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MATLAB® and Its Applications in Engineering: [Based on MATLAB 7.

5 (R2007b)]

by Manoj Kumar Sharma, Ashok Kumar Goel, Raj Kumar Bansal

Publisher: Pearson India

Release Date: August 2008

ISBN: 9788131716816

Book Description

The book serves to be both a textbook and a reference for the theory and laboratory courses offered to undergraduate
and graduate engineering students, and for practicing engineers.

Table of Contents

1. Copyright
2. Preface
3. Acknowledgements
4. Introduction to MATLAB®
1. Introduction
2. Starting and Ending a MATLAB Session
3. MATLAB Environment
4. Help Feature
5. Types of Files
6. Platform
7. Search Path
8. Some Useful MATLAB Commands
9. Summary
10. Problems
5. Constants, Variables and Expressions
1. Introduction
2. Character Set
3. Data Types
4. Constants and Variables
5. Operators
6. Hierarchy of Operations
7. Built-In Functions
8. Assignment Statement
9. Illustrative Programs
10. Summary
11. List of Commands
12. Problems
6. Vectors and Matrices
1. Introduction
2. Scalars and Vectors
3. Entering Data in Matrices
4. Line Continuation
5. Matrix Subscripts/Indices
6. Multi-Dimensional Matrices and Arrays
7. Matrix Manipulations
8. Generation of Special Matrices
9. Some Useful Commands Related to Matrices
10. Matrix and Array Operations
11. Functions with Array Inputs
12. Structure Arrays
13. Cell Arrays
14. Some Useful Commands of Structures and Cells
15. Summary
16. List of Commands
17. Problems
7. Polynomials
1. Introduction
2. Entering a Polynomial
3. Polynomial Evaluation
4. Roots of a Polynomial
5. Polynomial Addition and Subtraction
6. Polynomial Multiplication
7. Polynomial Division
8. Formulation of Polynomial Equation
9. Characteristic Polynomial of a Matrix
10. Polynomial Differentiation
11. Polynomial Integration
12. Polynomial Curve Fitting
13. Evaluation of Polynomials with Matrix Arguments
14. Summary
15. List of Commands
16. Problems
8. Input–Output Statements
1. Introduction
2. Data Input
3. Interactive Inputs
4. Reading/Storing File Data
5. Output Commands
6. Low-Level Input–Output Functions
7. Summary
8. List of Commands
9. Low-Level Input-Output Functions
10. Problems
9. MATLAB Graphics
1. Introduction
2. Two-Dimensional Plots
3. Multiple Plots
4. Style Options
5. legend Command
6. Sub-Plots
7. Specialized Two-Dimensional Plots
8. Three-Dimensional Plots
9. Summary
10. List of Commands
11. Problems
10. Control Structures
1. Introduction
2. Loops
3. Branches Control Structures
4. Summary
5. List of Commands
6. Problems
11. Writing Programs and Functions
1. Introduction
2. MATLAB® Editor
3. MATLAB Programming
4. Function Subprograms
5. Some Illustrative Examples
6. Types of Functions
7. Function Handles
8. Errors and Warnings
9. MATLAB Debugger
10. Summary
11. List of Commands
12. Problems
12. Ordinary Differential Equations and Symbolic Mathematics
1. Introduction
2. Ordinary Differential Equation Solvers
3. Symbolic Mathematics
4. Summary
5. List of ODE Solvers
6. List of Commands
7. Problems
13. Simulink® Basics
1. Introduction
2. Starting Simulink
3. Simulink Modelling
4. Solvers
5. Simulating a Model
6. Using Variables from MATLAB
7. Data Import/Export
8. State-Space Modelling and Simulation
9. Simultation of Non-Linear Systems
10. Obtaining State-Space Model from Simulink Diagram
11. Creating Sub-Systems
12. Creating Masked Sub-Systems
13. Getting Help for Simulink
14. Summary
15. Problems
14. MATLAB Applications in Control Systems-I
1. Introduction
2. Laplace Transform
3. Inverse Laplace Transformation
4. Partial-Fraction Expansion Using MATLAB
5. Transfer Function Representation
6. Zeros, Poles and Pole–Zero Map of a Transfer Function
7. State-Space Representation of Dynamic Systems
8. Transfer Function to State-Space Conversion
9. State-Space to Transfer Function Conversion
10. Series/Cascade, Parallel and Feedback Connections
11. Time Response of Control Systems
12. Standard Input Test Signals
13. Step Response of Linear Dynamic Systems
14. Performance Indices
15. Impulse Response of Control Systems
16. Ramp Response of Control Systems
17. Response to Arbitrary Input
18. Steady-State Errors Analysis
19. Different Representations of Transfer Functions
20. Steady-State Errors
21. Steady-State Errors for Different Types of Inputs
22. Steady-State Errors for Different Types of Systems
23. Stability of Control Systems
24. Routh-Hurwitz Criterion
25. Routh Stability Criterion (State-Space Representation)
26. Summary
27. List of Commands
28. Problems
15. MATLAB Applications in Control Systems-II
1. Introduction
2. Root Locus
3. Root Locus Plot Using MATLAB
4. Root Locus Using plot Command
5. Polar Grid Lines in Root Locus Diagram
6. Finding Gain K at a Given Point on the Root Locus
7. Root Locus Plot (State-Space Representation)
8. Frequency-Domain Analysis of Control Systems
9. Frequency Response Representation
10. Bode Plots
11. Plotting Bode Diagrams
12. Indicating Gain and Phase Angles on the Bode Diagrams
13. Gain Margin and Phase Margin
14. Gain Margin and Phase Margin Calculations Using MATLAB
15. Frequency Response Specifications
16. Calculation of Frequency Response Specifications
17. Bode Diagrams for State-Space Representation
18. Polar Plots
19. Nyquist Plots
20. Nyquist Plots for State-Space System
21. Nichols Chart
22. Summary
23. List of Commands
24. Problems
16. MATLAB Applications in Neural Networks
1. Introduction
2. Salient Features of Artificial Neural Networks
3. Artificial Neuron Model
4. Transfer Functions
5. Ann Architectures
6. Learning
7. Applications Using Multilayer Perceptron
8. Using Graphical User Interface
9. Ann Based Control
10. Process Control Problem
11. Implementation of Ann Controller
12. Creating RBF Neural Network
13. Self-Organizing Feature Maps
14. Summary
15. List of Commands/Functions
16. Problems
17. MATLAB Applications in Fuzzy Logic Systems
1. Introduction
2. Linguistic Variables and Membership Functions
3. Fuzzy Operations
4. The Rule Matrix
5. Fuzzy Inference Systems
6. Washing Machine Problem
7. Building Systems with Graphical User Interface
8. Working from the Command Line
9. Fuzzy Controller Example
10. Summary
11. List of Commands
12. Problems
18. MATLAB Applications in Digital Signal Processing
1. Introduction
2. Signals and Systems Classification
3. Operations on Discrete-Time Signals
4. Multirate Signal Processing Functions
5. Convolution
6. Z-Transform
7. Discrete-Time Fourier Transform
8. Discrete Fourier Transform
9. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)
10. Digital Filter Design
11. Filter Design and Analysis Tool
12. Filter Visualization Tool
13. IIR Filter Design Using FDA Tool
14. FIR Filter Design Using FDA Tool
15. Summary
16. List of Commands/Functions
17. User-Defined Functions
18. Problems
19. Graphical User Interface
1. Building a New GUI
20. Control System Analysis Using LTI Viewer
1. Introduction
2. Opening the LTI Viewer
3. Importing Models into LTI Viewer
4. Controls and Options in LTI Viewer
5. Displaying Response Characteristics on a Plot
6. Changing Plot Type
7. Showing Multiple Response Types
8. Comparing Multiple Models

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