): Programmable Devices and Systems.
PergamonElsevier Science, pp. 291296 (2002).
12. T. Luba, H. Selvaraj, A general approach to Boolean function decomposition and its
applications in FPGA-based synthesis, VLSI design. Special Issue on Decompositions in
VLSI Design, 3 (34), 289300 (1995).


Chapter 17

14. T. Luba, M. Rawski, P. Tomaszewicz, B. Zbierzchowski, Digital Systems Design, WKL,

Warsaw (2003) (in Polish).
15. M. Obarski, Implementation of Rijndael cryptographic algorithm in FPGA structure. MSc
Thesis, WUT (2004) (in Polish).
16. V. Fischer, M. Drutarovsky, Two methods of Rijndael implementation in recongurable
hardware. In: CHES 2001, pp. 7792.

Section V

System Engineering for

Embedded Systems

Chapter 18

A case study
Sergio Lopes, Carlos Silva, Adriano Tavares and Joao Monteiro
Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho, Campus de Azurem, 4800-058
Guimaraes, Portugal; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]


The development of embedded systems requires both tools and methods which
help the designer to deal with the higher complexity and tougher constraints due
to the different hardware support, often distributed topology and time requirements. Proper tools and methods have a major impact on the overall costs and
nal product quality. We have applied the Object-Oriented Real-Time Techniques
(OORT) method, which is oriented toward the specication of distributed realtime systems, to the implementation of the Multiple Lift System (MLS) case
study. The method is based on the UML, SDL and MSC languages and supported
by the ObjectGEODE toolset. This paper summarizes the method and presents
our experience in the MLS system development, namely the difculties we had
and the success we have achieved.

Key words:

Embedded Systems Specication; Software Engineering; Discrete-Event Systems Control; Simulation; Targeting.



Embedded systems are very complex because they are often distributed,
run in different platforms, have temporal constraints, etc. Their development
demands high quality and increasing economic constraints, therefore it is necessary to minimize their errors and maintenance costs, and deliver them within
short deadlines.
To achieve these goals it is necessary to verify a few conditions: decrease
the complexity through hierarchical and graphical modeling for high exibility

is a registered trademark by Verilog.


Chapter 18
Requirements Analysis
Object Analysis
UML Class Diagrams
Use Case Modelling
Scenario and MSC Diagrams

Test Design

Architectural Design
Architectural Design
SDL Hierarchical and
Interconnection Diagrams

Test Design
MSC Diagrams

Detailed Design

Behavioural Design
SDL Process Diagrams
Data Modelling
UML Class Diagrams



Figure 18-1. The OORT method.

in the maintenance; protect the investments with the application of international

standards in the development; apply early verication and validation techniques
to reduce the errors; and, reduce the delivery times by automating code generation and increasing the level of reusability. Finally, it is necessary to have a
tool that provides functionalities to fulll them.
The present work was developed with the ObjectGEODE toolset, which
supports the OORT method1 , described by the diagram of Fig. 18-1. This method
applies the Unied Modeling Language2 (UML), the Message Sequence Chart3
(MSC) and the Specication and Description Language46 (SDL). The UML
is an international standard dened by the Object Management Group (OMG),
for which there are plenty of introductory texts7 . The MSC and SDL, both
international standards by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
were dened for a combined usage8 . More information on these languages is
available, namely a tutorial9 for MSC, and for SDL, a handy summary10 , and a
more comprehensive reference11 .
In this work the OORT method is applied to a development case studythe
Multiple Lift System (MLS). The analysis description uses UML to model the
systems environment, and MSC to specify the intended behavior of the system.
The systems architecture is dened in SDL. The detailed design applies SDL
and UML to the specication of concurrent objects and passive components,
respectively. The MSC language supports the test design activity. The simulation of the designed system was carried out with the ObjectGEODE simulator.
Finally, the targeting operation was performed with the help of the tools C Code
Generator. The following sections describe each of these steps in the systems
engineering process.


Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT



In the requirements analysis phase, the system environment is modeled and

the user requirements are specied. The analyst must concentrate on what the
system should do. The environment where the system will operate is described
by means of UML class diagramsobject modeling. The functional behavior
of the system is specied by MSCs, organized in a hierarchy of scenariosuse
case modeling. The system is viewed from the exterior as a black box, with
which external entities (system actors) interact. Both the object model and the
use case model must be independent from the solutions chosen to implement
the system in the next phases.


Object Modeling

In the description of the system environment, the class diagrams are used to
express the application and service domains. This is accomplished by identifying the relevant entities of the application domain (physical and logical), their
attributes, and the relationships between them. For the sake of clarity, the entities and their relationships should be grouped in modules reecting different
perspectives, as defended by Yourdon12 .
Fig. 18-2 gives an overview of the system environment, where the systems main actors are identied, in this case Passenger, Potential
Address : string
Telephone : string






Number : FloorType

Number : FloorType

1 Lodges



Number : ElevatorType
Floor : FloorType
Direction : DirectionType
State : StateType
ServeDestination(Floor : FloorType)
ServeCall(Ca : Call)
{1 <= Floor <= NF}

SaveAlarm(Info : Alarme)
ReceivedDestination(Dest : Destination)
ServedDestination(Dest : Destination)
ScheduledCall(Ca : Call)
ReceivedCall(Ca : Call)
ServedCall(Ca : Call)
LiftState(State : LiftState)




PushCallButton(Direction : DirectionType)


PushDestinationButton(Floor : FloorType)
PushDoorButton(Comand : DoorComandType)



Figure 18-2. UML Class Diagram of the Building Module.


Chapter 18








Figure 18-3. MSC Scenario Hierarchy for the Trip Subscenario.

Passenger and Operator. Generally, there is one module for some basic
system composition, one for each of the actors and others to express interesting
relationships. More information about the analysis of the MLS can be found in
Douglass13 .


Use Case Modeling

The use case model is composed of a scenario hierarchical tree with MSC
diagrams as the leaves. The scenario hierarchy should contain all the different
expected scenarios of interaction between the system and its environment. The
goal is to model the functional and dynamic requirements of the system. First,
the main scenarios are identied, and then are individually rened into more
detailed subscenarios, until the terminal scenarios can be easily described by a
chronological sequence of interactions between the system and its environment.
This approach faces the problem of a possible scenario explosion. To deal
with it, the rst step is to make use of the composition operators to hierarchically
combine the different scenarios. However, the problem is diminished but not
completely solved. It is necessary to make a good choice of scenarios, namely
to choose those which are the most representative of the system behavior.
The system operation is divided into phases which are organized by the composition operators, and each phase is a branch in the scenario hierarchy. Fig. 18-3
shows the Trip phase scenario hierarchy, in which we have a CrossFloor
terminal scenario as illustrated in Fig. 18-4.
A constant concern must be the coherence between the use case and the
object models1 .



In this phase, the system designers specify a logical architecture for the
system (as opposed to a physical architecture). The SDL language covers all
aspects of the architecture design.


Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT











NewFloor (2)
ShowFloor (2)

ShowFloor (2)
LiftState ((. 2,Up,Moving .))

Figure 18-4. Abstract MSC for the CrossFloor Scenario.

The system is composed of concurrent objects (those which have an execution thread) and passive objects (those which implement a set of functions
invoked by concurrent objects). The concurrent objects are identied and organized in an architecture hierarchy. This is accomplished by a combination of
renement and composition. The renement is a top-down process in which
higher level objects are divided into smaller and more detailed lower level
objects, bearing in mind the modularity aspects.
The composition is a bottom-up process in which designers try to group
objects in such a way that it favors reutilization, and pays special attention to encapsulation. Fig. 18-5 illustrates the SDL objects hierarchy for the
In the architectural design, the real characteristics of the environment where
the system will operate should be considered, as well as the efciency aspects.
On the other hand, the SDL model should be independent of the real object
distribution on the nal platform. At the rst level, the system actors are considered through their interfaces, and modeled as channels between the systems
top-level objects and the outside world. Fig. 18-6 shows the top level of the
MLS architecture.
Some passive objects are also dened, such as signals with complex arguments, Abstract Data Types (ADTs) associated with internal signal processing,
and operators to implement the I/O communication with the outside world
(instead of signals).
The use of SDL assures the portability of the system architecture. Since the
communication is independent of the real object distribution, the channels are
dynamic, and the objects can be parameterized.





DestinationPanel CableMonitor



Figure 18-5. SDL Hierarchy Diagram for the MLS.



Chapter 18

system MLS








LiftState ,
AckServeCall ,

ScheduleCall ,





ServeCall ,
AckScheduleCall ,
IniOk, PIdPP
IniOk, PIdPE

Blocked ,














Figure 18-6. SDL Interconnection Diagram of the Top Level MLS Hierarchy.



The description of concurrent and passive objects that constitute the system
architecture is done in the detailed design phase. In other words, it is specied
how the system implements the expected services, which should be independent
of the nal platform where the system will run.


Concurrent Objects Design

The concurrent objects are the terminal objects of the SDL hierarchy. Each
one of them is an SDL process described as a kind of nite state machine called
process diagram. The process diagrams are built by analyzing the input signals
for each process, and how the answer to those signals depends on the previous
states. The SDL has a set of mechanisms to describe the transitions that allow a
complete specication of the process behavior. In Fig. 18-7 the process diagram
of the FloorDoor process is depicted. The reuse of external concurrent objects
is supported by the SDL encapsulation and inheritance mechanisms.


Passive Objects Design

Some passive objects are identied during the analysis phase. Generally
they model data used or produced by the system, and they are included in the
detailed design to provide services for the concurrent objects. There are also
passive objects that result from design options, such as data management, user


Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT

process Floor Door




MyFN FloorType,
MyLN LiftType,
LiftDoor PID,
void VoidType;

SET (NoAck)

TIMER NoAck := DoorComandTime;






((. FDDoesNotOpen,
MyLN,MyFN .))

TO LiftDoor









SET (NoAck)


((. FDDoesNotClose,
MyLN,MyFN .))

TO LiftDoor


TO LiftDoor



void := Open()
SET (NoAck)


Figure 18-7. SDL Process Diagram of the FloorDoor Process.

interface, equipment interface, and inclusion of other design techniques (e.g.,

VHDL to describe hardware).
Although the SDL Abstract Data Types (ADTs) provide a way to dene
passive objects, they are better described by UML classes. Consequently, the
detailed design ADTs are translated to UML classes and their relationships
depicted in UML class diagrams, as exemplied by Fig. 18-8.
The reuse of external passive objects is facilitated by UMLs, and also SDLs,
encapsulation, and inheritance mechanisms.



In this phase, the communication between all the elements of the system
architecture is specied by means of detailed MSCs. The detailed MSCs contain
the sequences of messages exchanged between the architectural elements. They
are built by rening the abstract MSC of each terminal scenario from the use
case model, according to the SDL architecture model. Consequently, the test
design activity can be executed parallel to the architecture design and provide
requirements for the detailed design phase.
In the intermediate architecture levels, the detailed MSCs represent integration tests between the concurrent objects. The last renement step corresponds


Chapter 18




Floor : FloorType

Floor : FloorType

Direction : DirectionType

Direction : DirectionType

Add(C: Call) : void

State : StateType

Remove(C: Call) : void


Exists(C: Call) : boolean

Reserve(C: Call,Lift: LiftType) : void
Free(C: Call) : void
GetNumber() : int


GetLiftOfReserved(C: Call) : LiftType

GetNext(C: Call,Lift: LiftType) : Call

Confirm(Lift: LiftType,Conf: boolean) : void

GetForNextFloor(C: Call,Lift: LiftType) : Call

GoesBusy(Lift: LiftType,C: Call) : void

StaysFree(Lift: LiftType,Floor: FloorType) : void
UpdateState(Lift: LiftType,State: SateType) : void
UpdateReservedCall(Lift: LiftType,C: Call) : void


IsConfirmed(Lift: LiftType) : boolean

IsFree(Lift: LiftType) : boolean
Add(Floor: FloorType) : void

IsAnyAtFloor(Floor: FloorType) : boolean

Remove(Floor: FloorType) : void

GetNumberOfBusy() : LiftType

Exists(Floor: FloorType) : boolean

GetReservedCall(Lift: LiftType) : Call

GetNext(Floor: FloorType,Direction: DirectionType) : FloorType

GetState(Lift: LiftType) : LiftState

GetNumber() : FloorType

GetNearestLift(C: Call) : LiftType

Figure 18-8. Detailed Design of UML Class Diagram.

to unit tests that describe the behavior of processes (the terminal SDL architecture level). Fig. 18-9 illustrates this.
The process level MSCs can be further enriched by including in each process
graphical elements with more detailed behavior, such as states, procedures, and
timers. Fig. 18-10 shows the integration test corresponding to the abstract MSC
of Fig. 18-4, and Fig. 18-11 represents the respective unit test for one of the
internal blocks.





















Figure 18-9. Test Design in OORT.


Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT





' NewFloor ()'
' ShowFloor (Floor)'

LiftState ((. 3,Down,Moving .))

'Window := UpdateState
(Window,1,(. 3,Down,Moving.))'

Figure 18-10. Detailed MSC with Integration Test for CrossFloor.

While the use case model reects the user perspective of the system, the
test design should be spread to cover aspects related to the architecture, such
as performance, robustness, security, exibility, etc.



SDL is a formal language, and therefore permits a trustable simulation14

of the models. The simulation of an SDL model is a sequence of steps, ring
transitions from state to state.
The ObjectGEODE simulator15 executes SDL models, comparing them with
MSCs that state the expected functionalities and anticipated error situations, and
it generates MSCs of the actual system behavior. It provides three operation
modes: interactive, in which the user acts as the system environment (providing
stimuli) and monitors the systems internal behavior; random, the simulator




LiftState ((. 3,Down,Moving .))

LiftState ((. 3,Down,Moving .))

'Window := UpdateState
(Window,1,(. 3,Down,Moving .))'

Figure 18-11. Detailed MSC with Unit Test of Block Central for CrossFloor.


Chapter 18

picks randomly one of the transitions possible to re; exhaustive, the simulator
automatically explores all the possible system states.
The interactive mode can be used to do the rst tests, to verify some important
situations in particular. This way, the more generic system behavior can be
corrected and completed. This mode is specially suited for rapid prototyping,
to ensure that the system really works.
The system was very useful to detect aws in ADTs whose operators were
specied in textual SDL, as, for example, the heavy computational ADTs responsible the calls dispatching. As the simulator has transition granularity, it
is not possible to go step by step through the operations executed inside one
transition. The errors are detected after each transition, whenever an unexpected
state is reached, or a variable has an unpredicted value. Obviously, this is not
an adequate way to simulate a large number of cases.
After a certain level of condence in the overall application behavior is
achieved, it can be tested for a larger number of scenarios, in order to detect
dynamical errors such as deadlocks, dead code, unexpected signals, signals
without receiver, overows, etc. This is done in the random mode, to verify if
the system is being correctly builtsystem verication.
Although, this could be done with exhaustive simulation, it would not be
efcient. The exhaustive mode requires considerable computer resources during
a lot of time, and it generates a large amount of information. It is not something
to be done everyday. The exhaustive simulation allows the validation of the
system, i.e., to check the system against the requirements. We can verify if it
implements the expected services, by detecting interactions that do not follow
some dened properties, or interaction sequences that are not expected.



The ObjectGEODE automatic code generator translates the SDL specication to ANSI C code, which is independent of the target platform in which the
system will run.
The SDL semantics (including the communication, process instance
scheduling, time management, and shared variables) is implemented by a dynamic library which abstracts the platform from the generated code. It is also
responsible for the integration with the executing environment, namely the
In order to generate the application code, it is necessary to describe the
target platform where the system will be executed. This is done by means of a
mapping between the SDL architecture and the C code implementation.
The SDL architecture consists of a logical architecture of structural objects (system, blocks, processes, etc.,), in which the lower level objects (the

Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT


SDL Specification
Architecture Definition
C Code


Dynamic Library
Physical Architecture

Figure 18-12. Simplied strategy for the application generation.

processes) implement the behavior of the described system. The physical implementation consists of a hierarchy of nodes and tasks. A node corresponds to one
processing unit with multitasking OS, and a task is an unit of parallelism of the
OS. One task can map one of the following SDL objects: system, Task/System
(TS) mapping; block, Task/Block (TB) mapping; processTask/Process (TP)
mapping; process instanceTask/Instance (TI) mapping.
In the TI mapping, the complete application is managed by the target OS.
In the TP mapping, the OS is in charge of the interaction between processes,
whilst the management of the process instances inside the task is done by the
ObjectGEODEs SDL virtual machine (VM).
In the TB mapping, the OS manages the communication between blocks,
while the SDL VM executes the SDL objects inside each block. Finally, the TS
mapping is the only possible option for nonmultitasking operating systems, for
which the SDL VM manages all the application. For the MLS, the TP mapping
was chosen.
After the automatic code generation, the code of any parts interacting or
directly depending on the physical platform has to be supplied, preferably in
the most suitable language. The ADT operators that do not interact with external
devices can be coded algorithmically in SDL, and thus the respective C code will
be generated. For each ADT operator one C function interface is automatically
Fig. 18-12 illustrates the simplied application generation scheme. If some
parts of the SDL model are to be implemented in hardware, Daveau16 provides
a partition and a synthesis methodology.



The UML, MSC, and SDL, being continuously improved to international

standards, facilitates the protection of development investment. The presented
work shows the validity of these languages and their combined use in the
implemention of embedded systems.
It is feasible to simulate a formal language like SDL, because it is dened by
a clear set of mathematical rules. The ObjectGEODE provides three simulation


Chapter 18

modes suitable for different levels of system correctness. They can be applied
to make early validations and to increase the frequency of an iterative development process. This allows cost reduction by decreasing the number of missed
versions, i.e., it helps the designers to get closer to the right at rst time.
The SDL application is scalable, because its logical architecture is independent of the physical architecture. The mapping between objects and hardware
is dened only in the targeting phase. Furthermore, with the ObjectGEODE
toolset the implementation is automatic, thus limiting the manual coding to the
target dependent operations. The generated application is optimized for the target platform by means of the mapping dened by the developer. Any change in
the physical architecture only requires a change in the mapping, so the system
specication and its logical architecture remain the same.
The adoption of a methodology based on OO graphical languages helps
the designer to organize the development tasks, and build the application as a
consistent combination of parts. Object-oriented visual modeling is more exible, easier to maintain, and favors reutilization. These advantages are emphasized when appropriate tool support exists during all the engineering process
phases. In fact, it is a critical factor for success, namely for simulation and

1. Verilog, ObjectGEODE Method Guidelines. Verilog, SA (1996).
2. Object Management Group, Unied Modeling Language Specication vl.3 (March 2000);
3. ITU-T, Recommendation Z.120: Message Sequence Chart (October 1996); http://www
4. ITU-T, Recommendation Z.100: Specication and Description Language (March 1993);
5. ITU-T, Recommendation Z.100 Appendix 1: SDL Methodology Guidelines (March 1994);
6. ITU-T Recommendation Z.100 Addendum 1 (October 1996);
7. UML Revision Task Force, Object Modeling with OMG UML Tutorial Series (November
2000); tutorial.htm.
8. ITU-T, Recommendation Z.100 Supplement 1: SDL + Methodology: Use of MSC and
SDL (with ASN.1) (May 1997);
9. E. Rudolph, P. Graubmann, J. Grabowski, Tutorial on message sequence charts. Computer
Networks and ISDN Systems 28 (12) (1996).
10. O. Faergemand, A. Olsen, Introduction to SDL-92. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
26 (9) (1994).
11. A. Olsen, O. Faergemand, B. Moller-Pedersen, R. Reed, J.R.W. Smith, Systems Engineering Using SDL-92. North Holland (1994).
12. E. Yourdon, Object-Oriented Systems Design: An Integrated Approach. Prentice Hall

Development of Embedded Systems Using OORT


13. B.P. Douglass, Real-Time UML: Developing Efcient Objects for Embedded Systems.
Addison-Wesley (1998).
14. V. Encontre, How to use modeling to implement veriable, scalable, and efcient realtime application programs. Real-Time Engineering (Fall 1997).
15. Verilog, ObjectGEODE SDL Simulator Reference Manual. Verilog, SA (1996).
16. J.M. Daveau, G.F. Marchioro, T. Ben-Ismail, A.A. Jerraya, Cosmos: An SDL based
hardware/software codesign environment. In J.-M. Berge, O. Levia, J. Rouillard (eds.),
Hardware/Software Co-design and Co-Verication, Kluwer Academic Publishers (1997)
pp. 5987.

Chapter 19

Vaclav Dvorak
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Technology Brno, Bozetechova 2,
612 66 Brno, Czech Republik; e-mail: [email protected]


The paper addresses the issue of prototyping group communications in

application-specic multiprocessor systems or SoC. Group communications may
have a dramatic impact on the performance and this is why performance estimation of these systems, either bus-based SMPs or message-passing networks
of DSPs is undertaken using a CSP-based tool Transim. Variations in computation granularity, communication algorithms, interconnect topology, distribution
of data and code to processors as well as in processor count, clock rate, link speed,
bus bandwidth, cache line size and other parameters can be easily accounted for.
The technique is demonstrated on parallel FFT on 2 to 8 processors.

Key words:

parallel embedded systems; multiprocessor simulation; group communication;

performance estimation.



The design of mixed hw/sw systems for embedded applications has been an
active research area in recent years. Hw/sw cosynthesis and cosimulation have
been mainly restricted to a single processor and programmable arrays attached to
it, which were placed incidentally on a single chip (SoC). A new kind of system,
application-specic multiprocessor SoC, is emerging with frequent applications
in small-scale parallel systems for high-performance control, data acquisition
and analysis, image processing, wireless, networking processors, and game
computers. Typically several DSPs and/or microcontrollers are interconnected
with an on-chip communication network and may use an operating system.
The performance of most digital systems today is limited by their communication or interconnection, not by their logic or memory. This is why we


Chapter 19

focus ourselves on optimization of interconnection networks and communication algorithms. Interconnection networks are emerging as a universal solution
to the system-level communication problems for modern digital systems and
have become pervasive in their traditional application as processor-memory and
processor-processor interconnection. Point-to-point interconnection networks
have replaced buses in an ever widening range of applications that include
on-chip interconnect, switches and routers, and I/O systems1 .
Provided that processor architecture is given and xed, the data and code
distributed to processors and the load reasonably balanced, then the only thing
that remains to be optimized is an interconnection network and communication.
Minimizing communication times means minimizing the main source of overhead in parallel processing. Other process interactions (and sources of overhead)
like synchronization and aggregation (reduction, scan) are strongly related to
communication and can be modeled as such.
In this paper we wish to concentrate on the performance estimation of various interconnection networks and communication algorithms, since performance guarantees must be complied with before anything else can be decided.
We will study only application-specic multiprocessors, and modeling their
performance, other difcult problems such as system validation at the functional level and at the cycle-accurate level, software and RTOS synthesis, task
scheduling and allocation, overall system testing, etc., are not considered. As
a suitable application for performance comparison, we have selected a parallel
FFT (1024) benchmark (1024 points, one dimension), in real-time environment,
with the goal of maximizing the number of such FFTs per second.




The performance race between a single large processor on a chip and a

single-chip multiprocessor (CMP) is not yet decided. Applications such as
multimedia point to CMP with multithreaded processors2 for the best possible
performance. The choice between application-specic (systolic) architectures
or processors on one hand and CMP on the other is yet more difcult. CMP
architectures may also take several forms such as:
r a bus-based SMP with coherent caches with an atomic bus or a splittransaction bus;
r a SMP with a crossbar located between processors and a shared rstlevel
cache which in turn connects to a shared main memory;
r a distributed memory architecture with a direct interconnection network
(e.g., a hypercube) or an indirect one (the multistage interconnection network, MIN).

Optimizing Communication Architectures


As the number of processors on the chip will be, at least in the near future,
typically lower than ten, we do not have to worry about scalability of these architectures. Therefore the bus interconnection will not be seen as too restrictive
in this context.
Some more scalable architectures such as SMP with processors and memory
modules interconnected via a multistage interconnection network (the so-called
dancehall organization) or a hw-supported distributed shared memory will
not be considered as candidates for small-scale parallel embedded systems or
Let us note that the choice of architecture can often also be dictated by a
particular application to be implemented in parallel, e.g., broadcasting data to
processors, if not hidden by computation, may require a broadcast bus for speed,
but on the contrary, all-to-all scatter communication of intermediate results will
be serialized on the bus and potentially slower than on a direct communication
network. The next generation of internet routers and network processors SoC
may require unconventional approaches to deliver ultrahigh performance over
an optical infrastructure. Octagon topology3 suggested recently to meet these
challenges was supposed to outperform shared bus and crossbar on-chip communication architectures. However, it can be easily shown that this topology
with the given routing algorithm3 is not deadlock-free. Some conclusions like
the previous one or preliminary estimation of performance or its lower bound
can be supported by back-of the-envelope calculations, other evaluations are
more difcult due to varying message lengths or irregular nature of communications. This is where simulation ts in.
With reference to the presented case study, we will investigate the following
(on-chip) communication networks:
1. fully connected network
2. SF hypercube
3. WH hypercube
4. Multistage interconnection network MIN (Omega)
5. Atomic bus
The number of processors p = 2, 4, and 8. The problem size of a benchmark
(parallel 1D-FFT) will be n = 1024 points.




Performance modeling has to take the characteristics of the machine (including operating systems, if any) and applications and predict the execution time.
Generally it is much more difcult to simulate performance of an application


Chapter 19

in shared address space than in message passing, since the events of interest
are not explicit in the shared variable program. In the shared address space,
performance modeling is complicated by the very same properties that make
developing a program easier: naming, replication and coherence are all implicit, i.e., transparent for the programmer, so it is difcult to determine how
much communication occurs and when, e.g., when cache mapping conicts are
involved 4 .
Sound performance evaluation methodology is essential for credible computer architecture research to evaluate hw/sw architectural ideas or trade-offs.
Transaction Level Modeling (TLM)5 has been proposed as a higher modeling
abstraction level for faster simulation performance. At the TLM level, the system bus is captured as an abstract channel, independent of a particular bus
architecture or protocol implementation. A TLM model can be used as a prototype of the system and for early functional system validation and embedded
software development. However, these models do not fully exploit the potential for speedup when modeling systems for exploring on-chip communication
tradeoffs and performance. On the other hand, commonly used shared-memory
simulators rsim, Proteus, Tango, limes or MulSim6 , beside their sophistication,
are not suitable for message passing systems.
This made us reconsider the simulation methodology for sharedmemory
multiprocessors. Here we suggest using a single CSP-based simulator both for
message passing as well as for shared address space. It is based on simple
approximations and leaves the speed vs. accuracy tradeoff for the user, who can
control the level of details and accuracy of simulation.
The CSP-based Transim tool can run simulations written in Transim
language7 . It is a subset of Occam 2 with various extensions. Transim is naturally intended for message passing in distributed memory systems. Nevertheless, it can be used also for simulation of shared memory bus-based (SMP)
systems bus transactions in SMP are modeled as communications between
node processes and a central process running on an extra processor. Transim
also supports shared variables used in modeling locks and barriers. Until now,
only an atomic bus model has been tested; the split-transaction bus requires
more housekeeping and its model will be developed in the near future.
The input le for Transim simulator tool contains descriptions of software,
hardware, and mapping to one another. In software description, control statements are used in the usual way, computations (integer only) do not consume
simulated time. This is why all pieces of sequential code are completed or
replaced (oating point) by special timing constructs SERV ( ). Argument of
SERV ( ) species the number of CPU cycles taken by the task. Granularity of
simulation is therefore selectable from individual instructions to large pieces
of code. Explicit overhead can be represented directly by WAIT( ) construct.
Data-dependent computations can be simulated by SERV construct with a random number of CPU cycles. Some features of an RT distributed operating

Optimizing Communication Architectures


system kernel, originally supported by hw in transputers, are also built into

the simulator, such as process management, process priorities (2 levels only),
context switching, timers, etc.
The NODE construct in hardware description is used to specify the CPU
speed, communication model and other parameters; otherwise the default values
are used. The mapping between software and hardware, between processes and
processors, is made through the MAP construct. Parallel processes on different
processors, one process per processor, are created by PLACED PAR construct
for MPMD or by replicated PLACED PAR for SPMD model of computation.



We will illustrate the technique of optimization of communication architecture on the problem of computing the 1D-, n-point-, discrete Fourier transform
on p processors in O((n log n)/p) time. Let p divide n, n = 2q is a power of
two and n p2 . Let the n-dimensional vector x [n1] be represented by matrix
X [n/p p] in row-major order (one column per processor). The DFT of the
vector x is given by

Y = Wn X = W P S Wn/ p X ,
where S [n/p p] is the scaling matrix, is elementwise multiplication and
the resulting vector y [n 1] = Wn x is represented by matrix Y [n/p p] in
column major order form (n/p2 rows per processor). Operation denoted by T is
a generalized matrix transpose that corresponds to the usual notion of matrix
transpose in case of square matrices8 .
The algorithm can be performed in the following three stages. The rst stage
involves a local computation of a DFT of size n/p in each processor, followed by
the twiddle-factor scaling (element-wise multiplication by S). The second stage
is a communication step that involves a matrix transposition. Finally, n/p2 local
FFTs, each of size p, are sufcient to complete the overall FFT computations
on n points. The amount of computation work for the sequential FFT of an
n-element real vector is (n/2)log2 n buttery operations, where one buttery
represents 4 oating point multiplications and 6 additions/subtractions (20 CPU
clocks in simulation). In parallel implementation the computation work done
by p processors is distributed at stages 1 and 3, but the total amount of work in
terms of executed buttery operations is the same,

n p
log + 2 log p = log n.
p 2
Let us note that the work done in stage 1 proportional to (log n log p)
is much larger than the work done in stage 3, proportional to log p. The only
overhead in parallel implementation is due to a matrix transposition. The matrix


Chapter 19

Table 19-1. The lower bound on total exchange (AAS) communication times

Bisection width b

Bisection band-width Gbit/s

Time of AAS [s],

the lower bound

Full connection
MIN Omega
SF cube
WH cube

p2 /2 = 32
4 log p = 12




transposition problem is equivalent to all-to-all scatter (AAS) group communication. Clearly, it requires 1 step in a fully connected topology, p/2 steps (a
lower bound) in the SF-hypercube, p-1 steps in the WH-hypercube or a MIN,
and nally p(p-1) bus transactions on a bus. The lower bound on the AAS communication time can be obtained using a network bisection bandwidth and the
required amount of data movement across bisection (under the assumption that
data movement within each part may be overlapped with data movement between both parts). Bisection partitions a network into two parts, so that in AAS
communication each node in one part has to communicate with all nodes in the
other part using b channels cut by bisection. We therefore have (p/2) (p/2)
messages of size n/p2 real numbers, i.e., (n/4) 4 byte or n bytes. A different
number p(p-1) of shared memory communications (read miss bus transactions)
are needed for the SMP. Lower bounds of communication times are summarized
in the Table 19-1 using parameters from the next subsection 5 and assuming 10
FFT processing will be done continuously in real time. Therefore loading
of the next input vector from outside and writing the previous results from
processors to environment will be carried out in the background, in parallel
with three stages of processing of the current input vector (with the rst stage
of processing only in the shared memory case). Since computing nodes are
identical in all architectures, only the duration of visible AAS communication
makes a difference to the performance. Communication time overlapped by
useful processing is invisible (does not represent an overhead) and ideally all
communications should be hidden in this way.



Six architectures simulated in the case study are listed in Table 19-2 together
with the execution times. The CPU clock rate is 200 MHz in all 6 cases, the


Optimizing Communication Architectures

Table 19-2. Parallel FFT execution times in s for
six analyzed architectures




Full connection
SF cube
WH cube





external channel speed of 100 Mbit/s (12 MB/s) is used for serial links in all
message-passing architectures, whereas bus transfer rate for SMP is 100 MB/s.
Downloading and uploading of input data and results were supposed to continue
in the background in all processors simultaneously at a 8-times higher rate than
the link speed, which is almost equivalent to the bus speed in SMP case. In
message-passing architectures the AAS communication was overlapped with
submatrix transposition as much as possible. Optimum routing algorithm for SF
hypercube and AAS communication requires p/2 steps and uses schedule tables
shown in Fig. 19-1. For example two nodes with mutually reversed address bits
(the relative address RA = 7) will exchange messages in step 2, 3, and 4 and the
path will start in dimension 1, then continue in dimension 0 and nally end in
dimension 2. In case of WH hypercube, dimension-ordered routing is used in
every step i, i = 1, 2, . . . , p-1, in which src-node and dst-node with the relative
addresses RA = src dst = i exchange messages without any conict-over
disjoint paths.
The small cluster of (digital signal) processors, referred to as COSP in
Table 19-2, uses a centralized router switch (MIN of Omega type) with sw/hw
overhead of 5 s, the same as a start-up cost of serial links, and WH routing. The
algorithm for AAS uses a sequence of cyclic permutations, e.g., (01234567),
(0246)(1357), . . . , (07654321) for p = 8. All these permutations are blocking
and require up to log p = 3 passes through the MIN.
Finally a bus-based shared memory system with coherent caches (SMP)
has had 100 MB/s bus bandwidth, 50 MHz bus clock, and the miss penalty of
20 CPU clocks. We will assume an atomic bus for simplicity and a fair bus


RA in dimension


relative addr. used in dimension


Figure 19-1. Optimum schedule for AAS in all-port full-duplex 2D- and 3D SF hypercubes.


Chapter 19



Figure 19-2. Comparison of execution times [ms] for six architectures.

arbitration policy. Other types of bus arbitration (priority-based, random, etc.,)

may also be simulated. The cache block size is 16 bytes and the size of the
cache is assumed to be sufcient to hold input data (a real vector), intermediate
data after the rst stage of FFT (a complex vector) as well as the results (a
complex vector). In the worst case (p = 2) the size of all these vectors will be
around 10 kB, if we use REAL32 format. We assume I/O connected via a bus
adapter directly to the cache. To avoid arbitration between CPU and I/O, the
next input and previous results are transferred in/out during the rst stage of
the FFT algorithm.
The results summarized in Table 19-2 and plotted in Fig. 19-2 deserve some
comments. A fully connected network of processors is the fastest architecture for
8 processors, but the slowest for 2 processors. The reason is that communication
is mostly seen as an overhead, but gets better overlapped with communication
when p increases. The cluster of DSPs (COSP row in Table 19-2) starts with
p = 4 and increasing the number of processors from 4 to 8 does not make much
sense because it has a small inuence on speed.
In the SMP with shared bus, processors write the results of the n/p-point FFT
computed in stage 1 into the local caches and do the transposition at the same
time. This means that consecutive values of FFT will be stored with a stride
required by the rule of matrix transposition. The following read requests by
other processors at the beginning of stage 3 will generate read misses: at cache
block size 16 bytes, one miss always after 3 hits in a sequence. Fresh cache
blocks will be loaded into requestors cache and simultaneously into the shared
memory. A prefetch of cache blocks has been simulated without an observable
improvement in speed, most probably due to bus saturation. This is even worse
for 8 processors than for 4, see Fig. 19-2.
As for hypercubes, the WF hypercube is superior and gives the same results
as a cluster of DSPs. Slightly worse performance than that of fully connected

Optimizing Communication Architectures


processors is balanced by much simpler interconnection and by a lower number

of communication ports.



The performance study of the parallel FFT benchmark on a number of architectures using Transim tool proved to be a useful exercise. Even though the
results of simulations have not been confronted with real computations, they
can certainly serve to indicate serious candidate architectures that satisfy certain performance requirements. The approximations hidden in the simulation
limit the accuracy of real-time performance prediction, but the level of detail
in simulation is given by the user, by how much time they are willing to spend
on building the model of hw and sw. For example, modeling the split-transaction
bus or the contention in interconnection network for WH routing could be quite
difcult. The latter was not attempted in this case study since the FFT benchmark requires only regular contention-free communication. This, of course,
generally will not be the case. Nevertheless, simulation enables fast varying of
sw/hw conguration parameters and studying of the impact of such changes on
performance, free from the second-order effects. In this context, the CSP-based
Transim simulator and language proved to be very exible, robust, and easy to
use. Future work will continue to include other benchmarks and analyze the
accuracy of performance prediction.

This research has been carried out under the nancial support of the Research
intention no. CEZ: J22/98: 262200012Research in information and control
systems (Ministry of Education, CZ) and the research grant GA 102/02/0503
Parallel system performance prediction and tuning (Grant Agency of Czech

1. J. Duato, S. Yalamanchili, L. Ni, Interconnection NetworksAn Engineering Approach.
Morgan Kaufman Publishers (2003).
2. J. Silc, B. Robic, T. Ungerer, Processor Architecture: From Dataow to Superscalar and
Beyond. Springer-Verlag (1999), ISBN 3-540-64798-8.
3. F. Karim, A. Nguyen, An Interconnect Architecture for Networking Systems on Chips. IEEE
Micro, pp. 3645, Sept.Oct. 2002.


Chapter 19

4. D.E. Culler et al., Parallel Computer Architecture. Morgan Kaufmann Publ., p. 189
5. T. Grotker, S. Liao, G. Martin, S. Swan, System Design with SystemC. Kluwer Academic
Publishers (2002).
7. E. Hart, TRANSIMPrototyping Parallel Algorithms, (2nd edition). University of Westminster Press London, (1994).
8. A. Zomaya, Parallel and Distributed Computing Handbook. McGraw Hill, p. 344

Chapter 20


Mirosl aw Chmiel and Edward Hrynkiewicz
Institute of Electronics, Silesian University of Technology, Akademicka 16, 44-100 Gliwice,
Poland; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


The paper presents some hardware solutions for the bit-byte CPU of a PLC,
which are oriented for maximum optimisation of data exchange between the CPU
processors. The optimization intends maximum utilization of the possibilities
given by the two-processor architecture of the CPUs. The key point is preserving
high speed of instruction processing by the bit-processor, and high functionality
of the byte-processor. The optimal structure should enable the processors to work
in parallel as much as possible, and minimize the situation, when one processor
has to wait for the other.

Key words:

PLC; CPU; Bit-Byte structure of CPU; control program; scan time.



One of the main parameters (features) of Programmable Logic Controllers

(PLC) is execution time of one thousand control commands (scan time). This
parameter evaluates the quality of PLC. Consequently, designing and construction are important tasks of the CPU which should have a structure enabling
fast control program execution. The most developed CPUs of PLCs of many
well-known manufacturers are constructed as multiprocessor units. Particular
processors in such units execute the tasks assigned to them. In this way we
obtain a unit, which makes possible parallel operation of several processors.
For such a CPU the main problem to be solved is the method of task-assuming
in particular processors and nding a structure of CPU capable of realisation
of such task-assigning in practice as shown by Michel (1990).


Chapter 20

The bit-byte structure of CPU in which task assignment is predened is

often met in real solutions. The tasks operating on discrete input/outputs are
executed by the bit-processor. Such processors may be implemented in programmable structures as PLD or FPGA and has been demonstrated (Chmiel
et al., 1995b; Hrynkiewicz, 1997). It brings the positive effects in user program
execution time (fast operating processor). On the other hand a byte-processor
(word-processor) is built on the base of a standard microprocessor or embedded microcontroller. The byte-processors are used for the control of analogue
objects, for numeric data processing, and for the execution of the operations
indirectly connected to user (control) program but connected to the operating
system of the programmable controller of a CPU. A set of such operations consists of timer servicing, reading-out of the input states, setting of the outputs,
LAN servicing, communication to the personal computer, and so on.
A very interesting problem, though a difcult task, is the realisation of programmable controller timer module as shown in (Chmiel et al., 1995a). A time
interval is counting, asynchronously, to the program loop execution. It causes
difculties with testing of an end of a counted interval. At long time of program loop execution and short counted time intervals a large error may occur.
The accuracy of time intervals counting may be increased by special program
tricks, but achieving good results is typically connected with the prolongation
of the control program loop. In some programmable controllers the end of time
interval counting interrupts the control program and the service procedure for
this interrupt is invoked. However, the number of interrupts is typically limited
and only a few timers can act in this way. This is why it would be worthwhile to
reect on a way of improving an accuracy of time counting in the programmable
controllers. The other matter is connected with this problem. As mentioned earlier operation speed is one of the most important parameters of programmable
controllers. Typically, operation speed is closely connected to the scan time.
However, it seems that throughput time more precisely describes the dynamic
features of a programmable controller. Naturally it may be said that throughput
time is closely linked to the scan time unless a programmable controller does
not execute a control program in a serial-cyclic way. Let us imagine that a programmable controller operates on the rule based on processing of the segments
(tasks) of the control program. These segments are triggered only by the changes
of the input signals (input conditions). In this situation one can tell the throughput time (response time) but it would be difcult to tell the time of program loop
execution. It would be possible only to dene the mean time of program loop
execution for a given application. For the application where the signal changes
sparsely. The mean time of program loop execution will be much less than the
maximum time evaluated for the execution of a whole program. In particular
applications the certain group of signals may change more often than the other
signals. The segments of the control program triggered by these signals will

Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures


be executed more often than the other segments. To avoid a situation where
two or more tasks are triggered at the same moment it would be necessary to
assign the priorities to the control program segments. The described method of
programmable controller operation changes the approach to preparing a control
program but it seems to the authors that in such a programmable controller the
problems with, for example, timers will be easier. It is not necessary to observe
the moment when time interval will be completed. At the end of the time interval, counting the suitable segment may be called and executed. It means that
the currently executed program segment should be interrupted and this depends
on the priorities assigned to the particular program segments.
Such type of programmable controller CPUs will be the subject of future
work, while in this paper the few proposals of programmable controller bitbyte CPU structures are presented. These are CPUs with serial-cyclic program
execution but they are structurally prepared for event-triggered operation.




The aim of the work results as described in the paper were design and
implementation of programmable controller CPU based on bit-byte structure.
The main design condition was maximum speed of control program execution. This condition should be met rather by elaborating suitable structure
rather than application of the fastest microprocessors. Additionally, it was assumed that bit-processor will be implemented using catalogue logic devices or
programmable structures whereas the byte-processor will be used by the microcontroller 80C320 from Dallas Semiconductor. The CPU should be capable
of carrying out the logical and arithmetical operations, conditional and unconditional jumps, sensing the input states, and setting or resetting outputs, timers,
counters, and so on.
In the simplest case, each programmable control device might be realised
as a microprocessor device. We have to remember about applications in which
we are going to use the constructed logic controller. These applications force
special requirements and constraints. Controlled objects have a large number of
binary inputs and outputs, while standard microprocessor (or microcontroller)
operates mainly on bytes. A instruction list of those devices is optimised for
operation on byte or word variables (some of them can carry out complicated
arithmetical calculation) that are not required in industrial applications. Each
task is connected with reading external data, computation, and writing computed
data to the outputs. Logical instructions like AND or OR on individual bits take
the same amount of time. The number of binary inputs and outputs in greater
units reach number of thousands. In such cases parallel computation of all


Chapter 20

inputs and outputs is impossible. In this situation all inputs and outputs must
be scanned and updated sequentially as fast as possible. If we wish to achieve
good control parameters, the bits operation should be done very quickly.
The creation of a specialised bit-processor, which can carry out bit operation
very quickly, is quite reasonable. If there is a need to process byte data, for
example from AD converters or external timers, the use of additional 8, 16, or
even 32, bits processor or microcontroller is required. The General structure of
the device is presented by Getko (1983).
The solution consists of two processors. Each of them has its own instruction
set. An instruction decoder recognises for which processor an instruction was
fetched and sends activation signals to it.
The basic parameter under consideration was program execution speed. Program execution speed is mainly limited by access latency of both processors to
the internal (e.g., counter timers) and external (e.g., inputs and outputs) process
variables. The program memory and the instruction fetch circuitry also inuence system performance. In order to support conictless cooperation of both
processors and maintain their concurrent operations the following assumption
were made:
r both processors have separate data memory but process image memory is
shared between them. It seems a better solution when each processor has
independent bus to in/out signals that are disjoint sets for both processors. In
order to remove conicts in access to common resources (process memory)
two independent bus channels are implemented to process memory, one
for each processor. This solution increases cost but simplies processor
cooperation protocol, especially by the elimination of the arbitration process
during access to common resources;
r presented circuit has only one program memory. In this memory there are
stored instructions for bit and byte processors. Byte processor usually executes a subprogram which has a set of input parameters. The byte processor
would highly reduce instruction transfer performance by accessing program
memory in order to fetch an invariant part of subroutine that is currently
executed. Donandt (1989) proposed a solution that implements separated
program memory for byte processors. In the presented case we decided to
implement two program memories for byte processor. In common program
memory, subprogram calls are stored with appropriate parameter sets. In
local program memory of byte processor there are stored bodies of subroutines that can be called from controller program memory. It allows saving
program memory by replacing subprograms of byte processor with subprogram calls. Subprograms implement specic instructions of the PLC, which
are not typical for general purpose byte processors;
r in order to reduce access time to in/out signal, process memory was replaced by registers that are located in modules. Content refresh cycle of

Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures


these registers will be executed after the completion of the calculation loop.
In some cases register update can be executed on programmer demand.
Presented solution gives fast access to in/out modules with relatively low
requirements for a hardware part. It is also possible to bypass registers and
directly access module signals.
The bit processor that operates as a master unit in the CPU allows speeding
up operation of the controller. There are also disadvantages connected with this
architecture, which can be easily compensated. Main limitation is microprogrammable architecture of bit processor that has limited abilities in comparison
to standard microprocessor or microcontroller. Proper cooperation protocol of
both processors allows eliminating of those limitations. Separated bus channels
as well as separated program and data memories assure concurrent operation
of the bit and byte processors without requirement of arbitration process.
The structure of the designed controller must be as simple and cheap as
possible. There must be minimal inuence on the execution speed of byte as
well bit processor (all processors should be able to operate with highest possible
throughput). It is obvious that not all assumptions can be fully satised.
Following assumptions were made in order to support two processors in
concurrent operations:
r separate address buses for bit and byte processors;
r two data buses: for bit-processor and for microcontroller;
r two controls bus, separate for microcontroller and bit-processor.




In this section the presented concept is of bit and byte processors cooperation
that allows achieving maximal execution speed by logic controller.
Two components were the base for research and design works. These components are program memory (memories) and instruction fetch by both types
of processors. A satisfying solution must reduce the number of accesses to
common memory. The access cycle to common memory must also be as fast
as possible. Better-tailored subprograms for byte processors allow reducing of
a number of instructions for it in a whole instruction stream.
Data exchange protocol between processors and access to common resources (timers, counters) are other problems that must be addressed.
The next problem is the method of information exchange between the processors and an access to the timers and counters. Timers and counters are related
to both processors because they are implemented in a software way in the byteprocessor, while their state is more often used by the bit-processor.


Chapter 20







Figure 20-1. An illustration of the commands transfer to the CPU processors.

The idea of command fetch and passing it to the appropriate processor of

the PLC central unit is presented in Fig. 20-1. There is one common program
memory called main program memory and two auxiliary memories that are
used by the byte processor. One of the processors fetches instructions. Next
the instruction is decoded. If the currently active processor can execute instructions it is passed on to the execution stage. In case it cannot be executed the
NEXT signal is asserted. It keeps the processors synchronized to each other. Bit
processor operates faster then byte processor and usually more instructions are
addressed to the bit processor then to the byte processor. In that case the bit processor should be a master processor, which fetches instruction and eventually
passes it to the byte processor. Operations executed by the byte processor are
represented by subprogram calls that represent basic tasks for byte operation
like timers/counters updates or communication tasks. The byte-processor is a
kind of coprocessor that processes requests from the bit processor.
The bit processor fetches commands from the main program memory
pointed by the program counter. The program counter is implemented inside the
bit processor. Next instruction is decoded and, when it is dedicated for the bit
processor, signal NEXT is set to 0 and the bit processor can execute instructions.
In case instructions must be passed to the byte processor NEXT signal is set to
1 and the instruction is passed to the buffer register. After passing instructions
to the byte processor the bit processor is waiting for activity of GO signal that
allows it to resume operation.
As assumed, both processors can operate almost independent of each other.
They are able to execute instructions from respective memories and access in/out
modules simultaneously. One problem that must be solved is data exchange
between processors.
There has to be a common memory through which processors are able to
exchange data for the following purposes:
r setting and clearing ags that request execution of specic tasks instead of
exchanging whole instructions.
r data transfers.


Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures











Figure 20-2. Block diagram of the two processors CPU with common memory.

This conception is presented in Fig. 20-2. This gure concentrates on data

exchange. It is based on a similar idea as presented earlier. This solution assumes common program memory for both processors. Each of them has unique
operation codes. One of the processors fetches operation code and recognises
it. If fetched instruction is assigned to it, it is immediately executed in other
cases and is sent to the second processor for execution.
The unit is equipped with three memory banks for the control program:
r program memory for bit processor;
r program memory for byte-processor includes standard procedure memory;
Such CPU has three states of operation:
r both processors execute control program simultaneously;
r one processor operates;
r bit-processor executes control program while byte-processor e.g., actualises
the timers.
The modication of the above solution, referring to the rst conception is the
unit where the bit-processor generates pulses activating the sequential tasks in
the byte-processor. These tasks are stored in suitable areas of the byte-processor
Finally the CPU structure presented in the Fig. 20-2 was accepted. This
structure was additionally equipped with the system of fast data exchange
keeping PLC programming easy. This systemin simple wordsensures that
the processors do not wait to nish their operations but they execute the
next commands up to the moment when command of waiting for result of


Chapter 20























Figure 20-3. The details of synchronisation of CPU processors.

operation carried-out by the second processor occurs. The important point is

the suitable program compiler and the way the control program is written by
the designer.
The bit-processor delivers commands to the byte-processor through the command buffer informing it by means of NEXT = 0signal. On the other hand
the byte-processor, after accepting a command, sends it to the bitprocessor as
conrmation by asserting EMPTYBUF signal.
The processors can exchange the result of recently executed operations
through FbB and FBb ip-ops. Processors must be able to read and write appropriate registers in order to pass on information. This justies the use of
special instructions that are marked in Fig. 20-3. by Chmiel and Hrynkiewicz
(1999). From the side of bit processors those are two transfer instructions:
TRFbB that allows writing state of condition register to FbB and TFBb that
allows testing state of FBb ip-op. A similar set of two instructions is implemented for the byte-processor. There are READ FBb that reads contents of
FBb and WRITE FBb that transfers content of internal condition ip-op to
FBb .
The two following situations can cause one of the processors to wait for
another reducing speed of program execution:
r the rst processor has not yet executed operation expected by the second processor and this one has to wait for the result (READYFBb = 0 or
READYFbB = 0);
r the second processor has not yet received the previous result and the rst
one cannot write the next result (EMPTYFbB = 0 or EMPTYFBb = 0).

Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures


To reduce possibility of occurrence of wait condition programs should be

written and compiled in such a way as to get these two processors working in
parallel as far as possible. However, in the second case one can take into account
the solution based on the increased number of the accessible data exchange ipops or on assignment of common memory area for the data exchange purpose.
At that time it appears that there is the need to assign ags to every task.
One can try to solve the ag problem in the following ways:
r the xed ag can be assigned to every type of operation (this solution is
not exible, both processors have to access to the common memory area
frequently, or many condition ip-ops have to be used);
r the successive tasks will use successive ags and this process will repeat
itself periodically after the number of ags runs out. The assignment process
can be led automatically by the compiler. However this solution can be
applied for the instruction sequences not disturbed by program jumps (except
for the jump to the beginning of the program loop);
r the third way is to charge the program designer with the duty of ag assignment. In this case ags are passed instead of markers. Results of program
execution in one of the processors is passed through a special memory area
whose functionality is similar to markers.
As presented earlier 2nd and 3rd solutions can be implemented in hardware.
Number of ip-ops must be large enough to transfer all possible conditions
in the longest program. In general the number of ip-ops used as markers is
proportional to the length of the program, which is determined by the capacity
of its program memory.
Condition ip-ops are grouped into two sets that pass information in both
directions between the two processors. The simplest implementation writes
results of the operation to the queue. The opposite processor reads results from
the queue as needed. The ag system is implemented as a FIFO register that
allows storing of all markers in order of their appearence. Processor writes
condition ag to the ip-op register pointed by condition counter. Opposite
processor reads condition ags and selects current register by its condition
counter. In this way the circular buffer was designed which allows for reading
and writing from different registers. Size of the circular buffer must be large
enough to store all required information passed among the processors.
Presented solutions offer extremely fast operation requiring only one clock
cycle from the side of each processor. Unfortunately this solution is expensive
in comparison to common memory, which can also be used as memory for
timers, counters, and ags. The memory accessed by two processors requires
a special construction or arbitration system. In order to avoid the arbitration
process in an access cycle, two special gate memory must be used that allow
simultaneous access to memory array by two processes.



Chapter 20


The bit-byte CPU (Fig. 20-2) can work in one of two modes:

r dependent operation modethe parallelserial work of processors with exchange of the necessary data, coordinated by the bit-processor, which is
faster. It is the basic work-mode of the designed CPU. This mode uses all
the conceptions presented in Fig. 20-1;
r independent operation modefully parallel. Both units work fully independent, each one has its own program so time is not wasted for transferring
of the commands. There is also no data exchange between the processors.
Unfortunately such a mode is applicable only for some control programs.
Dependent operation mode is basic operation mode. It employs serialparallel operation with essential information exchange among two processors.
The faster processing unit coordinates operation. Detailed operation of the PLC
can be described as follows:
r when conditional instruction is encountered, data is passed from the bit
processor to the byte processor. In order to pass condition value the bit
processor must execute TRFbB instruction. Execution of this instruction is
postponed until line EMPTYFbB is asserted. This invalidates the state of the
FbB register and allows writing of new information in it. Writing FbB ipop
completes data transfer from the bit processor to the byte processor and
allows fetching new instruction by the bit processor. Conditional instruction
executed in the byte processor at the beginning checks the state of the FbB
register. This operation executes the procedure called READ FbB . When
line READYFbB is set, the microprocessor can read data from FbB . After
reading the condition the ip-op line RESFbB is pulsed and asserts signal
EMPTYFbB and allows transfer of the next condition from the bit processor.
Finally the byte processor can start execution of the requested subprogram
according to the reading of the condition ag;
r there are situations in program ow that require information from the byte
processor. Usually it is a result of subprogram execution that is needed
in further calculations of the bit processor. In order to fetch a condition
result from the byte processor the bit processor executes TFBb instruction.
Before reading FBb ip-op state of the READYFBb line is checked. When
the register is written a new value line is activated (READYFBb = 1); in
the opposite case the bit processor waits until conditional result is written
to ip-op and the line is asserted. Now data can be transferred from FBb
register to internal condition register of the bit processor. At the same time
the line RESFBb is activated that set EMPTYFBb signal to 1. This signal
allows the byte processor to write a new condition result to FBb register.
From the side of byte the processor subprogram WRITE FBb checks the


Remarks on Parallel Bit-Byte CPU Structures

Bit instruction
modifies Fb










Byte instruction
uses FbB

Figure 20-4. Inter-processors condition passing algorithms.

state of EMPTYFBb line. Until this line is not set new condition result must
not be written to FBb register as it still contain valid data that should be
received by the bit processor.
Such exchange of the conditional ags does not require postponing of the
program execution. Proper data transfer is maintained by handshake registers
that controls data ow among processors and also synchronizes program execution. When condition result is passed from one processor to another must
be always executed by a pair of instructions. When data is passed from the
bit processor to the byte processor those are TFbB and READ FbB . Transfer in
opposite direction requires execution of instructions WRITE FBb and TRFBb .
In Fig. 20-4 inter-processors condition passing algorithms are presented.



Studies on the data exchange optimization between the processors of the

bit-byte CPU of the PLC have shown the great capabilities and the possible
applications of this architecture.
As can be seen from the given considerations, the proposed PLC structure
or, to be more precise, organization of information exchange between both
processors of a PLC central unit, allows for execution of the control programs
consisting of bit command and/or word commands.


Chapter 20

Two modes of CPU operations were considered. Basic modecalled dependent operation modebrings worst timings than the independent operation
mode. It is obvious, taking into account that both processors wait for the results
of executed operation by each other. The authors thought that it is possible to
work both CPU processors with exchanging of the condition ags. But this
problem will be the subject of future work.

M. Chmiel, E. Hrynkiewicz, Parallel bit-byte CPU structures of programmable logic controllers. In: International Workshop ECMS, Liberec, Czech Republic, pp. 6771 (1999).
M. Chmiel, W. Ciaz ynski, A. Nowara, Timers and counters applied in PLCs. In: International
Conference PDS, Gliwice, Poland, pp. 165172 (1995a).
M. Chmiel, L. Drewniok, E. Hrynkiewicz, Single board PLC based on PLDs. In: International
Conference PDS, Gliwice, Poland, pp. 173180 (1995b).
J. Donandt, Improving response time of Programmable Logic Controllers by use of a Boolean
Coprocessor, IEEE Comput. Soc. Press., Washington, DC, USA, 4, pp. 167169 (1989).
Z. Getko, Programmable Systems of Binary Control, Elektronizacja, WKiL, Warsaw (in Polish), 18:513 (1983).
E. Hrynkiewicz, Based on PLDs programmable logic controller with remote I/O groups. In:
International Workshop ECMS, Toulouse, France, pp. 4148
G. Michel, Programmable Logic Controllers, Architecture and Applications. John Wiley &
Sons, West Sussex, England (1990).

Chapter 21

Dariusz Caban
Institute of Engineering Cybernetics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Janiszewskiego 11-17,
50-370 Wroclaw, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]


The paper reports on some experiments with implementing positional digital

image lters using eld programmable devices. It demonstrates that a single
eld programmable device may be used to build such a lter. By using extensive
pipelining in the design, the lter can achieve performance of 50 million pixels per
second (using Xilinx XC4000E devices) and over 120 MHz (in case of Spartan3 devices). These results were obtained using automatic synthesis from VHDL
descriptions, avoiding any direct manipulation in the design.

Key words:

Positional lter; median lter; synthesis; FPGA implementation.



The paper reports on the implementation of a class of lters used in image

processing. The ltering is realised on a running, xed size window of pixel
values. Positional ltering is obtained by arranging the values in an ordered
sequence (according to their magnitude) and choosing one that is at a certain
position (rst, middle, last, or any other). Thus, the class of lters encompasses
median, max, and min ltering, depending on the choice of this position.
There are various algorithms used in positional ltering1,2 . These are
roughly classied into three groups: compare-and-multiplex3 , threshold decomposition4 , and bit-wise elimination5,6,7 . All these can be used with the currently
available, powerful FPGA devices. However, the bit-wise elimination method
seems most appropriate for the cell array organisation.
Some specic positional lters have commercial VLSI implementations.
There is no device that can be congured to realise any position ltering. Even
if only median, min, or max ltering is required, it may be advantageous to use
FPGA devices, as they offer greater versatility and ease of reengineering. Of


Chapter 21

course, FPGA implementations are particularly well suited for application in

experimental image processing systems.
The rst attempts to use FPGAs as recongurable image lters were reported
almost as soon as the devices became available8,9,10 . The devices proved to be
too inefcient for full-edged use, forcing the designers to limit the window
size, pixel rates, or the width of their bit representations. This is no longer the
case since the Virtex family of devices became available11 .
Filter reconguration can be fully utilized only if there is an easy route
to obtain new conguration variants. In case of FPGA implementation, this is
offered by autosynthesis: new algorithms are described in terms of a hardware
description language and the rest is done by the design tools with no human
interaction. The results in the paper were obtained using the Xilinx Foundation
4.1i tools with FPGA Express (XC4000E and Virtex-2 devices) or the Xilinx
ISE 6.2i with built-in XST tool.



Positional ltering is based on reordering of the pixel values according to

their magnitude. Let us denote the kth value in the reordered sequence by Pnk
(where n is the length of the sequence). After reordering, only a single value
at the specic position is of interest. In bit-wise elimination, values that are
certain not to be in this position are removed from the sequence.
Values are compared bit-wise starting from the highest order bits. Lets assume that the r -1 highest order bits have already been analysed by this method.
Then, all the values that remain for consideration must have the high order r -1
bits equal to each other (and to the result under evaluation). Values that had
these bits different were eliminated leaving only n  values in the sequence. The
position also has to be adjusted from initial k to k  after eliminating values

that were greater. The r th bit of result is determined as Pnk (r ) by ordering the
corresponding bits of the reduced sequence and considering k  -position. All the

values that differ on the r th bit from Pnk (r ) are eliminated and n  is modied
accordingly. If the eliminated values are greater than the quantile bit, then k  is
also modied.
The algorithm ends when there is only one value left (or all the values left
are equal to each other).
The approach, with changing k and n is not well suited for circuit implementations. Instead of eliminating the values, it is more convenient to modify
them in a way that guarantees not to change the result6,7,8 . If one knows that a
value is larger than the k-quantile, all its lower bits are set to 1. If one knows that
it is smaller, the lower bits are set to 0. Thus, single bit voting may still be used
and the values of k and n are xed. This is the method used for the presented


FPGA Implementation of Positional Filters







Figure 21-1. Bit-slice processor.

FPGA implementations. It can be formally described by the following iterative

equations, where iterations start with the highest order bits (r = m 1) and
end with the lowest (r = 0):

Mi (r 1) = Mi (r ) Pnk (r ) xi (r ) ,
Si (r 1) = (Mi (r ) Si (r )) (!Mi (r ) xi (r )) ,
Mi (n) = Si (n) = 0, i = 0..n 1,

{(!Mi (r ) xi (r )) (Mi (r ) Si (r ))} > k
Pnk (r ) =



xi (r ) is the r -th bit of i-th pixel in the ltering window,
Pnk (r ) is the r -th bit of the value at k-th position (k-quantile),
Mi (r ) and Si (r ) are the modifying functions.
Using the presented Eqs. (1) a bit-slice processor may be implemented
(Fig. 21-1). This is a combinatorial circuit that processes the single bits of the
input pixels to produce a single bit of the result. The most important part of this
bit-slice is the thresholding function corresponding to the last of Eqs. (1).



The simplest hardware implementation of the lter can be obtained by using

m bit-slice processors with connected modifying function inputs and outputs.
This would be a fully combinatorial implementation with very long delays, as
the modifying functions have to propagate from the highest to the lowest order
Inserting pipelining registers between the bit-slice processors shortens the
propagation paths11 . The registers may be inserted either between all the processors, as shown in Fig. 21-2, or only between some of them. Since this introduces
latency between the bit evaluations, additional shift registers are needed on the
inputs and outputs to ensure in-phase results.


Chapter 21







Figure 21-2. Pipeline lter architecture.

This architecture has very short propagation paths between registers and
hence ensures highest pixel processing rates. There is latency between the
input signals and the output equal to the number of bits in the pixel representations. Normally, in image processing applications this is not a problem. Just
the image synchronisation signals need to be shifted correspondingly. It may
be unacceptable, though, if image ltering is just a stage in a real-time control



The pipelined lter architecture was implemented for a ltering window

of 3 3 pixels. The inputs of the lter were 3 pixel streams: one obtained by
scanning the image and two delayed (by one and two horizontal scan periods).
The consecutive horizontal window values were obtained by registering the
input streams within the lter (to reduce the demand on input/output pads).
All the presented results were obtained by implementing the lter that computed the median. This has no signicant effect on the device performance or
complexity, except that the min and max lters have much simpler thresholding
The lters were implemented using different size of pixel value representations (binary values of 4, 8, 12, and 16 bits). In each case the smallest and fastest
device that could contain the circuit was chosen for implementation. Table 21-1
shows the results of lter implementations using XC4000E family of devices,
whereas Table 21-2 presents those for the Virtex-2, and Table 21-3 those for
the Spartan-3 packages.


FPGA Implementation of Positional Filters

Table 21-1. Filter implementations using XC4000E devices
Pixel representation
4 bits
8 bits
12 bits
16 bits


Used CLBs

Pixel rate



55.9 MHz
50.1 MHz
50.6 MHz
37.5 MHz

Table 21-2. Filter implementations using Virtex-2 devices

Pixel representation
4 bits
8 bits
12 bits
16 bits


Used slices

Pixel rate



88.8 MHz
91.9 MHz
88.7 MHz
83.7 MHz

Table 21-3. Filter implementations using Spartan-3 devices

Pixel representation
4 bits
8 bits
12 bits
16 bits


Used slices

Pixel rate



120.4 MHz
118.3 MHz
119.6 MHz
114.1 MHz

The circuit complexity, expressed in terms of the number of cells used (CLBs
or Virtex slices), results from the number and complexity of bit-slice processors
(complexity of the combinatorial logic) and from the number of registers used
in pipelining. The rst increases linearly with the size of pixel representation.
On the other hand the number of registers used in pipelining increases with
the square of this representation. In case of the XC4000 architecture, the pixel
representation of 8 bits is the limit, above which the complexity of circuit is
determined solely by the pipelining registers (all the combinatorial logic ts in
the lookup tables of cells used for pipelining).
The synthesis tools had problems in attaining optimal solutions for the synthesis of thresholding functions in the case of the cells implemented in XC4000
devices (this was not an issue in case of min and max positional lters). Most
noticeably, the design obtained when the threshold function was described as
a set of minterms required 314 CLBs in case of 8-bit pixel representation. By
using a VHDL description that dened the function as a network of interconnected 4-input blocks, the circuit complexity was reduced to the reported 288
cells. The reengineered threshold function had a slight effect on the complexity
of the 12-bit lter and none on the 16-bit one.


Chapter 21

The most noticeable improvement in using the Virtex-2 devices for positional lter implementations was in the operation speed: approximately 50 MHz
in case of the XC4000E devices and 8090 MHz in case of Virtex-2. Some
other architectural improvements are also apparent. The increased functionality of Virtex slices led to much more effective implementations of pipelining
registers: the FPGA Express synthesizer implemented them as shift registers
instead of unbundled ip-ops, signicantly reducing the slice usage. Improved
lookup table functionality eliminated the problem of efcient decomposition of
threshold function, as well (at least in the case of the 3 3 ltering window).
The results obtained for the Spartan-3 family were similar to the corresponding Virtex-2 ones. The improved performance resulted from higher speed
grades of the devices in use. It should be noted that these results were obtained
using the synthesis tools integrated within Xilinx ISE 6.2i package, since the
available version of FPGA Express could not handle the devices. The synthesis
results do not vary signicantly, being in some cases better and in others worse
in the resultant slice count.



The presented implementation results show that FPGA devices have attained
the speed grades that are more than adequate for implementing positional image
lters of very high resolution. Furthermore, it is no longer necessary to interconnect multiple FPGA devices or limit the circuit complexity by reducing the
pixel representations. In fact, the capabilities of Virtex-2 and Spartan-3 devices
exceed these requirements both in terms of performance and cell count.
The proposed bit-wise elimination algorithm with pipelining is appropriate
for the cell architecture of FPGA devices. The only problem is the latency,
which may be too high in case of long pixel representations. By limiting the
pipelining to groups of 2, 3, or more bit-slice processors it is possible to trade
off latency against performance.
Positional ltering is just a stage in complex image processing. The analysed
lter implementations leave a lot of device resources unused. This is so, even in
the case of XC4000E packages, where the cell utilization for representations of
8 bits or more is between 60 and 97%. The cells are mostly used for registering,
and the lookup tables are free. These may well be used to implement further
stages of image processing.
It is very important that the considered implementations were directly obtained by synthesis from functional descriptions, expressed in VHDL language.
This makes feasible the concept of recongurable lters, where the user describes the required ltering algorithms in a high-level language, and these are
programmed into the lter. However, the design tools have not yet reached

FPGA Implementation of Positional Filters


the desirable degree of sophistication and reliability. This is especially true

of the obscure template matching rules, peculiar to specic synthesis tools.
Also, the correctness by design paradigm is not always met some errors of
improperly matched templates were detected only by testing the synthesized

1. M. Juhola, J. Katajainen, T. Raita, Comparison of algorithms for standard median ltering.
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 39 (1), 204208 (1991).
2. D.S. Richards, VLSI Median lters, IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal
Processing, 38 (1), 145153 (1990).
3. S. Ranka, S. Sahni, Efcient serial and parallel algorithms for median ltering. IEEE
Transactions on Signal Processing, 39 (6), 14621466 (1991).
4. J.P. Fitch, E.J. Coyle, N.C. Gallagher, Median ltering by threshold decomposition. IEEE
Transactions on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 32 (6), 553559 (1984).
5. M.O. Ahmad, D. Sundararajan, A fast algorithm for two-dimensional median ltering.
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, 34 (11), 13641374 (1987).
6. C.L. Lee, C.W. Jen, Binary partition algorithms and VLSI architecture for median and
rank order ltering. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 41 (9), 29372942 (1993).
7. C.-W. Wu, Bit-level pipelined 2-D digital lters for real-time image processing. IEEE
Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 1 (1), 2234 (1991).
8. D. Caban, J. Jarnicki, A recongurable lter for digital images processing (in Polish).
Informatyka, 6, 1519 (1992).
9. D. Caban, Hardware implementations of a real time positional lter. In: Proceedings of 5th
Microcomputer School Computer Vision and Graphics, Zakopane, pp. 195200 (1994).
10. S.C. Chan, H.O. Ngai, K.L.Ho, A programmable image processing system using FPGAs.
International Journal Electronics, 75 (4), 725730 (1993).
11. D. Caban, W. Zamojski, Median lter implementations. Machine Graphics & Vision, 9 (3),
719728 (2000).

Chapter 22


An industrial experience
Wojciech Sakowski1 , Miroslaw Bandzerewicz2 , Maciej Pyka2 ,
and Wlodzimierz Wrona3
1 Institute

of Electronics, Silesian University of Technology, ul. Akademicka 16, 44-100

Gliwice, Poland; e-mail: [email protected]
2 Evatronix S.A., ul. Dubois 16, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland;
e-mail: [email protected]
3 Technical University of Bielsko-Biala, Department of Electrical Engineering, ul. Willowa 2,
43-308 Bielsko-Biala, Poland


This paper presents a proven methodology of the development and productization

of virtual electronic components. The methodology consists of rigorous approach
to the development of component specication, reverse engineering of behavior of
reference circuits by means of hardware simulator, application of industrystandard
rules to coding of RTL model in a hardware description language, and extensive
testing and verication activities leading to high quality synthesizable code and
to working FPGA prototype. In the nal stage called productization a series of
deliverables are produced to ensure effective reuse of the component in different
(both FPGA and ASIC) target technologies.

Key words:

Virtual Components; IP Cores; Hardware Description Languages; high level design; quality assurance.



The objective of the effort described in this paper was to dene a quality
assurance policy for the development of virtual components based on existing integrated circuits. At the time this policy was developed, our company
specialized in the development of IP cores compatible to 8-bit and 16-bit microcontrollers and microprocessors. Some of these cores ensure cycle level
compatibility needed for direct obsolete chip replacement. Other cores are


Chapter 22

merely instruction-set compatible and offer architectural improvements over

original chips1 . They are aimed at providing functionality of original parts in
systems-on-chip, where original pin timing behavior is not required.
Our approach is based on the methodology recommended in Ref. 2, but it
reects to some extent peculiarities of our prole as well as the fact that we have
no access to certain EDA tools recommended in Ref. 2. We found inspiration
in the paper presented by SICAN company (now SCI-WORX) at the FDL99
in Lyon3 .
The main motivation for the denition of a formalized methodology was
to assure a high quality of the cores that we develop. Our rst experiences
in the development of a microcontroller core compatible to Intel 8051 chip1
showed that lack of consistent and rigorous methodology results in a buggy
core. Moreover, lack of a clear and complete specication turns the debugging
of our rst core into a nightmare.




Design ow


Basic development steps in the creation of a virtual component include:

Development of the macro specication,
Partitioning the macro into subblocks,
Development of a testing environment and a test suite,
Design and verication of subblocks,
Macro integration and nal verication,
Prototyping the macro in FPGA,

We will discuss these stages one by one in this chapter, focusing on details
related to our experiences. In addition we will present in more detail the use
of hardware modeling in the specication and verication process of virtual


Project management issues

At the beginning of a new project all the steps enumerated earlier are rened into subtasks and scheduled. Human and material resources are allocated
to the project. Usually, several projects are being realized parallelly. Therefore people, equipment, and software, have to be shared among these projects.
We use MS Project software to manage scheduling of tasks and allocation of

A Methodology for Developing IP Cores . . .





We use the documentation of an original device as a basis for the specication of the core modeled after it. However, the documentation provided by the
chip manufacturer is oriented toward chip users and does not usually contain all
details of chip behavior that are necessary to recreate its full functionality. Therefore analysis of the original documentation results in a list of ambiguities, which
have to be resolved by testing the original chip. The overall testing program
is usually very complex, but the rst tests to be written and run on a hardware
modeler (see point 5) are those that resolve ambiguities in the documentation.
At a later stage of specication we use an Excel spreadsheet to document
all operations and data transfers that take place inside the chip. Spreadsheet
columns represent time slots and rows represent communication channels. Such
an approach enables gradual renement of scheduling of data transfers and
operations up to the moment when clock-cycle-accuracy is reached. It reveals
potential bottlenecks of the circuit architecture and makes it easy to remove
them at an early design stage.



The dataow spreadsheet makes it easier to dene proper partitioning of

the macro into subblocks. This rst level of design hierarchy is needed to
handle the complexity and for easier distribution of design tasks between several
designers. The crucial issue in this process is distribution of functions between
the subblocks, denition of the structural interfaces, and specication of timing
dependencies between them.





Introduction to hardware modeling

By hardware modeling we understand the use of real chips as reference

models inside a simulated system (which contains them). At the turn of the 1980s
and 1990s, hardware modeling was used in a board-level system simulations
due to the lack of behavioral models of LSI/VLSI devices used in those days
for package construction. Racal-Redacs CATS modeler dates back to those
days. Together with a CADAT simulator running on a SUN workstation they


Chapter 22

form an environment that allows the user to simulate systems that consist of
integrated circuits for which no behavioral models are available. These circuits
are modeled by real chips and may interact within the mentioned environment
with software-based testbench and other parts for which simulation models
The hardware modeler proved to be useful in our company during specication and verication stages. The greatest role of hardware models is related
to reverse engineering, when the goal is documenting functionality of existing
catalogue parts (usually obsolete). Reverse engineering is essential during development of the specication of IP cores meant to be functionally equivalent to
those parts. Hardware modeling resolves many ambiguities, which are present
in the referenced chip documentation.
The hardware modeler is also useful for testing the FPGA prototypes of
virtual components, independent of whether it was used during the specication


Testing the reference chip

As a reference for our virtual components we use hardware models that run
on a (second hand) CATS hardware modeler (Fig 1). The hardware modeler is
connected via network to the CADAT simulator. The environment of the chip
is modeled in C. Test vectors supplied from a le may be used for providing
stimuli necessary to model interaction of the modeled chip with external circuits
(e.g., interrupt signals).
An equivalent testing environment is developed in parallel as a VHDL testbench to be run on a VHDL simulator. We use Aldecs Active-HDL simulator,
which proved to be very effective in model development and debugging phase.

FPGA adapter that

replaces original chip
during prototype

Single height hardware model

cartridge (e.g., DS80530)

Double height hardware model

cartridge (e.g., 320C50)

Figure 22-1. CATS hardware modeler.

A Methodology for Developing IP Cores . . .


It enables the import of the testing results obtained with a hardware model into
its waveform viewer in order to compare them with simulated behavior of the
core under development.


Improvements of the hardware modeling technology

The growth of requirements for hardware models comes as a consequence

of developing of more and more complex virtual components. This situation
brings problems such as too many pins of the reference chip, system overload
due to many simultaneous simulations, long-lasting preparation of a new model,
and lack of ability to model some physical features (e.g., bi-directional asynchronous pins). The fact that denition of simulation environment demands
skill in using an exotic BMD language and unusual simulation environment is
also a severe restriction.
The solution to these problems is the new system developed at Evatronix
in 20032004 under the name of Personal Hardware Modeler (PHM)4 . This
name reects the basic feature which is the transformation of a huge centralized
workstation into a light desktop device, which may be connected to any PC
machine. From the users point of view the new system is easy enough to allow
the preparation of a new hardware model by any engineer without having any
specialized knowledge of hardware modeling. The biggest effort is now reduced
to the design and manufacturing of an adapter-board connecting the reference
chip to the modeler.
The rule of operation of the modeler is similar to the CATS system mentioned
before. It is based on periodic stimulation of the reference chip followed by its
response detection (called dynamic modeling). The PHM device is built upon
an FPGA circuit containing serial communication interface to the PC and other
logic that performs stimulation and response detection on a reference IC. PHM
stores stimulation vectors in local memory, applies a sequence of them to all
input pins of the device under test in real-time, and sends detected responses
back to the PC, where they are processed by VHDL simulator.
The goal of the whole system is to substantially improve the reference
circuit examination process, test suite development, and also VC prototype




Test suite development

Test suite development is based on specication. Specication is analyzed

and all the functional features of the core that should be tested for the original


Chapter 22

device are enumerated. The test development team starts with development of
tests that are needed to resolve ambiguities in the available documentation of
the chip to which a core has to be compliant.
Most of the functional tests are actually the short programs written in the
assembly language of the processor that is modeled. Each test exercises one
or several instructions of the processor. For instructions supporting several
addressing modes, tests are developed to check all of them. After compiling a
test routine the resulting object code is translated to formats that may be used
to initialize models of program memory in the testbenches (both in CADAT
and VHDL environments). We have developed a set of utility procedures that
automate this process.
In order to test processor interaction with its environment (i.e., I/O operations, handling of interrupts, counting of external events, response to reset
signal) a testbench is equipped with a stimuli generator.


Code coverage analysis

The completeness of the test suite is checked with code coverage tool (VNCover from TransEDA). The tool introduces monitors into the simulation environment and gathers data during a simulation run. Then the user can check
how well the RTL code has been exercised during simulation. There are a
number of code coverage metrics that enable analysis of how good the test
suite is, what parts of the code are not properly tested, and why. At Evatronix
we make use of the following metrics: statement coverage, branch coverage,
condition/expression coverage, and path and toggle coverage.
The statement coverage shows whether each of the executable code statements was actually executed and how many times. It seems obvious that statement coverage below 100% indicates that either some functionality was not
covered by the test suite, or untested code is unnecessary and should be removed. Branch coverage may reveal why a given part of the code is untested.
It checks whether each branch in case and if-then-else statements is executed
during simulation. As some branches may contain no executable statements
(as e.g., if-then statement with no else clause), it may happen that branch coverage is below 100% even if statement coverage reaches this level. Analysis
why the given branch is not taken is simplied with availability of condition
coverage metrics. With this metric one may analyze whether all combinations
of subexpressions that form branch conditions are exercised. Path coverage
shows whether all possible execution paths formed by two subsequent branch
constructs are taken. Toggle coverage shows whether all signals toggled from 0
to 1 and from 1 to 0. We target 100% coverage for all these metrics. In addition

A Methodology for Developing IP Cores . . .


we also use FSM coverage (state, arc, and path) metrics to ensure that control
parts of the circuit are tested exhaustively.
Incompleteness of the test suite may result in leaving bugs in untested parts
of the code. On the other hand code coverage analysis also helps to reveal (and
remove) redundancy of the test suite.


Automated testbench

Our cores are functionally equivalent to the processors they are compliant
to, but they are not always cycle accurate. Therefore a strategy for automated
comparison of results obtained with hardware modeler to those obtained by
simulating RTL model was developed.
Scripts that control simulators may load the program memory with subsequent tests and save the simulation data into les. These les may serve as
reference for postsynthesis and postlayout simulation. The testbench that is used
for these simulation runs contains a comparator that automatically compares
simulator outputs to the reference values.



The main part of the macro development effort is the actual design of subblocks dened during specication phase. At the moment we have no access to
tools that check the compliance of the code to a given set of rules and guidelines. We follow the design and coding rules dened in Ref. 1. We check the
code with VN-Check tool from TransEDA to ensure that the rules are followed.
Violations are documented.
For certain subblocks we develop separate testbenches and tests. However,
the degree to which the module is tested separately depends on its interaction
with surrounding subblocks. As we specialize in microprocessor core development it is generally easier to interpret the results of simulation of the complete
core than to interpret the behavior of its control unit separated from other parts
of the chip. The important aspect here is that we have access to the results of
the test run on the hardware model that serves as a reference.
On the other hand certain subblocks like arithmetic-logic unit or peripherals
(i.e., Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UARTs) and timers) are
easy to test separately and are tested exhaustively before integration of the
macro starts.
Synthesis is realized with tools for FPGA design. We use Synplify, FPGA
Express, and Leonardo. We realize synthesis with each tool looking for the best
possible results in area-oriented and performance-oriented optimizations.



Chapter 22


Once the subblocks are tested and synthesized they may be integrated. Then
all the tests are run on the RTL model and the results are compared with the
hardware model. As soon as the compliance is conrmed (which may require
a few iterations back to subblock coding and running tests on integrated macro
again) a macro is synthesized towards Xilinx and Altera chips and the tests are
run again on the structural model.



The next step in the core development process is building of a real prototype
that could be used for testing and evaluation of the core.
At present we target two technologies: Altera and Xilinx. Our cores are available to users of Altera and Xilinx FPGAs through AMPP and AllianceCORE
programs. Shortly we will implement our cores in Actel technologies, as well.
Placing and routing of a core in a given FPGA technology is realized with
vendor-specic software. The tests are run again on the SDF-annotated structural model. We developed a series of adapter boards that interface FPGA
prototype to a system in which a core may be tested or evaluated.
The simplest way to test the FPGA prototype is to replace an original reference chip used in the hardware modeler with it. This makes it possible to
compare the behavior of the prototype with the behavior of the original chip.
However, for some types of tests even a hardware modeler does not provide the
necessary speed. These tests can only be executed in a prototype hardware system at full speed. Such an approach is a must when one needs to test a serial link
with a vast amount of data transfers, or to perform oating point computations
for thousands of arguments. Our experience shows that even after an exhaustive
testing program, some minor problems with the core remains undetected until
it runs a real-life application software.
For this reason we have developed a universal development board (Fig. 222). It can be adapted to different processor cores by replacement of onboard
programmable devices and EPROMs. An FPGA adapter board (see Fig. 22-1)
containing the core plugs into this evaluation board. An application program
may be uploaded to the on-board RAM memory over a serial link from PC.
Development of this application program is done by a separate design team.
This team actually plays a role of an internal beta site, which reveals problems
in using the core before it is released to the rst customer.
The FPGA adapter board can also be used to test the core in the application environment of a prototype system. Such system should contain a
microcontroller or microprocessor that is to be replaced with our core in the


A Methodology for Developing IP Cores . . .

Serial ports

boot controller,
for firmware and

FPGA adapter
(or adapter with
original processor)
plugs in here
PLDs that
configure the
evaluation board

LCD display

Figure 22-2. Development boards for testing processor core.

integrated version of the system. The adapter board is designed in such a way
that it may be plugged into the microprocessor socket of the target system. Using
this technique we made prototypes of our cores run into ZX Spectrum microcomputer (CZ80cpu core) and SEGA Video Game (C68000 core), in which
they replaced original ZilogR and MotorolaR processors.



The main goal of the productization phase is to dene all deliverables that
are necessary to make the use of the virtual component in the larger design easy.
We develop and run simulation scripts with Modelsim and NC Sim simulators
to make sure that the RTL model simulates correctly with them.
While we develop cores in VHDL we translate them into Verilog, to make
them available to customers who only work with Verilog HDL. The RTL model
is translated automatically while the testbench manually. The equivalence of
Verilog and VHDL versions is exhaustively tested.
Synopsys Design Compiler scripts are generated with the help of the FPGA
Compiler II. Synthesis scenarios for high performance and for minimal cost are
For FPGA market an important issue is developing all the deliverables required by Altera and Xilinx from their partners participating in AMPP and
AllianceCore third party IP programs.
User documentation is also completed at productization stage (an exhaustive,
complete, and updated specication is very helpful when integrating the core
into a larger design).



Chapter 22


The methodology described in this paper was originally developed in the

years 1999 and 2000 during the design of a few versions of 8051-compatible
microcontroller core1 . It was then successfully applied to the development of
IP cores compatible to such popular chips as Microchip PICR 1657 microcontroller, Motorola 68000 16-bit microprocessor and 56002 digital signal processor, ZilogR Z80 8-bit microprocessor and its peripherals, TIR 32C025 dsp and
IntelR 80186 16-bit microcontroller.
After accommodating certain improvements of this methodology, we documented it in our quality management system which passed the ISO 9001
compliance audit in 2003. Presently we are looking at complementing it with
functional coverage and constrained random verication techniques.

1. M. Bandzerewicz, W. Sakowski, Development of the congurable microcontroller core. In:
Proceedings of the FDL99 Conference, Lyon (1999).
2. M. Keating, P. Bricaud, Reuse Methodology Manual (2nd ed.). Kluwer Academic Publishers
3. J. Haase, Virtual components From research to business. In: Proceedings of the FDL99
Conference, Lyon (1999).
4. Maciej Pyka, Wojciech Sakowski, Wlodzimierz Wrona, Developing the concept of hardware modeling to enhance verication process in virtual component design. In: Proceedings
of IEEE Workshop on Design and Diagnostics of Electronic Circuits and Systems, Poznan


Abstract Data Types (ADT), 211, 213,
Action, 29, 31
Address modier, 198
ADL. See Architectural Description
Language (ADL)
ADT. See Abstract Data Types (ADT)
Aldec Active-HDL, 25, 105, 254
Altera, 195, 258
Analysis, 58, 63, 142, 147, 256
behavioral, 20
code coverage, 256
invariant, 54, 164
memory-saving, 63
reachability, 54, 69
state space, 54
structural, 20
symbolic, 78
timing, 39, 42, 54 (39, 42, 54)
Architectural Description Language (ADL),
40, 49
Architecture, 49
communication, 222, 223
ASLC. See Controllerlogicapplication
specic (ASLC)
Automaton, 28
Mealy, 73, 155
Moore, 73, 155

parallel, 111, 115, 120, 125, 127

asynchronous, 125
synchronous, 111
sequent, 3, 6
sequential, 127

BDD. See Decision DiagramBinary (BDD)
Behavior, 3, 16, 20, 27, 47, 60, 86, 95, 96,
126, 127, 139, 147, 167, 168, 21517,
251, 258
concurrent, 53
sequential, 53, 54
timing, 54, 252
Boundedness, 55, 67

CAD system, 121, 176, 183
CADAT, 253
CEI. See Petri netcontrol engineering
interpreted (CEI)
Central Processor Unit (CPU), 224, 231, 237,
Characteristic function, 78, 80, 81
combinational, 185
CLB. See Congurable Logic Block (CLB)
CNF. See Normal formconjunctive (CNF)

Complex Programmable Logic Device
(CPLD), 163, 175, 193
Component, 144
strongly connected (SCC), 57, 59,
terminal, 64, 67
Concurrency, 27, 154
Concurrency graph, 19
Condition, 238
Congurable Logic Block (CLB), 167, 175,
182, 247
Conguration, 78
Conict, 17, 47, 51, 96, 155, 164, 227,
Conjunctive normal form. See Normal
formconjunctive (CNF)
Constraint, 129, 131
Control, 15, 27
embedded, 139
Control path, 51
Control program, 231, 237
Controller, 20
digital, 27, 74, 87, 98
logic, 15, 23, 95, 231
application specic (ASLC),
programmable, 231
reprogrammable, 15
Cover, 113, 188, 191, 256
Coverability, 56
branch, 256
condition, 256
FSM, 257
path, 256
statement, 256
toggle, 256
Covering problem, 117, 135
CPLD. See Complex Programmable Logic
Device (CPLD)
CPN. See Petri netcolored (CPN)

CPNTools, 154
CPU. See Central Processor Unit (CPU)

Data Encryption Standard (DES), 199,
Deadlock, 17, 64, 216
detection, 63
Decision Diagram, 86
Binary (BDD), 79, 86, 90
Kronecker Functional (KFDD), 86
Zero-suppressed (ZBDD), 86
Decomposition, 32, 43, 113, 141, 176, 178,
193, 243, 248
balanced, 194, 198
conjunctive, 8
disjunctive, 8
full, 178
functional, 193, 198
hierarchical, 160
horizontal, 154, 160
parallel, 183, 195
partial, 178
serial, 195
Decyclization, 70
minimal, 66
DEMAIN, 195, 201
DES. See Data Encryption Standard (DES)
Design, 4, 27, 51, 60, 81, 85, 95, 126,
139, 154, 158, 168, 183, 193, 221,
architectural, 210
ow, 52, 147, 252
high-level, 172
logic, 9, 15
test, 213
topological, 185
Design/CPN, 154
Disjunctive normal form. See Normal
formdisjunctive (DNF)
DNF. See Normal formdisjunctive (DNF)


Document Type Denition (DTD), 101
DTD. See Document Type Denition (DTD)

EAB. See Embedded Array Block (EAB)

Embedded Array Block (EAB), 198
Encoding, 15, 21, 25, 113, 126, 129, 136,
164, 175, 182, 197, 201
FEL-code, 176, 178
global state, 22
minimum-length, 176, 177, 178, 179
one-hot, 127, 169, 172, 176, 177, 182, 183
concurrent, 21, 102
Event, 4, 74, 86, 95
basic, 5
concurrent, 51
discrete, 4, 20, 51, 74, 139
sequential, 51
simple, 5
Exception, 60
Extensible Markup Language (XML), 101,

Hardware, 35, 52, 254

Hardware Description Language (HDL), 53,
81, 95, 97, 101, 107, 259
Altera (AHDL), 201
HDL. See Hardware Description Language
HDN. See Petri nethybrid dynamic (HDN)
HiCoS, 74, 81
Hierarchy, 32
High Speed Input, 40
History, 33
HLPN. See Petri nethigh-level (HLPN)
HPN. See Petri nethierarchical (HPN)

FCPN. See Petri netfree-choice (FCPN)
Feeback, 4, 74, 174, 197
Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), 24,
81, 82, 153, 1635, 167, 171, 172,
182, 197, 199, 232, 243, 248, 252, 257
Filter, 244, 245, 246
median, 243
positional, 243, 247, 248
Firing, 19, 29, 52, 64, 77, 97, 141, 146, 154,
Firing sequence, 64
FPGA. See Field Programmable Gate Array
FPGA Express, 200, 244, 248, 257
FSM. See State machine (SM)nite
Fusion set, 160-62

Group communication, 221

Image computation, 80
Implicant, 134
INA. See Integrated Net Analyzer (INA)
Instruction, 235
Integrated Net Analyzer (INA), 55, 57
Invariant, 54, 234
place, 18, 21, 56, 59, 164
IP core, 163, 164, 251, 254, 260
IPN. See Petri netinterpreted (IPN)
Irredundancy, 11, 121

JEDI, 176

KFDD. See Decision DiagramKronecker
Functional (KFDD)

Language paradigm, 40
LCA. See Logical control algorithm (LCA)

LCD. See Logical control devices (LCD)
Leonardo Spectrum, 200
Livelock, 142
Liveness, 56, 59, 67
Locality, 154
Logical control algorithm (LCA), 3
Logical control devices (LCD), 3

Macroblock, 15961, 164
Macrocell, 24, 25, 167, 168
Macromodule, 85
Macronode, 97, 159, 160, 164
Macroplace, 17, 23, 30, 34, 86, 97,
Macrotransition, 97, 161
Mapping, 22, 47, 175, 188, 216, 224
direct, 16, 52
hardware, 76
model, 53
Task/Block (TB), 217
Task/Instance (TI), 217
Task/Process (TP), 217
Task/System (TS), 217
technology, 52, 195
Marking, 19, 32, 56, 64, 92, 141, 142, 155,
current, 93
initial, 29, 52, 102, 113, 156
MAX+PlusII, 196, 200, 202
Memory block, 202
embedded, 197
Message, 208
Message Sequence Chart (MSC), 208,
bitwise elimination, 244
block, 187
stubborn set, 65
Thelens, 70

Microcontroller, 40, 47, 164, 221, 233, 251,
embedded, 232
Microprocessor, 49, 55, 163, 232, 240,
DLX, 60
Microstep, 74
MIN. See Multistage interconnection network
Minimal feedback arc set, 66
MLS. See Multiple Lift System (MLS)
Model, 145, 158
formal, 4, 63
object, 209, 210
object oriented, 28
Petri net, 154
Modeling, 43, 60, 98, 139, 223
hardware, 252, 253
object, 209
Transaction Level (TLM), 224
use case, 209
MSC. See Message Sequence Chart (MSC)
MulSim, 224
Multiple Lift System (MLS), 208
Multistage interconnection network (MIN),

Net addition, 159, 161
Normal form
conjunctive (CNF), 70, 135
disjunctive (DNF), 6, 10, 70

concurrent, 208, 211, 212
passive, 211, 212
ObjectGEODE, 208, 21517
Object-Oriented Real-Time Techniques
(OORT), 208, 214
Occam, 224


OORT. See Object-Oriented Real-Time
Techniques (OORT)

PeNCAD, 24
Performance estimation, 222
Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS), 40
Persistency, 11, 55, 59
Personal Hardware Modeler (PHM), 255
Petri net, 3, 16, 20, 22, 23, 27, 51, 52, 55, 61,
63, 64, 73, 82, 85, 86, 95, 96, 99, 106,
112, 113, 139, 140, 141, 147, 153,
155, 163, 165, 167, 168, 174
colored (CPN), 54, 96, 101, 160, 163
control engineering interpreted (CEI), 52,
free-choice (FCPN), 52, 53, 54, 56, 61
hierarchical (HPN), 22, 28, 32, 35, 54, 86,
high-level (HLPN), 54, 155, 161
hybrid, 139
hybrid dynamic (HDN), 141
interpreted (IPN), 15, 19, 33, 53, 61, 85,
101, 155
reactive (RPN), 155
time interval, 139, 141
Petri Net Kernel (PNK), 55, 57
Petri Net Markup Language (PNML), 161
Petri net specication format
PNSF2, 87, 91, 100
PNSF3, 99, 101
PHM. See Personal Hardware Modeler
Pipeline, 43, 245
PLA. See Programmable Logic Array (PLA)
Place, 56, 160
PLD. See Programmable Logic Device (PLD)
PNK. See Petri Net Kernel (PNK)
PNML. See Petri Net Markup Language

PNSF2. See Petri net specication

PNSF3. See Petri net specication
Predicate label, 17
Preemption, 30
Processor, 40, 221, 231, 238, 256
bit, 235, 240
bit-slice, 245
byte, 234, 235, 240
embedded, 40
Program, 225, 233, 235, 236
Programmable Logic Array (PLA), 10, 185,
187. 189, 191
Programmable Logic Device (PLD), 154, 232
Property, 28
behavioral, 33, 54
functional, 11
hierarchy, 32
structural, 54
time-related, 147
Proteus, 224
Prototyping, 258
PTS. See Peripheral Transaction Server (PTS)
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), 40
Pureness, 55, 57, 59
PWM. See Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)

Quartus, 200

Reachability, 65
Reachability graph, 64
hierarchical, 85
reduced (RRG), 65, 68
Read Only Memory (ROM), 197, 202
Reversibility, 56, 59, 67
ROM. See Read Only Memory (ROM)
RPN. See Petri netreactive (RPN)

RRG. See Reachability graphreduced

Safeness, 57, 59
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), 101, 106
SCC. See Componentstrongly connected
SDL. See Specication and Description
Language (SDL)
Semantics, 32, 74
Sequent, 6, 7
Simulation, 95, 106, 223, 226
functional, 54
system, 146
SIS, 176
SM. See State machine (SM)
SoC. See System-on-chip (SoC)
Space, 69, 70
address, 224
Boolean, 4, 114
state, 17, 19, 53, 63, 74, 79, 85, 88, 164
lazy, 63
Specication and Description Language
(SDL), 208, 217
State, 16, 27, 31, 52, 55, 73, 78
assignment, 125, 133
current, 16
global, 4, 16, 21, 77, 97, 127
parallel, 111, 126
partial, 111, 113, 126
terminal, 73
total, 111
State exploration, 73, 79
State explosion problem, 63
State machine (SM), 19
nite (FSM), 27, 73, 82, 175, 179, 197,
201, 257
State Transition Graph (STG), 73, 79, 175,
176, 180, 181
Statecharts, 27, 73, 81
Statecharts Specication Format, 81

STATEMATE Magnum, 81
Structure, 231
SVG. See Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
Symbolic traversal, 92
SyncChart, 27
Synchronisation, 240
Synchronism, 32
Synthesis, 186, 257, 259
block, 185
logic, 52, 53, 55, 193, 194
System, 33, 85, 144, 160, 187
concurrent, 16
control, 7, 34, 63, 74, 139, 142, 167
distributed, 153
Embedded, 139, 231
hw/sw, 221
hybrid, 139
I/O, 222
real-time, 39
System Engineering, 231
System-on-chip (SoC), 148, 221, 223

Tango, 224
Targeting, 216
TLM. See ModelingTransaction Level
Token, 16
Transim, 221, 224, 229
Transition, 52, 57, 64
dead, 59
enabled, 17, 24, 65, 74
exception, 73
ring, 64, 155, 215
live, 57
shared, 53, 56
Transition guard, 56

UML. See Unied Modeling Language


Unied Modeling Language (UML), 73, 87,
208, 217

Validation, 16, 87, 106, 208, 216,
coding, 112, 114, 125, 126,
VeriCon, 55
Verication, 51
formal, 20, 32, 93
functional, 51, 55
timing, 53
Verilog, 81, 95, 96, 102, 259
VHDL, 16, 25, 35, 53, 55, 60, 81, 97, 101,
163, 167, 172, 181, 213, 243, 247,
254, 259
VLSI, 185, 243, 253

Waveform Generator (WG), 40
WCET. See Worst-Case Execution Time
WG. See Waveform Generator (WG)
Worst-Case Execution Time (WCET), 40, 47,

Xilinx, 163, 176, 244, 258, 259
Foundation, 176, 181, 244
ISE, 244
XML. See Extensible Markup Language

ZBDD. See Decision
DiagramZerosuppressed (ZBDD)

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